Mar 17, 2015

Allergic To Strawberry

Bright red juicy strawberry is the biggest springtime temptation. In the world of fruits, strawberry, the small tasty little bulb, gives almost everything your body needs. It is the versatile fruit, rich in a number of nutrients like vitamin C, iron, potassium, folic acid, etc. Perhaps, it is the only fruit which wears its 200 seeds on its skin! This little cousin sister of the rose is low in calories and also blessed with a unique flavor and essence. In spite of numerous health benefits, strawberries can cause allergies to humans. Babies or toddlers may also have strawberry allergy.

Allergy Symptoms
  • Numbness and tingling in mouth
  • Burning lips
  • Intestinal distress
  • Swelling and closing of bronchial tubes
  • Nasal congestion, excessive sneezing
  • Swelling of sinuses, a runny nose
  • Shortness of breath (in severe cases)
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Skin rash or hives
  • Red, puffy and itchy skin
  • Watery eyes
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Bloating, diarrhea
  • Itchiness
  • Swelling of tongue, mouth, and throat
  • Anaphylactic shock (in very rare cases)
Allergy Testing

Most people experience strawberry allergy rash after eating or handling strawberries and such type of allergy can be confirmed with allergy testing by a professional allergist. Once the allergy is confirmed, you have to be very careful while selecting food and other consumer products; as strawberries are present in a number of products.

Products that Contain Strawberries

Do you know that strawberry leaves are sometimes added to herbal teas? Strawberries in the form of extract are used in certain cosmetics, particularly skin care products, shampoos and conditioners. They are used as an ingredient while manufacturing air fresheners and laundry detergents. Manufacturers usually mention on the labels that the product contains strawberries as an ingredient. So, you should read the labels carefully. Artificial strawberry flavoring does not contain the particular protein that causes an allergic reaction and so it is considered as safe.

Children Allergic to Strawberries

Parents should be very careful about strawberry allergies in children, because avoiding strawberry products can get tricky. Chocolate covered strawberries, various mixed fruit juices, ice creams, milkshakes, pastries, pies, jams can be so tempting that the child might forget about the allergy for a while. Heating and processing of strawberries cannot modify the protein. So processed strawberries (e.g. jam) should also be avoided. Parents should take time to check the labels.

Strawberry as an Allergen

If your immune system mistakenly considers the proteins from strawberries as harmful substances, it will initiate an allergic response to protect your body. Scientists are researching on why some people are allergic to strawberry while others are not.

Some researchers have succeeded in isolating the specific protein which is considered as the culprit for the allergy. This protein is one of the proteins which offers red color to strawberries. The researchers could not find it in white strawberries. The molecular structure of this protein is somewhat similar to the structure of birch pollen. So, it is quite possible that a person allergic to birch pollen may also be allergic to strawberry; but not vice versa.

Perhaps, your first exposure to strawberry may not trigger a violent allergic reaction. Your immune system starts producing immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to neutralize the particular protein, on exposure to strawberries. When you are exposed to strawberry for the second time, the IgE antibodies enter the blood and activate body cells to produce histamine. The hormone 'histamine' encourages dilation of the blood vessels and fluid secretion. This can result in muscle spasms. Histamine causes irritation and inflammation of the sinuses, lungs and skin.


You may apply over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams over the inflamed skin. The doctor may prescribe corticosteroid lotions that help lower the symptoms (inflammation and itching) of allergy. Oral and topical antihistamines work great for allergies.

Those who are allergic to strawberries may eat white strawberries that do not contain the allergen. They should avoid handling strawberries or eating strawberries and their products. This is the best way to manage the allergy.

Allergic To Pineapple

You and your partner sit down to enjoy a nice, big piece of the tropical fruit pineapple. You guys dream about Hawaii, savoring every bite of the pineapple piece. Suddenly, you notice your friend has developed an allergic reaction out of the blue, which is so intense that you need to dial 911. Well, you have just had a first hand experience of pineapple allergy.

This allergy is seen in many people. It leads to rashes, itchy skin and diarrhea. It can be triggered only by touching the pineapple or inhalation. If one is allergic to kiwi fruit or papaya, they are at a risk of developing pineapple allergy.

Pineapple Allergy Symptoms
The symptoms occur immediately after eating the fruit. Many times, it takes up to 5 days for the symptoms to show. If you observe the following allergy symptoms in someone, you should immediately call the doctor.
  • Skin rash: The first symptom of a pineapple allergy is skin rash. You will observe a bright red rash immediately after eating the fruit. The rash maybe itchy and you may also observe hives and swelling that lasts for several days.
  • Diarrhea: The natural way to get rid of the toxins for the body is vomiting and hence diarrhea is also a symptom. These symptoms may however lead to dehydration in some individuals.
  • Constipation: One of the symptoms is constipation. It becomes extremely difficult to expel feces and it may require medications to clear the constipation.
  • Breathing Trouble: The allergy may cause swelling in a person's face and throat. This swelling causes breathing trouble and requires immediate medical attention.
  • Anaphylaxis: A full body allergic reaction maybe seen in case of allergy. This is very dangerous and can cause extreme swelling in the face, throat and ears. It may even lead to shock and death of the patient.
  • Cramps: The lower abdomen cramps are commonly seen in people with pineapple allergy.
The other symptoms include dizziness and low blood pressure. You should be alert when you give pineapple to your child for the first time. It is common to see allergy in children and you need to get your child tested for pineapple allergy, if your child is allergic to other fruits and vegetables.

Pineapple Allergy Treatment
The symptoms are treated with antihistamines and tropical corticosteroids. Epinephrine is given in case one experiences breathlessness and dizziness. You can apply calamine lotion on your skin rash to reduce the itchiness and provide allergy relief.

If you are aware that pineapples lead to allergic reactions in your body, then you should avoid eating pineapples in all forms. You should carefully read all the ingredients in processed and ready-made foods. You should ask for the ingredients when eating out to prevent any pineapple allergy outbreak. Pineapple allergies can lead to a lot of discomfort and itchiness. Therefore, consult a doctor regarding your allergy and avoid pineapples totally.

Symptoms of Egg Allergy

Food allergies are caused by the consumption of food items (containing common allergens) that the body considers as a threat. It is then obvious that egg allergies are an allergic reaction of the immune system, against the consumption of eggs. Sometimes though, they can also be caused by just a skin contact with them. They usually start young in children but are usually outgrown at the average age of about 5 years. Some of the more common factors that may lead to increased risk of egg allergy include atopic dermatitis, family history and age.

In egg allergies, the human immune system overreacts to the proteins present and categorizes them as threats to be fought against. It responds by releasing antibodies like 'immunoglobulin E (IgE)', to fight against these invaders. These antibodies, in turn, release chemicals like histamine that start the counter attack. The problem is that, the release of these chemicals adversely affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems. The effect on all of these is most obviously visible on the skin, when it comes to egg allergies.

Egg allergy symptoms can be seen anytime, within minutes of consumption or even hours later. They usually last for less than three days, no matter what their severity. The effect can be broadly classified under four symptom heads. They are all explained in detail below:

Skin Reactions
Egg allergies show up first on the skin. Their visibility can range from bumpy, red rashes to hives (urticaria). It can be seen as eczema (atopic dermatitis) and irritable itching. Skin reactions show up in almost all food allergies, so a proper diagnosis is required to trace it back to source.

Oral Symptoms
Redness and swelling, around the mouth and lips area, is very common. This is scientifically termed as angioedema. Sometimes the inflammation is accompanied by itchiness and soreness, which can hinder activities like talking and eating. Oral symptoms are prominently visible, so these are the symptoms that cause the most emotional upset and withdrawal.

Sinus Symptoms (Respiratory Tract)
It all starts with a runny nose and then leads on to itchy, watery eyes, sneezing to the point of triggering asthma and coughing and wheezing. It may also trigger severe 'angioedema' which is the swelling of blood vessels, under the skin, near the hands, face, tongue and genitals. Migraine headaches and nocturnal enuresis can also be termed as the symptoms of egg allergies. They can cause nasal inflammation, commonly known as rhinitis.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Belly cramps, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting are common symptoms. Abdominal cramping and indigestion can easily be thought of as symptoms of something else, so these symptoms are often deceptive. Gastrointestinal symptoms are also the culprits for the general lethargy or fatigue that often accompanies an egg allergy. It can also cause intense heartburn.

