Apr 20, 2015

World's Smallest Android Set-Top-Box

Chinese handset maker Xiaomi revealed the Mi Box Mini, an Android TV-like device that can play games. Everyone and their mother (in Tech News) is monitoring Xiaomi, the *fourth largest smartphone maker in the world behind Samsung, Apple and Lenovo (owners of Motorola). But that doesn't mean everything they put out is gold.

Xiaomi's been at the TV game the longest after it's smartphone when they first released the Mi Box, their answer to Apple TV. Like the Apple device, the Mi Box could play games, download apps, and stream content. However, unlike the Apple device, the content supported by Xiaomi is mostly China-centric, and this is no different with the Mi Box Mini.

Let's a take a step back and look at the Mi Box Mini. The thing is small, sleek, and did I mention small? At the size of a smartphone charger, the Mi Box Mini only has a plug and an HDMI output. It connects online via Wi-Fi. Xiaomi is offering "1.4 million hours" of content to go with it.

Of course, since it's an Android device, and similar to Android and Apple TV, the Mi Box Mini also has another feature going for it: gaming. The Mi Box Mini's specs surpass those many early Android consoles:

Most of the content available on the Mi Box Mini, and the Mi Box, for that matter, is in Chinese. Some of it might also be illegal and unlicensed content, but I did find Archer in English.Most of the content available on the Mi Box Mini, and the Mi Box, for that matter, is in Chinese. Some of it might also be illegal and unlicensed content, but I did find Archer in English.

Okay, enough about the video, onwards to video games! Sadly, like its predecessors, the Mi Box Mini isn't a gaming machine, even after the various deals that Xiaomi has made, including the one with Ouya. Part of the problem of the device as a gaming platform is Xiaomi's own lackadaisical offerings.

The company has on its store, free of charge, games like Timberman, Flappy Bird and Plants Versus Zombies. Of course there are also loads of Chinese-made mobile games. The games are simple casual titles that would find their way onto many a smartphone, mine included (I really liked Timberman).

Now, according to Xiaomi's forum's and Engadget, there's a way to side load apps onto the Mi Box Mini. I haven't figured out how. There's no Micro SD or SD slot anywhere, so the hardware is limited to 2 GB of usable memory. The Mi Box Mini should also connect to any Bluetooth controller, however it's not connecting to my Moga Pro.

However, at a price of about $30, the Mi Box Mini is incredibly attractive for people looking for a media solution to terrestrial and cable TV. With Xiaomi supposedly slated to hit State-side in the coming year, they may work out something with the Mi Box Mini for Western audiences. I still can't get over how tiny the box is.

Apr 18, 2015

Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a gum disease caused by bacterial infection of the tissues surrounding the gums and teeth. The growth of bacteria in these areas is mainly triggered by the lack of proper oral hygiene. The sugary and starchy components present in our food react with the bacteria present inside the mouth to form a soft, sticky, colorless film, known as plaque. Regular brushing and flossing helps to eliminate this plaque. In case it is not cleaned properly, it hardens to form tartar, which becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

Hormonal changes can also be responsible for gingivitis during pregnancy. Other factors that can contribute towards gingivitis are poor nutrition, and side effects of medicines. Early signs of this disease are not painful, but as it progresses, the gums may hurt a lot.


The bacteria that grow in tartar tend to irritate the gum at the base of the teeth, called gingiva, which in turn, gives rise to a number of annoying symptoms.
  • Gingivitis is commonly known as bleeding gums. Therefore, one of the most obvious signs is that the gums start bleeding easily. It is a particularly common occurrence while brushing or flossing.
  • Red and swollen gums is another clear sign of gingivitis. If the gums are badly inflamed, then they turn soft and puffy.
  • Occasionally, the gums may become extremely tender and sensitive.
  • When the gums are healthy, then their tissue is firm, and they are pale pink in color. If infected, the color changes to bright red or purplish red.
  • Receding gums is another problem faced by people suffering from gingivitis.
  • Sometimes, mouth sores may develop on the gum surface.
  • All the above mentioned symptoms could be accompanied by bad breath, or a bad taste in the mouth due to the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

If you observe any signs of gingivitis, you must visit a dentist as soon as possible for proper treatment. The first step of treatment is deep dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar hidden under the gums. Various specialized dental instruments are used for this purpose, and the technique is called scaling. It may cause some discomfort as the gums are already tender because of tartar build up. Sometimes, misaligned teeth or poorly fitted crowns make it difficult to clean the plaque with brushing. If any such problem is responsible for causing gingivitis, then it needs to be corrected. The treatment should be followed by adequate dental care at home. Your dentist may even suggest some changes in brushing and flossing techniques. He may also prescribe an antiseptic mouth rinse to control any further growth of bacteria.

Diet is also an important factor in the cure of this disease. You should eat crispy fibrous foods, such as apples and carrots, that can massage the gums well and keep them healthy. Rich sources of vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, can also cure gingivitis. You must stay away from sugary foods and high fat foods because they promote plaque formation.

The signs of gingivitis are often mild and we tend to ignore them. If left untreated, then it can lead to a more serious form of gum disease and even tooth loss. Recurrence of the signs can be prevented with good oral care. Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush twice a day. Regular flossing is also important as it removes trapped food particles from those areas where a toothbrush cannot reach. Thus, the chances of plaque formation is reduced to a great extent.

Apr 16, 2015

Best Way To Sore Eyes Treatment

Eyes are one of the most important organs of our body that help you see the wide world. These precious gifts however are prone to many eye problems caused due to many eye infections. Of these many eye problems is a common eye infection known as sore eyes or conjunctivitis.

Sore eyes are commonly associated with red, watery and itchy eyes that is very contagious in nature. After about 3 to 4 days of infections the sore eyes are at their peak and will reduce within 10 to 14 days. As you are looking for sore eyes treatment, I will not go into the details of what is sore eyes. However, if you need some additional information, you can read more on conjuctivitis in the article sore eye causes. Let us now go into the details of how to treat sore eyes.

How to Treat Sore Eyes Medically?

The first step for treatment for sore eye is visiting a medical professional. The doctor may prescribe some eye drops and ointments that are made specifically for treatment for sore eye. These medical ointments contain chloramphenicol, an antibiotic for treating bacterial conjunctivitis. The doctor may also give you some anti-inflammatory or antiviral medications. Apart, from the medical treatment for sore eye, you can even try some home remedies for conjunctivitis. The following paragraph will cover some sore eyes natural treatment.

Sore Eyes: Natural Treatment

There are many sore eyes natural treatments that will help soothe a sore eye. You can try applying raw grated apples on the eyes for sore eyes natural treatment. One of the most easiest and effective ways of sore eyes treatment is applying a slice of cucumber over the eyes for 30 minutes. Rose water is also helpful in sore eyes treatment. Just soak cotton balls in rose water and place it on your eye as a treatment for sore eye.

Another method includes adding a bit of salt to boiled water and dipping cotton balls in it. Then place the salted cotton balls over the sore eye for 5 minutes and get immediate relief. Another effective way of sore eye natural treatment includes use of coriander. All you need to do is crush coriander leaves in boiled water that is enough to wash your eyes 10 times in one go. When you get a light green color in water, strain the water and use it to wash your eyes. You should wash your eyes with this water as many times as you can in a day. Wash the eyes at least 10 times in one cycle.

You can reduce the itchiness and redness in your eye by adding some fresh cow milk to a clean bowl. Then soak cotton balls in the milk and sprinkle some potash alum powder over the cotton balls. Then place the cotton balls over your eyes for a few minutes. This will help reduce the redness and itchy eyes.

You can even use Chamomile tea or green tea bags and soak them in warm water. Then use the liquid to wash your eyes and the moist teabag can be placed over your eyes for reducing the itchiness and redness. Aloe Vera is very effective in sore eyes treatment. You can added some Aloe Vera extract to cool water and soak a piece of cotton cloth in the mixture. Then place this cloth over your eyes and gently clean your eyes with it.

