Feb 24, 2014

Benefits of Steam Potatoes

Boiled potatoes are naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly potassium, phosphorus, B-complex vitamins and vitamin C. They are low in calories and fat, and their high fiber content helps you feel full. Contrary to popular belief, potatoes are not inherently fattening. If you add butter or sour cream to potatoes, you increase the numbers of calories and fat grams significantly, so if you are trying to lose weight, season them with herbs or low-calorie condiments.

Nutrition Basics

Boiled in its skin, a large potato, weighing about 300 grams, has 261 calories, 5.6 grams of protein and .3 grams of fat. If you peel the potato before boiling it, you lose about a half gram of protein, but the calorie and fat contents remain similar. Peeled or unpeeled, the potato has 5.4 grams of fiber, about the same amount as a bowl of bran flakes cereal, and 2.6 grams of natural sugar.

B-Complex Vitamins and Vitamin C

A large, unpeeled boiled potato is rich in B-complex vitamins, which help your body form blood cells and make energy from the protein, carbohydrates and fat from the food you eat. A boiled potato provides more than half of the vitamin B-6 you need each day, as well as about 30 percent of your recommended daily intake for thiamin and niacin. It is also high in vitamin C, giving you one-half of your daily requirement for that nutrient. A peeled boiled potato loses half of its vitamin C content and provides 25 percent of the vitamin C you need daily.

Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium

Because the potato is a root vegetable, it is rich in essential minerals that help you build strong bones and benefit your nerve and muscle function. A large potato, boiled in its skin, provides 1.1 grams of potassium, one-fourth of the potassium you need daily. It also gives you about one-fifth of the magnesium and phosphorus you need each day. If you peel the potato before boiling it, the potato loses some of its mineral content, providing one-fourth of the potassium and one-sixth of the phosphorus you need daily.

Baked Potatoes

Cooking a potato in water depletes it of some of its nutrients. A baked potato is more nutrient-dense, providing 6.28 grams of protein and 6.3 grams of fiber. It has about 25 percent more magnesium as a boiled potato. It also contains 40 percent more phosphorus and potassium, as well as four times the amount of folate in a boiled potato. Pregnant women, who need an adequate amount of folate to prevent neural tube birth defects in their unborn children, benefit from eating potatoes baked, rather than boiled.

How-To Screen Shot On Any Android SmartPhone

Many of my affiliates ask me how to make screen shot or print screen with their Android smartphones. So today i will share my own experience how to do it, at the same time try it for your own android devices if it works or not. Screen shots or print screen mostly used to save images taken by online streaming or real-time task, like gaming. Some users do this specially in Android games, like the "Flappy Bird" they always want to print screen when ever they got a high score and using this for making reviews or bench marking.

How to Screen Shot Print Screen in Android Phone

Option 1:

1. Long press POWER and VOLUME DOWN buttons for 3-4 seconds until you hear the shutter sound. (On-Screen)

2. Screen shot/capture or print screen are saved on Screenshot folder (ex: Cherry Mobile Life) when you plug it your PC or laptop you will see the folder name "Screenshot"

3. Screenshot taken also auto stores via gallery. If screenshot has no image (blank image), Just free some phone memory.

4. Done!

Option 2:

1. Long press and hold down POWER and MENU buttons for 3-4 seconds or

2. Long press and hold down POWER and HOME/BACK button at the same time.

Option 3:

Download this Android app! (Works for Android 2.1 and up)

Philippines Telco 3G/GPRS Internet Setting

How-To Activate Phone And Sim 3G/GPRS Internet Setting in the Philippines

Send SMS » GO (Phone Model),,1234 - Send to 2951

Send SMS » SET (Phone Model) - Send to 211

Sun Cellular
Send SMS » SETTINGS - Send to 2300
Send SMS » ACTIVATE - Send to 2300
B. Manual Configuration

Name: myGlobeInet
APN: http.globe.com.ph
IP: Leave It Blank
Port: 0

Name: myGlobeConnect
APN: www.globe.com.ph
Port: 8080

Name: myGlobeMMS
APN: mms.globe.com.ph
Port: 8080
HomePage: t.globe.com.ph

Name: SmartInternet
IP: Leave It Blank
Port: 0

Name: SmartGPRS
APN: smart1
Port: 8080

Name: SmartMMS
APN: mms
Port: 8080
HomePage: wap.smart.com.ph

Sun Cellular
APN: minternet
IP: Leave It Blank
Port: 0

Name: Sun MMS
APN: mms
Port: 8080
HomePage: wap.suncellular.com.ph

Red Mobile
Name: Red Internet
APN: redinternet
IP: Leave It Blank
Port: 0

Name: Red MMS
APN: redmms
Port: 8080
HomePage: wap.redmobile.com

Touch Mobile (Working FBT)
Name: Touch Mobile(TM)
APN: mms.globe.com.ph
Port: 8080

UNICEF : Appeal for 2.2 billion dollars to help 59 million children

For Syria and the surrounding area calls for $ 835 million to provide life-saving assistance including vaccinations, water and sanitation. Appeal for $ 2.2 billion to provide humanitarian assistance in 2014 to 85 million people, including 59 million children, who face conflicts, natural disasters and other complex emergencies in 50 countries, addressed the UNICEF.

The call "UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children 2014 'highlights the daily challenges faced by children in humanitarian crises, the support needed to help them survive and prosper and the results can be achieved even in the toughest conditions.

For Syria and the surrounding area, UNICEF calls for 835 million U.S. dollars to provide life-saving assistance including vaccinations, water and sanitation, education, child protection and to support social cohesion and peace building for a more sustainable future.

UNICEF is working to address a wide range of humanitarian crises including malnutrition in the Sahel region, the lack of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation in Yemen, cholera in Haiti, increased attacks on children in Afghanistan, drought in Angola.

