May 29, 2013

Like a Pearl in a Shell

Hana Tajima. Yuna Zarai. Dina Toki-O.

If these names strike a chord, then you have at least heard of them or been inspired by them in one way or another. Dressed modestly yet stylishly from head to toe, these three beautiful sisters are fashionistas in their own respectful way. There’s no doubt that their immaculately styled hijab has turned heads and gained the attention of Muslims, non-Muslims, hijab wearers and non-hjiab wearers.

This isn’t entirely bad considering that popular Western stereotypes about the hijab being uncool and backward for Muslim women have been thwarted by the great variety of hijab styles that have emerged. During the International Islamic Fashion Week in 2009, a Saudi designer named Amina al-Jassim commented that “modesty isn’t the opposite of fashion, and fashion isn’t about showing more of my body.”

However, when does the hijab become a source of fitnah for the Muslim woman?

Lately, I’ve noticed many hijabis in Singapore turning to the likes of Tajima and Zarai for inspiration on hijab styling. Various hijab styles popularised by Tajima and Zarai have received so much fanfare here that it’s common to see sisters with the same loose wrap hijab style when I’m walking along Arab Street. No, I’m not exaggerating.

But, the array of hijab styles isn’t the only thing that has captured my attention recently. I’m more concerned with the sprouting of campaigns such as the “wear your hijab the right way” campaign on Facebook. Now, I’m in no position to judge the intentions of those who took part in the campaign and the campaign organisers themselves because Allah knows best the secrets of all hearts. And, there’s no denying the fact that Allah loves beauty. However, I feel that the campaign has turned into a popularity and beauty contest despite its humble intentions.

How would you feel when your hijab-wearing friend posts a link on your Facebook wall just so you could “like” her photo on the campaign page among a hundred other photos? Would you support her in defeating other girls so she could be among the winners of the campaign? I don’t know about you but I most certainly wouldn’t do it.

There’s no argument that these hijabis are gorgeous, masyaAllah. But, this is exactly why I feel they ought to reconsider displaying their beauty for all to see. It irks me most when men post indecent comments on photos of hijabis worthy of their “like,” subjecting the hijabis to be victims of the mens’ nafs. It’s precisely this reason some hijab-wearing sisters I know refrain from posting their photos online. Afterall, shouldn’t a Muslim woman be like a pearl in a shell?

The bottomline is that it all comes down to one’s niyyah. One should always correct and renew her niyyah before wearing the hijab.

As for me, the hijab is more than just a fashion statement. The hijab is the mark of a Muslim woman’s piety to Allah. Yes, I’m a hijabi myself.

Guest post written by Fairuz Atiqah is a second year student in directing and playwriting for theatre at Lasalle College of the Arts.

Hana Tajima Simpson : A Fashion Designer

Hana Tajima Simpson a converted to Islam when she was 17. Frustrated by the lack of variety in Islamic clothing for converts she founded Maysaa, a fashion house that designs western-inspired clothing that conforms to hijab. 

”It’s true that I never decided to convert to Islam, nor was there a defining moment where I realised I wanted to be Muslim. My family aren’t particularly religious. I was interested in religion, but very disinterested in how it related to my life.”

I grew up in rural Devon where my Japanese father was the ethnic diversity of the village. It wasn’t until I studied at college that I met people who weren’t of the exact same background, into Jeff Buckley, underground hip-hop, drinking, and getting high.

May 28, 2013

Mammogram Cost

There are many women in the world who are suffering from breast cancer. This disease can be avoided if proper precautions are taken in the early stages. For diagnosing irregularities in a woman's breasts, there is a procedure known as mammography which is also referred to as a mammogram examination. It is suggested that women from age 20 should think of undergoing mammography every three years, and once a year after they reach age 40.

Mammography is a medical procedure that is crucial for diagnosing breast cancer or other breast complications at an early stage. It is the examination of breasts using X-rays. In the procedure, the medical professional sets the breast in between two plastic plates. The plates then compress the breast tissues and get an X-ray. It only requires around 20 minutes to get this procedure done.

How much does a Mammogram Cost?

The primary determinants of mammogram prices are the state, city, and facility of treatment and health insurance. In general, mammogram costs start from about $100 to $300 or even more in particular conditions. Health insurance also plays a vital role when it comes to the costs. A majority of the states now require health insurance agencies to cover all or partial expenses of the treatment, especially for women above the age of 40.

In order to get the full benefits, discuss the contents and specifications of your health insurance policy with the service provider. If you are not covered by any health insurance policy, you will need to bear expenses ranging from $80 to $120. However, some may have to pay more as per the location of the treatment. In some health insurance plans, you are expected to pay a co-pay which falls somewhere between $10 to $35.

On the other hand, some policies do not demand money to be paid out of your own pocket. Along with a mammography test, you may also be suggested to undergo Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) every year if you are at a high risk of contracting breast complications. This may add up to the cost considerably. In case any complication is found in your breasts, there are some additional tests to be carried out, which may contribute to the overall costs.

For women aged 40 or above, Medicare will handle 80% of the screening costs every year. The government has set beneficial rules and regulations on insurance companies to cover up all or some of the expenses incurred from the procedure. October is considered as the National Breast Cancer Awareness month. So, there are many hospitals and medical care facilities who offer discounts during this month that you can avail of.

Another alternative to mammography is a clinical breast examination which is more inexpensive. However, it is better that this examination is followed through a mammography. After reading the above article, you might have understood that spending a few dollars in a mammogram cost at an early stage is certainly beneficial for preventing the chances of breast complications in the future.

Soy Protein Isolate and Breast Cancer

The protein separated from soybeans is known as soy protein. Soy protein isolate is obtained after removing most of the carbohydrates and fats from the soy meal. Proteins serve as building blocks for cells. Soybeans, soy flour, soy concentrate (70% soy protein) and soy isolates (90% soy protein) are the main sources of soy protein. Out of these, soy protein isolate is the richest source of protein.

Soy Protein Isolate

Health Benefits

Soy protein has been used in the food industry for more than 50 years. Soy protein isolate contains 90% or more protein. Proteins are essential for the growth and repair of cells, muscle building, and for proper functioning of bodily systems. Soy protein isolate is added to protein powders which replace milk and dairy products. It is an important ingredient of liquid nutrition meals, infant formula foods, and soy milk. It is used to enrich protein bars, fruit drinks and juices, sauces, salad dressings, soups, breads, breakfast cereals, pet foods, pastas, muscle building foods and dietary supplements. It is mainly present in processed and fortified foods.

