The RBBB from Modern Device Company is a wonderful little Arduino clone. If you have a Arduino project requiring a small footprint or an inexpensive dedicated board, this is a great solution.
I discovered the RBBB while looking for a cheaper alternative to the official Arduino board I used in developing my Northern Lights Indicator. On sale, buying 5 kits, these came out to about $9 each. That is a huge savings over the $35 Arduino Diecimila.
Here are all the parts of the RBBB kit. Included are:
- 2 10k resistors (Brown, Black, Orange)
- 2 .1ufd ceramic capacitors
- 2 47 ufd electrolytic capacitors
- 1 voltage regulator
- 1 3mm LED
- 1 Atmega168 preprogrammed with bootloader
- 1 16 MHZ ceramic resonator
- male header pins
- 6 right-angle male-header pins
- 1 momentary switch
- 1 28 pin IC socket
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