The resources of the call will also assist UNICEF to strengthen preparedness for future crises, conflicts or natural disasters and to enable the organization build on the work of 2013, during which achieved the following results:
  • 24.5 million children were vaccinated against measles.
  • 20 million people gained access to clean water and sanitation.
  • 2.7 million children gained access to improved education.
  • 1.9 million children were hospitalized for severe acute malnutrition.
  • 935,000 children have been helped with psychological support.
However, the funding gap in some countries such as Angola, Eritrea, Lesotho and Madagascar-as well as inadequate access to humanitarian aid, insecurity and the difficult operating environment, means that many needs are not covered.

Feb 23, 2014

OpenWRT : Installing Adblock with Pixelserv

There’re many ways of doing this. The scenario and configuration is flexible enough, depending on what you want to achieve.

The easy way


My review : Provide the simplest method, poisoned DNS record will be redirected to Longer page load due to no content served in (wait until connection timeout). However this script let you manually control on white list and black list domain.


My review: The script will attempt to create another interface alias and run pixelserv (simple webserver serving 1×1 pixel transparent gif) on that interface. However, you’ll not be able to manually control on white/black list as previous script.

My method

Again, this might not be the best way, but it served my requirements. I’ll be using the same script except that i tweaked it to suit my environment.

Step 1: Create interface alias
I need my pixelserv to run in different ip address (let say my LAN ip is i want pixelserv to run on so that my uhttpd can listen on for LuCI. Add below interface to /etc/config/network

#nano /etc/config/network
config interface 'lan2'
 option ifname  'eth0'
 option proto 'static'
 option ipaddr  ''
 option netmask ''

Restart network interfaces
#/etc/init.d/network restart

Verify new interface alias created

root@OpenWrt:~# ifconfig
br-lan    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:9A:88:DD
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:629 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:661 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:73752 (72.0 KiB)  TX bytes:393608 (384.3 KiB)

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:9A:88:DD
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:633 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:769 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:82836 (80.8 KiB)  TX bytes:528224 (515.8 KiB)

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:9C:1E:FF
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:157 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:138 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:15482 (15.1 KiB)  TX bytes:13962 (13.6 KiB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:1648 (1.6 KiB)  TX bytes:1648 (1.6 KiB)

root@OpenWrt:~# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         UG    0      0        0 eth1        *        U     0      0        0 eth1     *        U     0      0        0 br-lan    *        U     0      0        0 eth0

Step 2: Pixelserv setup

We already have a web server installed on the router (serving LuCI), we just need to configure a new uHTTPd server instance.

mkdir /www_pixelserv
wget -O /www_pixelserv/blank.gif http://probablyprogramming.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/tinytrans.gif

Edit /etc/config/uhttpd

config uhttpd 'main'
list listen_http ''
list listen_https ''
option home '/www'

config uhttpd 'pixelserv'
list listen_http ''
option home '/www_pixelserv'
option error_page '/blank.gif'

Restart uhttpd

/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart

Step 3: Adblock for dnsmasq
Follow installation instruction at https://gist.github.com/teffalump/7227752
For adblock.sh, add following lines to with

#Download and process the files needed to make the lists (add more, if you want)
wget -qO- "http://adaway.org/hosts.txt"|grep "^" >> /tmp/block.build.list

#Replace with
sed -i 's/' /tmp/block.build.list
#Add black list, if non-empty
[ -s "/etc/black.list" ] && sed -e 's/^/\t/g' /etc/black.list >> /tmp/block.build.list


Above mentioned method (creating interface alias) is valid for interface that do not have vlan tagging. For my case, eth0 is tagged with vlan500 and vlan600 (eth0.500 and eth0.600) and I cannot find any documentation for creating alias for tagged interfaces. As workaround, I’ve changed the pixelserv uhttpd to listen to, while for router web ui (LuCI) listened to port 443.

This is my modified adblock.sh

#Put in /etc/adblock.sh

#Script to grab and sort a list of adservers and malware

#Delete the old block.hosts to make room for the updates
rm -f /etc/block.hosts

#Download and process the files needed to make the lists (add more, if you want)
wget -qO- http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.txt| sed 's/' |grep "^" > /tmp/block.build.list
wget -qO- http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt|grep "^" >> /tmp/block.build.list
wget -qO- "http://hosts-file.net/.\ad_servers.txt"|grep "^" >> /tmp/block.build.list
wget -qO- "http://adaway.org/hosts.txt"|grep "^" >> /tmp/block.build.list

#Replace with
sed -i 's/' /tmp/block.build.list
#Add black list, if non-empty
[ -s "/etc/black.list" ] && sed -e 's/^/\t/g' /etc/black.list >> /tmp/block.build.list

#Sort the download/black lists
sed -e 's/\r//g' -e 's/^[ ]\+/\t/g' /tmp/block.build.list|sort|uniq > /tmp/block.build.before

if [ -s "/etc/white.list" ]
    #Filter the blacklist, supressing whitelist matches
    sed -e 's/\r//g' /etc/white.list > /tmp/white.list
    grep -vf /tmp/white.list /tmp/block.build.before > /etc/block.hosts
    rm -f /tmp/white.list
    cat /tmp/block.build.before > /etc/block.hosts

#Delete files used to build list to free up the limited space
rm -f /tmp/block.build.before


OpenWrt : Installing Privoxy with Adblock filters

I’ve been using OpenWrt on my TP-Link WL740N for a while now. It’s lovely and with all the additional software you can install on it it’s even better.

I’ve got for example Privoxy installed on it. Privoxy is a (non-caching) proxy with filtering capabilities. So it basically means that Privoxy can filter out malware, ads & other junk from the webpages you visit.

What I’m going to show you is:
  • how to install Privoxy on OpenWrt
  • how to configure the firewall on your router to make the proxy transparent
  • how to feed Privoxy with AdBlock rules and automatically keep them up to date
All the bash commands below are ment the be executed on the router. Preferably via a ssh connection (ssh router).

