Apr 3, 2015

Undeniable Side Effects of Diet Tea

So much furor surrounding the word 'diet' these past few years. And to go with it--the countless products for a detox diet and dieting. Diet tea being one such product that has not only gained much popularity, but has also been touted as the solution to all things pudgy. There are varied kinds of diet teas that are made from varied ingredients, and while each of these boast of the miraculous effects that the daily intake of the same can lead to, there is a need to understand that there could be side effects involved as well. What are these, and how severe can they be? Let us understand the same in the following sections.

Overdosing on Diet Teas

Diet teas, if taken in moderation or if taken in accordance to the daily suggested intake, may not be harmful to the body and health; but if one overdoses on these, or they are taken as a substitute for proper meals, and not simply as a supplement, a number of ill effects that range from mild and immediate to advanced and critical may be experienced.

Ingredients Used

The ingredients that are used in these specialized diet teas include aloe, senna, cascara, locust plant, rhubarb root, buckthorn, and other plant-derived laxatives. These laxative properties will induce loose motions--thus causing a loss of fluids from the body. Sometimes they may even lead to the curbing of one's diet, which in combination with the laxative properties will lead to the loss of water weight, and give one the feeling of having undergone weight loss.

When these ingredients are consumed in excess they can cause severe diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, stomach cramps, fainting and chronic constipation. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also reported of deaths due to these diet teas (which has acted as a contributing factor).

Consumers of diet tea are under the impression that increased bowel movements (brought on due to the laxative properties) will help weight loss by preventing the absorption of calories. However, this is not seen to happen. The diarrhea that is brought on will not help reduce the absorption of calories, because these laxatives do not work on the small intestine where the calorie absorption takes place, but rather on the colon which is at the lower end of the bowel.

Common Practices of Diet Tea Companies

Most of these plant-derived laxatives are used in their natural form as well as in smaller quantities as flavorings. The FDA requires that the manufacturers list out these ingredients with their scientific, as well as common names on all their products. However, these products are not labeled as being laxative in nature-they may be promoted as being a 'natural bowel cleanser' instead. Or these products might not be promoted specifically for the purposes of weight loss--they might, however, make use of words like 'slimming', 'diet' or 'low-calorie' etc on the labeling.

People are therefore sold on the idea of buying these for the weight loss. This practice in itself may be misleading because the teas provide only the flavoring, and no nutrients or calories unless they are sweetened. With the body receiving no nutrients, and losing water weight, a person can become weak, leading to the emergence of several deficiencies in the body. This is especially dangerous for people who have been diagnosed with disorders like bulimia or anorexia nervosa.

Adverse Effects of Consuming Diet Tea

The FDA has not received any reports that speak of any hazards to health that are brought on when these teas are consumed in the recommended amounts. However, anything otherwise--like consuming these in excess or more than the recommended amount, steeping the tea bag in for longer than specified, or using them as a substitute for food, and it could lead to certain side effects that could range over the short term to severe.

Short-term Effects
First time users who drink more than the recommended amount could end up experiencing one or more of these effects:
  • Stomach cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
These results have been seen to last for days.

Chronic Effects
These effects come about when a person has been using these products for many years. They could cause chronic diarrhea, constipation and pain which comes about because of laxative dependency. All of this leads to a sluggish bowel. It could also affect the functioning of the colon, and as per a case reported to the FDA, a man who had been using these products for decades had to undergo a surgery and have his colon removed.

Severe Effects
In its most severe form, these products could lead to dehydration, fainting spells, and electrolyte disorders. For example, it could bring on low blood potassium (a condition that could cause irregular heartbeat, paralysis and in rare cases even death.)

It has been found that people who are affected with the most severe forms are usually those who have compromised on a healthy food intake, and those who have developed eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

In Conclusion

It is therefore advised that these products be used only after reading through the ingredients properly. Along with that, it is advised that the dosage should not exceed the recommended amount, and the proper instructions be followed before consuming the same. It is also advised that pregnant women do not use this product as it can lead to complications in pregnancy, as well as affect the health of the unborn child.

It is required that you're completely aware of the side effects that diet tea can lead to if taken in excess and over the recommended amount. But the solution presents itself well enough--control the intake for one, and two, there are always better, more healthier options in both weight loss and beverages. So choose wisely and live well.

Benefits of Artichoke Tea

As the name suggests, the main constituent of this tea is Cynara cardunculus, commonly known as artichoke. It is native to Southern Europe, and is usually consumed as a vegetable. However, for those who don't like it as a vegetable, it is made into a herbal tea which can be consumed at any time of the day. Artichoke is a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, and several vitamins and minerals. It also has a high content of antioxidants in it. Healing property of artichoke is due to the presence of its main active ingredient, 'cynarin'.

Benefits of Drinking Artichoke Tea
  • This herbal tea can prevent infections of the gallbladder, kidneys, and liver because it said to have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Flower heads of artichokes reportedly contain the highest antioxidant content among all vegetables, due to which it is believed to be capable of fighting against certain forms of cancer.
  • Regular intake of this tea helps in toning up muscles of the body and maintaining them in a healthy condition.
  • It can be used in conjunction with medication for the treatment of hepatitis, and is also known to prevent the occurrence of birth defects.
  • It is beneficial for the liver. It promotes production of bile, which in turn speeds up elimination of cholesterol and toxins from the liver. Improved liver function and gallbladder function prevents liver impairment and other related diseases.
  • As the tea is good for the liver, any damage caused due to excessive consumption of alcohol can probably be recovered by its regular intake.
  • Individuals with diabetes can benefit from this tea as it helps in lowering blood sugar levels. However, it must not be completely relied upon for the control of diabetes, but can be used as an adjunct to medical therapy.
  • This herbal tea is also good at relieving discomfort due to indigestion. It soothes the internal walls of the stomach and facilitates secretion of digestive juices. It also helps in reviving a lost appetite due to indigestion.
  • Other gastrointestinal problems like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, bloating, and stomach pain can also be managed by drinking artichoke herbal tea.
  • Cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis etc., can be prevented as artichokes are known to lower the level of bad cholesterol and increase the level of good cholesterol in the body.
  • People who are advised to limit or avoid caffeine usually have to cut down on tea and coffee. Such people can safely enjoy this beverage as it does not contain caffeine.
  • It is great for people who are obese or are looking forward to lose weight. This is because artichokes are considered to promote weight loss by reducing excess body fat.
  • Being a potent diuretic, it facilitates the elimination of urea and prevents retention of water in the body.
  • Last, but not the least, it imparts a glowing, clear skin that everyone wishes for!
How to Make Artichoke Tea at Home

Making artichoke tea at home is simple, and does not require a lot of time and effort. All you need is some water and a few artichokes to start with. You can make use of any of the three quick and easy methods given below to make this herbal tea at home.

Method #1: When cooking artichokes, people often tend to discard its thorny leaves. However, these leaves are in fact full of nutrition. To make use of these discarded leaves, boil 2 cups of water and add 12-15 of them, and let it boil for 5 minutes. Strain the liquid in a cup and drink it twice a day to stay fit and healthy.

Method #2: Mash an artichoke and boil it with 2 cups of water for 20 minutes or so. Strain the liquid to separate the remnants, let it cool a bit, and enjoy with a hint of honey in it. This tea has a sweet taste of its own. So adjust the sweetness of the beverage as per choice.

Method #3: Separate the leaves, stalk, and roots, and wash them properly. Add about 100 grams of this in 1 liter of water and bring it to a boil. Once it starts boiling, put off the flame and let it stand for 10 minutes. Strain and store the light-green liquid in another container. Drink 2-3 times a day, or as and when required.

For those who do not want to take the effort of making tea at home, tea bags of artichokes are available in the market. Tea bags must be dipped in a cup of hot water for about 5 minutes to get the beverage ready to drink. Markets are flooded with several brands of artichoke tea. It is always better to buy one of good quality in order to reap all its benefits.

The best quality artichoke herbal tea is produced in the Da Lat region of Vietnam. People residing in China, Vietnam, and the Far Eastern countries love to relish on this healthy, refreshing beverage. But with increased awareness of its benefits, people around the world have started consuming it. The tea is caffeine-free and full of nutritional content. Roots and flowers of the plant are used to manufacture herbal tea. However, some manufacturers additionally blend other ingredients in it. When consumed either hot or cold, it has a sweet taste of its own and a characteristic pleasant aroma.

It is true that benefits of artichoke tea are many, and it is good for a person's health. However, you must not start consuming it, unless you've consulted a physician or a dietitian first. This is basically a precaution as it may not be suitable for everybody. Individuals allergic to dandelion or chamomile have high chances of being allergic to artichoke as well. Also, this herbal tea is not safe for people with gallstones or other kidney-related problems. Therefore, discuss it with your physician and if there is no problem, go ahead and enjoy this refreshing tea whenever you feel like!

Is Herbal Tea Safe While Breastfeeding?

