Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Jan 31, 2013

Getting Rid Of Your Acne Successfully?

Millions of people are afflicted with acne. There some good methods to getting rid of acne for good, but there are no right or wrong ways to do it.

What may have worked for a friend of yours may not in fact work for you and your type of acne condition.

These tips may be of some help to you in fight against acneand get rid of acne for good.

Applying aloe vera to your acne problem can help because of the wonderful healing properties of aloe. Apply it directly on the problem areas and it should help in removing oil from your skin as well as getting rid of irritation on the skin. Aloe vera is available in most stores or you can grow it yourself at home.

One way of keeping acne down is by keeping hair off your face and out of your face.

Long hair and bangs have dirt and oil in them that can be transferred to your face. This contributes to the oil on your face causing a breakout and eventually acne.

Lemon juice used to cleanse your face can help with this, use it on a cotton ball and rub it allover the surface of your skin. Do not scrub it on the face dab it on the skin and leave it for at least 10 minutes. It will help generate new skin and reduce and remove oil.

Avoiding tanning booths is one thing that you want to do to help reduce acne breakouts. Tanning booths cause an abnormal buildup of pigments that release chemicals on the surface of your skin. It can cause more blockage of the pores which leads to acne breakouts in the first place.

Also,if you eat a lot of carbs in your diet it can also have an impact on acne breakouts.

Choose a salad instead or a cold sandwich.

Another way to help your skin is to treat it to a strawberry mask. Sour cream mixed together with a cup of pureed strawberries applied to the face will help reduce oils on the skin. Let it sit for about five minutes. Washed or rinse off with warm water and pat dry this will clean your face better than most soaps.

Watching your consumption of dairy products can help keep your skin clear as well. Many vegans have spectacularly clear skin, seeming to glow from within. Some have found success when they watch their dairy consumption. So try cutting back on the dairy, eggs, and meat, and see if your skin doesn't improve.

Natural and home remedies can be used in the place of ointments and other medications for acne treatment.

High acid levels in some fruit such as lemons act as a astringent that shrinks acne and helps reduce oil levels in the skin.

It can also reduce oil levels in the skin. Applying the lemon juice to the skin gently rubbing it on the acne areas and letting it sit for 5 minutes will be effective.

As the beginning of this article stated, millions of people are dealing with acne everyday and you are not alone.

There are hundreds of methods to try, when it comes to finding the right cure for your acne. Apply some or all of the tips from the article above for a successful fight against acne. But the best solution that I've found to date is Acne No-More.

Jan 27, 2013

Must Try the Pescetarian Diet

The pescetarian diet is a diet without meat except for seafood. It is an alternative to the vegetarian diet which allows you to get omega 3’s which are healthy for the heart. The name pescetarian comes from the word ‘pesco’ which in Spanish means fish. Pescetarians can enjoy any kind of seafood which includes salmon, flounder, prawns, haddock, crab, mussels, shrimp, tuna and clams, just to name a few.

It is a diet that most people find easy to follow and is considered a very healthy diet. Islanders around the world exist on a predominantly seafood diet, together with fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products including eggs, the islanders have been found to live longer healthier lives than their counterparts who are predominantly red meat eaters. This article discusses the health benefits of the pescetarian diet, the advantages and disadvantages.

The Health Benefits of the Pescetarian Diet
  • Prevents Heart Disease, Heart Attack and Stroke

    Pescetarians usually easily consume enough omega 3's from eating fish products for optimal health. Omega 3’s help to prevent the build up of fatty plaques on the walls of arteries. These fatty plaques are caused by high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Red meat eaters are at high risk of bad cholesterol causing problems. Bad cholesterol in the blood causes high blood pressure due to the heart having to work so much harder to pump blood through the arteries with fatty plaques. Eventually these fatty plaques can occlude the flow of blood through these arteries leading to heart attack and or stroke.
  • Prevents Obesity and Aids in Weight Loss

    People who follow a pescetarian diet over the long term lose weight. The calorie content of fish products, vegetables, fruit and low fat dairy products are generally lower. By avoiding saturated fats, the body uses these healthy, low calorie foods for energy rather than fat storage. Pescetarians need to avoid high carbohydrate rich foods and high sugar content food as well. Sugar and carbohydrates need to be derived from fruits and vegetables rather than processed foods including potato chips, sweets and fast foods for example. Fish products are high in protein which is needed for many body functions. Vitamin and mineral content is easily derived from fruits, vegetables and fish products.
  • Lowers the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

    Type 2 diabetes is caused by the pancreas no longer being able to release enough insulin to allow sugar molecules in the blood to be absorbed into cells. It can also be caused by cells becoming insensitive to insulin. Insulin is needed to pass sugar molecules in the blood into cells to be used for energy. When insulin no longer provides this effect, sugar molecules cause damage to the lining of blood vessel walls which leads to disease and also causes sugar to be stored as fat rather than be used for energy. Pescetarian diets are low in sugar which helps prevent low insulin levels in the blood, low insulin sensitivity and increased fat storage.
  • Lowers the Risk of Cancer

    The pescetarian diet lowers the risk of cancer as the foods eaten have shown only to be of benefit to health rather than being associated with disease and cancer. By eliminating red meat, poultry, lamb and pork from the diet, cancer risk decreases. Fish, vegetables, fruit and low fat dairy products provide the body with nutrients it needs rather than high saturated fats and the accumulation of toxic waste products that can be harmful to the body, unless completely eliminated from the body. The incidence of cancer diagnosis has been shown to be low in those people who adopt a pescetarian diet.
Disadvantages of the Pescetarian Diet

Many farmed fish products have been shown to have high levels of mercury. Consequently farmed fish products should be avoided as mercury is toxic to the body. Try to buy fish that comes from the wild, rather than farmed produce. Smaller fish species for consumption tend to have lower levels of mercury rather than larger species. Some people on a pescetarian diet may need to supplement with high protein alternatives such as soy products to ensure you are getting enough protein, calcium, vitamin A and D and B vitamins. Including low fat milk or alternative milk products such as soy, almond, rice, oat and hemp beverages can ensure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals. A daily vitamin and mineral supplement may be required also.

In conclusion, the pescetarian diet is flexible compared to the vegan and vegetarian diets. It is considered a healthier diet than one that completely eliminates meats and or dairy products. Don’t expect to see health benefits initially as the body has to adjust to the diet before results can be seen. Fish is always a healthier alternative to red meats, poultry, lamb and pork. By eliminating saturated fats from your diet, you will be well on the way to optimal health and enjoying the new you.


Huffington Post Chole Spencer 5 Reasons to Become a Pescetarian Retrieved November 6,2012
BBC News Finlo Rohrer The Rise of the Non Veggie Vegetarian Retrieved November 6,2012
Health Theory Liora Hess Why be Pescetarian? Retrieved November 6,2012

Less Carb Diet for Weight Loss

Anyone who has dieted knows that a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet produces weight loss only in the short term. The conventionally recommended reduction in fat and protein causes the body’s metabolism to slow and stop weight loss. In dieting circles, this is called the plateau. It is actually the body’s survival response to a period it perceives as famine or possible starvation.

A Naturally Low-Carb Diet Promotes Optimum Weight

The original low-carb diet, (aka the Paleo Diet or Primal Blueprint), is naturally low in carbohydrates without limiting healthy carbs like fruits and vegetables. To lose weight on a low-carb paleo diet, you don't need to count carbohydrates, calories, or fats. You'll improve your overall health simply by eliminating unnatural foods, thus reducing the unhealthy fats and high-glycemic carbohydrates that lead to obesity and other chronic diseases.

The low-carb paleo diet eliminates foods that contribute to the diseases of Syndrome X, including obesity, while promoting foods, including healthy carbs, that prevent those diseases. You'll lose weight while eating all you want from the paleo food groups: meats and organs, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats, without suffering the hunger and cravings of unnatural, restrictive diets.

