Mar 26, 2015

Understanding Menstrual Cycle Problems

Onset of menses or menarche is an important event in a woman's life. It signals sexual and reproductive maturity of a woman. Menstrual cycle is a complicated reproductive function that involves many organs and hormones. Every month, female ovaries produce a mature ovum or egg under the influence of female hormones. The uterine lining also thickens in order to prepare for a possible conception. If no fertilization occurs, the egg is transported to the uterus, where along with the uterine lining, it is shed as a part of menstrual bleeding. This cycle repeats fairly regularly in women, though a few variations are perfectly normal. However, the complexity of this event and involvement of multiple organs, make it prone to a few problems.

Common Menstrual Cycle Problems

A normal menstrual cycle is one which occurs every 28 days wherein menstruation lasts for about 3 to 5 days. However, every woman has a unique pattern of menstrual cycle, which may vary from the so-called 'normal cycle'. As long as this pattern remains identical every month, there is usually no reason to worry. However, some abnormalities regarding menstrual cycle are worthy of investigation, as they may be indicative of a serious medical trouble.

Irregular Menses
This is a broad and vague term, which covers a plethora of menstrual problems. Irregularity can be in terms of length or duration. Remember, a long menstrual cycle (35-40 days) is not necessarily irregular, if it arrives roughly at the same time. However, too short (less than 25 days) or too long (more than 40 days) cycles are indeed considered irregular. Given below are some conditions that are characterized by irregular menses.

Oligomenorrhea is condition in which you only get few periods a year. If you get anywhere between 3 to 6 periods a year, you may be having oligomenorrhea. Besides, this condition is also characterized by very light bleeding. Oligomenorrhea, itself is not a disease, but often, it is a symptom of some other condition. Stress, hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and obesity are some possible causes of oligomenorrhea. Sometimes, lifestyle changes such as diet and exercises can be used to treat this symptom, whereas in other cases, contraceptive pills or hormonal therapy can be used for regulating menses.

This is a condition in which a woman does not ovulate normally. Anovulation is not a condition by itself, but it is often a prime irregular period cause. However, sometimes, women who are regular with their menses may also have ovulation problems. Thus, a woman may not know she has ovulation problems until she tries for conception and fails. Ovulation can be induced with the help of certain medications, which may regulate menses and help a woman to get pregnant.

Cessation of Menstrual Cycle
While irregular menses are characterized by a fewer menses, a condition named amenorrhea signals complete cessation of periods. Amenorrhea is said to have occurred if a woman in reproductive age group cannot get her periods without medical assistance. A woman is also said to have amenorrhea, if she never reaches menarche. Amenorrhea is considered normal in women in menopausal age group. Besides, pregnancy and breastfeeding also bring about amenorrhea for short time. However, serious causes of amenorrhea include, PCOS, excessive exercises, anorexia nervosa and similar health disorders.

Painful Menstruation
If you experience abnormal menstrual cycle symptoms such as excessive cramping, heavy bleeding or bleeding with clots, then you may be having any of the following conditions.

Dysmenorrhea is very painful menstruation with cramps and heavy bleeding. Often endometriosis or ovarian cysts are the possible causes behind this condition. Heavy bleeding during periods along with clotting is usually a sign of uterine fibroids or polyps, which are benign growths in uterus. A woman may experience excessive bleeding as a result of this condition.

Menorrhagia is characterized by heavy bleeding and abdominal cramping. This condition is usually common in young girls and women nearing menopause. As both these stages are characterized by shift in hormones, hormonal imbalance can be considered as a causative factor behind this condition. It is usually not of a very serious consequence, as hormones stabilize themselves in a matter of time.

Other Problems
Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are some other hormonal or physiological problems that may interfere with the functioning of menstrual cycle. Premature ovarian failure (POF) is one such problem which disrupts the normal functioning of ovaries. Ovaries may stop ovulating all of sudden in women of reproductive age group. While there is no treatment to reverse this condition, estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) may help a woman to cope with dysfunctional ovaries to some extent. Apart from that, there are other problems which are associated with menstrual cycle but are not caused as a result of malfunctioning of any reproductive organ. These include bloating, sore breasts, mood swings, etc. These are temporary side effects of menstrual cycle, which subside soon.

Women of reproductive age group must immediately seek medical help at the first sign of problem as these conditions may hamper their conception chances. Similarly, conditions such as painful menstruation and heavy bleeding must also be diagnosed for the underlying cause and treated accordingly.

Symptoms and Treatment For Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder associated with the endocrine system. It is a common hormonal disorder that affects almost 5% women in the United States. This syndrome is usually characterized by the development of small cysts in the ovaries (polycystic ovaries), and hormonal imbalance. But sometimes, many women can have cysts in the ovaries without PCOS, while a handful of women with PCOS may not have polycystic ovaries.


What causes PCOS is not known with certainty. In many instances, it has been observed that the patient usually has a family member having PCOS. But sufficient evidence is not there to establish the suspected genetic link. Another common condition associated with PCOS is an abnormality in insulin production. This has led many to suspect a possible link between insulin resistance and the development of PCOS.

When the body becomes resistant to insulin, a higher level of insulin is required to maintain the level of blood sugar in the normal range. But excess insulin in the body may cause hormonal imbalance. Polycystic ovaries generally develop due to the excess production of androgens by the ovaries, which in turn, can be stimulated either by the luteinizing hormone (LH) released by the pituitary gland, or a high level of insulin in the body.

Signs and Symptoms

One of the most common symptoms of this condition is menstrual irregularities. Sometimes, menstruation may be absent for several months, while at other times, it can become quite frequent. An excessive growth of hair on the face and other parts of the body can also occur due to hormonal imbalance, or an overproduction of androgen. This condition is known as hirsutism. Women with PCOS may also experience acne and oily skin, deepening of their voice, and depression. Obesity is another common condition associated with this endocrine disorder.

Diagnosis and Treatment

This condition is usually diagnosed with the help of ultrasound. Sometimes, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT scans are also carried out to detect the condition. Apart from these, blood is tested to detect the levels of androgen hormones, including androstenedione, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone. Generally, PCOS is associated with elevated levels of these hormones.

The treatment of this condition is aimed towards reducing the level of insulin, restoring regular menstrual cycle and fertility, treating hirsutism, and preventing endometrial hyperplasia and cancer. Physicians usually combine both diet or nutrition therapy and medications. Diet therapy is mainly used to control weight, which can be effective in restoring normal ovulation or menstruation. So, a low carbohydrate diet and regular physical activity can be beneficial in regularizing the menstruation.

As far as medications are concerned, physicians can prescribe birth controls pills, which are effective in treating hormonal imbalance and restoring normal menstruation. They can help reduce the risk of uterine cancer as well. Sometimes, injections of gonadotropins may be required to treat infertility caused by PCOS. However, if the patient does not respond to any of these treatment options aimed at restoring fertility, then assisted reproductive technology, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be required.

PCOS has been found to increase the risk of some serious diseases, like diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, miscarriages, endometrial hyperplasia, and uterine cancer. It is one of the most important causes of infertility in women. Since a strong relationship between obesity and PCOS has been observed, regular physical activity can play an important role in maintaining an ideal body weight, and thus reduce the risk of PCOS and the associated complications.

Women Infertility Symptoms

Every woman is gifted with the ability to become a mother one day. But there are a few women who are unable to conceive due to some problems. Infertility in women can be caused because of many reasons. Some of the infertility causes in women are ovulation problems, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid problems, hormonal imbalance, blocked fallopian tube, etc. Many times, signs of infertility go unobserved. Infertility is usually noticed when the woman is unable to conceive in spite of having unprotected sex for several times. Only then the need to go to a gynec arises. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss some of the symptoms of infertility in women. This will help you identify the signs in the initial stages and seek medical attention, before things become irreversible.

Symptoms of Infertility in Women

There are no such prominent symptoms that may indicate infertility. A woman comes to know about her infertility only when she is unable to conceive. Still there are few symptoms which can give you an indication before it is too late. Mentioned below are some of the signs of infertility.