You can even try placing peeled slice of potato over the eyelids for about a quarter of an hour. Then wash your eyes and repeat if necessarily. You can even place cold or hot compress over your eyes as it is a very effective sore eyes treatment. But make sure the hot compress is not too hot that may cause eye damage.

You can infuse one teaspoon of Eyebright herb in a cup of hot water. After the water cools, strain the infusion and wash your eyes with it every night, till the infection clears up. Artificial tears are also a good way to lubricate your irritated eyes. Add two drops of artificial tears twice a day. It will help moisten the eyes. However, do not use lubricating drops that contain preservatives for more than 3 to 4 times a day.

These were some effective ways of sore eyes treatment. You should always wash your hands after touching your eyes as you may inadvertently pass on the infection to others. Keep your handkerchiefs, towels and other personal items separate to avoid spread of the infection. The best treatment for sore eyes is washing the infected eye as much as possible. This will help wash out the infectious organisms and treat sore eyes. I hope this article on sore eye natural treatment contained useful pointers for pink eye home remedies.

Apr 13, 2015

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Vitiligo Disease

Vitiligo affects people all across the world irrespective of age, sex, and color. Although most people think that leucoderma and vitiligo are one and the same thing, it is not so. Leucoderma is a condition where depigmentation, or the development of brown patches on the skin occurs. Whereas in vitiligo, only depigmentation of the skin occurs, which leads to the development of white patches.


There are various types of this skin affliction:
  • Non-segmental: In the non-segmental type, there is a pattern of symmetry that is often noted, wherein there are similar patches seen on both hands and feet and other areas.
  • Segmental: In the segmental type, the areas affected are normally those associated with the dorsal roots from the spine. It is relatively more serious, as this type spreads faster, and without timely treatment, the patches of skin discoloration and depigmentation may remain for life.
  • Vitiligo universalis: This is the most serious type, where almost the entire skin undergoes depigmentation, and there is very little pigmented skin left.

The exact cause, unfortunately, is not known. However, it is almost unanimously agreed upon that this condition is an autoimmune disorder. This is so because the pathogenesis entails the destruction of melanocytes in the skin. The skin is made up of two types of cells - keratinocytes and melanocytes. In vitiligo, for reasons unknown, the white blood cells start attacking the melanocytes as they mistakenly identify them as foreign bodies and kill them. The melanocytes are the cells that give the skin its brownish tinge. Hence, when there is destruction of these cells, there are appearances of white patches. It is no wonder then that this ailment prominently figures in the list of autoimmune diseases. There are certain other theories proposed regarding the cause as well, like some researchers claim that the melanocytes undergo apoptosis, i.e., self-destruction. Some also believe that the cause might be hereditary in nature. Certain conditions are said to precipitate the occurrence of this disorder, like stress, thyroid disorders, preexistence of an autoimmune illness, physical injuries etc.


There are not many symptoms, as the most common and obvious symptom is the appearance of white patches on the skin. These white patches on the skin mostly start showing on the extremities first, with the patches eventually increasing in size and severity. There is often loss of hair in these patches, due to which, if this condition is seen on the scalp, then there are irregular bald patches seen in conjunction with the loss of pigmentation. Depigmentation is also commonly seen around body orifices, like the mouth, eyes, nostrils, etc. Normally, the visible features suffice to reach a diagnosis, but to reach a final diagnosis, it is always better to examine the skin under a special kind of light with the help of a diagnostic tool known as Wood's lamp. The doctor may also take a skin sample under anesthesia for microscopic examination.


Regrettably, there is no fixed and definitive treatment for this condition. However, there are a number of ways to mitigate the symptoms and prevent its spread. One of the most common approaches to treating this rare skin condition is with the help of special lamps. These lamps constitute a part of phototherapy, wherein the depigmented patches are exposed to light rays, that have a wavelength of only 311 - 313 nanometer, thus, ensuring that there is no heat exposure. This option shows very successful results, especially in cases of children. However, for cases that do not respond to phototherapy, most doctors resort to prescribing topical steroids. If all else fails, patients are recommended to go for surgical options. There are numerous ointments and medications that offer natural cures, but the effectiveness of these creams is still under research.

Although vitiligo is not a serious or fatal skin condition, it often has terrible repercussions on the person's mental health. Many a time, people suffering from this disorder are looked down upon and discriminated. This is most acutely felt in cases of children, where such school kids are often the subject of ridicule at the hands of bullies. Thus, the need of the hour is not only to simply find a cure for this disease, but also to spread awareness about this mild and absolutely harmless physical condition so that the unhealthy discrimination that is rampant is done away with at the earliest. Let us always remember, that when it comes to vitiligo disease, Michael Jackson and Amitabh Bachchan also suffered and overcame this condition to make their mark in society.

Apr 12, 2015

Leucoderma Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Leucoderma, also termed as vitiligo, is a common skin disorder affecting a percent or more of the world's population. It is a distressing skin disease wherein the sufferer develops white patches on face, hands, legs, and other areas of the body due to gradual loss of the pigment melanin from the skin layers. The condition can be embarrassing, especially in people who have dark skin, as these white patches look extremely ugly.

The condition is more commonly seen in women than men, and the most affected areas are hands, neck, back, and wrist. It can occur in people of any age or sex, and is neither infectious nor contagious. Research show that majority of these cases are seen in people below the age of 40 years, and nearly 30% of them acquire this skin disease through heredity. Hence, contrary to the popular belief, vitiligo does not occur due to any bacterial or viral infestation, or bad blood. The causes, symptoms, and treatment of leucoderma are given in the paragraphs below.


The actual cause of this condition is still unknown, but surely, beliefs like eating unhealthy or wrong food combination like fish and milk, pumpkin and milk, onion and milk, or any citrus or acid foods after milk are not the reasons. This problem mainly occurs when the skin stops producing melanin, a skin pigment that protects the skin from harsh sun radiations. As a result, the skin areas that are deprived of this pigment start appearing white. However some of the probable causes include:
  • Skin trauma
  • Sunburn
  • Excessive thinking or mental stress
  • Heredity
  • Chronic gastric disorders
  • Burn injuries
  • Jaundice
  • Presence of parasites in the alimentary canal
  • Defective perspiratory mechanism
  • Other illnesses like diabetes, hyperthyroidism and Addison's disease

This disorder appears to be odd, harmless, and has no other signs except white patches or spots on the skin. The whiteness on the skin usually begins with small white or brown spots, which either increase in size or are gradually followed by a few other similar spots in other areas of the body or around the initial area of discoloration. The white or hypopigmented skin is margined or outlined by dark or hyper pigmented demarcations. These spots may either spread slowly or very fast throughout the body. Apart from these signs, some others are given below:
  • Alopecia or loss of hair
  • Premature graying of hair
  • Along with skin, the hair growing on the affected skin also turns white
  • Sensitivity towards cold
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Skin irritation when exposed to sun's rays or chemicals