When you are breastfeeding your baby, components (the good ones and the bad ones) from your food are transferred to the baby through your milk. You may have also resorted to drinking herbal tea for your little one's growth. Herbs have been used in medical history, since ancient times, to restore bodily health. However, some herbs may be too strong for your baby's delicate body to handle and may cause much harm. When you are pregnant, you take so many health precautions. Once the baby is born, there are several questions in your mind, especially, if it is your first baby. It is even more confusing because you don't know how much your diet could affect your baby through breastfeeding. Most young mothers are not even aware that the food they eat is passed into your bloodstream, absorbed into the milk in your breasts and is transferred to the baby through breastfeeding. Also, signs of poor health of the baby could put you in a fix and it would be very difficult to trace the exact cause of his/her behavior.

Herbal Teas that Reduce Milk Production
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint
  • Menthol
  • Sage
  • Dandelion
  • Oregano
While peppermint tea can be very relaxing, it can also decrease the production of milk in you breasts. In fact, any other type of mint tea like spearmint or menthol will lead to the same result. Sage tea can also decrease milk. Dandelion tea is really helpful to soothe swelling but you should still avoid it as it can cause dehydration. There is no sufficient research to prove that these herbal teas are not safe to drink while breastfeeding, but they have been observed as a cause of skin-irritations in infants. These herbal teas should be highly avoided, at least until, your baby is 6 months old. Some herbal teas mimic the chemical effects of medication in the body and pass into your milk. Hence, you should avoid them although it may take large quantities of these herbal teas to cause side-effects.

Herbal Teas to Avoid During Lactation
  • Green tea
  • Rhubarb
  • Ginseng
  • Chamomile
  • Kava root
  • Fenugreek
  • Gingko
  • Parsley
  • Borage
  • Buckthorn
  • Thyme
  • St. John's Wort
Some herbs contain alkaloids and are not recommended for consumption during breastfeeding. Avoid drinking green tea during pregnancy too. Even though it is packed with anti-oxidants and vitamin C, it inhibits the production of folic acid which is required in a higher quantity when you are nursing. Fenugreek herbal tea should be avoided in excessive quantities during breastfeeding, because, although it can increase lactation, it can cause diarrhea and stomach upset in the baby. If you are drinking herbal teas while breastfeeding, watch out for certain herbal ingredients like Kava root, buck-thorn, parsley thyme, cocoa, rhubarb, ginseng, St. John's Wort, star anise, borage, gingko and valerian, licorice, basil. If you like garnishing your herbal tea with oregano powder, better discard this habit. Your only source of providing nutrition for your new-born baby to grow and develop is through breastfeeding. Drinking any of these herbal ingredients in your tea can significantly reduce the amount of milk supply. If you are at all drinking green tea or chamomile tea, ensure that they are decaffeinated versions.

Herbal Teas that are Safe to Drink
  • Ginger
  • Red raspberry
  • Nettle tea
  • Rosehip
  • Milk thistle
  • Echinacea
If you want to add ginger to your tea, make sure it is freshly crushed and not dried. According to Chinese medicine, it is not advisable for a young mother to have dried ginger. It will help increase blood flow in your body and soothe symptoms of stomach upset. Red raspberry tea is an excellent choice if you are trying to increase breast milk. It is loaded with minerals and will benefit your little one. Nettle tea also works the same way. Alfalfa can increase lactation by double the quantity. Milk thistle herbal tea is very apt for its name because this herbal tea also helps increase milk supply. Rose-hip herbal tea is absolutely beneficial for breastfeeding mothers. Citrus herbal teas like orange and lemon are very rich in vitamin C. Echinacea tea is a really safe drink and will help fight against common cold and flu, boost your immune system and heal any breast infections.

It is also not good to have more supply of milk than the baby can drink because excessive quantity will reduce the nutrition concentration in your milk. If you are not sure whether a certain herb could harm your infant's health or not, I would advise you to do away with it instead of taking a chance. Observe your baby's mood. If he/she seems irritable or you notice any physical effects when you consume a particular herb, immediately exclude it from your diet.

Ways on How to Stop Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is said to be one of the most important things that bonds the mother and the baby. Mother's milk is said to be highly nutritious and protects the little one from any kind of health problems while making her immune system stronger. For the first 4 - 6 months, the baby is fed only with breast milk as her body is not very strong to accept other types of foods. After six months, most mothers start giving semi-solid foods and formula. Though, nursing the baby offers emotional satisfaction to the mother, it has to be stopped after a certain period.

According to experts opinion, babies should be breastfed for at least a year, though there are women who continue to nurse their children even after they become toddlers. Though this is considered normal, the older the child gets, the more difficult it becomes to stop nursing. Nevertheless, it can be done by following proper steps mentioned below.

Many people say that the process of stopping breastfeeding is a natural one. After six months, the baby is introduced to other foods and her focus shifts on solid foods and the need for breastfeeding decreases gradually. However, it does not happen so perfectly and easily in every case. Breastfeeding is a way for the baby to feel closer and emotionally attached to the mother and hence, many babies may face difficulties during the time of weaning. However, continuing nursing for a long time can be difficult for the mother for different reasons, like, going for work, taking care of other children, household duties, physical problems, etc. During such situations, it becomes a necessity for the mother to stop nursing her baby. Here are some important steps that you can follow.

Weaning Gradually
One important thing that mothers have to remember is that breastfeeding should not be stopped suddenly. This can upset the child badly and can also become the reason for the child to throw tantrums. Rather, the process of stopping this act should be a gradual one and should be done very slowly. You should begin by reducing one feed during the day for a week and reduce one more in the next week. However, it is said that practice of feeding at night should be continued for some more time and should be taken as the last step of weaning. During this process, the baby can be fed with breast milk mixed with a little amount of baby formula for the initial weeks in a bottle or a sip cup and slowly shifted to formula milk completely.

Explain Gently
This step will be useful, if you want to stop feeding a toddler with breast milk. Most toddlers are able to talk and can understand what is said to them. Moreover, it is also said that the emotional stress caused by weaning at this age, is said to be greater than when it is done while the child is still a baby. However, talking to them gently can help in the process of stopping breastfeeding. In the beginning, you can tell your child that breastfeeding will be done only during nap time or bedtime. Once you are ready to stop nursing the child completely, you can tell her that she is a big girl and big girls are not breastfed. Explaining it gently to the child is important to ensure that weaning does not cause her emotional distress.

Taking Care of the Breasts
Many women are clueless about stopping nursing without pain. Though you have decided not to nurse your child, your breasts are still producing milk and refraining from nursing can make your breasts feel heavy, sore, and sometimes painful too. Though there are certain drugs that are said to dry up the supply of milk to the breasts, it will be best to stay away from them as they are likely to show some side effects.

If your breasts feel too heavy due to engorgement, pumping some milk and storing it to feed your child from a bottle can be helpful. However, you should pump only till your breasts feel light and less sore. Pumping too much milk can increase the production of milk, which does not serve the purpose. Slowly the milk producing glands get the message and gradually stop producing milk altogether. If your breasts are feeling sore even after pumping milk, applying cold packs or cold cabbage compresses can be helpful. Massaging the breasts or taking a hot shower are some other ways of getting rid of the soreness and pain in the breasts caused by engorgement.

Mothers must remember that stopping breastfeeding can cause emotional stress and discomfort to the child and hence, it is important to replace it with other physical comforts like hugging, cuddling, etc. One must understand that the process of weaning is a crucial one and handling it with patience and care will ensure that the baby soon gets over the distress caused by this process.

Apr 2, 2015

Is Drinking Coffee Safe While On Breastfeeding?

A new mother has to meet so many demands of the newborn that she hardly gets enough time to sleep. As a result, she feels tired and fatigued all the time. At this point of time, she desperately feels the need of having a cup of coffee to refresh herself. Coffee is one such beverage that we all love because it has excellent stimulant properties. It makes us mentally alert and physically active almost instantly. Lactating mothers have several apprehensions about drinking a cup of coffee while breastfeeding as their friends and well wishers have told them several times that it is bad for the little baby.

Is it Safe to Drink Coffee While Breastfeeding?
While breastfeeding, any food or drink that the nursing mother is taking is passed on to the baby through breast milk. After you take a cup of coffee, the caffeine present in it first enters your bloodstream and then it becomes a part of the breast milk. The caffeine level in the breast milk is the highest after about an hour of consumption and slowly its level decreases with passage of time. However, traces of caffeine can be found in the breast milk for several days after drinking coffee.

The caffeine content in coffee is quite high. One cup of coffee contains approximately 90-135 mg of caffeine. When the breastfeeding mother is drinking 6-8 cups of coffee a day, then about 0.6-0.8 mg enters the baby's body. Now, the real problem lies with the fact that the liver of the newborn is not developed enough and it does not have suitable enzymes that can properly detoxify the caffeine as soon as it enters their body system. They need about 100 hours to process the caffeine present in the body, which the adults can do in a matter of 6-8 hours. As a result, if the nursing mother is taking several cups of coffee on a daily basis, then a significant amount of coffee gets accumulated in the infant's body. This brings about a lot of changes in the baby's behavior.

