Jun 10, 2013

Make Free Energy to Power Your Home Using Free Energy Generators

You can now power your home and drastically reduce your power bills or even completely eliminate them by making use of free energy generators. These generators make use of the attractive and repulsive properties of magnets to continually generate free energy.

It is known that electricity is produced when an electric coil turns in a magnetic field. In the case of free energy generators, the energy required to turn the electric coil is provided by permanent magnets aligned in such a way as to produce perpetual motion through their properties of attraction and repulsion. The energy generated far exceeds that required to produce the motion hence the energy generated is free.

The technology is not entirely new as it has been in existence for some time but was only recently adapted for home use. Energy industry experts have predicted that these magnetic energy generators represent the future of the industry. They also predicted that power generation companies will in the near future employ this technology in generating cheaper and much cleaner power.

Some of the benefits of these free energy generators include:
  • They don't require fossil fuels to run so that there are no harmful emissions.
  • They run indefinitely thereby producing limitless amounts of power.
  • They generate alternating current thereby eliminating the need for storage batteries and inverters.
  • They don't rely on the sun or wind to operate and can be used in all climatic conditions.
  • Very safe at home and pose no risk to little children.
  • They occupy very little space at home.
Many folks around the globe have built these generators and have drastically reduced their power bills or completely eliminated them depending on the scale of implementation.

Benefits of a Free Energy Generator

Generators have always found a very special position in this world and are considered quite important. In the past few years, the cost of electricity and the various sources of energy from which they are derived have highly gone up tremendously. Researchers and scientists have been in the lookout for a variety of alternative and free energy generators which provide unlimited as well as energy sources absolutely at no added cost. 

This has also become important with the growing demand for energy to meet the needs of the growing population. A number of people in the past have tried to come out with various alternative sources of energy but without much success. The reasons can be many for the same. But now fortunately there is a much possible solution to generate energy for free using a free energy generator. This method does not involve any costs upfront and it is more or less possible to realize the same.

By following a few blueprints, the design of the free energy generator can be very simple. Even those who are not skilled in the business of manufacturing products can also accomplish this task with ease. It has been well tested and has won the satisfaction of a number of people. Very soon it is set to replace the normal electricity in various households. It offers a wonderful solution to the preservation of the entertainment. By using free energy generators, it can be ensured that the energy created is highly eco friendly and does not cause any kind of pollution or harm to the environment. The construction of this material hardly involves any material cost and involves some hundred dollars or so for the construction. But even this cost gets well reimbursed at the earliest by the benefits it provides. Studies prove that the use of free generators bring down the cost of electricity by about fifty percent. Thus the reimbursement of the cost involved can truly be justified.

Since quite a few years, the world has endeavored to produce energy on a much larger scale than expected. Fuel is the first practical example for the same. But unfortunately fuel is limited, dirty and expensive and hence definitely causes of concern for many. There are a number of applications which offer generation of power and non exhaustible forms of energy. These forms of alternative sources of energy save the cost of installation to a great extent and also ensure that benefits obtained on these energy sources are well justified. 

This type of energy resources are great and the money invested gets balanced truly. Also these kinds of free energy generators take up very less space and thus save a lot of space in the room. Also the electricity bill gets reduced by almost half depending on the usage of the free energy generators. The generator is free from the bondage of environment and can work independently irrespective of the weather externally-hot or cold. Thus the built of the free energy generators are truly worth a deal as they pay in the long run.

Jun 9, 2013

Saudi Arabia bans Viber web communication tool

Saudi Arabia's telecom regulator has banned use of the web-based communication application Viber, which is hard for the state to monitor and deprives licensed telecom companies of revenue from international calls and texts.

"The Viber application has been suspended ... and the (regulator) affirms it will take appropriate action against any other applications or services if they fail to comply with regulatory requirements and rules in force in the kingdom," the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) said in a statement on its website.

Viber allows subscribers to make free calls, send instant messages and share files over the internet. CITC did not explain what regulatory requirements and rules it breached, but the kingdom appears to be pushing for greater control over cyberspace as Internet and smart phone usage soars.

Attempts to use Viber on two different smartphones and to download it onto a computer in Saudi Arabia failed to work on Wednesday. A message on the Viber website explained the service had been banned in Saudi Arabia.

The regulator issued a vaguely worded directive in March warning that such tools as Viber, Whatsapp and Skype broke local laws, without specifying how.

Local media reported at the time that Saudi Arabia's three main operators Saudi Telecom Co, Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) and Zain Saudi had been asked to tell CITC if they were able to monitor or block such applications.

CITC did not respond to requests for comment on Wednesday or when the earlier announcement was made in March.

Earlier this year, the Interior Ministry's spokesman complained that Islamist militants were taking advantage of social media to foment unrest. However, in a separate interview with Reuters he argued against imposing stricter controls.

Mobile penetration was 188 percent by the end of 2012, CITC data shows. Saudi now has 15.8 million Internet subscribers and the average user watches three times as many online videos per day as counterparts in the United States, according to YouTube.

Conventional international calls and texts are a lucrative earner for telecom operators in Saudi Arabia, which hosts around nine million expatriates. These foreign workers are increasingly using Internet-based applications such as Viber to communicate with relatives in other countries, analysts say.

Jun 7, 2013

How ATX Power Supply Works

A step by step guide about 200 Watt ATX PC Power Supply function

Here you have the schematic diagram of ATX PC power supply from DTK company. This power supply was designed for ATX and provides a power output of 200 Watt. The integrated circuit TL494 utilised in this design is a very common power circuit PC power supplies having about 200W output. The circuit operates with a symmetrical power stage (push-pull) with regulation of the output voltage, in the following we will understand how ATX power supply works.

The mains voltage passes through the input filter (C1, R1, T1, C4, T5) and then feeds the bridge rectifier (D21 to D24). When the input voltage is switched from 230V to 115V, the rectifier works as a voltage doubler. Varistors Z1 and Z2 protect against over voltage present on the input line. The thermistor NTCR1 limits the input current until capacitors C5 and C6 are charged. R2 and R3 allow the capacitors to discharge after disconnecting the power supply.

When connected to the sector, the capacitors C5 and C6, 470uf each, are all then charged together of approximately 300V. At this moment a secondary power supply, controlled by transistor Q12, starts and produces its output voltage. After the voltage regulator IC3 the +5 V goes into the motherboard. It is necessary to operation of the logic circuits and for "the standby of some functions."