Our need for fruit is responsible for our sweet cravings, so turn to fruit instead of refined sugar products to satisfy those natural cravings.

Protein and Fat are Key to Healthy Weight Loss

Perhaps the most important change you can make to your diet to promote weight loss is to include animal protein with every meal. Animal protein raises your metabolism causing you to burn more calories, it satisfies your appetite so you don’t overeat, and it improves insulin sensitivity.

The combining of plant proteins, in lieu of eating meats, significantly raises our carbohydrate intake. Animal proteins are more efficient for weight loss. All calories are not created equal. Our bodies burn calories from carbs and fats at a much lower rate than those from protein. Vegetarians might consider a Pescetarian Diet.

It is also important to eat adequate healthful fats. Fat provides the fatty acids necessary for proper cellular and brain functioning, and it allows us to metabolize nutrients from other sources. Like protein, fat also causes us to feel full and so helps with appetite control.


While following the paleo diet, your weight will normalize over time. Adding exercise and decreasing caloric intake can speed up the process. Regular exercise improves insulin metabolism, increases good cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, strengthens heart and blood vessels, and reduces stress.Make physical exertion a regular part of your life by taking advantage of opportunities to use your body.


Cordain, Loren. The Paleo Diet. Wiley, 2010.
Sisson, Mark. The Primal Blueprint. Primal Nutrition, Inc., 2012.

Health Applications of Echinacea

Echinacea has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. The Native American Indians used it to treat infections and wounds. European explorers learnt about its uses and brought it back to Europe to be studied for its applications to treat many ailments. More commonly today, Echinacea is used to treat and prevent the common cold although some studies have found that it has little effect.

In America today, Echinacea is one of the most popular supplements taken to treat many ailments. In Germany, Echinacea has been approved by the health authorities to treat wounds, urinary tract infections and upper respiratory tract infections. This article discusses the active properties of Echinacea, the types available, recommended dosages and side effects.

The Chemical and Nutrient Properties of Echinacea

There are three varieties of Echinacea plants used for their medicinal properties. The most commonly used variety and the strongest is Echinacea Purpurea. The other varieties are Echinacea Augustifolia and Echinacea Pallida. Both the root and the above ground parts of the plant are harvested for medicinal use. The chief chemical properties which are believed to be responsible for the plants application to treat many ailments are polysaccharides and alkamides.

It is also the source of the minerals potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium and zinc. It contains the vitamins C and B1, B2 and B4. It is the source of the phytochemicals beta-carotene, quercetin and rutin. All these unique properties promote its medicinal usages as a powerful antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antihistamine and immune system boosting potential.

The Health Benefits of Echinacea
  • Immune System Booster

    Echinacea is commonly used to treat infections. Some studies have shown that this supplement stimulates the production of white blood cells called leukocytes. Leukocytes are required to fight off harmful invading organisms in the body. Many people also believe that regularly taking Echinacea helps to prevent, reduce the frequency, reduce the severity and reduce recovery times of the common cough and cold.
  • Helps fight Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2

    Some animal studies have found that taking an Echinacea supplement in the form of capsules or as an herbal tea or applied as a tincture directly to the site of a herpes breakout, helps to kill off the herpes virus. Very few clinical studies have been performed on humans therefore it has not been confirmed as a treatment for herpes by health authorities.
  • Treatment for Wounds
    Echinacea ointment and creams applied directly to wounds has shown to accelerate healing and prevent infection. Some studies have shown that topical treatments of Echinacea help to reduce the amount of scarring post wounds. It is believed that the faster the wound heals the less scarring and wound complications. However, topical treatments of Echinacea to established scarring has shown no scar improvement.
  • Treatment for Inflammatory Conditions
    Echinacea has been shown to be effective in treating inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, tonsillitis and inflammatory bowel diseases. It helps to reduce the pain and swelling in these conditions. The polysaccharide components of this supplement help to reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration. The polysaccharides and alkamides stimulate the release of hormones from the adrenal cortex which also helps to fight off inflammation.
  • A Treatment for Some Types of Cancer

    Echinacea stimulates one of the immune system cells called macrophages to release a chemical that is toxic to tumor cells. It therefore helps to prevent cancer cells from forming and also helps to reduce the size and growth of cancer cells. It can however interfere with immunosuppressant treatments for cancer and hence is not for everybody undergoing cancer treatments.
  • Skin Treatment

    Echinacea is often a chief ingredient in many commercially available skin products. Its chemicals help to promote strong, healthy connective tissue which results in smooth, glowing skin.
Recommended Dosages

Echinacea as a supplement is available in the forms of tablets, capsules, liquids, ointments, tinctures and as an herbal tea. You should always follow the dosing information on the package as concentrations vary from product to product. Generally an adult can take 1 to 2 grams of dried herb as an herbal tea, three times a day for 10 days. Alternatively an adult can take 2 to 3mls of the herbal extract. Ointments for the treatment of wounds can be applied as required.

Side Effects

Generally Echinacea is well tolerated with few reported side effects. Uncommon side effects can include gastrointestinal disturbances, fever, drowsiness, headache, dizziness and muscular aches and pains. It can also cause an allergic reaction in some sensitive people and may interact with your current medications. Allergies to Echinacea are more common if you are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds and or daisies. Pregnant and breast feeding mums should not take Echinacea supplements. People who have been diagnosed with autoimmune disorders, HIV, Aids, tuberculosis, white blood cell disorders and or multiple sclerosis should not take this supplement. It is therefore recommended to always talk to your doctor before you commence taking any herbal supplement.

In conclusion, Echinacea has many health promoting benefits. Scientific studies are still being performed on this herb to this day for its applications for health. Millions of people world wide take this supplement daily and swear by its benefits to health. Some people believe it is a weight loss and blood pressure lowering herb also but these attributes have not been scientifically proven. Long term effects of taking Echinacea are not understood, therefore it is recommended to take it for a period of no more than 10 days before discontinuing for at least a month. Given that it has very few reported side effects, it can be considered a safe herbal supplement to include in your daily supplement regime.


Mayo Clinic Echinacea Retrieved November 9,2012
University of Maryland Medical Center Echinacea Retrieved November 9,2012
ABC Science Maggie Fox Echinacea may prevent colds, says study Retrieved November 9,2012

Health Applications of Burdock

Burdock (Arctium lappa) is considered a weed by many but to others it offers a range of health promoting benefits. Growing to up to 7 feet tall, it features clustered flowers with spine covered burs. The stems are hardy with a slightly red hue. The leaves are large. The plant is edible with interesting flavors. The leaves can be boiled and exhibits a flavor similar to spinach. The root can also be harvested and exhibits a flavor similar to artichoke.

After flowering, the plant produces numerous tiny brown seed pods; the seeds can be eaten providing a flavorsome crunch. You can also sprout the seeds on a wet napkin and use the sprouts to add to salads or in a sandwich. The root of the plant is often harvested to make an herbal tea and is the most common part of the plant used for medicinal purposes. This article discusses the nutritional properties of burdock, its applications towards promoting health, recommended dosage to treat ailments and any associated side effects.

Nutritional Properties of Burdock

A cup of burdock is only 85 calories and is a source of carbohydrates and small amounts of protein. It has insignificant amounts of fat at only 0.1 grams. It is a healthy source of fibre which can help keep bowel movements regular. It is also a good source of vitamin B6 and a rich source of the minerals manganese, magnesium, iron, thiamine and silicon.

