Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

Jan 27, 2013

Must Try the Pescetarian Diet

The pescetarian diet is a diet without meat except for seafood. It is an alternative to the vegetarian diet which allows you to get omega 3’s which are healthy for the heart. The name pescetarian comes from the word ‘pesco’ which in Spanish means fish. Pescetarians can enjoy any kind of seafood which includes salmon, flounder, prawns, haddock, crab, mussels, shrimp, tuna and clams, just to name a few.

It is a diet that most people find easy to follow and is considered a very healthy diet. Islanders around the world exist on a predominantly seafood diet, together with fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products including eggs, the islanders have been found to live longer healthier lives than their counterparts who are predominantly red meat eaters. This article discusses the health benefits of the pescetarian diet, the advantages and disadvantages.

The Health Benefits of the Pescetarian Diet
  • Prevents Heart Disease, Heart Attack and Stroke

    Pescetarians usually easily consume enough omega 3's from eating fish products for optimal health. Omega 3’s help to prevent the build up of fatty plaques on the walls of arteries. These fatty plaques are caused by high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Red meat eaters are at high risk of bad cholesterol causing problems. Bad cholesterol in the blood causes high blood pressure due to the heart having to work so much harder to pump blood through the arteries with fatty plaques. Eventually these fatty plaques can occlude the flow of blood through these arteries leading to heart attack and or stroke.
  • Prevents Obesity and Aids in Weight Loss

    People who follow a pescetarian diet over the long term lose weight. The calorie content of fish products, vegetables, fruit and low fat dairy products are generally lower. By avoiding saturated fats, the body uses these healthy, low calorie foods for energy rather than fat storage. Pescetarians need to avoid high carbohydrate rich foods and high sugar content food as well. Sugar and carbohydrates need to be derived from fruits and vegetables rather than processed foods including potato chips, sweets and fast foods for example. Fish products are high in protein which is needed for many body functions. Vitamin and mineral content is easily derived from fruits, vegetables and fish products.
  • Lowers the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

    Type 2 diabetes is caused by the pancreas no longer being able to release enough insulin to allow sugar molecules in the blood to be absorbed into cells. It can also be caused by cells becoming insensitive to insulin. Insulin is needed to pass sugar molecules in the blood into cells to be used for energy. When insulin no longer provides this effect, sugar molecules cause damage to the lining of blood vessel walls which leads to disease and also causes sugar to be stored as fat rather than be used for energy. Pescetarian diets are low in sugar which helps prevent low insulin levels in the blood, low insulin sensitivity and increased fat storage.
  • Lowers the Risk of Cancer

    The pescetarian diet lowers the risk of cancer as the foods eaten have shown only to be of benefit to health rather than being associated with disease and cancer. By eliminating red meat, poultry, lamb and pork from the diet, cancer risk decreases. Fish, vegetables, fruit and low fat dairy products provide the body with nutrients it needs rather than high saturated fats and the accumulation of toxic waste products that can be harmful to the body, unless completely eliminated from the body. The incidence of cancer diagnosis has been shown to be low in those people who adopt a pescetarian diet.
Disadvantages of the Pescetarian Diet

Many farmed fish products have been shown to have high levels of mercury. Consequently farmed fish products should be avoided as mercury is toxic to the body. Try to buy fish that comes from the wild, rather than farmed produce. Smaller fish species for consumption tend to have lower levels of mercury rather than larger species. Some people on a pescetarian diet may need to supplement with high protein alternatives such as soy products to ensure you are getting enough protein, calcium, vitamin A and D and B vitamins. Including low fat milk or alternative milk products such as soy, almond, rice, oat and hemp beverages can ensure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals. A daily vitamin and mineral supplement may be required also.

In conclusion, the pescetarian diet is flexible compared to the vegan and vegetarian diets. It is considered a healthier diet than one that completely eliminates meats and or dairy products. Don’t expect to see health benefits initially as the body has to adjust to the diet before results can be seen. Fish is always a healthier alternative to red meats, poultry, lamb and pork. By eliminating saturated fats from your diet, you will be well on the way to optimal health and enjoying the new you.


Huffington Post Chole Spencer 5 Reasons to Become a Pescetarian Retrieved November 6,2012
BBC News Finlo Rohrer The Rise of the Non Veggie Vegetarian Retrieved November 6,2012
Health Theory Liora Hess Why be Pescetarian? Retrieved November 6,2012

Less Carb Diet for Weight Loss

Anyone who has dieted knows that a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet produces weight loss only in the short term. The conventionally recommended reduction in fat and protein causes the body’s metabolism to slow and stop weight loss. In dieting circles, this is called the plateau. It is actually the body’s survival response to a period it perceives as famine or possible starvation.

A Naturally Low-Carb Diet Promotes Optimum Weight

The original low-carb diet, (aka the Paleo Diet or Primal Blueprint), is naturally low in carbohydrates without limiting healthy carbs like fruits and vegetables. To lose weight on a low-carb paleo diet, you don't need to count carbohydrates, calories, or fats. You'll improve your overall health simply by eliminating unnatural foods, thus reducing the unhealthy fats and high-glycemic carbohydrates that lead to obesity and other chronic diseases.

The low-carb paleo diet eliminates foods that contribute to the diseases of Syndrome X, including obesity, while promoting foods, including healthy carbs, that prevent those diseases. You'll lose weight while eating all you want from the paleo food groups: meats and organs, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats, without suffering the hunger and cravings of unnatural, restrictive diets.

Our need for fruit is responsible for our sweet cravings, so turn to fruit instead of refined sugar products to satisfy those natural cravings.

Protein and Fat are Key to Healthy Weight Loss

Perhaps the most important change you can make to your diet to promote weight loss is to include animal protein with every meal. Animal protein raises your metabolism causing you to burn more calories, it satisfies your appetite so you don’t overeat, and it improves insulin sensitivity.

The combining of plant proteins, in lieu of eating meats, significantly raises our carbohydrate intake. Animal proteins are more efficient for weight loss. All calories are not created equal. Our bodies burn calories from carbs and fats at a much lower rate than those from protein. Vegetarians might consider a Pescetarian Diet.

It is also important to eat adequate healthful fats. Fat provides the fatty acids necessary for proper cellular and brain functioning, and it allows us to metabolize nutrients from other sources. Like protein, fat also causes us to feel full and so helps with appetite control.


While following the paleo diet, your weight will normalize over time. Adding exercise and decreasing caloric intake can speed up the process. Regular exercise improves insulin metabolism, increases good cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, strengthens heart and blood vessels, and reduces stress.Make physical exertion a regular part of your life by taking advantage of opportunities to use your body.


Cordain, Loren. The Paleo Diet. Wiley, 2010.
Sisson, Mark. The Primal Blueprint. Primal Nutrition, Inc., 2012.