Soy protein isolate is a highly refined form of soy protein, and it comes with a neutral flavor. Absence of fats and carbs makes it easy to digest. It does not lead to flatulence or gas. This protein isolate is loaded with all the essential nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, protein, folate, choline, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron, which help improve your health. It improves heart health, strengthens the bones, and prevents prostate cancer. It is believed that it helps control problems like mood swings and fluctuating body temperatures in women. It also helps stabilize sugar levels in diabetic postmenopausal women. Several studies have proved that soy protein helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, triglycerides levels, and thus helps reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Side Effects

Although soy protein provides complete proteins, excessive consumption of soy protein can affect your health seriously. It has been found that this isolate contains certain harmful substances like MSG (monosodium glutamate); although it is not mentioned on the labels. MSG consumption can lead to rapid heart rate, headache, chest pain, and numbness or tingling sensation in extremities. Studies have shown that phytoestrogens from soy protein may lead to hormonal imbalance. Excessive consumption of soy protein may affect libido and sperm count, and it can even cause erectile dysfunction. Some people may suffer from indigestion, allergy, constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. But you need not worry about these side effects, as very few people experience them.

Risk of Breast Cancer

The protein isolate contains certain types of enzymes which can affect your health. Depending upon the extrusion process, it may contain high levels of genistein, daidzein and other soy isoflavones. Studies show that soy isoflavones do not lower the symptoms like 'hot flashes' in postmenopausal women. They do not help prevent the growth of cancerous cells in breast, uterus or prostate.

Low rates of breast cancer in Asian women were attributed to high consumption of soy through the diet. But it was noticed that various cultural factors also determine the cancer rates. In fact, no epidemiological evidence was found which could prove the belief that consumption of soy lowers the risk of breast cancer. Experimental studies regarding the effect of soy protein on breast cancer risk have not helped the scientists draw any conclusion. The results produced were very confusing and conflicting. Some studies showed that soy protein isolate containing isoflavones was not as efficient as soy protein concentrate lacking isoflavones; in preventing the progression of cancerous breast tumors. Certain rat studies showed that rats who were fed this protein isolate showed low chances of developing malignancies in breast, but those who developed breast cancer had highly invasive tumors. Results of another study which involved mice whose ovaries were removed, state that the isolate caused development of breast tumor (estrogen positive), and it also led to increased uterine weight.

Some researchers have found out that soy protein consumption can prevent breast cancer while some have stated that it can lead to increased risk of the cancer, especially in premenopausal women. Studies have shown that if soy is consumed early in life, especially in early adolescence, then it protects the girl from breast cancer, later in life. Small doses of the soy isoflavone 'genistein' can lead to abnormal growth of cells, while large doses can inhibit such cell growth. Some scientists have shown that genistein helps prevent abnormal growth of the blood vessels that support tumor growth, and it also helps prevent production of some enzymes that promote abnormal cell growth.

It has not been scientifically proven that consumption of soy protein isolate can lead to the development of breast cancer. Whether women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer should consume soy protein is a controversial topic. It is true that Asian women are at less risk for breast cancer than Western women; but Asian women, especially Chinese and Japanese women, consume soy mostly in the fermented form. Consumption of soybeans in the form of fermented soy products, tofu, soy butter, and soy nuts, is considered as a better way of consuming soy protein.

The above information shows that more studies are required to prove the usefulness of soy protein in preventing breast cancer. The above discussion also shows that it is difficult to draw any conclusion about the relationship between soy protein isolate and breast cancer, at this stage. If you are thinking of taking soy protein supplements, then you should consult your physician first.

Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, the most common cancer in women, occurs as a result of uncontrolled growth of cells that begins in the tissues of the breast. According to the statistics, breast cancer affects one in eight women in the U.S. and it is the second most common cause of cancer death in women in the U.S. Various health organizations run a number of programs to increase the awareness of people, regarding the early symptoms of breast cancer, how the cancer is curable and how it is treated. Early detection of breast cancer can help save millions of precious lives.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
  • Swelling and a feeling of warmth in a breast.
  • Tenderness around the nipple.
  • Sore breast
  • Itchy breasts or nipples
  • A rash on a nipple or surrounding area
  • A lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm area (axillary area).
  • A breast lump which is non-tender.
  • A remarkable change in the size or shape of the breast
  • Dimpling or puckering in the skin of the breast
  • New pain that develops in a spot in a breast.
  • An inward turned nipple.
  • Discharge (fluid) from the nipple, especially bloody discharge.
  • Red and inflamed breast
  • Scaly, red, or swollen skin of the breast, nipple, or areola (the dark area of skin around the nipple). The ridged skin may look like the skin of an orange.
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Breast ulcer as a later symptom of breast cancer.
  • A lump found in the area above the collarbone (supraclavicular area) which indicates that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.
Although breast cancer in women is quite common, men may also suffer from this type of cancer. If a man notices a lump in a breast, or discharge from the nipple, or changed appearance of the breast or nipple (retraction, ulceration), he should immediately contact his physician. Breast cancer accounts for about 1% of all cancer deaths in men.

Types of Breast Cancer

There are different types of breast cancer such as ductal carcinoma (most common form), lobular carcinoma, estrogen receptor-positive cancer or ER-positive cancer, HER2-positive breast cancer, invasive or infiltrating breast cancer, etc. The uncommon types of this cancer include inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) and Paget's disease of the nipple. Different types of symptoms are noticed in different types of breast cancer. For instance, IBC, a comparatively rare and aggressive cancer may exhibit following symptoms:
  • Red and swollen / inflamed breast
  • Constant itching in breast skin
  • Warmer, harder, firmer breast
  • Sudden increase in breast size
  • Inwardly turned nipples
  • Swollen lymph nodes under arm or above collarbone
It has been noticed that IBC usually strikes younger women and diagnoses of IBC account for 1 - 5% of all cases of breast cancer in the U.S.

