Jun 2, 2013

Alternative Sources of Energy

Fossil Fuels such as coal and gasoline provide most of the energy needs of the world today, but because of their diminishing reserves, high prices and most importantly, their damaging effect on the environment, alternative sources of energy and environmentally friendly fuels are now being developed. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, “There are more than a dozen alternative and advanced fuels in production or use today.” From the perspective of protecting the environment, alternative fuels and alternative sources of energy usually fall under seven broad headings.
  • Biofuels
  • Natural Gas
  • Wind Energy
  • Hydroelectric Power
  • Solar Energy
  • Hydrogen
  • Nuclear Energy

Any kind of fuels made from plants or animals. These include wood, wood chippings, methane from animal excrement or as a result of bacterial action and ethanol from plant materials. Lately it is ethanol that has become synonymous with the term biofuel and is in wide use in combination with gasoline in the transportation industry.

Natural Gas

Although a fossil fuel, Natural Gas is cleaner burning than gasoline, but does produce Carbon Dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. Like gasoline natural gas is a finite source, but unlike it, there is still a very plentiful supply still available. The EIA, in conjunction with the Oil and Gas Journal and World Oil publications, “estimates world proved natural gas reserves to be around 5,210.8 Tcf (Trillion cubic feet)”.

Wind Energy

One of the oldest and cleanest forms of energy and the most developed of the renewable energy sources. There is the potential for a large amount of energy to be produced from wind. The Global Wind Energy Council is forecasting that "the global wind market will grow by over 155% to reach 240 GW of total installed capacity by 2012." Unfortunately wind farms, whether onshore or off shores are unsightly, noisy and generate a lot of opposition.

Hydroelectric Power

Like wind energy, a very old and well developed energy source, but unlike wind energy its capacity for expansion is limited. Over development and unrestricted harnessing of water power can have devastating effect on the local environment and habitation areas.

Solar Energy

Apart from Nuclear Energy, all other forms of energy result from solar energy. Fossil fuels, biofuels and natural gas are in effect “bottled” solar energy. The wind and rivers which provide renewable energy are the result of solar energy reacting with the earth’s atmosphere. It is also possible to harness this inexhaustible supply of energy directly through photoelectric cells or using Thermal Power plants.


Hydrogen could be a very environmentally friendly fuel, and with the advent of the fuel cell it has been proved a viable fuel source for vehicles. But there are serious questions on its production, storage and distribution. There are also questions on its energy efficiency, as so far, it takes more energy to manufacture than it produces.

Nuclear Energy

Once thought to be the “Jewel in the Crown” of alternatives to fossil fuels, Nuclear Energy received a very bad press after the “Three Mile Island” incident and the Chernobyl accident. Nonetheless it had enjoyed a comeback of sorts in the earlier years of the new millennium, but now after the nuclear disaster at the Fukushema power plant, caused by the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 2011, there is a question mark over nuclear power as an alternative source of energy. Although nuclear fission is now a mature and very well understood source of energy it generates a lot of opposition because of safety concerns. It is very costly and produces difficult to handle toxic waste. Nuclear fusion, which would have no such safety or waste problems, remains the “Holy Grail” of alternative energy, but so far science has failed to come up with a working solution.

No one alternative source will solve the problems posed by global warming. Wind energy does have potential, biofuels and hydrogen are possibilities, but all these have associated problems as well. Coupled with more investment and better technology, the solution should come from a combination of all these sources.

There Are 4 Main Methods Of Increasing Your Adsense Revenue

Nothing is as frustrating as watching your Google AdSense revenue trickling in cents; $.10 here $.30 cents there and $.0 cents over there. So much for all the hype about guys making thousands a month with AdSense. Me thinks, thiz Adzenz thing be weird!!

Read this article, Try the 4 facts, and up the wall you will drive AdSense!

Lets face it, if my website traffic is anywhere in the hundreds a day, there is no way under these blue skies I'm gonna make myself enough money over the internet. I read a review of some website with mammoth traffic and they make over $15,000 a month. Heck, Digital Point makes anywhere around $10,000 a month on a 50% revenue share with their contributor members. That is $10,000 being 50% of what is left after forum members have been paid off. "Google pays Digital Point about $10,000 a month, depending on how many people view or click on those ads", said Shawn D. Hogan, the owner and chief technology officer of Digital Point.

Here is the kicker. I don't in my wildest dreams think I'll ever have a website the size of digital point, ever! But I can make 100 small ones. See, I'm just an average Joe trying to make head, tail, or both, whichever comes first; of this internet money thingii. And right now I'm not sure I'm holding onto the tail or neck.

I have been doing some research on Google AdSense and I want to share with you some interesting things. Things that I didn't know about and things I believe if I had known earlier, I would still be having some hair left on my head. (Pulled much of it off trying to double my AdSense to $ 0.40 a day). Anyway, I have concentrated my research on how to optimize my AdSense revenue even before I work on increasing traffic to my 2 blogs.

In my quest, I have learned that the secret to increasing your AdSense revenue lies in mastering four main factors namely:

Creating Relevant Ads

From my Google AdSense account reports, I have noticed I earn much more from AdSense for content ad groups as opposed to the AdSense referral ads and AdSense for search bar. If you have an AdSense account, you know that there are three types of AdSense ads that you can choose to be served by Google on your site. These are AdSense for content ads that are related to your website's general content. The content based ads are the best performers in generating you AdSense revenue and they are definitely your best bet. Make sure to concentrate your efforts to having as many relevant content ads as possible if you want to make the money.

Then there are AdSense referral ads that you can choose for your website. These ads are not related to your website content and will advertise anything from bio fuels to air tickets. These Google ads do not do as well as the content based ads. The main reason being that visitors to your site are more interested in relevant content to what they were looking for in the first place. AdSense referral ads are however second to the content based ads in generating revenue. And that's a distant second from content ads.

