Showing posts with label Breast Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breast Cancer. Show all posts

Feb 5, 2013

Vitamin D Overdose Symptoms

Vitamin D or Calciferol is a fat-soluble vitamin, synthesized by the body from exposure to the Sun. It maintains the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, and is essential for healthy bones and teeth. It helps the body absorb calcium, which in turn results in strong teeth and bones. Recent studies have revealed that vitamin D safeguards the body from hypertension, cancer and autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D, though essential for the body, can cause number of problems in case of overdose, although it is rarely seen.

Causes of Vitamin D Overdose

The daily requirement of vitamin D for the body is very low, and once the body makes enough vitamin D the process of manufacturing ceases. A person requires only 15-20 minutes of exposure to the Sun, three times a week to manufacture the required amount of vitamin D. However, when vitamin D supplements are consumed, there is no automatic shutdown mechanism, to prevent overdose of the vitamin. The levels of calcidiol increase in the blood, thereby causing toxicity. Vitamin D overdose can lead to a potentially dangerous condition called hypervitaminosis D.

Excessive ingestion of vitamin D generally takes place as a result of supplement overdose, and not due to high dietary intakes of vitamin D. Vitamin D rich foods contain high concentrations of vitamin D, however, the concentration is not high enough to cause an overdose. Although, cod liver oil is an exception to this. People suffering from rickets, osteoporosis or other conditions caused by vitamin D deficiency, are the ones who are prescribed vitamin D dosage and are most vulnerable to overdose. Moreover, as the body ages, natural synthesis of vitamin D reduces. Thus, old people need to rely on supplements for their daily vitamin D intake.

The daily recommended dosage for children and adults is 600 International Units (IU). For older folks (above 70), the recommended dosage is 800 IU. The risk of vitamin D toxicity is when a person consumes more than 10,000 to 40,000 IU per day. However, the levels vary from person to person, for example; a person consuming 15,000 IU may experience vitamin D toxicity symptoms, while another person consuming the same amount may be perfectly fine.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Overdose

Vtamin D overdose symptoms are primarily caused by the elevated calcium and phosphate levels in the blood. Moreover, the symptoms vary from individual to individual. The symptoms commonly seen are as follows:

Calcification: Abnormally high amounts of calcium and phosphate that are deposited in the soft tissue, such as kidneys, heart and lungs, is called calcification. These deposits can lead to irreversible organ malfunction. Breast calcification is one common type of calcification. Breast calcification is mostly benign, however, sometimes it can be indicative of breast cancer.

Urinary Stones: When hard mineral masses get lodged in the urinary tract region, they are called urinary stones. These stones are actually formed in the kidneys, which then move to the urinary tract. The victim goes through immeasurable pain, and most of the time, surgery is required to remove them. In some cases, a specific diet can dissolve the stones.

Nerve Symptoms: These symptoms comprise particular sensations such as numbness, pain, reflex issues, taste symptoms, hearing impairment, temperature sensitivity, tingling, burning, prickling sensations, etc.

Muscle Symptoms: Muscle weakness, loss of muscle control, muscle pain, cramps, stiffness, decrease in size and bulk of the muscle, called muscle atrophy are the various muscle symptoms occurring due to vitamin D overdose.

Bone Symptoms: Too much calcium in the blood conduces to over calcification of the bones. This results in bone pain and bone loss.

The other symptoms of vitamin D overdose are vomiting, nausea, poor appetite, excessive thirst, excessive urine production, loss of weight, abdominal pain, dehydration, constipation, diarrhea, itchy skin, severe headache, irritability and nervousness. Heart rhythm irregularities, increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure as well as renal failure are also symptoms of the overdose. vitamin D overdose in pregnant women can result in mental or physical retardation in babies.

Vitamin D overdose is not the result of a single large dose, but is the result of a high vitamin D dosage over a period of time. This is because, the body does not excrete the excess levels of vitamin D from the body, like it does with the other essential nutrients. The excess vitamin D is stored in the fat cells of the body, where they accumulate and reach the toxic levels over a period of time. Vitamin D overdose can be treated with steroids, prescribed by a medical professional.

Facts Causing Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin mainly found in two forms, vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol, and vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. It is primarily responsible for maintaining the level of calcium and potassium in the body by facilitating their absorption. Therefore, it is crucial for bone growth and repair. It also strengthens the immune system and inhibits the secretion of parathyroid hormone.

It is mainly produced in the skin with the help of ultraviolet radiation of sunlight. So the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin is determined by a number of factors including the weather, geography, smog, cloud cover, and the time of the day, all of which can affect the exposure to sunlight. The liver is the main storage organ for vitamin D.

  • The most common cause of vitamin D deficiency is inadequate exposure to sunlight, as absorption of ultraviolet radiation of sunlight is crucial for synthesis of vitamin D. Such factors include spending most of the time indoors and keeping the whole body covered with thick garments.
  • The use of sunscreen products actually prevents sunlight from penetrating the skin, while the presence of excess melanin in the skin, as in the case of dark skin, can also impair the absorption of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Insufficient intake of foods like fruits, vegetables and dairy products, which are a rich source of this vitamin. Sometimes, even if you consume a lot of these foods, you may experience a deficiency of vitamin D due to some conditions that affect its proper absorption.
  • Certain diseases like Crohn's disease and colitis can damage the lining of the digestive tract and impair the proper absorption of many crucial vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D.
Some hereditary as well as liver and kidney diseases are supposed to be associated with such a condition. In many instances, medications can also cause a deficiency of this vitamin. Such medications include steroids, ulcer medications, drugs to control the level of blood cholesterol, and some sleeping pills. Alcohol can also adversely affect the metabolism of vitamin D.

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Cancer (breast cancer)
  • Cardiovascular disease (hypertension)
  • Schizophrenia and depression
  • Rickets (retarded growth mainly in children)
  • Osteomalacia (weak bones, muscle pain, bone softening in adults)
Apart from the symptoms mentioned above, vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of multiple sclerosis periodontal disease, chronic fatigue, irritability, headache, migraine, brittle nails, and dizziness can also be few other symptoms. This deficiency is also associated with high blood pressure, tuberculosis, and depression.


Foods that are rich in vitamin D are milk and dairy products, egg yolk, salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, fish liver oil, soy, Chinese cabbage, seaweed, broccoli, mustard, molasses, cane sugar, legumes, beans, almonds and oranges. So including them in your daily diet coupled with sufficient exposure to sunlight can help you prevent a deficiency of vitamin D.

To treat this deficiency, supplementation and medications are also available, but make sure you consult your doctor before starting off any medicaments.

Alternative to Increase Vitamin D Levels

Just a few months back there was a report published which said more than 17% population in the US suffers from vitamin D deficiency. Researchers focused heavily on the fact that Americans are not getting enough vitamin D in their food, and hence are vulnerable to a host of potential health problems caused by its deficiency. Such an alarming number is very shocking and it is essential that people know how to increase vitamin D levels naturally.

Importance of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that exists in various forms within the body. The most important sub vitamins of vitamin D are D2 and D3. You will get vitamin D2 mainly from veggies, while vitamin D3 can be consumed from animals. The most important thing to remember is that your body cannot make its own vitamin D, it depends on natural resources like vitamin D foods and sunlight to get the required doses of vitamin D daily. Vitamin D plays a big part in regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the small intestine. Recent studies have also indicated that having low vitamin D levels increases the risk of various life-threatening diseases.

Increasing Levels of Vitamin D Naturally

There are various vitamin D supplements and medication which help raise its levels in the body quickly. However, there are still an infinite number of people in this world who still believe in solving health problems the natural way, here are some of those ways.

One of the healthiest foods in the world, eggs do contain vitamin D in considerable amounts. Eating one egg will provide you 37.0 IU which is at least 10% of daily serving requirements.