Now, the negative effects of coffee are quite different for every baby. Some of them are more sensitive than others. In general, under the influence of caffeine, babies remain overly active. Many of them show irregular sleeping patterns and they stay awake for a longer period of time. Inadequate amount of sleep makes them unusually edgy and unsettled. They show a lot of irritability. Some of them may develop digestive problems such as constipation and turn collicky quite often.

Breastfeeding mothers who consume more than three cups of coffee in a day have been found to have low iron content in their breast milk. This is because too much of caffeine in their body tends to interfere with their iron absorption capacity. This leads to iron deficiency in the mother which is then passed on to the child. If it continues for a long time, then both the mother and the baby may develop iron deficiency anemia in the long run.

Therefore, you do not have to completely stop drinking coffee while breastfeeding but you have to be careful. You should take it in moderate amounts which is 2 cups per day and not more than that. Once you start taking coffee, keep a close watch on your baby's behavior. At any point of time, if you feel that your baby's getting agitated after you started having coffee regularly, then you can assume that he or she must be highly sensitive towards caffeine.

Causes and Possibility of Having Gum Irritation

Gum inflammation or irritation causes pain and makes your life difficult. It is a disease of tissues forming the structure that surrounds and supports teeth. Gingivitis is the proper medical term used by the doctors to refer to gum diseases. Pain is one of the symptoms of this disease along with redness, swollen, tender and puffy gum. It is not as severe as that of a toothache. However, it is still painful and must be taken care of, before it develops into periodontitis.

Also, it is not one of the nice experiences to witness your gums bleed when brushing teeth in the morning. Some of the experts believe that gum problems are hereditary. Their observation is based on the fact that some people naturally tend to form very little plaque on their teeth. On the other hand, in some others, the plaque accumulation is more and faster.


Lack of proper dental care and hygiene leads to the formation of the plaque around gums and teeth. During the mastication, the tiny food particles accumulates in the slits between teeth. These food particles, on decomposing in the saliva, hardens into the plaque and become hiding places for the bacteria. With the passage of the time, the build up of plaque and the toxins released by the bacteria irritate the gum between the teeth, which can spread to other areas.

It is known that certain medicines that are prescribed to counter diseases such as high blood pressure and heart diseases irritate gums. Chemicals that are used in the medicines that are used as oral contraceptives, antidepressants, decongestants, antihistamines and nasal sprays may also act as the cause.

Most of the pregnant women, suffer from this condition or what some people call pregnancy gingivitis, when the baby comes to term. This inconvenience causes swelling and bleeding of the gum.

A partially wedged or impacted wisdom tooth may have flap of the gum covering it. During the mastication, food particles may get lodged under the flap and irritate the gum around the crown of the budding wisdom tooth.

If you have been to the dentist for a tooth filling, then, you must know that the tooth may remain sensitive for some time. Gum irritation after filling is experienced, if the tooth decay has reached the pulp which is present inside the tooth. The dentin in this area is sensitive and hurts easily because of the filling until, it develops a protective layer.

During a root canal treatment infected pulp and the nerve is removed from the inside of the tooth. Then this cavity is cleaned and sealed. Normally this takes care of the infection. However, if there are more than one root canals in the tooth and if one remains untreated, it allows the infection to spread in the treated tooth.

An improperly done root canal or break down of the used sealing material, may allow bacteria an entry in the inner aspect of the tooth. Both of these conditions, after a root canal, can results in the spreading of the infection.

Gum irritation caused due to teeth whitening products is not very uncommon. The chemicals used in the teeth whitening products, on coming in contact with the gum, can cause inflammation.


The formation of plaque can be easily avoided by regular teeth brushing and flossing. Thus, removing the root cause of the irritation. Your dentist may prescribe remedies in the form of pain killers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, codeine and morphine to contain the pain due to it. In addition the dentist may also prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the infection.

In its severe form, irritation and pain in gums may drive you to your dentist. However, if the pain due to it is mild then you can try some useful home remedies which may help you in taking care of the problem.

Gum Infection and Diseases

The gums are also called the gingiva. These are firm fibrous tissue connected to the jawbone. They are considered healthy when they are at least 1 mm thick with a good blood supply. Along with age, they decrease slightly and expose more surface of the tooth. Inflammation of gums is known as gingivitis. This condition is caused due to bacterial infection in the gums. Gingivitis is the first stage which may further lead to periodontal disease or gum disease. If not treated in time it may result in tooth loss.

Gum Disease

The term implies bacterial growth and generation of conditions that, with time, destroys the tissue around the teeth. "Periodontal disease" is another term for this state. Plaque keeps forming on the surface of teeth due to the presence of bacteria which further causes gum disease. If plaque remains on the surface of the tooth for more than 24 hours, it is transformed into tartar or calculus. Tartar is strongly bonded with the teeth and can be removed only by professional cleaning. Gum disease occurs in two stages: gingivitis and periodontitis. Generally, the former precedes the latter.


Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. Food debris, mucus and bacteria form a sticky material which gets deposited on the exposed parts of the tooth. If this material is not cleared from the tooth, it may lead to tooth decay. If adequate plaque control is done, gingivitis can be reversed. By proper treatment from a dentist, coupled with adequate brushing and flossing at home, gingivitis can be cured.


If gingivitis is not treated properly, it may lead to periodontitis. The word "Periodontitis" means diseased condition surrounding the tooth. "Peri" means surrounding or around and "odontos" means tooth. Moderate periodontitis can be considered as the first level of periodontitis which in worse condition enters the advance level.

● Moderate Periodontitis
This is a low-grade gum infection. A superior grade toothbrush cannot control this disease due to the large quantity of calculus. Bacteria in this calculus creates waste products. These products have toxins and volatile sulfur compounds. The toxins destroy the bones and gums surrounding the teeth. The inner layer of the gum and bone move away from the tooth surface. A pocket is formed between the teeth and gums. In this space, debris may get stored. The plaque spreads. It grows below the gum line. The space in healthy gums is up to 3 mm deep. If this increases to 5 mm, it is called "moderate periodontal disease". As the disease increases, the pockets become more deep. Due to this, more gum tissue and bone are affected. As a result, the teeth become loose gradually and finally there is loss of the affected tooth.

The volatile sulfur compounds caused by bacteria leads to bad breath. Sometimes teeth look healthy, but pockets might be present. These can be detected by x-rays and periodontal probing. The periodontal probe measures the pocket depth around every tooth. Generally, periodontal disease is not limited to one tooth. It affects several teeth simultaneously. If the dentist finds that the depth of the pockets has decreased to 1-3 mm after some treatment, it is concluded that the Periodontitis is under control.

● Advanced Periodontitis
This condition is said to occur if the depth of the pockets becomes more than 6 mm. Then, surgery is unavoidable. The surgery can be performed by a dentist or a periodontist. During the surgery, the diseased tissue is removed and the tooth structure is completely cleaned. This makes it difficult for plaque and calculus to gather. In case the disease has led to a defect in the bone, the area has to be reshaped or a bone graft procedure is necessary. The gums have to be stitched around the teeth in a proper place and generally lower than before. Further, if daily brushing and flossing is done, the region can be freed from plaque.

Gum Abscess

This is also called "periodontal abscess". It usually occurs amongst people who have periodontal disease that has already caused bone loss around the root of the tooth. The gum is separated from the base of the tooth which allows the bacteria to enter deep root from where they are very difficult to clean. The bacteria in the periodontal pocket alter with time and more destructive species may replace the earlier ones. The byproducts of these bacteria can dissolve more bone. The gum abscess can become worse, if there is pus formation and this pus is trapped under the gum. This infection can spread towards the ear or neck or below the lower jaw. Even opening the mouth may become difficult due to the swelling and inflammation.

Sometimes, there is a conspicuous swelling around the tooth. If the gum is pushed by a finger, there is a pain. If the region is probed, blood and pus ooze out. At times this abscess can burst and cause pus to drain. This causes some relief. There are two types of gum abscess. An acute one is accompanied by pain, swelling and fever. A chronic one can be painless and the person is unaware of its formation in the jawbone. The area of infection is surrounded by a fibrous sac (granuloma) that does not contain pus, but has non-infectious sterile tissue. Such abscesses are detected by X-rays.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Though gum disease has been divided into various stages, symptoms of all the stages are almost same. Following are some of the signs and symptoms which will help you to identify the disease better and faster.
  • Discoloration of gums. Gums may appear red or reddish purple
  • Bleeding gums, generally while eating something hard like apple, brushing, using dental floss, etc.
  • Swollen gums. Swelling may subside on its own but is recurring
  • Bad breath and metallic taste in mouth
  • Receding gums, which make the teeth look longer or larger
  • Extra space between the teeth
  • Gums may become tender to touch
  • Formation of deep pockets between the gums and the tooth (not found in the gingivitis stage)
  • Tooth loss may be one of the major symptom or concern in the advanced periodontitis stage
Gum Disease Treatment

Treatment of gum disease totally depends upon the seriousness of the infection. Antibiotic treatment can be given if there is a minor infection. It can be non-surgical or surgical treatment.