The last type of ads that Google offers you for your website is the Google search bar. The search bar ad group is such that a visitor to your website can type the name of what they are looking for in the bar. The bar connects directly to Google search and will bring the visitor to a Google page with several ads related to what they searched for. I have really not experimented on the effectiveness of this ad groups from Google and would not therefore conclusively say they work or don't. It's however worth putting up a search bar at a corner of your page or at the bottom.

From the above three discussed Google adgroups, you will notice that content based ads perform better than the other two. Its not rocket science to figure out why. The main reason however is that people searching the web are looking for particular information of their interest. They are therefore more likely to click on ads that seem relevant to their search. AdSense adcopies are written such that they offer answers to very specific needs and a visitor will most likely click on an ad that seems to answer their quest. And that's all you need them to do to earn your money. Click.

For example, people looking for Movie Downloads will be confronted with ads that offer them all sorts of diverse benefits and types of downloading movies online. Likewise, People looking for Water-for- gas cost saver kits and manuals on their cars will be bombarded with ads that offer increasing mileage per gallon of gas etc. Once again, concentrate on requesting from Google only those ads relevant to your website's content.

Serving Only High Paying Ads

In the real sense, choosing high paying ads from Google AdSense will in effect determine the content you put on your website. In other words, if you want to concentrate on high paying ads, and considering that you need relevant content to earn good AdSense income, then by default you will have to make a website or blog on topics that pay prime dollar for clicks on them. In a nutshell, not all ads pay the same with Google. Since competition for some products is excruciatingly high, the advertisers are willing to pay top dollar for their ads to appear first on Google content based advertising network.

Google adwords (this is where advertisers bid and create their ads on Google) offer the advertisers an option to allow Google to distribute their ads to other websites within their network besides Google that have relevant content to the ads. This is how you end up with AdSense being served by Google on your website in the first place. Now here is the spoiler, not all ads that you choose will pay as high. Ads for new technology, gadgets and gizmos pay much more higher since the manufacturers are willing to pay as much to enter the market and make their product known. Google ads for such products pay you equally higher dollars per click as opposed to ads for say nail vanish.

I have seen some adwords bids that start from $5 per click. Other companies and individuals bid as high as $50 per click to maintain the pole position in Google results pages. The revenue principle applying to AdSense when Google serves the ads onto your website is practically the same. On the converse, the highest bid by advertisers is a paltry $0.05 for some products. Which ads would you rather get served with by Google?-go figure.

For you to be able to run high paying AdSense ads, you will need to make a thorough research on minimum bids made by advertisers in adwords. This is not rocket science really. One way of telling a certain area has higher bids is to Google a product you suspect might have high competition among advertisers. Just counting the number of adwords ads appearing for that particular keyword will tell you much.

A Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) with a lot of ads appearing on it might indicate that the advertisers on that keyword are bidding serious figures per click on their website.

The higher a particular ad appears on a highly competitive keyword usually indicates higher bids and you may want to consider creating websites in such an area and get it served with AdSense. But also bear in mind that high ad counts also means that it's a highly competitive field and getting traffic for your website might be like pulling teeth...and with a pair of tweezers that is.

It pays to do an intensive research into areas to create websites for AdSense revenue. Since AdSense is served automatically by Google to your website, your only maneuver is to look for very specialized, less competitive, high paying niche areas and keywords to create your website content on. As a rule of thumb, new products are naturally good niche areas to start with; assuming that you catch on the fad soon enough before every man and his dog start selling the same product. Please note that we are placing emphasis on guys that want to use AdSense as their main source of online revenue here.

In most cases and usually why we (me included) make measly AdSense income is that, we create websites in areas of our own interest and then serve AdSense ads to them. Problem is, our preferred areas of interest are not necessarily areas that can make us worthwhile money with AdSense. Research an AdSense area that pays, then create unique content on that, serve the ads and laugh all the way to the bank. Kind of doing things in reverse... banana eating monkey sort of thing.

Positioning And Designing Your Ads

This is an area that I want to approach with a lot of caution. One thing is painfully true, and that is your AdSense ads are not worth the space if they are not optimally designed and positioned. One of the biggest advantages with serving AdSense ads is that Google lets you design and position your ads on your own website. But, which design and positions work best? Just like the offline world, positioning an outdoor advertisement makes all the difference between the ad being seen and it passing as a waste of resources.

Why does placing a TV ad at prime time, for example, cost more than double that of placing it dead in the night or early in the morning? Better still a billboard on an unused highway will not receive as much audience as one in a freeway that has huge amounts of vehicular traffic.

The same principle works with serving ads from Google AdSense. Placement of your ads is everything in getting noticed by visitors to your website and eventually getting them clicked on. Some areas of your website are actually prime real (or is that virtual) estate while others are... well, badlands, abandoned dumb and quarry sites.

Positioning Your AdSense Ads

As mentioned above, you need to know which areas of your website or blog work for AdSense. Research (and don't ask me by who) has shown that an online browser's eye is trained more emphatically on certain areas of a webpage while other areas receive just a gloss-over glance. It is also true that a webpage visitor's eye lands automatically and for the first instance on a particular area of a page and then follows a certain trail of vision on that webpage. Disconcerting, is it?...No, it's actually a nightmare for an advertiser if you don't have those facts.

You might have noticed that, in a Google SERP (i.e. the results page you get when you search a word in Google) ads always appear on the mid top and right side of the page. Fact is that, advertisers on these two areas pay completely different rates. The ads on the top of the page are called sponsored ads, while those on the right edge of the page are called adwords.

