Jan 31, 2013

Peptic Ulcer is a Common Disease

Peptic ulcers are lesions in the gastric mucosa (stomach) or upper small intestine mucosa (duodenum). These injuries occur when gastric secretion - which contains hydrochloric acid and an enzyme called pepsin - irritates and damages the stomach lining. It may affect the esophagus and gastric secretion. Peptic ulcers in the gastric mucosa are called gastric ulcers. The duodenal mucosa occurring are called duodenal ulcers.

Causes of peptic ulcers

Two of the most common causes of peptic ulcers are the infection with bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and abuse of non stroidian inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin. Although most people are infected with H. pylori, only a few will make peptic ulcer disease. Some risk factors give some person with H. pylori an increased susceptibility for developing ulcers. Some of these factors little known, include:
  1. Smoking
  2. Alcohol abuse
  3. History of ulcer
  4. Physical stress caused by a severe illness or accident (major trauma, addiction for ventilation apparatus or surgery).
  5. Most ulcers that are not caused by H. pylori are given by NSAIDs. NSAIDs are prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation in chronic (long lasting)disease as arthritis or headaches (migraines). Used for weeks or months, NSAIDs may affect gastric tract mucosa, resulting in an ulcer or activating an ulcer already formed.
  6. A rare cause of peptic ulcers is Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. In this condition the stomach secretes hydrochloric acid in excess, which affects the gastric mucosa.
  7. Psychological stress, added to other risk factors can increase your chances of developing a peptic ulcer.
Risk factors for peptic ulcer
  • Controllable risk factors. The following risk factors may increase the chance of developing a peptic ulcer and may slow the healing of existing ulcers. It can reduce the risk of developing an ulcer by controlling or eliminating these factors: use of NSAIDs (like aspirin), smoking, alcohol abuse.
  • Uncontrollable risk factors. Some uncontrollable factors may increase the risk of developing an ulcer. These include:
    - H. pylori infection, which is the most common cause of ulcers
    - Physical stress given by a severe illness or trauma
    - Excessive secretion of gastric acid
    - Ulcer in family history
What is not a risk factor?

Eating spicy foods or coffee or moderate amounts of alcohol were considered to favor the development of an ulcer but currently, are no longer taken into account. Although some foods and beverages do not increase the risk of developing an ulcer, they can cause indigestion or
heartburn. They should be avoided if not tolerated.

Most doctors are not convinced that psychological stress can lead to ulcers. However, in combination with other risk factors, stress may promote the development of peptic ulcer.

Symptoms of peptic ulcers

Symptoms of peptic ulcer vary and are not essential for the diagnosis of an ulcer. Some people may not have symptoms.

Symptoms of an ulcer, such as dyspepsia (digestive discomfort sensation, appeared after meals) may often be confused with other abdominal disorders as gastroesophageal reflux (EGR).

Specific symptoms of ulcers are:
  1. Pain in the form of burns or erosions, and bone xifoid between umbilical region (lower portion of the sternum, popularly known for "chest"). Sometimes the pain radiates back. Abdominal pain takes a few minutes to few hours and goes away from taking an antacid drug or acid secretion inhibitors. Symptoms are periodic, the pain comes and goes, and symptoms alternate with periods without symptoms:
  2. Loss of appetite (lack of appetite) and weight loss
  3. Abdominal bloating and nausea after meals
  4. Vomiting after meals
  5. Black stool that contains blood or red pitch dark for a bleeding ulcer
Symptoms of duodenal ulcers and gastric pain are similar except for periodicity.

Duodenal ulcer pain may occur several hours after eating (when the stomach is empty) and may improve postprandial. The pain may awaken the patient at night. Gastric ulcer pain may occur shortly after eating (when food is still in the stomach).

Some ulcers do not show symptoms and are known as silent ulcers. About half of all ulcers do not show symptoms, but when complications arise. Complications of an ulcer may be bleeding, perforation,penetration, or obstruction of the digestive tract. Silent ulcers are common in the elderly, people with diabetes or those who consume more anti-inflammatory such as Aspirin.

Recommended Calivita natural products to treat gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Green Care: is a dietary supplement based on extracts of alfalfa recommended for acute and chronic upset stomach and ulcers, peptic ulcer, bloating and other digestive disorders.
  • Digestive Enzymes: digestive enzymes ensure the normal digestive process, reducing the chances of digestive disorders including ulcer.
  • Rhodiolin: is an antioxidant, antitumor, hepatoprotective and anti-stress.
  • ParaProteX: is effective against parasitic infections, bacterial, fungal and others infections. It is beneficial in peptic ulcers and gastric complaints. He acts against maldigestion, inflammation, fungal infections and parasites.


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