Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Mar 26, 2015

Wild Yam Helps Women Fertility

Wild yam, scientifically known as Dioscorea villosa, has been used to treat various ailments, especially regarding women's health. Wild yam, also known as colic root, grows mainly in North America and China. There are almost 600 species of wild yam. Though sweet potato and wild yam look similar, there is a lot of difference between them. For example, the roots of wild yam are not tubers like sweet potatoes nor are they fleshy. The medicinal properties of the two are also quite different. Wild Yam Benefits The benefits of wild yam are numerous....

Women Signs of Fertility Problems

One of the most important step in a couple's life is to start a family. Couples are excited and try their best to conceive a baby. However, after trying really hard―charting out ovulation periods and having regular sexual intercourse―many couples are unable to get positive results. Only after about 6 months to 1 year of trying, do most couples approach their doctor for help. Why the delay in seeking help from a doctor? This is because not many women are aware of the signs of fertility problems they may be suffering from. In spite of regular menstruation,...

Understanding Menstrual Cycle Problems

Onset of menses or menarche is an important event in a woman's life. It signals sexual and reproductive maturity of a woman. Menstrual cycle is a complicated reproductive function that involves many organs and hormones. Every month, female ovaries produce a mature ovum or egg under the influence of female hormones. The uterine lining also thickens in order to prepare for a possible conception. If no fertilization occurs, the egg is transported to the uterus, where along with the uterine lining, it is shed as a part of menstrual bleeding. This...

Symptoms and Treatment For Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder associated with the endocrine system. It is a common hormonal disorder that affects almost 5% women in the United States. This syndrome is usually characterized by the development of small cysts in the ovaries (polycystic ovaries), and hormonal imbalance. But sometimes, many women can have cysts in the ovaries without PCOS, while a handful of women with PCOS may not have polycystic ovaries. Causes What causes PCOS is not known with certainty. In many instances, it has been observed that the patient...

Women Infertility Symptoms

Every woman is gifted with the ability to become a mother one day. But there are a few women who are unable to conceive due to some problems. Infertility in women can be caused because of many reasons. Some of the infertility causes in women are ovulation problems, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid problems, hormonal imbalance, blocked fallopian tube, etc. Many times, signs of infertility go unobserved. Infertility is usually noticed when the woman is unable to conceive in spite of having unprotected sex for several times. Only then the...

Mar 21, 2015

How Safe to Eat Papaya During Pregnancy?

A woman never glows more than when she's carrying a baby. Being pregnant is God's greatest gift to women, and it is our duty to make sure that we take good care of this wondrous gift handed to us. This involves eating right. And when it comes to a healthy pregnancy diet, one of the most confusing food items is papaya. Women are constantly asking themselves, "Can we eat papaya during pregnancy?" Well, read this article to find out. Papaya The papaya (Carica papaya, genus: Carica) is one of the most delicious and healthy fruits. It was planted...

Pure Honey and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most important phase in a woman's life. It is a roller coaster ride and of course a once in a lifetime feeling generally associated with many food restrictions and problems. Whatever it may be, along with the regular tests and check up, what really matters is the pregnancy diet. It's really important to eat the right kind of food in right amounts and most importantly healthy food. The diet should be planned according to the requirement of the mom as well as the baby because the main aim is to provide maximum nutrients and vitamins...

Advisable Sugar Intake During Pregnancy

The good news opens a lot of doors to splurge on foods for those unlimited cravings that prosper as you progress in pregnancy. Among the many physical and mental changes, and pregnancy symptoms that conquer the first trimester, it is the food carvings that make a woman feel on the rise. The fact that pregnancy kills almost all guilt of putting on weight and eating foods that once were barred in the diet chart, gives more than reason to why women binge and let go their diet worries. Well, ladies, we don't really mean to deprive you the happiness...

Chocolate Intake During Pregnancy

For any expecting mother, the well-being of her unborn child is her highest priority. So, even if chocolate is her favorite food, she avoids eating it during pregnancy in the fear that it can cause harm to her baby. Of course, her concern is genuine. After all, we all know that chocolate contains caffeine, which increases the chances of miscarriage and preterm labor. It also tends to raise the pulse rate and blood pressure, which could be dangerous in this condition. Benefits Pregnant women who love chocolates will be pleased to know that it...