Significance of Regular Testing

Studies show that genetic disposition and hormonal factors are the primary risk factors for this cancer. If you have breast pain, you should consult your doctor immediately. Even though you don't experience breast pain or lump, you can have a regular mammogram and a clinical breast exam by your health care professional since it is possible that you may not experience any pain or discomfort during earlier stages of the cancer. Mammography, CT scan, a biopsy and an ultrasound test help detect abnormalities in breasts. Self-exam of breasts is the best way to find out the changes in breasts. For those who have already undergone the treatment for breast cancer, it is equally important and necessary to monitor and report any new signs and changes, as they might be the symptoms of recurrence. Breast cancer is the most common cause of death in women between the ages of 45-55. Therefore, women should take necessary precautionary measures (should not delay in seeing a doctor) to prevent the cancer.


Breast cancer treatment varies according to the type of the cancer and stage of the cancer. It involves various options such as surgery (lumpectomy, removing the affected part of the breast or mastectomy, removal of the affected breast), radiation therapy, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and chemotherapy. The treatment for breast cancer may vary from one individual to another, depending upon the stage in which the cancer is diagnosed, type and severity of the symptoms, spread of cancer, overall health of the patient, etc.

It is possible to get rid of breast cancer, when detected in earlier stages. Women and men should not neglect any changes in the breast(s). Any negligence can worsen the situation. You should examine your breasts regularly. A physician can guide you about how to examine a breast. There is indeed a need for more awareness regarding the symptoms and treatment of breast cancer. New vistas of treatment can be made available to the patients suffering from the disease. It would help save several lives.

The Signs of Breast Cancer

What is breast cancer?

A disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues in the breast is known as breast cancer. It is a heterogeneous disease, which means that it is a different disease in different women, different age groups and has different cell populations within the tumor itself. This disease is usually more aggressive in younger women.

What are the signs and symptoms associated with this disease?

Breast cancer awareness will help save your life because if the disease is discovered early, new vistas of treatment will be available to you.

Luckily all breast lumps are not cancerous, yet the most common sign of breast cancer in both men and women is a lump or thickening of the breast and swollen lymph nodes in the underarm (axillary area). Sometimes the lump is also found in the area above the collarbone (supraclavicular area). This is an indicator that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

The other signs and symptoms are:
  • A change in the color or texture of the dark pigmented area surrounding the nipple (known as areola)
  • Swelling and a feeling of warmth in the breast
  • A feeling of scaling and/or itching (called pruritus) on the nipple
  • Tenderness around the nipple
  • Sudden discharge from the nipple
  • Development of rash around the nipple
  • Increase in the size of the breast
  • New pain that develops in one spot
  • Pitting of the overlying skin which gives it an orange like appearance
  • A breast lump that is non-tender
  • Pulling in of the nipples or other areas of the breast
  • Breast ulcer may develop as a later symptom of breast cancer.
What is the treatment available?

The treatment will involve surgery followed by a combination of radiation, hormonal therapy, and chemotherapy. It is important to remember that the treatment varies from one individual to another.

Surgery is one such treatment that involves the removal of the lump. This may also include the removal of the lymph nodes in the armpit. The breast is only removed when absolutely necessary.

Chemotherapy is a procedure in which medicines that intervene with the growth of cancer cells and divisions are given. This is done to reduce the size of the tumors and to kill them too.

Hormonal therapy involves chemical signals that are released by different parts of the body and can be carried in the blood to some other area to have an effect there. Anti-oestrogens, aromatase inhibitors or LHRH analogs are designed to bar the effects of estrogen or its production. This results in the stopping or slowing down the growth of cancer cells.

Radiation Therapy as also X-rays and other high-energy rays are applied to the tumor and the surrounding areas to destroy the cancer cells.

When should I opt for medical advice?

You will be happy to know that not all breast cancers are cancerous. But despite that, it is advisable to visit the doctor as soon as you notice a lump or any of the tell tale signs. If you have already undergone treatment for the same, it is important to report any new signs and symptoms immediately. To be on the safe side, you could also talk to your doctor about developing a breast-screening program. This will depend on your family history and other factors.

Helichrysum Oil for Acne Scars

Being a teenager, everyone dreams about healthy, glowing, clear skin. However, acne and its scars may not allow you to fulfill your dream. Although a common condition that most teenagers and a few older people experience, acne might have serious effects like spreading and deepening of the scars on the face, neck and the chest. 

Traditionally, dermatologists used to prescribe some creams and ointments for acne treatment, however, today essential oils are in great form as a treatment option for acne scar removal. Essential oil is good because it does not clog the skin pores but cleans them from within. One of the very effective essential oils for getting rid of those ugly scars is helichrysum oil. If you are suffering from acne and have developed mild scars, helichrysum oil can be a perfect treatment option for you.

Best Treatment for Acne Scars

Conventional treatment options like creams and ointments for acne scars are ruled out because they pose certain side effects and are not suitable for all. On the contrary, helichrysum and other such essential oils are natural products extracted from herbs and plants with little to no side effects. Consider the following key points while applying helichrysum essential oil on your scars:
  • Undiluted form of the oil can cause extreme dryness in the skin.
  • Hence, it should be combined with other carrier or rounding oils such as rosewood, lavender or rose hip seed oil to get its diluted form. Jojoba and grape seed oil are also good carrier oils for mixing helichrysum oil.
  • Apply the oil 2-3 times a day for better results.
  • These natural products take a considerable amount of time to show the result. Continue using helichrysum oil for at least 4-5 weeks and notice the difference. Within a few months you will find your face and the area around the neck as clean and clear as it used to be earlier.
  • It is important to know that the oil can be effective only for treating old scars and not when acne is an active problem.
  • It has a good shelf life and hence can be stored for long unlike other essential oils.
Other Uses and Concerns

Apart from curing acne scars, helichrysum essential oil also proves to be helpful in treating burns and infections. You can apply it in two ways, diluted and undiluted i.e., the concentrated form. When applying it undiluted on burns, take some oil on your index-finger tip and apply it immediately on the affected area. It is also very effective in relieving persistent pain in the back, neck and the body, however, for such problems the oil has to be used in its diluted form.

Being highly effective for acne scar treatment and other healing processes, helichrysum essential oil is quite expensive. However, it is definitely a cheaper treatment option than laser therapy and other surgical procedures. Make sure that the oil bottle you are purchasing contains original helichrysum essential oil extracted from its flowers. Although non-toxic and non-irritant, do not use it for children below 12 years. Also being an anti-coagulant, it should be avoided by people who have undergone a surgery or are at risk of internal hemorrhage.