All milk that's made in the United States is Vitamin D fortified which makes it a good addition to your diet. A big glass of milk contains at least 100 IU which is enough to fulfill your daily requirements. If you don't like plain milk, then add milk to your favorite meals or drink with chocolate. Milk is one of the best sources of Vitamin D because it is also a rich source of calcium.

Shiitake Mushrooms
For people who hate mushrooms would be surprised to know that dried shiitake mushrooms are one of the best sources of Vitamin D. It is obvious that mushrooms dwell directly under the sunlight and this causes them to be a vitamin D rich food. To avail the vitamin benefits, it is advised to consume sun dried mushrooms as they are also a rich source of vitamin B.

Fatty Fish
All types of fat fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines contain good amounts of vitamin D in them. 3 oz of mackerel contains 360 IU, 3 oz of salmon contains 530 IU, and 3 oz of tuna contains 200 IU vitamin D. Add these different types of fish to your diet to increase the levels of vitamin D in your body. Eat fried fish and use fish in burgers as an alternative to beef. Other sea foods which have high vitamin D levels are oysters, catfish, herring and halibut.

Fortified Cereals
One of the most popular breakfast items in the US, fortified cereals are stuffed with nutrients and vitamins. Make sure you read the ingredients before purchasing a pack and pick brands which have little or no refined sugars and no hydrogenated oils. Having 100 gm of fortified cereals can get you more than 342 IU of vitamin D.

I hope now you know how to increase vitamin D levels naturally. As I've mentioned before, the quickest way to get your vitamin D levels up is by basking in early morning sunlight for just 5 to 10 minutes, but if you are too busy to do that, having these foods will also work.

Conventional Acai Berry Supplement

Açaí berry is a small, round, black-purple drupe borne on the açaí palm and is found in abundance in Central and South America. The palm is cultivated for the berries, which is a popular fruit world over. Generations of indigenous groups have benefited from acai berry's protein rich nutrients. Acai berry juice is used to flavor ice creams, liqueurs, smoothies, sodas and other beverages. The berries are eaten fresh as well as frozen. Being nutritionally rich, supplements of acai berry became popular as soon as they were introduced and mired with controversy equally soon.

Supplements of Acai Berry

Açaí berry is presently being marketed as potentially rich in terms of a health benefit, nutritional supplement and is being sold in the form of tablets, instant drink powders, juices, smoothies, etc. A relative of the cranberry, blueberry, etc, acai berry is being studied for its antioxidant values; anthocyanins and flavonoids. Antioxidants help fight infection and prevent many diseases.

Producers of acai berries have consistently reported and backed their findings about the berries good health benefits. According to them, supplements of these berries are good for fighting free radicals that cause cancer. It also promises increased energy levels, a better rate of digestion, improved sleep, enhanced blood circulation that results in reduction of cholesterol levels and heart health. It has detoxifying properties that enhances mental health and plays a vital role in skin care. Its also promotes an improved sexual performance.

Acai Berry and Weight Loss

Acai berries as weight loss supplements have become very popular as they are presented as the thing to consume for effective 'weight loss'. Its weight loss concept is basically based on its detoxifying and energy improving. As the body detoxifies, it starts eliminating toxins, and an improved energy level, gets people going, which is good for losing weight. As it promotes mental health, one sleeps better. Good rest also helps to lose weight.

Associated Controversies

Acai berry controversies involve its tall claims about treating diabetes and other chronic illnesses. It also came under fire for promising an increase in men's sexual virility and promised sexual attractiveness to women. In 2008, The Oprah Winfrey Show's lawyers began an investigation against the alleged statements from manufacturers that based its recommendation to use these supplements by suggesting that frequent Oprah guest Dr. Mehmet Oz, approved it.

Recently, in March 2009, ABC News correspondent Susan Donaldson, reported that acai berry products have not been evaluated by the FDA, and their efficacy is questionable, as they have no scientifically controlled studies backing its benefits. Reports also suggest that there is no credible evidence that these berries promote weight loss.

No major side effects of acai berry have been reported. A few allergic reactions is perhaps the only side effect known. There is no disputing the fact that acai berries are good for health, however, how exactly the supplement helps in providing one with same amount of nutrition is still under research.

Feb 4, 2013

How safe is Breast Implants?

Breast augmentation is a surgery that needs to be taken seriously. Though most breast augmentations go smoothly and without any complications, it's important to know what to expect after breast augmentation surgery, including what kind of complications could possibly arise.

Recovery after Breast Augmentation Surgery

For the first few days after breast augmentation surgery, it will be advised to take it easy and not move around excessively. There will be some swelling and bruising which is completely normal and may last for a few months. Putting arms up over the head will be absolutely out of the question for a few days so it may be helpful to have somebody at home that can help when it’s needed.

Always follow the directions given to you by the nurse(s) and plastic surgeon to have the smoothest recovery possible.

Potential Complications of Breast Implants

After breast augmentation surgery, it's important that patients are aware of potential complications. Also, knowing what to look for can help with early detection of any complications, such as the following, that may arise.

Capsular Contracture: This condition is caused by the formation of scar tissue surrounding the implant during the natural healing process that squeezes and puts pressure on the implant. Capsular contracture occurs in less than 5% of patients. The Baker Scale measures the different grades of capsular contracture which is as follows:
  • Grade I: the breast is normally soft and looks natural
  • Grade II: the breast is a little firm but looks normal
  • Grade III: the breast is firm and looks abnormal (visible distortion)
  • Grade IV: the breast is hard, painful, and looks abnormal (greater distortion)
Bleeding: Excessive bleeding can occur both during and/or after breast augmentation surgery. Sometimes an additional surgery will need to be performed to go in and remove the blood that has been collecting.

Infection: If the area becomes infected, the breast implants will need to be removed in order to prevent any further damage and health risks. In general, infection occurs in less than 2% of all breast augmentation patients but it is a possible complication.

Rupture: Ruptures can happen at any time. They are always the result of either injury or just general wear and tear. It’s important for people to know that breast implants should not be expected to last forever. It’s likely that one will need at least one other breast augmentation with a new set of implants at some point.

Reactions to Anesthesia: Breast augmentation is performed using a general anesthetic in most cases and some people may have a bad reaction or be allergic to the anesthetic.

Maintenance after Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast implants aren’t something that one can just set and forget. The longer they remain in the body, the higher the risk goes for complications because of normal wear and tear. The most popular type of complication in aging breast implants is rupturing.

With saline implants, the saline solution will just be dissolved by the body and the implant will deflate, resulting in a definite change in breast size. Silicone implants aren’t as noticeable when they rupture because the rupture and the resulting leak of the silicone gel tends to be very slow and may not be noticed for a period of several months or longer.

Before making the decision to go with breast implants, one should look ahead to the future and decide if money needs to be set aside to pay for further breast augmentation surgeries.


The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Breast Augmentation (accessed January 28, 2009).

No Touch Breast Exam Fails Test

Women do not like to have their breasts squeezed by equipment to get a routine mammogram. So they welcome other options like thermography. "It's just like having your picture taken," one woman explained. Using near-infrared sensitive film and computer enhancement, advocates say it is as good as x-rays and may even be better because women won't avoid having it done. So it could be useful for screening. But does it really find early breast cancer, when it can be most easily cured?

No, according to a recent study. Women who had biopsy proven early cancer then had breast thermograms done just for the study. Only half the cancers were found by thermography. And when the thermogram interpretation was "no lesions" (no abnormalities), it was correct only 77% of the time (negative predicative value).