This is the strongest, most fatal reaction to an egg allergy. This reaction can be seen in those people that are especially sensitive to eggs, even egg fumes and skin contact. Anaphylaxis is basically the swelling of the mouth and throat, that obstructs the airways leading to the lungs and makes breathing extremely difficult. It is often accompanied by dangerous drops in blood pressure that results in dizziness and incidents of passing out. Anaphylaxis symptoms may also include cramping, abdominal pain and rapid pulse. It can also lead to an anaphylactic shock. This extreme case needs immediate medical intervention and often involves at least one trip to the hospital emergency room.

Severe egg allergies can be treated by administering epinephrine shots or by prescribing diphenhydramine (a common antihistamine - benadryl) or corticosteroid to the patient. Though treatment is available, it does not completely cure the sensitivity to egg proteins and often even desensitization therapies fail to do that completely. The best thing for egg allergies is prevention and this can be done by being aware of everything that you are eating and ensuring that all ingredient labels for packed foods are attentively read.

Symptoms of Dust Allergy

The immune systems of some people are programmed to overreact as soon as they come in contact with a particular substance. The body reacts to indicate that it does not accept that particular substance, and tries to get rid of the substance as soon as possible. These specific substances are called allergens and the reaction they evoke is called an allergy. These substances might be harmless to most people, but people allergic to them register these allergens as foreign bodies and their immune system reacts to fight these allergens off.

Dust Allergy

Dust allergy is the most common of all allergies. Statistics by the National Institutes of Health show that, more than 20 million Americans are allergic to dust.

A person allergic to dust will react to almost every allergen present in the atmosphere, like dust mites, cat or dog fur, mold, animal dander, pollen, etc. These allergens usually trigger symptoms of a dust allergy either immediately or, within a few hours of coming in contact with the patient.

Allergies are not developed instantly when you come in contact with the allergen for the very first time. The body first identifies the allergen and generates antibodies that will react to it. It then prepares the body to be sensitive to that particular allergen. This process of developing a predisposition against allergens is known as sensitization. The process of sensitization might be an instantaneous development or it may take years.

Mild Symptoms of Dust Allergy

◆ Sneezing
If a person is allergic to dust, he/she will start sneezing as soon as the body registers the presence of a dust allergen. Sneezes due to a dust allergy are persistent, uncontrollable and uninterrupted. The patient suffers from long, continuous and severe bouts of sneezing. This is the body's way to get rid of the allergen that caused the dust allergy.

◆ Runny Nose/Congestion in the Nose
If a person is allergic to dust, he may experience inflammation of the membranes and tissue that line the inner passages of the nasal bone and the sinus cavity. The inflammation will either lead to congestion of the airway passage or a runny nose. Pressure on the sinus cavity can cause extreme pain in the head, eye, teeth or ears. Most of the time, a nasal congestion or a runny nose are the earliest symptoms of a dust allergy. Other symptoms might follow later.

◆ Coughing
Breathing in air that contains dust mites, pollen, mold, and other dust allergens will cause a person with a dust allergy to start coughing up instantly. The allergy cough itself might not be harmful, but it can lead to other severe symptoms like constant awakening from sleep, heavy, and disrupted breathing, and asthma attacks.

◆ Itching
If you find a person scratching an itch endlessly, most of the time it indicates an allergic reaction. A person allergic to dust might develop an urge to itch or scratch in areas that are exposed to dust allergens. Depending on whether these allergens have been swallowed, or inhaled or touched or injected into a person's body, he/she might develop an itching sensation in the throat, nose, skin or the eyes.

◆ Irritation of Eyes/Watery Eyes
Reaction of the eyes to dust allergens is also known as 'allergic conjunctivitis'. It is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the mucous membrane of the eyeball. The inflammation is an allergic reaction to dust and causes swelling, redness, watery discharge, pain, and extreme discomfort in the eyes.

◆ Sore Throat
This is a secondary symptom observed in patients allergic to dust. A sore throat is not a direct reaction to dust allergens and can be a result of constant coughing and sneezing. Uninterrupted bouts of sneezes and cough exert pressure on the throat, making it sore and swollen.

◆ Postnasal Drip
Another symptom of a dust allergy is postnasal drip. In this condition, there is excessive accumulation of mucus at the back of the throat. This gives a feeling of mucus dripping out from the back of the nose into the throat.

◆ Hives
The medical term for hives is urticaria. Hives are defined as itchy skin eruptions with pale interiors and well-defined red margins. A person with dust allergy may develop hives when he/she comes in contact with dust allergens.

◆ Fatigue
In some cases, extreme tiredness, headaches, and fatigue can be symptoms of an oncoming allergy episode. The person may find it hard to concentrate. The fatigue associated with dust allergy is usually of chronic nature.

Acute Symptoms of Dust Allergy

◆ Wheezing
The patient's air passages can get blocked due to the allergens and he/she may experience difficulty while breathing. With every breath, a particular whistling sound is generated. This condition is known as wheezing. Wheezing is one of the most prominent symptoms of a dust allergy. The patient must immediately consult a doctor if he/she wheezes while breathing.

◆ Asthma Attacks
If a particular substance triggers an asthmatic attack, it means that substance is an allergen to the body. Patients who are diagnosed with asthma need to be extra careful about their breathing. Dust is the number one trigger for an asthma attack. Airborne dust allergens like dust mites, pollen, animal dander, etc., can bring about an allergic reaction which may trigger a life-threatening asthma attack.

◆ Eczema
Eczema is a disorder of the skin characterized by development of rashes, boils, blisters, flaky, patchy and rough skin, excessive bleeding, and inflammation of the skin tissues. In some cases, it is among the first signs that indicate a dust allergy.

◆ Heavy Breathing/Shortness of Breath
For a person who is allergic to dust, the inhalation of dust results in the blockage of airway passages which makes breathing difficult. Such an allergic bout is characterized by heavy breathing and gasping for air.

◆ Significant Chest Pain
The dust allergens are capable of causing inflammation of the chest tissues. This inflammation stimulates acute pain in the chest and the patient experiences tightness around the chest. This kind of a severe symptom should immediately be taken care of.

Risk Factors

Some of the factors that will contribute to the chances of developing an allergy are asthma, other allergies that the person suffers from, age (children are at a higher risk), and family history of allergies.

Process of an Allergic Reaction
  • As mentioned earlier, allergies do not develop the first time you come in contact with an allergen.
  • The body must first be exposed to certain substances (allergens) of the atmosphere that will evoke the immune system to react.
  • As soon as the allergen enters the body, the immune system generates specific antibodies.
  • Antibodies are natural proteins generated by the body to fight against foreign bodies like harmful bacteria and viruses and prevent infections. There are five types of antibodies: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM. The antibody generated during an allergic reaction is IgE.
  • Though IgE is produced by everyone, it is produced in large quantities by people who are allergic.
  • The antibodies, together with certain cells, release chemicals like histamine, into the bloodstream.
  • Histamine causes wheezing if it is released by the lungs, itching sensations when released by the skin, and causes extreme drop in the blood pressure if released by the entire body; thus initiating an allergic reaction.
It is difficult to diagnose the cause of an allergy and treat it. However, the symptoms of an allergy can be controlled. If you suspect that you suffer from any of the above mentioned dust allergy symptoms, visit your doctor at once. Do not delay at all. The procedure involving allergy testing is uncomfortable and tedious, but once the cause is determined, proper precautionary measures help you stay almost allergy-free. If ignored, the underlying problem may become severe and force you to compromise on the ways of your life. On the other hand, if the cause of your allergy is found out, you can steer clear from it to avoid any future allergic bouts and continue to lead a healthy, normal life.

Mar 16, 2015

Lemon Juice for Weight Loss

While there are certainly no substitutes to burning calories through long runs and weight training, dietary alterations aid weight loss by influencing internal metabolic processes. Extensive research into the effects of lemon water intake on the body has revealed new health benefits. This vitamin C rich fruit influences body's digestion chemistry to create favorable conditions for natural weight loss.

As weighing scales shoot up world over, with large consumption of processed foods raising obesity concerns, weight loss lists high on priority lists. A whole multimillion dollar industry devoted to weight loss techniques, has evolved to take care of this problem. People spend their life savings in consulting dietitians and subscribing to special miracle diets, when the solution is pretty straightforward - Eat measured quantities of healthy food and exercise more.