Another voltage, non-stabilized, goes through diode D30 to power the circuit IC1 and the control transistors Q3 and Q4. When the main power supply works, then this voltage comes from the 12V line through the diode D.

Sleep mode (stand-by)

In standby mode, the principal main power supply is blocked by the positive voltage produced by the secondary power supply and present on the contact PS ON of the connector through resistor R23. Because of this voltage, the transistor Q10 will conduct and drive Q1 which applies the reference voltage of +5V from pin 14 "IC1" to pin 4 of "IC1" (Deadtime Control). The circuit is switched to the totally blocked state. Transistors Q3 and Q4 are both saturated (conductive) and short-circuit the auxiliary winding of the transformer T2. These short circuits prohibit the appearance of a voltage on the power circuit. By the voltage on pin 4, we can control the maximum pulse width at the output of IC1. A zero volt voltage produces the widest pulses and at +5 V pulses disappear.

Now we can explain the working of ATX power supply

If someone pushes the start button of the computer, the logic circuit of the motherboard puts the input pin PS-ON at ground (GND). The transistor Q10 will be block which has the effect of Q1 also to block. The capacitor C15 begins his charging through R15. The voltage on pin 4 "IC1" decreases gradually to zero by R17. This voltage permit generating pulses whose maximum width is continually increasing. The main power supply starts gently.

During normal regime, the power is controlled by "IC1". When the transistors Q1 and Q2 conducts, Q3 and Q4 are then blocked. When we want to drive the power transistors (Q1, Q2), then we must block the driver transistors (Q3, Q4). The current passes through R46, D14 and one winding of T2. This excitation current generates a voltage on the base of the power transistor and, due to the reactive positive current, the transistor is rapidly brought to saturation. When the pulse is over, the two driver transistors are then opened. The coupling reactive positive current disappears and produces an overvoltage on the excitation winding and blocks quickly the power transistor. Then the process is repeated with the second transistor. Transistors Q1 and Q2 alternately connect one end of the primary winding of T3 to the positive or negative voltage. The power goes from the emitter of Q1 (collector of Q2) through the third winding excitation transformer T2 and then through the primary winding of the main transformer T3 and the capacitor C7 to the virtual centre of the supply voltage.

ATX power supply Output voltages stabilization

The output voltages of +5 V and +12 V are measured by IC1 through R25 and R26. Other voltages are not stabilized and are determined by the windings and the diodes polarity. On the output, the filtering coil is necessary to remove high frequency interference.

This voltage is evaluated before the coil, by the pulse width and cycle time. On the output, after the rectifier diodes, a coil is common to all voltages. When we keep the direction of winding and the number of turns corresponding to output voltages, the coil will work as a transformer and we have a compensation for the irregular charges of the individual voltages.

In practice, voltage deviations of 10% of the value are specified. The reference of the 5V voltage of the internal regulator (pin 14 of "IC1") is applied, through the voltage divider R24/R19 to pin 2 of "IC1" which is the inverting input of error amplifier. The output voltages of the power supply are applied, through the voltage divider R25, R26/R20, R21, to the non inverting input of the error amplifier (pin 1 of "IC1"). R18 and C1 stabilize the regulator. The output voltage of the error amplifier is compared, through the capacitor C11, to the voltage of the ramp.

When the output voltage decreases, the voltage on the error amplifier then increases. The pulse excitation is longer, the power transistors Q1 and Q2 conduct longer, the width of the pulse before the output coil is larger and the output power increases. The second error amplifier is blocked by the voltage of the pin 15 of IC1.

PowerGood circuit

The motherboard needs the "PowerGood" signal. When all output voltages are stable, the PowerGood signal rises to +5V (logic). The PowerGood signal is usually connected to reset signal.

Stabilization of the +3.3V voltage

Look at the circuit connected to the +3.3V output. This is an additional stabilization for offset the loss of voltage in the cables. An auxiliary wire on the connector measures the 3.3V voltage on motherboard.

ATX Overvoltage circuit

This circuit is composed of Q5, Q6 and a number of discrete components. Like in LCD TV power supply, it monitors all output voltages. When limits are exceeded, the power is off.

For example, when I short-circuit by error -5V to +5 V, the positive voltage will then go, through D10, R28, D9, to the base of Q6. This transistor now conduct and drive Q5 which applies the reference voltage of +5V to the pin 14 "IC1", through diode D11, the pin 4 "IC1" (Deadtime Control signal) which blocks the power supply. It is then kept blocked by voltage, now present on the emitter of Q5, and applied to the base of Q6 passing through D12 and R30, until the high voltage input line is disconnected.

Jun 6, 2013

Arduino Uno Pinout

Input and Output

Each of the 14 digital pins on the Arduino Uno can be used as an input or output, using pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions. They operate at 5 volts. Each pin can provide or receive a maximum of 40 mA and has an internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50 kOhms.
In addition, some pins have specialized functions:

Serial: pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip.

External Interrupts: pins 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See the attachInterrupt() function for details.

PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function.

SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI communication using the SPI library.

LED: 13. There is a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When the pin is HIGH value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it’s off.

The Uno has 6 analog inputs, labeled A0 through A5, each of which provide 10 bits of resolution (i.e. 1024 different values). By default they measure from ground to 5 volts, though is it possible to change the upper end of their range using the AREF pin and the analogReference() function. Additionally, some pins have specialized functionality:

TWI: A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin. Support TWI communication using the Wire library.

There are a couple of other pins on the board:

AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analogReference().

Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add a reset button to shields which block the one on the board.

Make A Fan Page On Facebook - Fan Pages Catapult Advertising and Branding To A Whole New Realm

Secaucus, New Jersey – Ewen Chia, world renowned Internet Marketing guru, has leveraged the power of fan pages and has launched a system, Facebook Fan Page Secrets, geared towards teaching entrepreneurs, business owners, advertisers, companies, and etc., how to make a fan page on Facebook to build credibility for their brand, advertise their businesses, and ultimately generate profits using tried-and-tested advanced Internet marketing ideas.

Facebook has grown to become one of the most popular sites on the Internet with over 400 million users and an Alexa traffic rank of 2. In fact, tens of thousands of people are joining Facebook every day. With this massive flood of new Facebook users, business owners, advertisers, and companies now have a big advantage if they decide to make a fan page on Facebook and leverage it's power by building a huge fan base and powerful brand.