Though there is no specific treatment for this infection, homeopathy and some home remedies so far are considered to be the two effective options that can improve the condition to a great extent, especially during the initial stages. Homeopathy does offer a good improvement for white patches by turning the patches dark to normal skin color, and preventing more white patches or spots from occurring. However, the course and success primarily depends upon the severity of the condition, i.e., the duration, extent, and the patient's susceptibility towards the patches. Apart from this, there are several home remedies that are also useful in improving the condition.
  • The best home remedy is the psoralea (babchi) seeds steeped in ginger juice for 2 - 3 days. The juice should be renewed daily, and the seeds, after removing the husks, should be dried in shade and then powdered. Having one gram of this powder with a cup of fresh milk for one and a half months can be useful in treating this condition. You can also try rubbing the powder on the white patches.
  • Likewise, equal quantities of babchi and tamarind seeds, stepped in water for 3 - 4 days, shelled and dried in shade, and then grounded into paste when applied on the white patches for a week or so can help turning the white patches in to dark.
  • Red clay found by the river side or on the hill slopes, mixed with equal proportion of ginger juice and applied once in a day on the spots can also help to bring back the skin pigmentation.
  • Another useful remedy is the use of turmeric and mustard oil. Soak overnight 500 gms of turmeric in 8 kg of water. Next morning, heat the mixture till one kg of water is left, and then, after straining, mix 500 gms of mustard oil. This mixture should again be heated till one kg of oil is left, and then, should be applied on the white spots twice a day for a couple of months.
  • Seeds of radish (around 35 gms) when grounded with 2 tsp of vinegar and applied on the spots is also quite effective in bringing back the skin pigmentation.
  • Likewise, goosefoot is another useful remedy. The vegetable should be consumed twice a day, morning and evening, for two months consistently. Its juice can also be applied on the spots.
  • Apart from these remedies, the patient should make healthy dietary changes, like avoiding tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, all condiments and highly-flavored dishes, sugar, white flour products, denatured cereals, like polished rice and pearled barley, and canned or bottled foods. Also, eating a healthy balanced diet comprising seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits is also useful in reducing the risks of having this skin disorder.
However, some people quite often mistake temporary white patches on the skin, which disappear in a week or so for this disease. Hence, before drawing any conclusions, it is better to ascertain your condition by a dermatologist who will, after diagnosing your condition would recommend necessary treatment. I hope the information given in this article proves to be useful in understanding this skin disorder in a better way.

What is Sida Cordifolia?

Sida Cordifolia Complex is a herbal complex designed to trigger fast fat loss. It contains precise ratios of Sida Cordifolia, Guarana and White Willow Bark to trigger fat loss. Sida Cordifolia Complex is also perfect for a Pre-Workout boost, just try it, your workouts will never be the same!

Sida Cordifolia has been used for over 2,000 years to treat:
  • Bronchial asthma cold & flu
  • chills
  • lack of perspiration
  • chills
  • headache
  • nasal congestion
  • aching joints and bones
  • cough & wheezing
  • edema
In Western terms, Sida Cordifolia is considered to have diaphoretic, diuretic, central nervous system stimulating and anti-asthmatic activity.

Sida Cordifolia acts as a general stimulant on many parts of the body at the same time and is most often used as a CNS (central nervous system) stimulant, as a decongestant and as an appetite suppressant in a wide variety of successful weight loss products.

The stem of this plant contains a number of active compounds, including small amounts of an essential oil, and most important, 1-2% alkaloids composed mainly of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, with ephedrine ranging from 30-90%, depending on the source.

Sida Cordifolia is an extract of the Sida cordifolia plant containing 0.8% to 1.2% of the alkaloid ephedrine. It is considered to be one of the most valuable drugs in Ayurveda. It is used by Ayurveda physicians as an antipyretic in febrile and infectious diseases, and also as an aphrodisiac. Sida Cordifolia is also useful in the treatment of chronic broncho-pulminary conditions characterized by bronchospasm and cough.

Importance of Sida Cordifolia

The importance of Sida Cordifolia becomes apparent as it contains ephedrine alkaloids common to the Ephedra plant (also known by its Chinese name: Ma-Huang). Sida Cordifolia contains lesser quantities of alkaloids than Ma-Huang, and therefore is regarded as a weaker stimulant on cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Furthermore, Sida Cordifolia contains other bronchodilating principles which Ma-Huang does not have…..in particular vasicinone, vasicine, and vasicinol.

The effects of ephedra are generally attributed to the alkaloid "ephedrine" which produces central nervous system (CNS) stimulation, peripheral vasoconstriction, elevation of blood pressure, bronchodilation, cardiac stimulation, and a decrease of intestinal tone & motility, among other effects. According to Dr. Albert Leung in his second edition of "Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics" (John Wiley & Sons, 1995), the central stimulant action of ephedrine appears to be mediated by '1-adrenoceptors', and not by 'dopamine receptors'. He also notes that pseudoephedrine has similar activities as ephedrine, except that its hypertensive and central nervous system effects are weaker.

Mark Blumenthal, editor of HerbalGram and executive director of the American Botanical Council, has stated that he has used the stems & twigs of this Chinese herb as a cold remedy for 20 years. He points out that the effects of ephedrine, a stimulant alkaloid, should not be confused with those of the whole herb itself. This is a good example of how the effects of a whole herb, and its isolated constituents, must be considered separately. One should not confuse ephedrine and pseudoephedrine with ephedra, just like one shouldn't confuse pure caffeine with coffee.

Shilajit Is Commonly Known As The Fountain Of Youth

Shilajit is commonly known as the fountain of youth. It is a plant that is used as anti-aging agent and promoting sexual health. Shilajit is widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicine and is considered one of the most important ingredients in the Ayurvedic system of supplement to medicine.This herbs enhances the benefits of other herbs by enhancing their bioavailability. It helps the nutrients deep into tissue transport and eliminates toxins deep. This herb improves memory and the ability to manage stress. Recovery time Shilajit benefits muscle damage, bone and nervous. It also stimulates the immune system and reduces chronic fatigue.

Shilajit enhances the power of each of the drugs known Ayurvedic medicines. The chemical combination of Shilajit indicates an abundance of different minerals in it. Shilajit is considered a master of rejuvenation. It works at the cellular level of capacity of each cell in the body, the revitalization of a person.

Shilajit is the final part of the plant, which has decomposed centuries ago and was discharged in the mountains, and because of the pressure, he kept in the mountains. Shilajit is found in the Himalayan region, especially in Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal and Kumaon region in India.The world renowned shilajit is enriched with the power of gold, saffron, ashwagandha , musli and other exortic ayurvedic herbs.

The reason you want this material in your closet for the survival of the active ingredient isbecause Shilajit is an acid chemical calledfulvic. That is why this supplement is one of the most sought after healing compounds in traditional medicines, ayurvedic medicine in particular.

Shilajit important ancient texts devoted to the various Indian systems of medicine. These texts can improve Shilajit successfully all the diseases on earth.

These questions are presented in Shilajit surprising rejuvenation, anti-aging and antioxidant properties. It rejuvenates and improves the body every cell and helps cells to grow at any age.

Yes, Shilajit has many benefits and many other benefits. It can be compared to nectar, which God gave us to stay healthy and strong. It will be a century-old mother nature “, the factory Shilajit makes you strong as the hard facts of life saves the Himalayas, such as aging and reduce sexual stamina. Rejuvenator powerful help to protect you from a former strength and energy support at the same time.

Shilajith is a powerful stimulus to help you achieve the loss of power or some unknown force within you. Discover the magic lost in you by science gold.Medical shilajit has shown conclusively that Shilajit is useful in the treatment of various chest problems. Shilajit is widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines and is regarded as one of the most important ingredients in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.

Safed Musli (Chlorophytum Borivilianum)

It would not be an exaggeration to call Safed Musli a unique gift of nature to mankind since the time immemorial.

In the Ayurvedic literature, Safed Musli is celebrated as a Divya Aushad with unparalleled medicinal properties. It is a chief ingredient in the preparation of over a hundred Ayurvedic formulations. Safed Musli is also gaining increasing acceptance as a Vitalizer and health-giving tonic, a curative for pre-natal and post-natal problems, a restorative for immunity-improvement and as a remedy for diabetes and arthritis.

The recent discovery of Safed Musli as a natural and safe aphrodisiac agent has also opened up new channels of application and new demand for it. By virtue of being a herb, Safed Musli has been found to be an ideal aphrodisiac with no negative side-effects associated with chemical-based aphrodisiac.

Climatic Requirements:

As Safed Musli grows naturally in most parts of the Central Region of India, the normal climate of the Central region suits the crop most and it can grow successfully in the wide range of temperature and rainfall. Sandy loam soil with proper drainage system facilitates its growth.

