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Showing posts sorted by date for query Breast Cancer. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Apr 4, 2015

Facts About Soursop and Cancer Cure

The soursop, also known as Graviola (in Portuguese), is an evergreen tree native to parts of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and the northern portion of South America. It is also found in sub-Saharan African countries that lie within the range of tropics. Nowadays, the Graviola tree is also grown in some parts of south-east Asia. The reason why this plant has managed to garner so much publicity is because of the claim that it has the potential to cure cancer. It is only now that the world has come to know about its health benefits. A cure for cancer has always been a huge topic of research the world over, and the discovery of soursop as a potential cure is said to be a breakthrough in this field.

Can Soursop Cure Cancer?

Whether soursop can cure cancer is still questionable, but there have been studies conducted to validate this claim. Studies to check for the effect of Graviola on cancer cells began sometime around in the 1970s. It was the National Cancer Institute that performed the first ever scientific research study on this subject in the year 1976. Results of this research showed that Graviola's leaves and stems were found quite effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells. Furthermore, it has been claimed that since the same year, Graviola was proven to be a potent killer of cancer cells in over twenty different laboratory tests and studies that were undertaken.

A study published in the Journal of Natural Products following a recent study conducted at the Catholic University of South Korea stated that a certain chemical found in Graviola can selectively kill colon cancer cells at almost 'ten thousand times the potency of Adriamycin'. (Adriamycin is the drug commonly used as a part of chemotherapy). Another interesting fact regarding its healing power is that Graviola selectively targets only the harmful cancer cells, while it leaves behind healthy cells of the body untouched. Thus, unlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately kills all cells (especially the superficial ones, like hair cells) in the affected region, Graviola does not harm the healthy cells. It also spares the person in question of the side effects of chemotherapy like severe nausea, hair loss, weight loss, and deforming skin changes.

Some studies even claim that soursop can target and help in the treatment of nearly twelve different types of cancers including colon, breast, lung, prostate, and pancreatic cancer; the extracts of Graviola are also known to kill certain cancer cells of the liver which can't be destroyed through chemotherapy. It is also claimed that during the course of chemotherapy, Graviola manages to protect the immune system by preventing it from getting harmed by the effects of chemotherapy. There are experts who question the effectiveness of using Graviola for cancer treatment. In-depth research on the subject can thus, help us understand more about benefits of Graviola.

Being a healthy citrus fruit, there are many benefits offered by soursop. Curing cancer may or may not be one of those benefits. The truth is that chemotherapy and radiation can only do so much to help in treating cancer, but not curing it. Hence, any natural way of at least mitigating, if not curing, the effects or slowing down the progression of this deadly disease are always welcome. Of course, one needs to be wary of taking in excess Graviola in the name of alternative treatment. This is because it has been observed that soursop in excess leads to neurological damage that closely resembles Parkinson's disease. It is always advisable to consult your oncologist or health care provider before trying out this supposed natural remedy for cancer.

Apr 1, 2015

How Soy Became Known as a "Health Food"

But first, let's review a bit of the history behind soy that created this misperception in the public's mind. Years ago, tropical oils, such as palm and coconut oil, were commonly used in American food production. However, these are obviously not grown in the US. With the exception of Hawaii, our climate isn't tropical enough.

Spurred on by financial incentives, the industry devised a plan to shift the market from tropical oils to something more "home grown." As a result, a movement was created to demonize and vilify tropical oils in order to replace them with domestically grown oils such as corn and, primarily, soy.

For the most part, they've been very successful in their campaign to paint soy in a healthy light. So, the information I have to share with you may disappoint and challenge many of you, especially vegetarians, because vegetarians and vegans use soy as one of their primary sources of protein.

But I'm here to tell you that after studying this issue very carefully, I'm convinced that unless the soy you're consuming is fermented, you're putting your health at risk.

Fermented Soy is the Only Type of Soy with Health Benefits

There's only one type of soy that can be construed as a health food, and that is fermented soy. Examples of health-promoting fermented soy foods include:
  • Natto
  • Miso
  • Tempeh
Natto is actually a phenomenal food. It's a fermented soy product that can be a bit challenging to locate, but you can usually find it in Asian food stores. It's very high in vitamin K2, which is a phenomenal vitamin, much like vitamin D.

Together, vitamin K2 and vitamin D provide a large number of significant health benefits, such as improving bone density and reducing your risk of heart disease and cancer, just to name a few. Natto has probably the highest concentration of vitamin K2 out of any food.

Miso and tempeh do not contain vitamin K2 but they are also fermented forms of soy that are excellent sources of health-promoting natural probiotics.

The fermentation process is what makes the soy a healthy addition to your diet, as it breaks down the goitrogens, isoflavones and other harmful elements in the soy. It's important to realize that tofu is NOT a fermented soy product, and should not be consumed if you want to avoid the health problems associated with non-fermented soy.

It is also important to understand that while fermented soy is healthier for you, it is not wise to consume it in large quantities because it is still loaded with phytoestrogens, like isoflavones, which can cause detrimental feminizing effects.

What's So Bad About Unfermented Soy?

One of the primary reasons for avoiding soy products is because the vast majority of soy grown in the US is genetically modified (GM) soy. The GM variety planted in 91 percent of US soy acres is Roundup Ready—engineered to survive being doused with otherwise lethal amounts of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. Monsanto produces both the Roundup Ready soy seeds and the herbicide Roundup.

The logic -- if you can call it that after all factors are considered -- behind GM crops such as soy is that you can decrease the cost of production by killing off everything except the actual soy plant. Unfortunately, consumers pay a hefty price in terms of health instead.

Are You Willing to Risk Eradicating Your Future Family Lineage?

Some of the more recent research shows that many of the health problems do not even occur in those who consume these GM foods. Some of the most devastating harm may occur in the second and third generations! I recently interviewed GMO expert Jeffrey Smith about the latest findings by Russian scientists, who discovered that GM soy effectively sterilized the third generation of hamsters...

One group of hamsters was fed a normal diet without any soy whatsoever, a second group was fed non-GMO soy, a third ate GM soy, and a fourth group ate an even higher amount of GM soy than the third. Using the same GM soy produced in the US, the hamsters and their offspring were fed their respective diets over a period of two years, during which time the researchers evaluated three generations of hamsters.

Shockingly, the second-generation of GM soy-fed hamsters had a five-fold higher infant mortality rate, compared to the 5 percent normal death rate that was happening in the controls. Worse yet, nearly all of the third generation hamsters were sterile! Only one single third-generation female hamster gave birth to 16 pups, and of those, one fifth died.

Another bizarre side effect found in the GM soy-fed groups was an unusually high prevalence of an otherwise extremely rare phenomenon – hair growing inside the animals' mouths. (You can see the images here.)

These are just a couple of concerns. There are certainly many others, and I've written extensively about the health hazards of GM foods. If you're new to this topic and want more information, my article Everything you MUST KNOW About Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods is a good place to start.

You can also find lots of additional information about GMOs on the site, created by Jeffrey Smith. We're working with Jeffrey, who is one of the leaders of the movement to restrict the use of GM foods in the United States, as they have done in Europe, primarily through consumer awareness and action to motivate industry changes, because there is NO government regulation against it.

Your involvement is vital in this respect. And avoiding soy products, including soy derivatives found in most processed foods, is part of it. But soy is not the only GM food to beware of.

The easiest way to avoid ending up with any type of GM food in your shopping cart is to do some pre-planning using this free non-GMO shopping guide. There's also a free iPhone application available in the iTunes store, which you can find by searching for ShopNoGMO in the applications. also offers additional guides you can hand out to friends, health care practitioners, and decision makers within your community, along with free online videos, podcasts, and articles that you can repost and republish.

Why All Organic Soy is NOT the Answer Either

All of that said, even if you were fortunate enough to find organic soy, there are still several other significant concerns with unfermented soy that make it far from attractive from a health standpoint.

