Here you will see demonstrated the fastest USB 3.0 IP in the Universe*. Or at least the fastest published numbers that isn’t marketing hype.
This demo shows SuperSpeed USB 3.0 effective throughput:
- SuperSpeed USB 3.0 can really move data.
- Synopsys USB 3.0 IP can really move data.
The demonstration includes our USB 3.0 xHCI Host Controller, USB 3.0 Device Controller, and USB 3.0 PHYs.
You have to actually watch the video to get see the effective throughput.
First, I have to say that that is about the most awesome thumbnail picture of me yet. Thank you YouTube!
Second, we optimized the PC systems as follows:
- RAM Drive on the Mass Storage Device side – This is a lot faster than a flash drive, an HDD, or an SSD. There’s no SATA or PCIe for the data to pass through, so there is zero latency from an additional protocol. The RAM is right next to the USB controller so there is basically zero read/write latency.
- Windows 7 with an MCCI USB 3.0 xHCI Host Stack – Somehow MCCI engineered this so it’s faster than stacks we’ve seen packed with off-the-shelf Host cards.
- Nothing else is running on the USB bus or PCIe bus on the PC. Very little is running on the PC.
- Standard PCs built with standard parts with SSDs (which aren’t really necessary but we wanted to make sure)
- Our IP – Our USB 3.0 PHY IP, Our USB 3.0 Host IP, and Our USB 3.0 Device IP.
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