Install Privoxy

Let’s first install Privoxy on the router:

opkg update
opkg install privoxy
cd /etc/privoxy/

Then make /etc/privoxy/config look like this:

confdir /etc/privoxy
logdir /var/log
filterfile default.filter
logfile privoxy

actionsfile match-all.action # Actions that are applied to all sites and maybe overruled later on.
actionsfile default.action # Main actions file

filterfile user.filter

toggle 1
enable-remote-toggle 1
enable-remote-http-toggle 0
enable-edit-actions 1
enforce-blocks 0
buffer-limit 4096
forwarded-connect-retries 0
accept-intercepted-requests 1
allow-cgi-request-crunching 0
split-large-forms 0
keep-alive-timeout 300
socket-timeout 300
debug 8192 # Errors - *we highly recommended enabling this*

Make sure to replace the 192.168.5.x addresses with ones that match your network setup.

If everything is ok, start up Privoxy with /etc/init.d/privoxy start. Check if it’s running by doing ps | grep -i privoxy

And to make sure everything is running fine: tail -n20 /var/log/privoxy.log
Configure the firewall

Next up we’re going to adjust the firewall on the router so Privoxy becomes our transparent proxy.

Add this rule to /etc/config/firewall:

config redirect
option proto 'tcp'
option target 'DNAT'
option dest 'lan'
option _name 'transparent-proxy for HTTP'
option src 'lan'
option dest_port '8118'
option src_dport '80'
option dest_ip ''
option src_dip '!'

Again, make sure you adjust the ip addresses properly.

Next up, restart the firewall: /etc/init.d/firewall restart.

You could also do this via the OpenWrt webinterface (LuCI):

Automate fetching and updating of Adblock filters

We’re going to use a script made by Andrwe that automatically downloads and converts adblock filters to privoxy filters (their format is different).

First install the dependencies for this script:

opkg install coreutils-install wget bash sed

Then install the script itself:

cd /etc/privoxy
wget https://raw.github.com/Andrwe/privoxy-blocklist/master/privoxy-blocklist.sh --no-check-certificate
chmod +x privoxy-blocklist.sh
sed -i s/^SCRIPTCONF.*/SCRIPTCONF=\\/etc\\/privoxy\\/blocklist.conf/ privoxy-blocklist.sh

Create a configuration file for the script:

touch /etc/privoxy/blocklist.conf

And make it look like this:

# Config of privoxy-blocklist

# array of URL for AdblockPlus lists
# for more sources just add it within the round brackets
# "https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistdutch+easylist.txt"

# config for privoxy initscript providing PRIVOXY_CONF, PRIVOXY_USER and PRIVOXY_GROUP

# !! if the config above doesn't exist set these variables here !!
# !! These values will be overwritten by INIT_CONF !!

# name for lock file (default: script name)
TMPNAME="$(basename ${0})"
# directory for temporary files

# Debug-level
# -1 = quiet
# 0 = normal
# 1 = verbose
# 2 = more verbose (debugging)
# 3 = incredibly loud (function debugging)

Then run the program for the first time to check if everything is working:


The scripts adds actionsfile entries to the /etc/privoxy/config file. When I upgraded my OpenWrt router from Attitude Adjustment to Barrier Breaker this broke for me. That’s why I added some actionsfile entries myself:

actionsfile match-all.action # Actions that are applied to all sites and maybe
overruled later on.
actionsfile default.action # Main actions file

filterfile malwaredomains_full.script.filter
filterfile fanboy-social.script.filter
filterfile easyprivacy.script.filter
filterfile easylist.script.filter
filterfile easylistdutch.script.filter
filterfile user.filter
actionsfile malwaredomains_full.script.action
actionsfile fanboy-social.script.action
actionsfile easyprivacy.script.action
actionsfile easylist.script.action
actionsfile easylistdutch.script.action
actionsfile user.action


Restart Privoxy again and check /var/log/privoxy.log to make sure everything is still allright.

You could also check http://privoxy.org/ in your browser to see if Privoxy is running ok.

To keep your filters up to date add this to your crontab (crontab -e):

@weekly /etc/privoxy/privoxy-blocklist.sh

Via vanutsteen

Huawei's MediaQ M310 : World's Tiniest Media Player Hub

BARCELONA, Spain--Chinese tech manufacturer Huawei normally makes smartphones, but now it wants to take control of your TV with its tiny MediaQ M310.

This black box is a truly minuscule media hub, measuring only 14mm thick. It's so light you could almost forget you were holding it, and it would easily slot behind your TV, out of sight.

Inside is a quad-core processor, the same chip that's powering Huawei's newest flagship phone, the Ascend P2. That should give the M310 enough grunt to chew through graphically testing games or high-definition movies. That chip is backed up by 1GB of RAM.

The box is both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capable, and comes with 32GB of storage and a microSD card slot, in case you need even more space. An optical audio port and two HDMI ports round off the connectivity nicely.

One of those HDMI sockets is an input; the other is an output. That means you could connect your set-top box to the MediaQ, and then hook up Huawei's box to your TV, potentially creating a central hub through which many services are controlled.

I say potentially because Huawei doesn't seem entirely sure what the M310 is for. Basic tasks could be playing video stored on the device on your TV, but I also saw an Android tablet-mirroring app, so you could play games or use apps on the large screen, for instance. The M310's software itself is a modified version of Android, I was told, so downloading apps directly to the box could be a possibility.

To be honest, there's nothing I saw that can't be replicated by many modern smartphones, tablets, or by Samsung's new HomeSync media hub.

I suspect the M310's best chance of standing out from the crowd is a low price tag. If it's very cheap, this flexible gadget could attract Android enthusiasts who enjoy tinkering with their home cinema setup, in the same vein as the extremely cheap Raspberry Pi microcomputer.

There's no word on pricing yet, but the M310 will be available around May or June. Huawei is also cooking up the MediaQ M210, an HDMI dongle that has a single-core processor, less RAM, and only one HDMI port. The thinking is that you'll plug this dongle into your TV to play video, though details were a little thin on the ground when I saw it.