Drinking a glass of squeezed lemon juice mixed with warm water every morning is a highly energizing dietary addition that will help you lose weight. You can also add lemon to green tea and drink it for weight loss. This combination is known to be very effective. Another recipe is drinking tea and apple cider vinegar, mixed with lemon. This new weight loss aid, validated by medical research, coupled with a balanced diet and regular exercise will help your slimming campaign. Well, selling an idea without evidence to back it up makes no sense. Here is a scientific analysis of why lemon water's good for you.

How Does Lemon Water Aid Weight Reduction?

A glass of water mixed with juice (squeezed from half or a full lemon) diluted according to taste, drunk twice a day works wonders. Here's why.

High Pectin Fiber Content Reduces Hunger
Lemon is abundant in fiber and especially pectin, which naturally caused a drop in hunger, reducing the probability of overconsumption, contributing to a reduction in weight over time. Controlling hunger and differentiating between physical and psychological hunger is essential. Eat when you are hungry, rather than when you want to. Instead of trying to kill hunger with coffee or tea, just have a glass of lemon water.

Acts as a Diuretic & Aids Digestion
Lemon juice, by its nature, acts as a diuretic and laxative (particularly because of the hot water you mix it with) making a person lose his water weight and promoting healthy bowel movements. It reduces the possibility of constipation and heartburn. It helps cleanse your colon, thus reducing the accumulation of body waste. Lemon water provides a stimulus to the production of digestive enzymes in the liver. All in all, the citric fruit is ideally suited to kick-start your digestive process.

Correlation Between Vitamin C and Weight Reduction
Research has revealed an inverse correlation between the amount of vitamin C content in a body and body mass. Apparently, the abundant supply of vitamin C provided by lemons and other citrus fruits can trigger biochemical reactions that reduce fat content.

Lemon Polyphenols Reduce Weight Gain
Polyphenols from lemons have been recently shown to influence the body's lipid mechanism reducing weight gain and insulin resistance. This makes the consumption of lemon water all the more beneficial.

Other Benefits
Besides aiding weight loss, lemon water has many other benefits.
  • It has natural antiseptic properties, causing it to reduce the risk of infection in various body tissues.
  • Its consumption has a natural detoxifying effect on the body. It helps in clearing out toxins.
  • It contains copious amounts of vitamin C and minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium.
  • Hot lemon water develops and stabilizes your immune power, when you are down with flu or cold.
After you wake up in the morning, drink a glass of warm lemon water. Not only will you feel refreshed, but it will also help your digestive system get into gear. Lemon juice affects the teeth enamel causing slight erosion if exposed for long. You might want to sip the water through a straw to reduce exposure. A warm glass of lemon water sets the right tone for your daily weight loss program. It must be remembered that there is no escape from rigorous exercise, if you plan to lose a considerable amount of weight. It's tough to start an exercise regimen, but with time it only gets better as you see the benefits. So begin today and don't forget the lemonade.

Lemon Water for Hair

Hair forms an important aspect of our beauty as well as personality. A lot of effort is often directed to get perfect-looking, thick and luscious locks.

We engage in a variety of products to achieve the desired effect, and deal with the problems that arise while doing so.

But, the use of harsh chemicals often gives temporary results, and we end up causing more damage in the long run. Natural agents like lemon juice help to fight several hair problems, and enhance the beauty of hair.

Native to Asia, lemon belongs to the family of citrus fruits, and plays a variety of roles in human health, especially in skin and hair care.

Lemon juice is a rich source of Vitamin C and citric acid, and is used in a variety of cosmetic and healthcare products like shower gels, scrubs, shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers, dietary supplements, etc.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice when used directly or in a combination with other ingredients is useful for ...

.. Highlighting Hair
Although hair coloring trends and styles are extremely dynamic, hair highlighting remains a definite option to go glam. But at the same time it demands caution with respect to the products used, and their side effects on hair and scalp. Freshly squeezed lemon juice serves the purpose by offering a natural way to lighten hair without any side effects. All you need to do is wash your hair clean, pat them dry, and apply lemon juice onto sections of hair you wish to highlight. It is advisable to use a hair brush, and apply the juice gradually from the roots to the tips. Expose your hair to sunlight until the juice dries up completely. Then, wash it off with warm water.

.. Adding Shine
Lemon juice provides a natural acidic rinse, and helps to achieve the perfect shiny and shimmery look you crave for. You can simply rinse your hair with lemon juice diluted with a cup water. Another alternative is to prepare a mixture containing equal amounts of lemon juice and any conditioner that suits your hair type. Apply this mixture on the hair and leave for a minute or two. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry to get soft and shiny hair.

.. Aiding Growth
The length and strength of hair are two important aspects women worry about. Lemon juice comes handy for this as well. A generous scalp massage with lemon juice mixed with coconut oil or olive oil proves as an effective stimulus for hair growth. It also serves as an effective remedy for hair loss, while the vitamin C present in lemon juice helps to impart strength.

.. Reducing Dandruff
Dandruff is a common problem encountered by most of us, and it often leaves us feeling embarrassed. Lemon juice offers a variety of ways to deal with this condition. Mix 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice with 3 tsp. water, 1 tsp. vinegar and ¼ tsp. salt. Apply it onto the scalp and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water, and then wash the hair clean with your regular shampoo. A regular use of this mixture helps to get rid of dandruff within 3-4 months.

.. Dealing with an Oily Scalp
A lemon juice rinse also helps to deal with oily hair and scalp. The citric acid present in lemon juice helps to remove the excess buildup of oil, and also helps to get rid of the dead cells of scalp. A mixture of lemon juice and vinegar in equal amounts aids in the removal of clogged follicles that give rise to an oily scalp.

.. Getting Rid of Lice
A mixture of lemon juice with garlic paste or almond paste gives an effective option to get rid of lice. Apply this mixture and wash your hair clean after half an hour. Such a treatment followed by thorough combing helps in lice removal. Lemon juice may not kill the adult lice, but the citric acid component helps to loosen the attachment of nits from hair, which then helps in their removal through combing.

Lemon juice is an important ingredient in various herbal and homemade formulations for maintaining the beauty of hair. However, every remedy is effective if used in the right amount, and so is the case with lemon juice. An excessive use of lemon juice may result in an extremely dry scalp and weaken the hair roots. Hence, it is essential to ensure a limited use to achieve maximum benefits.

Master Cleanse Diet

Lemon cayenne pepper diet or master cleanse diet is a cleansing program that removes harmful toxins from the body, and aids in weight loss. It was produced by Stanley Burroughs in 1941, and later became popular through Peter Glickman's book Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days, that promoted Burroughs' diet plan to the modern audience. The diet mainly comprises freshwater, pure lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and natural maple syrup.

The medicinal value of the detox diet mainly comes from a chemical called capsaicin. This ingredient not only gives heat to the cayenne peppers, but also minimizes the platelet sickness, and relieves pain. The detox diet is rich in vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids, that help in improving your overall health. Before going into details of other health benefits of the diet, let's see how to make the detox drink.
  • 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon (don't use concentrates, and drink mixes as they contain preservatives)
  • 2 tbsp. organic or natural maple syrup
  • 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper, as per taste
  • 8 oz. freshwater
Mix the above mentioned ingredients, and enjoy either hot or cold.

Health Benefits

Due to excessive intake of processed and junk food, very little nutrients enter our bodies. Hence, our bodies have to really work hard to get rid of these low nutritional valued food. Also, ingestion of numerous chemicals and toxins in the body while breathing are deleterious, and keep getting built up over the years. Therefore, the detox diet not only gives us a break from the solid food intake but also cleanse our bodies naturally.
  • The diet increases the body's metabolic rate and improves the flow of stomach secretion that helps to sooth the digestive tract. Cayenne Pepper also helps in treating weak digestion, ulcers, and some digestive ailments like dyspepsia.
  • Along with removing toxins from the body, it reduces the cravings for drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and junk food. Coffee, tea, colas, and other beverages lose their appeal in front of the marvels of this lemonade diet.
  • Regular intake of the detox drink boosts your energy levels, helps you to lose up to 20 pounds in a short period of time, make you look younger and gives freshness like never before.
  • The acid in lemons and the cayenne peppers treat different health-related problems like poor circulation, heart disease, sore throat, etc. In fact, one of the health benefit of cayenne pepper is that it is considered as a first aid relief for people suffering from a heart attack.
  • It also helps in relieving pain like chronic pain, and tooth and head aches.
Following this diet is a challenge though, as it is difficult to give up the comfort of food, and the caffeine in beverages like tea and coffee. But due to the different health benefits associated with it, it is worth getting through this rough part. It is recommended to drink nearly 6 - 8 glasses of this detox drink per day during the diet. For better results, follow the diet for 7 - 10 days. You can also extend it to 14 - 16 days. The maximum recommended extension is 40 days. However, always consult your dietitian or a health practitioner before starting the diet. The diet will not only help you cleanse your system, but will also enable you to lose weight, and leave you feeling fit.