Balanced Diet Need To Know for Pregnant Women

What a pregnant woman eats has a direct bearing on her unborn child. She has to take a well-balanced diet which has all the required nutrients, vitamins and minerals, not only to keep her body healthy and prepare it for childbearing and breastfeeding, but also to aid in the proper growth and development of the unborn child. A normal, healthy woman requires approximately 2100 calories in a single day and during pregnancy, she needs about 2500 calories in a day. Besides increasing the number of calories, she should pay attention to the kind of foods...

About Decaffeinated Tea during Pregnancy

The caffeine content of a cup of tea can be lowered to a great extent by reducing the steeping time. During pregnancy, you try to make every possible effort to make sure that you don't eat or drink anything that can harm your baby. So, you end up making a number of dietary changes. However, caffeine, an alkaloid found in beverages like coffee and tea, has confused women for a long time. While some people advise to avoid caffeinated beverages completely during pregnancy, others maintain that their consumption in moderation is not harmful for...

Jan 5, 2015

Health Benefits Of Eating Pineapple

One fruit that has provided much health discussion is the good ol’ pineapple. Rarely was it referred to as anything other than a fresh slice of goodness, but lately the effects have provided a more quality review. There might be serious health benefits to men and women by consuming some sort of pineapple daily, whether it be fresh, canned, or the juice. Pineapples are...

Dec 31, 2014

Yeast Infection Medicine That Works

The itching, burning sensation that both male and females experience is commonly known as yeast infection. This unpleasant infection, caused from a group of microscopic fungi or yeast, can form on any area of skin that has the adequate living environment. Moist and dark is where the yeast infection prefers to make its residence. This can be under folds of skin, the vaginal or penile area, lower abdomen, armpits, under the breast, or anywhere that is damp and dark. Luckily for you, over the counter yeast infection medicine is available. There are...

Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment Methods for Female Yeast Infection

Female yeast infection has become quite common in that almost half of the world's female population has suffered at least once from Candidiasis or yeast infection. Among those who have had this fungal infection, majority had it in the form of vaginal Candidiasis. Causes of female yeast infection Yeast is a naturally-occurring fungus in the human body. However, certain factors can cause an overgrowth which can then lead to yeast infection. The imbalance or overgrowth can be triggered by several factors; and for women, the most common one is...

Sep 22, 2013

EB Babes Biblioraphy

Introduction: Considered as Eat Bulaga's next big thing on TV, the EB Babes were formed from the ground up from hundreds of aspiring females from all over the country in a reality TV type concept, from the eliminations 'till the semi-finals, only 30 remained and were given the chance to prove themselves at the EB Babes training camp. The remaining participants were then honed...

Sep 14, 2013

Gretchen Barretto's 17-year old daughter Dominique Cojuangco pregnant?

Rumors are circulating on tabloids that Gretchen Barretto's daughter, Dominique Cojuangco, is pregnant. In a presscon of her newest TV project Princess and I, Gretchen neither confirmed nor denied the pregnancy of her 17-year old daughter from business tycoon Tonyboy Cojuangco. "I'd rather not (answer) whatever it is (you will be asking) because if you ask me that,...

May 19, 2013

Health Benefits of Licorice Tea

Licorice is a sweet flavored root of Glycyrrhiza glabra. This plant is found mainly southern Europe and in few parts of Asia. Uses of the licorice herb were made since the ancient times, there is proof of licorice water being used by Egyptians. Though there are many uses of licorice root, licorice candies are more popular than its health benefits! The sweetness of licorice...

May 4, 2013

Can You Explain What It Means To Be A Hepatitis B Carrier?

When I got pregnant, I was diagnosed with viral hepatitis — more specifically, the doctor said I am a hepatitis B carrier. What does that really mean? I don’t have any symptoms as far as I know. Both my kids and my husband have been vaccinated. But what do I have to do for myself? Do I have to be vaccinated? I am a bit worried about this and I would appreciate it if you can...

Apr 23, 2013

When Do You Ovulate

Ovulation is the most fertile time of a woman's menstrual cycle wherein the ovary releases an egg (rarely more than one egg). Every month the egg or ovum grows inside the ovary and as it reaches a certain size, it is released by the ovary and swept in to the fallopian tube toward the uterus. For conception to occur, a woman should have sexual intercourse during the period extending from one to two days before ovulation to 24 hours afterward. Since the sperm cells can survive two to three days and the egg not more than 24 hours after ovulation,...