The middle top area (sponsored ads) is also much more expensive to advertise on while the right-top side ads (1st to 5th positions) are priced higher than the mid-right and bottom right adwords areas. Although, this is done through a bidding process, the idea is clear that, if your ad is the first on the top right side of the page, you get hit more than those below you. This is not only exclusive to Google but to most if not all search engines online that run ads on their SERPs.

Ok, let's bring it home. Considering your webpage will be providing other relevant and mainframe content in the middle of the page, you will need to follow Google ad positioning example. For starters, you can try to place AdSense ads at the mid-top of the webpage. The best ad design that works for the top page section is the leaderboard format which stretches the ads across from left to right of the page. Usually about three to four AdSense ads will be served with the leader board format.

The leaderboard ads are available in the ads set up button within the horizontal ads drop down. All this is possible once you get Google to approve your account, you will be able to create your ads there and get a HTML code provided for you to paste to your webpage. Google promotes family friendly websites and blogs and will need to review your website before approval. They discourage websites with adult content; your website should also have well arranged and meaningful content.

Your next prime real estate on the webpage is the far right hand side. This is a crucial area and you might want to place the ads right from the top running downwards as a column. Again, I have experimented on this area with the broad banner ads from AdSense and they fit in like a glove hence bracketing the main middle text. The broad banner format is available from your Google ad set up button in your account under the vertical ads section.

Personally, I select the text-only ads from the create-new-ad button. You have a choice of ad types including texts and images, text only and images only formats. I prefer the text only since it's now accepted that text ads attract more interest than banner and image ads. I think it's something to do with an ad getting to the point as fast and as effectively as possible.

Now, the other available position has been subject to a lot of debate; but there are still some marketers who swear by it. This is the mid-text AdSense ads. These are ads that are placed in between your main text and separated into two, three or four parts depending on the size of the main text. Basically it interrupts the flow of the text after some delivery of information. By text I mean your main page content located at the middle of the page. I cannot deny that locating the ads mid-text really gets them seen by people interested in reading your full content. But there are also visitors that might consider it an interruption to their reading and just pass along. I think this position's effectiveness surely depends on an individual reader and I might want to leave the choice up to you here.

The last AdSense positioning real estate is the end-text position. This is placed at the very bottom of your webpage text. This position is equally important for webpage visitors that have read your content and might see something that catches their eye at the end. It is proven that a visitor prefers a sense of continuity while doing their web searches as opposed to opening one page, closing it and opening another altogether. If your end-text AdSense ads are relevant enough to the content on display, the visitor will most likely sign off from your page by clicking on that last ad. Which I believe is good enough for that AdSense revenue click.

As I end the positioning AdSense discussion here, I might want to mention that caution is necessary to avoid overdoing it by serving too many ads. Your webpage should have just enough AdSense ads to create a wrap around effect to your main text. The webpage should avoid looking like an overcrowded flea market. Usually Google allows you to serve about 15 ads per page but you need not go the whole nine yards with it. Place just enough on each page to make it optimized for AdSense revenue.

Designing your AdSense ads

You will also be able to design the format of your ads within your AdSense account. Google allows you to play around the text of the ads within certain parameters like size, type, nature, text color, borders color, background colors, url color and the shape of their edges. Google also lets you choose how you want your AdSense ads to contrast against your main text by being able to choose the templates among them blend, mother earth etc. Personally I have found blending my ads to the text works where I don't want them to conspicuously stand out.

While designing your ads for primarily the purposes of AdSense income, you may want to consider making them stand out. Take care however not to overdo the colors, otherwise your site will look like its reading the riots act to visitors to click on them or else... The idea here is to softly make the ads stand out but not so much as to distract the reader of the main text. This means you will be doing a balancing act with the AdSense font color, the background and the general shape around the edges of the ad boxes.

My research has shown that choosing a soft AdSense ad background like light grey combined with emphasized text color on that ad's background has a good effect on the click through rates. But grey if your own site's background is white. Grey works best with websites with a white background. Other lighter colors work best with different backgrounds on websites. I guess I'm trying to say that your AdSense background color should just be enough to provide a slight shade to differentiate it from your original website's background. Don't make it scream here.

This might hold true when you visit other websites like hubpages.com which shares its AdSense revenues with article contributors. What they do here is that they serve AdSense ads around your article and if it's a nice piece, you will get decent clicks if not an outright click-riot. I observed that, since their website background is white, they serve their AdSense ads with an ad-background of light grey while blending the top-text ad's background white. Your best bet here is not to take my word for it but to keep on tweaking, testing and turning the ads until you see what works for your website.

High Traffic Levels

This is the devil in AdSense income. The above three aspects of increasing your AdSense income will only work to a certain extent and as far as your traffic goes. As I said this is where AdSense becomes everybody's biggest headache. However if we are to look at this critically, there are a hundred ways to drive traffic to the websites.

Let's assume we have already worked on the other three areas to our satisfactions. We are now more than sure that for whatever traffic we bring to our websites, we will be able to milk the most revenue out of them. I think that is important. No one wants visitors to be making a pass by their website without ever contributing a cent to their revenues online. So optimized they are and out you go for traffic.

I don't want to go deep into this area of bringing traffic to your website but let's just say the methods are many besides writing unique content, writing articles with links to your websites, adwords, contributing in forums among many others. The most important and that which will save you a lot of agony and time is to choose a niche area that has comparatively less competition. Since we started off making websites for AdSense, we might as well ensure that we make websites with content that attracts the search engines, hence traffic.

Choose your niche area well and the search engines will pick you out. Visitors will be on your website like ants to a Popsicle- with the right content. To help you with selecting a niche area, you can use the Google trends keyword tool to measure the competition of a particular keyword. As a rule of thumb, avoid keywords that are crowded. The competition won't do you any good.

