Mar 10, 2013

10 Health Benefits of Celery

10 Health Benefits of Celery: What about High-Nutrition & Low-Cal Powerfood?

‘What’s so beneficial in celery?’ you may ask. Well, first of all, you protect your digestive tract against inflammation the very next moment you’re eating this veggie. Then, in addition to inflammatories you are getting loads of painkillers, antioxidants, anti-ulcer compounds and sedatives.

This speaks for itself, doesn’t it? As a result, a vegetable offers huge support for your cells and blood vessels, as well as organ systems. Generally, 100 g or 1 cup of celery contains vitamin K, A, B, C, potassium, fiber, manganese, calcium and magnesium. By the way, as far the veggie stalk is 95% water, there are 0 calories in it.

As you can see, it’s a good and just excellent food source of nutrition. So, enjoy celery seeds, root, leafy stalks, oil, and juice – in short, the whole food itself!

Amazing Celery & Its 10 Healthy Links to You
  • Antioxidant & anti-inflammatory support – Numerous substances in the vegetable decrease the risk of oxidative damage to body and blood vessel walls. Besides, any inflammatory reaction in the digestive tract and liver is prevented. The most interesting aspect here is that while growing, celery produces specific antioxidants in great amounts. This way, the veggie responds to stress and becomes protected in natural living conditions. But, being chopped on your kitchen countertop, it still increases the production of phytonutrients for the same reason!
  • Digestive tract protection – Your stomach gets special benefits, including improved integrity of the lining, decreased risk of ulcer, better control of secretions, and constipation relief. Hungarians have been using this vegetable to calm indigestion for ages.
  • Health Benefits of Celery
  • Cardiovascular benefits of celery mean no oxidative stress and bloodstream inflammation. In fact, they are both critical in the development of most cardiovascular diseases, particularly atherosclerosis. Researchers have identified that this vegetable acts as a smooth muscle relaxant. As a result, such relaxation of muscles around blood vessels helps to avoid high blood pressure.
  • Fighting bad breath, or ‘halitosis’ – Celery seems to be custom made for it. Chewing this vegetable stalk is helpful in 2 ways: (1) its roughness scrubs bacteria from the tongue back and (2) its natural fiber assists in teeth cleaning. In short, this is like using some edible toothbrush.
  • Treatment of bladder infections is associated with celery seeds. They improve the quality and quantity of urine, being a useful diuretic for different urinary tract infections.
  • Migraines, bursitis & various inflammatory conditions will definitely benefit from celery in the diet. Two of the best known natural ‘miracle aspirin’ are celery and its seeds, which contain high amounts of painkillers.
  • Fungal infections in check – Celery naturally resists to pathogens during storage, due to a melting pot of fungicides. So, if being prone to microbe infection, eat a celery stalk every day.
  • Hay fever & Asthma can be relieved with this top vegetable from the list of proven allergy helpers.
  • Menopausal symptoms – Phytochemicals of all the celery family are mildly estrogenic herbs. These compounds are extremely good for menopausal hot flashes, along with preventing heart disease and osteoporosis.
  • Pneumonia – This is a vegetable, well-known for stimulating the immune system and fighting bacteria, viruses and inflammation.
Well, now you may think of how to enjoy multi-beneficial celery. In fact, it can be eaten raw or cooked, whole or in parts, juiced or in recipes. The experts say that juicing is probably the best way to get all the health benefits of celery. Even if you do not like its specific taste, add the veggie to other fruit & vegetables, and you won’t even notice it!


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