⚫ Menstrual Cycle Problem
The duration of normal menstruation in a woman is approximately 28 to 30 days. Hence the date of onset of menses changes accordingly. But a totally irregular menstrual cycle can be a matter of concern. The irregularity in the date of the cycle may indicate a problem with ovulation. If the period starts before 24 days and after 36 days from the date of last menstruation then it may indicate the possibility of infertility. Many women may also observe more than one period in a month. Early menopause is also considered to be one of the causes for this problem and is usually responsible for infertility in women over 30. Consult a doctor immediately if you observe irregular periods consequently for more than 2 months.

Some women may experience excessive bleeding during their menstruation. This can be a sign of infertility but it's not necessary that all the women who experience excessive bleeding have infertility problem. Very less bleeding during period is also a matter of concern. If you observe excessive or very less bleeding for more than two menstruation cycle then consult a doctor as soon as possible.

⚫ Pain During Intercourse and Periods
Periods are quite painful but if the pain becomes unbearable with cramps and abdominal pain then it's better to consult a doctor. This may be because of the scar tissue formation in either fallopian tube which may lead to blockage and severe pain. Apart from periods, if the woman experiences severe pain during intercourse then this can also be a sign of infertility. Women should keep an eye on these symptoms and should take regular advice from an expert.

⚫ Repeated Miscarriages
Repeated miscarriages which take place within 20 weeks of pregnancy can be a sign of infertility. It's not necessary that they are totally because of infertility as there can be several reasons for miscarriages. But, yes it is one of the signs.

⚫ Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal imbalance can indicate infertility problems in women. Estrogen fluctuation can contribute a lot to the symptoms of infertility. These can be noticed by unusual weight gain, excessive facial hair growth, chronic acne, etc. If you are not able to control all these conditions, then it's time for a medical assistance.

If you observe any of the above given infertility symptoms then consult a doctor immediately. Do not lose hope if you are detected with infertility, as you have the option of treating this issue which may consist of medications injections and sometimes even surgery. Try to identify and get rid of symptoms of infertility as soon as possible. So, I will end up with a request to all the male readers out there, please support your better half at this difficult time as infertility and depression goes hand in hand. Help her to overcome this situation and tell her that nothing can change your love for her. Take care!

Quick Reviews of Ceramic Space Heater

Ceramic heaters are best suited for heating up a small section of your house. Using one not only allows you to save space, but is also easy on your pockets and very affordable. One added advantage is that it allows you to adjust the heat based on how high or low you need it to be. It is extremely portable and absolutely safe and thus it is the best option for homes with children.

This heater uses ceramic heating coils, and ceramic plates with aluminum baffles, which help in controlling the heat. You can use it with a fan if you want to heat a larger area of a room. Once the temperature reaches around 380 degrees Fahrenheit, the flow of electricity is reduced, which means that the chances of it catching fire are also reduced. Since it requires you to shell out a decent amount of money, do your research before you buy one. This article provides you with the reviews of a few products. Read about each one of them and based on your requirements, select any one.

Lasko 755320 Ceramic Tower Heater
This heater can heat a medium-sized room really fast and efficiently, making use of very little power in the process. It makes your job of recording the temperature easy since it gives you a digital display of the same. One main disadvantage of this heater though, is that it does not switch off automatically if there is a power trip.

Honeywell HZ-315 Quick Heat Ceramic Heater
When it comes to efficiency, this heater not only heats up the whole room brilliantly, but it also does not consume much electricity. Made up of one of the best qualities of plastic, which can resist flame, it is extremely safe. It also has an over-heating preventive control and a motor thermal fuse which switches off the heater if the temperature goes way above the normal temperature.

Lasko 754200 Ceramic Heater
This heater comes with a three year warranty period and can heat up rooms even on the coldest of winter nights. It releases energy of around 950 watts to 1600 watts. This is small in size, therefore, it can be carried around easily.

Sunpentown 34" Pedestal Ceramic Heater
The Sunpentown 34" pedestal heater has to be on this list. It has a built-in air ionizer which helps clean and purify the air within the room. This heater is easy to control and is one of the best. It also has a digital display which makes it easier for you to read the temperature.

Install any one of these in your room and heat up your cold winter nights. For further assistance, read about space heaters and make your decision.

Side Effects of Hydralazine

Relaxing the muscles of our body, allowing the blood to move freely in the arteries and veins and also lowering the blood pressure level, are some of the main functions of hydralazine. This drug is a vasodilator which can be used with or without any other kind of medications and it is usually used to treat high blood pressure or hypertension, which (if not treated) can often lead to strokes, various problems related to the kidneys or even heart related problems. Although this drug is highly effective in treating high blood pressure, there are some side effects which you have to be careful of and the risk of side effects after a hydralazine dose, is comparatively higher than that of other drugs and medications. Given below are some of the hydralazine side effects.

Side Effects of Hydralazine

It is a strong medicine or prescription drug which can be taken orally either on an empty stomach or sometimes with food (as per the doctor's instruction) and the dosage also depends upon what your doctor asks you to take. As it has already been mentioned above that the side effects are much higher compared to the other medications used for the same purpose. Here are some of the common side effects of this drug.
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased heart rate or pounding of the heart
  • The person does not feel like eating or appetite is lost
  • Severe headache
  • Nausea and vomiting (please note that diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are not common side effects but one cannot rule them out completely)
  • Dizziness from getting up quickly just after taking the medicine
  • Increased heart rate also leads to fatigue and shortness of breath
  • The color of urine undergoes changes and it turns dark
  • Joint pain and body swelling
  • Fever and chest pain
  • Another side effect is weight gain
  • Skin problems such as hives, body itching and so on
  • The mouth, lips, tongue and face swells up
  • Chills and sore throat
  • Mood swings
  • Bruising and bleeding without cause
  • The skin and eyes turns yellow
  • A constant feeling that you are about to pass out
  • Pain while urinating
  • Stuffed nose and sometimes runny nose
  • Anxious behavior
  • Indigestion
In case you notice these side effects after starting this medication then you should inform your doctor immediately. There are certain precautions too which you should keep in mind before you take this medicine. Here are some of the necessary precautions.
  • Inform your doctor if you are suffering from any kind of kidney problem or whether you have had any stroke previously.
  • People with coronary heart disease or rheumatic heart disease which affects the mitral valve, also need to inform their doctor before taking hydralazine.
  • Pregnant women should also be careful while taking this hypertension medication and if you have any intention of getting pregnant while you are taking this medicine, you should inform your doctor.
  • Those mothers who are breast feeding, should also avoid this medication as the baby might take in the drug though the breast milk.
Hence, these were the several side effects of hydralazine. Follow the dosage and advice given by your physician, and DO NOT stop taking the medicine just because you think that you feel well. The doctor will tell you when to stop.

Alkalosis and Acidosis

The degree of acidity or alkalinity is an important property of our blood. The acidity level increases with the increase in the level of acidic compounds in our body, or when the level of basic (also known as alkaline) compounds present in our body falls. The alkalinity level in our body increases when the reverse takes place, i.e., when the level of acidic compounds falls or when the basic compounds in the body increase. The acidity or alkalinity of any solution is indicated on the pH scale. Even a minor shift from the normal range can destroy our organs. Generally, the normal acidic level (pH) of our blood is close to 7.4. When the pH level falls below 7.35, then we say that acidosis has occurred. On the other hand, when the pH goes above 7.45, then we say that alkalosis has occurred. We have a severe case of the former, when the pH value of blood goes below 7.0; while a severe case of the latter can occur when the pH value goes above 7.5. Let us now see what are the various causes and problems of acidosis and alkalosis.


  • Certain diseases, like emphysema or kidney failures often reduce the efficiency of the lungs or the kidneys respectively. This reduces their ability to regulate the acidic level in our body.
  • If you starve yourself or if you have diabetes, then, by the metabolism of large amounts of body fats, excessive acid is produced.
  • Excess protein intake might be a cause.
  • Ingestion of a large amount of acidic substances is a major reason.
  • Severe diarrhea causes excessive loss of body fluid. This is a major cause.
  • Loss of carbonic acid due to rapid breathing is also another cause.
  • Excessive vomiting leads to loss of hydrochloric acid.
  • Excessive intake of sodium bicarbonate to relieve the acid in stomach causes temporary metabolic alkalosis.
Health Problems

Two major problems might arise - respiratory and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis. Let us now see what each means.




When our lungs do not expel the carbon dioxide in adequate amount, a problem which might occur after we have suffered from certain lung infections or diseases, that is when we have this disorder. This can also occur when the diseases of the brain, nerves, or the muscles of the chest create problems in breathing. This problem may also arise when people take in lots of drugs or narcotics, which causes difficulty in breathing.

  • Headaches or drowsiness
  • Stupor and coma
  • Problems in breathing

Functioning of the lungs has to be improved. For people who are suffering from lung diseases, drugs are given to them to open the airways so that air can pass freely. Sometimes, mechanical ventilation are also needed to help in the breathing process.



It usually occurs when the acid level in our blood increases due to ingestion of a substance that contains acid, or that can be broken down into acid. It may also occur due to abnormal metabolism. Also, if the kidneys are not in a proper working condition, then even normal production of acid, cannot be excreted through urine.

  • Nausea, vomiting, and fatigue are common.
  • Body tries to correct the acid level by producing more of carbon dioxide, hence breathing becomes slightly faster.
  • In severe cases, people feel weak, drowsy, and confused.
  • They also become extremely nauseated
  • Blood pressure may fall, which leads to shock, coma, or even death.

Treatment depends upon the cause. If diabetes is the cause, then there will be a need to control it with the use of insulin. If there is poisoning, then the treatment is to remove the toxin from the blood.




Too much anxiety often leads to hyperventilation or deep breathing, which releases too much carbon dioxide into our blood stream. The other causes, which lead to hyperventilation are pain, less oxygen in our blood, fever, overdose of aspirins or drugs, etc.


The rate of breathing has to be slowed down. The patient is asked to breathe in and out into a paper bag (and not a plastic bag). Breathing in and out the carbon dioxide helps raise the level of the same in the blood.



When our body either gains too much base or loses too much acid, then we have this problem. It also occurs if a person has ingested too much base from a substance.


There are various diagnostic tests, which are carried out by the doctors. They usually treat by giving dilute acid.


The symptoms of both the problems are as follows:
  • Irritability
  • Muscle twitching and cramps
  • Prolonged contraction of muscles (in severe cases)
So, there you have the causes, problems, symptoms, and various treatments. So, if you are facing any problems or showing any signs of the same, go to a doctor immediately before your condition worsens.

Symptoms and Signs of Kidney Infection

A kidney infection is actually a type of UTI that occurs when pathogens such as bacteria or viruses travel through the bladder to the kidneys. The infection can affect one or both kidneys. It occurs when these disease-causing agents multiply after reaching the kidneys. Escherichia coli, which is a bacterium that is usually found in the large intestine, is a causative agent for pyelonephritis in 90% of cases of kidney infection among the people. Conditions like diabetes, kidney stones, cancer, and abnormalities of the urinary tract can affect the body's ability to ward off pathogens that could cause kidney infections. Foley catheters can lead to infection if left for extended periods. Women, often get this infection, when bacteria enter the urinary tract after sexual intercourse. The infection can be acute or chronic. An acute infection begins suddenly with severe symptoms. On the other hand, a chronic infection develops gradually at a slow pace. While the symptoms are not that severe, a chronic infection can even lead to kidney failure in absence of proper treatment.


The following symptoms may be seen in case of kidney infection:
  • Burning sensation or pain while urination takes place
  • Strong and continual urge to urinate
  • Frequent urination
  • Back or groin pain
  • Inability to urinate
  • Cloudy urine with a strong smell
  • Fever
  • Pain in the loin (side of the abdomen above the kidney)
  • Pus or blood in the urine called hematuria
  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Abdominal pain or pressure
  • Need of urinating during the night called nocturia
Severe kidney infection includes:
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Shaking chills
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Night sweats
  • High fever - body temperature of 38.3 degrees celsius or more
In case of infants as well as young children, the signs are:
  • Loss of appetite
  • New episodes of bed-wetting (enuresis)
  • Irritability
  • Loose bowel movements
In elderly people, mental changes like confusion are the sole symptoms. If, not treated in time, they can lead to blood poisoning, loss of a kidney or sometimes death. Some of the warning signs of a kidney infection are as follows:
  • Burning during urination: This is a good sign of a urinary tract infection. The burning is not to be confused with the itching or burning of a yeast infection. The burning is accompanied by pain and at times, brings tears in the eyes.
  • There is a pain in the lower back and right around the waist. This feels like a dull ache. There may be a sharp and stabbing pain. There may be a feeling that somebody is punching repetitiously. Any pain concentrated to the small corner of the lower back can lead to kidney trouble.
  • Fatigue is a prominent symptom, that can affect the person suddenly. Exhaustion can take place to such a degree that, keeping the eyes open is a struggle.
If left untreated, pyelonephritis can permanently damage the kidneys or move into the bloodstream and result in a life-threatening infection. It is therefore essential to seek medical help at the earliest. Antibiotics are recommended for treating a kidney infection caused by bacteria. Urine culture and urinalysis would also be required to make sure that the infection has resolved. Following a healthy diet and making other lifestyle-related changes can also help in lowering the risk of kidney problems.

Metabolic Acidosis Vs. Respiratory Acidosis

Increase in the acid content in the body is referred to as acidosis. It mainly occurs when the pH level falls below 7.35. There are two kinds of acidosis, respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis. These clinical disturbances can have several effects on the body, ranging from minor to severe. Let's find out about both these disorders by going over the following information.

Metabolic Acidosis
  • Metabolic acidosis is another type of medical condition called acidosis, where the production of H^ is increased. This increase in hydrogen ions in the blood is known as academia. The body may also be unable to form bicarbonate in the kidney. These disturbances in the acid base content can lead to this ailment.
  • Chronic renal failure, diabetic ketoacidosis and kidney failure also contribute to this condition to some extent. Swallowing toxic substances, like excessive amount of aspirin, can also cause the disease.
  • It can either be mild or chronic.
  • The symptoms are lethargy and rapid breathing.
  • At the minor level, baking soda can be used for maintaining the acid base level.
  • A complete blood count test is done to diagnose the condition. Another test is metabolic panel test which help to know the severity and cause of the condition. For knowing the severity, the patient can also be asked to take arterial blood gas test. If proper treatment is not taken at proper time, then the condition can prove fatal.
  • In order to be away from metabolic acidosis, the only way is to keep away from Type 1 diabetes.
Respiratory Acidosis
  • Respiratory acidosis is a type of condition, wherein the respiration is decreased leading to increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the blood.
  • Abrupt ventilation failure can cause this condition. Alveolar hypoventilation can be another cause of it.
  • It can either be acute and chronic. Acute respiratory acidosis occurs if there is an abrupt ventilation failure. While, chronic respiratory acidosis takes place, if the level of PaCO2 rises above the range of permissible upper limit.
  • The symptoms are fatigue, confusion, lethargy, sleepiness and shortness of breath.
  • Depending on the severity, different treatments are available. The patient may be prescribed bronchodilator drugs, for reversing airway obstruction. If the amount of oxygen in the blood is low, then the patient can opt for treatments which will help in increasing it. If required, mechanical ventilation or non-invasive positive pressure ventilation is another treatment option.
  • The tests that are done to know the severity and causes are pulmonary function test, chest X-ray and arterial blood gas test.
  • The different preventive measures that you can opt for are maintaining balanced weight and controlling obesity. Avoiding smoking and consumption of alcohol will also help.
Hope this a brief overview has been helpful. Knowing the causes and symptoms of these two disorders, one can take preventive measures. Like its said, forewarned is forearmed!

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Metabolic Acidosis

Metabolic acidosis refers to the condition where the acid-base balance of the body is disrupted due to an increased production of acid or the reduced excretion and decreased production of bicarbonates. The condition can ultimately lead to acidemia or acidity of blood, where arterial pH falls below 7.35. If this condition is left untreated, it can affect the central nervous system and lead to coma and even death.