Non-Surgical Treatment: After going through the tests to find out the exact cause of the infection, first and foremost thing is dental cleaning. Dentist will remove the plaque from the tooth. Deep-cleaning may also be done which will include scaling and smoothing of the surface. This will give your gums a clean and smooth surface to bind again with the tooth.

Surgical Treatment: Surgical method will be used only in case of serious conditions where the roots and tooth are severely infected. Flap surgery or pocket reduction, soft tissue grafts, bone surgery, bone grafts, guided tissue generation, etc. are some of the surgeries which may be recommended according to the severity of the condition. Some drugs may also be prescribed along with surgery to reduce pain and to stop the regrowth of bacteria.

Hope this Buzzle article helped you to understand about various stages of gum diseases. Brush your teeth with soft bristle toothbrush, twice a day. Flossing before brushing will help you to clean all the food particles stuck in between the teeth. Good oral hygiene and regular dental check-up will help you to avoid gum disease and other infections.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

The simplest and probably the most effective of all remedial measures for tooth related problems is proper dental care and regular dental check ups! And gum disease is not an exception to it. It is believed that more than half of the American population suffers from some or the other infection at some point in life. Gum disease is actually a serious problem, which can result in severe damage to the tooth. The worst part is that, the person is not able to recognize that he is suffering from any such problem. This is because, either the problem does not show any symptoms or even if it does, the intensity of those symptoms in the beginning, is so small that the person tends to ignore them! Given below are the stages as well as the symptoms of this disease.

Different Stages

Gum disease is characterized by gum inflammation, that usually results in damage to the bones present around the tooth. It is generally a result of bacteria in plaque, which is a colorless, sticky layer that develops on your tooth. The best treatment is to remove the bacteria through regular brushing and therefore preventing more damage. Well, what happens if you do not do so? The obvious answer is the development of gum disease, which happens to be in stages. Its various stages are given below.
  • Gingivitis: The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis, which is an inflammation in the gums. The causative bacteria if not removed, can develop toxins and can lead to severe pain in the gums, therefore cause gingivitis. Gingivitis is the just the first stage. Hence, if the infection is treated at this level itself, it may prevent damage to the tooth and bones.
  • Periodontitis: Gingivitis if ignored, can advance to periodontitis! Periodontitis is characterized by irreversible damage to fiber and bones that hold the tooth in place. This further leads to the formation of a pocket or pit beneath the gum line, wherein plaque and food start accumulating.
  • Developed Periodontitis: The last and probably the worst stage of gum disease is the advanced or developed periodontitis. The previous stages involved gradual damage to the tooth bone and fibers. However, in this advanced stage, these bones and fibers are completely destroyed. It further worsens the condition by loosening or uprooting the teeth.

It is not only irregular dental care that causes gum disease. In fact, there are many other reasons that lead to this problem, some of which are involuntary. The most common gum disease causes are mentioned below.
  • Reactions to medications
  • Hormonal changes
  • Heredity
  • Addictions towards smoking
  • Illnesses

The above discussion on the stages might have given you an idea of the symptoms. Mentioned below are some more common symptoms. These also include the pyrea gum disease symptoms.
  • Swelling in gums. Redness and tenderness also occur.
  • Bad breath
  • Pus oozing out from the gums
  • Damage to bones and fibers holding the tooth (most important of the periodontal symptoms)
  • Loosening or falling of the tooth
  • Bad taste
  • Pain while chewing food
  • Increased sensitivity in tooth
  • Sores in mouth
  • Bleeding while brushing or eating food.

As I have said earlier, the best treatment for gum disease is to prevent it from further development. You should meet the doctor and get proper medications in the gingivitis stage itself, so that you would not encounter further damage. Some other treatment options are medications, such as mouth rinse, to eliminate bacteria and scaling to remove plaque. In a few cases, surgery might also be prescribed.

Visit your local dentist as soon as you see the early symptoms and get them treated at a preliminary stage itself. This would keep you away from any further damage.

Apr 1, 2015

How Soy Became Known as a "Health Food"

But first, let's review a bit of the history behind soy that created this misperception in the public's mind. Years ago, tropical oils, such as palm and coconut oil, were commonly used in American food production. However, these are obviously not grown in the US. With the exception of Hawaii, our climate isn't tropical enough.

Spurred on by financial incentives, the industry devised a plan to shift the market from tropical oils to something more "home grown." As a result, a movement was created to demonize and vilify tropical oils in order to replace them with domestically grown oils such as corn and, primarily, soy.

For the most part, they've been very successful in their campaign to paint soy in a healthy light. So, the information I have to share with you may disappoint and challenge many of you, especially vegetarians, because vegetarians and vegans use soy as one of their primary sources of protein.

But I'm here to tell you that after studying this issue very carefully, I'm convinced that unless the soy you're consuming is fermented, you're putting your health at risk.

Fermented Soy is the Only Type of Soy with Health Benefits

There's only one type of soy that can be construed as a health food, and that is fermented soy. Examples of health-promoting fermented soy foods include:
  • Natto
  • Miso
  • Tempeh
Natto is actually a phenomenal food. It's a fermented soy product that can be a bit challenging to locate, but you can usually find it in Asian food stores. It's very high in vitamin K2, which is a phenomenal vitamin, much like vitamin D.

Together, vitamin K2 and vitamin D provide a large number of significant health benefits, such as improving bone density and reducing your risk of heart disease and cancer, just to name a few. Natto has probably the highest concentration of vitamin K2 out of any food.

Miso and tempeh do not contain vitamin K2 but they are also fermented forms of soy that are excellent sources of health-promoting natural probiotics.

The fermentation process is what makes the soy a healthy addition to your diet, as it breaks down the goitrogens, isoflavones and other harmful elements in the soy. It's important to realize that tofu is NOT a fermented soy product, and should not be consumed if you want to avoid the health problems associated with non-fermented soy.

It is also important to understand that while fermented soy is healthier for you, it is not wise to consume it in large quantities because it is still loaded with phytoestrogens, like isoflavones, which can cause detrimental feminizing effects.

What's So Bad About Unfermented Soy?

One of the primary reasons for avoiding soy products is because the vast majority of soy grown in the US is genetically modified (GM) soy. The GM variety planted in 91 percent of US soy acres is Roundup Ready—engineered to survive being doused with otherwise lethal amounts of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. Monsanto produces both the Roundup Ready soy seeds and the herbicide Roundup.

The logic -- if you can call it that after all factors are considered -- behind GM crops such as soy is that you can decrease the cost of production by killing off everything except the actual soy plant. Unfortunately, consumers pay a hefty price in terms of health instead.

Are You Willing to Risk Eradicating Your Future Family Lineage?

Some of the more recent research shows that many of the health problems do not even occur in those who consume these GM foods. Some of the most devastating harm may occur in the second and third generations! I recently interviewed GMO expert Jeffrey Smith about the latest findings by Russian scientists, who discovered that GM soy effectively sterilized the third generation of hamsters...

One group of hamsters was fed a normal diet without any soy whatsoever, a second group was fed non-GMO soy, a third ate GM soy, and a fourth group ate an even higher amount of GM soy than the third. Using the same GM soy produced in the US, the hamsters and their offspring were fed their respective diets over a period of two years, during which time the researchers evaluated three generations of hamsters.

Shockingly, the second-generation of GM soy-fed hamsters had a five-fold higher infant mortality rate, compared to the 5 percent normal death rate that was happening in the controls. Worse yet, nearly all of the third generation hamsters were sterile! Only one single third-generation female hamster gave birth to 16 pups, and of those, one fifth died.

Another bizarre side effect found in the GM soy-fed groups was an unusually high prevalence of an otherwise extremely rare phenomenon – hair growing inside the animals' mouths. (You can see the images here.)

These are just a couple of concerns. There are certainly many others, and I've written extensively about the health hazards of GM foods. If you're new to this topic and want more information, my article Everything you MUST KNOW About Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods is a good place to start.

You can also find lots of additional information about GMOs on the site www.ResponsibleTechnology.org, created by Jeffrey Smith. We're working with Jeffrey, who is one of the leaders of the movement to restrict the use of GM foods in the United States, as they have done in Europe, primarily through consumer awareness and action to motivate industry changes, because there is NO government regulation against it.

Your involvement is vital in this respect. And avoiding soy products, including soy derivatives found in most processed foods, is part of it. But soy is not the only GM food to beware of.

The easiest way to avoid ending up with any type of GM food in your shopping cart is to do some pre-planning using this free non-GMO shopping guide. There's also a free iPhone application available in the iTunes store, which you can find by searching for ShopNoGMO in the applications.

ResponsibleTechnology.org also offers additional guides you can hand out to friends, health care practitioners, and decision makers within your community, along with free online videos, podcasts, and articles that you can repost and republish.

Why All Organic Soy is NOT the Answer Either

All of that said, even if you were fortunate enough to find organic soy, there are still several other significant concerns with unfermented soy that make it far from attractive from a health standpoint.