Lemon and Honey for Cough

Cough and cold are common conditions that can affect any family member at any time. Children as well as adults, all experience sleepless nights and discomforting days due to it. The most obvious thought that runs through one's mind is running over to the pharmacy. Getting an over-the-counter medication for it is a good enough idea to get some peace of mind. However, before that, you should stop by your kitchen first. There are two simple ingredients right in your kitchen that you can be used to get rid of cough, phlegm, and throat irritation. Honey and lemon are simple ingredients used to prepare a homemade remedy, which is believed to be very effective.

Some Benefits

Cough can be caused by a number of ailments that includes bronchitis, asthma, common cold, etc. You can try using honey and lemon and get rid of the disorder soon. However, it is always advisable to speak to a doctor before trying any type of home remedy. Coughing is a way your body tries to get rid of irritants blocking your airways. The muscles of the diaphragm contract and try to expel the irritants. Though it is very beneficial to the body, continuous coughing can cause pain in the throat, chest, and even abdomen. It makes it difficult to work through the day and even more difficult to sleep at night. However, drinking honey and lemon to combat cough will help soothe your throat and decrease the airways irritation. It is believed to be one of the best cough medicine that you can try.

Honey is a natural antibiotic that helps get rid of bacteria causing the irritation. It also helps absorb water and thus, soothes a dry cough by attracting more water into the tissues. Honey is power packed with vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, amino acids, glucose, etc. These vitamins and minerals, thus, help in tissue regeneration and stimulation of blood capillary growth. Honey is also a powerful anti-oxidant that helps in the removal of free radicals within the body.

Lemon on the other hand is high in vitamin C. This vitamin is very important as it helps the immune system fight off an infection. Vitamin C is also an anti-oxidant that helps get rid of free radicals. Lemon also has antibacterial properties that helps get rid of cough.

Cough Remedies with Honey and Lemon

Some of the easy to make honey and lemon cough syrups at home are enlisted below. Just follow the instructions and learn to make some concoctions of the same.

Lemon Juice and Honey

If you are having trouble sleeping due to continuous coughing, especially at night, then try this remedy. You need to warm 1 cup of honey and add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice to it. Blend the mixture thoroughly and add about 1/4 cup of warm water to it. Keep stirring till the mixture is smooth. Before you go to bed, you should take about 1 to 2 tablespoons of this concoction. This will help suppress your cough and help you get a restful sleep at night. Refrigerate the leftover concoction to be used later.

Glycerin, Honey, and Lemon Juice
If your throat feels very irritated as if a cactus is lodged up in your throat, then try this remedy. You need to take a lemon and boil it in water for about 10 minutes. Then, cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. Add 2 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons glycerin to the lemon juice. Stir well and drink 1 teaspoon of the mixture, as and when you feel the throat irritation.

Garlic, Honey, and Lemon Juice
If you are affected by a bad case of flu, then, here is a remedy for treating this common winter ailment. Take a lemon and cut it into half. Now, squeeze out its juice in a bowl and to it add finely grated 2 to 3 cloves of garlic. Garlic is very useful in breaking down phlegm and clearing it off from the chest and throat. To the lemon juice and garlic mixture add honey. You need to add as much honey as there is in lemon juice. Mix well and you can refrigerate the concoction in a glass jar. Drink one tablespoon of the syrup as and when needed.

Ginger, Honey, and Lemon Juice
A debilitating cough can be treated by drinking honey and lemon tea. You need to boil 1 tablespoon of grated ginger root, half a lemon, one clove of minced garlic, and add to 2 cups of water. Once the mixture boils, remove it off the gas and allow it to steep for about 20 to 25 minutes. Then, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey and drink the tea. You will find instant relief from the condition after drinking this tea.

Since ages, people all over the world tried to use honey and lemon to combat cough with success. Following the aforementioned remedies might prove beneficial. They can be used for children as well. However, exert caution when using this remedy for infants under 1 year of age. If the condition still persists, it is better to consult the doctor.

Mar 14, 2015

Globe WiMAX LTE Modem OD-235 Username Password

Globe Telecom Philippines is one of the biggest wireless internet service provider in the country that cater not only 2G and 3G network but as well the 4G WiMAX and the future fastest wireless broadband wavelength the LTE broadband. The WiMAX giant ISP already have learned it mistake from the past acquiring WiMAX modem from Huawei such as BM621, BM625, BM622/i, BM622m and the BM23m whose CPEs  are prone to MAC address cloning which they tag the nation as Free Internet Country by the netizens. No wonder this year Globe Telco is shifting its wireless modem from Green Packet Berhad Malaysia product model:OD235 instead of from Huawei Technologies, the new CPE that they are acquiring is a dual band device that is capable as WiMAX modem and as an LTE modem too.

To access the web graphical user interface (webGUI) of the Green Packet OD-235 aka Globe WiMAX LTE modem OD235, just open any of your fave browser and point it this just similar to DV-235T aka myBRO and the OX-230 of Smart WiMAX outdoor unit CPE. Globe WiMAX LTE modem OD-235 has three (3) account for the webGUI if you want to navigate and fine tune the settings. 

Below are the following username and password of Globe WiMAX LTE OD235 wireless modem

Username : power_user
Password : u878mJAskqMd

Username : ADMIN
Password : ADMIN

Username : USER
Password : USER

For your information the Globe WiMAX LTE OD-235 wireless modem aka Green Packet OD235 is a WiMAX modem CPE and as well a LTE wireless modem, bear in mind that this CPE device can not be use simultaneously or both modem at the same time to connect to the network such as for the WiMAX and LTE. Unlike Smartphone that is a DualSIM it is possible to connect to the Telco network at the same time or simultaneously whereas the OD235 device it is not possible and there is no way. If you prefer to connect to WiMAX then you can not hook to LTE otherwise disconnect it from WiMAX and hook it to LTE. Another thing to distinguish is WiMAX authenticate via MAC address whereas LTE uses SIM.

Sample MAC address Authentication:

MAC: 00:1F:FB:8C:84:A1
User ID:
User Password:

Mar 13, 2015

Effective Remedies for Spider Veins on Legs

The legs are one of the most common places where spider veins or telangiectasias can develop. Telangiectasias usually appear as red, purple, or blue-colored, fine thread-like marks that closely resemble the look of a spider web, and hence, the name spider veins. They usually develop just beneath the skin on the legs, face, hands, upper thigh, and below the knee joint.

Telangiectasias are a bit similar to varicose veins. Varicose veins are usually larger than telangiectasias, and they can become swollen or enlarged over a period of time. Varicose veins are broken capillaries that generally result from the widening and narrowing of the capillary wall, which eventually causes the capillary wall to tear.

Causes and Risk Factors

Telangiectasias can appear due to a problem in circulation, which in turn, can be caused by the gradual weakening of the blood vessels with advancing age. The valves present in our legs maintain the flow of blood in one direction, i.e., from the legs to the heart against the force of gravity. But due to certain factors, they may fail to function properly. This in turn, can cause some blood to flow back into the veins. As a result, such veins can become a bit swollen and distinctly visible.

Sitting or standing in the same position for a prolonged period of time can aggravate this condition. Body weight can also have an effect on the development of telangiectasias. It has been observed that factors, like a family history of telangiectasias, pregnancy, obesity, hormonal fluctuations, a sedentary lifestyle, leg injuries, tumors in the abdomen, use of birth control pills, and excessive exposure to sun can increase the chances of developing spider veins.