There are people out there who have mastered the art of making multiple websites for AdSense revenue. Most of them use the automated softwares that help them develop unique websites in certain niches. An example of good AdSense automated website developer software that is popular in the market is the HYPERVRE [http://increasingAdSenseincome.wordpress.com]. (see below)This software is designed to prompt you generate the most unique sets of keywords and go on to develop unique content. As mentioned earlier, making websites in unique niche areas is the key to getting massive traffic sent your way by the search engines. Well designed and unique website content also saves you the agony of leveraging your website traffic by writing articles, buying advertising space, email lists and all other related headaches to generating traffic.

Concentrate on making websites that attract traffic by themselves, then keep on churning out as many websites as you can using the automated softwares. Within 2 months you will notice your AdSense revenue expanding to unimagined levels. So much for your earlier belief that-nobody can earn more than adcents monthly.

How I got paid $250 for reporting an Adsense Cheater!

Let me tell you a story about karma and how I made $250 by reporting an Adsense cheater!

It started when I came upon a web site where some kid was blatantly breaking the rules by asking his buddies to click on his Adsense ads.

This has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves! Why do people think they can break the rules at the expense of other peoples' AdWords budgets?

So I did what a lot of people do... I contacted Google!

I figured Google would shut this punk down immediately. Boy was I wrong!

Every time I went back to this kid's web site the message asking his friends to click the ads were still there! This went on for a few weeks and I really started to get ticked off at the lack of response on Google's part.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I used this software I created called "Google Sponsor Lister" (You can get it at AdsenseSchool.com) to find every sponsor who was targeting this kid's niche.

I contacted each sponsor directly and told them there was a chance their ads were being displayed on a cheater's site. I figured if THEY complained to Google, something would happen!

Well I guess I was right! One of the sponsors emailed me back two days later and said:

"I want to thank you for pointing out the kids clicking on my ads. I turned it over to my Google rep, and he called today to let me know Google is disabling their account. Also, he said Google is crediting me a decent amount for fraudulent clicks over the last quarter. What's your address? I'd like to send you a little thank you gift."

How awesome is that? I was so excited! Not because he was going to send me a "thank you gift"... but because I figured out how to get that punk's shut down!

It's funny how Google shut this kid down in TWO DAYS because a sponsor contacted them but when I had been trying for weeks, nothing happened. Makes you think...

Anyway... I told him he didn't have to thank me and he definitely didn't need to send me a gift. I was just happy to know I saved him a couple bucks and this punk got his account canceled.

He replied with the following...

"Thanks again. I actually spend several hundred thousand dollars a month on Google, so at least they responded to me quickly. Also, the rebate they gave me was fairly substantial (several thousand). I'd really like to buy you an Amazon gift certificate or an iPod or something if you'd like to tell me how to send it to you, because I don't think I would have been proactive about this if you hadn't contacted me. Either way, it's great that you're being a good samaritan."

SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS? I thought I saved him a couple bucks at most!

I was floored when I read that because I knew Adsense cheaters hurt sponsors but I never thought it was that bad!

So I told him if he REALLY wanted to send me an iPod or an Amazon gift certificate, I wouldn't stop him! ;-)

He ended up sending me an Amazon.com gift certificate worth $250!

Long story short... I am now a true believer in Karma! :-D

I think this teaches us a couple important lessons...

First, telling Google about Adsense cheaters is fruitless... but informing the sponsors, and asking them to contact Google, works immediately!

And second, ripping off AdWords sponsors is big business. Don't think for a second it's a victimless crime!

Oh and now I'm a true believer in Karma!

Maybe you won't make $250... but at the very least you'll help get rid of another Adsense thief and save a business owner some money. - source

Biogas as a Renewable Energy Source

The world is in need of a sustainable, efficient, carbon-neutral fuel source. Biogas, harvested from agriculture and food industries, not only fits this criteria, it is readily available and affordable for people around the world. Also known as biofuel, natural methane holds promise for the future.

History of Biofuel

According to the Regional Biomass Energy Program's publication Methane Recovery from Animal Manures The Current Opportunities Casebook (United States Department of Energy 1995,) it has been known for perhaps thousands of years that decomposing organic matter can produce a flammable gas. The first documented modern use of methane as a source of power was in 1859, at a leper colony in India.

England followed suit in 1895. Faced with a surplus of sewage and nowhere to put it, authorities allowed the waste to anaerobically ferment and harvested the resulting gases to power gas streetlamps. The availability of fuel was exploited throughout the UK as well as Germany, particularly during World War II when fuel was scarce.

In the 1930s, an agricultural model was designed to intentionally harvest methane from animal manure. The concept was a source of experimentation in India as well as China throughout the sixties and into the eighties, reaching a peak during the first oil crisis.

Unfortunately, once oil prices returned to previous lows, the idea was seen as uneconomical and mostly abandoned. Recently, however, there has been a resurgence of interest in biogas as a readily available, renewable, carbon-neutral source of fuel.

Green Fuel Makes a Comeback

In India, where overpopulation has resulted in massive deforestation and fuel shortages, biogas is the target of intense research. Already, in India and Nepal, biogas technology is used as an economical and attainable source of household fuel. As outlined in the Biomass Energy Resource Assessment Handbook, there are currently millions of household biogas systems in operation worldwide, with 3.8 million operating in India alone (Maithel 2009.)

In developed countries, biogas technology is chiefly used on the industrial scale to power large farming operations, landfills, and so on. Throughout Europe, centralized digester systems are utilized, in which manure, agri-food waste, and other organic industry waste products are shipped to a central processing unit. These systems produce electricity on a large scale for domestic as well as commercial applications.

Currently, government subsidies exist to encourage the development of biogas systems in India, Germany, Sweden, and parts of Canada. With continued research and public encouragement, biogas holds enormous promise for reducing greenhouse gasses, treating waste products, and providing a renewable source of carbon neutral fuel.