Soy contains a number of problematic components that can wreak havoc with your health, such as:
  • Goitrogens – Goitrogens, found in all unfermented soy whether it's organic or not, are substances that block the synthesis of thyroid hormones and interfere with iodine metabolism, thereby interfering with your thyroid function. One common source of soy is soy milk. Many consume it as an alternative to milk or one of their primary beverages. Soy milk is a significant contributor to thyroid dysfunction or hypothyroidism in women in the US.So if you're a woman struggling with low thyroid function and you're consuming soy milk, that's a giant clue you need to stop drinking it immediately.
  • Isoflavones: genistein and daidzein – Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen, which is a plant compound resembling human estrogen, which is why some recommend using soy therapeutically to treat symptoms of menopause. I believe the evidence is highly controversial and doubt it works. Typically, most of us are exposed to too much estrogen compounds and have a lower testosterone level than ideal, so it really is important to limit exposure to feminizing phytoestrogens.
  • Even more importantly, there's evidence it may disturb endocrine function, cause infertility, and promote breast cancer, which is definitely a significant concern.Drinking two glasses of soy milk daily for just one month provides enough of these compounds to alter your menstrual cycle. Although the FDA regulates estrogen-containing products, no warnings exist on soy.
  • Phytic acid -- Phytates (phytic acid) bind to metal ions, preventing the absorption of certain minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc -- all of which are co-factors for optimal biochemistry in your body. This is particularly problematic for vegetarians, because eating meat reduces the mineral-blocking effects of these phytates.
  • Sometimes it can be beneficial, especially in postmenopausal women and in most adult men because we tend to have levels of iron that are too high which can be a very potent oxidant and cause biological stress.However, phytic acid does not necessarily selectively inhibit just iron absorption; it inhibits all minerals. This is very important to remember, as many already suffer from mineral deficiencies from inadequate diets.
  • The soybean has one of the highest phytate levels of any grain or legume, and the phytates in soy are highly resistant to normal phytate-reducing techniques such as long, slow cooking. Only a long period of fermentation will significantly reduce the phytate content of soybeans.
  • Natural toxins known as "anti-nutrients" -- Soy also contains other anti-nutritional factors such as saponins, soyatoxin, protease inhibitors, and oxalates. Some of these factors interfere with the enzymes you need to digest protein. While a small amount of anti-nutrients would not likely cause a problem, the amount of soy that many Americans are now eating is extremely high.
  • Hemagglutinin -- Hemagglutinin is a clot-promoting substance that causes your red blood cells to clump together. These clumped cells are unable to properly absorb and distribute oxygen to your tissues.
Soy to Avoid

As I mentioned, tofu is not fermented soy so it should be avoided. Other examples of common soy products to avoid include soy protein and isolated soy protein powder, which you'll find in many protein bars and protein drinks.

Isolated soy protein powder is actually not a naturally produced substance. Production takes place in industrial factories where a slurry of soy beans is first mixed with an alkaline solution to remove fiber, then precipitated and separated using an acid wash and, finally, neutralized in an alkaline solution. Acid washing in aluminum tanks leaches high levels of aluminum into the final product.

The resultant curds are spray- dried at high temperatures to produce a high-protein powder. MSG, a well-known excitotoxin that can cause neurological damage, is frequently added as well. Another common form of soy you're likely exposed to is soy oil, which brings us back to where we started. Ninety-five percent of the foods Americans spend their money on are processed foods, many of which contain soy oil.

Soy oil is extremely high in omega-6, which is highly susceptible to oxidative damage. And although you do need omega-6, soy oil is a terrible source as it is highly processed and refined, which severely damages it.

Consuming a diet high in processed foods, which by default is high in soy oil, is a primary contributor to the severe imbalance most people have in their omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, which in turn contributes to creating disease. Other harmful soy products I've not already mentioned include:
  • Soy cheese
  • Soy ice cream
  • Soy yogurt
  • Soy "meat" (meatless products made of TVP)
  • Soy lecithin
Infant Soy Formula – Perhaps the Most Dangerous Soy Products of All

But perhaps one of the most harmful types of soy products that you need to be extremely cautious of is soy infant formula. I strongly recommend every single mother to breastfeed for a minimum of six months, preferably longer. There is absolutely no question that breastfeeding is the most healthful option for both you and your baby. Conventional physicians and the American Academy of Pediatrics also recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life.

Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, many women choose not to breastfeed their child, leaving them with few alternatives. Most opt for conventional formula, which has its own health risks, courtesy of inadequate nutrition (there are at least 400 nutrients in breast milk that are not found in formula), combined with excessive fructose and toxic contaminants. But many children are allergic to conventional formula, and these parents can easily be convinced that soy formula is the solution.

Sadly, soy formula is FAR worse than conventional formula, in large part due to its excessive levels of phytoestrogens. The estrogens in soy can irreversibly harm your baby's sexual development and reproductive health. Infants fed soy formula receive a level of estrogen equivalent to five birth control pills every day!

Infants fed soy formula have up to 20,000 times the amount of estrogen in circulation as those fed conventional formulas! In addition, soy formula has up to 80 times higher manganese than is found in human breast milk, which can lead to brain damage in infants, and altered behaviors in adolescence.

So please, do not ever feed your baby soy formula, and warn others who are pregnant or who you know are considering using formula over breastfeeding. The next best alternative to breast milk is to make a healthy homemade infant formula. There may be others, but here is one recipe for homemade formula created by the Weston Price Foundation, which I believe is sound.

Educate Yourself about the Health Effects of Soy

I encourage you to continue reviewing the evidence against soy if you're still skeptical. There are also some great books on this topic that document this information in clear detail and provide countless references that you can validate for yourself. One of these books, which I recommend very highly, is The Whole Soy Story by Dr. Kaayla Daniel.

There's a lot of information out there, and I understand the challenge of trying to explore these health issues. Many times motivations must be taken into account in order to sift through the information and get to the heart of the matter.

In the case of soy, as I mentioned, a primary motivation appears to have been promoting the sale of domestic soy in the US, as this increases profits, as opposed to benefitting your health… The purpose of this site is to gather this varied information, present it to you, and offer you the starting point to do your own independent research. Because once you have the information, you have the power to take control of your own health.

Soy Foods That Are Fermented

If you're looking for fermented soy foods - those found to provide the health benefits cited by research studies - the best place to look would be the refrigerated section of your grocery store. Here you'll find the following:
  • Tempeh is a type of fermented soybean found in solid, cake-like sheets that can be cut into any size you'd like. It can be easily added to a pasta sauce. Baked or grilled it can be combined with melted cheese on whole grain breads to make a delicious sandwich. Tempeh with vegetables is great in healthy stir-fries.
  • Natto is another type of fermented soybean that shaped in smaller, bite-sized chunks. Natto makes a great addition to soups and broths and makes an easy topping for rice dishes. It's a little stickier than tempeh, and also a little sweeter.
  • Miso is a thick, fermented paste that can be made from soy beans (but read the label carefully as it is sometimes made from barley or rice). You'll usually find miso pre-packaged in a plastic tub. Miso makes a great base for soup stock, and its rich broth works well with vegetables, noodles, and other soy foods including tofu and natto.
  • Pickled tofu, which is also sometimes called tofu cheese. You may be less likely to find this fermented soy product in grocery stores but look for it at Asian foods market or a large-scale natural foods groceries. Most of the tofu available in supermarkets has been coagulated into its thickened, moist, cake-like form, but it has not been fermented. Pickled tofu is an exception, and it's been fermented and aged like an aged cheese. Like other fermented soy products, it makes a great addition to soups.
In the Asian foods section of the grocery, you can find yet another fermented soy product, tamari (shoyu), a traditional, fermented version of soy sauce. Most soy sauce you will find in the supermarket has not been traditionally fermented, and you should look specifically for tamari if you want the full benefits of a fermented soy product. Of course, you will not be consuming this fermented product in the same amount as tempeh, natto, miso, or pickled tofu since you will be using it more as a flavoring and condiment. Even so, you will be getting some important benefits from this fermented soy food.

As you can see, soy milk is not on this list. This popular soy-containing beverage is not usually made from fermented soybeans.

With all of the above fermented soy products, you will be getting a highly digestible form of soybean that includes some unique nutritional benefits not found in non-fermented soy foods. For more details, read our write-ups on tempeh, miso, and soy sauce.

While there appear to be special health benefits from the consumption of traditionally fermented soy foods, non-fermented soy foods can still make a very nourishing contribution to your diet. We definitely like some of the unique health-supporting aspects of fermented soy foods (and other fermented foods as well), but we encourage you to consider all types of whole soy products and their great potential for improving health and nourishment. (Please note that we prefer organic soybeans and foods made from them since they are not grown from genetically modified seeds.)

Soy Increases Estrogen Levels causing a Decrease in Testosterone Levels in Men

Testosterone is a hormone that is predominant in men. Testosterone plays an important role in men's health. Testosterone is responsible for (i) muscular development, (ii) libido, and (iii) bone development. Testosterone also plays a role in red blood cell production. There are a number of natural things men can do to help maintain and increase testosterone levels.