Amongst all, helichrysum is the only essential oil that is found to contain b-diketones, which is a necessary component to enhance the healing process and scar reduction. It is also used in various skin care products for it has skin-rejuvenating properties.

The X5 Hair Laser - Using Technology To Regrow Your Hair

It doesn't matter whether you've just started losing your hair or you've been losing it now for a while. You're still going to want to do something about it. There are dozens (if not hundreds) of hair loss treatments out there that you can use. The problem is that they're not all created equal and some of them don't work at all. The good news is that hair loss treatments are being created and discovered (mostly discovered by accident) all the time. One of the most recent of these is low-level laser therapy or LLT for short.

The SpencerForrest X5 hair laser is a perfect example of that. It's not the first product to use laser light to help regrow hair and thicken existing hair but *it has* taken that process and improved on it in every possible way.

So how does laser light work to regrow your hair? Without getting into very technical details the laser basically increases the cellular energy and activity in your scalp. For want of a better description the laser light literally jumpstarts hair follicles that have gone dormant.

The X5 hair laser uses 15 separate laser lights that you can focus on your scalp. These 15 lasers give you over 50cm2 of coverage when you're treating your hair loss. How good is this? Most other products only manage to give you about 20cm2 of laser coverage at best.

For best results the X5 needs to be used 3 times per week for 10 - 15 minutes per session so you don't need to invest a huge amount of time in treating your hair loss. And there's no messy lotions involved at all!

How quickly can you expect to see results? Well this is where most people fall flat on their face when it comes to treating hair loss. Here's the simple fact - hair grows *very* slowly! Very. You need to continue treatment for at least 60 days before you can even begin to judge how effective this (or any other) hair loss treatment is.

The X5 is a neat, handheld and cordless hair laser that you can carry around with you. This is ideal for anyone who has to travel a lot or who just hates having to plug in something to use it. The ergonomic grip also makes it much easier to hold while you're using it. Overall this product has definitely been designed with the customer in mind - they've managed to combine form and function in a very neat little package. It even looks kinda cool!

Can this device grow hair back on a totally bald scalp? If you're a Norwood 6 or 7 then the X5 would really only be used as part of a combination of treatments (Minoxidil and Propecia). Even with a Norwood 6 or 7 this laser hair comb is still useful in promoting rapid growth of new hair that you're stimulating to grow with other treatments.

Hair Loss Treatment - Why Hair Laser Therapy Can Stop Hair Loss

An effective hair loss treatment has to address the underlying causes of hair loss to which it is being directed. While it is easy to believe that hair loss, especially in men, is just a natural occurrence due to genetic factors, modern research is showing that there are various factors at play.

These factors include hormones, nutrient deficiencies and excesses, side effects from medicines, stress, tight scalp and the latest theory targeting research into a minscule demodicid parasite.

Hormones play a role in hair loss by their effect upon hair follicles. Androgens & estrogens are the male and female hormones and correcting an imbalance can be an effective hair loss treatment. So why would hair laser therapy be an effective treatment and can it actually stop you losing hair? Let's look at DHT.

DHT-DiHydroTestosterone Testosterone combines with an enzyme (5a-reductase) to form DHT which, upon reaching the hair follicles cause them to shrink (due to affecting blood supply), thus producing finer hair. This is referred to as hair follicle miniaturization, the main process behind male pattern baldness. Drugs which decrease the levels of available 5a-reductase (and therefore DHT) are being used as a hair loss treatment but unfortunately can have undesirable side effects such as impotence, decreased libido, decreased ejaculate volume and in some cases, man boobs! Whilst there are a number of safer herbal preparations that can also reduce DHT, there is a perfectly safe and effective hair loss treatment known as hair laser therapy showing remarkable outcomes for both men & women.

Hair Laser Therapy In 1967 a researcher doing skin cancer experiments with laser light upon mice discovered that the shaven areas grew back fuller & thicker hair on laser treated mice than on the untreated control specimens. The accidental discovery spawned a new industry in treatment for those seeking a hair loss cure & it has since been shown that low power (5 milliwatts) lasers with a wavelength of 650 nanometres (in the red spectrum) is most effective. Advances in industry have enabled portable laser hair therapy devices to be available to anyone wishing to purchase one for their own home use.

How Lasers Stimulate Hair Growth There are two theories.
  1.  The coherent light energy of a laser is absorbed by the hair follicle and transfers energy into the follicle in a similar way that light helps a plant grow.
  2. The light stimulates & improves the blood circulation around the hair follicle, flushing away the DHT; however it has been shown that even shaved areas (nothing to do with DHT) grow back thicker and fuller hair after laser treatment.
Interesting Fact The average hair shaft is only one tenth of a millimetre in diameter and the capillaries that nourish them are less than a tenth of that again! Whereas the skin follicle base may be as deep as 4mm on fleshy parts of the skin, the skull may have as little as 1mm of total skin thickness on the top of the head. Go on, feel for yourself! It is pretty obvious why the top of your head is the first place to lose hair. The pharmaceutical companies never seem to mention that.

Laser light can penetrate millimeters into the skin, a fact easily proven by observing the glow of a fingertip held over a laser. When faced with losing hair it is now easy to realize how fragile the supporting structure truly is.

Therefore, if you're in the unfortunate position of trying to stop losing hair and looking for a safe alternative, hair laser therapy should definitely be a part of your hair gain treatment strategy.

Considering the importance of increasing the blood supply to the hair follicles in any hair loss treatment, the purchase of a tested low dose laser device is a logical choice for any male or female trying to arrest the process of losing their hair and looking for the best tools available to provide a safe and natural, hair loss treatment.

Exploring D-Link DIR-320 networks with Oleg's firmware or what are vlan0, vlan1, eth0, eth1, br0?

What is the device?

It's a D-Link wireless router (4MB flash, 32MB RAM and processor Broadcom 240 MHz) with almost the same configuration as ASUS WL500g Premium (8MB flash, 32MB RAM and processor Broadcom 266MHz), but costs much lower.

Why do I need this wireless router?

Because I want to build a wireless home network with Internet connection (PPPoE) for laptop, netbook (HP 2133) and a telephone (Nokia E63), which supports Wi-Fi. I need the USB port for printing, and in the future ---scanning, USB harddisks, networked web camera, 3G or WiM modems etc.

What is the Oleg's firmware?