Renewable Energy from Manure

Most biogas is produced within the confines of an anaerobic digester, an oxygen-free, air-tight container that is capable of processing a variety of organic waste products. In the publication Generating Methane Gas from Manure Fulhage et al describe the following process for converting manure to usable biogas (University of Missouri 1993):
  1. Acid-forming anaerobic bacteria break the material down into a simple organic liquid.
  2. Methane-forming bacteria digest the liquid effluent, creating methane, carbon dioxide, and a low-odor, nutrient-rich liquid as by-products of digestion.
  3. The gas products can then be tapped and used as biogas.
  4. The waste matter is treated for possible contaminants and usually spread as fertilizer.
Using this method, the same publication estimates that the manure of three beef cattle are capable of producing enough energy each day to power a refrigerator, and a small herd of 72 animals could produce enough heat energy to heat an average-sized home.

Advantages of Biogas

In Biogas From Waste and Renewable Resources: an Introduction, authors Deublein and Steinhauser explain that biogas is predominantly methane, a hydrocarbon gas typically produced by microorganisms during anaerobic digestion of organic matter. Once contained, biogas can be used in much the same way that natural gas is used for home heating or electricity generation (Wiley-VCH, 2008.) Biogas offers a number of advantages over conventional fuel sources, including:
  • Reduction in Greenhouse Gasses: methane is a significantly more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, with greater potential for increasing global warming effects. Containing methane and converting it to CO2 will neutralize its effect on global warming.
  • Biogas is Carbon Neutral: Because CO2 is returned to the atmosphere via incineration at approximately the same rate it is taken up during photosynthesis, biogas is generally considered to be carbon neutral.
  • A Renewable Resource: As biofuel is the product of recently consolidated atmospheric carbon, it is also considered to be a highly renewable resource.
  • Reduced Organic Waste: The digestate waste product leftover from biogas production is of significantly reduced volume. In most cases, the low-odor digestate is treated for contaminants and spread as organic fertilizer.
A renewable, carbon-neutral substitute for fossil fuels is the stuff that dreams are made of. While manure may not be a romantic subject, it is hard not to fall in love with biofuel.


Deublein, Dieter and Angelika Steinhauser. Biogas from waste and renewable resources: an introduction. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2008.

Fulhage, Charles; Dennis Sievers and James R. Fischer. "Generating Methane Gas from Manure." University of Missouri Extension. October 1993. University of Missouri. 2 April 2010.

Maithel, Sameer. "Biomass." Solution Centre for Renewable Energy Cooperation Network for the Asia Pacific. September 2009. Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology. 2 April 2010.

Regional Biomass Energy Program. Methane recovery from animal manures [microform] : a current opportunities casebook Regional Biomass Energy Program, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Washington, D.C. : 1995

Methods for Biomass Pellet Stove Fuel Storage

Pellet fuel is a biomass fuel, a combustible green, renewable energy source for home heating. It's more economical purchased in bulk so it must be stored properly.

Pellet fuel is made from scrap like old hardwood pallets, wood chips, cord wood, corn stalks, and waste paper. Reusing these combustible materials for residential heating instead of putting them in the landfill makes sense. Use, reuse, recycle.

Components of a Pellet Stove

The basic stove or pellet heater setup includes a pellet storage container, a fuel burner, an automatic, adjustable auger feed unit delivers the supply, an exhaust system, and a blower. These stoves are not only economical to run, but they are also high tech. Some units can be activated by remote control. Some can even be started remotely with a cell phone.

Fuel Storage Choices

One benefit that petrochemical fuels like heating oil don't enjoy is that there are no hazardous material permits needed for mass storage because there's no oil or volatile material involved. The storage can be either above or under the ground as convenience dictates.

There are two phases of pellet fuel storage: bulk storage for future use and short-term storage of pellets that are ready for use.

Bulk Fuel Storage

Fuel manufacturers provide the product in 40 pound bags. This makes them easy to handle. The bags are sealed and constructed of a material that is waterproof. The bags may either be stacked outside covered up, or somewhere in the home.

The amount of space needed depends on how many bags there are which in turn depends on how long and severe the winter will be. In most circumstances, a winter’s supply of pellet fuel can be neatly stored in one corner of the garage.

If the bags will be stored outdoors, they are best stored on an elevated surface and covered with a tarp. Obviously, the bags should be higher than the snow level. A backyard shed is an ideal solution.

Short-Term Storage for Immediate Use

The vast majority of pellet stoves are top fed. The storage container is located on the top of the unit. When the level gets low it's refilled through a hatch which is located on the top. It's a good idea to have a bag in the corner or in a closet.

The pellets are delivered to the fuel burner by the auger. The auger also prevents the burner’s flames from flashing back into the storage container.

In the average home, all that is required is toping off the pellet storage container once a day, and this only takes a few minutes. Not bad compared to hauling logs through the living room, dropping pieces of bark on the floor.

This is a great time to install one of these units. As a biomass heating stove, it qualifies for an energy tax credit in the US.

Biomass Energy is Better than Other Types of Renewable Energy

There are many different forms of "green" or renewable energy available today and people are continually looking for more energy-efficient sources of green power as the concern about global warming and greenhouse gases comes to the forefront. For those looking to escape dependence on foreign oil and for those interested in reducing their impact on the planet, one type of energy stands out among the rest: biomass energy.

Biomass energy is energy derived from organic materials, usually waste materials.