Soy contains a number of problematic components that can wreak havoc with your health, such as:
  • Goitrogens – Goitrogens, found in all unfermented soy whether it's organic or not, are substances that block the synthesis of thyroid hormones and interfere with iodine metabolism, thereby interfering with your thyroid function. One common source of soy is soy milk. Many consume it as an alternative to milk or one of their primary beverages. Soy milk is a significant contributor to thyroid dysfunction or hypothyroidism in women in the US.So if you're a woman struggling with low thyroid function and you're consuming soy milk, that's a giant clue you need to stop drinking it immediately.
  • Isoflavones: genistein and daidzein – Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen, which is a plant compound resembling human estrogen, which is why some recommend using soy therapeutically to treat symptoms of menopause. I believe the evidence is highly controversial and doubt it works. Typically, most of us are exposed to too much estrogen compounds and have a lower testosterone level than ideal, so it really is important to limit exposure to feminizing phytoestrogens.
  • Even more importantly, there's evidence it may disturb endocrine function, cause infertility, and promote breast cancer, which is definitely a significant concern.Drinking two glasses of soy milk daily for just one month provides enough of these compounds to alter your menstrual cycle. Although the FDA regulates estrogen-containing products, no warnings exist on soy.
  • Phytic acid -- Phytates (phytic acid) bind to metal ions, preventing the absorption of certain minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc -- all of which are co-factors for optimal biochemistry in your body. This is particularly problematic for vegetarians, because eating meat reduces the mineral-blocking effects of these phytates.
  • Sometimes it can be beneficial, especially in postmenopausal women and in most adult men because we tend to have levels of iron that are too high which can be a very potent oxidant and cause biological stress.However, phytic acid does not necessarily selectively inhibit just iron absorption; it inhibits all minerals. This is very important to remember, as many already suffer from mineral deficiencies from inadequate diets.
  • The soybean has one of the highest phytate levels of any grain or legume, and the phytates in soy are highly resistant to normal phytate-reducing techniques such as long, slow cooking. Only a long period of fermentation will significantly reduce the phytate content of soybeans.
  • Natural toxins known as "anti-nutrients" -- Soy also contains other anti-nutritional factors such as saponins, soyatoxin, protease inhibitors, and oxalates. Some of these factors interfere with the enzymes you need to digest protein. While a small amount of anti-nutrients would not likely cause a problem, the amount of soy that many Americans are now eating is extremely high.
  • Hemagglutinin -- Hemagglutinin is a clot-promoting substance that causes your red blood cells to clump together. These clumped cells are unable to properly absorb and distribute oxygen to your tissues.
Soy to Avoid

As I mentioned, tofu is not fermented soy so it should be avoided. Other examples of common soy products to avoid include soy protein and isolated soy protein powder, which you'll find in many protein bars and protein drinks.

Isolated soy protein powder is actually not a naturally produced substance. Production takes place in industrial factories where a slurry of soy beans is first mixed with an alkaline solution to remove fiber, then precipitated and separated using an acid wash and, finally, neutralized in an alkaline solution. Acid washing in aluminum tanks leaches high levels of aluminum into the final product.

The resultant curds are spray- dried at high temperatures to produce a high-protein powder. MSG, a well-known excitotoxin that can cause neurological damage, is frequently added as well. Another common form of soy you're likely exposed to is soy oil, which brings us back to where we started. Ninety-five percent of the foods Americans spend their money on are processed foods, many of which contain soy oil.

Soy oil is extremely high in omega-6, which is highly susceptible to oxidative damage. And although you do need omega-6, soy oil is a terrible source as it is highly processed and refined, which severely damages it.

Consuming a diet high in processed foods, which by default is high in soy oil, is a primary contributor to the severe imbalance most people have in their omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, which in turn contributes to creating disease. Other harmful soy products I've not already mentioned include:
  • Soy cheese
  • Soy ice cream
  • Soy yogurt
  • Soy "meat" (meatless products made of TVP)
  • Soy lecithin
Infant Soy Formula – Perhaps the Most Dangerous Soy Products of All

But perhaps one of the most harmful types of soy products that you need to be extremely cautious of is soy infant formula. I strongly recommend every single mother to breastfeed for a minimum of six months, preferably longer. There is absolutely no question that breastfeeding is the most healthful option for both you and your baby. Conventional physicians and the American Academy of Pediatrics also recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life.

Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, many women choose not to breastfeed their child, leaving them with few alternatives. Most opt for conventional formula, which has its own health risks, courtesy of inadequate nutrition (there are at least 400 nutrients in breast milk that are not found in formula), combined with excessive fructose and toxic contaminants. But many children are allergic to conventional formula, and these parents can easily be convinced that soy formula is the solution.

Sadly, soy formula is FAR worse than conventional formula, in large part due to its excessive levels of phytoestrogens. The estrogens in soy can irreversibly harm your baby's sexual development and reproductive health. Infants fed soy formula receive a level of estrogen equivalent to five birth control pills every day!

Infants fed soy formula have up to 20,000 times the amount of estrogen in circulation as those fed conventional formulas! In addition, soy formula has up to 80 times higher manganese than is found in human breast milk, which can lead to brain damage in infants, and altered behaviors in adolescence.

So please, do not ever feed your baby soy formula, and warn others who are pregnant or who you know are considering using formula over breastfeeding. The next best alternative to breast milk is to make a healthy homemade infant formula. There may be others, but here is one recipe for homemade formula created by the Weston Price Foundation, which I believe is sound.

Educate Yourself about the Health Effects of Soy

I encourage you to continue reviewing the evidence against soy if you're still skeptical. There are also some great books on this topic that document this information in clear detail and provide countless references that you can validate for yourself. One of these books, which I recommend very highly, is The Whole Soy Story by Dr. Kaayla Daniel.

There's a lot of information out there, and I understand the challenge of trying to explore these health issues. Many times motivations must be taken into account in order to sift through the information and get to the heart of the matter.

In the case of soy, as I mentioned, a primary motivation appears to have been promoting the sale of domestic soy in the US, as this increases profits, as opposed to benefitting your health… The purpose of this site is to gather this varied information, present it to you, and offer you the starting point to do your own independent research. Because once you have the information, you have the power to take control of your own health.

Soy Milk Finally Side Effects Revealed

We've always known soy beans to be healthy beans loaded with ample amounts of vitamins, proteins and fiber. So what's this about soy milk side effects? Can a nutrient provider prove deleterious? There are scores of lactose intolerant people across the globe who are advised to switch to drinking soy milk because of their inability to drink cow's milk. Moreover, vegans depend on soy for a large portion of their protein intake. If soy milk is detrimental, would they be given this advice? Moreover, what about all the soy health products available in health stores? Are soy milk dangers just a fad or is there some truth to it? Let's find out!

Side Effects of Soy Milk

Studies reveal that only one side of the soy coin has been revealed. Food companies and drug manufacturing companies have been touting the benefits of soy for decades together. However, they have conveniently ignored the existent soy milk risks.

Being high in protein soy-products do spearhead gas production. The amount of gas produced will vary depending on the amount consumed and the amount each one's body can tolerate. When taken in moderate amounts a day, soy is not seen to cause any major gas problems, however, some pregnant women seem to be suffering from extreme bloating and gas after consumption of soy-products. In such cases, it is best for pregnant women to avoid soy and consume other protein-rich foods. It is up to each person to test how much soy milk can be consumed comfortably without facing gas problems.

Soy Allergy
Just like peanuts, shellfish, milk, eggs allergy, etc. soy allergy is also present. People allergic to soy protein may experience various symptoms on consuming soy milk. A person can develop allergic reactions like cough, wheezing, hives, facial swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, etc. While extreme allergic reactions leading to death are rare, its incidence is possible. This is why people with soy allergy need to be very careful regarding the consumption of soy contaminated products.

Soy Milk Formula for Infants
In the United States, about 750,000 infants are given soy formulas every year. While soy milk formula is safe for babies, it may not be beneficial for infants with colic problems. Moreover, soy milk formula is also not recommended for infants below the age of two years because it contains very less fat as compared to cow's milk. Fat from milk is highly important for the baby's growth and brain development. Then again, there is always the risk of the little one being allergic to soy protein. According to some research soy can trigger developmental and thyroid problems in babies, however, this hasn't been proved as yet. So, turn to soy only if it's the last resort.

Soy Milk and Thyroid Function
Goitrogens present in soy milk are substances that are said to have the ability to suppress the functioning of the thyroid gland. They are believed to interfere with the iodine uptake and conduce to enlargement of the thyroid gland. This has been noticed in animal research, however, the exact connection between thyroid and soy has not been understood well. Nevertheless, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Phytic Acid Content
Non-fermented soy milk contains large quantities of phytic acid, which when introduced into the body after consumption, prevent the body from absorbing essential minerals and vitamins in the digestive tract. This can conduce to several deficiencies and health problems even though the person is consuming a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Absorption of minerals like calcium, iodine, iron gets hampered and we all know how important these minerals are for the proper functioning of our body.

Myths About Soy Milk

There is a lot of talk about soy milk being harmful for men, as it lowers testosterone levels and sperm count in men. There are also rumors that soy milk enlarges men's breasts. This belief stems from the fact that the isoflavones present in soy bean have estrogen-like properties. However, this is not true. A study conducted at the University of Oxford, on 696 men, with varied soy milk intakes, revealed that there is no connection between soy milk intake, and serum sex hormone levels in men. Moreover, another study reveals that consumption of soy, can help reduce the risks of prostate cancer in men. The very same isoflavones help prevent prostate cancer. Thus, soy milk is not at all harmful for men.