Health Benefits of Burdock Root Tea

  • Treatment for Fluid Retention

    Burdock root tea is a natural diuretic meaning it helps to rid the body of excess fluids via the kidneys. It is useful for treating edema, a condition that causes fluid to pool in many areas of the body. It can also help to lower blood pressure which helps to prevent heart disease and stroke. Loss of excess fluid can lower body weight also but must be noted, this weight loss is water only and not fat loss. If you drink burdock tea regularly it can cause dehydration and hence it is recommended to drink plenty of water throughout the day when taking this supplement.
  • Treatment for the Symptoms of Premenstrual Stress

    Burdock root tea can help ease the symptoms of breast tenderness, bloating, cramps, abdominal pain and mood swings associated with the menstrual cycle. It is recommended to drink up to 3 cups per day for symptom relief.
  • Treatment for Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Skin Rash and Dermatitis

    You can make a burdock root tea for topical use to treat many skin conditions. Allow the tea to cool then use a clean cloth soaked in the tea and apply directly as a compress to the irritated skin. It helps to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. It is also an antibacterial and anti fungal agent helping to heal bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Treatment for Stomach Ailments

    Being a good source of fiber, burdock in all its forms can help improve digestion. It can be taken to relieve the symptoms of chronic indigestion and gallstones. It can also help to prevent and treat flatulence and constipation.
  • Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections and Kidney Stones

    Burdock root tea is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial. It can be taken to help treat bacterial infections of the urinary tract. Being a diuretic also, it helps to flush out the kidneys, breaking up and dislodging small kidney stones and helping to remove bacteria from the urinary tract.
Side Effects of Burdock

Burdock is generally well tolerated but can have the unwanted side effect of dehydration. It can also cause the blood to thin and should not be taken with prescribed blood thinners. It may lower blood sugar levels and hence should not be taken if you are taking prescribed blood glucose lowering medication for diabetes. It may cause an allergic reaction in some sensitive people especially if you are allergic to daisies, ragweed, chrysanthemums and or marigolds. Pregnant and breastfeeding woman should not take this herb.

Recommended Dosages of Burdock

For most ailments it is recommended to take 1 to 2 grams in capsule form three times a day. You can drink the herbal tea up to 3 cups per day. As a topical treatment, apply as required.

In conclusion, burdock is an interesting herb with many applications for health. Considering it is a pesty weed growing freely in America, Asia and Europe, it is easy to grow in your own herbal garden. To make your own herbal tea, simply steep 2 teaspoons of the dried root powder with a cup of boiling water. Allow to stand for 10 minutes before consuming. Most people prefer to add honey, lemon or sugar as has a slight bitter taste.

The fresh root can be used also by removing the root from the ground, cleaning it and chopping it up. Add 2 tablespoons of fresh root to boiled water and let steep before straining and drinking. Young roots are best but older roots can be used after scraping away the outer woody coating. If you are considering using burdock to treat your ailments, it is recommended to consult your physician first.


University of Maryland Medical Center Burdock Retrieved December 26,2012
Georgetown University Medical Center Burdock Retrieved December 26,2012
New York Time Melissa Clark At the Root of the Weed, a Secret Ingredient Retrieved December 26,2012

Jan 26, 2013

Knee Tendonitis

The inflammation and swelling of any of the tendons around the knee is referred to as knee tendonitis; it is one of the most common causes of knee pain. There are several tendons attaching muscle to bone around the knee joint, including the quadriceps, hamstring, patellar and iliotibial band.

Usually it is one or more of these tendons that are implicated in knee tendonitis; they attach to bone below and inside the knee joint. These tendons assist the muscles in movements of the leg and knee.

The Causes and Risks of Knee Tendonitis

Knee tendonitis usually occurs when there is a sudden twisting action of the knee joint, injuring one or more tendons. As people age, tendons and other tissues in the body weaken and become brittle; this makes tendonitis more common in older people. Middle-aged runners are especially at risk.

People, who play fast-paced sports with rapid changes of direction, are at risk of developing knee tendonitis, as are those who play or exercise on uneven surfaces. Knee tendonitis is more common among runners, skiers, basketball, tennis and netball players and footballers.

The Signs of Knee Tendonitis

The first sign will be a twinge of mild pain in or near the knee joint, usually during activity. If the activity is continued, the pain increases and will be worse when the knee is moved. The actual tendon affected will be painful to the touch. Climbing stairs, standing up from a sitting position and in the evening will be when the pain is increased.

Swelling could be obvious around the tendon and the area might look red and have some heat. This is due to the inflammation of the tendon and the accumulation of fluid.

The Treatment of Knee Tendonitis

The sooner treatment for knee tendonitis is started, the faster the recovery will be. It is not necessary to see a doctor at first as conservative, home treatment strategies will be effective and what a doctor would recommend.

Rest is essential to allow the damaged tissues to heal. It can take several weeks before you are able to return to full sporting activities, so be prepared to be patient. Returning too soon risks further damage and a more serious injury.

Ice will reduce inflammation and help to relieve the pain. Apply an ice pack immediately you feel the pain and continue this every few hours for several days, until the pain eases. Keep the ice pack on your knee for 15 to 20 minutes at a time.

Elevate the affected leg while you are resting; this helps to relieve pain as well as reduce swelling and inflammation. When the symptoms have subsided, return to activity gradually to allow time for the tendon and muscles to strengthen again.

If these home remedies don’t ease the pain, or if you find the knee tendonitis returns, see a doctor for a firm diagnosis and other treatment methods.

The Prevention of Knee Tendonitis

There are ways you can lessen the risk of knee injuries. Follow these tips for the prevention of knee tendonitis:
  • Warm up and cool down when you are involved in exercise or sport. These steps are vital in the prevention of any injury as you need to prepare your joints and soft tissue for the activity to come.
  • Stretches are an important part of your warm up and cool down. Doing a few minutes of stretches every day helps to keep your tendons flexible and less at risk of injury. To be effective, a stretch should be held for twenty seconds and a moderate burning sensation should be experienced.
  • Strengthen your leg muscles to better cope with the activities you do. Focus on exercises that strengthen all leg muscles as these will also keep tendons strong as well.
  • The shoes you wear for your activity must be designed for that type of sport. Shoes to prevent knee tendonitis need to have good ankle and foot support and cushioning for the foot. Wearing the correct shoes will help to keep your knees safe from injury.
  • Avoid running on uneven surfaces, which put you at risk of twisting or turning the knee.
After a knee injury, wear a knee brace, or use strapping, while you are actually exercising or playing sport. Gradually reduce the time you wear it as you don’t want your muscles to become dependant on the extra support.

The Sting in Stinging Nettles

Brushing up against a stinging nettle can produce a painful sting from the tiny hairs that cover its leaves. Although considered a weed in some countries, stinging nettle has been harvested and used as an alternative herbal treatment for centuries. It is native to Europe and also grows in America and now in other countries.

Belonging to the Uritca plant family, the flowering top section of the plant, leaves, stem and root are harvested for their use in herbal teas, tinctures, extracts, creams and as a culinary ingredient. This article discusses the nutritional properties of stinging nettles, health applications, recommended dosages and side effects.

Nutritional Properties of Stinging Nettles

Stinging nettles are low in calories at just 37 calories per cup. They contain insignificant amounts of fat. They are a source of protein and carbohydrates. They are a rich source of iron and calcium. Eating rich iron food is recommended to both prevent and treat anemia, a condition causing fatigue and lethargy. Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth. They are also an excellent source of vitamin A, C and K.