Safed Musli is found growing in thick forests in its natural form. It is partly a herb with sub-erect lanceolata leaves. There are about 256 varieties of Chlorophytum and 17 among them are found in India. Among these, Chlorophytum borivilianum has good market both indigenously and globally. The Medicinal Plants Board has recognized Safed Musli as the sixth important herb to be protected and promoted.
  • Bio Chemistry of Safed Musli
  • Carbohydrates (35-45%)
  • Proteins (5-10%)
  • Fibre (25-35%)
  • Saponins (2-20%)
  • Alkaloids (15-25%)
The Saponins and Alkaloids present in the plant are the primary source of its significant medicinal properties.

Use of Safed Musli:

Safed Musli has very good Ayurvedic medicinal use. It is rich source of over 25 alkaloids, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, steroid, seponins and polysaccharides etc.

A number of Health tonics (Sexual tonics) are prepared from Safed Musli. It is essential part of a traditional diet of mothers (after delivery) in the form of Laddoos. Efforts in countries like USA and England are also on to convert it into chips to use it as a nutritious breakfast. On the other hand, Safed Musli is a safe and effective drug, with similar benefits and without any side-effects.

Safed Musli is a traditional medicinal plant. Its tubers roots are used in ayurvedic medicines. Roots are used for the preparation of nutritive tonic used in general sexual weakness. There is a vast demand of Safed Musli all over the world.


Used for Sexual weakness, low libido, low sperm count etc. It is also found to be effective as a energetic one in cases of cough and asthma.

Healing power and curative properties:

Loss of libido / Impotency :

Primarily used as a tonic and rejuvenative for the reproductive system. For premature ejaculation, impotence, low sperm count in men. Also used in chronic leucorrhoea. Sexual weakness – Tuberous roots are used since long back in ayurvedic medicines to prepare tonic to increase sexual weakness.

Gynecology :

Useful during pregnancy as a nutritive tonic for mother and fetus. Post-partum it replenishes lost fluids, prana, ojas and improves the quantity and flow of breast milk.

Other Benefits of Chlorophytum borivilianum
Apart from its aphrodisiac property, Chlorophytum borivilianum has following other health benefits -
  • Strengthens immunity – In asthma patients it boosts the energy. Roots are used for strengthening the body’s immune system.
  • Pregnancy – The herb is used as nutritive tonic for fetus and mother both. The herb replenishes the fluids of body during parturition.
  • Obesity – It controls and prevents obesity. It also helps in prevention of side-effects related to obesity.
  • Diabetes – The herb is an effective cure for arthritis and diabetes.
  • Leucorrhea – The herb is used in treatment of chronic leucorrhea and prevents premature ejaculation.
  • Consumption of this herb increases HDL (or production of good cholesterol).
  • Regular intake of the herb reduces hepatic lipid profiles and plasma.


Alternative Testosterone Supplements

Testosterone levels in the body increase when one hits puberty. Further, this triggers muscle growth, sperm making, and facial hair growth in boys. The pituitary gland controls the level of testosterone in the body and it releases a hormone called Luteinizing Hormone (LH) which signals the testicles to produce testosterone. Testosterone is the primary growth hormone, and thus these supplements are quite popular with athletes and body builders. However, these supplements need to be taken under a physician's guidance as they can have some irreversible side effects. These are also used by men who have a low sex drive as it is this hormone that is responsible for the male sex drive. In some cases, doctors prescribe testosterone injections if an individual has naturally low levels of the hormone. The problem is that the side effects caused by these injections are irreversible and when taken over a period of time, the body stops producing it naturally.

The bottom line is that these supplements make one bigger and stronger, by strengthening the bones and boosting one's energy levels. Body builders consume supplements to boost muscle growth as this is the fastest way to do so. Few experiments have even suggested that the use of these supplements after the age of 30 is beneficial for men. Tribulus is one of the most well-known booster of this hormone and is extracted from Tribulus Terrestris, a wine plant found in United States, Mexico, India, and China. Athletes use these supplements to improve their performance, but most of these are banned in competitive sports. Sometimes men over the age of 40 are affected by low levels of the hormone and it could be caused due to andropause or hypogonadism. In such cases, external delivery of this hormone is recommended. Some other diseases like type 2 diabetes or diabetes mellitus also causes depletion in the levels, and a physician may recommend testosterone therapy in such cases. Most bodybuilding supplements boost muscle growth and when incorporated with a good weight training workout, would give one a great physique in no time. Scientifically designed anabolic mineral formula 'ZMA' is widely used by athletes for its ability to increase hormone levels and strength. It is the most widely used testosterone for bodybuilding.

There are quite a few side effects of these supplements, and some of these are irreversible. So, one needs to consult a doctor before taking them. If they are consumed regularly over a period of time, they can stop the body's natural ability to produce this hormone. One of the most common side effects of these boosters is acne, as the intake of these supplements leads to oily skin. Baldness is also a major, visible side effect of this supplementation. Liver damage is attributed to the oral intake of the supplements and in some cases, prolonged use has known to cause liver cancer. Gynecomastia (man breasts) is an undesirable side effect of these boosters along with infertility and prostate problems. Some of the early signs of the side effects are prolonged and painful erections, along with swelling of arms and legs. Psychological side effects include constant irritation and increased aggression levels. Sleep deprivation and stress are some of the other side effects common to testosterone replacement therapy.

Some natural testosterone supplements in herbal medicines have no side effects, and a nutritious diet will also help you increase the hormone naturally. Regular exercise and healthy lifestyle routines are the easiest way to maintain and increase the levels naturally.

Side Effects of Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is regarded as a 'living fossil' for being the last living species of the family Ginkgoaceae, and the genus Ginkgo. It is also known as the Maidenhair tree. It has been used for a long time in Chinese traditional medicine for treating a number of ailments, including asthma, bronchitis, and brain disorders. It is a large tree that can grow up to a height of 35 meters. Some species can even reach a height of 50 meters. The leaves of the tree are used to prepare ginkgo biloba extract, that is used in herbal medicine.

Health Benefits
It is mainly known to enhance memory by improving blood circulation to the brain. Therefore, its extract is widely used to treat dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It has been found that this herb may prove effective in improving memory, thinking, and learning abilities in the patients of Alzheimer's disease. It is also used to treat circulatory disorders, due to its stimulating effect on blood circulation.

The main active compounds found in this herb are, flavonoids and terpenoids, which are powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants can protect the body cells, including those of the brain, from the oxidative damage caused by the free radicals. So, they can help lower the risk of various diseases, including cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease. Apart from these, it may also help treat certain eye disorders, asthma, macular degeneration, and infertility, besides preventing the formation of plaques within the arteries.

Side Effects
Despite all the health benefits, several studies have revealed that this herb can produce a few side effects. People having circulatory disorders are more likely to experience the side effects of this herbal medicine. Bleeding can be termed as an important side effect of this herb, which can be experienced people having bleeding disorders and those who are taking anticoagulant drugs. If taken with anticoagulant drugs like warfarin, this herb can raise the risk of increased bruising or bleeding. People taking antidepressant medications should also avoid ginkgo biloba or its supplements.

Headaches, gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, palpitation, dizziness, and muscle weakness are some other possible side effects of this herb. Anxiety is another commonly reported side effect of this herb. Some studies have pointed out that this herb can have an effect on the level of blood sugar as well. Therefore, people with diabetes and hypoglycemia should be very cautious while using its supplements.

The leaves and seeds of the ginkgo tree have been found to contain some allergens and toxic compounds, like urushiols and ginkgotoxin. Ginkgotoxin present in the seeds can cause seizures, while the allergen urushiols can produce a severe allergic reaction that can manifest in skin rashes, itching, hives, shortness of breath, and swelling of the face, mouth, and the throat. Such an allergic reaction calls for immediate medical attention. Apart from these, seizures, nosebleeds, increased bleeding, blood in stool, black stool, numbness in the hands and legs, and problems with vision and speech are some other serious side effects of this herbal medicine.

If used in moderation, healthy individuals usually do not experience the serious side effects associated with this herb. But still, this herb and its supplements should be taken only under the guidance of a herbalist, or a health care professional. As ginkgo biloba may interact with certain medications, you should always consult your physician while using this herb.