Treatment and Natural Remedies

The conventional treatment options for this condition are sclerotherapy and laser treatment. However, telangiectasias do not cause any health problem, other than being a cosmetic concern. Therefore, they usually do not require any medical treatment. However, they may look unsightly, and so, it is quite normal for people to look for some ways to get rid of this condition. Natural remedies can be of great help in this regard. The following are some of the simple home remedies that can help prevent the development of spider veins or reduce their visibility.
  • Excess body weight can put more pressure on the legs and cause the appearance of telangiectasias. So, try to reduce the pressure on your legs by maintaining an ideal body weight.
  • Exercise regularly to improve the circulation of blood. This can also help strengthen the veins, and thus prevent the development of spider and varicose veins. Walking, swimming, and jogging are some ideal exercises to prevent this condition.
  • Reduce your salt intake, as excessive intake of salt or sodium can aggravate spider veins.
  • Never sit for a long time with your legs crossed. Also avoid sitting or standing at a stretch for a prolonged time period.
  • If your job or occupation requires you to sit or stand for a long time, then take short breaks in between to elevate your legs for a few minutes.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing that can impede the flow of blood in the legs.
  • Try to avoid high heel shoes. Always wear comfortable footwear that can provide adequate support to your feet and legs. You can also take the help of support stockings or compression hose to get rid of telangiectasias.
  • Include more vitamin C-rich foods, like citrus fruits, oranges, grapefruit, berries, as well as whole grains and green vegetables in your diet. This can help strengthen the veins, and treat and prevent telangiectasias.
  • Vitamin K is another natural remedy, as it can help prevent blood leakage from the veins. Green vegetables, cabbage, tomatoes are some good sources of vitamin K. Creams and ointments containing vitamin K can also be applied on the affected area to diminish the appearance of spider veins.
  • To reduce the appearance of telangiectasias, soak a soft cloth in apple cider vinegar and wrap the affected area for about half an hour.
  • Witch hazel, Japanese pagoda tree extract, and horse chestnut extract are some herbal remedies for this condition. These herbal preparations can help improve blood circulation and strengthen the blood vessels.
Before using any kind of herbal remedy, like witch hazel or horse chestnut, never forget to talk to your physician. To sum up, adopt a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, wear the right type of clothing and footwear, avoid sitting or standing in one position for a long time, and follow a balanced diet for preventing this condition.

Ways to Prevent Varicose Veins

Spider veins aka Varicose Veins are commonly observed in aging women and as per 'The National Women's Health Information Center', around 60% Americans tend to develop some form of spider veins or the other during their lives. This condition occurs in almost all people entering the old age zone. Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias or sunburst varicosities is often confused with varicose veins.

However, these are smaller and less painful compared to the former. Spider veins are fine red, blue, or purple veins observed on the thigh, calves, ankles, hands, or face. Appearing either on a small area or a large portion of the skin, these veins appear like spider webs blanketed on the skin, which is how they get their name 'spider vein'.

Causes of Spider Veins

The human body comprises two major kinds of blood vessels: arteries and veins. The arteries carry oxygenated blood (except pulmonary artery) from the heart, while veins carry de-oxygenated blood (except pulmonary vein) from the different parts of the body to the heart. Veins possess valves known as venous valves that prevent back flow of blood flowing within them. This means the valves ensure that the blood flows in only one direction. However, sometimes due to aging or other specific factors like heredity or hormonal changes, exposure to sun, genetics, pregnancy, injury to the leg, obesity, consumption of birth control pills, standing or sitting in one position for extended periods of time etc., may conduce to the formation of these veins. This means that these conditions may cause the veins to debilitate, thereby allowing some blood to trickle back into the vein. As blood starts pooling in the veins, the veins get clogged, congested, and swollen. These gorged veins appear like spider webs on the skin's surface and are unsightly.

How to Prevent Spider Veins

Spider vein is not a serious health condition, however, its presence can make people withdraw from social gatherings, due to the embarrassment they cause. Although there is no exact method that can be jotted down to prevent them, there are certain precautionary measures that one can take.

Avoid Standing or Sitting in One Position for Extended Period
Waiters, hairdressers, lecturers, salesmen, watchmen, security guards, people working in factories, etc., all happen to have jobs which call for standing for long hours. Moreover, people like software professionals, writers, etc., have jobs that demand long hours of sitting in one position. One needs to flex one's muscles every now and then by taking short walks. If walking is not possible, flexing one's muscles every ten minutes will also help. While sitting, avoid crossing your legs and while resting keep your legs above the heart level to minimize pooling in the veins.

Maintaining a healthy exercise regime helps prevent one from putting on weight, and also reduces the stress caused on the veins. Aerobic exercises or periodic walks stimulate the calf muscles and help pump the de-oxygenated blood that was pooled in the legs. Regular exercise will not only reduce vein pressure and pooling, but will also strengthen leg muscles, thereby decreasing the chances of spider vein formation in the future.

Avoid Excessive Exposure to Sun
Wear sunscreen before going out on a sunny day. Wear clothes that will leave minimum skin exposed to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Moreover, avoid exposing the legs to extreme heat like from hot tubs and hot baths.

Right Type of Clothes
Tight clothes conduce to vein constriction, followed by injury. The clothes one chooses should be such that they do not inhibit blood circulation. To stimulate venous circulation one can wear compression stockings or elastic support stockings; especially while traveling for long hours in cars, buses, or airplanes. Moreover, wearing low heels or flat shoes helps stimulate the calf muscles while walking, thereby enhancing blood circulation.

Despite taking all these precautionary measures, if one finds oneself inflicted by spider veins, then one needs to undergo treatment. Treatment comprises injections, laser vein removal treatment, surgery to destroy damaged veins, or sclerotherapy. The cosmetic dermatologist will be able to suggest which treatment type is appropriate. Make sure you consult an experienced cosmetic dermatologist as complications during sclerotherapy are not uncommon. However, even after the best treatment, the probability of spider veins occurrence in various other parts of the body is high. This is why prevention is better than cure!

Risk of Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

The term varicose vein, is used to refer to a swollen or enlarged vein. Varicose veins can occur anywhere on the body, though the veins of the legs are more likely to become enlarged due to a defect in the valves or the vein wall. The veins are concerned with returning the deoxygenated blood to the heart, and the veins of the legs do this against the force of gravity.

There are certain valves in the leg veins that open to allow the blood to move upward towards the heart, and then close off to prevent its back flow towards the legs. But when these valves fail to function properly, they cannot prevent the back flow of blood. This causes the blood to pool inside the veins, and as a result, the veins become swollen. Even abnormalities of the vein wall can cause the veins to become varicose. This condition is more common in women, especially in pregnant women. In fact, pregnancy is one of the most important factors that can cause this condition.

Pregnancy and Varicose Veins

As we know, pregnancy is the period marked by a lot of hormonal fluctuations, along with physical changes. During this stage, a woman gains considerable weight due to the growing fetus. Such weight gain often puts more pressure on the large vein on the right side of the body, which is known as the inferior vena cava. This in turn, increases the pressure in the blood vessels of the legs or extremities of the body, and contributes towards the development of varicose veins.

Additionally, the rising levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone can cause the veins to relax, for which the two halves of a valve may fail to meet completely. The result is the leakage or back flow of blood, which can accumulate inside the veins and cause them to enlarge. Apart from these, the volume of blood in the body increases during pregnancy. As a result, the leg veins have to work harder to pump blood to the heart. The factors that can raise the risk of developing this condition during pregnancy are, multiple pregnancy, excess body weight, and the act of standing or sitting for a prolonged period of time.

Another similar condition that women may encounter during this period is the development of spider veins, that can appear near the surface of the skin, mainly on the arms, face, and the legs. The veins can appear red or blue in color and look quite similar to a spider's web. However, this condition is usually harmless, as it is not known to cause any discomforts like pain or itching. But varicose veins can sometimes produce pain, a sensation of heaviness in the legs, dryness and itching around the veins, and a burning or throbbing sensation in the lower leg. It may also be accompanied by muscle cramps, swelling in the lower legs, ankle swelling, and skin ulcers near the ankle.


Varicose veins usually occur during pregnancy and then resolve on their own after delivery. However, during this period, they may cause a few discomforts. The best way to prevent this condition is to avoid sitting or standing at a stretch for a long time. Pregnant women should elevate their legs whenever it is possible.

Mild physical activities or exercises can help maintain the ideal body weight (for the particular stage of pregnancy), which is very much important to reduce the extra pressure on your blood vessels. Pregnancy and the resulting weight gain can put extra pressure on the inferior vena cava, which is located on the right side of the body. A habit of sleeping on your right side can put more pressure on this vein. So, you can consider to sleep on the left side, in order to reduce the pressure on the inferior vena cava.