Soy milk contains the female hormone estrogen mimicking compound called isoflavones. These compounds are known to be linked to diseases like leukemia and breast cancer. However, a study conducted in 2008, and published in the Nutrition Journal stated that there is minimal evidence to say that isoflavones can trigger breast cancer. Without clear evidence the allegations are baseless.

Don't panic after reading all the above mentioned soy milk side effects, to the extent that you stop buying soy milk completely! Drink organic fermented soy milk. Soy milk like any other product should be consumed in moderation. Excess of any food product can cause problems in the body. When you buy food products right from soy milk, soy sauce, soy bean yogurt, soy bean ice-cream, soy bean cookies to soy bean burgers and hotdogs, you are in for a problem. Limit your purchases to only one or two soy products.

Mar 31, 2015

Understanding The Causes of Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. There are different types of leukemia that can affect the health of a patient. Of these types, certain leukemia generally affect children and about 30% affect adults. Leukemia usually involves white blood cells that causes them to divide abnormally. These cells do not function properly and do not die like the normal blood cells. This causes them to crowd in the system and affect the number of normal cells. This Buzzle article will help you learn more about the leading causes of leukemia.

Leukemia causes extensive damage to the bone marrow, by displacing the normal bone marrow cells with a huge number of immature white blood cells resulting in a lack of blood platelets that are important in the process of blood clotting. This means people with leukemia will be easily bruised and bleed excessively, or develop pinprick bleeds (petechiae). White blood cells, which are involved in fighting pathogens, may be suppressed putting the patient at the risk of developing infections. The red blood cell deficiency leads to anemia, which may further cause dyspnea. However, the exact cause of leukemia is not yet understood. There are a number of factors that scientists feel are responsible for its occurrence.

These factors cause mutation in the DNA of blood cells. This causes them to grow and divide rapidly. Their life span is also more than the normal blood cells. Thus, they crowd the healthy blood cells and lead to appearance of signs and symptoms of leukemia.

Factors that Lead to Leukemia
Numerous risk factors may be responsible for DNA damage within the blood cells. The risk factors believed to have the strongest associations with leukemia include the following major causes:
  • Age - Roughly 60-70% of leukemia occur in people who are older than 50.
  • Radiation - A high risk of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is caused among people who have been exposed to high doses of radiation.
  • Chemicals - Workers who are exposed to benzene are prone to having acute leukemia. If exposed to some other solvents, herbicides, and pesticides can also cause this deadly disease.
  • Viruses - The human T-cell leukemia virus I (HTLV-I) is related to acute T-cell leukemia. It can also affect humans through animal viruses.
  • Genetics - Risk of Leukemia is seen among children with Down's syndrome, which is a genetically linked chromosomal abnormality which means an extra chromosome 21. Three rare inherited disorders like Fanconi's anemia, Bloom's syndrome, and ataxia telangiectasia, also can cause leukemia.
Leukemia is also found among racial and ethnic groups with different genetic make-ups. Other factors that are suspected to be possible causes of leukemia are as follows:

a. Cigarette smoking
Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for leukemia. Chemicals in tobacco smoke include benzene, polonium-210, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) are absorbed by the lungs and are spread via the bloodstream. It is estimated that one in four cases of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is the result of cigarette smoking.

b. Cancer therapy
Individuals who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation therapy for previous cancers have a greater chance of getting secondary leukemia. Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) has been reported after chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy for various solid tumors (breast cancer, ovarian cancer), blood malignancies, and nonmalignant conditions. The chemotherapeutic agents most often associated with secondary leukemias are procarbazine, chlorambucil, etoposide, mechlorethamine, teniposide, and cyclophosphamide.

The risk is increased when these drugs are combined with radiation therapy. Most secondary leukemia cancers are developed within 9 years after treatment of Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, or childhood CLL. Further chemotherapy often is ineffective in patients with secondary AML; their prognosis is less favorable than that of typical AML patients.

c. Other medical therapy and events
Use of the antibiotic chloramphenicol has been linked with the development of childhood leukemia. Other medications, such as growth hormones and phenylbutazone, also have reportedly shown some associations with leukemia. Leukemia and lymphomas have been observed in recipients of organ transplants, and certain immunodeficiency syndromes are associated with leukemia (e.g., infantile X-linked agammaglobulinemia and lymphatic leukemia).

Researchers have studied the many cellular changes associated with leukemia; however it is unknown why these changes occur. Many risk factors are involved and most of them are unmodifiable (beyond control). Other factors (e.g., environmental, lifestyle-related variables) are controllable (modifiable).

d. Miscellaneous
All cancers, including leukemia, begin as a mutation in the genetic material- the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), within certain cells. The abnormal leukemia cells remain in an immature blast form that never matures properly. They do not die off like normal cells, but tend to multiply and accumulate within the body like I included in the first paragraph of this article.

e. DNA errors
DNA errors may occur in the form of translocations. Damage produced when part of one chromosome becomes displaced and attached to another chromosome. Translocations disrupt the normal sequencing of the genes. As a result, oncogenes (cancer-promoting genes) on the chromosomes may be "switched on," while tumor suppressors (cancer-preventing genes) may be switched off. Much leukemia contains translocations that affect the blood cell chromosomes. Physicians often test for these translocations to help diagnose leukemia, determine a patient's prognosis, and identify the error.

  • Joint pain
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Easy Bruising
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Enlarged liver and spleen
  • Loss of appetite and/or weight
  • Frequent infection
  • Bone pain
  • Fever, chills, night sweats and other flu-like symptoms
  • Neurological symptoms (headache)
Until we find the cause or causes of leukemia, there is no way to prevent the disease. Even when we figure the cause, they may prove to be things which are not readily controllable, such as naturally occurring background radiation, and therefore not especially be helpful for prevention purposes. It is thus, not always possible to use preventive measures in case of leukemia.

Mar 23, 2015

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli or Brassica aleracea is a plant that belongs to the family Brassicaceae, which includes vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels Sprouts. Broccoli closely resembles the cauliflower, except for its color. It is an extremely nutritious vegetable, which is loaded with a number of vital nutrients and chemicals.

Nutritional Information
It is one of the most significant sources of several important vitamins, including vitamin A, C, K, B6, B12, and folate or folic acid. It is abundant in calcium, potassium, chromium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Apart from these, it contains several important phytochemicals and antioxidants, of which beta carotene, isothiocyanates, quercetin, indoles, and glutathione are worth mentioning.

It also contains the compound, sulforaphane, which has been found to possess anti-cancer, anti-microbial, and anti-diabetic properties. It is a rich source of fiber, and can meet the dietary requirements for both soluble and insoluble fiber. On the other hand, this vegetable is low in fats.

Health Benefits
The high vitamin C content of broccoli makes it an ideal vegetable for getting enough antioxidants, which are essential for neutralizing the harmful free radicals. Vitamin C can also strengthen the immune system and facilitate the absorption of iron. On the other hand, calcium and potassium found abundantly in this vegetable can prove beneficial for conditions like osteoporosis and high blood pressure.

Calcium is required for healthy teeth and bones, while potassium is a crucial mineral for metabolism, and for maintaining water balance in the body. This mineral is also good for the heart and the kidneys. Broccoli also contains a significant amount of chromium, which can help regulate the level of blood sugar and insulin.

This vegetable contains a significant amount of fiber, which is good for the health of the digestive system. Many studies have also highlighted the anti-cancer properties of this vegetable, which can be attributed to its high sulforaphane and indole content. Sulforaphane can help activate and increase the levels of those enzymes that are associated with suppressing cancer or cancer-causing agents. On the other hand, indoles can deactivate estrogen metabolites, and hence lower the risk of hormone-related cancer like breast and prostate cancer.

Apart from these, some other health benefits of this vegetable are, weight reduction, cholesterol reduction, control or prevention of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and stomach, colon, and lung cancer. The carotenoids found in this vegetable are important for the eyes, and they can help prevent diseases like cataract.

Pregnant women can lower the risk of birth defects in their children by including broccoli in their diet. A deficiency of folic acid is one of the most important risk factors for birth defects. This vegetable contains enough folic acid, and hence, it can help lower the incidence of birth defects in babies.

So, broccoli is an ideal food that can help control or prevent several common ailments, including cataract, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, common cold, diabetes, and even cancer and tumors. However, try to avoid overcooking this vegetable, as this can reduce its vitamin and mineral content. It is better to cook this vegetable in simple ways, like steaming or baking, instead of frying it in excess oil or fats.

