Apr 23, 2013

4 Frequently Asked Questions About OCD

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a common mental health problem found in people across all ages and genders. Statistics reveal that one person out of every 50 people has OCD. While the exact cause of the disorder is not yet known, it is assumed that certain biological or environmental factors are often responsible. Here, we jot down some frequently asked questions about OCD.

Q1-What is Obsessive compulsive disorder?

A1-It is an anxiety disorder in which patients develop unwanted and repeated thoughts, ideas, and feelings that make them do something to get rid of them. The thoughts keep on lingering in the mind and make them over-anxious unless they do something like a ritual. After they perform the ritual they experience temporary relief.

Q2-What are the symptoms of OCD?

A2-Symptoms of the disorder are wide and vary with its degree. The common symptoms are behaviours which occur repeatedly to overcome the anxiety. For example repeatedly checking of doors, locks, stoves are a few symptoms of OCD. Doing certain things a number of times like washing a dish three times, or cleaning the table constantly are other symptoms. Arranging things in an orderly fashion repeatedly, even though the action is not needed, is another symptom. Having a fear of contamination and repeatedly washing hands is also common.

Q3-What are the diagnosis measures of OCD?

A3-In these cases, only the patient or immediate family and friends can help to diagnose the disorder by describing the symptoms. Many people who are aware of the disorder stay with the disorder for years because of the fear of being ridiculed. A medical history and a physical test of this mental health ailment help to determine the degree. If the degree is more then the symptoms interfere with the routine activities and relationships of the person.

Q4-What is the treatment of Obsessive compulsive disorder?

A4-The medication mostly includes antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The dosage may differ according to the effect of the medicine on the patient. Patients with such mental health problems can also benefit from counselling. Through counselling, a patient is exposed to the anxiety and then prevented to do it. This process helps to slowly bring things to normal.

Knowledge about OCD is very important for its treatment. The family and friends of the patient should co-operate with the therapist to help them overcome the problem. Through medication and counselling, 80% of the patients do recover and lead normal lives.


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