However, if these measures fail to prevent this problem or relieve the discomforts associated with it, then consider to take the help of maternity support stockings. Put the support hose or stocking in the morning, just before getting out of the bed. This will prevent the blood from pooling inside your legs. If the condition becomes extremely uncomfortable or painful, then talk to your physician. Your physician needs to be informed about all the changes or discomforts you are experiencing during this stage, in order to avoid any kind of possible complications.

Non-surgical Treatment for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins is a condition that relates to the development of enlarged or swollen veins on the legs. The condition is triggered by either faulty vein valves or weak vein walls, that prevent the normal flow of blood towards the heart. The resultant pressure buildup causes venous insufficiency that can be treated only via self-care measures or sclerotherapy and/or radio-frequency treatment.

The symptoms manifest in the form of:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Telangiectasia or spider veins.
  • Swelling of the ankles.
  • Stasis dermatitis or venous eczema.
  • Lipodermatosclerosis.
  • Restless legs syndrome.
  • Atrophie blanche.
Though varicose veins are known to be benign, if neglected, they could result in severe varicosities. The pain leads to a gradual inability to walk or stand to meet vocational demands. Resultant dermatitis predisposes skin loss―and skin ulcers near the ankle could convert into venous ulcers. Severe bleeding, blood clotting or thrombophlebitis, and fat necrosis occur, making daily chores quite an ordeal.

This condition could be treated with any of the following procedures:
  1. Non-surgical treatments like sclerotherapy (directly injecting medicine into the affected veins), wearing of special elastic stockings and regular exercise.
  2. Surgical treatments like vein stripping (removing the saphenous vein mass), radiofrequency ablation, and endovenous laser treatment.
The condition is more common in women than in men. It is further aggravated during pregnancy, menopause, aging, and abdominal straining. The veins could swell up to more than 2.5 mm in diameter. The symptoms can be controlled with the help of anti-inflammatory medication like aspirin and ibuprofen. Topical applications for thrombophlebitis and compression hosiery helps contain the condition. Medical intervention helps both, the surgical and non-surgical lines of varicose treatments. Self-care helps a lot in the treatment procedure, and involves the adoption of a lifestyle change that accommodates:
  • Regular exercise.
  • Conscious weight loss.
  • Preference for loose clothing.
  • Elevation of the legs while resting or sleeping.
  • Adopting regular use of compression stockings.
The goal of any treatment option adopted is to reduce the symptoms and effectively reduce the risk of developing complications. The size of the varicose veins largely determines the treatment option. Larger ones are treated via dedicated surgery, and in some cases, doctors even prescribe a combination of treatments.

Getting Pain Relief for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins refer to enlarged or swollen veins. The veins of any part of the body can become enlarged, though the veins of the legs are found to be more commonly affected by this condition. The veins of the leg contain one-way valves that maintain the flow of blood to the heart against the force of gravity, and prevent its back flow.

Sometimes, these valves can become weak and fail to prevent the backward flow of blood, which can cause blood to pool inside the veins. This in turn, can cause the enlargement of the veins, and make them appear bluish, swollen, and twisted. For some individuals, varicose veins may be quite harmless apart from being a cosmetic concern, while for others, they can cause pain and discomfort, especially while walking or standing for a long time.

Varicose Vein Causes
Veins basically depend on the surrounding muscles and valves to maintain the flow of blood to the heart. The valves present in the veins are basically one-way valves, which help prevent the reverse flow of blood. Several factors can damage these valves, and thereby impede the circulation of blood.

Generally, a continuous increase in blood pressure dilates the vein, due to which the valves may fail to carry out their normal functions properly. This can cause blood to accumulate inside the veins, and the consequent swelling and pain. This condition more commonly affects the superficial veins than the deep ones.

Heredity, age, obesity, height, posture, and hormonal fluctuations are the major factors that can affect the development of varicose veins. This condition can be caused by factors that put excess pressure on the legs, such as obesity, weightlifting, standing or sitting for a long time, and wearing tight-fitting clothes. Women are more likely to develop this condition during pregnancy and after menopause due to hormonal fluctuations.

Varicose Vein Symptoms
Veins that become varicose can appear as swollen blue blood vessels lying beneath the skin, especially in the legs and the feet. They can become very tender and painful, and make both walking and standing quite uncomfortable. Other symptoms that can accompany this condition are, ankle swelling, heavy and sore legs, spider veins, and restless leg syndrome.

Sometimes, one may also experience itching. Additionally, the skin of the affected area can become dry and red. Skin ulcers can also develop, along with some white patches on the ankles that can look like scars. Sometimes, the veins may not become visible, but can cause pain and swelling in the legs. This can indicate that varicose veins are located deeper inside the leg.

Varicose Vein Treatment
Treatment is generally required for painful varicose vein. For mild discomfort caused by superficial varicose veins, elastic support stockings can be used, while over-the-counter anti-inflammatory painkillers like aspirin can be used for painful varicose veins.

Surgery is regarded as the most effective treatment for this condition, though a number of non-surgical treatment options are also available. Such non-surgical treatment options include, sclerotherapy, exercises, laser surgery, and radiofrequency ablation. In sclerotherapy, a chemical is injected into the vein, which causes the vein to shrink. But this treatment is more effective for the small veins, and it cannot completely alleviate the pain.

In laser treatment, a thin tube is inserted into the vein, and then the vein is heated with a laser probe. The application of heat helps close off the vein permanently. This process is known as endovenous laser treatment. On the other hand, in radiofrequency ablation, radiofrequency energy is delivered to the vein through a thin tube inserted into it. Like laser, the application of radiofrequency energy helps close off the vein.

But if the condition is quite severe, then surgery may be required to remove the vein from the body, which is known as stripping and ligation. The entire process can be quite painful, and the patient may need considerable time to recover completely. Therefore, this method is generally employed for large varicose veins.

Sometimes, regular physical activity can also play an important role in preventing this condition. Exercises help maintain an ideal body weight, and strengthen the muscles of the legs. If your job requires you to stand or sit for a long time, then take small breaks in between to stretch your legs, and keep them raised above the level of heart for a few minutes. This can help improve blood circulation. It is also important to lower the consumption of fatty foods, salt, and sugar, and avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes and high heel shoes, in order to prevent this condition. In addition to these, drink plenty of water, quit smoking, take adequate vitamin C and E, and avoid sitting for a long time with your legs crossed at the knee.

A healthy lifestyle can help reduce the pain associated with varicose veins, and prevent certain complications, like ulceration, dermatitis, and the development of blood clots within the affected veins. But if the condition is causing severe pain and discomfort, then medical intervention can be required. In this regard, an experienced physician can provide the required guidance about the various treatment options available for this condition.

Varicose Veins Laser Surgery

The term varicose comes from the Latin root 'varix', which means twisted. Varicose veins are twisted veins that mainly affect the legs and the feet. As we know, veins carry blood from all parts of the body to the heart. The veins in our legs have to fight gravity while carrying blood to the heart. These veins have elastic walls which help them in returning blood to the heart. But with time, they tend to lose their elasticity and gradually stretch out. Due to this, sometimes, the blood flows back towards the legs and forms blood pools in the veins. Hence, these veins get swollen and rise above the surface of the skin. They appear like dark purple or blue colored, twisted or bulging cords through the legs.

Though the actual cause is still unknown, there are several factors that can lead to the development of varicose veins. Heredity or inborn weak vein valves is one of the greatest factors that can cause the condition. Hormonal changes at the time of puberty, pregnancy, menopause, etc., can develop the problem in women. Especially during pregnancy, the volume of blood in the body increases which causes these veins to enlarge. The enlarged uterus also adds more pressure on the veins. However, within 3 months after delivery, the veins naturally improve. Intake of estrogen, progesterone, and birth control pills may also lead to the development of varicose veins in women. Aging, obesity, leg injury, prolonged standing or walking, etc., are some other reasons that weaken the vein valves and cause the condition.

A heavy feeling, burning or throbbing feeling in the legs, are some common symptoms experienced by people suffering from varicose veins. Muscle cramps, itching, and swelling in the legs are some other symptoms also observed in these patients. Skin ulcers around the ankles can be another symptom that may cause swelling in the legs and ankles, and can be painful at night.

Treatment Options
Though varicose veins do not cause any damage to the body, most people want to get rid of them due to cosmetic reasons. Sclerotherapy is one way of treating it, in which the doctor inserts a solution in the varicose veins that scar and close down the veins. Though, there are many treatments available, laser surgery is one of the most effective and popular treatment used for this condition.

