Jan 8, 2015

How To Point Your Domain To 000Webhost With IP Address Other Than NS

When you create a free host account on 000Webhost, you are requested to add their Name servers into your domain DNS settings and which are usually ns01.000webhost.com and ns02.000webhost.com after which you can be able to use all of the services provided to you including but not limited to File Transfer Protocol access, Website builder, File manager, emails and all others. While Name servers are believed to be the best option when it comes to pointing your domain name to your host including 000webhost, there are times when one would prefer to leave his or her domain registrar name-servers and instead use the hosts Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for one reason or the other according to ones needs.

When I first joined 000webhost, all I knew was the fact the the world’s popular free hosting provider supported only nameservers, and which was wrong since of recently, I did make an IP address option on one of my testing website and every thing looked wow since my website was able to propagate within only a few minutes as opposed to the estimated waiting time or between 24 – 72 hours and that is why in this post, I am sharing with you how to exactly point your newly purchased or old domain name to 000webhost without tampering with your registrar’s name severs but rather using the the IP address which you copy from your 000webhost control panel.

And just like you can see in the image above, the message is prompting you to point your domain name to your nameservers and in order to point your domain using an IP address, follow the simple procedures below.

1. Log in to your 000Webhost account and open settings on your newly added domain name.

2. On your right hand side under account information and below Server Name and copy the IP address as you see in picture below.

3. Now log in to your Domain Registrar and modify your A records addresses as seen in below picture.

You should the IP address with your own unique IP you copied from your host. When you are done, you should give it a few minutes and check the propagation status of your domain. You can use the DNS propagation tool by visiting www.whatsmydns.net.


You can check the propagation status of your domain by using that tool
That tool has 100+ servers available to check the live propagation results instantly and worldwide. You can even add your own custom DNS server.

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