Showing posts with label High Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label High Blood. Show all posts

Mar 8, 2015

11 Natural Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure-also known as hypertension or “the silent killer”-affects 1 in 3 adult Americans, or roughly 67 million people, and that number only continues to grow. 90-95% of cases are known as primary hypertension, which is hypertension with no underlying medical cause. The small left-over percentage is caused by conditions such as kidney disease. But what is this mysterious silent killer? Blood and its circulation are vital to sustain life. They supply crucial nutrients and oxygen to all the cells and organs in our body. They also remove...

Feb 11, 2013

Indications of Low Blood Pressure

When the heart pumps out blood for circulation, the flowing blood exerts certain amount of pressure on the artery walls which is known as blood pressure. In normal health condition, the pressure readings should be in the range of 120/80. When it is 90/60 or lower, then it is considered as low blood pressure. Medically, this condition is called hypotension. There are some people...