Dec 31, 2014

Tongue Yeast Infection Treatment - How To Deal WIth Oral Candidiasis

Most tongue yeast infection treatment methods are similar to remedies used on other types of yeast infection or Candidiasis. However, if the infection occurs in the mouth, the dosage of treatment recommended might be lower than the average level since strong cures might cause a burning feeling in the mouth.

What is tongue yeast infection?

Yeast infection on the tongue is the same as oral Candidiasis or thrush. It is mostly caused by yeast fungi, particularly Candida albicans. Symptoms are not only felt by the tongue but can also manifest on the roof of the mouth and other areas. Thrush happens more often with infants or babies, although adults can also suffer from this infection.

Symptoms of oral yeast infection

A person with thrush will likely find white deposits on the mouth's mucosal membranes. Most of these curd-like materials are found on the tongue. The tongue can also get inflamed. Redness, soreness and a burning feeling are also symptoms of oral Candidiasis.

Although infants are the most common victims of thrush, adults who have weak immune systems, including diabetics, HIV-positive individuals and cancer patients, can also have this condition. People who are more susceptible than others to tongue yeast infection include smokers, those who wear dentures, people who use antibiotics and women who take birth control pills. Tongue piercings, although not a cause, can be an exacerbating factor of this oral infection.

Natural cures for mouth yeast infection

To relieve the discomfort caused by thrush, a person can rely on several homemade cures. Gargling with salted water is one way of eliminating the burning feeling. Using vinegar mixed with water as mouthwash can also help. Eating yogurt and applying garlic paste on the tongue and other affected areas of the mouth have also been found to be effective. Adults with oral thrush can also use gentian violet as a natural cure, although this is not recommended for use on infants since babies' tolerance is not as strong as that of adults.

For women who breastfeed, the remedy that they use on their infants' thrush should also be applied or swabbed on their breast to prevent the infection from recurring or from being transmitted. People who wear dentures should clean them thoroughly and must avoid wearing them to bed.

Tongue yeast infection treatment can be as simple as a home-made remedy. Salt, vinegar and garlic are usually found in the kitchen and will not cost a patient much. If symptoms continue despite using these simple remedies, a visit to a physician is definitely in order.

Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment Methods for Female Yeast Infection

Female yeast infection has become quite common in that almost half of the world's female population has suffered at least once from Candidiasis or yeast infection. Among those who have had this fungal infection, majority had it in the form of vaginal Candidiasis.

Causes of female yeast infection

Yeast is a naturally-occurring fungus in the human body. However, certain factors can cause an overgrowth which can then lead to yeast infection. The imbalance or overgrowth can be triggered by several factors; and for women, the most common one is the use of oral contraceptives and antibiotics. A weakened immune system is also a predisposing factor; hence, the susceptibility of diabetics, HIV-positive individuals and cancer patients to the infection.

Pregnancy has also been identified as a factor, and so are stress and a high-sugar diet. Other factors that can make a woman prone to Candidiasis are humid weather and wearing tight clothing. One factor that can cause the infection without being biologically predisposed is having intercourse with an infected partner.

Symptoms of Candida infection in women

Signs of yeast infection include itching, skin redness, rashes and a burning feeling. These symptoms are usually present in all types of Candidiasis, including vaginal yeast infection. Other symptoms of vaginal Candidiasis are thick, curd-like discharge and pain during intercourse and while urinating. In some cases, depression and lack of focus may also be experienced.

Natural treatment for female Candidiasis

Women with Candidiasis have a lot of options when it comes to natural treatment. For vaginal Candida infection, a tampon soaked in unsweetened yogurt and inserted into the vagina is one such option. Garlic applied to the affected areas of the body or used as a suppository is another. Tea tree oil, coconut oil and gentian violet are also highly touted natural cures.

Vinegar mixed with water, baking soda with citric acid and lime juice are also natural treatment options. Women who breastfeed usually favor liquid cures, like the vinegar-water solution. These liquid formulas are swabbed on the areas around the nipples and other parts of the breast where itchiness and rashes appear. Early treatment should be done if symptoms appear on the breast of a mother who has an infant since the infection can be easily transmitted to the baby.

Female yeast infection can affect different parts of a woman's body. What she needs to remember is to treat the infection at the onset so that it will not be passed on to her baby, particularly if the infant is being breastfed; or to her partner during intercourse.

May 28, 2013

Mammogram Cost

There are many women in the world who are suffering from breast cancer. This disease can be avoided if proper precautions are taken in the early stages. For diagnosing irregularities in a woman's breasts, there is a procedure known as mammography which is also referred to as a mammogram examination. It is suggested that women from age 20 should think of undergoing mammography every three years, and once a year after they reach age 40.

Mammography is a medical procedure that is crucial for diagnosing breast cancer or other breast complications at an early stage. It is the examination of breasts using X-rays. In the procedure, the medical professional sets the breast in between two plastic plates. The plates then compress the breast tissues and get an X-ray. It only requires around 20 minutes to get this procedure done.

How much does a Mammogram Cost?

The primary determinants of mammogram prices are the state, city, and facility of treatment and health insurance. In general, mammogram costs start from about $100 to $300 or even more in particular conditions. Health insurance also plays a vital role when it comes to the costs. A majority of the states now require health insurance agencies to cover all or partial expenses of the treatment, especially for women above the age of 40.

In order to get the full benefits, discuss the contents and specifications of your health insurance policy with the service provider. If you are not covered by any health insurance policy, you will need to bear expenses ranging from $80 to $120. However, some may have to pay more as per the location of the treatment. In some health insurance plans, you are expected to pay a co-pay which falls somewhere between $10 to $35.

On the other hand, some policies do not demand money to be paid out of your own pocket. Along with a mammography test, you may also be suggested to undergo Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) every year if you are at a high risk of contracting breast complications. This may add up to the cost considerably. In case any complication is found in your breasts, there are some additional tests to be carried out, which may contribute to the overall costs.

For women aged 40 or above, Medicare will handle 80% of the screening costs every year. The government has set beneficial rules and regulations on insurance companies to cover up all or some of the expenses incurred from the procedure. October is considered as the National Breast Cancer Awareness month. So, there are many hospitals and medical care facilities who offer discounts during this month that you can avail of.

Another alternative to mammography is a clinical breast examination which is more inexpensive. However, it is better that this examination is followed through a mammography. After reading the above article, you might have understood that spending a few dollars in a mammogram cost at an early stage is certainly beneficial for preventing the chances of breast complications in the future.

Soy Protein Isolate and Breast Cancer

The protein separated from soybeans is known as soy protein. Soy protein isolate is obtained after removing most of the carbohydrates and fats from the soy meal. Proteins serve as building blocks for cells. Soybeans, soy flour, soy concentrate (70% soy protein) and soy isolates (90% soy protein) are the main sources of soy protein. Out of these, soy protein isolate is the richest source of protein.

Soy Protein Isolate

Health Benefits

Soy protein has been used in the food industry for more than 50 years. Soy protein isolate contains 90% or more protein. Proteins are essential for the growth and repair of cells, muscle building, and for proper functioning of bodily systems. Soy protein isolate is added to protein powders which replace milk and dairy products. It is an important ingredient of liquid nutrition meals, infant formula foods, and soy milk. It is used to enrich protein bars, fruit drinks and juices, sauces, salad dressings, soups, breads, breakfast cereals, pet foods, pastas, muscle building foods and dietary supplements. It is mainly present in processed and fortified foods.

Soy protein isolate is a highly refined form of soy protein, and it comes with a neutral flavor. Absence of fats and carbs makes it easy to digest. It does not lead to flatulence or gas. This protein isolate is loaded with all the essential nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, protein, folate, choline, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron, which help improve your health. It improves heart health, strengthens the bones, and prevents prostate cancer. It is believed that it helps control problems like mood swings and fluctuating body temperatures in women. It also helps stabilize sugar levels in diabetic postmenopausal women. Several studies have proved that soy protein helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, triglycerides levels, and thus helps reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Side Effects

Although soy protein provides complete proteins, excessive consumption of soy protein can affect your health seriously. It has been found that this isolate contains certain harmful substances like MSG (monosodium glutamate); although it is not mentioned on the labels. MSG consumption can lead to rapid heart rate, headache, chest pain, and numbness or tingling sensation in extremities. Studies have shown that phytoestrogens from soy protein may lead to hormonal imbalance. Excessive consumption of soy protein may affect libido and sperm count, and it can even cause erectile dysfunction. Some people may suffer from indigestion, allergy, constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. But you need not worry about these side effects, as very few people experience them.