With the increase in popularity of Facebook, it is easy to see that simply creating a Facebook account and adding some friends isn't enough, you need to do more. A Facebook Fan Page is the answer to this question. With a fan page you can start building followers who are keen on hearing what you have to say. Through your fan page you get instant access to these followers and can mail them highly targeted messages.

“The Facebook Fan Page Secrets program will guide you through this process and show you exactly how to set up your page and promote it so that fans come flooding in to your site. You'll also learn how to advertise your fan page so that you can get highly targeted visitors to the site quickly and easily. There is nothing else available that will give you this insight into the dominate force in social networking. As the web changes to become more and more interactive, social networking sites such as Facebook will become much more important.

This is your opportunity to join in the social networking revolution and establish yourself as a major player in the market place.”

Facebook fan pages allows you to become an authority in your chosen niche. You can create a fan base that follow your every word and respect you as a marketer. It's a great opportunity to tap into a massive, vibrant marketplace full of potential customers and buyers.

You can keep in contact with your existing customers, build a buzz about product launch and market products and offers to a group of people who have specifically expressed an interest in you. In addition, you can establish yourself as an authority in the niche, build a strong relationship with both your prospective and existing customers, target your marketing with laser like precision, build your autoresponder list, market products and services to an eager fan base, and much more.

"When he comes out with a product, I want to let you know that it has my stamp of approval." Top Internet marketer, Mike Filsaime, reiterates.

"Ewen Chia is the real deal, I've known him personally for many years and I've seen him in action first hand time and time again. But the thing that is cool about Ewen is he gives back, he really shares his knowledge with others." reveals popular marketer, Jeremy Gislason.

Founder of Warrior Forum, Allen Says adds, "He's that good. I've always been amazed at how he ranks #1 for everything he promotes. If you want to learn anything about internet marketing I couldn't imagine sending you to anyone else."

Facebook Fan Page Secrets will teach you to master how to make a fan page on Facebook and use it to build a list, build a relationship with your list and generate income. To learn more about Ewen's Facebook Fan Page Secrets program, visit: http://www.FacebookFanPageSecretsToday.com.

Top 10 Reasons You Should Have Facebook Fan Page

Is Your Business on Facebook? If not, WHY NOT?


Do you own a business? If so, you need to consider setting up a Facebook fan page. What is a fan page you may say? Some refer to fan pages as “like” pages or “business” pages; all terms are basically interchangeable.
  • As of 2012 there are over a BILLION Facebook users
  • 48% of 18-34 year olds check Facebook when they wake up
  • 35+ year olds represent over 30% of the Facebook userbase
  • 71.2% of the US web audience is on Facebook
  • 57% of people talk more online than they do in real life
  • 48% of young Americans find out about news through Facebook
  • 750 million photos were uploaded over New Year’s weekend
  • In 20 minutes on Facebook there are:
    • 1 million links shared
    • 1.48 million event invites
    • 1.97 million friend requests accepted
    • 2.71 million photos uploaded
    • 2.71 messages sent
    • 1.32 million photos tagged
    • 1.85 million status updates
    • 1.58 million wall posts; and
    • 10.2 million comments made.
Originally, the intent behind Facebook fan pages was to allow “famous” people or large companies to connect with the masses. A personal profile page within Facebook has a limit of 5000 friends and many requested a larger “fan” option, thus the “Fan Page” was born.

You might be thinking…well I am not a celebrity OR a large company so why do I need a Fan Page? Regardless of what type of business you have, you can benefit from having a fan page presence on Facebook and here is why…

1. Massive Marketplace

here are 600 million users on Facebook (nearly twice the population of the US);
50% of users login every day;
The average user spends 55 minutes on Facebook every day;
70% of Facebook users are located outside the US; and
Facebook is available in 70 different languages.

2. Analytics

Facebook has a feature called Insights that allows you to track your fan base demographics by gender, age, location and even language. You can also track comments that receive the most interaction which will allow you to continue providing content that will engage your target audience.
3. Branding

Fan pages are a bit of a different animal and because they are different, they add value that your personal profile does not. Fan pages allow you to brand your business, use your logo and customize your “look” just as you would a website. With this extremely valuable tool available to you, you can keep your “brand” consistent across the board as it relates to all aspects of your online presence.

The other value to fan pages is that you can keep the personal “you” separate from the business “you”. This is a great way to still maintain relationships with family and friends through your personal profile while maintaining a separate business presence on Facebook.
4. Unlimited Fans

Your personal profile page has a limit of 5000 friends that is imposed by Facebook. While most of us do not have 5000 personal friends, if you are combining your personal friends with your business contacts or prospects, this number can be turn out to be very limiting.

A fan page, on the other hand, will allow you to have an unlimited number of “fans”. Some celebrity fan pages number into the thousands and even millions of fans.

The other really big advantage of a fan page versus your personal profile, it that a fan page will allow you to send updates to all your fans at one time. Your personal profile page only allows you to send out to 20 people at a time. However, I would caution against contacting your fan base more than a few times a week. You should be careful to consider their time and you certainly don’t want to overtax their inbox with miscellaneous stuff that could just as easily be posted to the fan page wall. Sending too much stuff will simply annoy your fans and cause them to leave your fan page.
5. Google and SEO

This is a BIGGEE! Fan pages are fully indexed by Google, which means that anything you post on your fan page can be found by anyone doing a Google search. Content from your personal profile page or a group does not have this same benefit. Exposure to your business or service will be expanded because your social media content will now be found by anyone (not just a Facebook user) who searches via Google. Additionally, Facebook is the 2nd most trafficked site; second only to Google in fact. Any links from your fan page to your website will increase your chances of achieving higher rankings within Google.
6. Instant Admission

Your personal profiles as well as groups are semi closed environments, depending on privacy settings or the option of joining a specific group. Your fan page, on the other hand, is totally open to anyone who stumbles across it. If someone is searching for something through Google and your fan page pops up, that person can view the entire fan page without “liking” or “joining”. Obviously, it is your hope that they will “like” the page. You can add incentives to build the desire to join your fan page but joining is not necessary for them to view the content of the page.
7. Interaction with Your Target Market (Fans)

Your Facebook fan page permits you to have a more personal communication with your fans than you can have through your website. Obviously, you could set up forums or other communication methods but most small business owners do not travel this road. Adding features such as this can be costly and many small businesses simply do not set aside funds for this type of customer interaction. This is why a Facebook fan page is so valuable. You can have all the collaboration tools available within Facebook for FREE! You can share content, videos, photos, run contests, ask questions, etc. This interaction will build relationships with your target market (fans). Encouraging interaction and building a sense of community will ensure that they keep coming back.
8. Drive Traffic to Your Site

Another huge benefit to Facebook fan pages is that you can customize them and make them appear as a mini version of your website. You can have an opt-in option, display videos, and even have customers order directly from your fan page. Remember Facebook has over 350 million ACTIVE users and if you tap into even a fraction of this market, WOW! By connecting and building relationships you dramatically increase your ability to market your products and services to your fan base!
9. Multimedia Advantages

Facebook allows the end user to upload videos, photos and audio files for FREE. Essentially this means that you do not have to worry about your web host dinging you for more bandwidth if your video goes viral and gets 500,000 views in a month. Additionally, it is a known fact that people response rates to videos are much higher than text. The use of videos on your fan page will increase the quality their experience on your fan page which will keep them coming back.

You might feel that your business would not generate a lot of interest but fan pages are a MUST if you own a business. They provide one more way for your business to be “seen” and that is a crucial piece of marketing online…visibility.

10. Events

You can use Facebook Events to advertise happenings within your business to your fan base to gain more exposure.

Facebook and SEO : 5 Ways To Optimize Your Business Page

Having a Facebook page for your business is a great first step, but to truly maximize it as a marketing machine and capitalize on the promotional power that Facebook offers, business owners need to successfully optimize their pages using proven SEO tactics and strategies.

Top Optimizing Tips For Transforming Your Facebook Page

If you’re ready to transform your existing Facebook page into an effectively optimized promotional resource, read on. Incorporating these five critical SEO techniques can help ensure that your organization is operating at the top of its Facebook game.

Tip #1 – Consider your featured photos: You may want to renovate your top five featured photos feed to ensure that visitors see your images in the order you want them to see them, each and every time they check your page out. These images can refresh each time you add a photo, or you can set them to present a fixed, branded visual to captivate your visitors.

Tip #2 – Tag your followers: Speaking of pictures, be sure to also tag your posted Facebook photos as needed with the names of your followers. The tagging fun doesn’t stop there; also tag fans directly in your posts by using the “@” symbol before the client’s name that you’re connecting with. This will instantly let them (and their entire network) see your update.

Tip #3 – Sprinkle keywords throughout your page: Keywords are still a magnet for search engine visibility. Occasionally use naturally-placed keywords in your status updates, photo descriptions, and overall communication to boost your page’s SEO benefit.

Tip #4 – Maximize the value of your page’s left-side panel: On the left side of every Facebook page is a list of links that can be displayed for every viewer to see. Adding relevant links such as “events,” “photos,” “discussions,” etc. can make your most important business information easily accessible to your clients. Remember, only 8 links can be viewed at a time before the panel requires visitors to click a “More” drop down menu…choose your links wisely.

Tip #5 – Embrace the vanity URL: Never settle for the standard issue Facebook URL that comes with opening your account; Facebook vanity URL’s offers business owners the chance to quickly direct users to an easy to remember link that can also help enhance brand recognition.

Best Way on Testing Laptop Backlight (CCFL) and Inverter

We will be concentrating on LCD Inverter and CCFL bulb.

Laptop with black screen problem is commonly caused by:
  1. a defective backlight, which is the cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) bulb malfunction
  2. defective laptop’s inverter board
  3. no video output going to the LCD Screen
It is not an easy job repairing laptops specially if we don’t have parts that we can use to replace to the parts we are suspecting to be the culprit. So now, we will going to try to make our own tools for testing a bad CCFL backlight of a laptop.

Tools Needed For this Project:
  1. 9volts battery
  2. 9v battery connector
  3. known good CCFL inverter from any laptop or LCD monitor.
Once you have the tools that we needed, we can continue to the next procedure.

About The Video Output:

If the laptop is equipped with an external monitor connector, we can easily check if the problem of having a black screen is caused by a faulty video card or GPU within the laptop or maybe the problem resides inside the LCD which is the inverter and CCFL bulb.

Connect an external monitor to the VGA Port of the laptop and check if there is a video output to the monitor.

There is some model of laptop that requires you to press a FN key plus a key with a picture of a monitor to switch between the LCD laptop to external monitor.

Then now, if you get a video on your external monitor then you now know there is a LCD screen, CCFL bulb and inverter board problem. If the external monitor doesn’t get any video at all, then suspect a video (GPU) or video cable problem.

Checking the CCFL Bulb:

On checking whether your CCFL bulb if it is still functional, we can use our own known good inverter to test the CCFL bulb is still working or in good condition.

Using the Known Good Inverter:

Now, with our known good inverter, connect the CCFL bulb. And next, supplies a power to it using our 9v battery. A laptop inverter is usually powered by 12v and up but with our 9v battery, it is just enough to start the circuit of an inverter.

Connect the black probe from our battery source to the yellow wire, which is usually the 12v supply coming from laptop circuits, but to find more accurately the connection of the power source of an inverter, all you have to do is to find where is the connection of the SMD fuse in the circuit of the inverter. And the black probe to the ground screw hole of the inverter board.If our CCFL bulb lights up like in the picture below, then we now know that our CCFL bulb is good and working and now we can suspect that our inverter board is bad.

Checking Inverter:

Since that our known good inverter have able to light up the LCD Screen, and then connect the inverter of the laptop back to its position. Then we are going to conduct a test to it using the procedure we did to our known good inverter. And if it won’t lights up the CCFL bulb, then we can suspect that our inverter is defective and needs to be replaced to a new one or simply you can check it if the fuse is open. If it is open, try to make a jumper through the fuse using a thin wire to serves as our fuse, then redo the testing again with same procedure as we use on our known good inverter.

Checking the Power Supply Line:

If our known good inverter light up our CCFL bulb and the Laptop’s inverter also lights up using the 9v battery as its power source, then we are going to suspect the 12 volts power supply line from the laptop’s motherboard.

Let us get our multitester/multimeter and set it to DC Volts.