Investigators turned up the sensitivity in the system. They could then improve the sensitivity (ability to detect lesions)—87% of the known lesions were spotted by thermography—but at the cost of generating too many "false positives." The specificity fell to less than 50%, meaning that about half the women who would have been told they had no lesions actually did.

These results were presented at a conference of breast specialists. One doctor in the audience disputed the findings, saying results in his office had a sensitivity of over 90%. But he had never published his results. He was invited to submit his data for scientific review.

Not the First Negative Study

This study was not the first to rain on thermography. Looking at five published studies that were scientifically reasonable, investigators in New Zealand found sensitivity of screening thermography to be 25% compared to routine mammography. Specificity was 74%, meaning only about three of four woman declared without lesions (normal) were without lesions.

Expert Warning

The (US) Food and Drug Administration "warned women not to substitute breast thermography for mammography to screen for breast cancer." (June 2, 2011)

Because thermography is advertised directly to women, an editorial in the December, 2011, National Review of Cancer called for regulatory action to curtail companies from misleading the public.

Expert Advice about Screening

After careful analysis of all reputable data, the United States Preventive Services Task Force states, "The USPSTF recommends biennial screening mammography [by x-ray] for women aged 50 to 74 years. ['Biennial' means every two years.]....The decision to start regular, biennial screening mammography before [emphasis added] the age of 50 years should be an individual one and take patient context into account, including the patient's values regarding specific benefits and harms. "

Mammographic screening from age 40 to 50 is controversial. The USPSTF does not recommend it because they believe the data do not support a life-saving benefit. One suggestion is to screen only women who are at high risk due to family history, or who have dense breasts. (Ravenstock et al, 2012) (However, it may take a mammogram to determine who has dense breasts).


Guilfoyle CM et al. Does infrared thermography predict the presence of malignancy in patients with suspicious radiologic breast abnormalities? American Society of Breast Surgeons 2012; Abstract 92. reported by Charles Bankhead in MedPage Today, May 7, 2012

Fitzgerald A, Berenstson-Shaw J: Thermography as a screening and diagnostic tool: a systematic review. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2012 Mar 9;125(1351):80-91.

Lovett KM, Liang BA: Risks of online advertisement of direct-to-consumer thermography for breast cancer screening. Nat Review Cancer 2011 Dec; 11 (12): 827-8

US Food and Drug Adminsitration

US Preventive Services Task Force

Van Ravesteyn NT et al. Tipping the balance of benefits and harms to favor screening mammography starting at age 40 years: A comparative modeling study of risk. Ann Intern Med 2012 May 1; 156:609.

How long Breast Cancer Continues Kill Women?

The pink ribbon campaign has been an overwhelming success in raising awareness of breast cancer; yet there is fear that it has lulled women into false hopes for a cure.

The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® first introduced the pink ribbon to participants in the fall of 1991 and it became the official symbol for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October 1992.

It is unquestionable that the ribbon achieved its purpose in raising awareness of breast cancer and the importance of early detection. However, some women fear that, what they call “Pink Ribbon culture,” has had some unintended consequences.

Behind the Pink Curtain: False Hopes?

Gayle Sulik, author of Pink Ribbon Blues (2010), feels that the optimism and hope inspired by pink culture is giving women the false impression that there is a cure for breast cancer. Has pink ribbon culture encouraged the dissemination of pink misinformation?

Fran Visco, President of the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC), states in her January 21, 2012, Huffington Post article, “WARNING: Breast Cancer Awareness Month May Be Hazardous to Your Health,” that women who read the news are building a false comfort zone, most probably believing:
“if they take care of themselves and get regular mammograms, the disease could be found early and there would be a 98 percent chance of a cure.”
Peeling Away the Pink

“Peeling Away the Pink,” was the slogan of the 2010 NBCC Annual Advocacy Training Conference. In her introductory letter to the Conference, Visco ends by saying, “No more fighting breast cancer with hope.”

A year later Visco announced “Breast Cancer Deadline 2020” at the Summit on the Prevention of Metastatic Breast Cancer, held August 26-28, 2011. Deadline 2020 demands the eradication of breast cancer within a decade.

What is the Truth about Progress in Prevention or Cure of Breast Cancer?

Susan Love, M.D., author of Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book, has written five editions of the book over the course of twenty years. In the Fifth Edition she writes:
“…I have become increasingly frustrated that we have not made equal progress [with cancer of the cervix] in finding the cause of breast cancer.”
The same concern is shared by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® organization, who requested a status report on the most current breast cancer prevention information from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science.

The report, delivered on December 7, 2011, announced that little proof exists that any environmental factor, with the exception of smoking, increases the risk of breast cancer. In the conclusion of the report it states:
"In order to identify additional opportunities to reduce breast cancer risk, further research needs to fill a host of knowledge gaps."
Incidence of Breast Cancer and Cure Rates

The statistics of the American Cancer Society show no change in the incidence of breast cancer in the past five years. The number of deaths also remains constant.

In an article by Sulick, “Why Do I Research Pink Ribbon Culture?” she points out the lack of actual progress in curing breast cancer:
  • Incidence rates remain high, and some forty thousand women and hundreds of men die from the disease each year.
  • Whereas about 25 percent of diagnosed women have a tumor in situ (confined within a duct or lobule) which is not life threatening, the remaining 75 percent are diagnosed with cancer that is actively spreading.
Pink Ribbon Culture: from Awareness and Support to a Culture of Survivors

Sulik describes pink ribbon culture as an attitude of optimisim and hope; and adulation and stories of “she-ro”s, – women who vanquish and transcend cancer, rising from the experience transformed.

In actual fact, she writes, the vast majority of them never had the disease.
Most "survivors," had ductal cancer in situ (DCIS), a tissue abnormality, that even doctors do not agree should be named “cancer.”

Dr. Love defines DCIS as a confined, non-invasive tissue abnormality that looks like cancer cells. It may become cancer, but in the majority of cases, does not. The treatment for DCIS is prevention of cancer by total mastectomy or lumpectomy followed by radiation, because, as Dr. Love states:

“Unfortunately, we don’t know how to tell which cases will come invasive and which won’t.” (Love 2010, p. 331)

Unintended Consequences of the Survivor Culture

Sulik complains that the "she-ro's" have set too high a bar for the 75% of women diagnosed who have deadly invasive cancer.

Stage 4, the most lethal and fast growing cancer, cannot be detected by mammography. Yet the message of the Pink Ribbon is that mammography and early detection will keep women safe.
According to Sulik, some women who she interviewed with Stage 4 breast cancer felt unwelcome and out of place at upbeat, optimistic breast cancer support meetings and were even asked to leave if they were negative or depressed.

Trivializing Breast Cancer

Sulik accuses Pink Ribbon culture of “trivializing” breast cancer. She believes that the manner in which some women depict their triumphs causes other women to believe that breast cancer is not a threat to their lives, but rather a normal experience for women.

She cites a passage in the book, Cancer Vixen, (Marchettio, 2009):

“Cancer, I am gonna will kick your butt.” “And, and I’m gonna do it in killer five-inch heels.” (Sulik, 2011, p. 96)

This cavalier attitude disturbs Sulick, whose closest friend died from a swift, vicious and devastatingly lethal form of breast cancer.

Sulik explains that, by glorifying the victorious female warrior over breast cancer, pink ribbon culture is beginning to “backfire:”

It keeps women ignorant, rather than aware of the deadly threat posed by breast cancer.
Sadly, it has effectively chased the most seriously ill back to hiding and silence.

Dr. Love Asks the Question

Dr. Susan Love approached basic scientists and asked the question – “…why they did not do breast cancer research on women [as opposed to laboratory studies].” One scientist said:

“I don’t know where to find the women.” (Love 2010, p. 633)

She then founded the Dr. Susan Love Foundation with a goal of recruiting women willing to be subjects in forthcoming studies of breast cancer.