It's Linux-based custom firmware for ASUS WL-500gx/WL-550gE/WL-500gp/WL-500W/WL-320gE/WL-320gP/WL-330gE/WL-500gp V2/WL-520gU. There isn't much thing to do with the manufacture's firmware. Instruction of installation (flashing) of the Oleg's firmware on DIR-320 can be found in my blog (in English) or (in Russia).

What are there inside the router with Oleg's firmware?

After flashing the device with Oleg's firmware, you can configure Internet connection, Wireless, etc by web brower interface. Don't forget to turn on SSH server (dropbear). After that login and explore:

$ ifconfig
br0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:4C:C0:00:00
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:1122700 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1113191 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:367622803 (350.5 MiB) TX bytes:586264798 (559.1 MiB)

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:4C:C0:00:00
RX packets:1393411 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1113648 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:935119976 (891.7 MiB) TX bytes:655661617 (625.2 MiB)
Interrupt:4 Base address:0x1000

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:4C:C1:00:00
RX packets:619887 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:19671
TX packets:683607 errors:122 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:44888939 (42.8 MiB) TX bytes:305171776 (291.0 MiB)
Interrupt:13 Base address:0x5000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:40152 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:40152 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:3718052 (3.5 MiB) TX bytes:3718052 (3.5 MiB)

ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
RX packets:647631 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:661658 errors:0 dropped:44 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
RX bytes:545701887 (520.4 MiB) TX bytes:346044024 (330.0 MiB)

vlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:4C:C0:00:00
RX packets:504058 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:443975 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:334078103 (318.6 MiB) TX bytes:292107592 (278.5 MiB)

vlan1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:4C:C0:00:00
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:889353 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:669673 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:575960475 (549.2 MiB) TX bytes:363554025 (346.7 MiB)

Physically the wireless router D-Link DIR-320 has a 2-port router and a 6-port switch. One port of the switch is connected to the router, another one is the WAN port. The other 4 ports of the switch are the LAN ports on the back of DIR-320. The remaining port of the router is connected to the WLAN adapter.

Inside the switch exist two Virtual LANs (VLans) --- vlan0 and vlan1. vlan0 contains ports 4 LAN ports (ports 1--4) and one router port (port 6). vlan1 contains WAN port (port 0 or "Internet Port" written on the back) and router port (port 6).

There is a bridge (br0) bridging eth1 (WLAN) and eth0 (switch port 0). This bridge allows WLAN and LAN to share the same IP address. When the router needs to send information to clients, it broadcasts out br0 (to eth1 and vlan0). When we need to send information to Internet (WAN), router send directly to vlan1.

$ brctl showmacs br0
port no mac addr is local? ageing timer
2 00:1b:9e:7f:96:38 no 0.77
2 00:21:00:62:c1:86 no 0.00
2 00:23:b4:ce:cd:4e no 36.52
1 00:90:4c:c0:00:00 yes 0.00
2 00:90:4c:c1:00:00 yes 0.00
2 02:90:4c:c1:00:00 no 29.23

Via phanvinhthinh

Viral photo of book-loving street kid moves netizens

One would think that the last place to find a starved and unkempt street urchin is in a book store. But that's exactly what YouScooper Sedricke Lapuz came across in Manila last Friday, May 17.

YouScooper Ralph Sedricke Lapuz spotted this boy engrossed in what he was reading in a bookstore in Manila, not noticing that he was about to appear in a photo that would go viral. Asked if he knows how to read, the boy replied, 'Kaunti lamang.' Lapuz bought the child a book of his choice. Many have shared the picture on Facebook and asked how they can help put the kid through school.
The child was barefoot and grimy, yet —to Lapuz’ astonishment— was patiently reading a book aloud.

“Na-amaze ako na may batang ganoon ang kalagayan sa buhay pero gustong magbasa,” said Lapuz in a phone interview with GMA News Online.

Touched by the scene, Lapuz approached the child and asked him if he understood what he was reading.

“Hindi po. Kaunti lang po,” said "MJ," who is apparently a frequent sight at the Pedro Gil, Manila, branch of Booksale.

Lapuz asked MJ to pick a book he wanted from the store.

“Tapos ‘yun, eh ‘di para siyang nabuhayan, paikot-ikot doon sa bookstore,” Lapuz said.

MJ finally settled on an illustrated children’s book, which Lapuz bought and gave to the child as a present.

According to the store’s Officer-in-Charge, Engelica Rejano, MJ frequents the store to beg for money or food. But on some days, he also stops by to read.

The store's management usually allows MJ inside, except when the store is full of patrons. “Kasi nanghihingi rin kasi siya ng pera sa ibang customer,” said Rejano via phone.

“Pumapayag naman [si MJ]. Napagsasabihan naman ‘yun,” she added.

“Actually, that’s what struck me the most,” said Lapuz, who happens to be an Assistant Professor at the Biology department of the University of the Philippines-Manila.

“Bilang teacher, syempre I’m an advocate of education, and to see a kid against all odds trying to read [is inspiring],” he said.

Lapuz took a picture of MJ while the child was reading. He posted the photo in his Facebook account last Friday, and within days received over than 400 Likes and was shared over 200 times.

The photo has since made its way to the GMA News Online website, where it received over 14,000 Likes and more than 6,000 shares in just two days.

Many readers are eager to help.

“Who is this boy? I would like to help him continue his studies,” said Facebook user John Tigno.

“He is such an eye-opener, lalo na sa mga students ngayon, kung gaano sila kasuwerte para ma-afford ang mag-aral. Keep it up, young man. God bless you,” commented Yhzhel Dela Cruz Punzalan.

Lapuz said he actually thought of sending MJ to school when he first saw him.

He plans to re-visit MJ in the hopes of extending help.

“Kasi baka ang daming gustong tumulong sa kanya tapos may magulang pala siya [tapos] ayaw pala ng magulang niya. Or wala siyang bahay talaga … eh, paano naman siya mag-aaral kung iba ang priorities niya?” Lapuz concluded. TJD, GMA News

May 26, 2013

Pakistan Most Beautiful Places

Deosai means the "Land of Giants". It is the second highest pleatue in the world after Tibet. The True beauty of Himalayas is visible everywhere around Deosai, Pakistan.It is also the home to the endangered Himalayan Brown Bears. Almost 19 bears lived there in 90's and now the population has increased to almost 24. The view here is taken at Sheosar Lake in Deosai.