Via Cnet

How-To Huawei Echolife BM623m Change MAC Address

Many of fellow Netizens and forumers alike are really eager to tweak of their new Huawei BM623m 4G WiMAX broadband wireless modem. Such curiosity is the default username and password of the admin likewise the user account also. The greatest login that we are really longing is to be able to gain the telnet access for such to manage and change the MAC address of this CPE.

The Huawei Echolife BM623m is identical to BM622m it is also power by MediaTek processor and likewise loaded with Redboot just like the Green Packet CPE such as the myBRO DV235T. The advantage of BM623m is that it is equip with built-in internal WiFi there is no need for additional wireless router.

Here's the video on how-to change the MAC address of Huawei BM623n 4G WiMAX wireless broadband modem, first is you have to enable the telnet on the GUI just use firebug or web developer.

More features of Huawei Echolife Bm623m on my next post the pros and cons, specifications, manual, likewise tutorial and also update firmware manual via web gui or via winspread.

Feb 21, 2014

Unbrick TP-Link TL-WR703N 3G Wireless Router

If you are like myself you push the thing a little too far, you should find this useful ;)

If nothing is responding anymore on your router !!!

Locate the GND, TX and RX on the board :

Solder some wire on it, this is very difficult, because it is really small and the solder doesn't stick well on it. Once it is done, glue everything and let some easy access wire, that could be useful after.

Plug a 3.3V TTL serial adapter (pl2303, ftdi, ...etc.) on the wire and open a serial terminal (minicom, realterm, docklight, ...) @ 115200/8/N/1/XON-XOFF.

Power on the wr703n and quiclky send "tpl" followed by enter to the terminal, this will make the wr703n enter in rescue U-boot hornet.

Install a small tftp server on your computer (ex: http://tftpd32.jounin.net/) and plug an ethernet cable between your computer and the wr703n.

Configure the IP adress of your computer to and put the file
openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr703n-v1-squashfs-factory.bin on the tftp server.

On the serial terminal enter the following lines :

code :

hornet> tftpboot 0x81000000 openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr703n-v1-squashfs-factory.bin
hornet> erase 0x9f020000 +0x3c0000
hornet> cp.b 0x81000000 0x9f020000 0x3c0000
hornet> bootm 9f020000

wait until it has uploaded and another extra couple of second before reset.

unplug the power, wait a bit, replug, the system should be freshly working...

Prepare To Bug Your Enemies While Hoarding Food In Bug Heroes 2

Bug Heroes 2 (Free) by Foursaken Media is the sequel to the original Bug Heroes [Deluxe] RPG. This release comes three years after the original version, and given this, it should be worlds better, right? If that is what you have been expecting, you're in luck.

The idea of Bug Heroes is that you must fight against other bugs to compete for food (which are actually human food remnants) during the day when the house is vacant. In Bug Heroes 2, your options have expanded to places such as the kitchen, living room, and front lawn. The at-home feeling that you get with this, just like in the first version, makes the game feel much more serious and less like a fantasy.

The new release of Bug Heroes allows players to have a much more intimate relationship with the game. There are two views that can both be utilized for their own benefits; one is more of a bird's-eye view while the other is more up close and parallel to the ground. Also, if you are embarrassingly bad at aiming (or is that just me?), the nifty auto-aim and auto-firing options make the game a breeze to play. However, if you are looking for more challenge, turn these features off and you'll find some.

Bug Heroes 2 includes single and multiplayer modes. In the single-player category, you have the flexibility of choosing between three modes: Endless, where rounds require you to to protect your food stash, Missions, where specific levels with objectives are to be completed, and Skirmish, where you must switch between protecting your own food and hunting for others'. All of these modes have their own unique challenging aspects to them, with some allowing you to select difficulty levels to further customize the game for you. Also, should you prefer to play in the company of a friend, you can compete over Game Center in co-op, one-on-one, or two-on-two missions.

Overall, I found Bug Heroes 2's gameplay to be significantly better than that of the first. The auto-aim and shooting options are extremely helpful, and the controls seem to be much more tactile and responsive than in the first version. Along with this, the graphics have vastly improved and are much more vivid and rich.

Since Bug Heroes 2 is a freemium title, things cost money. While I wish that the game didn't have more than two different currencies, with only one available via in-app purchase, I have yet to run into any roadblocks with the price model. All in all, the game's new playing elements, controls, visuals, and modes make Bug Heroes 2 a clear improvement over its predecessor, and for this reason, you should download it for free in the App Store as a universal app.

TP-Link TL-WR703N Reflash With English Firmware

Looking for English interface for your TP-Link TL-WR703N router? The wait is over.

Disclaimer : Before u go ahead with the steps, let me make it clear that I am not responsible for any bricked devices so please do it at your own risk. I’ve tried my best to make it as easy as possible to understand and follow but if u still have any query u can leave comments.

It works with v1.5 and v1.6 (these have been tested).
See pic below to find out which version of router you've got.

Pre-requisites :
  • LAN/RJ-45 cable (don’t re-flash your router wirelessly huh!!)
  • New bin File… Click here to download
  • WinRAR or 7Zip or any other software to extract the files.
Known issues:

Since we are flashing modded bin of TL-WR3020 to TL-WR703N(both have the same hardware except number of LED's) the only issue till date is that LED won’t blink when connected through a DSL modem but that doesn’t affect the functionality(I don’t think that’s a deal breaker as you r gonna get an English interface) and who keeps looking at the LED all the time?

LED works just fine if you use it with any USB dongle and Of course you always have the option to go back to the stock firmware.

Procedure :

1.]  First extract the zip file you just downloaded.
2.] Connect ur router to ur computer through a LAN/RJ-45 cable,
3.] Open your web browser(preferably Internet Explorer). In the address bar type and hit enter.
Username : admin
Password : admin
4.] Now you need to select the bin file for flashing.
How to know where to click to select the bin file? Check screenshot below (Click on image to enlarge).