Laser Surgery
Laser surgery functions by transmitting extremely strong bursts of light onto the vein, causing it to slowly fade and disappear. The lasers are highly accurate and damage only the affected area. The surgery is quite comfortable and painless, as there are no needles or incisions. When the laser strikes the skin, the patient only feels a small pinch. The skin is soothed by applying a coolant both before and after the treatment. The surgery depends upon the severity of the veins, and can last for 15 to 20 minutes. Usually, two to five rounds of treatment are required to completely cure the problem. There can be some redness or swelling or discoloration of the skin after the surgery, but this abates within a few days. Surgical ligation is another more specific laser surgery, in which the veins are tied shut and then entirely removed from the leg. Though different kinds of lasers are used, yellow light lasers, green light lasers and other intense pulsed light systems are most commonly used.

Varicose veins affect women more than men, and are quite common in older women. Though laser surgery is quite effective with fewer side effects and complications, one should always take the advice of an expert before undergoing the surgery. The cost of surgery varies as per the treatment employed, but it can cost approximately $300 - $450 for a session, for each segment of the leg.

Mar 12, 2015

Varicose Veins and the Vitamin P

Vitamin P and varicose veins, is there any possible connection between the two? There are 13 vitamins that are officially listed and accepted, and than there is one that is not well known, and that is Vitamin P. This vitamin has numerous benefits but is especially effective at protecting the capillaries, which are extremely small vessels that are located within the tissues of the body.

The capillaries transport the blood from the arteries into the veins, and their walls are very thin and composed of a single layer of overlying flat cells. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, wastes, and nutrients are exchanged through these very thin walls and the lack of the proper nutrients can cause spider veins and varicose veins.

What exactly is Vitamin P?

Vitamin P is not well known to most people and it is a critical part of several functions in the body other than protecting these capillaries. This vitamin is also known as bio-available flavonoids, or Bio-flavonoids. They are a class of water soluble plant pigments that have provide special properties to the body.

The properties that they serve are those of an antioxidant, antiallergenic, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent. However, they are help to serve as antiviral and anti-carcinogenic agents.

In most technical circles they are not considered a true vitamin, but at the same time they are referred to as vitamin P. They are absolutely essential for the proper absorption of vitamin C in the body; and they are the most effective when the two are taken together.

This grouping of nutrients also includes rutin, hesperidin, and quercetin, as well as the natural compounds that are found in red wine. All of these natural nutrients work in tandem to ensure that red blood cells and blood platelets do not clump together, which is another function they provide in protecting these very small capillaries.

Vitamin P is often used to treat sports injuries, especially in the legs, as they reduce the pain and lessen the effects of prolonged bleeding as well as protecting against antibacterial infections as they are very powerful in maintaining proper levels of blood circulation, one of the causes of varicose veins.

Sources of Vitamin P:

These bio-flavonoids are found abundantly in both the pulp and the rinds of citrus fruits and several other foods that are high in vitamin C. Some of the other sources are berries, apples, grapefruit, especially the seeds, onions, and green tea. Other sources include apricots, broccoli, ginkgo, tomatoes and onions.

However, perhaps the two most powerful sources are from buckwheat and red wine.

Varicose veins:

The veins that are in the body are blood vessels that return blood from every organ back to the major source, the heart. After certain organs have used the oxygen from the blood to function properly, they release this used blood where it is goes to the heart and than into the lungs. Once inside the lungs, this waste is released and more oxygen is loaded by the blood and taken back to the body by the veins.

However, in this process, waste products such as carbon dioxide are also distributed into the veins, as they act as storage for all of the unused blood. When the body rests, only a small amount of blood circulates; and all of the uncirculated blood stays in the veins as they are very elastic by design and can expand as needed.

This waste is what starts the problem. The largest of the veins are in the center of the body; and they collect the blood from all of the smaller veins throughout the body. During all of these processes, waste continues to spread.

As the veins move further away from these large collection points, they become smaller. These smaller veins are referred to as superficial, and the larger are referred to as deeper. Perforating veins are the vessels that connect these two together. When any of these veins fail to properly circulate and as a result start to bulge, they are called varicose veins.

There are two types of these veins; large and spider. The large varicose veins can actually be seen bulging and can be felt by touching them. They are most always located in the legs and the thighs, but they can develop anywhere in the body. The smaller veins, referred to as spider veins, can be seen, but they are more like fine lines than bulges. They usually appear on the ankles and the feet, but they can also appear on the face.

Outside of their major role of protecting the capillaries, this little known vitamin also helps to improve the elasticity and in the process helps to prevent any further damage to the veins. It also helps to improve the circulation and as it does it assists in decongesting the clogged capillaries that are the major cause of the spider veins.

However, it does not stop there, as this nutrient also helps to reduce the reddish color as it strengthens the blood vessels. Rutin, one of the ingredients in the complex of vitamin P is especially effective in protecting small capillaries caused by any type of recurrent bleeding by weakened vessels. It is also used to treat hemorrhoids as well as the capillaries around the eyes.

There are several substances that can drain this nutrient form your system, and the two worst are smoking and alcohol. However, aspirin and cortisone also deplete this nutrient very quickly for your body.


Bio-flavonoids are water soluble vitamins and as such there is absolutely no chance of any type of an overdose as any excess will be eliminated either by urine or sweat in your body. If you do suffer from varicose or spider veins, this form of vitamin is extremely effective in combating this condition that affects so many people.

Causes of Revealing Varicose Veins

Are you afraid of hot weather? The heat, the sun, but most importantly, the shorts and skirts that might reveal your legs? Varicose veins can be unsightly and embarrassing, but luckily, they can also be treated (although not cured). Decreasing their appearance can greatly increase your confidence in showing off your legs.

Those squiggly lumps underneath your skin are actually pools of blood. The veins in your extremities, most often your legs and ankles, lose efficiency in delivering your blood throughout your body. The valves that control the blood flow weaken and allow pressure to build up in your veins, expanding them into snakelike gnarls characteristic of varicose veins, or venous insufficiency.

Developing varicose veins might make you want to pull your hair out and ask, why me?! There are a number of factors to take into consideration when determining why you have varicose veins. These can include:
  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Standing for long amounts of time
  • Pregnancy
  • Being overweight or obese
Although the visible aspects of venous insufficiency are definitely a telling factor in diagnosing the disease, there are less obvious symptoms as well. These uncomfortable issues can actually lead to other ailments, such as eczema. Therefore, it is good to catch it early and get treatment. More symptoms of varicose veins include:
  • Itchy, dry skin
  • Mild to severe swelling
  • A feeling of heaviness in your legs, along with dull aching pains and burning
  • Changes in the color of your skin, such as turning reddish brown or purple
  • Ulcers
With all of these uncomfortable symptoms connected to weakened blood valves, it's no wonder that many different treatments have been developed, although there is no true cure. You can try some at-home methods such as wearing compression socks, working out, and elevating areas affected by varicose veins. These usually work best with slight vein problems, and exercising can actually help prevent them by keeping you at a healthy weight.

Severe varicose veins can require treatment from doctors. Ligation and stripping involves tying off your vein and removing it. Less invasive is sclerotherapy, where a chemical is inserted into your vein to cause its collapse. Laser treatment induces a vein to close as well. A new treatment option is radiofrequency energy is run down your vein to make it scar and close up.

Bubble Bath That Helps Varicose Veins

Practically everyone gets varicose veins. Most times they occur in your legs and with summer coming, why not try a inexpensive way to treat them. Here is a bubble bath you can make at home to help treat varicose veins.

Varicose veins are most often asscoiated with women, however men can experience them as well. In many cases varicose veins can get worse by comtinuing bad habits such as sitting with your legs crossed, standing for long periods of time and even wearing clothes that are just to tight. In some cases varicose veins can even be painful. It is always best to consult with your doctor if you are experiencing pain. This recipe is for a bubble bath that can be useful in reducing the appearance of the vericose veins and also refreshing your skin.

Things you will need:
  • 4 Tabespoons Dried ginger root (has to be chopped)
  • 4 tablespoons Juniper
  • 2 Tablespoons of dried Rosemary
  • 4 Tablespoons of dried lemon peel or simply use a lemon quartered
  • 2 Tablespoons
Once you have gather all of your ingedients mix them into some warm water in your tub. Always make sure your water is not too hot! Its important not to allow extremely hot water to remain on the area with the varicose veins for very long. Extremely hot water can actually make the condition worse. Make sure to check the temperature of your bath before you jump right in! The Rosemary and peppermint will actually help improve the circulation in your body. Once you are in the tub, just enjoy! Stay in for as long as you are comfortable and try to relax.