The Beautiful Lake Dudipatsar in one of the Hidden Valleys of Himalayas. Credits: Ali Iftikhar

Lalazar The most beautiful Hill station of Pakistan.

The Swat valley in Pakistan resemble the beauty of Canadian Rockies. Perhaps September is not the best time to visit this area because the snow on the Rockies melts at this time of the year one should visit there always in mid June when the peaks glitter with snow.

A beautiful waterfall on the way to Naran.

This title is perfect to define the beauty of Neelum Valley in Azad jammu and Kashmir which is in Pakistan's Control.. The Beautiful forests continue on their way across the line of control into the Indian held Kashmir and finally mountains converts into the flat plain of Kashmir Valley. This area is not far from the soul of Kashmir THE KASHMIR VALLEY which is in Indian Control. On the northern side (further into Pakistan) the forests end soon and these mountains become even more high and finally Snow capped. The very calm Indigo Blue Neelum River can be seen in the picture.

Most of the Local Pakistani tourists usually neglect Chitral, Ghizer and Dir areas considering them to be the less beautiful and important than other parts of Pakistan's Northern Areas but perhaps they don't know that every part has it's own beauty and charm. Here is the picture from Phandee Village in Chitral, Pakistan. This is near to the Phander Lake located very closed to this area.

The beautiful scene near kalam in Swat Valley. This is a very common scene in Northern Pakistan.

The beautiful snow clad mountains at Siri Paye, Pakistan.

The beautiful place in kaghan valley.

The Beautiful meadows around the Nanga Parbat Mountain.

Another shot of Fairy Meadows.

The Beautiful Meadows and vast green pleatue of Lalazar. The Dreamland of a tourist.

The Beautiful Peak of Miran Jani just opposite to Nathia Gali (the Famous Hill Station) now the part of Ayubia national park. The thick Forest of Monsoon rains is a home to Leopards.

Rakaposhi as seen from Tagh Fari at Base Camp. This picture is taken by Waqas Usman.

Hingol national Park is just like a gift for nature lovers in Karachi. View of Hingol river.

The view of Hingol area.

The Beautiful green Noori Top. The beautiful pass linking Kaghan with Neelum Valley.

Mount Falaksair as seen from Kalam valley in Swat, Pakistan.The height of this mountain is 20528 ft.

Machu Picchu in Peru

Machu Picchu is a pre-Columbian Inca site located 2,430 metres (8,000 ft) above sea level. It is situated on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru, which is 80 kilometres (50 mi) northwest of Cuzco and through which the Urubamba River flows. The river is a partially navigable headwater of the Amazon River. Often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas", Machu Picchu is one of the most familiar symbols of the Inca Empire.

Machu Picchu is one of the few places left unscathed by the conquering Spaniards. Searching for more gold, Pizarro marched his men up the Urubamba River and around the horseshoe bend at the base of the mountain.

Serenely perched 1500 feet above the thundering waters, Machu Picchu escaped the fate of most of the Inca empire.

At some point, for reasons that elude us, life in the city ended and the forest took dominion. It was rediscovered in 1911 by a young American named Hiram Bingham.

It is now generally thought that at the time of the conquest, knowledge of Machu Picchu had been lost by the Incas themselves. This hasn't stopped modern historians from somehow attributing its construction to Pachacutec, the 9th Inca who reigned in the mid 15th century, and gets credit for much of the achievements of that civilization.

Hiram Bingham was told of a plant whose juices softened rock so that the surfaces would join perfectly. There are reports of such a plant, including this one by one of the early Spanish Chroniclers: While encamped by a rocky river, he watched a bird with a leaf in its beak light on a rock, lay down the leaf and peck at it. The next day the bird returned. By then there was a concavity where the leaf had been. By this method the bird created a drinking cup to catch the splashing waters of the river. Considering the fact that lichen softens stone to attach its roots, and considering the ongoing extinction of plant species, perhaps this isn't really such a far-fetched notion.

Eric Von Daniken, in his series of books beginning with Chariots of the Gods theorized that the Andean stoneworks were built by Alien/Gods who visited the earth long ago, bringing civilization to primative man. The scientific community simply snickered.

Whatever one thinks of his theories, he brought to the public an awareness of the many ancient monuments on earth that seem to defy rational explanation.

In his novel "Slapstick" Kurt Vonnegut quips:
"...there must have been days of light gravity in old times, when people could play tiddley winks with huge chunks of stone."

Pedro de Cieza de Leon wrote of an old Inca legend about the creator-god, Viracocha. Once to show his power he caused a huge fire, then extinguished it. As a result of having been burnt so, the stones were so light that even a large one could be picked up as though it were made of cork.

Because Machu Picchu was never discovered and ransacked by the Spanish Conquistadors, it is something of a time capsule. The stoneworks here show astonishing differences in quality of craftsmanship. In many places there are walls in the lower levels of the fine quality that is the hallmark of ancient Andean stoneworks. Then as the walls rise, the quality of work diminishes. The lower layers are always finer, always more precise, than those above. One gets the feeling that these are remnants of old walls that were discovered and built upon by later hands.

The structures at Machu Picchu are not as gigantic as those at Sacsahuaman, but some are surely finer. In a few cases, as in the "Temple of Three Windows" these walls stand among the most inspired structures created by man.

May 25, 2013

3 Ways you need to Know When you Lost Windows 8 Password

"I lost my Windows 8 password, what to do?" This is question being asked thousands of times.

Lost Windows 8 login password can be a frequent occurrence. It really frustrates us like hell when we lost Windows 8 administrator password. In order to prevent it or remedy such a situation, we’d better know one trick or two about how to gain access to our computer when we lost Windows 8 administrator password. These tricks could in handy if you lost Windows 8 administrator password, etc. All 3 ways work perfectly to recover your password no matter you lost password to Windows 8 consumer preview/developer preview or official Windows 8/ Windows 8 pro/Windows RT.

Note: if you lost Windows user password, same steps can be applied.

Way 1: Use third-party Lost Windows 8 Password Recovery Software

Lost Windows 8 password recovery software is considered the easiest and most efficient way to recover lost password for Windows 8, a top utility should be lost Windows 8 Password Key, with which you able to get back your lost Windows 8 administrator password without no computer knowledge required. In this article, we’ll take lost Windows 8 administrator password as an example, all the steps are applicable to find lost Windows 8 user password, etc.

