Showing posts with label Gout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gout. Show all posts

Mar 22, 2015

A Must Eat Foods For Gout Person

Gout is often referred to as the 'old man's' disease, as it is eight times more prevalent in men than women, and its prevalence increases with age. The ailment is a complex form of arthritis, and causes sudden, severe pain, redness and tenderness in joints. Frequently affected is the joint at the base of the big toe. The pain of gout attacks are often described as acute, and can wake one with a jolt. It is caused by sharp, needle like urate crystals which accumulate around the joint, and cause inflammation, swelling and intense pain. Urate crystals...

Foods To Avoid That Cause Gout

Gout is caused by a condition known as hyperuricemia, the buildup of uric acid crystals in blood. The excess uric acid gets deposited in joints and tendons, in the form of sharp crystals. Such deposits cause swelling and pain in the affected joints. Persistent hyperuricemia may lead to the formation of lumps called tophi under the skin around joints. Accumulation of excess uric acid crystals in kidneys may also lead to kidney stones. Uric acid is the end product of purine catabolism in the body, and is excreted through urine. An excess of uric...

Foods That Contains Low Purine

Purine is a substance that is found in the majority of foods that we consume and when purines are broken down by the body it produces uric acid. Uric acid is a waste by-product that is filtered out by the kidneys before being eliminated from the body. However some people are not able to flush out the uric acid from the body which can lead to gout. Gout is a condition where there is a buildup of uric acid in the body which leads to the formation of urate crystals. These crystals which forms generally in the joints cause swelling and inflammation...

Cherry Juice is Best Medicine To Treat Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis which is found in both men and women. The most cases, patients affected by gout experience pain in the big toe. However, it can also affect other joints of the body, including the elbows, fingers, ankles, hips, heels, thumbs, etc. In recent years, results of research conducted showed that cherry juice is an effective method of treating gout. However, before we discuss on remedial value of cherry juice, let us try to know more about the causes and effects of gout. Gout: Causes and Effects Uric acid is produced in human...

Jan 26, 2013

Gout Natural Treatments

The word "gout" typically evokes a classic image of a middle-aged, overweight man suffering an attack after over-consumption of a diet of red meat and alcohol. This is partly true, but there are also many other causes that bring on this painful affliction. Gout is basically caused by the over-production of uric acid, or reduced excretion of uric acid by the kidneys, both...

Cherries An Effective Treatment for Gout?

Gout is a common type of arthritis (inflammation of the joint), caused due to increased concentration of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is released by the breakdown of purines. In gout, the uric acid gets deposited in the joints, tendons, kidneys and other tissues, where it causes inflammation and consequent damage. How Do Cherries Treat Gout? Cherries are of particular...