Soy contains compounds with estrogen like properties that increase estrogen levels in men causing a decrease in testosterone levels. Phytoestrogen compounds found in soy can interfere with both hormone levels and normal hormone function.

Doctors at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School examined the impact of soy protein powder on testosterone levels in male participants. The male participants consumed two scoops of soy protein powder, which contained 56 g of soy, daily for 28 days. Researchers reported in the April 2007 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention that subjects experienced decreases in testosterone levels. Testosterone levels increased within two weeks after discontinuing soy protein powder use.

Soy not only can lower a man's testosterone levels, but soy has also been found to lower men's sperm count. US researchers have found that Eating a half serving a day of soy-based foods could be enough to significantly lower a man's sperm count.

The study was the largest in humans to look at the relationship between semen quality and a plant form of the female sex hormone estrogen known as phytoestrogen, which is plentiful in soy-rich foods. "What we found was men that consume the highest amounts of soy foods in this study had a lower sperm concentration compared to those who did not consume soy foods," said Dr. Jorge Chavarro of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, whose study appears in the journal Human Reproduction.

Soy has become a Filler in many Foods

Warning! Soy has become a filler for many products, including many so called 'health' or 'protein' bars, drinks and shakes.

Read food content labels before you buy and have your mom, wife or girlfriend read them before they buy for you. Products that contain soy should be avoided by men.

Guys, the indications are that soy reduces testosterone. Why take that risk?!

Soy, because it encourages the production of estrogen, also can inhibit production of the Growth Hormone. 

Male Athletes Should Avoid Soy as a Protein Source

Soy Lowers Iron IntakeMale Athletes should also note that soy protein is a rich in phytic acid which reduces mineral and trace element absorption. Studies assessing markers of Iron status show that supplementing isoflavone rich soy protein isolate reduces Iron status by more than 7%. In contrast, the same study also showed that a whey protein supplement actuall increased iron status by more than 9%.

Iron is essential to red blood cell production essential for oxygen transport and to maintain muscle performance, yet many athletes suffer with low iron stores. Symptoms of low Iron include shortness of breath, poor exercise performance and slow recovery after exercise. It is clear that supplements containing soy proteins could bring about iron deficiency and impair exercise performance.

Soy Milk Finally Side Effects Revealed

We've always known soy beans to be healthy beans loaded with ample amounts of vitamins, proteins and fiber. So what's this about soy milk side effects? Can a nutrient provider prove deleterious? There are scores of lactose intolerant people across the globe who are advised to switch to drinking soy milk because of their inability to drink cow's milk. Moreover, vegans depend on soy for a large portion of their protein intake. If soy milk is detrimental, would they be given this advice? Moreover, what about all the soy health products available in health stores? Are soy milk dangers just a fad or is there some truth to it? Let's find out!

Side Effects of Soy Milk

Studies reveal that only one side of the soy coin has been revealed. Food companies and drug manufacturing companies have been touting the benefits of soy for decades together. However, they have conveniently ignored the existent soy milk risks.

Being high in protein soy-products do spearhead gas production. The amount of gas produced will vary depending on the amount consumed and the amount each one's body can tolerate. When taken in moderate amounts a day, soy is not seen to cause any major gas problems, however, some pregnant women seem to be suffering from extreme bloating and gas after consumption of soy-products. In such cases, it is best for pregnant women to avoid soy and consume other protein-rich foods. It is up to each person to test how much soy milk can be consumed comfortably without facing gas problems.

Soy Allergy
Just like peanuts, shellfish, milk, eggs allergy, etc. soy allergy is also present. People allergic to soy protein may experience various symptoms on consuming soy milk. A person can develop allergic reactions like cough, wheezing, hives, facial swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, etc. While extreme allergic reactions leading to death are rare, its incidence is possible. This is why people with soy allergy need to be very careful regarding the consumption of soy contaminated products.

Soy Milk Formula for Infants
In the United States, about 750,000 infants are given soy formulas every year. While soy milk formula is safe for babies, it may not be beneficial for infants with colic problems. Moreover, soy milk formula is also not recommended for infants below the age of two years because it contains very less fat as compared to cow's milk. Fat from milk is highly important for the baby's growth and brain development. Then again, there is always the risk of the little one being allergic to soy protein. According to some research soy can trigger developmental and thyroid problems in babies, however, this hasn't been proved as yet. So, turn to soy only if it's the last resort.

Soy Milk and Thyroid Function
Goitrogens present in soy milk are substances that are said to have the ability to suppress the functioning of the thyroid gland. They are believed to interfere with the iodine uptake and conduce to enlargement of the thyroid gland. This has been noticed in animal research, however, the exact connection between thyroid and soy has not been understood well. Nevertheless, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Phytic Acid Content
Non-fermented soy milk contains large quantities of phytic acid, which when introduced into the body after consumption, prevent the body from absorbing essential minerals and vitamins in the digestive tract. This can conduce to several deficiencies and health problems even though the person is consuming a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Absorption of minerals like calcium, iodine, iron gets hampered and we all know how important these minerals are for the proper functioning of our body.

Myths About Soy Milk

There is a lot of talk about soy milk being harmful for men, as it lowers testosterone levels and sperm count in men. There are also rumors that soy milk enlarges men's breasts. This belief stems from the fact that the isoflavones present in soy bean have estrogen-like properties. However, this is not true. A study conducted at the University of Oxford, on 696 men, with varied soy milk intakes, revealed that there is no connection between soy milk intake, and serum sex hormone levels in men. Moreover, another study reveals that consumption of soy, can help reduce the risks of prostate cancer in men. The very same isoflavones help prevent prostate cancer. Thus, soy milk is not at all harmful for men.

Soy milk contains the female hormone estrogen mimicking compound called isoflavones. These compounds are known to be linked to diseases like leukemia and breast cancer. However, a study conducted in 2008, and published in the Nutrition Journal stated that there is minimal evidence to say that isoflavones can trigger breast cancer. Without clear evidence the allegations are baseless.

Don't panic after reading all the above mentioned soy milk side effects, to the extent that you stop buying soy milk completely! Drink organic fermented soy milk. Soy milk like any other product should be consumed in moderation. Excess of any food product can cause problems in the body. When you buy food products right from soy milk, soy sauce, soy bean yogurt, soy bean ice-cream, soy bean cookies to soy bean burgers and hotdogs, you are in for a problem. Limit your purchases to only one or two soy products.

Mar 31, 2015

Ginger Tea Known Side Effects

Ginger tea, is a hot conventional beverage that is consumed by millions of people everyday. It is very different from the traditional tea, and is made from the ginger root. Ginger, as we all would agree, is known for its medicinal and healing properties. The tea made from ginger root, is being used to heal various ailments including nausea, inflammation, indigestion, migraines, diarrhea, etc. In fact, ginger has been used in Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicines for more than 3000 years. Undoubtedly, the benefits of this herb are many to list. However, a famous saying goes, 'too much of anything is bad'; and this is no exception! Excessive consumption of ginger root tea can have serious side effects. Before we discuss as to why one should not go overboard with this beverage, let us first have a look at the recommended limits of consuming ginger in our diet.

Recommended Consumption Limits

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has listed ginger as a 'generally safe to consume food product'. The safety limit for ginger intake is 2 grams for every kg of body mass; anything more than that, is overdose. Basically, one needs to exercise caution, and be aware about the consumption of ginger tea, as side effects can occur even in circumstances where there is no over dose. Apart from that, herbs and medications for certain health conditions, are known to react with ginger tea; hence consulting one's physician is essential if you are consuming any medication, and also if you are pregnant.

Side Effects of Ginger Tea
One of the first precautions that you must take while taking ginger tea, is that you need to have a healthy amount of it, according to the needs of your body. The drawback of most of the botanical medicines, especially in the form of herbs and roots, is that there is a good possibility that these herbs can react with medications. It is thus advisable to consult a diet and nutrition expert before you actually start consuming large amounts of ginger tea on a regular basis. Ginger tea reacts with medicines that are prescribed in order to cure bleeding. Medications like aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs, also react with ginger, thereby causing internal bleeding.

Digestive Ailments
Ginger tea is to be consumed in limited quantities. The overdose of ginger tea affects the digestive system. In case of some people, excessive may cause symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, belching, or bloating. Over consumption may also lead to the production of acids in the human body, leading to acidity. Also, people suffering from diabetes should avoid excessive consumption of ginger in any form, as it can decrease the blood sugar levels and cause hypoglycemia.

Adverse Interaction with Anesthesia
If a person has consumed ginger tea just before a surgery, or has been drinking ginger tea for long, it can be a reason for certain complications in the surgery. Some drugs administered for anesthesia are found to react with ginger tea, leading to complications, such as hindrance in healing of wounds, or photosensitive reactions and bleeding; as a result of interaction with anticoagulants. Which is why, most of the doctors advice to stop the intake of ginger at least one week prior to the surgery.