Risk of Breast Cancer

The protein isolate contains certain types of enzymes which can affect your health. Depending upon the extrusion process, it may contain high levels of genistein, daidzein and other soy isoflavones. Studies show that soy isoflavones do not lower the symptoms like 'hot flashes' in postmenopausal women. They do not help prevent the growth of cancerous cells in breast, uterus or prostate.

Low rates of breast cancer in Asian women were attributed to high consumption of soy through the diet. But it was noticed that various cultural factors also determine the cancer rates. In fact, no epidemiological evidence was found which could prove the belief that consumption of soy lowers the risk of breast cancer. Experimental studies regarding the effect of soy protein on breast cancer risk have not helped the scientists draw any conclusion. The results produced were very confusing and conflicting. Some studies showed that soy protein isolate containing isoflavones was not as efficient as soy protein concentrate lacking isoflavones; in preventing the progression of cancerous breast tumors. Certain rat studies showed that rats who were fed this protein isolate showed low chances of developing malignancies in breast, but those who developed breast cancer had highly invasive tumors. Results of another study which involved mice whose ovaries were removed, state that the isolate caused development of breast tumor (estrogen positive), and it also led to increased uterine weight.

Some researchers have found out that soy protein consumption can prevent breast cancer while some have stated that it can lead to increased risk of the cancer, especially in premenopausal women. Studies have shown that if soy is consumed early in life, especially in early adolescence, then it protects the girl from breast cancer, later in life. Small doses of the soy isoflavone 'genistein' can lead to abnormal growth of cells, while large doses can inhibit such cell growth. Some scientists have shown that genistein helps prevent abnormal growth of the blood vessels that support tumor growth, and it also helps prevent production of some enzymes that promote abnormal cell growth.

It has not been scientifically proven that consumption of soy protein isolate can lead to the development of breast cancer. Whether women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer should consume soy protein is a controversial topic. It is true that Asian women are at less risk for breast cancer than Western women; but Asian women, especially Chinese and Japanese women, consume soy mostly in the fermented form. Consumption of soybeans in the form of fermented soy products, tofu, soy butter, and soy nuts, is considered as a better way of consuming soy protein.

The above information shows that more studies are required to prove the usefulness of soy protein in preventing breast cancer. The above discussion also shows that it is difficult to draw any conclusion about the relationship between soy protein isolate and breast cancer, at this stage. If you are thinking of taking soy protein supplements, then you should consult your physician first.

Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, the most common cancer in women, occurs as a result of uncontrolled growth of cells that begins in the tissues of the breast. According to the statistics, breast cancer affects one in eight women in the U.S. and it is the second most common cause of cancer death in women in the U.S. Various health organizations run a number of programs to increase the awareness of people, regarding the early symptoms of breast cancer, how the cancer is curable and how it is treated. Early detection of breast cancer can help save millions of precious lives.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
  • Swelling and a feeling of warmth in a breast.
  • Tenderness around the nipple.
  • Sore breast
  • Itchy breasts or nipples
  • A rash on a nipple or surrounding area
  • A lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm area (axillary area).
  • A breast lump which is non-tender.
  • A remarkable change in the size or shape of the breast
  • Dimpling or puckering in the skin of the breast
  • New pain that develops in a spot in a breast.
  • An inward turned nipple.
  • Discharge (fluid) from the nipple, especially bloody discharge.
  • Red and inflamed breast
  • Scaly, red, or swollen skin of the breast, nipple, or areola (the dark area of skin around the nipple). The ridged skin may look like the skin of an orange.
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Breast ulcer as a later symptom of breast cancer.
  • A lump found in the area above the collarbone (supraclavicular area) which indicates that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.
Although breast cancer in women is quite common, men may also suffer from this type of cancer. If a man notices a lump in a breast, or discharge from the nipple, or changed appearance of the breast or nipple (retraction, ulceration), he should immediately contact his physician. Breast cancer accounts for about 1% of all cancer deaths in men.

Types of Breast Cancer

There are different types of breast cancer such as ductal carcinoma (most common form), lobular carcinoma, estrogen receptor-positive cancer or ER-positive cancer, HER2-positive breast cancer, invasive or infiltrating breast cancer, etc. The uncommon types of this cancer include inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) and Paget's disease of the nipple. Different types of symptoms are noticed in different types of breast cancer. For instance, IBC, a comparatively rare and aggressive cancer may exhibit following symptoms:
  • Red and swollen / inflamed breast
  • Constant itching in breast skin
  • Warmer, harder, firmer breast
  • Sudden increase in breast size
  • Inwardly turned nipples
  • Swollen lymph nodes under arm or above collarbone
It has been noticed that IBC usually strikes younger women and diagnoses of IBC account for 1 - 5% of all cases of breast cancer in the U.S.

Significance of Regular Testing

Studies show that genetic disposition and hormonal factors are the primary risk factors for this cancer. If you have breast pain, you should consult your doctor immediately. Even though you don't experience breast pain or lump, you can have a regular mammogram and a clinical breast exam by your health care professional since it is possible that you may not experience any pain or discomfort during earlier stages of the cancer. Mammography, CT scan, a biopsy and an ultrasound test help detect abnormalities in breasts. Self-exam of breasts is the best way to find out the changes in breasts. For those who have already undergone the treatment for breast cancer, it is equally important and necessary to monitor and report any new signs and changes, as they might be the symptoms of recurrence. Breast cancer is the most common cause of death in women between the ages of 45-55. Therefore, women should take necessary precautionary measures (should not delay in seeing a doctor) to prevent the cancer.


Breast cancer treatment varies according to the type of the cancer and stage of the cancer. It involves various options such as surgery (lumpectomy, removing the affected part of the breast or mastectomy, removal of the affected breast), radiation therapy, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and chemotherapy. The treatment for breast cancer may vary from one individual to another, depending upon the stage in which the cancer is diagnosed, type and severity of the symptoms, spread of cancer, overall health of the patient, etc.

It is possible to get rid of breast cancer, when detected in earlier stages. Women and men should not neglect any changes in the breast(s). Any negligence can worsen the situation. You should examine your breasts regularly. A physician can guide you about how to examine a breast. There is indeed a need for more awareness regarding the symptoms and treatment of breast cancer. New vistas of treatment can be made available to the patients suffering from the disease. It would help save several lives.

The Signs of Breast Cancer

What is breast cancer?

A disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues in the breast is known as breast cancer. It is a heterogeneous disease, which means that it is a different disease in different women, different age groups and has different cell populations within the tumor itself. This disease is usually more aggressive in younger women.

What are the signs and symptoms associated with this disease?

Breast cancer awareness will help save your life because if the disease is discovered early, new vistas of treatment will be available to you.

Luckily all breast lumps are not cancerous, yet the most common sign of breast cancer in both men and women is a lump or thickening of the breast and swollen lymph nodes in the underarm (axillary area). Sometimes the lump is also found in the area above the collarbone (supraclavicular area). This is an indicator that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

The other signs and symptoms are:
  • A change in the color or texture of the dark pigmented area surrounding the nipple (known as areola)
  • Swelling and a feeling of warmth in the breast
  • A feeling of scaling and/or itching (called pruritus) on the nipple
  • Tenderness around the nipple
  • Sudden discharge from the nipple
  • Development of rash around the nipple
  • Increase in the size of the breast
  • New pain that develops in one spot
  • Pitting of the overlying skin which gives it an orange like appearance
  • A breast lump that is non-tender
  • Pulling in of the nipples or other areas of the breast
  • Breast ulcer may develop as a later symptom of breast cancer.
What is the treatment available?

The treatment will involve surgery followed by a combination of radiation, hormonal therapy, and chemotherapy. It is important to remember that the treatment varies from one individual to another.

Surgery is one such treatment that involves the removal of the lump. This may also include the removal of the lymph nodes in the armpit. The breast is only removed when absolutely necessary.

Chemotherapy is a procedure in which medicines that intervene with the growth of cancer cells and divisions are given. This is done to reduce the size of the tumors and to kill them too.

Hormonal therapy involves chemical signals that are released by different parts of the body and can be carried in the blood to some other area to have an effect there. Anti-oestrogens, aromatase inhibitors or LHRH analogs are designed to bar the effects of estrogen or its production. This results in the stopping or slowing down the growth of cancer cells.

Radiation Therapy as also X-rays and other high-energy rays are applied to the tumor and the surrounding areas to destroy the cancer cells.

When should I opt for medical advice?

You will be happy to know that not all breast cancers are cancerous. But despite that, it is advisable to visit the doctor as soon as you notice a lump or any of the tell tale signs. If you have already undergone treatment for the same, it is important to report any new signs and symptoms immediately. To be on the safe side, you could also talk to your doctor about developing a breast-screening program. This will depend on your family history and other factors.

