Feb 16, 2015

Wordpress Ping List for Faster Indexing of Blog Post

WordPress ping list are very useful to extend your blog reach to major search engines. We all know that blog has a big advantage over static/dynamic sites in the form of Ping. If you are not aware of pinging feature of WordPress, then here are my 2 cents for you.

When ever you publish, edit or modify a post, WordPress sends ping to all the Ping services which is listed under your ping update service. So this way, ping services get notified about new post and search engine will quickly index them.

Now by default WordPress notifies all major ping services but we can always extend our limit by pinging more services by adding them manually.

Over the time, I have compiled a list of ping services for WordPress, which will help you to ping more services. Here is list of my working WordPress ping list:

 1: http://blogsearch.google.com/ping/RPC2
 6: http://api.my.yahoo.com/RPC2
 7: http://api.my.yahoo.com/rss/ping
 8: http://bblog.com/ping.php
 9: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/XMLRPC
 10: http://blogdb.jp/xmlrpc
 11: http://blogmatcher.com/u.php
 12: http://bulkfeeds.net/rpc
 13: http://coreblog.org/ping/
 14: http://mod-pubsub.org/kn_apps/blogchatt
 15: http://www.lasermemory.com/lsrpc/
 16: http://ping.amagle.com/
 17: http://ping.bitacoras.com
 18: http://ping.blo.gs/
 19: http://ping.bloggers.jp/rpc/
 20: http://ping.cocolog-nifty.com/xmlrpc
 21: http://ping.blogmura.jp/rpc/
 23: http://ping.feedburner.com
 24: http://ping.myblog.jp
 25: http://ping.rootblog.com/rpc.php
 28: http://ping.weblogs.se/
 29: http://pingoat.com/goat/RPC2
 30: http://rcs.datashed.net/RPC2/
 31: http://rpc.blogbuzzmachine.com/RPC2
 33: http://rpc.icerocket.com:10080/
 34: http://rpc.newsgator.com/
 35: http://rpc.pingomatic.com
 36: http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping
 37: http://rpc.weblogs.com/RPC2
 38: http://topicexchange.com/RPC2
 39: http://trackback.bakeinu.jp/bakeping.php
 40: http://www.a2b.cc/setloc/bp.a2b
 43: http://www.blogoole.com/ping/
 44: http://www.blogoon.net/ping/
 45: http://www.blogpeople.net/servlet/weblogUpdates
 46: http://www.blogroots.com/tb_populi.blog?id=1
 49: http://www.blogstreet.com/xrbin/xmlrpc.cgi
 50: http://www.mod-pubsub.org/kn_apps/blogchatter/ping.php
 53: http://www.popdex.com/addsite.php
 54: http://www.snipsnap.org/RPC2
 55: http://www.weblogues.com/RPC/
 56: http://xmlrpc.blogg.de
 57: http://xping.pubsub.com/ping/

Here is a quick guide for newbie to add these ping update services.

How to add or update WordPress ping list:

Login to your WordPress dashboard. Go to Writing under settings tab and scroll down to update services and add all the above ping list. Here is a screenshot for quick understanding:

Well, controlling WordPress ping update services is just first step to SEO and there are many things which you need to do to SEO optimization of your blog.


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