HOW: The Health of Women Study

A cohort study is a study that follows healthy people through questionnaires over a long period of time, like The Nurse’s Health Study of Boston, which followed thousands of women over time and discovered a host of risk factors for chronic disease.

With internet communication, Love anticipates the participation of millions of women throughout the world, in the hopes of finding the key to preventing breast cancer.

The Issue is not Pink or no Pink - it is Prevention and Cure of Breast Cancer

Some women feel that Pink Ribbon optimism is distracting women from the lack of progress in breast cancer research. Regardless of how individual women feel about the Pink Ribbon campaign, the answer lies in action. Dr. Love and the HOW study is the best news about breast cancer in decades.


Lerner, BH, “Pink Ribbon Fatigue,” New York Times, October 11, 2010.
Love, Susan M., MD. Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book. 5th Edition. Philadelphia: Da Capo Press, Perseus Books Group, 2010.
National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund Annual Advocacy Training Conference, May 22 – 25, 2010. Accessed December 15, 2011.
Sulik, Gayle A. Pink Ribbon Blues, New York, Oxford University Press, 2011.

Feb 3, 2013

Nutritional benefits of Bananas

Bananas are a unique fruit. They are creamy, sweet or savory, and safely preserved by nature in their own packaging - the banana peel. Related to the lily and the orchid, this fruit originated in Malaysia. Today, the major banana producing countries are Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Brazil.

Bananas for Your Health

Bananas and nutrition go hand in hand. They are great sources of an array of nutrients, with B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, manganese and magnesium. One banana also provides eleven percent of the daily recommended requirement of fiber.

Toss this yellow fruit, sliced or chopped on just about anything - the nutrition in bananas nourishes and protects the most vital organ. Research has shown that a high fiber diet significantly lowers the risk of heart disease - the number one cause of death in America. Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, helps with brain function, energy conversion, and along with folate and B12, it works to reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid, which in high quantities is connected to a higher risk of heart attack.

The health benefits of eating bananas also include protection from stomach ulcers and digestive health. To combat the harsh effect of stomach acids, phytochemicals stimulate cells in the stomach lining to create a thicker mucus barrier. Protease inhibitors found in bananas help to eliminate harmful bacteria found in the digestive tract.

Bananas are also a good source of prebiotics - undigestible sugars which provide the nourishment for probiotics. Probiotics are an essential part of our health, defending the body from harmful microbes and improving nutrient absorption.

The nutritional value of bananas also supports kidney health. High in antioxidant phenolic compounds, also found in high quantities in root vegetables, eating bananas on a regular basis greatly reduces the risk of kidney cancer.

Potassium Content of Bananas

Potassium is required for a number of functions - it is the third most prevalent mineral found in the body. How much potassium is in bananas? One piece of fruit supplies twenty-three percent of the daily recommended amount of potassium, with 800 milligrams.

The potassium content of bananas can help prevent high blood pressure and normalize heart function. Studies have linked a diet high in potassium rich foods with a lowered risk of stroke. Potassium also plays a vital role in the health of kidneys, the brain, and muscle tissue. Signs of a potassium deficiency include muscle cramping, fatigue, weak muscles, severe headaches, and high blood pressure.

Integrating Bananas into a Healthy Diet

Bananas are one of the easiest foods to make into a regular part of your diet, and the nutrition in bananas makes it well worth the effort. Add sliced bananas to cereal or yogurt; banana and peanut butter sandwiches are a classic for children; or simply take a banana as a snack-on-the-go.

Bananas are an ideal smoothie base for their creamy texture and sweet flavor. Try a healthy banana smoothie for breakfast - blend one cup milk, one banana, one tablespoon wheat germ, four or five ice cubes, and two tablespoons honey.

Would you believe you still get the health benefits of eating bananas when you fry them in brown sugar and butter and use them as a topping for ice cream or pancakes? Its true, you do. Eat bananas for your health, and have a good time doing it.

Garlic Alternative Herb for Sinus Infection

Infection of the paranasal sinuses or sinusitis is mostly caused by bacteria, which results in inflammation, stuffiness, headache and pressure. But, sinus inflammation symptoms are also manifested due to viral infection, fungal infection and allergies. The commonly adopted treatment approach for sinusitis is taking antibiotics. A concerning issue with this antibacterial therapy is increased risks of developing antibiotic resistance. On the brighter side, following home remedies and using garlic for sinus infection are effectual ways to cure sinusitis.

We are all familiar about adding garlic in cooking and herbal medicine. In fact, using raw garlic is often documented as one of the best home remedies for sinus infection. It is available in raw form, as a paste, juice, powder or capsule. Garlic minimizes inflammatory symptoms, strengthens the immune system and clears infection without causing side effects. These therapeutic properties are attributed to the active ingredients present in garlic. Before we have a discussion about using garlic to get relief from sinusitis, let's go through the therapeutic action of this bulbous herb.

Curative Properties of Garlic

These white color, pungent smelling cloves have a strong antibacterial property. As per studies conducted on garlic health benefits, it contains allin, scordinin and other active components, which make this pungent clove a curative herb for several ailments. Allin is a derivative form of the sulfur compound allicin, which gives the characteristic garlic smell. It helps fight against bacteria and fungi, which are responsible for causing sinus infection. On the other hand, scordinin boosts the immune system and inhibits abnormal cell growth.

Using Garlic for Sinus Infection Treatment

So, how much garlic should be taken for sinusitis treatment? There is no specific data concerning the recommended amount of garlic for treating sinus infection. But, ingesting 3 - 5 garlic cloves daily up to 10 days is considered safe. In order to use garlic for treatment purpose, it is used in raw form after peeling. For increased palatability, one can crush freshly peeled garlic cloves, and add a few drops of olive oil and a dash of salt to it. Or else, grind fresh garlic cloves in a paste form, and consume it with regular food. This will speed up the recovery time of sinus infection.

Another method of using raw garlic is adding it in hot water and inhaling the steam. For this, chop the cloves (fresh peeled ones) first, and infuse the pieces in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. Then, lower the head above the bowl, and make an effort to inhale the steam by taking deep breaths. The hot steam works for opening the blocked sinuses and draining the mucus, while garlic aids in getting rid of bacterial and fungal infections. To get prompt results, inhaling garlic fumes should be practiced 2 - 3 times in a day.

Drinking garlic juice is also an effectual tip to combat sinus infection symptoms. For those of you who cannot tolerate the strong pungent smell of garlic, using odorless gel capsules prepared from garlic extract is a good approach. These capsules are formulated for alleviating sinusitis, respiratory ailments and cardiovascular problems. Make sure that the capsules are purchased from a reputed vendor. The suggested dosage is two capsules per day, until infection in the sinuses is cleared completely. But, try to use raw garlic cloves for treating sinusitis whenever possible.

In addition to taking garlic, effectual natural cures for sinus infection include drinking lots of water, using apple cider vinegar and steam inhalation therapy. Remember that using garlic as sinus infection home remedy is strictly for those who don't have garlic allergies. While allergic responses to garlic occur very rarely, they do manifest in one out of every 1,500 Americans. In case, you have a medical history of the same, consult a doctor and try alternative remedies to get rid of sinus infections.

Manuka Honey Best Treatment for Acid Reflux

Only people afflicted with acid reflux know how troublesome the disease is. A chronic condition, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or simply acid reflux causes a string of discomforting symptoms. As of date, there is no cure for acid reflux disease. After correct diagnosis, the treatment plan is focused on effective disease management with medication and lifestyle modifications. Besides the prescription drugs, using manuka honey is purported as a natural treatment for acid reflux. Some patients use it as a complementary medicine for good results.