May 19, 2013

How Angelina Jolie was duped by cancer doctors into self mutilation for breast cancer she never had

In a New York Times op-ed explaining her decision to have both of her breasts surgically removed even though she doesn't have breast cancer, Angelina Jolie cited risk numbers as key to her decision. She said that doctors told her she had an "87% risk of breast cancer." Her solution? Undergo three months of surgical procedures and have her breasts cut out.

Problem solved, right? With her breasts removed, she says her risk of breast cancer is now reduced to a mere 5 percent. The same bizarre logic can also be applied to men who cut off their testicles to "prevent testicular cancer" or people who cut out their colons to "prevent colorectal cancer." But that would be insane, so nobody does that, because one of the most basic principles of medicine is that you don't subject patients to the considerable risks and costs of surgery and anesthesia to remove organs that have no disease!

But the really sad part about all this is that Angelina Jolie was lied to. She didn't have an 87% risk of breast cancer in the first place. All the women reading her NYT op-ed piece are also being lied to. Here's why...

How cancer doctors lie with statistics and use fear to scare women into high-profit procedures
The very idea that breast cancer is a "percent risk" is a complete lie. In reality, everyone has cancer micro-tumors in their bodies, including myself. Cancer is not a disease you just "get" like being randomly struck by lightning. It's something you must "manage" or "prevent" day by day, meal by meal, through a lifestyle choice that involves vitamin D supplementation, nutrition, superfoods, vegetable juices and avoidance of cancer-causing chemicals and radiation.

So when a doctor says you have a "chance" of getting cancer, what he's implying is that you have no control over cancer, and that's an outright lie. Cancer quackery, in other words.

Even Jolie with her BRCA1 gene that's linked to breast cancer can quite easily follow a dietary and lifestyle plan that suppresses BRCA1 gene expression. It's not rocket science. It's not even difficult. It can be done with simple foods that cost a few dollars a day. Those foods include raw citrus, resveratrol (red grapes or red wine), raw cruciferous vegetables, omega-3 oils and much more. Those same foods also help prevent heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and other chronic diseases.

Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), by the way, a natural chemical found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage, offers powerful prevention against BRCA1 gene expression. But you don't hear cancer doctors telling women to "eat more cabbage" because that doesn't make the cancer industry any money. You can buy I3C as a potent nutritional supplement from a variety of sources. It's literally cancer prevention in a capsule.

So the whole "chance" argument is pure quackery. There is no chance involved in whether you get cancer. It's all cause and effect. You are either living a pro-cancer lifestyle and therefore growing cancer, or you're living an anti-cancer lifestyle and keeping cancer in check so that it never becomes a problem. Cause and effect is what results in either the growth of cancer tumors or the prevention of cancer tumors. There is no "luck" involved.

It's fascinating, isn't it, that medical doctors don't believe in luck or voodoo on any topic other than cancer. But when it comes to cancer, they want all women to be suckered into the victim mentality that cancer is purely a matter of "luck" and therefore women have no control over their own health outcomes. How dis-empowering! How sick! How incredibly exploitive of women!

If you really want to be informed about breast cancer and the corrupt, dishonest cancer industry, read my related article 10 Facts about the Breast Cancer Industry You're Not Supposed to Know. Or listen to our upcoming FREE Cancer Solutions Summit broadcasting this coming Monday, May 20th.

Why doesn't the cancer industry empower women with a sense of control over their own health?
I find it astonishing that the cancer industry doesn't believe in cause and effect. They would rather scare women with "risk" statistics that imply people have no control over cancer. Empowering women with a sense of control over their own health is the last thing the cancer industry wants to do, because that would cause them to lose customers and lose money.

It's far more profitable to scare all women into a state of such irrational panic that they agree to the most insane things imaginable such as chopping off both their healthy breasts even though they have no cancer. Such women are then convinced they've literally saved their own lives by agreeing to be mutilated by cancer surgeons.

"My chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to under 5 percent," says Jolie. "I can tell my children that they don't need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer."

Will she also tell her children they should mutilate themselves, too, as a form of medical disease prevention? And what happens if she learns she has a risk of brain cancer? Does she chop off her head and call it a cure?

The scam of making women believe there is only ONE way to reduce your "risk" of breast cancer
The other enormous scam in all this is the idea that there's only one way to reduce your "risk" of breast cancer. Even if you believe the fictitious number of "87% risk," why does everyone automatically assume there is one and only one way to lower that risk?

"For any woman reading this, I hope it helps you to know you have options," writes Jolie in the NYT. Yet she utterly fails to offer women any options other than the one she took: check in to a cancer center and let them play "cut-poison-burn" on your body. Jolie's op-ed piece, which reads as if it were written by the public relations department of the Pink Lotus Breast Center, offers nothing in the way of nutrition advice, lifestyle choices, holistic therapies, wellness, alternative medicine... nothing! What an incredible disservice to all the women of America...

In the world of health, nutrition and cancer, there are thousands of ways to prevent cancer and suppress the expression of BRCA1 genes. But Jolie and the cancer industry seem to imply no options exist other than chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. Three options only. Nothing else exists in their world, not nutritional prevention, not vitamin D therapy, not vitamin C potentiated micro-chemotherapy, not ozone therapy, sauna treatments, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, stress reduction or anything else. You are supposed to believe that none of these things exist!

And why? Because the cancer industry wants to funnel women like cattle into their slash-poison-burn system of quack treatments. And Angelina Jolie is their new cheerleader. Scarred and no doubt experiencing the chest and armpit numbness that almost always accompanies mastectomy surgery, she now seeks to "inspire" other women to exercise their own sick "choice" and have their breasts removed, too!

It is the sickest invocation of women's power that I've ever witnessed. This is not empowering women, it's marching them into self-mutilation. And the "risk" is a complete fraud. In truth, Angelina Jolie had a higher risk of dying on the operating table than dying from breast cancer if she simply followed an anti-cancer lifestyle.

Don't be tricked into self-mutilation by cancer industry quacks

In summary:
  • The claim that you have a "percent risk" of breast cancer is a big lie which implies you have no control over cancer.
  • BRCA1 genes can be kept quiet (suppressed) through proper foods and lifestyle choices. A gene is not a death sentence.
  • The implication that there is only ONE way to reduce breast cancer risk is a complete lie. There are thousands of options and strategies for preventing cancer. Never be cornered into surgery by a group of surgeons pushing irrational fear.
  • Cancer micro-tumors exist in everyone. Cancer must be "managed" in everyone to keep it in check and avoid the growth of tumors.
  • The cancer industry tricks women using unethical fear tactics to scare women with false statistics into high-profit cancer procedures that only cause them harm.
  • The claim that cutting off healthy breasts somehow "empowers" women is sick and demented. Women are far more empowered by honest information on nutrition and healthy living that allows them to keep their bodies intact rather than being sliced up by dishonest cancer surgeons.
Via naturalnews

May 11, 2013

Thinning Hair in Women: Warning Sign of Underlying Health Issues

Hair is probably a woman's most important feature. Signs of thinning hair can take the sail out of almost any woman's day. It may seem vain to pay so much attention to hair, but signs of thinning hair are really the first signals of such conditions as hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, excessive stress or poor nutrition, all symptoms of declining health status. Paying attention to hair can reveal developing conditions before they get out of control. When you have restored your hair to a full head of vibrant healthy strands, chances are the rest of your body will also exhibit vibrant health.

Nutritional deficiencies may be signaled by thinning hair

Your hair loss may be caused by vitamin D deficiency. Studies show that a large segment of the American population is deficient in this essential nutrient, with hair loss being one of the primary symptoms of this deficiency.

The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is expressed in numerous cells and tissues of the body, including the skin. Studies of mice and humans lacking these functional receptors have demonstrated that absence of the VDR leads to the development of alopecia, a fancy word for hair loss. Hair loss may be an early warning that you are at risk of other maladies linked to a deficiency of vitamin D. The list includes diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, depression, multiple sclerosis, gum disease, seasonal influenza and tuberculosis.

Lack of exposure to the sun almost guarantees vitamin D deficiency. Researchers have mapped the U.S. and found that the farther north a person lives, the more likely she is to have vitamin D deficiency. If access to the sun is not an option, supplementing vitamin D with cod liver oil, or capsules of D3 will help. It is now suggested that women receive a minimum of 2,000 units of vitamin D per day. Many cutting edge practioners advocate 10,000 units per day, the amount obtained from a day wearing a bathing suit in the summer sun.