The Health Benefits of Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle is often prescribed by alternate medical practitioners to treat the following ailments.
  • Urinary Complaints

    This herb can be used to prevent and treat urinary problems such as enlarged prostate and urinary tract infections. It is a natural diuretic, meaning it helps rid the body of excess fluid via the kidneys. It has shown to help alleviate the symptoms of enlarged prostate such as improving urine flow, prevent dripping after urination and alleviate the feeling of urge to urinate frequently.
  • Treatment for Arthritis, Joint Pain and Muscle Pain

    Stinging Nettle can help alleviate the symptom of pain caused by inflammation. This herb is a natural anti-inflammatory. By reducing swelling in joints caused by inflammation, pain sensations are reduced and it helps to improve range of motion in arthritic joints.
  • Hay fever Relief

    This herb contains natural antihistamines. Drinking this herbal tea can help reduce the intensity of symptoms such as sneezing and itching associated with hay fever. It helps to reduce the amount of histamine in the blood which is responsible for the symptoms of an allergen response in the body.
  • Increased Energy and Vigor

    Stinging nettle is both high in iron and vitamin C. These two nutrients compliment each other in body function. Vitamin C helps iron to be absorbed into the blood. It is well known that healthy blood iron levels contribute to increased energy levels and reduces fatigue. Women can benefit greatly from drinking this herbal tea as many women suffer with low iron levels due to monthly menstrual cycles. This herb is also believed to stimulate the adrenal glands which also helps to stimulate energy levels in general.
  • Treatment for Gout

    Gout is an extremely painful condition caused by inflammation affecting the joints of the big toes. It is believed to be caused by the build up of uric acid in the bloodstream. Stinging nettle has shown to reduce uric acid levels in the blood and can be used to both prevent and treat gout.
  • Treatment for Eczema

    This herb both applied topically as a cream and drinking it as an herbal tea has shown benefits for eczema suffers. It can help relieve the painful, itchy sensations associated with this disease. It helps by reducing inflammation in the body that is the primary cause of eczema.
Recommended Dosages of Stinging Nettle
Dosages of stinging nettle vary dependent upon what ailment you are treating. Potency of each preparation may vary; hence it is important to follow the dosing information on the package. Generally it is recommended to drink up to 3 cups of herbal tea per day. In capsule form, you can take up to 1300mgs per day. In tincture form it is recommended to take 1 to 4 mls three times a day.

Side Effects of Stinging Nettle Preparations

Stinging nettle can cause side effects which can include rash when applied topically to the skin. It can cause the symptoms of stomach ache, nausea, diarrhea, sweating, fluid retention and dizziness when ingested. It can also cause an allergic reaction in some sensitive people. It is known to lower blood pressure which can cause the symptom of feeling faint. If you experience any of these side effects, stop using the products immediately and consult your physician.

Stinging nettle can also interact with your current medications, most commonly with diabetic medications, blood pressure medications, blood thinners, heart medications and diuretics. Pregnant and breast feeding mothers should not take stinging nettle and neither should children under the age of 12 be given it. The best advice is to talk to your physician before commencing any herbal medicine.

In conclusion, stinging nettle has many powerful health benefits. Stinging nettle leaf teas are readily available in most health food shops. You can make your own herbal teas by drying out the leaves of the plant in the sun to use in your own preparations. Stinging nettles are easy to grow in most climates. Be careful handling the stinging nettle plants, wearing gloves are recommended to prevent irritation to the skin. The plant and its roots can be blanched to serve as an alternate green complimenting any meat dishes. Always talk to your physician before commencing any herbal remedy to treat existing ailments.


University of Maryland Medical Center Stinging Nettle Retrieved December 24,2012
The Physicians of Saint Louis University Stinging Nettle Retrieved December 24,2012
NYU Langone Medical Center Nettle Retrieved December 24,2012

Patella Dislocation

You can dislocate your patella (kneecap) by twisting your leg, awkwardly falling to your knees or receiving a blow inside of your knee. Remember from our knee anatomy lesson that movement of kneecap (up and down like an elevator) is controlled by the quadriceps muscles. This means that when you are forcefully twisting your leg your quadriceps muscles are contracting and can force the kneecap to move outside of its normal movement range.

Remember that the kneecap moves up and down along the femoral groove. Patella dislocation happens mostly towards the outside (laterally) of the knee. Both runner’s knee and patella dislocation are more common in females because of their wider angle of the hip joint. This is sometimes referred to as the Q angle and is one of the risk factors that can cause injuries like patella dislocation and patella femoral syndrome.

Another risk factor is a malformed patella or femoral groove which makes the kneecap more prone to dislocate as was the case also with patella femoral syndrome. To explain how the patella or femoral groove can be malformed we can imagine the bottom of the patella as an inverted mountain and the femoral groove as a valley between two mountains. In this case if the mountain is not high enough nor the valley deep enough then the patella can be more easily dislocated.


Most likely your kneecap will move back to its normal position when you straighten your leg. But sometimes it will not return and has to be surgically treated in order to return the kneecap to a normal position. Although the kneecap might have returned to its normal range, this injury may damage the tissues, ligaments of the patella and even the cartilage of the bone. Most likely there will be almost instant swelling of the knee and severe pain. You may also feel that your knee is unstable because lateral dislocation of patella may also cause a tear of the medial patellar ligament.


Keep your knee in an elevated position, apply ice and compression to reduce the pain and swelling and rest the injured knee.

Usually surgery is not needed provided the kneecap has returned to its normal position. An Orthopedist will send you for an X-ray and sometimes also for a MRI (magnetic resonance image) to determine the severity of the injury. Most likely your doctor will tell you to rest your knee or sometimes using a knee brace is needed in order to keep the kneecap in a fixed position. From a few weeks to one month is usually enough recovery time needed for damaged tissues and/or torn ligaments to repair. Of course recovery time depends on the extent of the damage caused by a patella dislocation.

Untreated patella dislocation will most likely lead to repetitive dislocation of patella, which in turn will increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Therefore it is extremely important to follow your doctor’s orders and let your injured knee recover before returning to your previous level of activity. In case the medial patellar ligament is torn, surgery is sometimes needed in order to prevent future dislocations. In conclusion, a patella dislocation is a serious injury and must always be treated.

Arthritis Pain Relief

Conventional relief for arthritis pain often involves the use of nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs however these have unwanted side effects such as stomach pains. Fortunately, there are good natural alternatives.

The main cause of arthritis is due to untreated injuries exacerbated by an acid diet.

The first task is to adopt an acid alkaline diet to prevent further damage The latest Russian scenar treatment administered at home or by a qualified therapist is very effective in treating all types of arthritis pain. Meditation gives more pain relief than pain relieving drugs such as morphine.

arthritis pain relief using other natural remedies

Traditional Chinese acupuncture as practiced at the lake district pain management clinic

Capsaicin ointments and creams

Capsaicin is available at pharmacies or health stores, and is helpful for acute problems such as an an arthritis flare up.

For arthritis try capsaicin cream one to four times daily for an analgesic effect.

Zyflamend or InflaThera

These contain ginger, turmeric, and basil which have anti inflammatory properties and can ease inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Arnica and aurum

Homeopathic arnica and aurum can be used in cojunction to ice, herbs, or conventional pain medication.


This is a red seaweed supplement that is rich in magnesium and calcium and can reduce joint inflammation in osteoarthritis.


SAM-e is made from natural amino acids it can reduce inflammation in osteoarthritis and increases feel good brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin.

Fish oils

Can help relieve and cure joint pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia and bursitis, try 2000 to 4000 mg daily for rheumatoid arthritis.


MSM can prevent joint and cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis and back or elbow problems and works better when combined with glucosamine.

Back Pain Breast Cancer

Breast cancer pain can be caused by referred pain from the cancer itself, or an unrelated back problem such as a back injury. Nevertheless effective treatment for the back pain and the cancer can be achieved despite not necessarily knowing the precise cause.

Cancer pain relief treatment

You can treat your back pain using the home use Russian scenar this will give you fast and effective pain relief. You can also use back pain exercises on this link.