Here’s how to get back lost Windows 8 login password:

Step 1: Download Lost Windows 8 Password Key and run it on any accessible computer.

Step 2: Create Windows 8 password reset Disk with CD/DVD or USB flash drive, done burning, plug your newly created reset disk into locked computer.

Step 3: Set bios to boot your computer from Windows 8 password reset disk, and follow the steps as been shown in the following screenshot:

Step 4: Sign in without Windows 8 login password.

Way 2: Use Previously-created Windows 8 Password Reset Disk

To create a Windows 8 password reset disk in advance to get back lost Windows 8 login password is a built-in password reset wizard in Windows 8. To use this wizard, you need to create a Windows 8 password reset disk in advance. Here’s how:

Step 1: Click “Reset password” after it says Windows 8 password incorrect, try again,

Step 2: After the password reset wizard appears, insert your password reset disk, point it out.

Step 3: Type a new password, type it again to confirm, click “Next” and then hit “Finish”.

Way 3: Use Default Windows 8 Administrator Account

Each version of Windows since Windows XP has a default Windows administrator account that allows you to login with a blank password. In order to login in, you need to boot in Windows 8 safe mode because it’s disabled in normal mode. Here’s how:

Step 1: Press “Win+R” combination and enter “msconfig” in the run box, hit the enter button.

Step 2: Switch over to the boot tab, check “Safe boot”. Choose “Minimal”-normal safe mode, click “Okay” button and restart your computer.

If you want to cancel booting into safe mode, uncheck “Safe boot” and restart your computer.

However, for the sake of computer security, most people have changed the built-in administrator password.

Of all the 3 solutions mentioned above, lost Windows 8 password key is the ideal choice for you to access lost administrator password in Windows 8 under all circumstances. Choose them accordingly.

May 24, 2013

5 Ways to Crack or Reset a Forgotten Windows XP Administrator Password

I recently helped a client recover his forgotten Windows Administrator password by using a couple of different tools. We eventually were able to reset the Administrator password to a blank password so that he could log into Windows. Unfortunately, there is no “one” way to reset a Windows password and depending on what version of Windows you are running, you might have to try different things.

There are already so many articles written on how to recover or reset a password that I’m not going to reinvent the wheel, but instead will guide you to the best online resources that I used to crack my Windows XP password.

1. Ophcrack Live CD – My favorite ways to blank out or crack a Windows password is to use a Linux Live CD. These are special distributions of Linux that run directly from the CD (no installation required) and are specially designed for cracking Windows passwords. You can read the documentation to learn how to use it. Simply burn the ISO and boot using the CD and the program will get right to work. It won’t work, however, on very complicated password because it actually tries to determine the password rather than reset it.

2. Offline NT Password and Registry Editor – This is a very small program, only 3MB in size, that you can burn to a CD and boot to. It’ll auto-detect the Windows installation and the account names (that is if everything was installed in the default Windows directories). Using this program you can reset or blank out a Windows password, which means it doesn’t matter how long or complicated it is. I tried this program on Vista and it would not load afterwards, so definitely only use for Windows XP or earlier!

3. Login Recovery – Login Recovery is a web site that has a program that you can either download onto a floppy disk or a cd and that you use to boot up with. You’ll get a list of account and some numbers when the program runs. Take those numbers and enter them onto the web site and Login Recovery will crunch it through it’s system to find out password for Windows NT, 2000, XP and Vista. I have tried this site and it did not work for my password, which was 11 characters and mostly symbols, numbers, and letters. However, if the password was something simple, they will probably be able to crack it.

4. John The Ripper – Another free password cracker that works on Windows, Linux and Macs, so it’s useful for any Mac or Linux user who wants to recovery a password. Pretty easy to use and comes with good instructions, so most people can follow along.

5. Knoppix STD – G4TV has a good article on another Linux distro you can download and use to crack your Windows password. Follow the detailed instructions he gives and if the password is not too long or difficult, it should be able to crack it!

As you can tell, the best ways to crack a Windows password is using Linux! It might be a little too techie for some people, but it’s definitely worth it if you want to avoid having to re-install Windows and lose all of your data! Any questions, post a comment!

May 21, 2013

Vitamin D Deficiency That Cause Hair Loss

If you’re removing more hair from the drain than usual, you may want to take a closer look at your diet: Having low levels of vitamin D and iron could be playing a role in your thinning locks.

Researchers at Cairo University found that women who were experiencing hair loss also had lower levels of iron and vitamin D2—and hair loss only got worse as the levels dropped.

“This is the first time vitamin D’s possible role in hair loss has been highlighted,” explains Rania Mounir Abdel Hay, MD, a dermatologist at Cairo University, and co-author of the study. “It might regulate the expression of genes that promote normal hair follicle growth.” As for iron: Low levels may inhibit an essential enzyme that has been associated with hair loss in mice.

Aim for a minimum of 600 IU of vitamin D per day, 800 IU if you’re over 71 years old. While it can be difficult to get enough vitamin D in your diet, salmon packs 450 IU per 3-ounce serving, and fortified milk and orange juice has 115 to 135 IU. And consider a vitamin D supplement, which has more than just healthy hair benefits: It could prevent heart disease, cancer, and bone fractures.

Microchip PIC12LF1840T48A Integrates XLP PIC MCU with Sub-GHz RF Transmitter

Microchip Technology introduced their PIC12LF1840T48A single-chip devices. The PIC12LF1840T48A integrates an eXtreme Low Power (XLP), 8-bit PIC microcontroller with a sub-GHz RF transmitter. The Microchip PIC12LF1840T48A is optimized to run Microchip’s royalty-free KEELOQ advanced code-hopping technology. The new device family is available in a 14-pin TSSOP package. It is priced at $1.06 each in 10,000-unit quantities. Samples are available now. Volume production is expected in January.

The Microchip PIC12LF1840T48A is designed to maximize battery life via an extremely low operating voltage of 1.8V. In addition, the eXtreme microcontroller has extremely low sleep current consumption. The XLP microcontroller is efficiently integrated with the transmitter to enable fast wake-up and send functionality that takes full advantage of the MCU’s 8 MIPS operation.

The PIC12LF1840T48A is optimized for secure wireless communication. It is ideal for space-, power- and cost-constrained applications, such as remote keyless entry fobs for automobiles, garage doors and home security systems, as well as a broad range of other home and building automation systems.