Omega 3 fatty acids affect the biological process of vitamin D. They are responsible for producing cholesterol and at the same time for removing its excess, as well as for most other bodily functions. In order to manufacture vitamin D, the body needs cholesterol. If the diet does not contain enough essential fatty acids, the body can't produce its own vitamin D. In addition to containing usable vitamin D, cod liver oil also provides omega 3 fatty acids.

Hair loss may also be the result of deficiencies of the amino acid lysine, copper, and zinc. However, if your diet is comprised of a wide selection of whole foods including daily servings of fresh vegetables and fruits, this may not be the cause of your hair loss, especially if you are getting enough protein. Hair stands are composed of protein, but if the diet is short on it, the wisdom of the body will divert its use from making hair to sustaining more necessary bodily functions. Taking a whole food supplement such as bee pollen, spirulina or chlorella will help with getting and assimilating needed amounts of the full spectrum of nutrients.

Thinning hair may reflect hormonal imbalance

A woman's hormones can begin to decline and lose balance as early as the 30's. One of the most shocking examples of this imbalance is hair growth appearing on the upper lip or chin, or a coarsening of hair on the rest of the body while the hair on the head thins. This is most likely the result of excessive dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion. Although estrogen is the primary hormone of women, they also produce testosterone and other androgens such as DHEA. As the body ages women may begin to convert these androgens to DHT just as men do. Women with a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome tend to have higher levels of testosterone and DHT than other women, and may be more susceptible to this excessive conversion.

To find out if hormonal imbalance is causing hair loss, full range hormone testing can be done. Physicians who administer bio-identical hormones can provide this testing, as well as physicians who specialize in anti-aging medicine. If this is not an option, there are reliable laboratories available online that receive specimens of saliva by mail and provide complete hormone testing results.

Supplements of saw palmetto prevent the excessive conversion of androgens to DHT. It is an herb that comes from the flowers of a beautiful palm tree known as saw palmetto or sabal palm. A dosage of one 160 mg. capsule daily should effectively block this conversion and get the hair back on head and off the face. Saw palmetto has been demonstrated to be safe for prolonged use. If hormone testing is not an option, another way to find out if excessive DHT conversion is causing hair loss is to take a saw palmetto supplement for a period of three months. If hair loss stops where you don't want it and starts where you do want it, your question will be answered.

Excessive levels of hormonal conversion to DHT are highly associated with prostate abnormalities in men and may be a cause of prostate cancer. Saw palmetto has been documented to increase prostate health. The health effects of this conversion in women are not yet fully documented, yet common sense suggests that reducing excessive levels of DHT in women may be helpful in assuring breast and ovarian health.

Declining levels of thyroid hormone can also spark hair loss. It's estimated that forty percent of American women are suffering from significant hair loss related to low thyroid hormones, with redheads particularly at risk. The hormones produced by the thyroid are responsible for metabolism, the sum of all the physical and chemical processes. The thyroid hormones control the efficiency and speed at which cells work. Every cell in the body including the hair depends on proper thyroid function for development. If thyroid production is insufficient, hair growth will slow and hair will eventually thin.

Other symptoms of declining thyroid function are dry skin, sensitivity to hot and cold, unexplained weight gain, missing outer third of eyebrows, constipation, brittle nails, high or low blood pressure, susceptibility to infections, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, joint or muscle pain, cystic breasts or ovaries, chronic sinusitis, slow heart rate, TMJ syndrome, dental problems, headache, and increased cholesterol levels. This list reveals how critical proper thyroid function is to well being.

The good new is that low thyroid can easily be corrected by supplementing the body with bio-identical thyroid hormones. Armour thyroid is the natural form of thyroid hormone. 

Too much stress can cause hair to thin

Hair loss may be the first indication that your stress level is taking a toll on your body. Stress is nothing less than epidemic today, and this high level can actually cause hair loss along with many more serious health problems. Excessive physical or emotional stress associated with illness, injury, and trauma may cause the hair to stop growing and enter a period of dormancy which is followed two or three months later by the hair falling out. When physical or emotional equilibrium is regained, hair will again begin to grow, usually about 6 to 9 months later.

A more serious situation develops when stress is constant and almost unrelenting as it is for many people in this society. Hair thinning will continue unless effective means of dealing with the stress are put in place and calmness can be restored. Prolonged hair loss caused by chronic stress is a warning that other bodily systems are in jeopardy.

Cortisol is the stress hormone that gives the body its fight or flight response to stressful situations. It is an important hormone secreted by the adrenal glands and involved in maintaining proper glucose metabolism, regulation of blood pressure, insulin release for blood sugar maintenance, immune function, and inflammatory response. When stress is constant and prolonged, cortisol levels stay elevated and the body enters a state of chronic stress.

Higher and prolonged levels of corisol in the bloodstream have been shown to have negative effects, such as impaired cognitive performance, suppressed thyroid function, blood sugar imbalances, decreased bone density, decreased muscle tissue, higher blood pressure, lowered immunity, heightened inflammatory response, and increased abdominal fat. If no steps are taken to reduce the stress level, heart attack or stroke may follow.

To keep corisol levels healthy, the body's relaxation response should be activated. Learn to relax the body with various stress management techniques and make changes in your lifestyle to minimize the stress. Eat a diet of whole food that emphasizes vegetables and fruits. Take supplements like bee pollen, spirulina and chlorella to make sure nutrition is complete. Add alfalfa to keep your body fully mineralized, as stress raises the need for minerals. The B complex vitamins as well as vitamin C are needed to support the adrenal gland while dealing with chronic stress.

Hair products containing toxic chemicals promote hair loss

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is the dominant ingredient in almost all shampoos sold in traditional outlets such as supermarkets, drugstores and discount centers. In addition to having toxic effects on your immune system, SLS has been shown to corrode hair follicles and impede hair growth. It has been blamed for many cases of hair loss. The Material Safety Data Sheet provided by the U.S. government says exposure to SLS can lead to burning, coughing, wheezing, laryngitis, shortness of breath, headache, nausea and vomiting. The American College of Toxicology says SLS stays in the body for up to five days and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver, brain, and lungs.

Over-treated hair is another cause of hair loss in women. Hair dyes, permanents, and relaxers do serious damage to the hair and scalp whether they contain lye or not. They are made with toxic chemicals that must be detoxified by the liver, and are identified by the immune system as foreign invaders. Thus health of the liver and the immune system are compromised by use of these products. When the liver is busy trying to detoxify an onslaught of foreign chemicals, estrogen metabolism may not be properly completed and breast cancer may be promoted. An immune system busy fighting off an invasion of foreign chemicals may not be able to prevent infection or identify and destroy abberant cells. Damage from dyes and relaxers can only heal when those potions are no longer used on the hair.

Apr 7, 2013

The 7 Important of Alkaline Foods

Your health depends on the balance of an alkaline environment, created by eating foods such as tomatoes, avocados and green vegetables…striking the optimum 80/20 balance and regulating your body’s acid/alkaline chemistry through simple changes in diet can result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength, a stronger immune system and a greater sense of well-being.

1. SPINACH -All leafy greens should be eaten in abundance but spinach is my absolute favourite because it’s easy to buy, easy to use in recipes and salads and is delicious. Baby spinach or fully grown spinach are Nutritional powerhouses and are incredibly alkaline. As with all green foods, spinach is rich in chlorophyll (see more about the health benefits of chlorophyll here), a potent alkaliser and blood builder. It is also super high in vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, folate, magnesium, iron, vitamin c, vitamin b2, calcium, potassium, vitamin e, dietary fiber…I doubt there is a more all round healthy food on earth and I highly encourage you to eat spinach throughout the day, every day.

2. KALE -Kale is another leafy green beauty that is widely known for its Cancer-Fighting, Cholesterol-Lowering, Antioxidant-rich, and Detoxifying goodness. Less popular than spinach, but only because it has a history of being cooked poorly (like cabbage) – when done right it is absolutely delicious (see recipes below, you’ll thank me). If you eat kale 2-3 times per week you’ll know it. Like spinach it is massively high in vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin C and being Leafy Green it also has a huge Chlorophyll content. The reason it is so powerful against the Cancer Fight is that kale contains at least four Glucosinolates. I don’t want to lose you here by using words like glucosinolates – all you need to know is that as soon as you eat and digest kale, these glucosinolates are really easily converted by the body into cancer fighting compounds. Also quite amazing for Lowering Cholesterol, it should be noted that steamed kale is more effective for cholesterol lowering than raw.