Metabolic acidosis is caused by an increase in the level of acids due to increased acid production or ingestion of acids or substances that can be converted into acids. It can also be caused by:
  • Loss of bicarbonates as in the case of diarrhea and renal tubular acidosis.
  • Ingestion of substances like large amounts of antifreeze, aspirin, etc. can also increase the level of acid within our body.
  • Accumulation of lactic acid is another contributory factor. It usually takes place due to insufficient availability of oxygen in carbohydrate metabolism, as in the cases of heart failure and shock.
  • Malaria can also be responsible for this condition by destroying the red blood cells and thereby reducing the level of oxygen in the body. This in turn results in the accumulation of lactic acid due to anaerobic breakdown of glucose or carbohydrates. This type of acidosis is known as lactic acidosis.
  • Metabolic abnormalities can lead to acidosis. Use of fat instead of carbohydrates, for deriving energy, as in the case of diabetes mellitus, can lead to an excessive production of acids. Breakdown of fats produces ketones and raises the level of acids in the body. This condition is termed as diabetic ketoacidosis.
  • Sometimes, such a pH imbalance can occur even without the excessive production of acids. For instance, in case of people suffering from kidney failure, kidneys may fail to excrete acids through urine.
  • Conditions like alcoholism and malnutrition are also associated with this condition.

Though metabolic acidosis is usually characterized by rapid breathing, the symptoms may not be specific, and could vary depending on the underlying cause. However, some of the common symptoms are:
  • Chest pain, headaches, palpitations, muscle and bone pain, muscle weakness, abdominal pain, etc.
  • Lactic acidosis is sometimes characterized by low blood pressure and anemia.
  • In diabetic ketoacidosis, patients may suffer from elevated blood sugar level and dehydration. As this condition can affect the central nervous system, individuals may experience anxiety and progressive drowsiness. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss are some other symptoms.
  • In extreme conditions, it can cause severe complications like stupor, coma, and seizures.

Physicians generally carry out blood tests like arterial blood gas analysis and a complete count of blood cells to diagnose the condition. The treatment depends on the underlying causes. However, if the blood pH falls below 7.1, the condition can require the administration of bicarbonates intravenously to neutralize the acids. In severe cases, dialysis may be required. Mechanical ventilation is also employed to ease breathing problems.

Monitoring and controlling the factors responsible for causing this condition is the best way to prevent the condition from worsening. As for example, controlling the underlying causes like diabetes can help control the disease in diabetic patients. Metabolic acidosis is often a symptom of some serious diseases like renal and heart failure and diabetes. So the proper monitoring of the symptoms of this condition would be of great help in preventing any complications.

Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Lactic Acidosis

Lactate is a by-product formed when glucose is broken down aerobically by the cell's mitochondria - the power house of the cell. When the body or a region of the body is deprived of oxygen, it leads to tissue hypoxia. This results in anaerobic breakdown of the glucose in the cells. The end product of this reaction is lactic acid. The blood pH becomes too acidic due to presence of excess lactic acid in the tissues. Thus, leading to lactic acidosis, a rare condition. People who suffer from this condition may develop serious complications, especially when they suffer from certain risk factors. In extreme cases, it may also lead to death.

The body generates most of its energy aerobically, that is, by using oxygen. Under normal circumstances, the cells break down glucose by a process called glycolysis, to generate pyruvate, which is further broken down by an aerobic pathway for more energy. However, under certain conditions, like trying to outrun a hungry lion or pumping iron to increase triceps and biceps, our body requires more energy. The requirement of energy becomes inversely proportional to the body's capacity to deliver the required amount of oxygen. Thus, pyruvate is converted to lactate, which allows glucose production and energy is produced. Within one or two minutes the lactic acid level increases in the blood. Thus, leading to this condition that occurs due to buildup of lactic acid in the muscles and blood. Most of the time after a strenuous exercise, running or due to some other activity, one may develop mild to moderate lactic acidosis. This condition is not very serious and may resolve on its own. However, if one experiences extreme pain and discomfort and develops this condition frequently, then doctors attention is a must. We shall have a look at lactic acidosis symptoms, causes, and treatment in this Buzzle article to know more about this condition.

When there is excess of lactic acid in the body, the muscular as well as cardiac activity becomes very difficult. The heart starts beating fast, the muscles begin to hurt and one experiences a burning sensation in the muscles. Other symptoms include:
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lethargy
  • Abnormal breathing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Irregular heart rhythm
It may be the result of several underlying medical conditions. They include:
  • Genetic disorders like mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, glycogen storage disease, fructose 1,6-diphosphatase deficiency, pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • Kidney diseases
  • Diabetic nephropathy
  • Heart diseases
  • Lung diseases like decrease in oxygen intake
  • Drugs like phenformin, metformin, also cause this condition
Other causes include hypoxia, hemorrhage, liver disease, shock, sepsis, Non-Hodgkin's and Burkitt lymphoma. In some people, hemorrhage, ethanol toxicity, shock, diabetic ketoacidosis, sepsis may also lead to it. It may even occur due to lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency in the body.

People suffering from type 2 diabetes are often prescribed metformin hydrochloride. This drug is also called Glucophage that is taken orally to control the levels of sugar in blood. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), about 3 in every 100,000 people prescribed this drug are at risk of developing lactic acidosis over a one-year period. The risk increases in people suffering from congestive heart failure, decreased kidney function and other risk factors. Diabetics taking this drug may show signs of this health problem that includes weakness, sleepiness, cold feeling in body, shortness of pain, stomach pain, lightheadedness, pain in muscles, decrease in heart rate, and may even faint. If one does suffer from some or most of these signs, they should contact their doctor immediately. They may be asked to stop using this drug to prevent a serious complication.

In some children, it occurs due to a rare congenital disease where the cells do not convert pyruvate into carbon dioxide and water. When such children get engaged in any physical activity, their body breaks down more glucose and pyruvate gets accumulated. The cells do not oxidize the accumulated pyruvate resulting in an increase in lactic acid level. This in turn leads to lactic acidosis. Diabetics and people with stomach ulcers often complain of it.

Apart from these underlying conditions, it is also caused if a person reaches the anaerobic threshold or lactate threshold. This is the upper limit of the ability of an individual's body to exercise. When a person exercises at a limit below the lactate threshold, very little lactic acid will be produced. Thus, the liver will be able to get rid of the excess present. However, if the person crosses their threshold limit, it leads to glucose inefficiency. This means, the muscles undergo an alternative reaction and start producing lactic acid. This new product begins to build up in the blood and muscles leading to the symptoms.

  • Sodium bicarbonate, an alkaline to neutralize the acid, can be administered intravenously. This therapeutic treatment should be used sparingly as it can lead to serious complications.
  • Sodium nitroprusside, by the method of alleviating regional hypoperfusion, has been suggested for the treatment of some forms of lactic acidosis.
  • Peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis can be used sometimes for cleansing the blood of lactic acid.
  • Insulin therapy is very useful in phenformin associated lactic acidosis.
  • Dichloroacetate can also be a useful adjunct in the treatment.
The latest treatments are:
  • Early Intubation
  • Thimine
  • Naloxone
  • I.V. Fluids
  • It is extremely important to keep a watch on your diet. One should reduce the intake of beef, pork, junk food, and animal proteins.
  • Excessive intake of Vitamin C also increases the chances of acidosis.
  • Beans, cereals, crackers, eggs, flour products, grains, oily food and sugar should be used sparingly.
  • Prunes, cranberries, and plums form acid and remain in the body which increases lactic acid levels in the blood. Therefore, limit the intake of these fruits in your diet.
  • Vitamin A, vitamin B and potassium help in keeping the levels of lactic acid in check.
  • Citrus fruits do not increase the acidic level of the blood, instead they are converted to carbon dioxide and water and have an alkaline effect on the body.
Lactic acidosis is a dangerous condition. Consult your doctor if you suspect this health problem. If a specific medication has been advised, do not stop taking your medication. Also, if you suspect certain prescribed drugs may be the reason behind the possible symptoms, speak to your doctor before you stop the medication. It's always better to remain alert when it concerns your health. As the old saying goes, 'Health is Wealth'!

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Renal Tubular Acidosis

The process of breaking down of food in the body produces acids. These acids circulate in the blood, and it is the function of the kidneys to remove the excess acid from the blood and excrete it through urine. This filtration task is mainly done by the tubules of the nephron, which is the functional unit of the kidneys. There are around 800,000 to one million nephrons in a human kidney. In people affected with renal tubular acidosis (RTA), this function of the kidneys gets impaired, due to various reasons. This condition results in a rise in the acid content of the blood. The high levels of acid in blood is called metabolic acidosis, but RTA specifically refers to the condition in which the kidneys fail to remove the acids and expel them from the body, through urine.