Why Use Manuka Honey for Acid Reflux Treatment

In a healthy person, food passed on to the stomach is prevented from leaking back to the esophagus by a ring of muscles called the lower esophageal sphincter (or LES). Whereas in a patient diagnosed with acid reflux, this sphincter doesn't function properly as it should, thereby allowing food and acidic juices to move backward. It is the acid that damages the mucosal lining of the esophagus and causes heartburn symptoms. GERD is a chronic problem and prompt intervention is necessary to avoid disease progression and probable complications.

Conventional medication prescribed for treating acid reflux works by reducing or stopping stomach acid production, thereby neglecting the root cause. Thus, temporary management of symptoms is achieved only when the treatment drugs are administered. Moreover, long-term use of acid reflux medicine is associated with various side effects. Considering all these aspects, afflicted people prefer relying on natural remedies that are free of health effects. As stated earlier, one such effectual approach is using manuka honey.

The antimicrobial action of honey is known to all of us. But, what is so unique about manuka honey that we should use it for alleviating acid reflux? Well, this particular kind of honey is collected by bees which exclusively feed on the manuka flowers, and it contains a higher percentage of methylglyoxal (MGO) than other honey types. The methylglyoxal along with other components are responsible for imparting the antibacterial property to it. In addition to the strong antibacterial action, manuka honey acts as an anti-inflammatory and healing agent. Other advantages of this natural product are easy availability, cost-effectiveness, no side effects, and easy use.

What does Research Say about Using Manuka Honey for Treating Acid Reflux

Unfortunately, there is no scientific proof for the effectiveness of manuka honey in combating acid reflux. Previous studies had targeted the health benefits of this honey type. Professor Peter Molan's research, conducted in 1982, led to the conclusion that this specific type of honey is a wonderful antimicrobial agent. Its antibacterial strength was cited to be 100 times more potent than the regular honey. It was then that Professor Molan and his research associates from the University of Waikato, New Zealand, introduced the unique manuka factor (abbreviated as UMF) for measuring the potency of manuka honey against bacteria.

There is no doubt about using this honey for topical application, particularly over wounds, irritated skin, and skin infections. As per some study reports, manuka honey is safe for internal use too. Basically, it is suggested for counteracting infection and alleviating digestive ailments like stomach discomfort, acid reflux, diarrhea, ulcer, and gastritis. Presently, clinical trials are going on to confirm the claimed therapeutic uses of manuka honey. According to the National honey board, it is safe for children above 1 year, pregnant women, and lactating mothers.

Which Manuka Honey is Good for Handling Acid Reflux

It is understandable that not all types of honey contain a satisfactory amount of methylglyoxal. Also, manuka honey is available under different brands in the market, so an interested user should know which one is the best for therapeutic application. The standard for denoting antibacterial strength, i.e., UMF is represented in the scale of 0 - 15 and more. For combating acid reflux, use manuka honey with a UMF rating of at least 10. Those falling within the range 5 - 9 are ideal for regular consumption, but not for treatment purposes. If available, purchase a superior product with a UMF 15.

How to Use Manuka Honey for This Purpose

A claimed benefit of manuka honey is that this natural product protects the esophageal lining by coating a layer. That way, the regurgitated stomach acid does not come in direct contact with the mucosal tissues. This allows healing of the tissues without causing side effects. To reap the benefits, maximum absorption of the ingested honey by the esophageal lining is crucial. Precisely speaking, it should remain in the digestive tract for a longer period to promote absorption. For ensuring slow digestion, a specific amount of honey is spread over a slice of bread or cracker for consumption.

The ideal time for taking manuka honey as a remedy for acid reflux is 30 minutes prior to having meals and just before going to bed. So, simply spread a teaspoon of this curative liquid over the base food (bread or cracker), and enjoy it at the suggested timings. In case, heartburn is worsened after eating a large meal, consider taking manuka honey immediately. While some people sip honey tea to relieve heartburn, using the concentrated version is more beneficial. Ingesting a teaspoon of the same for 3 times a day is safe and beneficial for the user. Once the heartburn symptoms subside, reduce the intake amount to 1 teaspoon per day.

To sum up, many patients show good responses after using manuka honey as a natural alternative for acid reflux. Some have even stopped relying on GERD medication. In rare instances, allergic reactions to honey are reported. So, those who are hypersensitive to bee pollen and honey should strictly monitor the symptoms (if any) exhibited after ingesting manuka honey. Last but not the least, diabetics and people who are on a sugar restriction diet should take the concerned doctor's approval before using honey or any kind of sweetening agent.

Feb 2, 2013

Health Benefits of Drinking Camel Milk

Eminent scientists and researchers from different countries have proven that camel milk has numerous health benefits. It has been touted since ages that the milk of this desert animal has endured nomads and Bedouins during their long wandering odyssey. Domestication of camels and camel farming are extensively carried out in dry and arid regions like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kenya, etc. In these places, you will find camel milk and its derivatives being readily sold in departmental stores and supermarkets. Though it is still an existing product and not so popular across the world, yet in many parts of the US, camel farming has been set up to boost the sale of camel milk. Importance is given to enhance supply of camel milk, only due to its supremely high nutritional value.

Composition of Camel Milk

Its composition is almost similar to a human mother's milk. Being enriched with proteins and vitamins, it is a perfect dietary supplement for healthy as well as malnourished children and adults. The key vitamins include vitamin A, B and B2. It contains essential minerals like potassium, zinc, manganese, copper, magnesium, sodium, and iron. The presence of sodium renders it slightly salty. When compared to cow's milk, the lactose and fat content of camel milk is much lower than the former, while vitamin C and iron content are 3 times and 10 times more than cow's milk, respectively. Its nutritional value is enhanced with the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and volatile acids. As immune factors are present in its milk, you can have it regularly to strengthen your immune system. Last but not the least, camel milk also contains specific antimicrobial elements, which are indeed useful for the body.

Health Benefits of Camel Milk
  • General Health

    From the composition itself, you can very well estimate how nutritious camel milk is. The wide range of nutritional elements present in camel milk improve the general health and resistance of the body. It strengthens bones and is therefore, suggested to people suffering from calcium deficiency and bone disorders, especially in case of osteoporosis. Drinking camel milk solves sexual issues, like impotency, lack of libido and suppressed sexual drive. It is an excellent health drink for people suffering from nutrient deficiency and is safe for lactose-tolerant people. In general, you can have camel milk to stay fit and energetic.
  • Ensures Immunity

    As already said, camel milk contains antibodies and immunoglobulins; it therefore, makes the body resistant against a wide range of diseases and invasion of foreign particles. When you drink camel milk on a regular basis, your body naturally acquires an improved immune potential. The basic function of the immunoglobulins is to protect the body against autoimmune disorders, allergies and several types of bacterial, fungal and viral infections. You can have camel milk every day, simply for increasing your power of immunity.
  • Diabetes Management

    Drinking camel milk helps in controlling type 1 diabetes. From case studies and clinical trials conducted by scientists, it has been established that camel milk contains insulin and insulin-like proteins which have an anti-diabetic effect in the body. A research publication states that, "Clinical trials in humans with diabetes type 1 have shown that daily consumption of 0.5 liter camel milk reduces the need for insulin medication by an average of 30%." Thus, consumption of camel milk can probably reduce the dosage of insulin needed for diabetes patients.
  • Recovery from Autism

    Tests were performed on individuals suffering from autism to prove its efficacy in eliminating health complications associated with this disorder. The research thesis of Dr. Yosef Shabo and Dr. Reuven Yagil explains that, camel milk being devoid of beta-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, is not detrimental to autistic people. Furthermore, the immunoglobulins and protective proteins present in it, aid in development of the brain. They conducted a survey regarding the effects of camel milk on autistic children of different age groups. The results of the case studies were quite convincing and proved that camel milk actually showed improvement in their communication skills and functions of the brain.
You must take your doctor's advice before drinking it for the purpose of controlling diabetes or as a cure for any kind of health disorders. I would suggest you to check that the milk comes from a well-controlled herd and the product has been pasteurized properly. You can also have cheese and butter manufactured from camel milk. And today, owing to its immense medicinal value, it is the key ingredient in a wide range cosmetic products and dermatological creams.

