Mar 12, 2015

Varicose Veins and the Vitamin P

Vitamin P and varicose veins, is there any possible connection between the two? There are 13 vitamins that are officially listed and accepted, and than there is one that is not well known, and that is Vitamin P. This vitamin has numerous benefits but is especially effective at protecting the capillaries, which are extremely small vessels that are located within the tissues of the body.

The capillaries transport the blood from the arteries into the veins, and their walls are very thin and composed of a single layer of overlying flat cells. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, wastes, and nutrients are exchanged through these very thin walls and the lack of the proper nutrients can cause spider veins and varicose veins.

What exactly is Vitamin P?

Vitamin P is not well known to most people and it is a critical part of several functions in the body other than protecting these capillaries. This vitamin is also known as bio-available flavonoids, or Bio-flavonoids. They are a class of water soluble plant pigments that have provide special properties to the body.

The properties that they serve are those of an antioxidant, antiallergenic, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent. However, they are help to serve as antiviral and anti-carcinogenic agents.

In most technical circles they are not considered a true vitamin, but at the same time they are referred to as vitamin P. They are absolutely essential for the proper absorption of vitamin C in the body; and they are the most effective when the two are taken together.

This grouping of nutrients also includes rutin, hesperidin, and quercetin, as well as the natural compounds that are found in red wine. All of these natural nutrients work in tandem to ensure that red blood cells and blood platelets do not clump together, which is another function they provide in protecting these very small capillaries.

Vitamin P is often used to treat sports injuries, especially in the legs, as they reduce the pain and lessen the effects of prolonged bleeding as well as protecting against antibacterial infections as they are very powerful in maintaining proper levels of blood circulation, one of the causes of varicose veins.

Sources of Vitamin P:

These bio-flavonoids are found abundantly in both the pulp and the rinds of citrus fruits and several other foods that are high in vitamin C. Some of the other sources are berries, apples, grapefruit, especially the seeds, onions, and green tea. Other sources include apricots, broccoli, ginkgo, tomatoes and onions.

However, perhaps the two most powerful sources are from buckwheat and red wine.

Varicose veins:

The veins that are in the body are blood vessels that return blood from every organ back to the major source, the heart. After certain organs have used the oxygen from the blood to function properly, they release this used blood where it is goes to the heart and than into the lungs. Once inside the lungs, this waste is released and more oxygen is loaded by the blood and taken back to the body by the veins.

However, in this process, waste products such as carbon dioxide are also distributed into the veins, as they act as storage for all of the unused blood. When the body rests, only a small amount of blood circulates; and all of the uncirculated blood stays in the veins as they are very elastic by design and can expand as needed.

This waste is what starts the problem. The largest of the veins are in the center of the body; and they collect the blood from all of the smaller veins throughout the body. During all of these processes, waste continues to spread.

As the veins move further away from these large collection points, they become smaller. These smaller veins are referred to as superficial, and the larger are referred to as deeper. Perforating veins are the vessels that connect these two together. When any of these veins fail to properly circulate and as a result start to bulge, they are called varicose veins.

There are two types of these veins; large and spider. The large varicose veins can actually be seen bulging and can be felt by touching them. They are most always located in the legs and the thighs, but they can develop anywhere in the body. The smaller veins, referred to as spider veins, can be seen, but they are more like fine lines than bulges. They usually appear on the ankles and the feet, but they can also appear on the face.

Outside of their major role of protecting the capillaries, this little known vitamin also helps to improve the elasticity and in the process helps to prevent any further damage to the veins. It also helps to improve the circulation and as it does it assists in decongesting the clogged capillaries that are the major cause of the spider veins.

However, it does not stop there, as this nutrient also helps to reduce the reddish color as it strengthens the blood vessels. Rutin, one of the ingredients in the complex of vitamin P is especially effective in protecting small capillaries caused by any type of recurrent bleeding by weakened vessels. It is also used to treat hemorrhoids as well as the capillaries around the eyes.

There are several substances that can drain this nutrient form your system, and the two worst are smoking and alcohol. However, aspirin and cortisone also deplete this nutrient very quickly for your body.


Bio-flavonoids are water soluble vitamins and as such there is absolutely no chance of any type of an overdose as any excess will be eliminated either by urine or sweat in your body. If you do suffer from varicose or spider veins, this form of vitamin is extremely effective in combating this condition that affects so many people.


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