Click on appropriate options as shown above and select upload bin fine and click on OK
Wait for 2-3 minutes, router will auto restart Just wait n watch you’ll have the English interface in front of you.

If after flashing you are not able to access your router using the default IP( then access it using IP -

Do NOT turn off the power or remove the Ethernet cable during the upgrade process

Not happy with the new interface? Wanna go back to old Chinese interface?
Click here and download the Original .bin file and simply follow the aforesaid instructions to flash and you’ll have the old interface back again.

Hope it helps... Please don't forget to leave Comments

Happy Flashing :)

TP-LINK TL-WR703N - a tiny Linux-capable device for under $23

Update June 2012: As many have noted in the comments, TP-Link sadly decided not to release the TL-WR703N in Europe / America. The TL-WR702N looks identical and is available internationally, but it will not work (it only has 2MB flash)! The closest alternative is the MR3020. This has the same internal hardware as the TL-WR703N, but its case is a little bigger (7.4cm x 6.7cm).

Unless you've been living under the geek equivalent of a rock for the past six months you'll have heard of the Raspberry Pi project. The embedded device they are building will offer incredible power for the $25 it is projected to cost when launched in November 2011. A slightly higher specification 'Model B' (with more memory and a 10/100Mbps Ethernet interface) will cost around $10 more.

The prospect of having a well specified device the size of a credit card, consuming minimal power, that can run Linux is tempting many (including your author).

Patience is a virtue waste of time

But what if you can't wait? There are plenty of options available today that can run Linux:
  • Intel Atom based devices: Intel's low power CPUs dominate the netbook market, but have failed to dent the mobile/embedded space. You can find plenty of Atom-based mini-ITX (17cm square) boards and enclosures out there, and there will be plenty of options to use big disks, add more RAM, and so on. All of this comes at a price - not only financially, but also in power consumption and physical footprint.
  • PC Engines Alix: A little known Swiss manufacturer, PC Engines has been producing high quality x86 boards for many years now. The Alix series utilise the AMD Geode CPUs. These are starting to look a little long in the tooth now, and the price is relatively high (around $100 for the board alone, without enclosure, power supply, etc).
  • Linksys WRT54GL: No list of embedded devices that can be hacked to run Linux would be complete without a reference to the WRT54GL. Sadly this device is looking very dated now - it only has a 200MHz Broadcom CPU and it peaks at around 30Mbps WAN throughput.
  • Modern routers: The Linksys WRT160NL, Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH, Netgear WNDR3700, TP-LINK TL-WR1043ND (and others) all utilise Atheros chipsets and are supported by OpenWrt (an embedded Linux distribution discussed below). Whilst these are all great devices, they don't have the low cost and small physical size that gives them the 'wow factor' of the Raspberry Pi.
  • Ubiquiti NanoStation: This tiny little device is the only one mentioned that I've not experimented with myself. Whilst its footprint and OpenWrt support are appealing, its 180MHz CPU and relatively high cost ($79) leaves me wanting more.
All of these are either far more than $35 (I'm assuming we all want network connectivity), physically too large, have too little grunt, or a combination of the aforementioned.

So is that it then? Should we pack up our things and just wait until November/December for a tiny, lower power device that can run Linux? Not just yet.

And in the red corner...

TP-LINK is a Chinese consumer networking equipment manufacturer that many of us in Europe and America would not have heard of a year ago. Today they boast of being the largest broadband CPE manufacturer in the world (by market share), but this isn't why we're interested in them.

In early September 2011 TP-LINK launched a new device in China snappily dubbed the TL-WR703N. This device is designed to be a portable 3G WiFi router; plug in a USB 3G dongle and the device will broadcast the Internet connection via Ethernet and WiFi. But again, we're Linux enthusiasts, we're not fussed about what the devices was intended to be used for.

Let's take a look the specifications:
  • Atheros 400MHz MIPS CPU
  • 32MB RAM
  • 4MB flash
  • 10/100Mbps Ethernet interface
  • 802.11b/g/n wireless interface with one internal antenna
  • USB 2.0 port
  • Micro-USB power socket, approximately 1W power draw
  • 5.7cm x 5.7cm x 1.8cm dimensions
There's no video output of any form (nor would you expect there to be on a 3G router!), so this is not going to be playing Quake 3 any time soon. That said, this is perfect hardware for a headless Linux box. And you needn't buy an extra case, wireless card, Ethernet module, power supply, etc - they're all included.

And the cost? It's not available outside of China yet, but you can order it from volumerates.com or some Alibaba sellers for about $23 (US) including delivery. I'm told it will start being sold in the US and Europe over the next few weeks.

Show me some pictures!

And now for a brief visual interlude from all this text:

The box has a very Apple-esque feel and the device is clearly aimed as a competitor for the Airport Express

In the box: Some manuals, a USB to micro-USB cable, a Chinese USB to wall plug adapter, and the device itself

The size of the RJ45 port provides a sense of scale. Also pictured: micro-USB power, reset button and power LED.

The device uses the Atheros AR9331 SoC

OpenWrt: An embedded Linux distribution

OpenWrt, for those that are not aware, bills itself as "a Linux distribution for embedded devices". It's entirely free, entirely open source and actively maintained. It's aimed primarily at users wishing to reflash their wireless routers with something far more powerful than the manufacturer's firmware. Such devices typically have very limited flash storage, RAM and processing power, so OpenWrt needs to be very frugal with its resource usage. Hundreds of common Linux applications are available via their packaging system, and if what you want is not available then the tools are provided for you to build it yourself.

But OpenWrt will not run on every wireless router. A list of supported devices is published here. But when you consider how many router models are out there, the number of supported devices is quite limited.

TP-LINK has a very positive reputation inside the OpenWrt community due to their almost exclusive use of Atheros chipsets (which have strong open source support). So when I first saw this device I knew there was a very strong chance that OpenWrt could run on it. Less than a week after donating my TL-WR703N to the project, the OpenWrt developers had incorporated full support for it. Success!