Side Effects in Patients with Blood Disorders
Ginger tea might be a hindrance in the functioning of the platelets that are responsible for the coagulation of blood. Patients who suffer from blood disorders such as hemophilia, must consult their physician before consuming this tea. Blood thinners (Warfarin), which are prescribed for some blood-related disorders are known to react with ginger. Also, people taking medications for high blood pressure should not consume ginger, as it tends to lower the blood pressure and causes heart palpitations.

Consuming Ginger Tea during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Ginger tea is also rumored to be a substance that is toxic to the unborn child. However, some medical practitioners prescribe ginger tea as a medicine for morning sickness. The issue remains debatable; but the best we can do is to not take a chance. If you want, you can always consult your doctor for the same.

Drinking Ginger Tea before Sleeping
One of the common side effects of ginger tea is that it 'kills' sleep. That means, if you consume ginger tea before going to bed, there are chances that you would not be able to sleep for a very long time.

Ginger Tea and Gallstones
Bile production can have an adverse effect on people who are affected by gallstones. Ginger promotes bile production, and indirectly contributes to the pain caused.

It is thus, advisable for a person to seek able guidance before indulging in ginger tea on a regular basis. Side effects are observed when ginger tea is consumed in large quantities. So, whenever you have a craving for ginger tea, drink it in sips, not cups!

How Safe Ginger Tea Intake During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a very crucial condition in every woman's life, when she is responsible for the health and survival of another life developing inside her womb. Right from the moment of conception, till the condition is diagnosed, and throughout all the nine months of the fetus's development, the mother's body is responsible for the nutrition of the baby. Since it is what the mother eats and drinks, is what provides the required amount of nutrition to the fetus, she has to take care of her diet. During this time, there are a few foods and liquids, which are supposed to be avoided because of the ill effects to the mother and the baby. One of these liquids which are speculated is herbal tea, or more specifically, ginger tea. So, is ginger tea safe during pregnancy? Well, this can be answered if you know its benefits. Read the following paragraphs for the same.


One of the most popularly-used of the herbal teas is ginger tea produced from ginger (Zingiber officinale). Right from the ancient times, it has been one of the most effective medicinal herbs in traditional medicine, as it has extraordinary healing powers. Along with being used as a culinary hit, it is also used in making tea because of the various healthy benefits.
  • It is very effective in relieving nausea, and it combats motion sickness, which are two very common medical conditions seen in individuals.
  • It is also very helpful in digestive purposes and relieves flatulence, reducing muscle aches in the stomach or anywhere else in the body.
  • It also reduces dizziness and is a home remedy for common cold, respiratory disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, etc.
  • It is one of the most effective solution for women's health problems.
Ginger Tea During Pregnancy

With so many health benefits that are mentioned in the paragraphs above, you must have found out that this concoction is herbal and is safe for women. Its benefits during pregnancy include:
  • It is almost instantly effective in relieving nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness, which is a very common symptom seen in pregnant women that continues for the first 3 months. Thus, medical research has proved that drinking a small amount whenever you are nauseated could help you feel better and not harm the baby at all.
  • It also increases the blood flow throughout the body and makes circulation naturally healthy. In this way, the blood is provided to all the parts of a pregnant woman's body including internal organs. Thus, the baby is supplied with enough blood with nutrients for its initial development.
  • During this period, the immune system of the mother is weakened, but needs to be strong so that infections don't reach the baby. This concoction is very useful in strengthening this immune system of the mother, because of its healing properties.
  • It treats common colds, headaches, persistent coughs, and other minor ailments in the body. Since there are about 12 antioxidants that are present in ginger, the tea works as a great anti-inflammatory agent and neutralizes free radicals.
  • All women suffer from muscular spasms and cramps during ovulation or menstruation. These cramps can get unbearable at times, and consuming this product at this time is known to be effective in healing. Other pains related to the uterus are also relieved.
With these benefits, it is very important to know that a very small amount should be consumed during pregnancy. However, consulting your physician before consuming anything in this condition would be a smarter option.

Benefits of Lemon Ginger Tea

Although the drink is referred to as a 'lemon ginger tea', it is just ginger boiled in hot water with a few drops of lemon juice..., and there is no tea! Both ginger and lemon are known as one of the most gifted natural herbs which are responsible for treating various disorders, be it cold, flu, fever, or sore throat. In fact, you would be surprised to know that ginger has been used as a significant medicinal herb in China for more than 2,500 years. Apart from China, many other Asian countries including India have used this fabulous solution of lemon ginger tea to cure many many health conditions. Many of us don't realize this, but the use of these simple herbs like ginger and lemon can actually contribute towards building a stronger immunity, thereby preventing a lot of health ailments. And the best part about this is that you don't have to deal with the side effects of medicines, or worry about the doctor's fees. Consumption of these natural herbs can actually save us from a lot of trouble. How? This shall be discussed as under.

Health Benefits of Lemon and Ginger Tea

It's needless to say that this drink is a combination of two of the most complementing herbs in the world. On one hand, where ginger is known for its pungent and strong flavor, lemon can successfully add to the aroma and balance out the pungent taste of the solution. While its aromatic and refreshing flavor helps a person get charged up without consuming caffeine, mentioned below are some of the health benefits of this amazing herbal solution. Have a look!

  • Did you know that some medicines for treating nausea can lead to a condition known as serotonin syndrome. So why put yourself in the risk? Take a hot sip of ginger lemon tea and relieve yourself from nausea instantly!
  • Other health conditions like motion sickness or dizziness can also be reduced by consumption of lemon ginger tea. So the next time you feel dizzy or suffer from motion sickness, you know which drink to order, right?
  • Ginger is known for its natural quality to treat stomach related problems. Combine it with a dash of lemon and there you have a natural and tasty cup of solution which can not only energize you but also help in getting rid of various stomach and digestion related problems.
  • Yet another benefit of ginger lemon tea is that it helps in reducing inflammation in the body. This practice of using ginger to fight against inflammation has been observed since ancient times, and still continues.
  • Apart from reducing inflammation, lemon ginger tea is also known for reducing migraine pain as it naturally blocks the inflammation of blood vessels present in the brain which results in the pain.
  • We all know how important a good metabolism in the human body is to maintain a healthy body and mind! Therefore, it would be extremely beneficial for you if you can drink a cup of lemon ginger tea every morning as it is known to boost your metabolism and improve your blood circulation.
  • I am sure each and every health article you read would suggest you to 'lower your cholesterol levels' to keep safe from various chronic conditions like diabetes, blood pressure or heart related problems. Now you can easily do so by drinking lemon ginger tea, as it helps in reducing your cholesterol levels.
  • Another benefit of drinking this tea is that it also contributes towards stimulating the appetite of the person. Though there is nothing to worry about it as it also increases your metabolism at the same time.
  • You know what my grandma made me drink when I had cold, sore throat, blocked nose or flu like symptoms? She made me drink lemon ginger tea with a drop of honey. Try it out, it sure helps!
  • Ginger tea is also known to be useful in reducing chronic pain by relaxing the muscles. It is also helpful when dealing with pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Lemon ginger tea is a good and healthy source of fulfilling your daily dose of vitamin C. This vitamin is an excellent vitamin for your teeth, mouth and stomach. As a matter of fact, vitamin C is also known to be helpful in preventing various cancers. Therefore, be generous with the lime and drink this amazingly gifted solution to keep yourself safe from the risk.
  • This antioxidant herbal drink is extremely helpful in lifting up your mood and triggering your energy levels. I remember during my exams, when I needed mental energy the most, a cup of hot and steaming ginger lemon tea would make my mood lift up instantly, thereby increasing the concentration levels. Not only this, even if you are physically exhausted, ginger lemon tea can boost up your energy levels instantly, try it yourself if you don't believe me!

Though many of you might be taking some alternative medication for the aforementioned problems, I bet even you would agree that natural herbs are much more safe to use than the chemical based alternatives. So stay natural, stay healthy, and don't forget to take the yummy hot or cold sip of lemon ginger tea right away!

Powerbank That Can Jump Start A Car

These days we have things for about everything. It’s rare that truly new and innovative gizmos hit the market, and the most we’re getting are upgrades of previous devices or hybrids of two different gadgets.

Most hybrids that have become commonplace are powerbanks, and as competition for it rises, everyone is trying come up with a better half to make theirs stand out. CD-R King is among those retailers.

Portable Car Power Jumper

CD-R King isn’t exactly the ideal top-of-the-line shop for gadgets and accessories. But they have provided things needed at an affordable rate. Going back to powerbanks, we just spotted one that shocked us. It’s a large 16,800mAH powerbank that not only charges mobile devices but can also jump start cars. It was novel concept we just had to try it for ourselves.

It’s official name from CD-R King is the Portable Car Power Jumper. It ships with its own tools such as a car jumper cable and a small bag where you can bring along. It wasn’t that hard to find an old vehicle with an older failing battery. If you’re familiar with jump starting cars via battery series, the procedure is technically the same. Just attach those red and black grips to their respective positive and negative sides of the battery, make sure the Power Jumper is on, and chill out for a while.