Jan 31, 2013

Soursop The Promising Cancer Treatment

The soursop, Annona muricata, belongs to the Annonaceae family, along with the paw paw, Asimina triloba. Initially grown for its delicious fruit, it has recently been promoted as an antic cancer treatment.

Health and alternative medicine publications continually refer to research work carried out at Purdue University under the leadership of Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, and claim that McLaughlin and his co-workers have isolated a group of chemicals from the soursop that selectively target the tumour cells of drug resistant cancers.

The Truth Behind the Anti-Cancer Claims

Mclaughlin has, in fact, carried out National Cancer Institute funded research on both the soursop and the paw paw since 1976. He has also discovered a group of chemicals known as the annonaceous acetogenins that do indeed appear to destroy tumour cells in breast, ovarian, pancreatic, liver and lung cancers. These chemicals, derivatives of long chain fatty acids, have also been shown to display pesticidal properties.

Despite these tests occurring in vitro only (that is, in the lab but not on actual cancer patients), McLaughlin’s results are encouraging. The acetogenins appear to act by inhibiting an important electron transport pathway in the production of ATP in the mitochondria of tumour cells, with the result that these cells are depleted of the energy they require to grow and multiply.

Moreover, it is the tumour cells that seem to be targeted and not normal somatic cells, as Purdue scientists discovered in tests on six human cell lines. Apparently, a special glycoprotein pump present in tumour cells that is capable of resisting the effects of anti cancer drugs is destroyed by acetogenins.

The Limited Effectiveness of the Soursop as a Cancer Treatment

Mclaughlin’s best results, however, have been with the paw paw, rather than the soursop. Two acetogenins, Bullatacin and Bullatalicin, found only in the paw paw, have proved to be much more potent than other chemicals in this family of compounds.

The Purdue team have discovered that these two molecules have double ring structures, as opposed to the less effective compounds with single or triple rings. Tests carried out by the pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, have also confirmed the effectiveness of Bullatacin in killing tumour cells.

As a consequence, while the 30 or so acetogenins in the soursop do have the capacity to destroy cancer cells, they are much less effective than those found in the paw paw. Furthermore, because extracting acetogenins from the soursop is not rigorously controlled, there is no guarantee that the concentration of this compound in the ground leaves, seeds and twigs of the plant is consistent.

Paw paw preparations, on the other hand, appear to be more stringently monitored. Paw paw twig extract, endorsed by McLaughlin, is available in capsule form from the company ‘Nature’s Sunshine’. Given the higher potency of paw paw acetogenins, coupled with its more sophisticated production techniques, it would seem that cancer patients seeking alternative treatments should choose this over any soursop products on the market.

Why Haven’t Acetogenin Treatments Been Approved by the F.D.A?

It must be noted that none of these acetogenin preparations have yet to be approved by the FDA as cancer treatments. According to the alternative medicine magazine, ‘Truth on Medicine’, large pharmaceutical companies, which could afford clinical trials, are not interested in acetogenins because they are natural compounds that cannot be synthesised.

As a result, they cannot be patented and are therefore not a profitable proposition. Mclaughlin himself adds that because the acetogenins have multiple forms (or isomers), it would be too difficult a task for these companies to process an average of around 256 possible isomers per molecule. With a range of up to 50 different acetogenins, McLaughlin believes this would be ‘simply too complex for modern studies’.

Can Acetogenins be Synthesised?

The accuracy of McLaughlin’s statement can perhaps be questioned in the light of studies by the University of Minnesota in 1993 and the Scripps Research Institute in 2000 that have in fact managed to synthesise isomers of Bullatacin, one of the most potent acetogenins. Whether this is enough for pharmaceutical companies to work with and patent is another question.

Nevertheless, the fact that independent studies continually show the tumour suppressing qualities of the acetogenins suggests a degree of truth in the claims made about the Annonaceae family. In the light of McLaughlin’s work, however, further research on the paw-paw rather than the soursop would appear to hold more promise.


Avedissian, 2000, ‘Total Synthesis of Asimicin and Bullatacin’, The Scripps Research Institute,
Cancer active, 2010, ‘Graviola anona Muricata’,
Fassa, P., 2010, ‘Newly Discovered Herbs Revealed for Healing Cancer and Other Diseases’,
McLaughlin, J., ‘Paw Paw -Alternative Cancer Treatment’ Parts 2-7,
Paw Paw, 2006, ‘Graviola is Inferior to Paw-Paw as a Cancer Treatment: Here’s why’,

Jan 27, 2013

Must Try the Pescetarian Diet

The pescetarian diet is a diet without meat except for seafood. It is an alternative to the vegetarian diet which allows you to get omega 3’s which are healthy for the heart. The name pescetarian comes from the word ‘pesco’ which in Spanish means fish. Pescetarians can enjoy any kind of seafood which includes salmon, flounder, prawns, haddock, crab, mussels, shrimp, tuna and clams, just to name a few.

It is a diet that most people find easy to follow and is considered a very healthy diet. Islanders around the world exist on a predominantly seafood diet, together with fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products including eggs, the islanders have been found to live longer healthier lives than their counterparts who are predominantly red meat eaters. This article discusses the health benefits of the pescetarian diet, the advantages and disadvantages.

The Health Benefits of the Pescetarian Diet
  • Prevents Heart Disease, Heart Attack and Stroke

    Pescetarians usually easily consume enough omega 3's from eating fish products for optimal health. Omega 3’s help to prevent the build up of fatty plaques on the walls of arteries. These fatty plaques are caused by high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Red meat eaters are at high risk of bad cholesterol causing problems. Bad cholesterol in the blood causes high blood pressure due to the heart having to work so much harder to pump blood through the arteries with fatty plaques. Eventually these fatty plaques can occlude the flow of blood through these arteries leading to heart attack and or stroke.
  • Prevents Obesity and Aids in Weight Loss

    People who follow a pescetarian diet over the long term lose weight. The calorie content of fish products, vegetables, fruit and low fat dairy products are generally lower. By avoiding saturated fats, the body uses these healthy, low calorie foods for energy rather than fat storage. Pescetarians need to avoid high carbohydrate rich foods and high sugar content food as well. Sugar and carbohydrates need to be derived from fruits and vegetables rather than processed foods including potato chips, sweets and fast foods for example. Fish products are high in protein which is needed for many body functions. Vitamin and mineral content is easily derived from fruits, vegetables and fish products.
  • Lowers the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

    Type 2 diabetes is caused by the pancreas no longer being able to release enough insulin to allow sugar molecules in the blood to be absorbed into cells. It can also be caused by cells becoming insensitive to insulin. Insulin is needed to pass sugar molecules in the blood into cells to be used for energy. When insulin no longer provides this effect, sugar molecules cause damage to the lining of blood vessel walls which leads to disease and also causes sugar to be stored as fat rather than be used for energy. Pescetarian diets are low in sugar which helps prevent low insulin levels in the blood, low insulin sensitivity and increased fat storage.
  • Lowers the Risk of Cancer

    The pescetarian diet lowers the risk of cancer as the foods eaten have shown only to be of benefit to health rather than being associated with disease and cancer. By eliminating red meat, poultry, lamb and pork from the diet, cancer risk decreases. Fish, vegetables, fruit and low fat dairy products provide the body with nutrients it needs rather than high saturated fats and the accumulation of toxic waste products that can be harmful to the body, unless completely eliminated from the body. The incidence of cancer diagnosis has been shown to be low in those people who adopt a pescetarian diet.
Disadvantages of the Pescetarian Diet

Many farmed fish products have been shown to have high levels of mercury. Consequently farmed fish products should be avoided as mercury is toxic to the body. Try to buy fish that comes from the wild, rather than farmed produce. Smaller fish species for consumption tend to have lower levels of mercury rather than larger species. Some people on a pescetarian diet may need to supplement with high protein alternatives such as soy products to ensure you are getting enough protein, calcium, vitamin A and D and B vitamins. Including low fat milk or alternative milk products such as soy, almond, rice, oat and hemp beverages can ensure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals. A daily vitamin and mineral supplement may be required also.