The importance of diet in breast cancer

If you eat predominately acidic foods and drinks then acid deposition in your back muscles and in between your vertebrae can cause inflammation and pain. So adopt an alkaline diet to neutralise damaging acid build up. Acid build up in your breast tissue and elsewhere in the body damages cells, weakening the cell Walls so cancer causing bacteria can enter the cells causing breast cancer and secondary cancers.

If you have breast cancer then it is important to follow the plant based diet recommended in the China Study. This study is the most extensive study on the effect of nutrition on diseases such as cancer ever undertaken you can order the book from Amazon on the following link. Another important book is the ph Miracle by Dr Young this gives lots of good advise on alkalising your system in order to combat disease including cancer. You can buy these books from amazon on the image links below left.

Stress causing back pain

Stress can cause back pain, so check out the chest pain stress page and follow the guidelines which include breathing meditation which is an effective antidote to stress and has strong pain killing effects. Using the scenar and reducing stress can also be an important part of your programme to help you recover from breast cancer.

Pain Relief Patches

Pain relief patches are medicated and adhesive and used to help relieve minor or severe pain. There are two main types of patches. Patches that contain counter irritants are used to treat mild or moderate pain. Patches containing fentanyl which is a narcotic used to relieve moderate or severe pain in opioid tolerant patients

recommended patches

Snogg Patch
Snogg Patch - Pain Relief

Product Features
  • Natural Pain Healer that stimulates healing in the back, neck, joints and strained muscles
  • Uses only organic herbs.
  • No synthetic chemicals
  • Size: 8 by10 cm
  • Comfortable and thin and effective for most injuries
Product Description

The Snogg Patch is the result of Chinese Medicine. A unique treatment method that is al combination of magnetic field therapy and rare herbal mountain extracts, which penetrates the skin to help the injured or affected area by stimulating the blood circulation at the area of pain.

It is recommended for injuries and pain in muscles bones and joints like the knee joint and all rheumatic disorders. Also including cancer, neck, back, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis pains and pain or numbness in the sciatic nerve and pain from chills etc.

Treatment uses two to six patches. After six patch treatment take a four or five day break. Repeat as necessary.

Snogg Patches contain no alcohol or synthetic ingredients.

Directions: wash the area thoroughly, dry it and put the plaster on to the injured or affected part, leaving it on for 2 to 3 days.

Use carefully if you have sensitive skin, an open wound or during pregnancy.

Keep in a cool and dry place.

You may need a prescription for pharmaceutical pain relieving patches containing lidocaine lidoderm morphine butran or duragesic.

Gout Natural Treatments

The word "gout" typically evokes a classic image of a middle-aged, overweight man suffering an attack after over-consumption of a diet of red meat and alcohol. This is partly true, but there are also many other causes that bring on this painful affliction.

Gout is basically caused by the over-production of uric acid, or reduced excretion of uric acid by the kidneys, both causing a buildup in the body. Uric acid crystals then form in the joints of the feet, elbows, ankles, knees, wrists and fingers, and may also involve the kidneys, blood and soft tissue.

Other risk factors of developing gout include genetic causes, excessive high protein diets which raise ketone levels in the blood, kidney damage, cancer, psoriasis, lead toxicity, large amounts of purine-containing foods, excessive Vitamin C (more than 3gm daily) or Vitamin B3 (more than 50mg daily).

Natural remedies that can alleviate gout and lower uric acids

There are some natural remedies that alleviate gout, including the following:
  • Celery seed extract has anti-inflammatory compounds and may prevent further gout attacks by eliminating uric acid in the body.
  • Berry fruit such as cherries and strawberries contain anthocyanosides with anti-inflammatory and uric acid lowering abilities. Eat them fresh or blend into a delicious smoothie.
  • Vitamin C (500mg daily) can also help to reduce uric acid levels but too high a dose may have the opposite effect.
  • Ginger and turmeric can increase circulation and reduce inflammation. Add them to your food or take as a supplement.
  • Antioxidants such as vitamin E, bilberries, grape seed and pine bark extracts have the added benefits of lowering inflammation and reducing uric acid levels.
Dietary changes to prevent gout attacks

It is very important to lower your intake of purine foods such as organ meats, asparagus, seafood, yeast and mushrooms, as purines are also formed in the body by the metabolism of proteins. Tofu is a great source of protein that increases uric acid elimination, as does a higher complex carbohydrate and low-fat diet.

It is equally necessary to avoid alcohol and it may even be possible to end gout attacks just by giving it up and and increasing intake of water, juices and herb teas that dilute urine and increase elimination of uric acid.

Medications that are prescribed for treatment of gout

Various medications for gout may be prescribed by your doctor, one of which may be colchicine. Extreme care must be taken with this drug as it should only be taken under strict guidelines. Overuse or long term use can have toxic or even fatal effects.

Vitamin C precaution: People with kidney disease should consult their health care professional when taking vitamin C supplements. It can increase the absorption of iron from foods, so those with hemochromatosis should not take vitamin C supplements.

Cherries Health Benefits

Cherries are smooth fruit that display just one weak groove. It’s indigenous to the Northern Hemisphere and grows fastest inside a temperate climate. The title ‘cherry’ is Latin in origin, based on cerasum. The fruit has adopted a lengthy sojourn amongst recognition, from Cerasus to Europe, to Tyneham in Kent. The types broadly cultivated range from the wild cherry, sweet cherry and also the sour cherry. The second is mainly the range used extensively in cooking. The fruit isn’t mix-pollinated and it is mainly grown for consumption.

The fruit is grown extensively in the usa, the Iberian peninsula, Baltic States, Scandinavia and Canada. The cherry cultivars are known to as ‘Brooks’, ‘King’, Bing’, ‘Rainier’ and ‘Royal Ann’. Traverse City in Michigan, USA, is the ‘Cherry Capital from the World’. The cherry tree is extremely revered in Japan. The attractive blossoms are a crucial part of spring flower shows. Ornamental cherries like ‘Kanzan’ are flowering cultivars that flaunt ‘double’ flowers and therefore are mainly cultivated for decorative value.

Cherries are costly, however the interest in them remains high. The price factor creates from needed labor for cultivation and tendency to quality due to hail and rain. The interest in the fruit has elevated previously 30 years due to investigated health advantages.

Cherry Fruit Diet:
  • Cherries are tasty and incredibly healthy. The fruit is potent in:
  • Anti-oxidants
  • Minerals
  • Ellagic acidity
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Vitamin A
  • Melatonin
  • Bioflavonoids
  • Anthocyanins
Health advantages of Cherries:

You will find numerous health advantages connected using the cherry fruit. One of many wellness marketing characteristics from the fruit, the primary ones include:

Cherry has been investigated upon extensively within the human fight against cancer. Research, to date, discloses that use of the fruit is particularly advantageous in eliminating organ cancer.

The anti-oxidants in cherries cleanup toxins, or even the unstable molecules accountable for cell damage in the body. This really is thought to decelerate aging.

Research discloses the anthocyanin red-colored pigment in cherries reduces inflammation and discomfort.

The cherry fruit can also be credited with reduced chance of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, on consumption. Research discloses that individuals who range from the fruit because it is or perhaps in supplement form within the diet display lower bloodstream cholesterol and triglycerides.

A regular cupful is able to address as well as reducing the discomfort connected with joint disease, and gout.

The cherry fruit is lower in body fat and in water content. Regular consumption helps you to boost levels of energy and modify metabolic process for effective weight reduction. It’s also getting used like a cure for Fibromyalgia syndrome Syndrome and certain physiological problems.

High potassium content in cherries controls bloating and helps in treating autoimmune neurodegenerative conditions and ligament illnesses.

Cherries are often available fresh, juiced and canned. Wealthy portions from the fruit guarantees a regular consumption of essential iron, potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber and folate.