Plugged our AC Adapter and turn on our Laptop.

Put the black probe to the ground screw hole on the motherboard and the red probe to the yellow or the supply line and see if you have a voltage reading on that connection.

If you are can’t read any voltages from the connector then let us suspect a problem on the motherboard itself and this needs a lot of knowledge and experience on repairing Laptop.

At this point, we will have to bring the unit to a technician who have the knowledge of repairing a complicated problem of a Laptop.

How-To Make Transformless Power Supply

Upon surfing the net, I have found this site: http://electroschematics.com displaying their projects on making a Transformerless Power Supply with a 12 volts output voltage and a current of 100mA.

This is a transformerless power supply for low current applications. C1 is the X rated AC capacitor that reduces high volt AC. D1-D4 rectifies AC to DC and C2 removes ripples. R1 is the bleeder to remove stored current in AC when power is off. R2 limits inrush current. A Zener can be used in the output to get regulated DC.

Schematic Diagram of Transformerless Power Supply

We usually see this kind of power supply on a China made model of rechargeable products like flashlights and mosquito killer. This circuit catches my attention because of its application in our work which needs a power supply and we can also use this power low current circuits like some of our projects that don’t needs too much power requirements.

Caution! Circuit is lethal since it carries high volt AC. Do not touch or test when connected to Mains. Enclose in a shock proof case.

Note: “Be careful, this circuit is not isolated from 220 volts AC. It needs some extra care in handling this kind of supply. Dangerous High Voltage AC.”

Do-It-Yourself Piso Net

The Piso Net is most like the absolute solution for Internet Cafe owner that needless manning, for a minimum of single person to manage the small business. This Piso Net kit can be DIY and everything is available at Raon, Quiapo, Manila.

Just few of screenshot of the Piso Net kit, this Piso Net kit is also customizable that fits your needs.

Piso Net Snap Review

Piso Net is a token Internet with your 1 (one) peso coin you can already usedand surf the net, the concept is just similar to the amusement token games before you can play you must insert first your token and the timer will starts.

Piso Net has been making quite a buzz in the metro since early 2010, but it’s not only until recently that the enterprise got the attention of business-minded folks. So what is Piso Net and how are things from a business standpoint? Is it really a viable source of extra income?

Piso Net is basically a merge of PC rental and Arcade rental services wherein customers can pay the services by inserting coins to the machine. The rate is typically 4mins/peso which also amounts to the typical Internet Cafe rate of Php15/hr. This rate can be tweaked higher or lower either to be more competitive and entice customers or gain more income by decreasing the minutes/peso.

So if there’s not much difference in pricing, what is the advantage of Piso Net over traditional Internet Cafe's? Well some internet Cafe have a fixed rates and minimum minutes of usage, this makes for not-so ideal scenario for budget-conscious Pinoys. And although the rate is the same, Piso Net offers a much flexible alternative that most internet Cafes don't and that is to have more control on how much time and money a customer is willing to spend at a given time.

The setup is rather simple with the bare PC parts are inside a wooden box similar to that of an Arcade machine or Videoke machine. Much like the Arcade machine, it is activated by inserting coin/s which triggers the machine. Once the time is consumed, the machine cuts off the display and will resume when a coin is inserted. The bottom wooden part inside the machine has a carved hole to collect the coins.

Now that you have a better perspective of how it works, let’s delve in to the business side of things. PC Express is one of the known providers of Piso Net machines. They offer a variety of configurations pegged at different price points.

Here are the available configurations on their website.

Intel Core i3-2100 3.10GHz dual-core
4GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM
NVidia GT430 1Gb DDR3 VRAM
18.5" BenQ LED Monitor
Creative 2W speakers

Intel Pentium dual-core G620 2.60GHz
4GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM
Radeon HD5570 1GB DDR3 VRAM
18.5" BenQ LED Monitor
Creative 2W speakers

There are also other providers who offer the same configuration for a cheaper price. Depending on your market, which is most of the time your neighbors, you can choose a configuration that suits your market’s needs (internet, gaming and/or document editing). Needless to say that gauging your market and choosing the right configuration is crucial to the success of the business and the amount of time to spend to return the investment.

We did some research on how things are going on a revenue standpoint. We interviewed a housewife married to an OFW who runs a 3 Piso Net units business for little over six months now. She got it for Php20,000 apiece and placed it in small space inside their house. According to her the monthly revenue averages at Php17,000/month. If we break down on a per week and per day, the revenues averages at Php4,265 and Php610 respectively. So a Piso Net unit generates more or less Php5,600/month, Php1,410/week and Php200 a day. This revenue is based on 16×7 operation on a not-so developed areas.

In terms of cost of operation, she said that the 3 units electricity consumption amounts to Php2,700 per month and Php1,000 for the internet service connection. Since she’s not paying for the rental location, the total cost of operation only sums to Php3,700 per month. So if we deduct the TCO from the monthly average revenue (17,000 minus 3,700), you'd have an average net revenue of Php13,300 per month. At this pace, the turnaround for the return of investment is only 5 months.

Another benefit of Piso Net is that it requires less effort to maintain unlike with Internet Cafes. All the personnel need to do is to make sure that he/she has more than enough stock of 1 peso coins and units are pretty much on auto-pilot. I only wish that the future iteration of the machine supports coin amounts bigger than a Peso because it can be a pain in the neck to drop a coin every now and then.

So is the Piso Net a lucrative business? Given the breakdown of revenue and the right circumstances, yes we think it is a viable source of extra income. But in any business there will be potential drawbacks, we'd like to hear your thoughts on what are the potential disadvantages of running a Piso Net business.

How-To Make Your Own Isolation Transformer

According to Wikipedia, “An isolation transformer is a transformer used to transfer electrical power from a source of alternating current (AC) power to some equipment or device while isolating the powered device from the power source, usually for safety.”

Circuit Diagram of Isolation Transformer Using Two Transformer

Making your very own Isolation Transformer can keep you away from the risk of hazardous electrical shock while we are doing some repairs. According to Mi25, ” It also keeps us away from further damage to the equipment we are repairing like TV set, power supplies, and amplifiers that are under test condition because it will make the AC output low. This may not absolutely prevent component damage but it will surely helps in most cases.”