Type 1 or Distal RTA

Type 1 or Distal RTA is the most common form of this medical condition. Distal RTA is characterized by malfunctioning of the cells of the distal (distant) nephron, thereby making the blood acidic. Those with this condition have high levels of acid and low levels of potassium in the blood, calcium deposits in the kidneys causing kidney stones, and low level of minerals in the bones, leading to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Distal renal tubular acidosis can also cause dehydration, weakness of muscles, paralysis, and kidney failure. Since the disease is caused by the impairment of distal nephron, it is named distal RTA.

The symptoms may vary from person to person, and some of them may not experience any sign of the disease. The symptoms include severe rickets in children, loin pain, and hematuria (red blood cells in urine) caused by kidney stones. Sometimes, distal RTA may lead to renal failure and death. Distal RTA can be caused by autoimmune diseases like Sjögren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and hypergammaglobulinemia. In such cases, renal tubular acidosis can lead to severe hypokalemia.

Distal RTA can be hereditary too. If linked to heredity, the disease may be associated with hypokalemia and sensorineural deafness. The other causes include liver cirrhosis, sickle cell anemia, chronic urinary tract obstruction, and renal transplantation. The treatment for distal RTA includes oral sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate (alkaline agents), for normalizing acid levels in the blood. This helps to fight bone demineralisation too. Hypokalemia, urinary stones, and calcium deposits are treated with potassium citrate.

Type 2 or Proximal RTA

This type is caused by malfunctioning of the proximal (meaning 'near') tubular cells. These cells fail to reabsorb filtered bicarbonate from the urine. Bicarbonate neutralizes acid in the blood. As the kidneys fail to retain bicarbonate, the levels of acid in the blood increases. The bicarbonate levels of the urine also rises. This form is not as severe as the distal RTA, because in this case, the distal intercalated cells function normally. Proximal RTA is mainly caused due to the malfunctioning of the proximal tubular cells, which is termed Fanconi's syndrome. This condition is characterized by demineralization of bones causing rickets or osteomalacia.

The other causes of proximal RTA include hereditary disorders, like Lowe syndrome, Wilson's disease, cystinosis, glycogen storage disease (type I), and galactosemia. This disease can be a result of acquired disorders, like multiple myeloma, toxins like lead and cadmium, and amyloidosis. Proximal renal tubular acidosis is mainly treated with oral bicarbonate. This compensates the loss of bicarbonates through urine, but the amount of bicarbonate supplements should be large enough to reverse the high acid content of the blood and bone demineralization.

Type 4 or Hyperkalemic RTA

Type 4 RTA is caused by low levels of the hormone aldosterone (hypoaldosteronism), which directs the kidneys to regulate the levels of sodium, potassium, and chloride in the blood. The kidneys excrete excess amounts of sodium, potassium, and chloride, through urine. It may also be caused when the kidneys do not respond to this hormone. Hyperkalemic RTA is characterized by high levels of potassium in the blood or hyperkalemia. One of the causes of this type of renal tubular acidosis is deficiency of aldosterone due to malfunctioning of the adrenal glands, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or aldosterone synthase deficiency.

Another cause is hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism, a condition that develops due to diseases, like HIV and renal dysfunctioning; or use of drugs, like NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors. In some people, aldosterone resistance is the reason for Type 4 RTA. This may be caused by some drugs or by pseudohypoaldosteronism. Symptoms are very rare in this type of RTA. If the level of potassium in the blood is very high, irregular heartbeats, and muscle paralysis may occur. The treatment for this form of RTA includes mineralocorticoid for aldosterone deficiency and fludrocortisone for hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism.

Type 3 RTA, which is now considered as a combined form of Type 1 (Distal) and Type 2 (Proximal) RTA, was earlier recognized as a distinct form of this disease. Type 3 RTA was commonly found in infants and kids, and was known as 'Juvenile RTA'. This type of renal tubular acidosis is very rare.

If RTA is treated properly, kidney failure can be averted. Ultimate goal of any treatment plan for RTA is neutralization of acid in the blood. If the acid is not neutralized, it can lead to complications, like kidney stones, bone diseases, growth retardation, chronic kidney disease, and kidney failure.

Acidosis Symptoms

Acidosis refers to an abnormal increase in the acidity (excessively low pH) of the body fluids, resulting from excess acids or decrease in bicarbonates. It is classified into respiratory acidosis, and metabolic acidosis, which is further categorized into lactic acidosis, diabetic acidosis, and hyperchloremic acidosis. The symptoms of each of these types have been provided below.

Respiratory Acidosis
Inability of the lungs to expel carbon dioxide leads to its accumulation in the body fluids, thereby causing respiratory acidosis. This leads to confusion, fatigue, shortness of breath, lethargy, and sleepiness. Persistent drowsiness may progress to stupor or coma. To confirm the diagnosis, chest X rays, pulmonary function tests, and assessment of arterial blood gas, are recommended.

Metabolic Acidosis
Alterations in the metabolic processes of the body may lead to an excess amount of acids in the body. The symptoms of different types of metabolic acidosis have been provided below.

Lactic acidosis is characterized by a buildup of lactic acid in the body fluids and tissues, due to liver failure, hypoglycemia, cancer, prolonged exercise, and certain medications. The symptoms manifested are nausea, vomiting, lethargy, severe anemia, low blood pressure, abnormal breathing, abdominal pain, and irregular heartbeat. The condition is confirmed by assessing the electrolyte levels in blood.

Diabetic acidosis, also known as diabetic ketoacidosis, arises due to an excessive fat metabolism followed by a buildup of ketone bodies. The symptoms include dry skin and mouth, rapid breathing, flushed face, headache, poor appetite, stomach ache, fruity odor of breath, nausea, vomiting, and muscle aches. In certain cases individuals may experience frequent urination, stupor, and difficulty in breathing while lying down.

Hyperchloremic acidosis is the result of excessive loss of sodium bicarbonate from the body. This leads to constriction of blood vessels in the kidneys, and altered glomerular filtration rate. Symptoms indicating altered renal function may be observed.

The precise treatment option depends on the underlying etiology. In respiratory acidosis, the treatment focuses on improving lung function. People suffering from lung diseases may be prescribed with medications to clear the blocked airways. Other than treating the underlying cause, mild cases of acidosis may be treated directly with the administration of oral or intravenous fluids. Symptomatic treatments that focus on restoring the electrolyte balance and pH balance of the body fluids, are recommended. In case of any symptoms suggestive of acidosis, it is advisable to consult the appropriate professional, and undergo the necessary diagnostic tests.

Mar 25, 2015

Indigestion During Pregnancy Period

Pregnant women can experience nausea and vomiting, or morning sickness during the first trimester, while the second and the third trimester can be accompanied by gas, bloating, indigestion, and heartburn. Both heartburn and indigestion can be a really troubling experience for pregnant women, which are mainly caused by the fluctuating levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Heartburn and Indigestion in Pregnant Women

Indigestion or dyspepsia is the condition that causes gas, bloating, and nausea. The pregnancy hormones relax the muscles of the digestive tract, which in turn, slows down the entire process of digestion. This gives an opportunity to the intestinal bacteria to ferment the semi- or undigested food, causing gas, belching, and flatulence.

Along with the muscles of the digestive tract, the pregnancy hormones also relax the esophageal sphincter, the circular muscle that prevents the backflow of stomach content (food and stomach acid) to the esophagus. The relaxation of this muscle during pregnancy can push back the stomach content to the esophagus causing heartburn. This condition can be further aggravated by factors like the consumption of a large meal and fatty food, chocolates, onions, garlic, and coffee.

Symptoms of Indigestion in Pregnant Women

Indigestion can produce some really uncomfortable symptoms, such as:
  • Pain and a sensation of fullness in the upper abdominal region
  • Belching
  • Gas and bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Nausea
  • A burning sensation and pain in the chest, or just behind the breastbone
  • Burning sensation in the throat
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Difficulty in swallowing food
Remedies for Indigestion

The best way to manage this condition during pregnancy is keep a close watch over the kind of food you consume. It is better to avoid certain food like spicy and highly acidic food, fatty food, chocolates, and caffeinated beverages. Do not lie down immediately after eating a meal, and eat frequent smaller meals instead of consuming three large meals in a day.