Installing OpenWrt on the TL-WR703N

Installing OpenWrt on the TL-WR703N is very straightforward. To summarise the steps involved:
  1. Connect a network cable between your PC and the TL-WR703N, and set a static IP on your PC of (subnet mask:
  2. Head to the TP-Link admin interface on Login with user "admin" and password "admin"
  3. Find the Router Upgrade link on the left-hand menu (or go directly to
  4. Upload the latest OpenWrt snapshot for the TL-WR703N
  5. Wait 4-5 minutes for the firmware to upload and the device to reboot. The blue LED will be lit solid when it's finished.
  6. You should be able to telnet to the device on and receive an OpenWrt prompt (no password required)
If you want a web interface on the device then you should:
  • Set a password on the device (use the "passwd" command). Note: once you've done this you will need to SSH to the device, telnet will be disabled.
  • Configure /etc/config/network with an IP address, gateway and DNS servers that allow the device to access the Internet. Either reboot the device or run "/etc/init.d/network restart" to apply the settings.
  • Run "opkg update" and "opkg install luci" to install the web interface.
Living with the TL-WR703N

So what can you do with this tiny $23 Linux device? If you've read this far then you've probably got some ideas already (I'd love to hear them), but here's a few thoughts:
  • The USB port needn't be used for a 3G dongle (the original intended purpose). For example: Plug in a USB hard disk, install Samba, and you've got yourself a tiny little NAS.
  • It's easy to forget the device has a WiFi interface. You could run a tiny wireless access point / bridge, or a wireless network scanner, or IDS, or ...
  • The fact that it can be powered by micro-USB means you can power it from nearly anything that has a USB (host) port. Your existing router perhaps? Your monitor? An in-car USB power adaptor?
  • Mobile phone battery packs (which typically have micro-USB connectors, now that they are the standard) could be used to power the device for portable use.
  • The CPU and Ethernet interface are surprisingly powerful - if you configure it properly you can easily saturate the 100Mbps interface (I've tested this with iperf both in TCP and UDP modes).
Just as importantly, here are some key limitations (these apply to many OpenWrt-based devices of course):
  • You're not going to have much luck running large application suites on this device. For example, a full Apache / PHP / MySQL stack is not going to be viable (due to RAM and storage limitations).
  • The wireless antenna is a strip mounted on the PCB, so don't expect wonderful coverage.
  • Don't keep writing to the root file system (a flash overlay): repeated writes will wear out the flash chip. Use /tmp if you can live with temporary storage, or attach additional storage via USB. This applies to most OpenWrt supported devices.

The TL-WR703N running OpenWrt is a formidable embedded device. It has a solid feature set, a tiny form factor and a low price tag. What's not to like?

I've written this post in the hope of sharing my enthusiasm for this device. Almost everyone I've shown the device to has been staggered by its form factor and every person has a different idea for how to use it. I think it has the potential to become an extremely popular device and I'm really looking forward to seeing what people do with them.

Further reading
  • The TL-WR703N wiki page on OpenWrt.org. If you have additional insights/comments that might be useful to others, then please register and contribute to the wiki!
  • The OpenWrt forums are a good place to start for questions or issues. Be sure to search the forums and wiki before posting.
  • If you're a Chinese user, right.com.cn has a dedicated OpenWrt section and has a lot of recent threads on the TL-WR703N.
  • Further photos at a higher resolution are available in my Picasa album.

Feb 18, 2014

Disecting Huawei EchoLife HG850

Huawei Echolife HG850 GPON Terminal FTTX ONU with 4 etherent port and 2 voice port of white ONU with SC/APC input

Specifications : Flash memory (8MB), SDRAM (16MB), Service port ( 4 Port 10/100 Base-TX RJ45 ; 2 Port POTS interface RJ11), Uplink Port (1 Port GPON SC/APC type), Power Adapter (input 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, output 12V-1A)

Functionality : G PON interface ( Compliant to ITU - T G.984.2; support Forward Error Correction; Multiple T-CONTs per device; Support for multicast GEM port)

Layer 2 ( Untagged Port configuration, Standard Ethernet Bridging, Address Learning with auto aging, Bridging acc. to IEEE 802.1D and IEEE 802.1Q)

VLAN ( VLAN Port filtering, Destination Address port filtering, Source MAC address learning)

Multicast : IGMP Snooping

POTS : 5 REN, Balanced Ring, 55V RMS; DTMF dialing, Multiple Codec: G.711, G729, G723.1; Echo cancellation; T.38/G.711 pass through FAX mode

QoS : HW-based internal IEEE 802.1p(CoS); Strictly Priority, 4 Queues per port.

Huawei EchoLife HG850 Specifications here

Huawei EchoLife HG850 Firmware and Documentation here

How-To Access Huawei HG850A Maxis/Unifi : Any Custom Router Possible Now!,

Due to many ppl pm me to ask for the access into HG850a, here is it.. If you're using Maxis FTTH, this setup will enable you to plug the telephone into the HG850a, use custom router and you can put your Thompson router into store room or maybe rubbish bin. 

You can go straight to the end of this post to see the final outcome.

Do it at your own risk.


1. Download & install autohotkey http://l.autohotkey.net/AutoHotkey_L_Install.exe
2. After finish install autohotkey, launch it and right click on the AutoHotkey icon at the right corner taskbar, click on "edit this script", a notepad will open. Change the content to following:


Send enable{Enter}configure terminal{Enter}shell{Enter}iptables --flush{Enter}

Send iptables --flush{Enter}iptables --flush{Enter}iptables --flush{Enter}iptables --flush{Enter}

3. Save it and close the notepad, right click the AutoHotkey icon again and click "reload this script"
4. Download putty http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapshots/x86/putty.exe
5. Configure your pc ip to subnet
6. Switch off the HG850a and plug LAN cable connect ur pc to the HG850a LAN 2

1. Open a command prompt [windows key + R, type ' cmd ', enter]
2. Type ping -t to perform continuous ping to


ping -t

3. open putty client and ready for telnet: input and choose telnet. Dont click 'Open' Yet.