Here are the sample photos of the isolation transformer based on the circuit diagram above:

Use two identical transformer with a 6amp/22o volts with an output of 12v-0v-12v center tap.

Connect it back to back the 12v-12v. The 0v don’t have any connection at all.

Completely wired with neon lamp connected as its power indicator.

Isolation Transformer Powering a 220V/100watt bulb this article and images are all credits to: Mi25 of Elab Forum

Major Health Hazards of Using Compact Fluorescent Lights

Today majority of the people are concerned about environmental safety and take adequate measures to reduce green house effect. One of the simplest methods to protect the environment is with the use of CFL bulbs. Compact Fluorescent Lights are known to be energy efficient and inexpensive in comparison to ordinary incandescent bulbs. Today it is widely used all over the world as it possesses many beneficial features.

However, most people are unaware of its grave drawbacks even though it helps to conserve energy. It includes a greater health risk in comparison to the ordinary incandescent light bulbs. There are many serious health risks associated with the use of Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs and some of the most important drawbacks are elaborated in the following sections of this article.

Dangers of Using CFL Bulbs:

Mercury Content: The Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs are actually hazardous to the environment as it contains mercury. Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin that affects the functions of the neurotransmitters of the human brain. It also causes serious damages to the cell and tissues of the body. Exposure to mercury can cause autism, infertility, thyroid disorders, anxiety, memory loss and depression. It is highly dangerous to pets, pregnant women and small children.

The mercury contained in the bulbs pose little threat to the environment but when it is broken, it releases toxic fumes which are very harmful to health. It is hazardous to the environment when it is disposed in garbage cans and land fills. With the use of cfl bulbs, mankind is exposed to various types of illnesses. Today it is considered to be a hazardous waste material which should not be disposed in landfills and garbage cans.

Migraines: The use of CFL bulbs are also related to migraine attacks. Most people experience headaches and strains due to the excessive usage of these light bulbs. In the earlier days, CFL bulbs used to flicker which may have caused migraine attacks. There are no substantial evidence to prove the relation between migraine attacks and fluorescent lights. But many people have experienced headaches and blurring visions with the use of these light bulbs.

UV Emissions: Fluorescent light bulbs also emit ultraviolet rays and so it is considered to be harmful to human health. People experience skin rashes and other ailments due to the use of CFL bulbs. It also proves to be detrimental to people suffering from skin disorders.

Radio Frequency Radiation: Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs emit radio frequency radiations which affects the functions of wireless instruments.

Despite the consequences, CFL bulbs are used in homes, office spaces and other places as it is still considered to be one of the best lighting options. However, there are some steps which can be followed to avoid potential health hazards.
  •  Choose to buy fluorescent lights with low UV radiation
  •  Handle these bulbs with care
  •  Buy bulbs with glass covers that will prevent UV radiation
  •  Take proper measures to clean the area if the bulb breaks
LED and incandescent bulbs are still considered to be the best lighting options as it is safer and eco-friendly.

Jun 5, 2013

Compact Fluorescent Lights And Environmental Issues

CFL (Compact fluorescent lights) bulbs are seen as an environmentally friendly replacement for incandescent lights. But are they really as good for the environment as claimed? The two issues often raised as arguments against using CFL's are

1 - It requires more energy to manufacture a CFL than an incandescent lamp.

2 - CFL's contain mercury which can potentially end up polluting the environment.

The first issue is fairly easily answered in that even though they do require additional energy to manufacture; this is soon offset as CFLs last a lot longer than incandescent bulb.

On this issue of mercury pollution I have summarized some of the for and against points of view below:

Arguments For CFL's
  • Overall mercury emission by compact fluorescent lamps is less than the mercury released into the atmosphere by coal-fired power generation for an equivalent incandescent lamp over the same period. This assumption is based on the electricity generated to run lighting in your local area being generated via coal fired power stations. While this currently (2007) the case in Australia many places in the world today generate their electricity by other more environmentally friendly means.
  • Mercury from used CFLs in landfills is not released into air and with proper disposal will not be released into the subsurface or groundwater.
  • The mercury content of CFLs that use 25 to 40 watts of electricity will be capped at 6 mg per unit (this is proposed in the United States)
  • Because CFLs longer life cycle, fewer bulbs and less packaging ends up in landfill.
Arguments Against CFL's
  • Many places in the world produce little energy from coal fired power plants (eg California). In the USA coal plants are now mandated to reduce their mercury emissions by between 70% and 90%.The issue of mercury is therefore likely to become more significant as electricity generation gets cleaner and CFLs become more widespread.
  • The 6mg of mercury claimed for CFL's is largely a goal at present and not the current reality.
  • A lot of CFL's are made in China with energy sourced from coal fired power plants.
  • CFL's are delivered here on ships using bunker oil, the worst mercury producer of the fuel oils.
  • There are currently very few recycling program in place or planned to handle the number of CFL's proposed.

Kabang : famed dog lost her snout and upper jaw for saving lives

SAN FRANCISCO -- A famed dog that lost her snout and upper jaw saving two girls' lives in the Philippines was released from a California hospital Monday, officials said.

The dog – named Kabang – will be headed back to its owner in the Philippines following treatment at the University of California, Davis veterinary hospital, said UC Davis veterinary professor Frank Verstraete. Doctors at the hospital performed surgery to heal her wounds, though they could not reconstruct Kabang's jaw or snout, Verstraete said.

"She's a very, very happy, functional dog, and that is all that we were after," Verstraete said.

Kabang had her snout and upper jaw sheared off in December 2011 when she jumped in front of a motorcycle in the Philippines. She saved the lives of her owner's daughter and niece, who were apparently in the path of the oncoming cycle.

Nearly a year after Kabang sustained the injuries, a nurse from Buffalo, N.Y. was able to raise the money to bring her to the U.S. Veterinarians in the Philippines were apparently unable to treat her injuries.

Doctors at UC Davis were unable to perform surgery on Kabang initially because she needed to be treated for other ailments, including a tumor and heartworms. Treatment of those ailments would have prevented her wounds from healing.

Doctors took skin from her cheeks, neck, and forehead to cover up sensitive areas that were exposed on her face during the March surgery, Verstraete said.