Alcohol consumption should be reduced or stopped altogether during pregnancy. Pregnant women should drink plenty of water, and follow a fiber-rich diet. Regular physical activity can also help control the symptoms of indigestion. To manage the uncomfortable burning sensation produced by heartburn, try to lie down with your head and back slightly elevated. This is an effective way to keep the food and acid within the stomach, or prevent their backflow to the esophagus.

If heartburn and indigestion symptoms become annoying, then you may need to take some medications. The most common medications used for indigestion are antacids. However, the prolonged use of antacids can cause certain adverse effects, for which they should be taken under the supervision of a physician. Certain home remedies like chamomile tea, lemon balm, papaya, and peppermint tea can help reduce the symptoms of this condition. However, before taking any herbal remedy, be sure to talk to your physician, as certain herbs need to be avoided during pregnancy.

If the condition persists or worsens even after taking all possible preventive and precautionary measures, then it is better to consult a physician. If heartburn is very severe in nature, and it produces some serious symptoms like black stool, weight loss, and severe chest pain, then talk to your health care provider at the earliest.

Symptoms of Indigestion

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is improper breakdown or absorption of food, caused due to numerous reasons. This is quite a common disorder which is experienced by people at some time in their lives. The human stomach produces acid which helps in digestion of the food. There is a mucous lining present in the stomach and the esophagus which protects these organs from the acid. Sometimes, due to certain reasons, this mucous lining gets damaged, which results in the inflammation of the stomach lining due to the stomach acid. On the other hand, certain foodstuffs can also trigger indigestion.

Irregular eating habits is the most common cause of indigestion. Extremely citrus, spicy or fried foods can build up the acid in the stomach causing upset stomach. Swallowing food very quickly leads to inhalation of excess air in the stomach which leads to bloating. Drinking excess alcohol and smoking also contribute a lot in frequent indigestion. It can also be a side effect of certain medications. On the other hand, excess stress, insomnia and anxiety can also cause indigestion.

Discomfort in the stomach and acid reflux are the common symptoms of indigestion. The following are the other symptoms:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Fullness in stomach
  • Loss of appetite
  • Flatulence
  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Belching
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
The causes and symptoms of indigestion in men and women are the same, however, indigestion also occurs in women due to some other reasons. For e.g., indigestion is more commonly seen in women during pregnancy. This is due to the hormonal changes that take place in this phase. Indigestion is also one of the side effects of birth control pills. On the other hand, excess weight gain during pregnancy also leads to indigestion as the uterus exerts a pressure on the stomach. Gas or flatulence is the most common symptoms observed during pregnancy.

Indigestion is not a severe disorder and can be treated by taking over-the-counter medications. Antacids are very effective in treating it. Prescription medications like H2 blockers also help in treating it. However, if along with indigestion symptoms, chest pain, weight gain and persistent vomiting are also observed, one should consult the doctor immediately, as it may be a sign of some other complication. Indigestion with chest pain is often related to heart problems like heart attacks. In such cases, X-rays and blood tests can help in the diagnosis of other severe health problems.

Indigestion can be overcome by following certain preventive measures. Change in lifestyle and eating habits contributes a lot in preventing this condition. You should avoid or limit the intake of spicy and fried foodstuff, especially at night. You should also stop smoking and avoid consumption of alcohol totally. It is also advisable to eat food slowly and in smaller portions. You should not recline on the chair, lie down or go to bed immediately after having meals. It is recommended to go to bed 2-3 hours after having meals. It may seem strange but wearing clothes that fit tightly around the abdomen can also cause indigestion and hence, one should avoid them.

One should remember that indigestion is not a life-threatening condition but it can cause a lot of discomfort and health problems in older age. Therefore, one should try to prevent it as much as possible. This article is meant only to provide information and should not be substituted for proper treatment.

Red Yeast Rice Side Effects

The yeast mold 'monascus purpureus', when cultivated on the normal white rice, gives the product named red yeast rice. Its rich, purple-red color, makes it a popular ingredient of the traditional East Asian wines, cookies, and pastries. It was traditionally used as a herbal medicine in China. Traces of its utilization have been found from the period of the Tang Dynasty, which ruled around 800 AD. It was mainly used as a remedy to remove blood blockages and to strengthen the digestive system. Its strain, named 'Went', contains an ample amount of HMG-CoA reductase. It is the substance of lovastatin (mevinolin), which naturally turns into 'statin'. This rice is popularly used to reduce the levels of total body cholesterol and bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein/LDL). It barricades the production of the cholesterol-producing liver enzymes. Research studies also claim that it helps in reducing the levels of triglyceride. However, there is insufficient evidence to substantiate these claims and extensive research would be required. Moreover, the appropriate dosing and its long-term safety is unclear.

Brands like Solaray, doctor's Best, Nature's Plus, etc. are some of the brands that produce red yeast rice supplements in various forms like tablets, pastes, tinctures, teas, capsules, and other topical forms. Generally, the suggested dose of supplement is 15 to 50 grams per day. It is believed that this rice works in miraculous ways when taken in the prescribed amounts. However, combining it with other medicines or drugs containing statin and mevinolin, may result into minor to severe side effects.

Minor Side Effects
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness and weakness
  • Indigestion and heartburn
  • Bloating and gas trouble
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Liver inflammation
  • Stomach pain
The side effects that are observed immediately after consuming these supplements, should never be ignored. Remember that the contents of the rice and that of its supplements differ a lot. Along with the defining chemicals, red yeast rice contains protein, starch, fibers, fatty acids, and sterols, which their supplements may lack. Hence, it becomes extremely important to consult one's family doctor before their consumption.

Major Side Effects
  • Myopathy - one would experience muscle pain, increase in the levels of creatine kinase, weakness, and dizziness, etc.
  • Rhabdomyolysis - a severe breakdown of a muscle tissue that could lead to kidney failure. Symptoms like muscle pain, joint pain, tenderness, etc. occur rarely, but should not be ignored.
  • There could be some side effects of the statin drug that this rice contains. Research suggests that the statin affects the production of a mitochondria substance - CoQ10. Elders, people affected by diabetes, or those with heart problems are more likely to get affected by these side effects.
  • Allergies like difficulty in breathing or swallowing, hives, swelling of hands, tongue, throat, lips, and even face, wheezing, itching, etc. may also be observed.
  • Liver damage symptoms include jaundice, dark urine, increased amount of liver enzymes, etc.
Reactions with Other Drugs
  • Combined with anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin), antiplatelet drugs (clopidogrel), and anti-inflammatory drugs (naproxen, ibuprofen), it increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Combined with antibiotics like ranitidine and cyclosporine, it increases the chances of muscle breakdown.
  • Furthermore, this rice can produce GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) and leave addictive effects, when combined with drugs like neurontin.
  • It also has adverse effects when combined with thyroid and high blood pressure medications, niacin, and digoxin.
Reactions with Dietary Supplements
  • Grape juice, milk thistle, and vitamin A may react with these supplements.
  • When combined with ginkgo biloba, saw palmetto, garlic, etc. it may raise the chances of bleeding.
In order to avoid the aforementioned side effects, it is necessary to consult the physician before opting for this rice as a remedy. Also, to rule out the possibilities of severe complications that could occur.

Mar 24, 2015

Oatmeal Health Benefits

Oatmeal is now marketed extensively in the form of coarse oat groats, cut oats, crushed as well as rolled oats. It is either consumed independently, cooked with milk and sugar, or used to thicken soups and broths. The popular marketed forms also come with various flavor additives. Ready-to-eat oatmeal porridge, cookies, bread, and cakes are the different forms in which it is available. It is also used in cosmetics, soaps, alcohol, topical medical applications, and pet food.