3. CUCUMBER The beauty of cucumber is it’s water content – 95%. That is phenomenal and you won’t find that anywhere else. It’s the daddy of water-content. This of course makes it an incredibly hydrating food to consume, that ALSO contains superb amounts of antioxidants, including the super-important lignans. These highly beneficial polyphenols have more commonly been associated with the cruciferous vegetables, but their content in other veggies such as cucumbers is gaining more and more attention. Cucumbers contain a right load of lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol , three lignans that have a huge and very strong history of research in connection with Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular disease as well as several cancer types, including Breast, Uterine, Ovarian, and Prostate Cancers. The best thing about cucumber is that they provide the base for practically every alkaline soup, smoothie and juice – giving you a very alkaline, very nutritious base that also tastes great. In terms of the actual nutrient RDA per serve, cucumbers contain fair amounts of vitamins K and C, and slightly less of vitamin A and the B vitamins. Cucumbers also contain the following alkaline minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, iron and zinc.

4. BROCCOLI – Broccoli is just a must. If you are serious about living with health, energy and vitality you simply have to eat broccoli, if not on a daily basis, then at least 4 times per week. Broccoli has been proven over and over and over again to be incredibly powerful in inhibiting Cancers, supporting the Digestive System, the Cardiovascular System, the Detoxification processes in the body and also supporting the Skin, metabolism, Ä°mmune system, being an Anti-Inflammatory and providing ample Antioxidants. Eaten steamed or raw its a Hugely Alkaline, Hugely Nutritious food. Please, please, please eat lots and lots of it. Put it in salads, juices, smoothies, soups…steam it with other veggies – you can even roast

5. AVOCADO -I eat a LOT of avocado. Not a salad, smoothie or soup goes by without me adding at least 1/2 an avocado per person. I probably eat at least five-seven per week, myself. Now, I know a lot of people give avocado a bad rep because it is a high-fat food (85% of it’s calories come from fats) – but this is totally insane. These are good fats that will not make you gain weight. If anything, due to the high content of oleic acid (making it an Omega 9 fat and very similar to olive oil), it can lower total cholesterol level and raise levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) while lowering low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), also known as the “bad” cholesterol. Oleic Acid also slows the development of heart disease, and promotes the production of Antioxidants. These beneficial omega oils also help speed the metabolism, actually leading to weight loss rather than gain. So now we’re over the fat issue, avocado also contains a wide range of other nutrients that have serious Anti-Ä°nflammatory, Heart Health, Cardiovascular Health, Anti-Cancer, and Blood Sugar Benefits. Containing key Antioxidants such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, selenium and more – it is a powerful, alkaline, nutrient-dense superfood.

6. CELERY – Celery, like cucumber is a favourite because it’s alkaline AND really high water content, so is used very frequently as a base in juices and soups (not so much smoothies as you have to juice it first…and then you have double the washing up). One of celery’s big benefits is it’s vitamin C level, which has the well known benefits – but two of it’s lesser known nutrients are phthalides which have been shown to Lower Cholesterol and coumarins which have been shown to inhibit Several Cancers. The beauty of vitamin C rich foods are that they help with the most common and most challenging health concerns – they support the Ä°mmune system, inflammation (so helps with Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Asthma etc), and vitamin C also helps significantly with Cardiovascular Health. If you are on a weight loss journey, you’ll also be happy to hear that this alkaline staple contains plenty of potassium and sodium and so is a diuretic – meaning it helps rid the body of excess fluids.

7. CAPSICUM / BELL PEPPER / PEPPER – The antioxidant superpower, bell pepper is one of my all-time-favourites because it is sweet, crunchy and refreshingly delicious. You can use it in almost any meal raw, grilled, fried, and roasted and it is always a winner. Impressively beneficial to our health cartenoids are highly researched and get a lot of attention in the health field and bell peppers contain over 30 different members of the carotenoid nutrient family. The only other food that is close to this is Tomato and all other foods are also-rans. Bell peppers have shown up in research relating to decreasing the risk of Cardiovascular Disease, type II Diabetes, Macular Degeneration, Cancer, inflammation and more. Alongside these lesser known or more complex-named antioxidants, bell pepper is one of, if not the best food source of the more common antioxidants: vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E. In fact, bell peppers contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges. Here are just SOME of the antioxidants bell pepper contains: – Flavonoids – luteolin – quercetin – hesperidin – Carotenoids – alpha-carotene – beta-carotene – cryptoxanthin – lutein – zeaxanthin – Hydroxycinnamic Acids – ferulic acid – cinnamic acid.

Mar 29, 2013

The 9 Health Benefits of Limes

Limes are a citrus fruit. While the sour lime is the most common in the United States, there are also varieties of sweet limes. Lime juice is used in all types of food preparation (our favorite is in guacamole!) as well as in cocktails, skin creams, disinfectants, candies, oils, toothpastes and more. Limes were essential to maintaining the health of the British navy during the 19th century because their vitamin C content prevented scurvy. This is why British sailors are called Limeys. Here are 9 health benefits of limes:

Cancer Prevention
Limes contain limonoid, a compound believed to have anti-carcinogen effects. These compounds are thought to help prevent skin, mouth, stomach, breast, lung and other types of cancer. An article published in the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" noted that limonin has been proven to induce cancer cell death. Limes are also a potent source of antioxidants, particularly vitamin C. Antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer by preventing free radical damage to the cells and DNA. Limes may have anti-inflammatory properties that can slow the risk of chronic inflammation, another high risk factor for developing cancer.

High In Antioxidants
Limes are a great source of vitamin C and other phytonutrients and flavonoids with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are key in neutralizing free radical activity that damages the cells and DNA and can increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and premature aging.

High In Vitamin C
Just a quarter cup of lime juice contains over 46% the DV of vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins and antioxidants in human health. It helps boost the immune system, supports heart health, wards off sickness and disease and protects the eyes from conditions like cataracts.

One of the flavonoid compounds found in limes are believed to have powerful antibiotic properties. Studies in west Africa found that the daily addition of limes into the diet of villagers helped reduce the occurrence of cholera.

Immunity Booster
The vitamin C in limes helps to boost immunity and offer long term support for the immune system. It may help to prevent the flu and the common cold as well as reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer.

Vitamin C and many of the other phytonutrient compounds in limes have anti-inflammatory effects. Limes may be useful in lowering the risk of conditions related to chronic inflammation like arthritis, asthma, and heart disease.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Prevention
A study of more than 20,000 people published in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases found that subjects who consumed more vitamin C rich foods like limes were far less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis and related arthritic conditions. Subjects who ate the least amount of foods with vitamin C were three times more likely to develop arthritis.

Heart Health
Antioxidants like vitamin C are often associated with a reduced risk of heart attack and heart disease. Foods that have potent anti-inflammatory properties are also believed to help support the cardiovascular system.

Eye Health
Vitamin C is essential to the proper function of the eyes. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to cataracts and other eye conditions. Maintaining good vitamin C levels by eating citrus like limes and lime juice is a good way to maintain proper eye health.

Mar 24, 2013

The Green Tea benefits For Cancer

Green tea and its extracts have purportedly been used to successfully treat many different types of cancer. Drinking green tea regularly is believed to greatly reduce the chances of developing cancer. Green tea contains polyphenol compounds (antioxidants) that have chemoprotective properties. They have demonstrated the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and induce cancer cell death. Consumption of green tea has been associated with a reduced risk of stomach and colorectal cancer as well as prostate, breast, liver, gallbladder, pancreatic, lung and esophageal cancers. Here's why you should drink green tea for cancer:

Anti-Cancer Properties of Green Tea
Lab studies have found that the active compounds found in green tea can trigger apoptosis in leukemia and other types of cancer cells. They act as antioxidants, protecting cell membranes and DNA from free radical damage, which is known to contribute to the development of many different forms of cancer. Green tea is also believed to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well as the ability to boost the immune system, each of which plays a key role in cancer treatment and prevention.

Green Tea & Prostate Cancer
Studies have found that men who drink the most green tea have less inflammation in the prostate tissue. The same studies have found that green tea polyphenols have antioxidant effects inside the prostate, which is believed to help protect the cells from damage and lower the risk of developing prostate cancer. Similar studies have found that drinking green tea has the ability to slow prostate cancer growth.

Green Tea & Breast Cancer
More and more studies are linking green tea with a reduced risk of breast cancer. A study at Columbia University Medical School found a correlation between green tea extract and stopping the growth of tumors in women with breast cancer. In another study, one extract from green tea was found to inhibit growth factors that can contribute to breast cancer development.

While there is not a consensus on exactly how much green tea (or green tea extract) is needed to help prevent cancer, it is clear that daily consumption of green tea may help reduce the risk of cancer as well as a variety of other health problems. It is safe to say that drinking at least 2 to 3 cups of green tea per day can be a healthy addition to one's diet and may even greatly reduce the risk of cancer. Consult a doctor before using green tea extract for cancer treatment or alongside other cancer drugs and treatments.