Kabang is expected to fly back to the Philippines on Thursday. Via huffingtonpost

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water

Water is the most important element of sustaining life. Water is also an important health nutrient. It is recommended that one drinks minimum of eight glasses of water to maintain the elasticity of the skin, to regulate body temperature, for absorption of nutrients into the blood and for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Do you know drinking water is essential to remove the toxins from the body and for proper bowel movements? However, the question is, are you drinking quality water? Does the water contain alkaline?

What is Alkaline Water?

Water which is neither neutral nor acidic on the pH scale is known as the alkaline water. In fact, the level of pH is higher in alkalized, or ionized, water compared to the normal tap water. Natural alkaline water is found in the springs, ponds and deep wells in the higher altitudes. It is also found in glacial runoff streams and mountain wells. However, alkaline water can be acquired in your home because it can be created using a water ionizer.

The Benefits of Alkaline Water

Drinking alkalized water has many benefits because alkaline neutralizes acid. Consumption of this water facilitates body to reduce as well as dispose off the acidic wastes. Remember, accumulation of acidic waste leads to aging. Alkaline water helps to reverse aging by dissolving acid wastes. However, you must understand water that is ionized is not a medicine but only an agent that has the ability to retain your health and youth. Let's delve into the benefits of ionized water.

To prevent your body from dehydration you need to drink at least four liters of water that is rich in minerals and alkaline. Alkaline water has a pH value between 8 and 9 and this helps in hydration. It is also an excellent conductor of electrochemical activity between cells. By flushing out the toxins and acids from the body, this water helps in regulating all the cellular functions from the heart beats to the neural performances of the brain.

Drinking water water before you eat helps in weight reduction. It is a fact that food cravings are more extreme when you are thirsty. Quenching your thirst can lead to eating less and healthier food.

Studies show that alkaline water is an anti-oxidant and helps to increase the energy level of your body. It also facilitates clarity of mind due to extra oxygen content.

Drinking ionized water before or after meals would enhance efficient absorption of nutrients and also improves digestion. In brief, alkaline water helps to maintain the pH level of your body. You can rightly say that it is one of the keys to stay healthy and young.

Backtrack 5 OpenVas Tutorial

OpenVas is a open source vulnerability assesment system just like nessus, openVas used to find the vulnerabilities on a computer system, it is open source so you dont need to buy it, however you can get home feed of nessus for free too, but we consider both of them.

You can find nessus on backtrack 5 but you have to install openvas on backtrack5, so below is the tutorial for Openvas it includes how to install openvas in backtrack 5 and some basic usage.

Backtrack5 is not necessary to run openvas, if you are using some other version of backtrack or if you are using some other distro like Ubuntu than the procedure is same.

How To Install OpenVas

Open terminal on bt5 or ubuntu and type exactly
root@bt:~# apt-get install openvas

root@bt:~# sudo apt-get update
It begins your openvas installation and update all the applications. When Openvas has been installed you can find it on Application --> Backtrack --> Vulnerability assessment --> vulnerability scanner --> Openvas . See the picture.

On the next step click on openvas-check-setup, it will show you the problem and suggest some solution.
Its time to add user, from the menu select Openvas adduser, enter the login name and password, for rule type ctrl-d.

Now click on OpenVas NVT sync, by this you will get the latest NVT's from openvas database, you must do this step frequently to make update your Openvas.
Start openvas scanner from the menu, it may takes some time.
Open terminal for setting up openvas manager, use the command

root@bt:~# openvas-mkcert-client -n om -i

rebuild the database by the command

root@bt:~# openvasmd --rebuild

On the terminal type the command to set openvas administrator

root@bt:~# openvasad -c 'add_user' -n openvasadmin -r Admin

Now click on start Openvas manager from the menu and use the command.

root@bt:~# openvasmd -p 9390 -a

Start openvas administrator from the menu and type

root@bt:~# openvasad -a -p 9393

Your are almost done, just start Greenbone security assistant and use

root@bt:~# gsad --http-only --listen= -p 9392

Now open your web browser and type
Use your username and password that has been set on previous step.

Free Energy Generator believe it or not!

To all my blog readers I want to share this YouTube video about this Free Energy Generator it looks like really convincing and believable without recalling your EE101. Feel free and enjoy watching to this video and credits to the uploader.

To prove this video for my hesitation I will start soon collecting all these electronics motors, magnet and the coils. It looks like this is unbelievable to my knowledge.

Low-Head Microhydro - Thai Style

For the past several years, Chris Greacen has been living in Bangkok, Thailand, with his wife Chom and their two children, 5-year-old Ty and 3-year-old Isara. He and Chom run a small, nonprofit organization called Palang Thai. (“Palang” means energy or empowerment. “Thai” means freedom or independence.) Through policy and hands-on activities, the organization works to improve governance in the region’s energy sector, and to increase the use of renewable energy in Thailand and the Mekong region of Southeast Asia. They’ve enjoyed several victories in their tenure: drafting Thailand’s net metering regulations, helping to shape legislation that establishes an independent energy regulator, and installing solar-electric systems for medical clinics in war-torn areas of Burma (see “Solar Lights for a Dark Time in Burma” in HP113). Here Chris writes about one of their most recent projects: the installation of a low-head microhydro system in northern Thailand.

Last summer, while my family and I were visiting Doi Inthanon National Park in northern Thailand, we spent some time in Mae Klang Luang—a hill-tribe village about 12 miles inside the park. Though the 200-year-old village only recently opened its doors to tourists, it has quickly become a sought-after destination for its cultural and ecological allure. The village sits in the shadow of Doi Inthanon, Thailand’s tallest mountain—among the easternmost beginnings of the Himalayas. The villagers are members of the Karen ethnic minority who migrated to the Thai/Burma area centuries ago from Mongolia. Though the village is very traditional in most ways—the people still harvest and thresh rice by hand—the electric grid was brought into Mae Klang Luang in 2007. Even with utility electricity on hand, some of the villagers still prefer energy independence—tapping the watershed’s abundant streams and rivers to generate their own electricity.

We ended up in Mae Klang Luang after a friend told me about a homestay program that would allow us to live with a local family for a few days. Chom and I liked the idea of supporting the community while exposing our children to the Karen way of life. When we finally arrived in the village, after a two-hour car ride along winding roads, we were surprised to find a film production crew, complete with police barricades, setting up to film a documentary that involved a member of the Thai royal family. An overzealous policeman told us that we could not stay in the village and we would have to turn back. Luckily, a local man, admittedly upset by the policeman’s readiness to turn away tourism dollars, overheard the conversation and intervened. Our new friend introduced himself as Somsak Khiriphumthong and directed us down the road to a host home.