If you are going to take this bath before bed, you could even add 2 tablespoons of chamomile for a more sleepy time bath. I have other articles on homemade anti-aging creams that could also be used as a face mask while you are taking your bath. As always avoid contact with your eyes.

Softswitch Technology – Understanding Key Terminology

Softswitch Technology has made visible impact on the way telecommunication industry functioned. However, many of us, unfamiliar with the basic terms that refer to this technology, find it hard to comprehend it. Read on to get hold of key Softswitch technology terms.

Softswitch Technology is the buzzword today in VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) circles. The technology has changed the way industry functions for ever, replacing traditional switches based on hardware with software based Softswitches. This has brought down the cost of communication considerably and, at the same time, enabled converged services which were hitherto even unthinkable.

These key terms would help you understand Softswitch Technology better:

VoIP Softswitch

VoIP Softswitch performs the critical function of routing calls across different networks. It predominantly deals with calls from packet-based networks to circuit based networks like the PTSN. It also ensures that the service provider's network is secured. Several VoIP softswitches offer Network Address Translation and Port Address Translation together with firewall capabilities. VoIP softswitches can be customized to the specific needs of the customers. Internet Telephony

Internet Telephony technology integrates telephone services into computer networks. Analog voice signals converted into digital signals, are transmitted, and reconverted. VoIP is a common Internet telephony service. Computer networks are used to send voice signals and the information is transferred across the Internet in data packets. Internet telephony can also provide voice mail as well as other telephone services.

Conference Bridge

This is a new feature to softswitch technology, allowing the users to conduct conference calls. A VoIP softswitch conference bridge provides several advantages over conventional conference bridge service. Easy conference-call management is facilitated through the VoIP softswitch's web interface. A moderator can invite participants via email or an automated dialler, and prompt the conference bridge's IVR system announce the names as people join a conference call.

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is incorporated into softswitch technology to enable communication services such as Internet conferencing, telephony, events notification and instant messaging. The Protocol enables a full array of call routing capabilities to maximize performance in both small and large packet voice networks. Communication services can be delivered at really low initial and operating costs.

Class 4, Class 5

The class number becomes larger as the softswitch technology gets more advanced. Class 5 softswitch is more advanced than Class 4 softswitch. Broadly speaking, Class 4 softswitches work as the gateways, which interconnect traffic and route high volumes. Class 5 softswitches are PSTN to IP conversion endpoint. However, boundaries in the technology are getting muddier and several features of Class 4 are being dumped into Class 5.

Packet Switching

Packet Switching refers to protocols in which data is transmitted – regardless of content, type, or structure – into packets. Each data packet is then transmitted individually and it could even follow different routes to its destination. Once all the data packets reach the destination, they are recompiled into the original.

Circuit Switching

This technology enables two network nodes to establish a dedicated circuit. A limited number of dedicated connections of constant bit rate and constant delay are set up between nodes during the communication session. The method provides for non-stop transfer without requiring packets, making the best use of available bandwidth.

Rapidly advancing Softswitch communications technology has made things possible which were just unthinkable a few years ago. Converging a spectrum of services such as voice, fax, data and video, Softswitch technology has changed industry dynamics.

VoIP Softswitch - The Heart of the Voip Revolution

Many innovations within the telecommunications industry, one can hardly overlook the significance of the development of Softswitch technology. To gain a proper appreciation of the benefits of Softswitch, let's get down to basics of what this technology is all about.

What is a softswitch? A softswitch is a centrally located device within a telephone network that is used to link calls from one telephone line to the other, through the use of specialized software. The functions of the softswitch were earlier undertaken by hardware, with physical switches being used for the routing of calls.

The softswitch is generally housed in a building belonging to the telephone company. This is called the central office and is linked to other properties owned by the particular telephone company and to other telephone companies.

Softswitch literally implies the operation of switches made from electronic textiles a trend that combines the efficiency of electronics with the visual appeal of textiles. In layman's terms, the basic function of the softswitch is to separate the hardware and software of a circuit switched network.

How does it work? There are different components in the system that manages the different functions. The Softswitch is controlled by the Call Agent. This is a sort of administrator that regulates applications such as services, billing, signaling and routing of calls. The Call Agent has the capacity to monitor a number of Media Gateways over areas that are separated by considerable distance. This has become possible through the use of a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol or TCP/IP connection.

The Media Gateway functions by linking different kinds of media streams to set up an end-to-end pathway for the voice and data transmission in the call. It may be equipped with a number of interfaces of different kinds, allowing for connection to different kinds of networks conventional Public Switched Telephone Network or PSTN systems involving DS1 or DS3 (Digital Signal) ports.

On the other hand, it may be equipped to accommodate interfaces linking up to ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) or IP systems. Modern systems will also accommodate Ethernet interfaces for VoIP applications. The Call Agent directs the media gateway to link media streams between the interfaces, making it possible to connect the call.

The Media Gateway may also be linked to any number of accessing gadgets. These could be analog telephone adaptors or ATAs (Analog Telephone Adaptor) with a single RJ (Registered Jack)11 socket for the telephone jack; the Media Gateway could also be connected to a PBX (Private Branch Exchange)or an Integrated Access Device (IAD), which has the capacity to accommodate hundreds of telephone connections.

Normally the larger access devices are housed in buildings in close proximity to the clients for whom they are intended. All it takes is a pair of copper wires to link the end user to the IAD.

PBXs and devices of medium size would be suitable for use on commercial properties. Single line devices would be more suitable for residential premises.

Recent developments. The International Softswitch Consortium or ISC is attempting to upgrade conventional networks to enhance their efficiency and accommodate more softswitch features. So far there has been a limited degree of success in that the principal elements of conventional networks have been delinked. The transmission function of telecommunications networks is expanding to make better use of Internet Protocol or IP.

One aspect of the drive towards delinking is demonstrated by the use of specialized mediation and gateway equipment to link circuit based networks to IP based networks to facilitate the use of VoIP. Even so, there is much more involved in this process than simply delinking the components of the system.

The delinking of Intelligent Networks or IN has only been partially successful. This has fallen short of the expectations of those who support softswitch technology. They claimed that the separation of the components of intelligent networks would provide better scope for the inclusion of more services.

The general feeling is that Intelligent Networks would not harmonize with call controls that are dependent on activation by voice. It was felt that new controls would be required which could be based on sessions and be receptive to multimedia services as well as voice and data applications.

Another initiative with a similar objective has been undertaken by the Internet Engineering Task Force or IETF to stipulate the potential for networks that combine features of Internet Protocol and Intelligent Networks. The goal of such endeavors is to create a softswitch that does not operate on circuit-based switches and that makes use of intelligence and logic-based features.

The dispersal of functional tasks will result in improved efficiency and cost effective operation. The function of switches will then be restricted to switching alone, while other components will be geared to furnish service logic and network monitoring. The dispersal of service logic implies that there will be greater flexibility in the development and deployment of applications and services at different locations within a network.

Rocky road ahead? Nevertheless, it is expected that there may be some problems along the way. For one thing, more conventional service providers have their reservations about going along with the initiative to advance Softswitch technology. Apart from that, Softswitch will have to be integrated with conventional networks since Softswitch will not become functional everywhere at the same time.

Another factor that is causing concern is that there may be special requirements to enable dissimilar networks to function together. Such requirements will involve issues such as verification and endorsement of network components and applications. Conventional networks utilize protocols such as SS7 to manage these functions. However, as networks become more and more sophisticated, these issues will also become far more complex.

Companies investing in Softswitch can avail of various advantages offered by this technology. One of the most important of these is the de-linking of call processing functions from the process of physical switching monitored by the Media Gateway. This kind of separation of functions allows a single software platform to be utilized for different kinds of media.

Apart from the fact that Softswitch offers scope for greater adaptability, it also enables less prominent vendors with greater potential to concentrate on the application of their choice. However, as a result of reservations about the reliability and financial implications of deploying this technology, migration has taken place in stages. Since the majority of recognized carriers have made a substantial investment in TDM or time division multiplexing technology, they are hesitant about replacing it with Softswitch unless it proves to be more economical.