Mar 12, 2013

Free VPN: VillaVPN (Multiple Countries)

Villa VPN / VON

Villafania Open Networks, or VON, is a VPN service provided by a US-based Pinoy, and PC-enthusiast (as what I can interpret on his profile.^^), named Kristian Villafania. You can access his blog at:

VillaVPN is a free VPN, (a freemium one also). It only requires you to be active on the VON forums. That was easy, fun and it gives you a free and awesome vpn service!

Here are a couple of videos from ztrify91 @ youtube. ztrif y91 is one of VillaVPN’s promoter and he’s the one that sent me to use this VPN service.

How to get a VillaVPN key?

How to use VillaVPN?

At first, I was very hesitant to try this VPN service. You all know that I am a lazy guy that hates to do some things. I also hate VPN trials that requires too much stuff to do. So I passed out on this one. But ztrif y91 invited me to try out their VPN, and they gave me an access to admin-moderator-contributor (AMC) servers of the VPN. That was sweet!

I am using it now, and I can say, that I am very much satisfied with this VPN service. VillaVPN is definitely an awesome FREEmium VPN.

Name: VillaVPN
Status: Free, like a premium, requiring activity in forums.
Country/Server Locations: Hong Kong, Miami, LA, CAL, Sweden, USA

Download VillaVPN

To download VillaVPN files, you can get it from this link: Download VillaVPN Core Files

But before you can use the VPN, you must first have your own cert and key files. You can request it from the forum.

After you successfully got your own member’s key and cert, this tutorial will be of great help to you: Tutorial on Connecting and Using the Keys/Cert.

The videos above is also rich in info’s you should be needing.


By popular demand we now present the fourth iteration of our VPN services “logging” review. In addition to questions about logging practices, we also asked VPN providers about other privacy sensitive policies, so prospective users can make an informed decision.

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