Showing posts with label Beini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beini. Show all posts

Aug 1, 2012

Beini Download All Version

Brief to Beini is a tiny Linux distribution LiveCD that is less than fifty megabytes, It offers an arsenal tool for WiFi security and for auditor. Its an ISO format that can be burned to CD or booted up to USB pendrive/flash drive. Beini noted for its speed base on tiny Linux core and its device extensive list. Chipsets that supported wireless card are the leading AR9271...

May 14, 2012

Beini 1.2.5 Stable Final Version

It is very important you read the following information before downloading. Download link at the bottom of this page including the older version. Built from Beini 1.2.2 Updated Firmware.tcz Updated RTL8187L driver Added BCM43XX-3.0.21.tcz driver Updated compat wireless 2012-04-23 Updated minidwep-gtk-30419.tcz (thanks to djyuzi, XiaopanOS and Added...

Mar 15, 2012

Beini Compatible Hardware List

These are the Beini hardware compatible list, though the brand name of your wireless card are not listed here you may take a look of the chipset of your wireless network and that is the idea to make it work. Product Name (chip)BusBeini system versionNotes 1.0-RC5.2 | 1.11.0-in Final1. TP-LINK TL-WN321G + Ver: 1.0 (RT73)USBCompatibleCompatibleCompatibleCompatible TP-LINK...