Most likely the most crucial and reaping helpful benefits attribute from the fruit is its recently discovered ability to aid in the load loss process. The cherry fruit is lower in body fat and in water content. Regular consumption helps you to boost levels of energy and modify metabolic process for effective weight reduction. The fruit has been drawn on for potential body fat burn and bloodstream pressure regulation.

Cherries An Effective Treatment for Gout?

Gout is a common type of arthritis (inflammation of the joint), caused due to increased concentration of uric acid in the blood.

Uric acid is released by the breakdown of purines. In gout, the uric acid gets deposited in the joints, tendons, kidneys and other tissues, where it causes inflammation and consequent damage.

How Do Cherries Treat Gout?

Cherries are of particular use in the effective and prompt management of gout.

People suffering from gout have abnormally high levels of uric acid in the blood. Under certain specific circumstances, the body either produces too much of uric acid or excretes too little. Consequently, the serum levels of uric acid shoot up. As the uric acid concentration increases, uric acid crystals are formed. These crystals accumulate in the joints and cause pain and swelling.

Cherries are loaded with anthocyanidins. Anthocyanidins are flavanoids that exert strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activity. These anthocyanidins inhibit the activity of the enzyme xanthine oxidase that is involved in the production of uric acid.

Clinical trials and laboratory assessments reveal that consuming about 250 grams of cherries per day helps lower the blood uric acid level appreciably and prevents attacks of gout.

Also, the anthocyanidins block the COX 1 and the COX 2 enzymes, and thus act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents, which in turn reduces inflammation, swelling, pain and discomfort associated with the disorder.

Including Cherries in the Daily Diet of a Gout Patient

While selecting cherries, look for those which are cool and moist. The skin should be bright and glossy. The fruit should be firm, but not hard. Avoid those which are soft and squishy, and have cuts and bruises. Brown discoloration is an indication for decay.

Here are some wonderful and delectable ideas to add the fruit to the daily diet to get a minimum of 250 grams of cherries per day:
  • Instead of strawberry shortcake, opt for cherry shortcake. Halve a low fat food cake and layer it with diced sweet cherries and a dollop of vanilla yogurt. It makes a yummy, yet wholesome dessert.
  • Top yogurt with sliced cherries, or blend cherries in a food processor and mix with yogurt to get a delicious and nutritious smoothie.
  • Cherry soup is an excellent way of getting the daily dose of the fruit. Sweet or sour cherries can be used for the soup. Cook the cherries in water. Simmer until they are soft. Then puree them. Add honey as per taste and chill. Serve cold.
In addition to the cherry diet, ensure that the intake of purine rich foods – herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, organ meat, yeast, legumes, mushroom, peas, shellfish and spinach is low. A low-purine, low-fat, low-protein and high-fluid diet promises complete freedom from gout.


Curr Opin Rheumatol, "Gout: Can Management be Improved?", Schlesinger, N., and H. R. Schumacher, Jr., 2001.
Tex Rep Biol Med, "Cherry Diet Control for Gout and Arthritis," Blau, l. W., 1950.

Mint The Powerful Antioxidant

Mint is known to have originated in the Mediterranean region. Many cultures used mint as a symbol of hospitality and it was offered as a sign of welcome to house guests. In ancient Greece, mint leaves were rubbed onto a table, which signified a warm greeting. In the Middle East, mint tea is still served today to guests when they arrive.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used mint as a perfume and a bath scent as well as using it in medicine and in cooking. Ancient temples and synagogues often hung mint leaves as an air freshener to help rid the smell of unpleasant odors.

Nutritional Benefits

Mint contains many vitamin and minerals that are vital to maintain a healthy body and is a powerful antioxidant. This fresh herb is rich in: vitamin A, C, B12, thiamine, folic acid and riboflavin. Essential minerals that mint has include: manganese, copper, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, fluoride and selenium.

This herb is bombarded with vitamins and nutrients that has innumerable health benefits. Folic acid is important for women as this is related to optimal hormonal functioning. Mood swings can be directly related to folic acid deficiency.

Medicinal Benefits

Mint has been used for centuries to aid digestion and relieve indigestion. The chemical compound menthol is derived from peppermint oil and is well-known for its healing properties on the chest and respiratory system. In many proven cases mint is known to:
  • Protect the body against the formation of cancerous cells.
  • Inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungus.
  • Relieve symptoms of indigestion, heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome as it relaxes the muscles in and around the intestine.
  • Combat bad breath.
  • Cleanse the blood.
  • Clear up acne.
  • Relieve congestion, head colds and headaches.
  • Ease and unblock the breathing and respiratory passages.
Growing Mint

Mint is a perennial and grows easy is many climatic growing zones. Once this tenacious herb flourishes in the garden it will require continuous cutting back as it will grow everywhere and can inhibit the growth of other herbs or plants. Frequent cutting back guarantees a constant supply of fresh mint in the kitchen. Mint needs humid soil and only moderate sunshine. In late autumn, cut back the herb to the ground and mulch if the winter is severe. If growing mint is not an option, most grocery stores carry fresh mint in their produce sections.

Cooking with Mint

Herbal teas have been proven to be healthy, especially mint tea. Making mint herbal tea is easy: cut up three or four fresh leaves into small pieces and add boiled water. Let steep for five minutes and enjoy. To reduce the effects of caffeine in other teas, use fresh mint, spearmint or peppermint sprigs in the teapot. Steep for two or three minutes, longer if a stronger flavor is desired.

Add chopped mint leaves to scrambled eggs and omelets. Be sure to add the mint toward the end of cooking the eggs because too much heat can turn mint bitter. Fresh mint leaves are a great addition in salads and as garnish for cool drinks and fruit desserts. While potatoes, peas, carrots, corn or green beans are boiling, add some fresh mint leaves to add flavor. Other uses for mint include:
  • Add chopped mint to sauces for red meat and especially for lamb.
  • Add finely chopped mint leaves to a chocolate sauce.
  • Add to cold and hot soups.
  • Use to make curries.
  • Add chopped mint to rice, chickpea or bean dishes.
Mint is so easy to grow and even more easy to integrate into a daily diet of good nutrition. With so many proven health benefits, it only makes sense to have this healthy herb in the fridge!

Pineapples Surprising Health Benefits

Pineapples are believed to have originated in Brazil. Christopher Columbus and his crew were thought to be the first Europeans to taste this delicious fruit and export it back to Europe. It was later grown in hothouses throughout Europe and originally was a very expensive fruit that only the nobles and royal families could afford to enjoy. Pineapple gets its name from a description of the reproductive organs of conifer trees, known as their pinecones.

A man named James Dole, living in Hawaii was first to recognize a global market for pineapple and cultivated vast plantations of pineapple to be exported to the world, mostly as a canned product. South East Asia is now the main supplier of pineapples to the global market. In early historical America, pineapples were often given as a gift of friendship. This article discusses the nutritional properties of pineapple and the health benefits of consuming this delicious fruit.

Nutritional Properties of Pineapples

Pineapples are a rich source of nutrients and low in calories at only 80 calories per cup. It is a rich source of dietary fiber including pectin. They contain natural sugars (fructose) that do not cause a spike in insulin when consumed. Insulin spiking foods initially cause a burst of energy but you quickly crash after eating them and need to refuel with food again. They also contain powerful antioxidants including vitamin C and have a small percentage vitamin A and beta-carotene.

They are a rich source of the B vitamins including folates, thiamin, pyridoxine and riboflavin. From a mineral perspective they are a good source of copper, manganese and potassium. It also contains small amounts of protein, healthy fats, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. From a chemical perspective, pineapples contain bromelain, malic acid, alpha- hydroxyl acid and citric acid. Bromelain has been proven to be a mild anti-inflammatory, is a blood thinner and also exhibits anti-cancer properties.