Microchip PIC12LF1840T48A Features
  • Enhanced Mid-range Core with 49 Instruction, 16 Stack Levels
  • Flash Program Memory with self read/write capability
  • Internal 32MHz oscillator
  • Data Signal Modulator Module
  • MI2C, SPI, EUSART w/auto baud
  • ECCP (Enhanced/Capture Compare PWM) Module
  • Comparator with selectable Voltage Reference
  • 4 Channel 10b ADC with Voltage Reference
  • 25mA Source/Sink current I/O
  • Two 8-bit Timers (TMR0/TMR2)
  • One 16-bit Timer (TMR1)
  • Extended Watchdog Timer (EWDT)
  • Enhanced Power-On/Off-Reset
  • Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
  • In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
  • On Board In-Circuit Debug
  • Fully Integrated Transmitter
  • FSK Operation up to 100 kbps
  • OOK Operation up to 10 kbps
  • Operation in 418, 434 and 868 MHz Bands
  • 8 Selectable center frequencies
  • +10 dBm or 0 dBm Configurable Output Power
  • Up to 100 kbps bit rate in FSK, 10 kbps bit rate in OOK
  • Standby Current: – 30 nA @ 3.0V, typical, RF off – 530 nA @ 3.0V, typical, RF Sleep
  • Operating Current: – 0.67 mA @ 8 MHz, 3.0V, RF off, typical – 9.67 mA @ 8 MHz, 3.0V, RF on at 0 dBm, typical – 17.17 mA @ 8 MHz, 3.0V, RF on at 10 dBm, typical
  • Low-Power Watchdog Timer Current: – 500 nA @ 3.0V, typical
More info: Microchip Technology

Texas Instruments SimpleLink CC3000 Module Supports Headless Devices

Texas Instruments introduced the latest SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3000 module. The TI module features SmartConfig technology, which is a Wi-Fi configuration process that enables multiple in-home devices without displays to connect to a Wi-Fi network via a smartphone or tablet in one easy step. SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3000 pre-production modules are sampling now. Production modules will be available this quarter. The self-contained module is priced at $9.99 in 1,000-unit quantities.

The CC3000 module supports service discovery applications on phones, tablets and PCs using Bonjour zero-configuration networking technology. This makes it easier for consumers to quickly identify and manage networked devices. The SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3000 module is compatible with low-cost, low-memory microcontroller (MCU) systems.

TI SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3000 Features
  • Wireless network processor
  • IEEE 802.11 b/g
  • Embedded IPv4 TCP/IP stack
  • TX power: +18.0 dBm at 11 Mbps, CCK
  • RX sensitivity: -88 dBm, 8% PER, 11 Mbps
  • Works with low MIPS and low-cost MCUs with compact memory footprint
  • FCC, IC, and CE certified with a chip antenna
  • HW design files and design guide available from TI
  • Integrated crystal and power management
  • Small form factor: 16.3 mm x 13.5 mm x 2 mm
  • Operating temperature: -20°C to 70°C
  • Based on TI’s seventh generation of proven Wi-Fi solutions
  • Complete platform solution including user and porting guides, API guide, sample applications, and support community
More info: TI SimpleLink CC3000 Module – Wi-Fi 802.11b/g Network Processor (pdf)

Extreme Engineering Solutions Announces XPedite5205 Embedded Services Router

Extreme Engineering Solutions (X-ES) introduced the XPedite5205 Embedded Services Router. The PMC/XMC module features Cisco IOS IP Routing software. The XPedite5205 ESR provides mobile, ad hoc networking for military and emergency response. The XPedite5205 can be retrofitted for use in any available PMC or XMC site. It is ideal for oil and gas, mining, smart grid, transportation, and public safety applications.

The XPedite5205 ESR includes Cisco Mobile Ready Net capabilities. It provides secure data, voice, and video communications to stationary and mobile network nodes across both wired and wireless links. With the XPedite5205 ESR, integrators can create mobile, wireless, ad hoc networks, without requiring a connection to central infrastructure.

The XPedite5205 Embedded Services Router can be mounted on an application-specific carrier card or used on an X-ES development carrier. The X-ES XPedite5205 ESR module can be deployed in the harshest environments for embedded applications with SWaP constraints.

As a PMC/XMC module, the XPedite5205 can be retrofitted instantly for use in any available PMC or XMC site, leveraging 20 years of deployed VME, CompactPCI, VPX, and custom systems. It also can be mounted on an application-specific carrier card or used on an X-ES development carrier. The rugged XPedite5205 ESR module can be deployed in the harshest environments for embedded applications with SWaP constraints.

X-ES XPedite5205 ESR Features
  • Freescale Power Architecture Processor
  • Four integrated 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports with auto-negotiation support
  • 1 GB DDR2-533 SDRAM
  • Up to 256 MB NOR flash
  • 1 GB NAND flash
  • 128 kB SEEPROM
  • Cisco IOS Release 15.2GC Software
  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (CME) support
  • Cisco Mobile Ready Net, which allows for mobile ad hoc networking and Radio Aware Routing (RAR) with Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP)
  • On-board hardware acceleration and encryption
  • Integrated threat control using Cisco IOS Firewall, Cisco IOS Zone-based Firewall, Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and Cisco IOS Content Filtering
  • Identity management using authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) and public key infrastructure
  • Conduction- or air-cooled PMC/XMC form factor with max power consumption of 15W
  • PMC/XMC form factor
More info: X-ES XPedite5205 Embedded Router (pdf)

PCI Bus Powered 5-Port 10/100 Fast Ethernet N-Way Switch

The ideal product for Server or IPC (Industrial PC) to offer the reliable built-in 5-Port 10/100 Switch without the concern of OS compatibility. . +5Vdc power input. via PCI bus or PC internal power supply . Uplink as 5th port via crossover cable . No on-board NIC : No driver issue . Comply IEEE 802.3 and 802.3u standards . 10Base-T/100Base-TX and Half/Full Duplex auto-negotiation . Support IEEE 802.3x (FDX) and Back Pressure (HDX) flow control . MAC Addressing range : 1K . Automatically address learning and aging . Built-in 1Mbit adaptive buffer memory . Store and Forward Error Filtering . Guarantee throughput : 148800FPS (at 100Mbps mode) or 14880FPS (at 10Mbps mode) . FCC/CE/VCCI/BSMI Class B System Requirement : availability of Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC)