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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Pregnancy. Sort by date Show all posts

Apr 7, 2015

Facts About Thyroid Storm

Hyperthyroidism is a condition when the thyroid gland works overtime and produces a high amount of thyroid hormone in the body. This can lead to problematic outcome including, high heart rate, nervousness, irritability, excessive perspiration, anxiety, sleeplessness, brittle hair, muscle weakness in upper arms and thighs, hand tremors, etc. A thyroid storm could be a result of untreated or undertreated hyperthyroidism. It could also flare up due to an infection or trauma due to an ongoing illness or a recent surgery. Immediate medical attention is needed.


The commonly observed symptoms of a thyroid storm are listed below. All these symptoms are severe in nature and should not be neglected at any cost.
  • Mental confusion
  • Diarrhea
  • High systolic blood pressure and low diastolic blood pressure
  • Heart palpitations
  • High fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Tachycardia
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Extreme weakness
  • Shaking
  • Mood swings
  • Sudden weight loss in a short period
  • Excessive sweating
  • Restlessness
In the absence of timely medical intervention, a thyroid storm may lead to coma, heart failure, and even death.

Risk Factors

This condition can occur as a complication of untreated Grave's disease or hyperthyroidism. This is especially a major risk factor in female patients. Some of these risk factors that one should always keep in mind if suffering from hyperthyroidism or Grave's disease, are mentioned below.
  • Lung infection, pneumonia, or throat infections
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Insulin-induced hypoglycemia
  • Severe emotional stress
  • Recent thyroid surgery
  • Thyroid hormone overdose
  • Toxemia due to pregnancy and labor

The treatment is carried out using a combination of antithyroid drugs, blockade iodine drugs, and beta blockers. It is an emergency condition that needs to be addressed immediately. The doctor may administer intravenous fluids and electrolytes. The fever is controlled using cooling towels, antibiotics, and nutritional vitamin supplements. If you or someone you know experiences high fever, high heart rate, palpitations, confusion, high blood pressure, weakness, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, breathing trouble, etc., you need to go to the emergency room without wasting any time.

One can prevent the condition by recognizing the symptoms and providing early aggressive treatment. After a patient is treated, he or she needs to visit the doctor regularly to get their health monitored. Proper treatment for hyperthyroidism is the key to prevent the condition. Early intervention is imperative for a successful recovery.

Mar 21, 2015

Appropriate Ways to Grow Hair Back Naturally

There are a number of reasons why a person might suffer from hair loss. Poor health, stress, crash diets, deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals and poor hygiene can all lead to loss of hair. Once you have identified the cause of hair loss, you can take steps to prevent it. But how do you grow your hair back? There are many natural methods that you can employ to stimulate hair growth. Here are some methods that you can follow to grow your hair back.

Have an Iron Rich Diet
One of the major reason for hair loss is deficiency of iron in your diet. For strong and healthy hair, it is essential that you add iron to your diet. Green leafy vegetables, beans, red meat and tofu are all rich in iron. They also contain biotin and zinc, which are essential minerals that help in promoting hair growth.

Opt for Hair Massage
Hair massages are not only relaxing and rejuvenating, but they can help in stimulating hair growth. Regular massage with oil will boost blood circulation and helps to nourish and strengthen hair follicles and shaft. You can choose from olive oil, jojoba oil or coconut oil for such massage. Essential oils like rosemary, lavender and sage can be mixed with your regular hair oil and used for massage. For best results, warm the oil before massaging, and try to massage your scalp before going to bed. Shampoo your hair the next morning.

Use Herbs
There are many herbs which can be helpful in stimulating hair growth. These include chamomile, catnip and burdock. Catnip and burdock promotes hair growth and are generally found as an ingredient in shampoos and conditioners specially formulated for treating hair fall. If your hair loss is because of stress, then try chamomile herb. It is a good stress reliever which also improves hair growth.

Follow a Diet Rich in Vitamins
Vitamins A, E and B-complex are essential for healthy hair. Vitamin A is necessary for sebum production. Sebum deficiency can lead to hair loss as hair becomes brittle and dry. Vitamin E plays a vital role in repairing damaged hair follicles. Vitamin B-complex is responsible for the overall health and strength of hair. All these vitamins are found in fruits and green-leafy vegetables. So you should include them in your diet for strengthening your hair.

What are the Causes of Hair Loss
  • A diet which is lacking in proteins, vitamins and essential minerals can result in loss of hair.
  • Side effects of some medications that are prescribed for treating certain diseases like arthritis, gout, depression and hypertension can also cause hair loss.
  • People who are anemic or who suffer from thyroid problems can also suffer from thinning hair.
  • Hair treatments such as bleaching, dyeing, perming and permanent straightening can damage hair which will in turn lead to hair thinning and hair loss.
  • Fungal infection of the scalp can lead to hair loss.
  • Hair loss is associated with some diseases such as diabetes and lupus.
  • Patients undergoing medical treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy generally suffer from hair loss.
  • Hormonal changes are one of the common causes of hair loss in women. This occurs during pregnancy, menopause and after childbirth.
  • Excessive use of styling products and over styling hair can also contribute to hair fall.
  • Some hairstyles that involves tying hair tightly, like ponytails, braids and buns can cause traction and lead to hair fall.
If you are trying to combat hair fall, then refrain from excessive brushing and shampooing. Hair loss can be prevented by taking proper hair care and following a balanced diet.

Apr 18, 2015

Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a gum disease caused by bacterial infection of the tissues surrounding the gums and teeth. The growth of bacteria in these areas is mainly triggered by the lack of proper oral hygiene. The sugary and starchy components present in our food react with the bacteria present inside the mouth to form a soft, sticky, colorless film, known as plaque. Regular brushing and flossing helps to eliminate this plaque. In case it is not cleaned properly, it hardens to form tartar, which becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

Hormonal changes can also be responsible for gingivitis during pregnancy. Other factors that can contribute towards gingivitis are poor nutrition, and side effects of medicines. Early signs of this disease are not painful, but as it progresses, the gums may hurt a lot.


The bacteria that grow in tartar tend to irritate the gum at the base of the teeth, called gingiva, which in turn, gives rise to a number of annoying symptoms.
  • Gingivitis is commonly known as bleeding gums. Therefore, one of the most obvious signs is that the gums start bleeding easily. It is a particularly common occurrence while brushing or flossing.
  • Red and swollen gums is another clear sign of gingivitis. If the gums are badly inflamed, then they turn soft and puffy.
  • Occasionally, the gums may become extremely tender and sensitive.
  • When the gums are healthy, then their tissue is firm, and they are pale pink in color. If infected, the color changes to bright red or purplish red.
  • Receding gums is another problem faced by people suffering from gingivitis.
  • Sometimes, mouth sores may develop on the gum surface.
  • All the above mentioned symptoms could be accompanied by bad breath, or a bad taste in the mouth due to the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

If you observe any signs of gingivitis, you must visit a dentist as soon as possible for proper treatment. The first step of treatment is deep dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar hidden under the gums. Various specialized dental instruments are used for this purpose, and the technique is called scaling. It may cause some discomfort as the gums are already tender because of tartar build up. Sometimes, misaligned teeth or poorly fitted crowns make it difficult to clean the plaque with brushing. If any such problem is responsible for causing gingivitis, then it needs to be corrected. The treatment should be followed by adequate dental care at home. Your dentist may even suggest some changes in brushing and flossing techniques. He may also prescribe an antiseptic mouth rinse to control any further growth of bacteria.

Diet is also an important factor in the cure of this disease. You should eat crispy fibrous foods, such as apples and carrots, that can massage the gums well and keep them healthy. Rich sources of vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, can also cure gingivitis. You must stay away from sugary foods and high fat foods because they promote plaque formation.

The signs of gingivitis are often mild and we tend to ignore them. If left untreated, then it can lead to a more serious form of gum disease and even tooth loss. Recurrence of the signs can be prevented with good oral care. Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush twice a day. Regular flossing is also important as it removes trapped food particles from those areas where a toothbrush cannot reach. Thus, the chances of plaque formation is reduced to a great extent.

Mar 13, 2015

Ways to Prevent Varicose Veins

Spider veins aka Varicose Veins are commonly observed in aging women and as per 'The National Women's Health Information Center', around 60% Americans tend to develop some form of spider veins or the other during their lives. This condition occurs in almost all people entering the old age zone. Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias or sunburst varicosities is often confused with varicose veins.

However, these are smaller and less painful compared to the former. Spider veins are fine red, blue, or purple veins observed on the thigh, calves, ankles, hands, or face. Appearing either on a small area or a large portion of the skin, these veins appear like spider webs blanketed on the skin, which is how they get their name 'spider vein'.

Causes of Spider Veins

The human body comprises two major kinds of blood vessels: arteries and veins. The arteries carry oxygenated blood (except pulmonary artery) from the heart, while veins carry de-oxygenated blood (except pulmonary vein) from the different parts of the body to the heart. Veins possess valves known as venous valves that prevent back flow of blood flowing within them. This means the valves ensure that the blood flows in only one direction. However, sometimes due to aging or other specific factors like heredity or hormonal changes, exposure to sun, genetics, pregnancy, injury to the leg, obesity, consumption of birth control pills, standing or sitting in one position for extended periods of time etc., may conduce to the formation of these veins. This means that these conditions may cause the veins to debilitate, thereby allowing some blood to trickle back into the vein. As blood starts pooling in the veins, the veins get clogged, congested, and swollen. These gorged veins appear like spider webs on the skin's surface and are unsightly.

How to Prevent Spider Veins

Spider vein is not a serious health condition, however, its presence can make people withdraw from social gatherings, due to the embarrassment they cause. Although there is no exact method that can be jotted down to prevent them, there are certain precautionary measures that one can take.

Avoid Standing or Sitting in One Position for Extended Period
Waiters, hairdressers, lecturers, salesmen, watchmen, security guards, people working in factories, etc., all happen to have jobs which call for standing for long hours. Moreover, people like software professionals, writers, etc., have jobs that demand long hours of sitting in one position. One needs to flex one's muscles every now and then by taking short walks. If walking is not possible, flexing one's muscles every ten minutes will also help. While sitting, avoid crossing your legs and while resting keep your legs above the heart level to minimize pooling in the veins.

Maintaining a healthy exercise regime helps prevent one from putting on weight, and also reduces the stress caused on the veins. Aerobic exercises or periodic walks stimulate the calf muscles and help pump the de-oxygenated blood that was pooled in the legs. Regular exercise will not only reduce vein pressure and pooling, but will also strengthen leg muscles, thereby decreasing the chances of spider vein formation in the future.

Avoid Excessive Exposure to Sun
Wear sunscreen before going out on a sunny day. Wear clothes that will leave minimum skin exposed to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Moreover, avoid exposing the legs to extreme heat like from hot tubs and hot baths.

Right Type of Clothes
Tight clothes conduce to vein constriction, followed by injury. The clothes one chooses should be such that they do not inhibit blood circulation. To stimulate venous circulation one can wear compression stockings or elastic support stockings; especially while traveling for long hours in cars, buses, or airplanes. Moreover, wearing low heels or flat shoes helps stimulate the calf muscles while walking, thereby enhancing blood circulation.

Despite taking all these precautionary measures, if one finds oneself inflicted by spider veins, then one needs to undergo treatment. Treatment comprises injections, laser vein removal treatment, surgery to destroy damaged veins, or sclerotherapy. The cosmetic dermatologist will be able to suggest which treatment type is appropriate. Make sure you consult an experienced cosmetic dermatologist as complications during sclerotherapy are not uncommon. However, even after the best treatment, the probability of spider veins occurrence in various other parts of the body is high. This is why prevention is better than cure!

Mar 12, 2015

Causes of Revealing Varicose Veins

Are you afraid of hot weather? The heat, the sun, but most importantly, the shorts and skirts that might reveal your legs? Varicose veins can be unsightly and embarrassing, but luckily, they can also be treated (although not cured). Decreasing their appearance can greatly increase your confidence in showing off your legs.

Those squiggly lumps underneath your skin are actually pools of blood. The veins in your extremities, most often your legs and ankles, lose efficiency in delivering your blood throughout your body. The valves that control the blood flow weaken and allow pressure to build up in your veins, expanding them into snakelike gnarls characteristic of varicose veins, or venous insufficiency.

Developing varicose veins might make you want to pull your hair out and ask, why me?! There are a number of factors to take into consideration when determining why you have varicose veins. These can include:
  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Standing for long amounts of time
  • Pregnancy
  • Being overweight or obese
Although the visible aspects of venous insufficiency are definitely a telling factor in diagnosing the disease, there are less obvious symptoms as well. These uncomfortable issues can actually lead to other ailments, such as eczema. Therefore, it is good to catch it early and get treatment. More symptoms of varicose veins include:
  • Itchy, dry skin
  • Mild to severe swelling
  • A feeling of heaviness in your legs, along with dull aching pains and burning
  • Changes in the color of your skin, such as turning reddish brown or purple
  • Ulcers
With all of these uncomfortable symptoms connected to weakened blood valves, it's no wonder that many different treatments have been developed, although there is no true cure. You can try some at-home methods such as wearing compression socks, working out, and elevating areas affected by varicose veins. These usually work best with slight vein problems, and exercising can actually help prevent them by keeping you at a healthy weight.

Severe varicose veins can require treatment from doctors. Ligation and stripping involves tying off your vein and removing it. Less invasive is sclerotherapy, where a chemical is inserted into your vein to cause its collapse. Laser treatment induces a vein to close as well. A new treatment option is radiofrequency energy is run down your vein to make it scar and close up.

Sep 14, 2013

Gretchen Barretto's 17-year old daughter Dominique Cojuangco pregnant?

Rumors are circulating on tabloids that Gretchen Barretto's daughter, Dominique Cojuangco, is pregnant.

In a presscon of her newest TV project Princess and I, Gretchen neither confirmed nor denied the pregnancy of her 17-year old daughter from business tycoon Tonyboy Cojuangco.

"I'd rather not (answer) whatever it is (you will be asking) because if you ask me that, then that means it's not (true). I think I believe that I already mentioned earlier that I would like to talk purely about my career. No other thing else. Whatever rumor that it is, I don't want because I'm not in this business for anything of that sort especially mag-e-air kami. Parang I don't need anything that is negative or untrue. Rumors are rumors."

Apr 12, 2015

Cloves Health Benefits and its Properties

Cloves are the dried, unopened flower buds, that grow on a middle-sized evergreen clove tree. A clove tree grows up to the height of 10 to 12 meters. The clove flower bud (Eugenia aromatica) is pink in color, and when dried, turns brown. Clove is native to the Moluccas or Spice Islands (Indonesia), and the Southern Philippines. Indonesia is the largest producer of cloves. These herbs are also cultivated commercially in Jamaica, Brazil, India, West Indies, Pemba, Madagascar and other tropical areas. Cloves as compared to other spices are available all year round.

In India and China, cloves have been used as an ancient remedy to get rid of bad breath. It is said that in China, anyone who had consultation with the Emperor was required to chew on cloves so that their breath turned sweet. In China and Persia, the cloves are considered to have aphrodisiac qualities.

Medicinal Properties of Cloves

Clove is used as a spice in different cuisines all over the globe. Due to its strong aroma, clove is used for cooking and also for adding spice to several food recipes. In addition, cloves are known to have rich nutritional and medicinal values. A number of health benefits of cloves have been discussed below.

Packed with Nutrition
Cloves consist of a significant amount of minerals, proteins, iron, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and hydrochloric acid. Researchers have found that cloves rank high as natural antioxidants. They also contain vitamins like A and C, manganese, and dietary fiber.

The analgesic property of clove is due to an active ingredient, eugenol oil, which is used for treatment of various dental problems like tooth decay and tooth abscesses. A cotton ball soaked in the clove oil can work wonders on an aching tooth. The oil obtained from cloves is known to possess antibacterial properties and is used in various dental creams, toothpastes, and mouthwashes to cleanse bacteria. It is also used to relieve pain from sore gums.

Cloves are also used as an anti-inflammatory agent, due to their high content of flavonoids. Aromatherapists use pure clove oil to cure the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. The aromatic clove oil when inhaled, can help relieve certain respiratory conditions like cold, cough, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, and it also clears the nasal tract. The diluted clove oil when gargled helps in effectively easing the throat discomfort.

Antiseptic and Antispasmodic
Due to its antiseptic properties, clove and clove oil work as an effective remedy for some common problems such as cuts, fungal infections, burns, athlete's foot, and bruises. The clove oil, if directly applied on the skin can cause irritation. The clove oil is hence used for application in diluted form. As an antispasmodic agent, clove oil helps to relieve muscle spasms when applied topically near the affected portion. For centuries, clove oil is used as a natural way to aid in childbirth.

Aids Digestive Health
Cloves can effectively cure many digestive problems. Cloves are known to have medicinal qualities to cure nausea, indigestion, flatulence, stomach pain, and loose motions.

In Cancer
Researchers have suggested that the cloves can effectively prevent lung cancer as well as skin cancer. Eugenol, an essential component found in cloves, helps in minimizing the harmful effects of environmental wastes that can cause cancer of gastrointestinal tract.

Boosts Immunity
Clove and clove oil boosts the immune system by purifying the blood. Cloves are also known to stimulate blood circulation.

Stress Reliever
Clove oil is an excellent stress reliever. It contains aphrodisiac properties and hence stimulates the brain and reduces fatigue, mental exhaustion, and depression. It has successfully treated patients suffering from insomnia and it induces a high-quality sleep. Clove oil is helpful in treating mental diseases such as anxiety, and memory loss.

More Health Benefits

► Cloves are used for treating a number of health conditions such as malaria, cholera, scabies in the tropical Asian countries.

► Cloves benefit the diabetic patients by controlling the blood glucose levels. The essential constituent (Eugenol) found in cloves is also powerful for preventing blood clots.

► Clove oil mixed with milk and salt can be used as a home remedy for headache. It is one of the effective remedies for stye and various eye infections. If a piece of clove is applied to stye, it relieves the pain and swelling. Clove is used as a relief for earaches, a mixture of clove oil and sesame oil is warmed and applied for earaches.

► Apart from these health benefits of cloves, they are known to offer other benefits too. Clove oil is used for treatment of acne. Applying clove oil on affected area helps in getting rid of swelling caused due to pimples. Clove oil is used for the preparation of various beauty cream and lotions. It is also extensively used as a massage oil.

► Clove is used as a remedy for treating morning sickness. After meals you can consume tea prepared by adding 4 grains of cloves. Also chewing a few cloves can give you great relief.

► Clove oil, in the form of purified liquid is widely used in synthetic vanilla and also used as flavors in the manufacture of perfumes, soaps and various toiletries.

► The clove oil makes an excellent natural mosquito repellent as well as moth repellent, and can protect against mosquitoes for 4-5 hours. Cloves are also used in making cigarettes.

Clove, a versatile spice, is easily available in every home and with so many nutritional qualities, one can surely benefit in a number of ways. But it's always advisable to consult your doctor before using clove oil in treating infants and during pregnancy.

Mar 19, 2015

Early Stage, Signs and Symtoms of Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic ailment, characterized by an increased sugar level in the blood. It is caused due to abnormal metabolism of the hormone insulin, which is secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin regulates the metabolic process of sugar in the body. It induces the body cells to take up glucose from the blood, for using it as a source of energy. This function of insulin is disturbed in a diabetic patient. Hence, sugar remains in the blood, resulting in high blood glucose level (hyperglycemia) and associated symptoms.

Three Types of Diabetes

It is estimated that about 8.3 percent Americans have diabetes. In fact, it is identified as one of the leading causes of death, after cancer and heart disease. Diabetes is classified into three major types, depending upon the etiology, viz. type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. While the health effects accompanied with high blood sugar remain the same, actual symptoms differ slightly according the type of diabetes. Hence, to get a better understanding about the same, a brief explanation about the three diabetes types is given below.

Type 1 Diabetes
About 10-15 percent of diabetes patients are diagnosed with this type. Type 1 diabetes is caused due to damage of beta cells of the pancreas, which results in little or no production of insulin. Previously, it was thought to affect only children and hence, it is referred to as juvenile diabetes or childhood diabetes. Since a patient of type 1 diabetes requires insulin injections daily, it is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes
In contrary to the type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is known as insulin-independent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes. It is the most common type of diabetes, accounting to about 85-90 percent of all the cases. In this diabetes type, either the body cells do not respond properly to insulin (though hormone secretion is normal) or there is insufficient insulin. It is often associated with obesity and a less active lifestyle.

Gestational Diabetes
This form of diabetes is similar to type 2 diabetes, but occurs exclusively in pregnant women. Also known as carbohydrate intolerance, it is caused either due to hormonal changes or shortage of insulin during pregnancy. Usually, the sugar level becomes normal or near normal after the birth of the baby. In case, the symptoms persist then there is a high chance of developing type 2 diabetes in a later period.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

A few symptoms of diabetes are manifested in the early stage (or prediabetes phase). Hence, about one-third of people who have diabetes remain unaware of the high blood sugar level. When the early signs of diabetes are present, they are often confused with symptoms of other health problems. Let's look into some of the warming signs of diabetes.

  • A common sign exhibited in the early stages of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is frequent urination (polyuria). Since the glucose in the blood increases above the normal level, filtration by kidneys is incomplete. This also hampers water absorption by the kidneys, resulting in frequent urination.
  • Due to increase in the frequency of urination, the body losses excessive fluid. Ultimately, dehydration occurs, causing increased thirst (polydipsia). If one is drinking more fluid than the usual amount, and the number of urination is increased, either type 1 or type 2 diabetes is suspected.
  • Another warning sign of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is increased appetite. One of the functions of insulin is stimulating hunger. Since, the body starts secreting more insulin to lower glucose level in the bloodstream, it is obvious to experience increased hunger (polyphagia).
  • A patient who is in the prediabetes stage suffers from unusual weight loss, even without trying. This is caused due to excessive loss of sugar in the urine. The body starts using muscular proteins and fats as its source of energy, resulting in weight loss. This symptom is typical of type 1 diabetes.
  • In a person with prediabetes, excess sugar is found in the blood and not in the cells. As the body cells are deprived of the main energy source - glucose, the patient feels increased fatigue at most of the time. Physical ability is lowered and the patient gets tired very easily.
  • Vision problem is reported in patients of type 2 diabetes. Increase in the blood sugar levels leads to change in the shape of the eye lenses. Over time, this results in poor focusing power and blurred vision in patients.
  • A type 2 diabetic patient suffers from frequent yeast and skin infections. Unchecked high sugar brings about damage to the nerves, causing neuropathy symptoms (numbness in the extremities). In addition, cuts and wounds take longer period to heal.

It has been found that the immune system of a diabetic patient is low, as compared to a healthy person. This may be due to presence of elevated glucose in the blood, which in turn hampers the proper functioning of white blood cells (leukocytes). Thus, overall defense mechanism of the body gets disturbed and the person experiences frequent yeast infection, skin infection, accompanied with slow healing of bruises. As far as early signs of gestational diabetes are concerned, it seldom produces notable signs. The expecting mother rarely feels polyuria and polydipsia.

In case, a person experiences any of the above mentioned warning signs, he/she should go for blood glucose test right away. Seeking advice from a health specialist for proper diagnosis is necessary. Doing so will help in delaying the onset or even control this chronic ailment. The doctor may suggest lifestyle changes and diet modification to keep the blood sugar level under control.

Remember that an untreated diabetes can lead to serious health problems such as diabetic retinopathy (eye disease), diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage), kidney disease and kidney failure. Impotency in men and vaginal dryness in women afflicted with type 2 diabetes are also not uncommon. Along with changes in the lifestyle and diet, regular checking of blood sugar is a must. This helps in confirming, whether the treatment approaches are working or not.

Mar 13, 2015

Getting Pain Relief for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins refer to enlarged or swollen veins. The veins of any part of the body can become enlarged, though the veins of the legs are found to be more commonly affected by this condition. The veins of the leg contain one-way valves that maintain the flow of blood to the heart against the force of gravity, and prevent its back flow.

Sometimes, these valves can become weak and fail to prevent the backward flow of blood, which can cause blood to pool inside the veins. This in turn, can cause the enlargement of the veins, and make them appear bluish, swollen, and twisted. For some individuals, varicose veins may be quite harmless apart from being a cosmetic concern, while for others, they can cause pain and discomfort, especially while walking or standing for a long time.

Varicose Vein Causes
Veins basically depend on the surrounding muscles and valves to maintain the flow of blood to the heart. The valves present in the veins are basically one-way valves, which help prevent the reverse flow of blood. Several factors can damage these valves, and thereby impede the circulation of blood.

Generally, a continuous increase in blood pressure dilates the vein, due to which the valves may fail to carry out their normal functions properly. This can cause blood to accumulate inside the veins, and the consequent swelling and pain. This condition more commonly affects the superficial veins than the deep ones.

Heredity, age, obesity, height, posture, and hormonal fluctuations are the major factors that can affect the development of varicose veins. This condition can be caused by factors that put excess pressure on the legs, such as obesity, weightlifting, standing or sitting for a long time, and wearing tight-fitting clothes. Women are more likely to develop this condition during pregnancy and after menopause due to hormonal fluctuations.

Varicose Vein Symptoms
Veins that become varicose can appear as swollen blue blood vessels lying beneath the skin, especially in the legs and the feet. They can become very tender and painful, and make both walking and standing quite uncomfortable. Other symptoms that can accompany this condition are, ankle swelling, heavy and sore legs, spider veins, and restless leg syndrome.

Sometimes, one may also experience itching. Additionally, the skin of the affected area can become dry and red. Skin ulcers can also develop, along with some white patches on the ankles that can look like scars. Sometimes, the veins may not become visible, but can cause pain and swelling in the legs. This can indicate that varicose veins are located deeper inside the leg.

Varicose Vein Treatment
Treatment is generally required for painful varicose vein. For mild discomfort caused by superficial varicose veins, elastic support stockings can be used, while over-the-counter anti-inflammatory painkillers like aspirin can be used for painful varicose veins.

Surgery is regarded as the most effective treatment for this condition, though a number of non-surgical treatment options are also available. Such non-surgical treatment options include, sclerotherapy, exercises, laser surgery, and radiofrequency ablation. In sclerotherapy, a chemical is injected into the vein, which causes the vein to shrink. But this treatment is more effective for the small veins, and it cannot completely alleviate the pain.

In laser treatment, a thin tube is inserted into the vein, and then the vein is heated with a laser probe. The application of heat helps close off the vein permanently. This process is known as endovenous laser treatment. On the other hand, in radiofrequency ablation, radiofrequency energy is delivered to the vein through a thin tube inserted into it. Like laser, the application of radiofrequency energy helps close off the vein.

But if the condition is quite severe, then surgery may be required to remove the vein from the body, which is known as stripping and ligation. The entire process can be quite painful, and the patient may need considerable time to recover completely. Therefore, this method is generally employed for large varicose veins.

Sometimes, regular physical activity can also play an important role in preventing this condition. Exercises help maintain an ideal body weight, and strengthen the muscles of the legs. If your job requires you to stand or sit for a long time, then take small breaks in between to stretch your legs, and keep them raised above the level of heart for a few minutes. This can help improve blood circulation. It is also important to lower the consumption of fatty foods, salt, and sugar, and avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes and high heel shoes, in order to prevent this condition. In addition to these, drink plenty of water, quit smoking, take adequate vitamin C and E, and avoid sitting for a long time with your legs crossed at the knee.

A healthy lifestyle can help reduce the pain associated with varicose veins, and prevent certain complications, like ulceration, dermatitis, and the development of blood clots within the affected veins. But if the condition is causing severe pain and discomfort, then medical intervention can be required. In this regard, an experienced physician can provide the required guidance about the various treatment options available for this condition.

Dec 31, 2014

Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment Methods for Female Yeast Infection

Female yeast infection has become quite common in that almost half of the world's female population has suffered at least once from Candidiasis or yeast infection. Among those who have had this fungal infection, majority had it in the form of vaginal Candidiasis.

Causes of female yeast infection

Yeast is a naturally-occurring fungus in the human body. However, certain factors can cause an overgrowth which can then lead to yeast infection. The imbalance or overgrowth can be triggered by several factors; and for women, the most common one is the use of oral contraceptives and antibiotics. A weakened immune system is also a predisposing factor; hence, the susceptibility of diabetics, HIV-positive individuals and cancer patients to the infection.

Pregnancy has also been identified as a factor, and so are stress and a high-sugar diet. Other factors that can make a woman prone to Candidiasis are humid weather and wearing tight clothing. One factor that can cause the infection without being biologically predisposed is having intercourse with an infected partner.

Symptoms of Candida infection in women

Signs of yeast infection include itching, skin redness, rashes and a burning feeling. These symptoms are usually present in all types of Candidiasis, including vaginal yeast infection. Other symptoms of vaginal Candidiasis are thick, curd-like discharge and pain during intercourse and while urinating. In some cases, depression and lack of focus may also be experienced.

Natural treatment for female Candidiasis

Women with Candidiasis have a lot of options when it comes to natural treatment. For vaginal Candida infection, a tampon soaked in unsweetened yogurt and inserted into the vagina is one such option. Garlic applied to the affected areas of the body or used as a suppository is another. Tea tree oil, coconut oil and gentian violet are also highly touted natural cures.

Vinegar mixed with water, baking soda with citric acid and lime juice are also natural treatment options. Women who breastfeed usually favor liquid cures, like the vinegar-water solution. These liquid formulas are swabbed on the areas around the nipples and other parts of the breast where itchiness and rashes appear. Early treatment should be done if symptoms appear on the breast of a mother who has an infant since the infection can be easily transmitted to the baby.

Female yeast infection can affect different parts of a woman's body. What she needs to remember is to treat the infection at the onset so that it will not be passed on to her baby, particularly if the infant is being breastfed; or to her partner during intercourse.

Mar 13, 2015

Non-surgical Treatment for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins is a condition that relates to the development of enlarged or swollen veins on the legs. The condition is triggered by either faulty vein valves or weak vein walls, that prevent the normal flow of blood towards the heart. The resultant pressure buildup causes venous insufficiency that can be treated only via self-care measures or sclerotherapy and/or radio-frequency treatment.

The symptoms manifest in the form of:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Telangiectasia or spider veins.
  • Swelling of the ankles.
  • Stasis dermatitis or venous eczema.
  • Lipodermatosclerosis.
  • Restless legs syndrome.
  • Atrophie blanche.
Though varicose veins are known to be benign, if neglected, they could result in severe varicosities. The pain leads to a gradual inability to walk or stand to meet vocational demands. Resultant dermatitis predisposes skin loss―and skin ulcers near the ankle could convert into venous ulcers. Severe bleeding, blood clotting or thrombophlebitis, and fat necrosis occur, making daily chores quite an ordeal.

This condition could be treated with any of the following procedures:
  1. Non-surgical treatments like sclerotherapy (directly injecting medicine into the affected veins), wearing of special elastic stockings and regular exercise.
  2. Surgical treatments like vein stripping (removing the saphenous vein mass), radiofrequency ablation, and endovenous laser treatment.
The condition is more common in women than in men. It is further aggravated during pregnancy, menopause, aging, and abdominal straining. The veins could swell up to more than 2.5 mm in diameter. The symptoms can be controlled with the help of anti-inflammatory medication like aspirin and ibuprofen. Topical applications for thrombophlebitis and compression hosiery helps contain the condition. Medical intervention helps both, the surgical and non-surgical lines of varicose treatments. Self-care helps a lot in the treatment procedure, and involves the adoption of a lifestyle change that accommodates:
  • Regular exercise.
  • Conscious weight loss.
  • Preference for loose clothing.
  • Elevation of the legs while resting or sleeping.
  • Adopting regular use of compression stockings.
The goal of any treatment option adopted is to reduce the symptoms and effectively reduce the risk of developing complications. The size of the varicose veins largely determines the treatment option. Larger ones are treated via dedicated surgery, and in some cases, doctors even prescribe a combination of treatments.

Apr 2, 2015

Causes and Possibility of Having Gum Irritation

Gum inflammation or irritation causes pain and makes your life difficult. It is a disease of tissues forming the structure that surrounds and supports teeth. Gingivitis is the proper medical term used by the doctors to refer to gum diseases. Pain is one of the symptoms of this disease along with redness, swollen, tender and puffy gum. It is not as severe as that of a toothache. However, it is still painful and must be taken care of, before it develops into periodontitis.

Also, it is not one of the nice experiences to witness your gums bleed when brushing teeth in the morning. Some of the experts believe that gum problems are hereditary. Their observation is based on the fact that some people naturally tend to form very little plaque on their teeth. On the other hand, in some others, the plaque accumulation is more and faster.


Lack of proper dental care and hygiene leads to the formation of the plaque around gums and teeth. During the mastication, the tiny food particles accumulates in the slits between teeth. These food particles, on decomposing in the saliva, hardens into the plaque and become hiding places for the bacteria. With the passage of the time, the build up of plaque and the toxins released by the bacteria irritate the gum between the teeth, which can spread to other areas.

It is known that certain medicines that are prescribed to counter diseases such as high blood pressure and heart diseases irritate gums. Chemicals that are used in the medicines that are used as oral contraceptives, antidepressants, decongestants, antihistamines and nasal sprays may also act as the cause.

Most of the pregnant women, suffer from this condition or what some people call pregnancy gingivitis, when the baby comes to term. This inconvenience causes swelling and bleeding of the gum.

A partially wedged or impacted wisdom tooth may have flap of the gum covering it. During the mastication, food particles may get lodged under the flap and irritate the gum around the crown of the budding wisdom tooth.

If you have been to the dentist for a tooth filling, then, you must know that the tooth may remain sensitive for some time. Gum irritation after filling is experienced, if the tooth decay has reached the pulp which is present inside the tooth. The dentin in this area is sensitive and hurts easily because of the filling until, it develops a protective layer.

During a root canal treatment infected pulp and the nerve is removed from the inside of the tooth. Then this cavity is cleaned and sealed. Normally this takes care of the infection. However, if there are more than one root canals in the tooth and if one remains untreated, it allows the infection to spread in the treated tooth.

An improperly done root canal or break down of the used sealing material, may allow bacteria an entry in the inner aspect of the tooth. Both of these conditions, after a root canal, can results in the spreading of the infection.

Gum irritation caused due to teeth whitening products is not very uncommon. The chemicals used in the teeth whitening products, on coming in contact with the gum, can cause inflammation.


The formation of plaque can be easily avoided by regular teeth brushing and flossing. Thus, removing the root cause of the irritation. Your dentist may prescribe remedies in the form of pain killers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, codeine and morphine to contain the pain due to it. In addition the dentist may also prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the infection.

In its severe form, irritation and pain in gums may drive you to your dentist. However, if the pain due to it is mild then you can try some useful home remedies which may help you in taking care of the problem.

Mar 29, 2015

Side Effects of Ketosis

Normally, our body gets energy from various dietary sources of carbohydrates. When the carbohydrate content is reduced in a diet, our body is forced to obtain energy by burning the body fat. The specialized metabolic mechanisms for the breakdown of fat molecules in the adipose tissue are activated in order to achieve this. Such a breakdown of fats to obtain energy results in the production of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and acetoacetate. Acetoacetate further breaks down to acetone which is utilized to fulfill the energy requirements of the body. These three molecules are collectively termed as ketone bodies. In the initial few days, the excess ketone bodies are excreted through urine, and the level of ketones in the body remain balanced. Later on, the continuous rise in ketones leads to their accumulation in the body. This condition is referred to as ketosis. The state of ketosis is not only associated with weight loss, it may also prove beneficial in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and epilepsy seizures in children.

How Does Ketosis Help in Weight Loss?

Many people who are willing to lose weight through dieting, opt for a ketogenic diet. In this diet plan, the fat intake is high and the intake of carbohydrate is very low. Research studies suggest that such a diet leads to weight loss by reducing hunger, triggering the utilization of fat reserves in the body, and depletion of glycogen reserves in liver along with water loss. However, these effects have been evaluated on a short-term basis only. The long-term effects of such a diet is a debatable issue as yet.

Side Effects of Ketosis
There are several side effects which are observed in people who are following a ketogenic diet. Most of the side effects show up 3-7 days after starting the diet. The most obvious side effect that people talk about, is loss of hunger. Some people rejoice on this effect as it helps them to lose weight but many of them cannot tolerate it. This lowers their energy levels so much that they feel unwell. They suffer from minor problems like headache, nausea, irritability, sudden dizziness, and so on. They may also experience sluggish mobility, as more energy is required in breaking down the fats for production of usable energy for the body. Dehydration and constipation are often observed in the beginning of the diet program. These problems are resolved by drinking plenty of water and eating fiber-rich foods.

Bad breath is another side effect of ketosis which is triggered by the abnormal increase in the ketone bodies. The body gets rid of the excess amount of acetone through breath resulting in halitosis. In fact, breath acetone serves as a diagnostic measure for ketosis.

Ketone bodies are precursors for a toxic metabolite called methylglyoxal. A study conducted at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center revealed a 2-fold increase in the levels of methylglyoxal in people on a ketogenic diet. This molecule induces oxidative DNA damage and also alters protein structure and functions resulting in damage of various tissues and blood vessels.

Ketosis has also been associated with mild euphoria. At the beginning of the diet, people often experience a feeling of well-being. This has been attributed to the increased levels of BHB, which is an isomer of gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), popularly known as liquid ecstasy or the date rape drug. GHB is also naturally present in our body and plays a major role in neurotransmission. A detailed study of the effects of BHB and GHB has shown that BHB indirectly induces GHB-like effects but with a lesser intensity.

If a low-carb high-protein diet program continues for a long time, it may lead to other health complications. A high protein intake may lead to diarrhea in some. This can happen due to increased intake of dairy products in which case, one is unable to digest lactose. If protein intake leads to decreased intake of other nutrients, especially fiber, it may lead to loose motions. Also, if increased protein consumption is coupled with increased fat intake, the fatty foods may cause diarrhea. A high protein diet leads to high uric acid levels, and hence has been identified as a risk factor for gout and kidney stones. Moreover, the excretion of these acids through urine requires calcium. Hence, an increased acid level corresponds to increased calcium excretion, which alters the bone density and poses the risk of calcium deficiency and osteoporosis. Ketosis has also been associated with heart palpitations.

Diabetics and Ketosis
Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the inability to utilize glucose as an energy source due to a lack of required insulin levels. In such individuals, the body responds to this state by utilizing the fat reserves to fulfill the energy requirements; and by increasing glucose levels in blood. The obvious outcome of this is high levels of ketones in blood and urine to an extent that the acid-base balance in urine also disrupts. Such condition characterized by high glucose levels, acidic urine and high ketone levels is known as Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and rarely leads to DKA.

In such cases, when the individual is already prone to ketosis, a ketogenic diet is best avoided. However, it is essential to keep a check on the carbohydrate intake, and consult the appropriate medical professional to understand and fulfill the metabolic and nutritive needs of the body.

Ketosis during Pregnancy
After the 12th week of pregnancy, a state of insulin resistance is observed which leads to breakdown of body fat. This helps the developing fetus in two ways: glucose is spared for the fetus and the maternal ketones serve as an additional energy source. Therefore, it is normal to observe ketone bodies in urine. However, a ketogenic diet should be followed only with the consent of the expert since it may cause premature birth, still birth or abnormalities in the fetal development.

The effects of ketosis are different for every individual. Some people have the natural ability to deal with them but others may not be able to cope up with the changes associated with it. People with liver and kidney diseases should avoid a low carbohydrate and high fat or high protein diet. Therefore, at any point of time, if dieters feel that they are unable to tolerate these effects, they should abandon the diet program immediately.