Health Benefits of Pineapple
  • Powerful Antioxidant

    A cup of pineapple contains 131 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps to rid the body of free radicals. Free radicals are the by product of food metabolism and they can cause the inflammation of healthy tissue in the body. Inflammation is the precursor to many serious disease processes including heart disease and cancer. Vitamin C also protects our DNA from damage by blood toxins and pollutants. It also helps to boost the immune system, reducing the incidence of coughs, colds, influenza and infections.
  • Treatment for Gout

    Gout is thought to be caused by a build up of uric acid crystals in the blood causing extreme pain in the large toes of the foot. Consumption of pineapple has been shown to decrease uric acid levels in the blood, effectively preventing painful gout flare-ups.
  • Anti-Inflammatory

    Bromelain, a chemical in fresh pineapple exhibits mild anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming pineapple can help treat mild forms of arthritis, sports injuries and inflammation post surgery. By reducing inflammation, pain levels are also reduced.
  • Healthy Bones and Cartilage

    One cup of fresh pineapple contains 76 percent of the daily recommended dosage of manganese. Manganese is important for the growth of healthy bones and cartilage. It is also required for collagen formation and wound healing. Manganese rich foods like pineapple can be used to ensure healthy, glowing, facial complexion and to accelerate healing times of wounds.
  • Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

    Pineapples are low in calories per cup and can be included in any weight loss diet. They are considered a nutrient dense food with few calories. A source of fiber, when pineapple is consumed it takes longer to digest in the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness for longer. This effectively stems hunger and prevents the risk of snacking on unhealthy foods. Fiber also helps to prevent constipation and stimulates the bowels towards the elimination process, aiding to remove fat from the body. Being 87 percent water, pineapples also contribute to stemming off hunger, increases your water intake and it is well known that consuming water regularly throughout the day can also lead to weight loss.
  • Beauty Treatment

    Crushed fresh pineapple can be used as a mask for the face and to soothe and soften the feet. The vitamin C in pineapples can help slow the ageing process reducing the prevalence of fine lines and wrinkles. Many of today’s anti-wrinkle creams contain vitamin C, bromelain and alpha-hydroxyl acid as found in pineapples. Concentration levels of these two ingredients are higher in commercial creams compared to pineapples but masks made with crushed pineapples can have some beneficial effects for the skin. Pineapple masks can cause a rash in some sensitive people hence it is recommended to test a small area of skin first, before applying liberally. Pineapple is also has a mild exfoliating effect on the skin and can be used to help remove calluses and smooth rough skin of the feet. After soaking the feet in crushed pineapple, use a pumice stone to remove the dead skin.
  • Other

    There are some early studies showing that pineapples may help prevent heart disease, cancer, lead toxicity, cataracts, stroke and lower blood pressure. Although studies are only in their infancy, pineapples are showing some promise in these areas.
In conclusion, fresh pineapple is best consumed to retain the nutrient benefits. Cooking destroys much of its health benefiting nutrients and chemicals. Beware that many canned products contain added sugar which is not as healthy as fresh pineapple. When choosing a fresh pineapple to consume, choose one that is considerably heavy for its size and one that has dark green leaves.

Once the pineapple has been sliced, it keeps for up to 3 days in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Eating pineapple makes a healthy snack, one you can consume without guilt and without packing on the kilos. You will also know that you are nurturing your body with many of the nutrients it requires and providing yourself with some protection from many disease processes.


University of Maryland Medical Center Bromelain Retrieved January 18,2013
Feminists Womens Health Center.Org Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc. Pineapple: Natures Healing Fruit Retrieved January 18,2013
Kerala Agricultural University Dr P.P Joy Benefits and Uses of Pineapple Retrieved January 18,2013

Genes have nothing to do with Obesity

Those who think obesity is due to their genetic makeup relish any news that 'fat genes' have been found as they look to blame something else for their predicament rather than their own habits and behavior. They are wide of the mark. If you are obese it’s because you choose to be that way.

Obesity Epidemic

The messages have been coming as thick and fast as an extra large shake. America is fat and getting fatter. Too many big portions are being served up with a side order of diabetes and heart disease, as the nation is eating itself to death.

The obesity epidemic has made Americans, well the super-sized ones, the big butt of jokes all over the world. But the US is by no means the only nation that is suffering with its collective waistline.

One of the principal reasons why it is such a prominent health concern is that some people do everything they can but blame themselves for their large proportions. Such misguided thinking blinds them to the many ways they can help themselves.

To be fair, over eating and poor self-control are not the only causes of obesity. For example a thyroid disorder can lead to weight gain as can some other medical conditions including genetic disorders. And so do some medications. However, generally speaking the main cause for the overwhelming majority of obese people is their greedy eating behavior.
Obesity is Not in Your Genes

The search for genes and gene variants that might be linked to obesity is a very active area of research and periodically throws up some in interesting results as a number of genes have now been located that may contribute to the medical condition. For example, researchers at Peninsula Medical School and Oxford University discovered that people with two copies of a “fat” version of a gene called FTO were at a 70% higher risk of obesity than those with none. These conclusions came from a study of about 40,000 people and were published in the journal Science in 2007. A simple Google search on obesity and genes will throw up any number of similar studies.

But what is troubling about some of these studies is that they are interpreted as evidence that our genes have more of an impact on our weight than exercise or diet. While I have deep respect for the scientific method this is pure hokum.

I tend to dismiss any findings that lay most of the blame on our genes, and so should you. The simple truth is that obesity is down to self-control and personal choice. If your shirt buttons are straining at the leash and you haven’t seen your feet for years it is because you have lost control.

You can choose to be obese or choose to be normal. It’s completely down to you whether you take control of your life and sacrifice some of your guilty pleasures or whether you want to be lazy about it and remain fat. If you choose to guzzle down cakes, pizzas and junk food in vast quantities while sitting on your sofa watching TV for hours on end then the odds of your belly inflating are greatly increased. If you have no problem with that then fine, but whatever you do accept that it is you who are responsible for the size you are. Don't put the blame elsewhere.

In a debate in the UK’s House of Lords in October 2011, Lord McColl of Dulwich said: It (obesity) is killing millions, it's costing billions and the cure is free - eat less." To that I would add eat less of the bad stuff, more of the good things and exercise more. It really is not rocket science. If you are obese you made yourself that way, and therefore it’s down to you to undo the damage. Though I admit that can often be easier said than done.

We are Not a Slave to Our Genes

Being obese is as much a psychological problem as it is a physical one and this is something that needs to be understood more by public health bodies. People who tend to gorge themselves on extra large quantities of food do so because of mental and emotional issues not physical ones. And they need a lot of help, encouragement and support to wean them off of their destructive food habits.

What tends to get missed by a lot of people when so-called ‘fat genes’ are discovered is that they need to be triggered. Their presence does not automatically guarantee that the individual will be obese. It means they may have a genetic predisposition to obesity and should therefore be extra vigilant with the food they put inside themselves.

This might also explain why some people seem to put on more weight than others when they exercise the same and eat the same things as their friends.

Take Control

Obesity is not an easy problem to tackle. At an individual level it requires courage, patience and self-sacrifice and the understanding and help of those nearest to you.

Genetic research is undoubtedly useful. If people know they have 'fat genes' and are therefore at a greater risk than the general population of becoming obese, they can modify their behavior and eating habits accordingly. Some people - because of their genes - just have to work that much harder than others to stay slim.

It is only by taking control of our own lives that we will be able to tip the scales back in a favorable direction.