Biomass energy is, of course, not the only type of green or renewable energy that exists on the market. Other popular options include solar power and wind power. However, while these other options get a lot of attention in the media, biomass is considerably better than these choices for several different reasons:
  • Biomass helps keep waste out of landfills. While solar energy makes use of the power of the sun and wind energy harnesses the wind, biomass energy uses organic waste products to create energy. Approximately 70 percent of the waste products disposed of in landfills in the United States contain biomass energy and many companies produce a significant amount of biomass that adds to this number every day. Biomass energy keeps the waste out of landfills and harnesses it into something useful.
  • Biomass energy has a very long track record of success. Biomass energy has been used in some form or another since the days of the caveman burning wood for fire. Biomass is not a new technology or a passing fancy but is instead a long-established source of energy.
  • Biomass energy is a very reliable source of energy. You are not dependent upon the sun to shine or on the wind to blow in order to use biomass energy. This means it can be used in more places and by more people in a very reliable manner and produce the power necessary for many different applications. Many people are reluctant to switch to solar or wind power because of problems with consistent energy being available but this worry is eliminated when you make use of biomass. In fact, some companies produce enough biomass waste to provide all that they need for their energy production without depending on a third-party supplier, increasing reliability even further since there is always a ready source of biomass.
  • Biomass energy doesn't require an entirely new system or process to work. With co-firing, you can use your existing boilers and use biomass along with coal in order to reduce the amount of coal used by up to 20 percent. This is much easier in many cases than trying to entirely switch your power plant to solar or wind power.
  • Biomass energy is the only form of liquid renewable energy that is available. This factor, along with the fact that it doesn't depend on sun or wind, also helps to make it suitable for applications and uses where wind and solar power would not necessarily work.
All of these are significant advantages of biomass energy and they all help to explain why biomass is preferable to other sources of green or renewable energy. If you want to stay ahead of the curve; be prepared for new potential government regulations that limit energy use; and do your part to reduce waste and greenhouse gases, it is time to consider biomass energy for your industrial or commercial application.

Samsung Galaxy Pocket S5300 repair, disassembly manual, guide

There is really a time negligence very unfortunate that my Samsung GT-S5300 aka Samsung Pocket fell from my pocket during these raining days. The problem goes need for servicing but I have to DIY and I found a good tutorial from YouTube just wanted to share to my readers.

Here it is next time if your Samsung Pocket happen swim during the rainy days all you have to do is open the case and buy Laquer Thinner wash it immediately, good I have my Rework Station at home and used this "hot air" to dried myphone. Luckily after I serviced it it goes back to my normally without bringing to the Cellphone Shop.

RIFF JTAG – Samsung GT-S5300 Galaxy Pocket Unbrick – Dead Boot Repair Supported

19.10.2012 RIFF JTAG – Samsung GT-S5300 Galaxy Pocket Unbrick – Dead Boot Repair Supported

Repairing bricked Samsung S5300 is easy with the RIFF Box. Note, one simple way to connect over JTAG – connect USB cable to PC and insert battery. In this case phone is automatically powered on, so no need to press any power-on buttons on the phone keypad.

To resurrect Samsung S5300:
  • Solder JTAG cable to Samsung S5300 JTAG pads;
  • Insert USB Data cable into board and PC;
  • Make sure Samsung S5300 is selected in the list of models;
  • Click Resurrect button;
  • Wait till software signals a successful operation completion;
  • Disconnect power supply, de-solder JTAG wires;
Now phone is in bootable condition, that is, even if it does not start up normally, you can flash it using known flashing methods.

To enter download mode:
  • Disconnect PC cable;
  • Insert battery;
  • Hold ‘Volume Down’ and ‘Home’ keys and press Power-On.

Coconut and mango waste could help power Asia

DHAKA -- Researchers in the United States say agricultural waste from coconut and mango farming could generate significant amounts of off-grid electricity for rural communities in South and South-East Asia.

Many food crops have a tough, inedible part which cannot be used to feed livestock or fertilise fields. Examples of this material — known as 'endocarp' — include coconut, almond and pistachio shells, and the stones of mangoes, olives, plums, apricots and cherries.

Endocarp is high in a chemical compound known as lignin. High-lignin products can be heated to produce an energy-rich gas that can be used to generate electricity.

The researchers identified high-endocarp-producing regions of the world – and noted that coconut and mango agriculture account for 72 per cent of total global endocarp production. Coconut production alone accounted for 55 per cent.

Most coconut endocarp comes from South and South-East Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.

They then overlaid these findings with energy consumption data to identify communities with little access to electricity, who could benefit from endocarp-based energy.

'We noticed that production was unevenly distributed around the globe, which could make a very significant contribution to the energy budget in some countries like Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Philippines, [as well as] regions of India,' Tom Shearin, co-author and a systems analyst at University of Kentucky, United States, told SciDev.Net.

Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences (February 21), the researchers said endocarp bioenergy could meet up to 30 per cent of total energy needs in Sri Lanka, 25 per cent in the Philippines, 13 per cent in Indonesia, and 3 per cent in India.

Shearin said endocarp was preferable to crop-based biofuels as it had no value as a food item. 'Its exploitation as energy source does not compete with food production,' he said.

Wais Kabir, executive chairman of the Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute, told SciDev.Net that most of the country's agricultural waste, including non-edible by-products, was already used to generate bioenergy.

'I don't think that supply of adequate volumes of coconut shell, [for example] to run a power plant, is possible at this stage until we go for its production in a planned way,' he said.

The researchers acknowledged that efforts to scale up infrastructure to deliver decentralised bio-energy in developing countries would face economic, technical and social challenges.

Advocates of an endocarp-based energy sector would also have to persuade investors that it would be financially viable.

Abser Kamal, managing director of Grameen Shakti, a renewable energy firm in Bangladesh, said: 'We have to check if these are cost-effective or not'.

Islam Sharif, CEO of the Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL), a state-run renewable energy financing firm in Bangladesh, said IDCO would encourage investment in endocarp-based energy production if it was found to be financially viable.

'Bangladesh needs more energy sources to meet its power needs,' Sharif told SciDev.Net.

Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette

After more than 30 years of experience in briquette field now we are entering into the manufacturing of highest quality, unique and environmentally friendly product of Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette.

This environmentally friendly Briquette is converted from 100% Coconut shell Charcoal into a useful energy source. Coconut shell Charcoal is compressed into Oval shape briquettes with some special bio binding materials under strict quality control techniques.

With the improved and efficient production technique, the volatile matter is reduced to the minimum leaving high fixed carbon content in the charcoal which provides long last burning, odorless, smokeless and high heat combustion capacities.

Our Coconut shell Charcoal Briquette can burn as long as 2 to 3 hours with minimum ash residual, less than 5% of its original weight. It doesn't emit any toxic or sulfur gas.

This coconut shell charcoal briquettes are very safe to use. It is very cheap and best when it is compared with reference to its heat efficiency to any other fuel product available in the market. It is completely environmental friendly unlike other fuel products. Not a single tree or a branch is cut to produce these environmental friendly briquettes.

This is being used as fuel for steam boilers, forging industries, aluminum casting, barbecuing and Grilling ovens and other ovens. It is also used for carbon pick up in steel plants.

Thus, introduction of the new efficient, eco friendly compact Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette would not only help in reduction of fuel cost ,it also helps in preventing the wellness of kitchen workers from indoor air pollution caused by smoke and soot from burning fuel wood. This markedly affects the health of the people in the kitchen (mainly women) positively. The World Health Organization states that 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution, with 1.5 million of these deaths attributable to indoor air pollution.

Advantages over other fuels
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquettes are a renewable source of energy. Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquettes are made out of 100% Organic.
  • The charring process of the raw material for the Briquette is performed at high temperatures giving overall significance to the product.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette contains higher fixed carbon which burns much more efficiently and economically compared to other fuels.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette is having higher burning temperature. The heating value of the Briquette is 6000KCal/Kg or more.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette will burn last longer and steady burning throughout the burning time.
  • Combustion of the briquettes is more uniform compared to coal. The size is designed for complete combustion.
  • Boiler response to changes in steam requirements is faster due to high temperature of the briquettes.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette is having very low volatile matter which sustaining the burning time of the Briquette.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette will not produce any spark during burning. Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette burns without any smoke or fume.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette is completely Odorless throughout its burning Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette is free from sulfur or any other toxic materials.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette contains very Low Ash Content. It is almost 5% of its original weight.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette contains no chemical binding agent, thus making it ecologically sustainable.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette is Environmental Friendly and friendly to living things and human health.
  • Our Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquettes will earn Carbon Credits to the users for reducing emissions carbon into the atmosphere

The demand of fuel briquettes is increasing as the use of the briquettes is spreading and people becoming aware of its availability and advantages. Briquetted fuel can be used as a substitute of firewood. At present it is being used in the following areas.
  • Boiler for raising steam in chemical, Textile processing industries
  • Hotels and restaurants for raising steam
  • Tire Retreading units
  • Tea processing units
  • Dryers and ovens for generation of hot air and many areas where firewood, Leco and Coal used.
  • Fuel in forging units and in aluminum melting units.
  • Carbon Pick up in Steel Plant.

Mango Pits and Coconut Shells Could Generate Electricity

More than 1.5 billion people don't have access to electricity, according to the United Nations Development Program. That means, among other things, that school children with homework to do are left in the dark.

But some poor, rural areas that lack electricity may find they can generate it from something many do have plenty of: coconut shells and fruit pits.

'Very little waste'

University of Kentucky plant scientist Seth DeBolt and colleagues wanted to find a fuel that people in poor, rural areas could use to generate electricity. While on a study trip in rural Indonesia, he was struck by something he saw everywhere he went:

“The incredible efficiency at which agricultural products are used in Indonesia," DeBolt says. "There’s very little waste.”

Little waste means little left over that could be used for fuel. Farmers grew mangoes and jackfruit above coffee bushes and livestock fodder. Everything they grew was used for something. Even the scraps of fruit were fed to chickens. So growing a separate fuel crop would take land away from food crops, something DeBolt definitely wanted to avoid.

“The people at most risk with respect to energy poverty, typically they’re the same people who have food insecurity issues as it is," he says. "And any change in availability would be most detrimental to that group of people.”

Lots of energy

But there is one promising item DeBolt found in abundance that would not create competition between food and fuel.

“It’s the shell of a coconut, or the pit of a mango. And these are generally thrown out.”

Though you can’t eat it and you can’t feed it to livestock, DeBolt says a coconut shell or mango pit has a lot of energy in it.

“It compares roughly to low- to moderate-grade coal in its heating value," he says, "which is excellent.”

The same is true for the pit of an olive, peach or cherry, or the shell of an almond or walnut. All that is needed is a way to release the energy.

Turning rice hulls into electricity

DeBolt says a company in India called Husk Power is using small generators in local villages to turn rice hulls into electricity. They use a process called gasification: heating plant matter in a low-oxygen chamber releases gases that can be burned in an engine that spins a power-generating turbine.

DeBolt says his team saw the possibilities for coconut shells and mango pits.

“Hey, well these crops are growing here and these are the areas where there is potential for energy poverty to be alleviated at least in part by these small-scale production systems.”

In a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DeBolt and his colleagues used some rough calculations of coconut, mango and other fruit production and the efficiency of the gas generators. And they found in a country like Indonesia, for example, these systems could provide as much as 13 percent of the national energy needs.

Sustained energy supply

“If that’s concentrated on rural, decentralized facilities - not the big cities, which generally have a sustained energy supply - then it may have a more sustained impact on those communities.”

Other tropical countries with significant crops of coconuts, mangoes or other similar fruits could benefit, too.