Feb 10, 2015

Diabetes No Excuse For Men Regardless Of Ages

Diabetes is a medical condition that is characterized by an abnormal rise in the level of blood sugar or glucose due to an inability of the body cells to absorb and utilize glucose from the bloodstream. The body cells require a hormone, known as insulin to absorb glucose from the bloodstream, and insulin is produced by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. A shortage of insulin, as well as failure of the body cells to respond to insulin can manifest in the form of high blood sugar or hyperglycemia.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Men

Though diabetes can produce a number of symptoms, many of its early signs can look quite similar to the symptoms of certain other health conditions. This can make it difficult to recognize this condition. But it is important to identify and treat it early, as untreated diabetes can lead to some serious health complications. Knowledge about the symptoms of this condition is immensely important for preventing such complications. The symptoms in men are explained below.

Excessive Thirst and Urination

Excessive thirst and urination are considered as some of the most common symptoms. Both men and women can experience frequent urination or 'polyuria' and excessive thirst or 'polydipsia'. Frequent urination is caused by a high level of glucose, which adversely affects the filtering capacity of the kidneys. The kidneys start to draw more water from blood, as a result of which the affected person experiences an increase in the frequency of urination. Frequent urination causes the loss of excess fluid from the body or dehydration, which manifests in increased thirst.

Unusual Weight Loss and Fatigue

Unexplained weight loss can result due to the fact that the body cells fail to absorb and utilize glucose from the bloodstream effectively. The cells of the body need glucose to produce energy and so, an inability to absorb glucose can also result in unusual fatigue.

Increase in Appetite

Diabetic patients experience constant hunger or an increase in appetite, if the body produces a high level of insulin in an attempt to bring down the level of blood sugar. Presence of a high level of insulin in the body can increase hunger, for which some diabetic patients can start eating more. An increase in appetite can sometimes result in weight gain. However, some of the affected individuals could lose weight in spite of eating more than usual.

Nerve Damage

Nerves, especially the nerves of the peripheral nervous system can be damaged by consistently high levels of glucose. This is termed as diabetic neuropathy. Damage to the peripheral nervous system can manifest in tingling and numbness in legs, feet, hands and the fingers and toes.

Recurrent Infection and Slow Healing of Wounds

A high level of blood sugar can also slow down the healing of wounds. Along with this, some men can get recurrent infections. These two are considered as the warning signs of a high level of blood sugar.

Vision Changes

Blurred vision or vision changes can be a common complaint among individuals with high blood sugar level. When the level of blood sugar is consistently high, sugar can accumulate in the lens of the eye and damage the blood vessels of the retina. This condition is known as diabetic retinopathy, which if left untreated can lead to blindness.

Erectile Dysfunction

Diabetes and a high level of blood glucose can slowly damage the nerves and the blood vessels of the penis. This eventually can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Other Symptoms

Apart from the above mentioned symptoms, a few additional symptoms can be observed in some individuals. These symptoms include dry mouth, headaches, swollen, red and tender gums and development of dark skin patches on the neck, armpit, and the groin (acanthosis nigricans).


Diabetes can be caused by an insufficient production of insulin or due to the failure of the cells of the body to respond to insulin. It is mainly of two types, type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  • Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the shortage of insulin. The condition usually results from an autoimmune destruction of the insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas.
  • Type 2 diabetes or insulin independent diabetes is associated with an inability of the body cells to utilize insulin effectively. Another type is gestational diabetes, which some women develop during pregnancy. Development of this condition can be influenced by a number of factors including genetics and environmental factors like obesity, sedentary lifestyle, age, polycystic ovarian syndrome, a poor diet and/or infections.

Diabetes is treated or managed with medications and lifestyle and dietary changes.
  • Insulin is the conventional treatment option for type 1 diabetes.
  • For type 2 diabetes treatment, medications like, sulfonylureas, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, biguanides, thiazolidinediones, D-phenylalanine derivatives can be recommended, along with insulin.
  • One should follow a healthy diet that includes fiber-rich foods and fruits and vegetables, and exercise regularly, along with taking the medications recommended by the physician. At the same time, it is important to reduce the amount of sugary foods and animal fats in the diet.
Undiagnosed and untreated diabetes can lead to serious complications, so recognizing the symptoms is beneficial so you can opt for medical treatment right away.

Jan 26, 2013

Pain Relief Patches

Pain relief patches are medicated and adhesive and used to help relieve minor or severe pain. There are two main types of patches. Patches that contain counter irritants are used to treat mild or moderate pain. Patches containing fentanyl which is a narcotic used to relieve moderate or severe pain in opioid tolerant patients

recommended patches

Snogg Patch
Snogg Patch - Pain Relief

Product Features
  • Natural Pain Healer that stimulates healing in the back, neck, joints and strained muscles
  • Uses only organic herbs.
  • No synthetic chemicals
  • Size: 8 by10 cm
  • Comfortable and thin and effective for most injuries
Product Description

The Snogg Patch is the result of Chinese Medicine. A unique treatment method that is al combination of magnetic field therapy and rare herbal mountain extracts, which penetrates the skin to help the injured or affected area by stimulating the blood circulation at the area of pain.

It is recommended for injuries and pain in muscles bones and joints like the knee joint and all rheumatic disorders. Also including cancer, neck, back, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis pains and pain or numbness in the sciatic nerve and pain from chills etc.

Treatment uses two to six patches. After six patch treatment take a four or five day break. Repeat as necessary.

Snogg Patches contain no alcohol or synthetic ingredients.

Directions: wash the area thoroughly, dry it and put the plaster on to the injured or affected part, leaving it on for 2 to 3 days.

Use carefully if you have sensitive skin, an open wound or during pregnancy.

Keep in a cool and dry place.

You may need a prescription for pharmaceutical pain relieving patches containing lidocaine lidoderm morphine butran or duragesic.