Frayling, Timothy, et al. A Common Variant in the FTO Gene Is Associated with Body Mass Index and Predisposes to Childhood and Adult Obesity. Science 11 May 2007: Vol. 316 no. 5826 pp. 889-894 "Obese People Should Eat Less" - BBC News website

Jan 25, 2013

Risks of Drinking Bottled Water

Use of plastic in various forms has become an inevitable part of our lives. Every other commodity has some plastic content in it and so does the bottles used for water packaging. In spite of being aware about the harm that plastic is causing to human life and the environment, why are we still using it on such a large scale? Probably because it is the most easy-to-use component in manufacturing and convenient for users as well.

For instance, when we buy a mineral water bottle we don't have to worry about carrying it along all the time. Once the bottle is empty, it can be thrown away. Another thing is, bottled water has become so common and habitual that it is available anywhere and everywhere. No one has to remember to carry water from home. A few bucks can get you a chilled bottle of water right away. We have got so used to this bottled water that billions of used plastic bottles are being collected in the landfills for recycling every year.

Health Concerns

All of us are well aware about the fact that anything made out of plastic is harmful to our health and should be avoided. How come then we tend to overlook the dangers of bottled drinking water? Actually, the truth underlying it is we have been enticed by the bottle producing companies to believe that it is safer than the drinking water in our houses. They tell us that the water filled in these bottles is not regular tap water, but is from protected resources and it is further purified to remove all the contaminants, if any. By this they assure us that they are providing 100% pure and safe drinking water. However, the case is different in reality. Brace your ears to hear that the water filled in these bottles, most times, is normal tap water provided by municipal drinking water sources and not from any protected sources termed as spring, purified or mineral water.

These were concerns about the water filled in bottles, but what about the bottle itself? How harmful are the components used while manufacturing these plastic water containers? Well, the major concern lies here. A number of chemicals are being used for producing these plastic containers which can leach into the water when the bottle is stored for a long duration and at high temperatures. Although the validity of such bottles is normally up to two years, experts have called for further research in order to understand and confirm the safety of bottled water. According to them a toxin called antimony , used in manufacturing PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate; it is a type of plastic known to be the safest for producing mineral water containers) bottles has great potential to leach into the water stored in them. While small amounts of antimony can cause dizziness and make you feel slightly ill, higher quantity may lead to severe vomiting and even prove fatal . The amount of antimony in water, according to several studies, is up to the recommended level after bottling, however, it is almost doubled when the bottles are stored for more than 3 months. Other chemicals like phthalates and bisphenol A may leach into water and cause fatigue and dullness . They can also disrupt the endocrine system causing hormonal imbalance.

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is the authority under which U.S. bottled water falls. Here it has to pass through certain tests of purity and safety before going to the distributors. However, around 70% bottled water does not cross the state boundaries for sale which exempts it from the FDA examination. Tap water on the other hand, falls under the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) which is more stringent in its rules and regulations. This proves that the tap water we doubt for its safety is a much more trusted and healthy source of drinking water. If you have a problem with the taste of the local tap water you can use carbonated filters, which removes almost all contaminants and gives a better taste to the water.

Other Dangers of Plastic Water Bottles

Environmental Degradation

It is a common misconception that all the bottles used for water packaging are recycled and hence they are a good storage option. But let me tell you that a majority of used bottles are thrown on streets and road sides, which do not reach the recycling centers. Around 70-80% of used bottles are disposed of and not recycled, which is more than enough to cause environmental pollution.

Apart from this, the energy required for production as well as recycling of plastic bottles has a major contribution to environmental degradation. Around 44-47 million gallons of oil per year is required for producing plastic bottles, which when not recycled, are burned to create space in landfills using a huge amount of fossil fuel. In return, huge amount of gases are released in the atmosphere contributing to air pollution and ultimately to global warming. Furthermore, to make up for the difference of non-recycled bottles, manufacturing companies require around 8-10% fossil fuels of the entire world for bottle production. This extra usage of fossil fuels can be prevented with proper recycling procedure and can be available for production of other goods and commodities.

Declination of Marine Life

The reason behind adverse effects of plastic water-bottles on marine life is the careless attitude of people tossing around 1-2 millions of plastic bottles per hour, into trash cans instead of putting them into recycle bins. Moreover some cities, due to lack of enough space in landfills, dump the trash into seas and oceans wherein fish and other marine organisms mistake the bottles for food, which amounts to life-threatening consequences.

Alternate Solutions

As an alternative to unhealthy bottled water, one can install drinking water systems. Many times we find water coolers at several public places which is a hygienic water system. You can also have water filters attached to the tap in your house, which will purify the water then and there before getting filled in your drinking water containers. The best option amongst all, though, is a water bottle , obviously not a plastic one, with a built-in filtration system. Just refill the bottle every time and let the filter do the further job of providing you with clean and safe drinking water. This will not only cut down the expense of buying a water-bottle when you are away from home but also take care of your health.

As an effective remedy over the use of plastic water containers, we can concentrate on the home filtration systems suggested above to improve the quality of tap water. Once the water is purified through filtration, it can be stored in permanent water containers instead of disposable plastic bottles. This will help to minimize the negative impact of plastic on the environment. Hence, say NO to bottled water and save yourself as well as our environment.

Herbal Supplement Help Improves Eyesight

If you have poor vision instead of choosing external aids like spectacles, contact lenses or going for surgeries you can take support of herbal supplements, herbal eye supplements are really helpful in improving eyesight. Eyes usually get ignored when it comes to proper care until they create problems. We keep an eye on our weight, growing waist, skin color etc but we do minimum to take care of our eyes normally. Without proper nourishment and nutrients in the blood free-radicals of the body block blood flow in thin capillaries located in the eyes and weaken muscles, nerves and deteriorate vision. These also harm disease fighting abilities of eyes.

Eyes are delicate organs but these are always exposed to external stressors like air, temperature, dust, water and environmental pollutants. Improper health of eyes allows these stressors to severely cast their ill-effects and person can suffer with poor and unclear vision at any age. Herbal eye supplements are really helpful in improving eyesight as these work as curative as well as nutritive tonic for eyes which can cure existing problems and promote better health and problem free functioning of eyes in future.

Amongst all herbal eye supplements I-Lite capsules are reckoned as most effective and really helpful in improving eyesight. These capsules are purely herbal and contain highly effective and useful herbs for eyes. I-Lite capsules improve nourishment immensely, these supply nutrients which nourish all the organs of the eyes like nerves and muscles, these nutrients are not available even through healthy diet. I-Lite capsules supply big dose of anti-oxidants, anti-oxidants inhibit activity of free radicals and prevent ageing of eyes. These anti-oxidants also open blockages in blood vessels and allow smooth flow of blood to all parts of eyes. With higher blood flow all the organs get optimum nourishment and oxygen supply to function properly.

Due to benefits of I-Lite nerve also function properly, these are responsible for carrying image formed at retina to brain, proper nerve function ensures clear and sharp vision. The ability of providing all these benefits safely make I-Lite herbal eye supplements really helpful for improving eyesight.

In our daily life we come across many sources of light which contain harmful UV rays or other type of rays, such rays can harm retina. Retina plays a crucial role in proper functioning of eyes, the thing we look its image forms at retina, improper retinal health means unclear and blurred vision. In cases of damaged retina too I-Lite herbal eye supplements are really helpful in improving eyesight as these contain potent herbs which protect retina from such rays. Sound retinal health maintains and also improves vision effectively.

People having weak muscles also suffer with poor eyesight, this problem occurs naturally with growing age due to lack of energy in the body. I-Lite herbal eye supplements are really helpful in improving eyesight by improving health and energy levels of muscles in the eyes. This improves muscle function and allows eyes to focus on objects near and far properly, better focus improves vision without any external aid even in elderly people. Due to herbal composition these capsules are safe and suitable for person of any age and gender. These can be taken without any medical prescription and do not cast any side effects even after prolonged use.