Cloves Health Benefits and its Properties

Cloves are the dried, unopened flower buds, that grow on a middle-sized evergreen clove tree. A clove tree grows up to the height of 10 to 12 meters. The clove flower bud (Eugenia aromatica) is pink in color, and when dried, turns brown. Clove is native to the Moluccas or Spice Islands (Indonesia), and the Southern Philippines. Indonesia is the largest producer of cloves. These herbs are also cultivated commercially in Jamaica, Brazil, India, West Indies, Pemba, Madagascar and other tropical areas. Cloves as compared to other spices are available all year round.

In India and China, cloves have been used as an ancient remedy to get rid of bad breath. It is said that in China, anyone who had consultation with the Emperor was required to chew on cloves so that their breath turned sweet. In China and Persia, the cloves are considered to have aphrodisiac qualities.

Medicinal Properties of Cloves

Clove is used as a spice in different cuisines all over the globe. Due to its strong aroma, clove is used for cooking and also for adding spice to several food recipes. In addition, cloves are known to have rich nutritional and medicinal values. A number of health benefits of cloves have been discussed below.

Packed with Nutrition
Cloves consist of a significant amount of minerals, proteins, iron, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and hydrochloric acid. Researchers have found that cloves rank high as natural antioxidants. They also contain vitamins like A and C, manganese, and dietary fiber.

The analgesic property of clove is due to an active ingredient, eugenol oil, which is used for treatment of various dental problems like tooth decay and tooth abscesses. A cotton ball soaked in the clove oil can work wonders on an aching tooth. The oil obtained from cloves is known to possess antibacterial properties and is used in various dental creams, toothpastes, and mouthwashes to cleanse bacteria. It is also used to relieve pain from sore gums.

Cloves are also used as an anti-inflammatory agent, due to their high content of flavonoids. Aromatherapists use pure clove oil to cure the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. The aromatic clove oil when inhaled, can help relieve certain respiratory conditions like cold, cough, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, and it also clears the nasal tract. The diluted clove oil when gargled helps in effectively easing the throat discomfort.

Antiseptic and Antispasmodic
Due to its antiseptic properties, clove and clove oil work as an effective remedy for some common problems such as cuts, fungal infections, burns, athlete's foot, and bruises. The clove oil, if directly applied on the skin can cause irritation. The clove oil is hence used for application in diluted form. As an antispasmodic agent, clove oil helps to relieve muscle spasms when applied topically near the affected portion. For centuries, clove oil is used as a natural way to aid in childbirth.

Aids Digestive Health
Cloves can effectively cure many digestive problems. Cloves are known to have medicinal qualities to cure nausea, indigestion, flatulence, stomach pain, and loose motions.

In Cancer
Researchers have suggested that the cloves can effectively prevent lung cancer as well as skin cancer. Eugenol, an essential component found in cloves, helps in minimizing the harmful effects of environmental wastes that can cause cancer of gastrointestinal tract.

Boosts Immunity
Clove and clove oil boosts the immune system by purifying the blood. Cloves are also known to stimulate blood circulation.

Stress Reliever
Clove oil is an excellent stress reliever. It contains aphrodisiac properties and hence stimulates the brain and reduces fatigue, mental exhaustion, and depression. It has successfully treated patients suffering from insomnia and it induces a high-quality sleep. Clove oil is helpful in treating mental diseases such as anxiety, and memory loss.

More Health Benefits

► Cloves are used for treating a number of health conditions such as malaria, cholera, scabies in the tropical Asian countries.

► Cloves benefit the diabetic patients by controlling the blood glucose levels. The essential constituent (Eugenol) found in cloves is also powerful for preventing blood clots.

► Clove oil mixed with milk and salt can be used as a home remedy for headache. It is one of the effective remedies for stye and various eye infections. If a piece of clove is applied to stye, it relieves the pain and swelling. Clove is used as a relief for earaches, a mixture of clove oil and sesame oil is warmed and applied for earaches.

► Apart from these health benefits of cloves, they are known to offer other benefits too. Clove oil is used for treatment of acne. Applying clove oil on affected area helps in getting rid of swelling caused due to pimples. Clove oil is used for the preparation of various beauty cream and lotions. It is also extensively used as a massage oil.

► Clove is used as a remedy for treating morning sickness. After meals you can consume tea prepared by adding 4 grains of cloves. Also chewing a few cloves can give you great relief.

► Clove oil, in the form of purified liquid is widely used in synthetic vanilla and also used as flavors in the manufacture of perfumes, soaps and various toiletries.

► The clove oil makes an excellent natural mosquito repellent as well as moth repellent, and can protect against mosquitoes for 4-5 hours. Cloves are also used in making cigarettes.

Clove, a versatile spice, is easily available in every home and with so many nutritional qualities, one can surely benefit in a number of ways. But it's always advisable to consult your doctor before using clove oil in treating infants and during pregnancy.

List of Herbs That Helps Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is when a man ejaculates and achieves orgasm sooner than he or his partner wishes to for sexual satisfaction. Mostly, PE occurs before or shortly after sexual intercourse. But what should be called premature ejaculation varies from people to people. Some men may last for 5 minutes and regard it as a satisfying sexual experience for them and their sexual partner. While some may even last for as long as 25 minutes, but consider themselves to have premature climax. So the idea of what is normal ejaculation varies widely. But as a general rule put forth by medical experts, men who frequently ejaculate before or within a minute after penetration should seek medical help. Premature ejaculation is an easily treatable condition. Its treatment mainly involves medicines, working closely with a sex therapist, and psychologist. Apart from these, some people may also take a herbal approach towards managing the problem. The following discusses a few herbs known for treating premature ejaculation.

Clove helps improve blood circulation in the genitals. Drink a cup or two of tea made from clove everyday until symptoms improve. You may also avail it in encapsulated form. Application of clove oil to the penis also helps.

Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba is a natural aphrodisiac. It stimulates blood circulation in the body including the penis. This helps erection last longer and extend the time for ejaculation.

Tribulus terrestris
The active ingredients in this herb work to restore the hormonal balance in the body which helps boost sexual performance. The effect of this herb is seen over time with regular use. Problems such as impotence, and low libido can also be treated with this herb.

It is recommended to chew 2-4 raw garlic cloves everyday. This bulbous herb improves blood circulation in the body including the penis.

Chlorophytum borivilianum
The use of this herb stimulates the process of the reproductive system. Not only does it help treat premature ejaculation, but it also helps manage impotence and low sperm count.

This herb is a popular medicine used in Ayurveda. The minerals contained in this herb help increase libido which in turn reduces incidences of premature ejaculation.

Sida cordifolia
Another popular Ayurveda medicine is sida cordifolia. The herb has a rejuvenating effect in the body, and is recommended for improving sexual function in both men and women. PE can be managed by taking this drug orally, and massaging its oil onto the penis regularly.

Also known as tumble-weed, this herb when regularly used, may stimulate sexual function and help delay orgasms in men with PE. It is also known for preventing nocturnal emissions.

Some Tips to Control PE
  • Practice deep breathing during sexual intercourse.
  • Masturbating a couple of hours before sexual intercourse may delay orgasm.
  • Try different sexual positions and determine which one helps you last longer.
  • The start and stop method helps reduce premature ejaculation. Just before you near ejaculation, stop all sexual stimulation. For some it may mean withdrawal from the intercourse or getting away from their partner. And once the urge to ejaculate dies off, resume foreplay and then the intercourse. Repeat this method till the time you wish to experience orgasm.
  • Another similar method is to let your partner squeeze the head of your penis just when you feel you are ready to ejaculate. Let the squeezing last until you no longer have the urge. Wait for about 30 seconds, and get back to foreplay before you penetrate again. Keep using this method until you and your partner feel it is time to reach the climax.
Although herbs are natural, they are not completely free of side effects. Some herbs are known to cause severe reactions when they interact with conventional drugs. For instance, ginkgo biloba is known to interfere with the blood clotting process in the body. And that is why its use may not be safe for people who are on medicines such as blood thinners. Although many anecdotes may suggest that the herbs mentioned above work well for the treatment of PE, most of them have not undergone controlled or conclusive clinical trials. Ergo, it is imperative that you consult your health care provider or doctor before choosing any kind of herbal treatment to manage the problem of premature ejaculation.