Later that evening, I met up with Somsak at a bamboo shed where community members gather to roast, grind, and drink locally produced organic coffee. I came to learn that Somsak runs a training center that teaches local people about the importance of organic farming, environmental preservation, and watershed management. His mission, as he explained, is to promote ecologically sound microenterprise while still preserving the cultural traditions of his people. Somewhere between our first and second cups of coffee, the topic shifted to renewable energy and my work with Palang Thai.

Somsak admitted that he had reluctantly brought grid electricity to the training center from the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), Thailand’s rural distribution company. Initially he had resisted using PEA because of his concern for the environment. “Trees have to be cut down to get the power poles in, and PEA electricity comes from Thailand’s mineral resources, like coal,” says Somsak. “When they take coal from the mountains, they destroy them, and the air too. Plus, PEA power means paying a bill every month.”

Even with grid electricity now on site, Somsak was still interested in using a nearby stream to generate electricity to power some of the center’s loads. Somsak said that he had tried his hand at hydro-electricity several years ago, and rehashed one failed attempt that involved a makeshift Pelton turbine he made from a bicycle wheel and an automotive alternator. After talking some more about the water resource at the center, I said, “Well, I know of a turbine that I can bring up. Let’s do it.”

Back for the Installation

In November, I made my way back to Mae Klang Luang with a $90 Vietnamese-manufactured, low-head hydro turbine in hand. While the use of these turbines is still fairly uncommon in this region, they are popular with the few locals who already use them, primarily due to the units’ low cost. The fact that the technology is pretty straightforward is attractive too. There are few parts, worn-out bearings can be easily replaced, and the weir and waterway that deliver water to the turbine can be inexpensively built using local lumber, rocks, sandbags, and bamboo.

The turbine I purchased for Somsak’s installation came equipped with a guide vane and propeller assembly, a 2-foot-long enclosed shaft, and a permanent-magnet, 220-volt (nominal) AC alternator. The $90 price tag also included a small voltage controller. The turbine/controller combination is designed to power AC loads directly, without any kind of battery storage in the system. If the combined household electric load is insufficient, the controller’s simple transistor circuit drives a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) to maintain a constant load on the turbine by diverting excess electricity to a resistive submersible heating element. This control method regulates the turbine’s AC voltage.

Prior to my arrival, Somsak and his friends had built a small support for the turbine’s trough (waterway) from scrap wood and bamboo. The support, which needed to be strong enough to support the weight of the trough, turbine, and several hundred pounds of water, was positioned near a small stream that runs year-round by the training center. At this location, the streambed dropped about 6 feet over a 15-foot span.

When I arrived in Mae Klang Luang, we immediately got to work building a 15-foot-long waterway in two sections, using lumber and bamboo that was on hand. Much of the work was done with a multitool and a machete—though we grabbed hammers, wire cutters, and screwdrivers as needed. We cut a 6-inch-diameter hole for the turbine in the bottom of one end of the trough and wrapped the end with a rounded section of galvanized sheet metal.

Once the waterway was fastened to the bamboo support structure, we secured the bottom of the turbine in the trough and then fit the draft tube—6.5 feet of 6-inch PVC pipe—to the base of the trough. We positioned the pipe slightly above the streambed but still submersed in the pool below so that the water discharge from the draft tube was unobstructed.

The wiring of the project was pretty simple. We ran 150 feet of cable from the turbine to the controller, which we mounted inside one of the center’s buildings. We installed the diversion-heating element in a 20-gallon bucket of water located under the building to keep it away from the village children. I made sure Somsak understood it was imperative to keep the diversion load submerged to prevent it from burning out.

Up & Running

After everything was installed, we went over the hydro setup one last time, double-checking the wiring and installation details. Once we determined that everything was good to go, we opened the intake in the stream, watched the trough fill with water, and listened as the hydro turbine spun.

Along with the turbine’s whirring, a loud sucking sound caught our attention. Through trial and error, we discovered that a bad seal between the draft tube and the trough was affecting the turbine’s output. Somsak disappeared for a bit and miraculously, considering our remote location, came back with a sheet of firm synthetic sponge material used to make the soles of sandals, the locals’ preferred footwear. We cut a gasket from the material, fit it between the trough and draft tube, and just like that, the turbine’s output jumped to 0.7 amps at 220 VAC—154 watts—from about 500 gallons per minute of water falling only 6 feet.

I did a little more geeking with my digital multimeter and noticed that the turbine’s voltage controller seemed to produce a waveform with considerable harmonics. At one point, my meter, obviously reading the third harmonic, indicated a frequency of 155 hertz. This “dirty” waveform really wasn’t very surprising. The control unit operates by slicing part of the alternator’s sine wave to send to the diversion load, which means that only a sliced portion of the waveform is going to the appliances. For lighting, fluorescent bulbs with the old-fashioned magnetic ballasts seem to be more tolerant of the turbine’s low power quality than compact fluorescents (CFs) with electronic ballasts.

Power quality aside, our hydro installation was both fun and successful, and Somsak was delighted to have a functioning hydro system at the education center. The turbine powers fluorescent lights in several buildings and the occasional small appliance, like a radio or CD player.

Low Head & Low Cost

Reportedly, 100,000 low-head hydro turbines have been installed in rural Vietnam. And every one of these turbines creates more interest in utilizing local hydro resources to generate renewable electricity at remote sites beyond the reach of the utility grid. In Somsak’s case, even though utility power was available, he opted to produce his own electricity, independently—further proving that the call for clean, independent energy is not only heard across the United States, but also in the remote villages in Thailand, and everywhere in between.

Via Homepower


Chris Greacen (www.palangthai.org) and his family will move stateside this spring. Thanks to a long-term lease from the Lopez Community Land Trust, the family will build a net zero energy, solar-powered home on Lopez Island in Washington’s Puget Sound.

Web Extra: Video of this project can be viewed at: www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=cgreacen

Center for Water Resources Conservation & Development • info@warecod.org • www.warecod.org • Vietnamese low-head turbines

Energy Systems & Design • www.microhydropower.com • Canadian low-head turbine manufacturer

PowerPal • www.powerpal.com • Canadian importer of Vietnamese low-head turbines