Showing posts with label DNS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNS. Show all posts

Jan 21, 2013

Using OpenDNS/Google DNS is Bad Idea?

Think you're getting faster performance by using Google DNS or OpenDNS? Think again -- especially if you're outside the US. A post at TUAW today recommends you change your DNS provider for faster performance. If you are located outside the US -- like I am, and like most APC readers are -- this is a bad idea. I only discovered why after experiencing slow download speeds...

Google Public DNS A Closer View

Earlier this month, Google announced that it had become the largest public DNS service in the world, handling an average of more than 70 billion requests a day. From Google’s point of view, this was great. As it pointed out in its official blog, a good DNS service helps make the Web faster and more secure. That’s true. But is a giant DNS in Google’s hands really good for...

Jan 2, 2012

Free Public DNS Server List

If you are having trouble with your internet connection speed, then use third-party DNS servers to improve your web browsing speed. It also can help you bypass the DNS servers of your local ISP (Internet Service Provider) and let your computer find the addresses of domain name that may be blocked by the ISP’s DNS servers. What Does DNS Do? DNS functionally acts similar to...

Jan 1, 2010

OpenDNS vs Google DNS Performance Comparison

Google recently launched it’s own Public DNS offering, allowing Internet users to make use of their DNS servers for resolving address queries on the Internet. I have been a fan and user of OpenDNS for quite some time now, which offers the same service with many more options (as compared to Google’s new service). Immediately, I was curious as to how Google’s service compares...