Apr 12, 2015

Safed Musli (Chlorophytum Borivilianum)

It would not be an exaggeration to call Safed Musli a unique gift of nature to mankind since the time immemorial.

In the Ayurvedic literature, Safed Musli is celebrated as a Divya Aushad with unparalleled medicinal properties. It is a chief ingredient in the preparation of over a hundred Ayurvedic formulations. Safed Musli is also gaining increasing acceptance as a Vitalizer and health-giving tonic, a curative for pre-natal and post-natal problems, a restorative for immunity-improvement and as a remedy for diabetes and arthritis.

The recent discovery of Safed Musli as a natural and safe aphrodisiac agent has also opened up new channels of application and new demand for it. By virtue of being a herb, Safed Musli has been found to be an ideal aphrodisiac with no negative side-effects associated with chemical-based aphrodisiac.

Climatic Requirements:

As Safed Musli grows naturally in most parts of the Central Region of India, the normal climate of the Central region suits the crop most and it can grow successfully in the wide range of temperature and rainfall. Sandy loam soil with proper drainage system facilitates its growth.

Safed Musli is found growing in thick forests in its natural form. It is partly a herb with sub-erect lanceolata leaves. There are about 256 varieties of Chlorophytum and 17 among them are found in India. Among these, Chlorophytum borivilianum has good market both indigenously and globally. The Medicinal Plants Board has recognized Safed Musli as the sixth important herb to be protected and promoted.
  • Bio Chemistry of Safed Musli
  • Carbohydrates (35-45%)
  • Proteins (5-10%)
  • Fibre (25-35%)
  • Saponins (2-20%)
  • Alkaloids (15-25%)
The Saponins and Alkaloids present in the plant are the primary source of its significant medicinal properties.

Use of Safed Musli:

Safed Musli has very good Ayurvedic medicinal use. It is rich source of over 25 alkaloids, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, steroid, seponins and polysaccharides etc.

A number of Health tonics (Sexual tonics) are prepared from Safed Musli. It is essential part of a traditional diet of mothers (after delivery) in the form of Laddoos. Efforts in countries like USA and England are also on to convert it into chips to use it as a nutritious breakfast. On the other hand, Safed Musli is a safe and effective drug, with similar benefits and without any side-effects.

Safed Musli is a traditional medicinal plant. Its tubers roots are used in ayurvedic medicines. Roots are used for the preparation of nutritive tonic used in general sexual weakness. There is a vast demand of Safed Musli all over the world.


Used for Sexual weakness, low libido, low sperm count etc. It is also found to be effective as a energetic one in cases of cough and asthma.

Healing power and curative properties:

Loss of libido / Impotency :

Primarily used as a tonic and rejuvenative for the reproductive system. For premature ejaculation, impotence, low sperm count in men. Also used in chronic leucorrhoea. Sexual weakness – Tuberous roots are used since long back in ayurvedic medicines to prepare tonic to increase sexual weakness.

Gynecology :

Useful during pregnancy as a nutritive tonic for mother and fetus. Post-partum it replenishes lost fluids, prana, ojas and improves the quantity and flow of breast milk.

Other Benefits of Chlorophytum borivilianum
Apart from its aphrodisiac property, Chlorophytum borivilianum has following other health benefits -
  • Strengthens immunity – In asthma patients it boosts the energy. Roots are used for strengthening the body’s immune system.
  • Pregnancy – The herb is used as nutritive tonic for fetus and mother both. The herb replenishes the fluids of body during parturition.
  • Obesity – It controls and prevents obesity. It also helps in prevention of side-effects related to obesity.
  • Diabetes – The herb is an effective cure for arthritis and diabetes.
  • Leucorrhea – The herb is used in treatment of chronic leucorrhea and prevents premature ejaculation.
  • Consumption of this herb increases HDL (or production of good cholesterol).
  • Regular intake of the herb reduces hepatic lipid profiles and plasma.



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