4. Switch on ur HG850a and check the continuous ping
5. Once you saw you're getting Reply from IMMEDIATELY click "Open" in the putty client.
6. You're now successfully telnet into the HG850a but dont be happy, your access will soon be block once the HG850a finish loading the iptables, so you need to perform the following steps quick and accurate.
7. Login using this credentials

username: root
password: admin

8. press the hotkey [ ctrl + alt + z ] , wait for the command to finish typing, then immediately repeat pressing [ctrl + alt + x], let the command finish typing between the interval.This is the Hotkey that we configure into the AutoHotkey previously. This is to let the AutoHotkey help us to type the command in a very short time, before the iptables kicks in and repeatedly wipe the iptables.

9. After around 10 seconds, if you still get response from the telnet (respond to your "enter"; press enter can go next line), then you're safe for now.. but not permanent, if u power off and power on your HG850a, you will need to do from step 1 again.

Configure to have permanent access and no need to hassle so much, perform the following:

Web Interface

1. Open your browser, go into
2. Login with admin account:
Username: telecomadmin
Password: hs5711Bbfh
3. go to 'maintain' > 'device' > 'configure file' > 'Download Configuration File' to backup the config.

4. after download, make a duplicate copy of your config so that if anything goes wrong you still have the original config.
5. open the 'downloadconfigfile.conf' using notepad
6. ctrl+f to find


AclServices HTTPLanEnable

7. change that line to


AclServices HTTPLanEnable="1" HTTPWanEnable="0" TELNETLanEnable="1" TELNETWanEnable="0" FTPLanEnable="0" FTPWanEnable="0" SSHLanEnable="0" SSHWanEnable="0"

8. save it and go to the HG850a web interface, go to 'maintain' > 'device' > 'configure file' > 'choose file' > select this modified config > 'Upload Configuration File'
9. After finish restore, power off and on the HG850a, you should now able to access the web interface and telnet even after power cycle.

Setup VoIP into HG850a [Maxis]

1. Go to 'Basic' > 'WAN' and you should now see by default '1_VOIP_R_VID_400' {not too sure about the name but I know there is a default there}
2. click on it to select, change the VLAN ID to 822. Change and save it as below

3. Go to Status > 'Device' > 'WAN' you should see it connected with an ip address

4. Go to 'Basic' > 'VoIP' and setup the SIP as follow

5. Go to 'Status' > 'VoIP' , you should see the status 'Registered' and the 'voip' led on the HG850a should lid up.

6. Plug your telephone into 'Tel 1' Port and try to make a call to your mobile phone.

This article can be found at LowYat forum.

Cisco WRVS4400N Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router - VPN v2.0

  • Secure, high-speed wireless network access for small business
  • Gigabit Ethernet connections enable rapid transfer of large files
  • Advanced security, including intrusion prevention, helps keep assets safe
  • Full IPsec VPN capabilities for up to five remote connections
Features and Benefits

The Cisco WRVS4400N Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router offers:
  • High-speed connectivity: Gigabit Ethernet connections on both WAN and LAN ports help you take full advantage of your broadband connections, enabling your employees to send and receive large files quickly and easily.
  • Integrated 802.11n wireless access point: A built-in access point enables your employees to connect to the network wirelessly. Support for draft 2.0 of the 802.11n industry standard, along with backward compatibility with 802.11b and g standards, increases wireless speed, throughput, and range, for more efficient wireless coverage of your small office.
  • Proven Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall with Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): Unlike standard firewalls, which block incoming streams based only on the source or type of data, the intrusion prevention system scans deep, enabling it to detect and block most worms, Trojan horses, and denial-of-service attacks to help keep your business assets safe.
  • VPN capabilities: IP Security (IPsec) VPN capabilities built into the WRVS4400N enable your remote employees, whether working from home or on the road, to connect to your office network using nearly any VPN client to access files and transfer data as securely as if they were in the office.
  • Optional Cisco ProtectLink Web security service: This optional hosted service adds another layer of protection to your network by blocking malicious websites and controlling web access, without the drain on your office PCs caused by traditional security solutions.
  • Flexible segmentation of users: Flexible, built-in support for up to 4 multiple service set identifiers (SSIDs) and up to four 802.1Q virtual LAN (VLAN) connections enables the creation separate virtual networks to allow secure guest access and improve traffic flow (Figure 2). The WRVS4400N can interoperate with other VLAN-capable switches, further enhancing flexibility.
  • Limited lifetime warranty.
 Cisco WRVS4400N wireless-N Gigabit Security Router review found on this forum.

Cisco WRVS4400N wireless-N Gigabit Security Routerspecifications and documentation here.

Wireless VPN router


I bought two Linksys WRVS4400N routers to manage a business from my office with a site to site VPN connection. I have previously managed a Cisco PIX 515E VPN appliance in a corporate enviornement for 5 years. To begin the install I enabled remote management on the customers existing router and copied the config to the new WRVS. 

Then I placed it on site. The customer was literally off the internet for less the two minutes while I swapped the cables into the new router. I had to flash the BIOS and upgrade the IPS signature files before placing it, this is certainly a inconvience, but that is how networking equipment goes. After returning to my office, I wanted to set up the site to site so I connected remotely to the router on the client side and http'ed to my local router. The documentation for VPN's is ok but could be better. Seems to be written by someone who has not actually set up a site to site, just read about it. I spent a few hours trying to bring up the tunnel with no luck, the name of the tunnel was two words with a space, I removed the space and the tunnel came right up! 

I searched Cisco documentation but if they are aware of the issue they don't report it in any way. The wireless connetion is ok, I find I must disconnect and reconnect the wireless connection is windows if the box has been idle for several hours. For the most part, this is a very good vpn router for a few hundred bucks. I will buy more as I add clients for remote support.