It also features a red and blue emergency LED lighting for safety during unwanted nighttime driving incident. Its own charging time is around 5 hours, which isn’t too bad. It should be noted that this works for cars that do not exceed a 2.8L engine displacement.

This device won’t fix any problem. It is a temporary fix that will get you home safely or to the nearest mechanic. Things like these can be a real life saver and from that, we give this nifty gadget two thumbs up. Of course, CD-R King offers other car jumpers, but not as cool as being part powerbank. Just make sure it’s always fully charged.

Understanding The Causes of Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. There are different types of leukemia that can affect the health of a patient. Of these types, certain leukemia generally affect children and about 30% affect adults. Leukemia usually involves white blood cells that causes them to divide abnormally. These cells do not function properly and do not die like the normal blood cells. This causes them to crowd in the system and affect the number of normal cells. This Buzzle article will help you learn more about the leading causes of leukemia.

Leukemia causes extensive damage to the bone marrow, by displacing the normal bone marrow cells with a huge number of immature white blood cells resulting in a lack of blood platelets that are important in the process of blood clotting. This means people with leukemia will be easily bruised and bleed excessively, or develop pinprick bleeds (petechiae). White blood cells, which are involved in fighting pathogens, may be suppressed putting the patient at the risk of developing infections. The red blood cell deficiency leads to anemia, which may further cause dyspnea. However, the exact cause of leukemia is not yet understood. There are a number of factors that scientists feel are responsible for its occurrence.

These factors cause mutation in the DNA of blood cells. This causes them to grow and divide rapidly. Their life span is also more than the normal blood cells. Thus, they crowd the healthy blood cells and lead to appearance of signs and symptoms of leukemia.

Factors that Lead to Leukemia
Numerous risk factors may be responsible for DNA damage within the blood cells. The risk factors believed to have the strongest associations with leukemia include the following major causes:
  • Age - Roughly 60-70% of leukemia occur in people who are older than 50.
  • Radiation - A high risk of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is caused among people who have been exposed to high doses of radiation.
  • Chemicals - Workers who are exposed to benzene are prone to having acute leukemia. If exposed to some other solvents, herbicides, and pesticides can also cause this deadly disease.
  • Viruses - The human T-cell leukemia virus I (HTLV-I) is related to acute T-cell leukemia. It can also affect humans through animal viruses.
  • Genetics - Risk of Leukemia is seen among children with Down's syndrome, which is a genetically linked chromosomal abnormality which means an extra chromosome 21. Three rare inherited disorders like Fanconi's anemia, Bloom's syndrome, and ataxia telangiectasia, also can cause leukemia.
Leukemia is also found among racial and ethnic groups with different genetic make-ups. Other factors that are suspected to be possible causes of leukemia are as follows:

a. Cigarette smoking
Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for leukemia. Chemicals in tobacco smoke include benzene, polonium-210, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) are absorbed by the lungs and are spread via the bloodstream. It is estimated that one in four cases of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is the result of cigarette smoking.

b. Cancer therapy
Individuals who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation therapy for previous cancers have a greater chance of getting secondary leukemia. Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) has been reported after chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy for various solid tumors (breast cancer, ovarian cancer), blood malignancies, and nonmalignant conditions. The chemotherapeutic agents most often associated with secondary leukemias are procarbazine, chlorambucil, etoposide, mechlorethamine, teniposide, and cyclophosphamide.

The risk is increased when these drugs are combined with radiation therapy. Most secondary leukemia cancers are developed within 9 years after treatment of Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, or childhood CLL. Further chemotherapy often is ineffective in patients with secondary AML; their prognosis is less favorable than that of typical AML patients.

c. Other medical therapy and events
Use of the antibiotic chloramphenicol has been linked with the development of childhood leukemia. Other medications, such as growth hormones and phenylbutazone, also have reportedly shown some associations with leukemia. Leukemia and lymphomas have been observed in recipients of organ transplants, and certain immunodeficiency syndromes are associated with leukemia (e.g., infantile X-linked agammaglobulinemia and lymphatic leukemia).

Researchers have studied the many cellular changes associated with leukemia; however it is unknown why these changes occur. Many risk factors are involved and most of them are unmodifiable (beyond control). Other factors (e.g., environmental, lifestyle-related variables) are controllable (modifiable).

d. Miscellaneous
All cancers, including leukemia, begin as a mutation in the genetic material- the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), within certain cells. The abnormal leukemia cells remain in an immature blast form that never matures properly. They do not die off like normal cells, but tend to multiply and accumulate within the body like I included in the first paragraph of this article.

e. DNA errors
DNA errors may occur in the form of translocations. Damage produced when part of one chromosome becomes displaced and attached to another chromosome. Translocations disrupt the normal sequencing of the genes. As a result, oncogenes (cancer-promoting genes) on the chromosomes may be "switched on," while tumor suppressors (cancer-preventing genes) may be switched off. Much leukemia contains translocations that affect the blood cell chromosomes. Physicians often test for these translocations to help diagnose leukemia, determine a patient's prognosis, and identify the error.

  • Joint pain
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Easy Bruising
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Enlarged liver and spleen
  • Loss of appetite and/or weight
  • Frequent infection
  • Bone pain
  • Fever, chills, night sweats and other flu-like symptoms
  • Neurological symptoms (headache)
Until we find the cause or causes of leukemia, there is no way to prevent the disease. Even when we figure the cause, they may prove to be things which are not readily controllable, such as naturally occurring background radiation, and therefore not especially be helpful for prevention purposes. It is thus, not always possible to use preventive measures in case of leukemia.

Symptoms of Leukemia in Children

Leukemia usually starts in the bone marrow, where white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells and platelets are produced. When, for certain reasons, the bone marrow starts making or producing a large number of white blood cells, the condition is termed as 'leukemia'. Every cell in the body is given a set of instructions such as when to grow, reproduce, mature, and die, by its DNA. Due to some reasons, the DNA develops mutation, and instructs the cell to grow and multiply rapidly without dying, unlike normal cells which die after a certain period of time. Such abnormal blood cells are known as 'leukemia cells'. They are not matured enough when they are produced thus, do not perform the work of normal white blood cells. They continue to reproduce themselves and over time, tend to crowd out or outnumber the normal blood cells. This, in turn, causes severe repercussions such as anemia, bleeding and infections. Scientists are unsure about what triggers such a mutation in the DNA.

Leukemia has its forms divided into four different types. They are acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Among all these, children are mostly affected by ALL and AML.

Leukemia in Children

# The most common symptom of leukemia that is found in children is increased incidents of developing fevers and infections, and that too over a short space of time. This happens because the infection-fighting white blood cells are defective thus, do not provide any kind of protection against any attack of illness.

# Perspiration could become a common occurrence, and profuse during nights.

# The patient could develop tiny red spots on his/her skin.

# As mentioned earlier, leukemia in its later stage, results in the children becoming anemic. They may appear pale, and remain tired most of the time. They may also experience abnormal incidents of shortness of breath. This happens as the leukemia cells also affect the oxygen carrying red blood cells, which are being produced in the bone marrow. This may be accompanied by poor appetite and abnormal weight loss.

# Not only are the red-blood cells affected, the production of platelets is also hampered due to leukemia. Due to this, problems with blood clotting is also one common symptom of leukemia in kids. Frequent nosebleeds, bleeding for a longer period, and the tendency to bleed easily, are other symptoms.

# Affected kids may suffer from bone or joint pain. The pain arises due to the buildup of leukemia cells in the bone marrow. Note that, not every affected child has such kind of pain.

# The abnormal white blood cells may also get collected in the liver, kidney and spleen. The abnormal multiplication of the cells in these organs causes them to enlarge, and this leads to abdominal distress.

# Apart from suffering from dyspnea (difficult or labored respiration), swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, neck or groin are some symptoms that may surface.

Treatment Options

Treatment for leukemia is governed by the patient's age, white blood cell count, and chromosomal abnormalities. It also varies according to the type of leukemia. However, chemotherapy is the common option for the treatment and this in some cases, is followed by radiation. Stem cell or bone marrow transplantation is the other form of therapy that most doctors prefer to employ for the treatment of leukemia. The main aim that goes behind the treatment is to destroy the leukemia cells, and restore the growth of normal cells in the bone marrow.

Depending on the severity of the disease, other forms of treatment may include intrathecal medications/chemotherapy, and biological therapy. Leukemia treatment may cause severe side effects in the body, and in order to prevent or treat the damage, the patient could be put on additional medications. Blood transfusion, to make up for the RBCs and platelets, and antibiotics to prevent infections, are also included in the treatment plan.

Symptoms of leukemia should not be ignored. They are important for getting the condition diagnosed and treated as early as possible. As with most types of cancers, the earlier the treatment is initiated, the brighter the prognosis is. Post-treatment, uninterrupted care and continuous follow-ups are necessary for a speedy recuperation for the patient.