In conclusion, the pescetarian diet is flexible compared to the vegan and vegetarian diets. It is considered a healthier diet than one that completely eliminates meats and or dairy products. Don’t expect to see health benefits initially as the body has to adjust to the diet before results can be seen. Fish is always a healthier alternative to red meats, poultry, lamb and pork. By eliminating saturated fats from your diet, you will be well on the way to optimal health and enjoying the new you.


Huffington Post Chole Spencer 5 Reasons to Become a Pescetarian Retrieved November 6,2012
BBC News Finlo Rohrer The Rise of the Non Veggie Vegetarian Retrieved November 6,2012
Health Theory Liora Hess Why be Pescetarian? Retrieved November 6,2012

Health Applications of Echinacea

Echinacea has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. The Native American Indians used it to treat infections and wounds. European explorers learnt about its uses and brought it back to Europe to be studied for its applications to treat many ailments. More commonly today, Echinacea is used to treat and prevent the common cold although some studies have found that it has little effect.

In America today, Echinacea is one of the most popular supplements taken to treat many ailments. In Germany, Echinacea has been approved by the health authorities to treat wounds, urinary tract infections and upper respiratory tract infections. This article discusses the active properties of Echinacea, the types available, recommended dosages and side effects.

The Chemical and Nutrient Properties of Echinacea

There are three varieties of Echinacea plants used for their medicinal properties. The most commonly used variety and the strongest is Echinacea Purpurea. The other varieties are Echinacea Augustifolia and Echinacea Pallida. Both the root and the above ground parts of the plant are harvested for medicinal use. The chief chemical properties which are believed to be responsible for the plants application to treat many ailments are polysaccharides and alkamides.

It is also the source of the minerals potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium and zinc. It contains the vitamins C and B1, B2 and B4. It is the source of the phytochemicals beta-carotene, quercetin and rutin. All these unique properties promote its medicinal usages as a powerful antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antihistamine and immune system boosting potential.

The Health Benefits of Echinacea
  • Immune System Booster

    Echinacea is commonly used to treat infections. Some studies have shown that this supplement stimulates the production of white blood cells called leukocytes. Leukocytes are required to fight off harmful invading organisms in the body. Many people also believe that regularly taking Echinacea helps to prevent, reduce the frequency, reduce the severity and reduce recovery times of the common cough and cold.
  • Helps fight Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2

    Some animal studies have found that taking an Echinacea supplement in the form of capsules or as an herbal tea or applied as a tincture directly to the site of a herpes breakout, helps to kill off the herpes virus. Very few clinical studies have been performed on humans therefore it has not been confirmed as a treatment for herpes by health authorities.
  • Treatment for Wounds
    Echinacea ointment and creams applied directly to wounds has shown to accelerate healing and prevent infection. Some studies have shown that topical treatments of Echinacea help to reduce the amount of scarring post wounds. It is believed that the faster the wound heals the less scarring and wound complications. However, topical treatments of Echinacea to established scarring has shown no scar improvement.
  • Treatment for Inflammatory Conditions
    Echinacea has been shown to be effective in treating inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, tonsillitis and inflammatory bowel diseases. It helps to reduce the pain and swelling in these conditions. The polysaccharide components of this supplement help to reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration. The polysaccharides and alkamides stimulate the release of hormones from the adrenal cortex which also helps to fight off inflammation.
  • A Treatment for Some Types of Cancer

    Echinacea stimulates one of the immune system cells called macrophages to release a chemical that is toxic to tumor cells. It therefore helps to prevent cancer cells from forming and also helps to reduce the size and growth of cancer cells. It can however interfere with immunosuppressant treatments for cancer and hence is not for everybody undergoing cancer treatments.
  • Skin Treatment

    Echinacea is often a chief ingredient in many commercially available skin products. Its chemicals help to promote strong, healthy connective tissue which results in smooth, glowing skin.
Recommended Dosages

Echinacea as a supplement is available in the forms of tablets, capsules, liquids, ointments, tinctures and as an herbal tea. You should always follow the dosing information on the package as concentrations vary from product to product. Generally an adult can take 1 to 2 grams of dried herb as an herbal tea, three times a day for 10 days. Alternatively an adult can take 2 to 3mls of the herbal extract. Ointments for the treatment of wounds can be applied as required.

Side Effects

Generally Echinacea is well tolerated with few reported side effects. Uncommon side effects can include gastrointestinal disturbances, fever, drowsiness, headache, dizziness and muscular aches and pains. It can also cause an allergic reaction in some sensitive people and may interact with your current medications. Allergies to Echinacea are more common if you are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds and or daisies. Pregnant and breast feeding mums should not take Echinacea supplements. People who have been diagnosed with autoimmune disorders, HIV, Aids, tuberculosis, white blood cell disorders and or multiple sclerosis should not take this supplement. It is therefore recommended to always talk to your doctor before you commence taking any herbal supplement.

In conclusion, Echinacea has many health promoting benefits. Scientific studies are still being performed on this herb to this day for its applications for health. Millions of people world wide take this supplement daily and swear by its benefits to health. Some people believe it is a weight loss and blood pressure lowering herb also but these attributes have not been scientifically proven. Long term effects of taking Echinacea are not understood, therefore it is recommended to take it for a period of no more than 10 days before discontinuing for at least a month. Given that it has very few reported side effects, it can be considered a safe herbal supplement to include in your daily supplement regime.


Mayo Clinic Echinacea Retrieved November 9,2012
University of Maryland Medical Center Echinacea Retrieved November 9,2012
ABC Science Maggie Fox Echinacea may prevent colds, says study Retrieved November 9,2012

Health Applications of Burdock

Burdock (Arctium lappa) is considered a weed by many but to others it offers a range of health promoting benefits. Growing to up to 7 feet tall, it features clustered flowers with spine covered burs. The stems are hardy with a slightly red hue. The leaves are large. The plant is edible with interesting flavors. The leaves can be boiled and exhibits a flavor similar to spinach. The root can also be harvested and exhibits a flavor similar to artichoke.

After flowering, the plant produces numerous tiny brown seed pods; the seeds can be eaten providing a flavorsome crunch. You can also sprout the seeds on a wet napkin and use the sprouts to add to salads or in a sandwich. The root of the plant is often harvested to make an herbal tea and is the most common part of the plant used for medicinal purposes. This article discusses the nutritional properties of burdock, its applications towards promoting health, recommended dosage to treat ailments and any associated side effects.

Nutritional Properties of Burdock

A cup of burdock is only 85 calories and is a source of carbohydrates and small amounts of protein. It has insignificant amounts of fat at only 0.1 grams. It is a healthy source of fibre which can help keep bowel movements regular. It is also a good source of vitamin B6 and a rich source of the minerals manganese, magnesium, iron, thiamine and silicon.