Apr 10, 2015

How-To Reset Factory Default iPhone 6

If any damages have been caused to your Apple iPhone 6 by downloading unauthorized software or other means, a restore to original factory settings is one way to repair the issues. A full restore will delete all of the data on it, including all pictures, music, contacts and videos. This can easily be done from the phone or using iTunes.
Remember: this removes EVERYTHING from your phone and resets it back to factory settings. If you’re sure you wish to proceed with this, follow the simple steps below. We will discuss restoring your iPhone through iTunes using a backup further down in the article.

Reset From Device
  1. Click on “Settings” and then on “General.”
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the General tab and click “Reset.”
  3. Tap “Erase all Content and Settings.”
  4. Enter your passcode (if there is one) and confirm your reset by tapping “Erase iPhone.”
Your device should give you an estimate as to how long this process will take. Depending on how many apps you have, it could be anywhere from a few moments to an hour or more. During this time, the device is completely inoperable. Once finished, your phone will be like new. This is something you should do if you ever give or sell your phone to someone else as it erases all of your information.

Reset From iTunes

You may wish to simply restore using a backup of your device so that you can keep your settings, email and apps. This process involves a few more steps, but it’s still fairly simple.
  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer with its cable and allow iTunes to launch. You’ll see a button appear for your phone under “Devices” on the upper-left side of your screen. This lets you know the phone is properly connected and recognized. Select the button.
  2. If iTunes is set to automatically sync when the device is connected, it will start transferring data right away. This is a very important step so that all newly-added content will be saved, including any songs or apps you’ve purchased and photos you’ve saved. If iTunes does not automatically begin to sync, do so manually now. Press the “Sync” button at the bottom-right corner of the “Summary” option located in the left pane in iTunes.
  3. Once the sync has completed, head back to the information page within iTunes. In the middle of the main window, you’ll see two buttons. Click on the “Restore” button. Once you have done so, iTunes will warn you that restoring your iPhone to factory settings will erase all media and data. If you’ve already successfully synced, simply click the “Restore” button again to begin the process.
  4. As soon as you click the “Restore” button the second time, iTunes will automatically start the process. You’ll see several different message on the screen where iTunes tells you things – such as that it is extracting the software needed to restore your device. You’ll see things such as a message that it’s being verified with Apple, as well. Do NOT disconnect your phone from your computer while this process is going.
  5. iTunes will tell you when the phone is finished being restored, but you aren’t done quite yet! You have to restore your settings and sync everything back to the device. Let the iPhone restart itself after restoration. You may then see a message saying it needs to activate – just wait a moment and it will then tell you that process is finished.
  6. On the iTunes screen, you’ll see two options: “Set Up as a New iPhone” or “Restore From a Backup“. If you wish to restore your settings, email, contacts and other information, you’ll of course choose the “Restore From a Backup” option. Select the name of your iPhone from the drop-down menu on the right side of the screen.
Once you click the button, iTunes will restore all settings and files you backed up earlier in this process. It will likely take several minutes – make sure you don’t disconnect the phone during this time. As soon as everything is restored to the iPhone it will restart itself once again. If iTunes is not set to automatically sync, please do so again now manually. This step is critical: it is when all of your files, apps, music and such will be transferred back to the iPhone.

Voila! Your iPhone 6 is now restored to original factory settings and all of your data has been synced back to the phone. You can unhook the phone from the computer and use it now!

Facts About Diabetes Mellitus

Overview : Types of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common disease in which the blood sugar (glucose) is abnormally elevated. Normally, the body obtains glucose from food, and additional glucose is made in the liver. The pancreas produces insulin, which enables glucose to enter cells and serve as fuel for the body. In patients with diabetes, glucose accumulates in the blood instead of being properly transported into cells. Excess blood sugar is a serious problem that may damage the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, and other organs.

About 5-10% of patients with diabetes are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus, an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, causing the organ to no longer produce insulin. Type 1 DM most commonly occurs in children or young adults, and the incidence of new cases is increasing.

Approximately 90-95% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes mellitus, which occurs when the body becomes unable to use the insulin produced by the pancreas. This condition is also called insulin resistance. The prevalence of type 2 DM is increasing dramatically worldwide. In the past, type 2 DM was associated with adulthood; however, it is rapidly increasing in children because of the rise in childhood obesity.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) occurs during pregnancy. This form of diabetes usually resolves after delivery, but patients with GDM have an increased risk of developing type 2 DM later in life.

Causes and Risk Factors

Type 1 DM is an autoimmune disorder and the exact cause is unknown. Causes may include genetic factors, environmental factors, and viruses.

For type 2 DM, the major risk factors include a family history of type 2 DM, increased age, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Type 2 DM can develop in people who are not obese, but obesity is a major risk factor because excess body fat causes insulin resistance.

Gestational diabetes mellitus is caused by certain hormones associated with pregnancy that interfere with insulin’s function. GDM occurs more frequently in patients who are overweight, are older than 25, have close relatives with diabetes, or have given birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds.

Steroid medication may cause diabetes or exacerbate existing disease. DM is also caused by excess hormone production, genetic disorders that impair insulin activity, and pancreatic diseases.

Symptoms and Complications

People with type 1 DM usually experience a sudden onset of symptoms including:
  • Frequent urination
  • Extreme thirst
  • Weight loss
  • Abnormal hunger
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision.
The severity of symptoms depends on the blood sugar level. Individuals with type 2 DM usually have a much more gradual onset of symptoms, and many people with type 2 DM are asymptomatic for years.

  • Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening condition associated with increased fat metabolism and production of harmful acids (ketones). Patients diagnosed with DKA develop very high blood sugar levels, abdominal pain, fruity-smelling breath, dehydration, severe weakness, lethargy, and coma.
  • Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome is characterized by extremely high blood sugar levels, dehydration, fever, confusion, and coma.
  • Atherosclerosis causes the narrowing of arteries throughout the body. This problem increases the risk for coronary heart disease, heart attacks, cerebrovascular disease, stroke, and impaired circulation to the legs (peripheral artery disease).
  • Damage to nerves (neuropathy) in the arms and legs causes decreased sensation, numbness, and tingling. Neuropathy and poor blood circulation in the feet can cause non-healing wounds and infections that may necessitate lower extremity amputations.
  • Damage to blood vessels in the kidney ultimately impairs kidney function (nephropathy).
  • Impaired blood flow in the retina (diabetic retinopathy) can lead to blindness.

Patients with type 1 DM often develop pronounced symptoms of diabetes, so the disease is usually readily diagnosed. Conversely, people with type 2 DM may experience no symptoms. Screening tests are important for high risk groups, such as pregnant women, people with a family history of diabetes, and people older than 45.

Prediabetes is a condition of mildly elevated blood glucose levels found in people at risk for developing type 2 DM. Prediabetes is often diagnosed upon routine screening of otherwise asymptomatic individuals. With early lifestyle changes, prediabetes is reversible.