A number of health benefits are attributed to regular intake of oatmeal. These include:
  • Lowered blood cholesterol
  • Reduced risk of heart disease
  • Healthier metabolism
  • Stabilized blood glucose levels
  • Healthy weight control
  • Normalized blood pressure
Oatmeal has a lot of soluble fiber content, which helps to lower cholesterol and aids in weight loss. The FDA analysis of oatmeal, in 1997, declared that its regular consumption not only reduced the risk of heart disease, but also contributed to a low-fat diet. The content of beta-glucan is capitalized by athletes and people who perform weight training. It is high in complex carbohydrates and fiber, and these nutrients not only slow down the digestion process, but also keep diabetes at bay.

Oatmeal offers the body a regular dose of Vitamin B. It also helps to remove bad cholesterol and maintain the level of good cholesterol in the body. It also assists in the process of weight loss. Research reveals that an oatmeal breakfast actually reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, by controlling the blood glucose levels. It has a larger content of soluble fiber than rice, whole wheat, or corn. It also aids in diet control for normalizing the blood pressure. Apart from this, it is also rich in minerals and antioxidants.

Research reveals that oatmeal is a good source of protein and iron. Studies are being conducted to check its role in reducing the risk of cancer. It has a mild flavor and mixes readily with any other pre-mix. It is popularly eaten as an individual breakfast component called porridge; but it is also used to thicken soups and desserts. Apart from this, it is very convenient to use, and can be prepared in a microwave or in the old-fashioned way by boiling it to a molten mix on the stove-top.

One of the most versatile features of this ingredient is that it can be cooked very easily in a short period of time. Athletes credit it as a source of strength and stamina. Even by itself, oatmeal is delicious. Since it easily takes on flavors, children could be introduced to it with little effort. Doctors around the world recommend oatmeal for longevity and good digestive health.

The vitamin B content in oatmeal is being highlighted to address the onslaught of serious health problems, such as memory impairment, cognition deficits, pernicious anemia, and adrenal system disorders. Its fiber content is currently being analyzed to study its role in reducing the onset of atherosclerosis, gallstones, diverticulosis, varicose veins, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and colon cancer.

Health Benefits of Oatmeal for Skin

We all have a fair idea about the health benefits of incorporating oatmeal in the regular diet. But there is more to oatmeal uses than serving in breakfast and making cookies out of it. Yes, this fiber rich cereal is also a wonderful ingredient for skin treatment. You can use it in your regular beauty regime for nurturing skin or soothing skin irritation. But, what is so special about oatmeal that you should use it for skin care? Scroll down to know about oatmeal benefits for skin and how to use it.

Major Benefits of Oatmeal for Skin

The use of oatmeal for treating eczema, poison ivy rash, insect bites and skin symptoms caused by infections has been known for thousands of years. If we talk about dermal benefits of oatmeal, it serves as a natural exfoliating agent. This cereal possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-itch and many other impressive properties. The following information is a brief highlight about the benefits of oatmeal for your skin.
  • This popular cereal is excellent for addressing dry skin symptoms, including itchiness, rashes, scales, peeling, etc. There is hardly anything that can match the curative action of oatmeal for combating dry skin problems.
  • It helps in replenishing skin moisture, thereby keeping the skin hydrated and smooth. People who use oatmeal in skin care routine notice improvement in the skin tone, and are able to flaunt a blemish free skin.
  • When oatmeal is used as a natural cleanser, it draws out skin impurities from the skin surface without causing irritation, leaving behind a soft and silky skin. In short, you can definitely use it like a soap without the harshness of chemicals. Read more on benefits of oatmeal soap.
  • Colloidal oatmeal (oats that have been ground to powder) is mixed with warm water to make a thick paste. It is then applied over itchy skin to get instant relief. Regular use of the same is indicated for prompt treatment of intense itching.
  • The benefits of taking oatmeal bath is documented in alternative treatment for a wide range of skin conditions. Be it dry itchy skin or painful sunburn symptoms, bathing with oatmeal for 10 minutes everyday is a reliable cure.
  • While dealing with skin inflammation and painful skin conditions, the anti-inflammatory property of oatmeal takes into action. It provides protection to the affected skin areas and soothes inflammation.
  • Instead of facial scrub, try using oatmeal for your regular skin treatment. It is effective for getting rid of dead skin cells that build up in the pores. In the same way, add oatmeal in your homemade facial mask to flaunt a smoother skin.
How to Use Oatmeal for Skin Care?

Adverse effects of commercially sold skin care formulations is a much talked about topic in dermatological science. If you are concerned about the same, try using oatmeal for skin care. The most impressive part about this edible ingredient is its suitability for all types of skin. So, you can definitely opt for natural skin care regimen with oatmeal. It is excellent for people with hypersensitive skin as well, and there are virtually no side effects of using it. Those who have acne prone skin can reap the benefits of oatmeal in reducing acne outbreaks. Proper ways for using oatmeal in skin care are listed below.
  • You can purchase colloidal oatmeal from health food stores. Or else, prepare it on your own by blending oatmeal in a clean food processor, until it turns into a fine powdery texture.
  • To make the most of the benefits of oatmeal, use it as a facial scrub. For the same, you need to mix fine oatmeal powder with a few drops of water. Rub this paste over the face, neck and other parts in circular motion. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  • Follow the above method and leave for some time (say 5 minutes) before washing. This way, you can use oatmeal as an all natural facial mask. For a different version, consider adding lemon juice, honey, almond oil, jojoba oil and other beneficial ingredients in the facial mask recipe.
  • Cooked oatmeal is an excellent remedy for treating acne. For this, boil some amount of oatmeal until it softens, and allow it to cool down to a comfortable temperature. Apply it over the affected areas and rinse it off after 10 minutes.
  • In order to take oatmeal bath advantages, pat skin dry after bathing is over. Be gentle on your skin, and avoid rubbing it harshly. If it irritates the skin, remove traces of oatmeal, which otherwise should be left on the skin for effective results.
Oatmeal has been used in cosmetology for formulating several skin care products. If you check the labels of body scrubs, soaps, exfoliation cream and general body lotions, you will come across oatmeal in most of the trusted brands. While purchasing any of these products, check the remaining ingredients and select those that are free of strong chemicals. After using oatmeal directly, make a point to apply a good quality moisturizer to provide complete skin care.

Mar 23, 2015

Zucchini Health Benefits

Zucchini is often referred to as a summer squash, and comes in two colors - yellow and green. This versatile vegetable/ fruit is extremely beneficial for our health, since it contains many nutrients, like vitamin A, manganese, potassium, folate, etc., in adequate amounts. It has fewer calories as well - only 15 - 20 calories in 100 gm of Zucchini - so if you are hungry, then this is the perfect food, since it will fill your stomach without expanding your waistline or adding love handles. There are many health benefits of Zucchini, and in the following paragraphs, we'll find out what they are.

Benefits of Including Zucchini in Your Diet

✔ Calories in Zucchini are low, so they are a great substitute for fattening foods, i.e., those that have a high calorie count. They will take care of your hunger without you having to worry about piling up the pounds.

✔ Zucchini aids in digestion, when eaten as a side dish with a heavy meal, since it contains magnesium. Steam the Zucchini and add salt for some taste if you wish.

✔ Zucchini is a great way to beat the summer heat. It helps in keeping your body cool, when the temperatures are soaring. Eating it raw is also good.

✔ Zucchini contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Magnesium, which are great for boosting our immune systems. A strong immune system helps ward off common diseases.

✔ Zucchini plays an important role in fighting multiple sclerosis, and reduces the risk of high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks.

✔ Zucchini has a lot of fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which are crucial in reducing the cholesterol levels in our bodies. The vitamins are also amazing anti-inflammatory agents, which help in preventing anti-inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, and asthma.

✔ Incorporation of Zucchini in the diet reduces the risk of cancer, because the fibers in Zucchini help in removing the toxins from the body and prevent them from accumulating in the colon. Accumulation of carcinogenic toxins in the colon is mainly what leads to many types of cancers.

✔ Zucchini also helps in reducing the symptoms of benign prostate hypertrophy (BHP), which occurs in males and causes urinary complications and also sexual complications due to enlargement of the prostate gland.

✔ The Vitamin C and Lutein present in Zucchini also keep the eyes healthy and sharp. Vitamin C is also good for warding off asthma, and other diseases associated with lack of Vitamin C, like scurvy.

✔ Vitamin A helps prevent tooth decay, while the overall nutritional factor helps reduce the symptoms of aging to some extent.