The documentation could be better. I could not get the site to site VPN tunnel up so I looked to the advanced tab and they seem to have forgottened to document this area as an afterthough. They should tell you that the advanced area can be left as default only. The problem was a space in the tunnle name, appears to be another undocument Cisco secret.

ITU: 70% of all Countries have a National Broadband Plan

A new report by the ITU's Broadband Commission covers the status of Broadband services around the globe.

"Affordable broadband connectivity, services and applications are essential to modern society, offering widely recognized social and economic benefits. The Broadband Commission for Digital Development promotes the adoption of broadband-friendly practices and policies for all, so everyone can take advantage of the benefits offered by broadband".

Among other aspects, the report shows the adaptation of National Broadband plans.


"Although in many countries, broadband deployment has been realized through the efforts of the private sector, Governments play an essential role in ensuring a stable regulatory and legal framework to foster and incentivize investments, create a level playing-field amongst the different actors present in the market, establish adequate spectrum policy and reasonable spectrum allocation, and ensure long-term and sustainable competition. Governments can also implement programmes such as e-government, digital literacy initiatives and connected public institutions and locations.

Progress on policy leadership is relatively recent, with an explosion in the number of countries introducing broadband plans in 2009-2010 (Figure 4). Prior to 2006, most plans focused on information society issues, with broadband coming to the fore from 2008 onwards. More recently, Digital Agendas have grown in popularity, incorporating a cross-sectoral perspective. By mid-2013, some 134 or 69% of all countries had a national plan, strategy, or policy in place to promote broadband, and a further 12 countries or 6% were planning to introduce such measures in the near future (Figure 5). However, some 47 countries (or nearly a quarter of all countries) still do not have any plan, strategy or policy in place. Even if countries have plans, achieving progress in implementation may prove challenging or slow".

See "The State of Broadband 2013: Universalizing broadband" - here.

How-To UniFi : Configure Huawei HG655a BTU as a MODEM ROUTER

UniFi - Huawei HG655a BTU as MODEM ROUTER

There are several forum members from LowYat requested for a guide that how-to configure Huawei HG655a BTU as a modem router. So that user can directly connect their PC into Huawei HG655a BTU's LAN ports.

This is  the standard UniFi setup

Note that the Huawei HG655a LAN Port 1 is connected to D-Link DIR-615a's WAN Port where as the LAN Port 4 is connected to TM IPTV.

UniFi will provide a D-Link DIR-615 Wireless router or RG TMRnd Wireless router for all users no matter you're applying for Residential or Business use. Above is the standard setup for all UniFi users.

This will be how it looks like the configuration of  Huawei HG655A as a Modem Router

After following my guide your setup will look like the above diagram. Your PC or Network Switch will be directly connected to Huawei HG655A LAN ports.

  • Make sure you have your UniFi login ID and Password. The login ID should be xxx@unifi or xxx@unifibiz
  • Download Mozilla Firefox because sometimes the Huawei HG655a WebGUI will not work in Internet Explorer.
Let's begin..

Step 1 (Manually set Fixed IP):

Plug in a network into Huawei HG655a VDSL Modem LAN port 2. Because Huawei HG655a VDSL Modem by default the DHCP is disabled so you should configure manually set Local Area Connection to fixed IP like the example below.

Step 2 (Login to Huawei HG655A) :

Open Mozilla Firefox and type the URL key in the username and password below and click Login.

Username: admin
Password: hs5711Bbvl

Step 3 (Backup Configuration File):

  • Go to Basic > WAN > select ptm1.500
  • Uncheck all Port Binding
  • Connection mode: Route
  • Type your UniFi login and password

Step 5 (Enable DHCP Server):
  • Go to Basic > LAN
  • Under DHCP Server check Enable
  • Start IP Address:
  • End IP Address:
  • Primary DNS Server Address:
  • Secondary DNS Server Address:

Step 6 (Verification):
  • Restart the Huawei HG655a BTU
  • Login to the admin page
  • Go to Status > WAN > Network > Ensure the ptm1.500 is connected
  • After login navigate to Maintenance > Device > Configuration File tab. You should always backup your config file before proceed to the next step.

Once its connected you're ready to online!

ZTE ZXDSL 931DII Connect to UniFi with Generic Custom Router

This is a UniFi Custom Setup wiring diagram :

Your Own Router's WAN Port will connect to ZTE ZXDSL 931DII LAN Port 1.

  • Make sure you have your UniFi login ID and Password. The login ID should be xxx@unifi or xxx@unifibiz
  • Download Mozilla Firefox because sometimes the ZTE ZXDSL 931DII will not work in Internet Explorer.
  • The DSL Router / Wireless Router (Your Own Router). Note that this guide will not work for ADSL Modem + Router! We just need a normal Router with 1 x WAN + 4 x LAN Ports or Firewall appliance.
Step 1:
  • Plug in your LAN cable with your PC to ZTE ZXDSL 931DII VDSL Modem LAN port 4.
Step 2 (login to ZXDSL 931DII):
  • Open Mozilla Firefox and type the URL key in the username and password below and click Login.
Username: admin
Password: hs5711Bbvl

Step 3:
  • Backup the configuration.
Step 4 (Removing VLAN Tagging):

This step is to remove the VLAN tagging from the port.
  • Click on WAN -> VLAN Trunk on left menu.
  • Select LAN Interface select LAN1
  • Untick Enable Vlan Trunk
  • After uncheck Enable Vlan Trunk then click on Submit button.

Step 5 (Connecting UniFi with Custom Router):
  •  Plug your custom router WAN Port cable to ZTE ZXDSL 931DII LAN Port 1.
  •  Connect your PC to Your Own Router.
  •  Login to Web Configuration page.

The above screen shot of my TP-Link WR841N stock firmware. Go to WAN select PPPoE key in your UniFi login ID and password. You should be able to connect to Internet with Your Own Router now! Enjoy!!