Showing posts with label Blogger Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger Tips. Show all posts

Feb 2, 2013

Johny Kena Banned Blogger Template

Template Name: Johny Kena Banned Blogger Template | Download Johny Kena Banned Blogger Template Template Type : Free Blogger Template Author: MasKolis | Mas-Template Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger template Properties : 2 columns, Ads Ready, 3 Columns Footer, Red, Fixed width, Magazine, Home Screen, Menu Links, Top Navigation Bar, Header Banner. Tags:...

Jan 31, 2013

Top 50 Article Directories By Traffic and Pagerank

URLAlexa RatingGoogle PagerankNo Follow 1.ehow.com1277NF! 2.squidoo.com2077 3.ezinearticles.com4426 4.hubpages.com4676 5.examiner.com4928NF! 6.seekingalpha.com1,4627NF! 7.technorati.com1,6738 8.articlesbase.com1,9326NF!,0494 10.buzzle.com2,0686 11.goarticles.com2,8552 12.gather.com3,8336 13.selfgrowth.com4,3036 14.pubarticles.com4,9374 15.suite101.com5,3216 16.articlesnatch.com5,4175NF! 17.amazines.com5,8354 18.helium.com6,2185NF! 19.ezinemark.com6,2924 20.sooperarticles.com6,5534 21.brighthub.com6,9446 22.infobarrel.com7,4934 23.textbroker.com8,6784 24.triond.com8,7985 25.articlerich.com9,2124 26.articlecity.com9,7085 $10,3553 $10,5335 29.isnare.com11,3445,8853 31.thefreelibrary.com11,9377 32.selfseo.com11,9904 33.articlealley.com12,3654NF! 34.EvanCarmichael.com12,5794 35.artipot.com13,9293NF! 36.expertscolumn.com13,9873NF! 37.articlesfactory.com14,7394 38.bukisa.com15,0515NF!,6354NF! 40.streetarticles.com15,6983 41.articlebro.com16,7921 42.articleclick.com17,1014 43.articletrader.com17,1385 44.galoor.com17,2133 45.earticlesonline.com17,3972NF!,5635 47.articlesphere.com19,4304NF! 48.snipsly.com20,2744 49.abcarticledirectory.com20,6273 50.articlefeeder.com21,6413 NF!...

Jan 18, 2013

Facebook Likes Tripled Valuable Than Tweets

ChompOn, a company that provides a white label group buying service, similar to Groupon, that restaurants and other businesses can provide their customers directly, recently released a report (PDF) that used its wealth of marketing data to estimate the value of tweets, Facebook shares and other social networking behavior. What the report found was that, for their customers...

Onlywire Best Social Bookmarking Tool Review

Have you even imagined how good it would be, when all you have to do is write a blog post and instantly the link is bookmarked in 50+ social bookmarking and social media websites? Sounds like a bloggers dream come true? Well, now it is actually possible to automate the social bookmarking process to get lots of link juice from bookmarking websites like Digg, StumbleUpon etc....

Likes vs retweets driving website visitors

In the absence of empirical data, websites typically provide equal prioritization to driving visitors to either retweet or like content. If you only have space for one option (such as in content listings), which one should you use? According to research compiled by Allyson Kapin at Frogloop, Facebook likes provide greater web traffic than retweets: According to Mashable,...

14 million domains on AddThis

AddThis, a provider of social sharing buttons, says it now has more than 14 million domains in its publisher network and reaches more than 1.3 billion web users per month. For comparison, ShareThis says it has 1.3 million publishers in its network and Shareaholic says it has more than 200,000 websites using its tools. AddThis’ numbers are impressive, and the company hopes...

Comparison of Gigya, ShareThis and AddThis

Integrating social sharing on your website can be as easy to implement as adding a script into your webpage templates. I recently took a look at three of the most popular utilities for social sharing: ShareThis, AddThis, and Gigya. After conducting a review, AddThis came out on top as the best system for most users. Gigya, especially with it’s recent integration with...

Jan 17, 2013

AddThis vs. ShareThis Bookmarking Widgets

Over the period of last few years bloggers had found creative ways to allow their readers to easy share the content of the blog on social bookmarking websites. WordPress has several plugins allowing you to implement easy sharing of your content. Probably the most known plugin is Sociable- a plugin I often used on many of my WordPress powered websites. One of the things...

Jan 13, 2013

Centering Blog Header Image

How to center your header image. By default, Blogger aligns your header image to the left. But some might want their images to be centered. There are a couple ways to accomplish this depending on how you've setup your header. If your header is set to "Behind title and description" Add the following code to your CSS: 1 2 3 4 #header-inner {     background-position:...

Removing Images borders and box shadow

How to remove the borders and box shadows from images on your Blogger blog. Most of the default Blogger templates display a white border and box shadow frame around every posted image like the example below: There are two ways to accomplish this depending on whether you want to completely remove the effects for every image or just on specific images. Method 1: If...

LinkWithin vs nRelate vs Outbrain

If you've been blogging or reading blogs for any amount of time, then you've probably noticed, or might even already have installed a related posts widget. They are a great idea and an effective method for increasing page views and reducing bounce rates by encouraging visitors to stay on your blog longer by showing them a list of other enticing posts that "They Might Like". In...

Social Bookmarking To Generate Targeted Traffic

Even if you are new to Internet marketing and don’t have much experience yet, you would probably have heard about social media and how it’s growing more and more these days. Social media websites allow people to mingle with like-minded people about a chosen topic and there are an ever increasing number of these sites springing up on the internet these days. On these sites,...

Jan 12, 2013

Using Twitter To Generate Website Traffic

‘Twitter Traffic’ as some call it, is a great way to get some targeted visitors to your websites. Twitter is simply a social networking site that allows small updates of 140 characters long to be posted for anybody viewing your Twitter account. You also have the option to use Twitter in conjunction to your cell phone or Blackberry, making the whole promotion of your content...

Effective Blog Design

Every successful blog has at least one thing in common – and that is a powerful blog design statement. Below are a few tips on how you can go about making such a blog design statement yourself on your own blog. Your readers should see some of your personality in your blog. This has been said many times before, you need to show your readers who’s behind the curtains to...