Tests for Diabetes
  • Fasting blood glucose is measured after an 8 hour fast.
    • Normal: less than 100 mg/dl
    • Prediabetes: 100-125 mg/dl
    • Diabetes: 126 mg/dl or higher
  • Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is performed after consumption of a high-glucose solution.
    • Normal: less than 140 mg/dl
    • Prediabetes: 140-199 mg/dl
    • Diabetes: 200 mg/dl or higher
  • Random blood glucose of 200 mg/dl or higher indicates diabetes.
  • Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) is an indicator of a person’s average blood sugar for the past 2 or 3 months. The test measures the percent of hemoglobin adherent to glucose molecules.
    • Normal: less that 5.7%
    • Prediabetes: 5.7-6.4%
    • Diabetes: 6.5% or higher
    Treatment Lifestyle Changes
    • Patients with diabetes are advised to reduce their consumption of refined carbohydrates and adhere to a high-fiber, low-fat, and low-calorie diet. Daily aerobic exercise is recommended because exercise naturally lowers blood sugars and helps control the disease.
    • Medications Insulin therapy is absolutely essential for most patients with type 1 DM, and insulin is also required in some cases of type 2 DM. Insulin is administered by injections or an insulin pump. Oral glucose-lowering medications work to lower blood sugar by either stimulating the pancreas to produce more insulin; inhibiting glucose production by the liver; enhancing the body’s response to insulin; or blocking digestive enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Pancreas transplants may be performed in patients when treatment with medications fails.
      Self-Monitoring of Blood Sugar

      All patients with diabetes must monitor their blood glucose levels to verify that the diabetes is under control. The frequency of monitoring depends on the type of medication a patient uses. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is a serious adverse effect of diabetic medications and may cause sweating, shakiness, dizziness, confusion, loss of consciousness, or seizures.


      Type 2 DM is considered a preventable disease, and people with prediabetes can prevent a progression to diabetes by losing weight, eating a healthy diet, and exercising. A combination of daily aerobic exercise and resistance training (twice a week) is very beneficial for maintaining blood sugar control.

      Symptoms and Treatment of Magnesium Deficiency

      According to many proven studies of dietary and health practices Magnesium is a mineral that is essential to many bodily biological processes. It is helps body absorb calcium and plays a key role in bone and teeth formation as well as building up their strength. This hints at magnesium’s usefulness for those, who are suffering from osteoporosis.

      Keeping heart healthy is also one of the functions of magnesium. It helps stabilize heart rhythm and prevents abnormal blood clotting in it. It maintains healthy blood pressure levels and also lowers the chances of heart attacks and strokes.

      Even though Magnesium is available through everyday foods, such as Beans, Broccoli, Nuts, Seeds, Pumpkin, Soy Milk, Cooked Spinach, Whole grain cereal, wheat bread, etc., magnesium deficiency is still apparent amongst people. Why does it happen? What are the causes?

      Magnesium deficiency is a result of alcohol abuse, poorly controlled diabetes, excessive or chronic vomiting, diarrhea, some drugs that deplete magnesium levels, etc. Early signs of this problem include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, and in more severe conditions, numbness, tingling, muscle contractions, cramps, seizure, personality change, abnormal heart rhythms, coronary spasms, etc.

      Even though certain aspects of poor lifestyle are responsible for magnesium deficiency, there are few treatments available for this problem.

      Any water soluble salt, like magnesium chloride and magnesium citrate, is a rich source of magnesium. This salt is available in the capsule form that typically contains 100 mg to 200 mg magnesium per capsule. Magnesium aspartate, chloride, lactate, citrate, and glycinate have 4 times higher bioavailability than oxide form and are equivalent to each other per amount of magnesium, but are little expensive. Magnesium oxide, due to its compactness, high magnesium content by weight, low cost, and ease-of-use is considered the best choice of magnesium source. However, because it is insoluble in water, it depends on stomach acid for neutralization before they are absorbed. This particular trait makes it a relatively poor magnesium source. Magnesium sulfate is soluble in water, but is commonly used as a purgative, due to the poor absorption of the sulfate component. However, in lower doses, they may be used as an oral magnesium source. Severe hypomagnesaemia is often treated medically with intravenous or intramuscular magnesium sulfate solution, which is completely bioavailable and effective.

      Apart from people with magnesium deficiency, there are others, who need enough intake of magnesium. People, who have chronic malabsorptive problems, such as Crohn’s disease, gluten sensitive enteropathy, regional enteritis, and intestinal surgery may lose magnesium through diarrhea. Individuals with chronically low blood levels of potassium and calcium may also have an underlying problem with magnesium deficiency.

      Apr 9, 2015

      Best Home Remedies For Bad Breath

      Bad breath is medically referred to as halitosis. It is of two types - transient or temporary halitosis, and persistent or permanent halitosis. While the former is caused due to factors like poor oral hygiene, or unhealthy eating habits; the latter indicates a more serious medical condition. Whatever be the cause, bad odor can cause a lot of embarrassment. Here are a few simple remedies to get rid of bad breath.

      Home Remedies

      » Brush your Teeth
      Let's start off with something very simple and very basic - regular brushing. Regular brushing of teeth keeps them clean, and free of germs and bacteria. Use a good toothpaste and toothbrush, and make sure that you brush your teeth thoroughly. Pay more attention to the corners and the insides. These are the areas that are often overlooked.

      » Clean the Tongue
      Usually, tongue is where most of the odor-causing bacteria reside. Clean your tongue thoroughly using a good tongue cleaner. This is an important aspect of dental health.

      » Floss
      Use dental floss to floss your teeth on a regular basis. When it comes to bad breath, dental flossing is just as important as brushing.

      » Use a Mouthwash
      Rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash at regular intervals is another effective way of ridding your mouth of bacteria. However, try to go for a non-alcohol based mouthwash. An alcohol-based mouthwash can leave your mouth feeling excessively dry.

      » Chew Mint
      Chewing on a piece of peppermint candy or chewing gum can also help in fighting bad breath, albeit on a temporary basis. Chewing parsley leaves, mint leaves, or cardamom seeds, are other good remedies for this problem.

      » Gargle
      Mix a little bit of baking soda in a glass of lukewarm water. Gargle with this solution for a refreshing breath.

      » Drink Fenugreek Tea
      Tea made from fenugreek seeds is said to be very effective in tackling the problem of halitosis.

      » Add Tea Tree Oil to the Toothpaste
      Add a drop of tea tree oil on your toothpaste before you brush your teeth. Alternatively, add a couple of drops to a glass of lukewarm water and gargle.

      » Eat Fruits
      Eating fruits such as apples, oranges, sweet limes, etc., helps in keeping your breath fresh. Drinking pineapple juice is a well-known remedy for this problem.

      » Eat Cloves
      Keep a couple of cloves in the corner of your mouth, and chew on them from time to time. Chewing on sunflower seeds after a meal, followed by a glass of water is another good way of fighting bad breath.

      » Drink Lime or Pineapple Juice
      Before going to bed, squeeze an entire lemon in a glass of warm water. Add a spoonful of honey, and a little bit of cinnamon for flavor. You will wake up with a much more refreshing breath.

      Bad breath can sometimes indicate a severe medical condition. If the problem persists for a long time, it is best to seek medical attention immediately.

      Apr 7, 2015

      Facts About Thyroid Storm

      Hyperthyroidism is a condition when the thyroid gland works overtime and produces a high amount of thyroid hormone in the body. This can lead to problematic outcome including, high heart rate, nervousness, irritability, excessive perspiration, anxiety, sleeplessness, brittle hair, muscle weakness in upper arms and thighs, hand tremors, etc. A thyroid storm could be a result of untreated or undertreated hyperthyroidism. It could also flare up due to an infection or trauma due to an ongoing illness or a recent surgery. Immediate medical attention is needed.


      The commonly observed symptoms of a thyroid storm are listed below. All these symptoms are severe in nature and should not be neglected at any cost.
      • Mental confusion
      • Diarrhea
      • High systolic blood pressure and low diastolic blood pressure
      • Heart palpitations
      • High fever
      • Nausea and vomiting
      • Pulmonary edema
      • Tachycardia
      • Chest pain
      • Shortness of breath
      • Extreme weakness
      • Shaking
      • Mood swings
      • Sudden weight loss in a short period
      • Excessive sweating
      • Restlessness
      In the absence of timely medical intervention, a thyroid storm may lead to coma, heart failure, and even death.