✔ Zucchini is also believed to aid memory, help in regeneration of brain cells, and it also protects the cells from damage due to over oxidation.

✔ Zucchini has a high content of water. The potassium in it is an electrolyte which is good for the heart. So Zucchini provides a lot of hydration to the body without the need to constantly consume liquids/ electrolytes throughout the day.

✔ Zucchini also contains adequate amounts of phosphorous and magnesium, which is why it is very good for strengthening the bones. It helps, to some extent, in preventing brittleness of bones due to old age.

Another thing to keep in mind while buying and eating zucchini, is that the color will tell you how rich it is in nutrients. Dark green zucchinis have more nutrients than the lighter ones, so pick out the darker shades. Also, while eating the Zucchini, do not skin it and dispose the rind, since it contains an anti oxidant called 'beta-carotene' which helps our cells, and adds to its many health benefits. Just wash it properly before consuming or using. Eat healthy, stay healthy!

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli or Brassica aleracea is a plant that belongs to the family Brassicaceae, which includes vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels Sprouts. Broccoli closely resembles the cauliflower, except for its color. It is an extremely nutritious vegetable, which is loaded with a number of vital nutrients and chemicals.

Nutritional Information
It is one of the most significant sources of several important vitamins, including vitamin A, C, K, B6, B12, and folate or folic acid. It is abundant in calcium, potassium, chromium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Apart from these, it contains several important phytochemicals and antioxidants, of which beta carotene, isothiocyanates, quercetin, indoles, and glutathione are worth mentioning.

It also contains the compound, sulforaphane, which has been found to possess anti-cancer, anti-microbial, and anti-diabetic properties. It is a rich source of fiber, and can meet the dietary requirements for both soluble and insoluble fiber. On the other hand, this vegetable is low in fats.

Health Benefits
The high vitamin C content of broccoli makes it an ideal vegetable for getting enough antioxidants, which are essential for neutralizing the harmful free radicals. Vitamin C can also strengthen the immune system and facilitate the absorption of iron. On the other hand, calcium and potassium found abundantly in this vegetable can prove beneficial for conditions like osteoporosis and high blood pressure.

Calcium is required for healthy teeth and bones, while potassium is a crucial mineral for metabolism, and for maintaining water balance in the body. This mineral is also good for the heart and the kidneys. Broccoli also contains a significant amount of chromium, which can help regulate the level of blood sugar and insulin.

This vegetable contains a significant amount of fiber, which is good for the health of the digestive system. Many studies have also highlighted the anti-cancer properties of this vegetable, which can be attributed to its high sulforaphane and indole content. Sulforaphane can help activate and increase the levels of those enzymes that are associated with suppressing cancer or cancer-causing agents. On the other hand, indoles can deactivate estrogen metabolites, and hence lower the risk of hormone-related cancer like breast and prostate cancer.

Apart from these, some other health benefits of this vegetable are, weight reduction, cholesterol reduction, control or prevention of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and stomach, colon, and lung cancer. The carotenoids found in this vegetable are important for the eyes, and they can help prevent diseases like cataract.

Pregnant women can lower the risk of birth defects in their children by including broccoli in their diet. A deficiency of folic acid is one of the most important risk factors for birth defects. This vegetable contains enough folic acid, and hence, it can help lower the incidence of birth defects in babies.

So, broccoli is an ideal food that can help control or prevent several common ailments, including cataract, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, common cold, diabetes, and even cancer and tumors. However, try to avoid overcooking this vegetable, as this can reduce its vitamin and mineral content. It is better to cook this vegetable in simple ways, like steaming or baking, instead of frying it in excess oil or fats.

Mar 22, 2015

Symptoms of Fingers Arthritis

Arthritis Symptoms
Painful fingers, warm stiff joints, swollen knuckles and trouble moving fingers are some of the most common symptoms of arthritis in fingers.

Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation of the joints. While arthritis can invade any joint, the first symptoms of arthritis are visible in the fingers. Tenderness, warmth and redness around the joints is common in arthritis. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two common types of arthritis that affect the finger joints. Arthritis of the fingers usually affects the joints located in the fingertip and knuckles of the mid finger.

Osteoarthritis Symptoms

Symptoms of arthritis in finger joints can be clearly noticed as these body parts are the worst affected. Stiffness of finger is the most common symptom associated with osteoarthritis. It is accompanied by pain and swelling. In osteoarthritis, bending the fingers becomes a difficult task. Due to inflammation, the joints do not work properly, thus restricting the motion of the fingers. The person may experience persistent pain within the thumb base which is an indication of osteoarthritis of the basilar joint. Sometimes, the thumb's base may get swollen.

In some cases, osteoarthritis of fingers causes development of nodules or lumps around the knuckles. As a result, the knuckles get stiff, swollen and enlarged. People suffering from arthritis of fingers often find that their grip strength has reduced considerably. They are not able to hold objects firmly. Opening a jar or turning a key is no more a simple task. This loss of strength is a warning sign of finger osteoarthritis. The wrist joint is also affected and interferes with the mobility of the arms.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Initially, rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disorder) affects the middle finger joints but over time the condition progresses and spreads to other fingers. Morning stiffness is a common complaint in rheumatoid arthritis patients. So, after getting up the first thing they notice, is that the joints have become stiff. This usually lasts for about an hour, making it difficult to start your daily schedule. Due to stiffness in joints, the person finds it impossible to straighten out his fingers. This is a disease that affects the same joints of both the hands. Tingling or numbness in the fingers can also occur. Complex deformities are also observed in the hands which signal rheumatoid arthritis. Deformities like 'swan neck' or 'Boutonniere' are also noticed. This causes shifting of the fingers from their normal position. As a result, finger movement gets distorted and is away from the thumb.

Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms

Sausage-like shape of fingers is often seen in people affected with psoriatic arthritis (autoimmune disease). In this form of arthritis, the small joints that are close to the nails are damaged. Changes in the appearance of the nail such as ridging, thickening, pitting and yellow-orange discoloration are prominent. This type of arthritis is very rare and generally occurs in men.


Osteoarthritis occurs due to gradual deterioration of cartilage (part of aging), tough elastic tissue attached at the end of the bone. Due to loss of cartilage, the affected bones rub against each other, causing inflammation of the joints. However, the onset of arthritis is not always due to wear and tear of cartilage. Unhealthy eating habits and diet lacking in nutrition can cause toxic matter to accumulate in the joints. This buildup of toxic matter is what causes the immune system to overreact and attack the joint tissues, leading to inflammation and pain.

Relieving Arthritis Symptoms

Healthy Diet
Did you know that a change in diet will help improve pain? As aforementioned, many times arthritis pain is due to accumulation of toxins in our body that impede cell function. In order to get rid of these toxins and promote cell regeneration, one has to specifically follow a raw diet. Raw foods do an excellent job of neutralizing toxins, which in turn provides relief from pain. Completely switching to raw diet temporarily is necessary to eliminate toxins. One can include raw vegetables, fruits, buttermilk and coconut water in the diet but cooked food and milk should be strictly avoided. Eat only raw food just for 3 weeks and one can expect the pain to fade away. Even after the pain vanishes ensure that 50% of your meal is made up of raw food.

Herbs such as ginger and garlic display anti-inflammatory properties, hence can be extremely effective to treat inflammatory conditions like finger arthritis. Including these anti-inflammatory foods is one of the best ways to prevent flare-ups. You can simply grate any of these herbs and sprinkle it over your salad. Preparing tea made from these herbs can also contribute in controlling arthritis. Turmeric, a frequently used condiment is well-known for its potent anti-inflammatory activity. So, using it as a salad dressing can also work to combat arthritis effectively.

Hand arthritis does restrict your movement of fingers but keeping the fingers immobile all the time can make matters worse. So, in order to improve flexibility of joints and muscles, it is crucial to do little bit of exercise. Opening and closing the palm and stretching the fingers wide apart are some of the exercises that may help to increase mobility in joints.

Conventional treatment that involves use of anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen) may help to decrease joint pain and inflammation. Cortisone injections may also help to control arthritis symptoms. Surgical treatment such as joint replacement surgery is essential if the aforementioned treatment options fail to relieve arthritis symptoms.