Health Benefits of Burdock Root Tea

  • Treatment for Fluid Retention

    Burdock root tea is a natural diuretic meaning it helps to rid the body of excess fluids via the kidneys. It is useful for treating edema, a condition that causes fluid to pool in many areas of the body. It can also help to lower blood pressure which helps to prevent heart disease and stroke. Loss of excess fluid can lower body weight also but must be noted, this weight loss is water only and not fat loss. If you drink burdock tea regularly it can cause dehydration and hence it is recommended to drink plenty of water throughout the day when taking this supplement.
  • Treatment for the Symptoms of Premenstrual Stress

    Burdock root tea can help ease the symptoms of breast tenderness, bloating, cramps, abdominal pain and mood swings associated with the menstrual cycle. It is recommended to drink up to 3 cups per day for symptom relief.
  • Treatment for Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Skin Rash and Dermatitis

    You can make a burdock root tea for topical use to treat many skin conditions. Allow the tea to cool then use a clean cloth soaked in the tea and apply directly as a compress to the irritated skin. It helps to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. It is also an antibacterial and anti fungal agent helping to heal bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Treatment for Stomach Ailments

    Being a good source of fiber, burdock in all its forms can help improve digestion. It can be taken to relieve the symptoms of chronic indigestion and gallstones. It can also help to prevent and treat flatulence and constipation.
  • Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections and Kidney Stones

    Burdock root tea is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial. It can be taken to help treat bacterial infections of the urinary tract. Being a diuretic also, it helps to flush out the kidneys, breaking up and dislodging small kidney stones and helping to remove bacteria from the urinary tract.
Side Effects of Burdock

Burdock is generally well tolerated but can have the unwanted side effect of dehydration. It can also cause the blood to thin and should not be taken with prescribed blood thinners. It may lower blood sugar levels and hence should not be taken if you are taking prescribed blood glucose lowering medication for diabetes. It may cause an allergic reaction in some sensitive people especially if you are allergic to daisies, ragweed, chrysanthemums and or marigolds. Pregnant and breastfeeding woman should not take this herb.

Recommended Dosages of Burdock

For most ailments it is recommended to take 1 to 2 grams in capsule form three times a day. You can drink the herbal tea up to 3 cups per day. As a topical treatment, apply as required.

In conclusion, burdock is an interesting herb with many applications for health. Considering it is a pesty weed growing freely in America, Asia and Europe, it is easy to grow in your own herbal garden. To make your own herbal tea, simply steep 2 teaspoons of the dried root powder with a cup of boiling water. Allow to stand for 10 minutes before consuming. Most people prefer to add honey, lemon or sugar as has a slight bitter taste.

The fresh root can be used also by removing the root from the ground, cleaning it and chopping it up. Add 2 tablespoons of fresh root to boiled water and let steep before straining and drinking. Young roots are best but older roots can be used after scraping away the outer woody coating. If you are considering using burdock to treat your ailments, it is recommended to consult your physician first.


University of Maryland Medical Center Burdock Retrieved December 26,2012
Georgetown University Medical Center Burdock Retrieved December 26,2012
New York Time Melissa Clark At the Root of the Weed, a Secret Ingredient Retrieved December 26,2012

Jan 26, 2013

The Sting in Stinging Nettles

Brushing up against a stinging nettle can produce a painful sting from the tiny hairs that cover its leaves. Although considered a weed in some countries, stinging nettle has been harvested and used as an alternative herbal treatment for centuries. It is native to Europe and also grows in America and now in other countries.

Belonging to the Uritca plant family, the flowering top section of the plant, leaves, stem and root are harvested for their use in herbal teas, tinctures, extracts, creams and as a culinary ingredient. This article discusses the nutritional properties of stinging nettles, health applications, recommended dosages and side effects.

Nutritional Properties of Stinging Nettles

Stinging nettles are low in calories at just 37 calories per cup. They contain insignificant amounts of fat. They are a source of protein and carbohydrates. They are a rich source of iron and calcium. Eating rich iron food is recommended to both prevent and treat anemia, a condition causing fatigue and lethargy. Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth. They are also an excellent source of vitamin A, C and K.

The Health Benefits of Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle is often prescribed by alternate medical practitioners to treat the following ailments.
  • Urinary Complaints

    This herb can be used to prevent and treat urinary problems such as enlarged prostate and urinary tract infections. It is a natural diuretic, meaning it helps rid the body of excess fluid via the kidneys. It has shown to help alleviate the symptoms of enlarged prostate such as improving urine flow, prevent dripping after urination and alleviate the feeling of urge to urinate frequently.
  • Treatment for Arthritis, Joint Pain and Muscle Pain

    Stinging Nettle can help alleviate the symptom of pain caused by inflammation. This herb is a natural anti-inflammatory. By reducing swelling in joints caused by inflammation, pain sensations are reduced and it helps to improve range of motion in arthritic joints.
  • Hay fever Relief

    This herb contains natural antihistamines. Drinking this herbal tea can help reduce the intensity of symptoms such as sneezing and itching associated with hay fever. It helps to reduce the amount of histamine in the blood which is responsible for the symptoms of an allergen response in the body.
  • Increased Energy and Vigor

    Stinging nettle is both high in iron and vitamin C. These two nutrients compliment each other in body function. Vitamin C helps iron to be absorbed into the blood. It is well known that healthy blood iron levels contribute to increased energy levels and reduces fatigue. Women can benefit greatly from drinking this herbal tea as many women suffer with low iron levels due to monthly menstrual cycles. This herb is also believed to stimulate the adrenal glands which also helps to stimulate energy levels in general.
  • Treatment for Gout

    Gout is an extremely painful condition caused by inflammation affecting the joints of the big toes. It is believed to be caused by the build up of uric acid in the bloodstream. Stinging nettle has shown to reduce uric acid levels in the blood and can be used to both prevent and treat gout.
  • Treatment for Eczema

    This herb both applied topically as a cream and drinking it as an herbal tea has shown benefits for eczema suffers. It can help relieve the painful, itchy sensations associated with this disease. It helps by reducing inflammation in the body that is the primary cause of eczema.
Recommended Dosages of Stinging Nettle
Dosages of stinging nettle vary dependent upon what ailment you are treating. Potency of each preparation may vary; hence it is important to follow the dosing information on the package. Generally it is recommended to drink up to 3 cups of herbal tea per day. In capsule form, you can take up to 1300mgs per day. In tincture form it is recommended to take 1 to 4 mls three times a day.

Side Effects of Stinging Nettle Preparations

Stinging nettle can cause side effects which can include rash when applied topically to the skin. It can cause the symptoms of stomach ache, nausea, diarrhea, sweating, fluid retention and dizziness when ingested. It can also cause an allergic reaction in some sensitive people. It is known to lower blood pressure which can cause the symptom of feeling faint. If you experience any of these side effects, stop using the products immediately and consult your physician.

Stinging nettle can also interact with your current medications, most commonly with diabetic medications, blood pressure medications, blood thinners, heart medications and diuretics. Pregnant and breast feeding mothers should not take stinging nettle and neither should children under the age of 12 be given it. The best advice is to talk to your physician before commencing any herbal medicine.

In conclusion, stinging nettle has many powerful health benefits. Stinging nettle leaf teas are readily available in most health food shops. You can make your own herbal teas by drying out the leaves of the plant in the sun to use in your own preparations. Stinging nettles are easy to grow in most climates. Be careful handling the stinging nettle plants, wearing gloves are recommended to prevent irritation to the skin. The plant and its roots can be blanched to serve as an alternate green complimenting any meat dishes. Always talk to your physician before commencing any herbal remedy to treat existing ailments.


University of Maryland Medical Center Stinging Nettle Retrieved December 24,2012
The Physicians of Saint Louis University Stinging Nettle Retrieved December 24,2012
NYU Langone Medical Center Nettle Retrieved December 24,2012