      Risk Factors

      This condition can occur as a complication of untreated Grave's disease or hyperthyroidism. This is especially a major risk factor in female patients. Some of these risk factors that one should always keep in mind if suffering from hyperthyroidism or Grave's disease, are mentioned below.
      • Lung infection, pneumonia, or throat infections
      • Diabetic ketoacidosis
      • Insulin-induced hypoglycemia
      • Severe emotional stress
      • Recent thyroid surgery
      • Thyroid hormone overdose
      • Toxemia due to pregnancy and labor

      The treatment is carried out using a combination of antithyroid drugs, blockade iodine drugs, and beta blockers. It is an emergency condition that needs to be addressed immediately. The doctor may administer intravenous fluids and electrolytes. The fever is controlled using cooling towels, antibiotics, and nutritional vitamin supplements. If you or someone you know experiences high fever, high heart rate, palpitations, confusion, high blood pressure, weakness, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, breathing trouble, etc., you need to go to the emergency room without wasting any time.

      One can prevent the condition by recognizing the symptoms and providing early aggressive treatment. After a patient is treated, he or she needs to visit the doctor regularly to get their health monitored. Proper treatment for hyperthyroidism is the key to prevent the condition. Early intervention is imperative for a successful recovery.

      Apr 5, 2015

      Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd

      Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, has been used in Asian, specially Indian cooking since a long time. This vegetable belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and is known by different names. The plant of bitter melon is a climber having dark green leaves and yellow or green fruits. Specially, the seeds and fruits have great nutritional value. It contains nearly all the essential nutrients required by human beings. It contains iron, calcium, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin B1, B2, B3 and also vitamin C. Another bright fact is that it contains 0% fat and cholesterol.

      Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd
      • It is effective in treating skin diseases or skin infections, eczema, and even skin sores.
      • It has anti-viral properties and can be used for treating herpes virus.
      • Bitter melon extract can also be used for treating psoriasis.
      • It is also used as a purgative and anthelmintic if a person is suffering from jaundice, piles or indigestion. It is widely used for its anti-inflammatory properties.
      • It is most effective for its detoxifying and cleansing properties.
      • It helps in lowering blood pressure, blood sugar and also body temperature.
      • It is believed that bitter melon extract can be used for treating HIV, although the theory is not proven yet. But, it is found that the melon works against the negative reactions of HIV medications.
      • It is even believed that the extract can be used against cancer, as it helps in improving cell function of people suffering from cancer.
      Bitter Gourd and Diabetes

      One of the most important bitter melon health benefits is its effectiveness in the diabetic diet. It has been known as an excellent and natural product for diabetes. People suffering from diabetes do not have an ability to convert the sugar in their blood into energy. It helps in enabling the uptake of glucose, and hence, indirectly helps in reducing the level of glucose from the blood. It also helps in improving insulin production and glucose tolerance of the body, and hence, it can be included in a diabetic diet.

      Intake of Bitter Gourd

      This melon cannot be consumed in its raw form as it is extremely bitter in taste. Many people prefer to consume extract in capsule or tincture form. One can even have juice or soups made of bitter melon every day. You can even look for bitter melon tea which may be available with the leading herbal tea brands. You can even make your own tea by boiling leaves of bitter melon into water and drinking this liquid as tea.

      Although there are several health benefits, it is not recommended to take it in excess amounts as it can lead to abdominal pain and diarrhea. Excess intake of bitter melon seeds can also result in headache and fever. Pregnant women or a wishful mother-to-be are also advised against having it. Any supplement or medication containing bitter melon should be taken only after a doctor's consultation

      As the numerous health benefits have been known since ages, bitter melon is widely used in many countries. Although bitter in taste, it is a boon for mankind!

      Helpful Benefits of Soursop Juice

      The soursop tree is an evergreen flowering tree of the genus Annona and the family, Annonaceae. It is also known by the name of Graviola. The scientific name of soursop is Annona muricata, and it is native to the regions of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. Today, it is grown in some other parts of the world, especially in Southeast Asia.

      The soursop tree is mainly known for its medicinal properties and its delicious fruits. The fruit is large with a thin, green-colored skin covered with conical nibs. The pulp is white and soft, and quite delicious. It has both sweet and sour taste. The fruit can be eaten directly, or its pulp can be pressed and strained to extract the juice, which is not only delectable, but also rich in many essential nutrients.

      Soursop Juice Benefits

      The flesh or pulp of the fruit, from which the juice is extracted, is very rich in fiber, carbohydrates, and other nutrients, like vitamin B1 and B2, vitamin C, and potassium. On the other hand, it is quite low in saturated fats and sodium. About 1 cup of undiluted juice or nectar contains 160 calories.

      Certain compounds found in the extracts derived from the fruits, seeds, bark, and the leaves of the soursop tree have been observed to be effective in destroying cancerous cells in some laboratory studies. The leaves of this tree have been found to be particularly effective in killing cancer cells without harming the healthy cells of the body. Moreover, the extract derived from the leaves does not affect the immune system adversely, unlike the chemotherapy drugs.

      In 1976, a study was carried out by the 'National Cancer Institute' to find out the effectiveness of soursop in treating cancer. Later, several other studies were conducted to find out the relation between these two. Apart from the ability to kill cancer cells, this fruit has several other health benefits. The seeds of this fruit can be used for inducing vomiting, while the juice can be immensely beneficial for treating urethritis. It can also help treat hematuria which is a condition characterized by the presence of blood in urine.

      Soursop juice can help alleviate liver ailments as well. The juice is usually taken while fasting in order to cure liver problems. It may also prove beneficial in conditions like leprosy. The pulp of the fruit, as well as the crushed leaves of the tree, can be used as a poultice to ensure fast healing of wounds. Apart from these, the various parts of the tree, including its leaves and the young shoots have been used for conditions, like cough, catarrh, fever, gallbladder problems, inflammation and swelling, diarrhea, indigestion, rheumatism, dysentery, eczema, and some other skin problems.

      To sum up, soursop is not only a delicious, but also a very nutritious fruit. However, it is imperative to talk to a physician before considering to use it for medicinal purposes. If taken in large dosage, it can induce vomiting and depress the cardiovascular system. It can also induce uterine contractions, for which pregnant women should not use this fruit for medicinal purposes. All these possible side effects need to be considered before using this fruit, or any other part of the tree for the treatment of cancer and other ailments.

      Bhu Nga Thani Resort and Spa My Experience

      We Stayed here during March, We booked a transfer with the Hotel from Krabi Airport. The driver was nowhere to be found. After an hour and a lot of Phone calls to the Hotel we eventually had a driver. After the Bad Beginning it got better. The trip to the Hotel is an Experience. Stating with a Minibus to the Pier. A motorcycle sidecar ride to the end of the pier, then a Longtail Boat ride to Railay. The longtail stop's on the east side which has a Jetty to climb of on. No Getting wet.

      On check in I was advised that the problems with the transport was because I did not get a confirmation Number. So English was a problem on the phone when arranging it. but ensure that you get a reference and everything is in order. Roaming calls to the hotel on arrival is a lot more expensive. English is quite a problem here (Railay) but with Persistence and Patience all our problems were solved.

      The room was great, we had a huge bath which was nice. there is also an outdoor shower but this had very little water pressure. The room was clean. the breakfast was good as well but mostly Western. We did have a Mosquito in the room Phone them and they got rid of it Quickly.

      This hotel is not on the Side with the Nice Beach and during low tide it can be quite stinky next to the beach although we did not have a problem at the hotel.

      The Spa was quite expensive and we opted for the cheaper options around Railay.

      The pool is nice and the Bar in the pool makes for a great relaxing space after a long day.

      Their Dinner was quite good but expensive.

      When departing we chose the hotels transfer again out of convenience, even though there are a few options in Railay we saw for a third of the price.The Longtail Boat Captain was great. when arriving on the Pier at Krabi the Motorcycle driver were nowhere to be found. The Boat Captain then took our bags on a motorcycle to the Minibus while we took the walk there (5 min).

      All in all not a bad experience. Note: When arriving at Railay West there is no Pier so long pants and shoes is a bad idea as you get off the boat in the water and have to walk across the beach.

      Stayed March 2015, travelled as a couple.