However, DeBolt cautions that it is not a cure-all. There are technical issues, including how to safely handle the hazardous waste by-products of gasification. And startup funds can be hard to come by in the countries that could most benefit.

Still, he sees potential for coconut power to at least help in alleviating rural poverty. - VoAnews

Jun 1, 2013

Is this the death of 34B Bra?

The bra has been around for over a century and we still can't find one that fits. It's been estimated that as many as 85 percent of women in the U.S. wear the wrong size for their frame. If you've ever found your bra strap hanging down by your elbow, you're familiar with this fact. It's not only slightly embarrassing in a high-powered meeting, a poorly-fitted bra can cause sagging, neck and back pain. You'd think by now we'd have a better solution, aside from paying a custom fitter upwards of $400 to fix the problem.

"The entire bra purchase process is flawed," Dustin Cohn, Chief Marketing Officer for Jockey International tells Yahoo Shine. "Women are asked to measure their breasts with a tape measure. A woman's breasts are three dimensional, so it doesn't make sense to measure them with a two dimensional method. This changes the way bras support a bigger, bustier woman."

Jockey, the brand once known best for making men's sporty underwear, is strategizing a new way to mass market bras with more customized fits. But first they need women to let go of everything they know about the bra alphabet (A,B,C and so on.)

The company's self-created measurement system, called the Fit Kit ($20), involves 10 new and complicated numeric sizes (shaved down from 55), which are based on measurements of the shape of women's breasts (i.e. volume) rather than actual bust size.

It all sounds promising. "But is anyone ready for measurements like 1-30, 7-36 and 9-42?" asks the New York Times' Stephanie Clifford. The volumetric sizes number 1 through 10 in cup size from small to large, and then combines with band size. So instead of being a 32-B, someone might find they're a 2-32.

The kits are a do-it-yourself compliment of customization. Each comes with color-coded measuring tape, cups, protective lingerie wash bag and video instructions for taking measurements. The bras, which start at $60 and come in five styles, are sold separately.

"It's the closest thing to a custom bra that you'll find," says Cohn.

Still, it might take some adjusting. "I wish their sizing system was more translatable to the standard system," writes blogger Charla Welch, of Bra Crusader, in her review of the kit.

But Jockey isn't the only game in town revamping the fitting process. True&Co, an online retailer, combines mathematical principles with a questionnaire to measure customers for size. “We have an algorithm that defines 2,000 body types,” True&Co's Michelle Lam told the New York Times back in February.

If you're not ready to part with the traditional ABC's of bras, consider a few tips from the pros for finding the right fit.

First take your measurements. There are plenty of simple step-by-step instructions online (like this one) that take the confusion out of the numbers game.

Prepare to road-test. Don't rely on what the tag says because all bras fit differently. The bra should lie flat against your breastbone, the nipple should be at the center of each cup, the cups should not have wrinkles, and the back of the bra strap should rest in the middle of your back, not hike up. Straps should not be loose or you will not get the proper support. Avoid demi's if you have full boobs and want good support. "It helps to think of your bra like a seesaw," Susan Nethero of Intimacy Boutiques tells Redbook. "If the band is too loose and rides up in the back, the girls will sag. If it is level all the way around or lower, they'll be lifted."

Take care of your bras. Wash by hand or in cold water on the delicate cycle in a lingerie bag. And always air dry. Bras can last for two years if you take care of them well, according to Good Housekeeping. Still, don't expect your bra to stay the same over time. Like anything else, they tend to stretch. Nethero suggests buying a bra that fits best on the last hook so you can use tighter hooks as it loosens.

If all else fails, you can skip the whole thing. One recent study claims you'll stay perkier without any long-term support at all. Given the complicated process of finding that support, it's something to consider. - source

Futuristic High-Speed Tube Travel Could Take You From New York to Los Angeles in 45 Minutes

Imagined from New York city to Beijing will only takes you for two (2) hours? Well, that will be possible with used of tube transport the futuristic transportation.

Traveling across the country or the world via any modern mode of transportation is a time-consuming affair. It can also be really annoying with the long lines, crying babies, armrest hogs, cramped space, etc. Would it not be the most awesome invention ever if some new type of transportation could cut that travel time significantly?

Get ready, because it may only be a few years from becoming a reality. A company called ET3 has plans in the works for the Evacuated Tube Transport, a high-speed transportation tube that uses magnetic levitation. The ETT can travel at speeds of up to 4,000 miles per hour, and each tube seats a maximum of six people and comes with a baggage compartment. How does it go so fast? It's airless and frictionless and could have you from New York to Los Angeles in 45 minutes, as opposed to the nearly five hours a direct flight would take. It could even have you depart from New York and be in Beijing in two hours.

The tubes would be set up like freeways to prevent crowding and traffic congestion problems. Plus, ET3 claims that passengers need not worry about feeling discomfort while traveling at such high speeds. The high velocity at which the tubes move is equal to 1G of force at top speed, which is similar to the force felt by someone traveling in a car on the freeway.

Daryl Oster, the founder and CEO of ET3, says that he got the idea for the tube transport system when he visited China back in the 1980s.

When and if the tubes make their debut in the next decade, they will initially be used to transport cargo, not people. - source

Biomass Resources in Malaysia

Malaysia is gifted with conventional energy resources such as oil and gas as well as renewables like hydro, biomass and solar energy. Malaysia’s commercial demand for energy is projected to continue its upward trend, from 1,244 PetaJoule (PJ) in 2000 to an estimated 2,218 PJ in 2010. This consumption growth is mainly driven by industrialisation.

Taking into account the growing energy consumption and domestic energy supply constraints, Malaysia has set sustainable development and diversification of energy sources, as the economy’s main energy policy goals. The Five-Fuel Strategy recognises renewable energy resources as the economy’s fifth fuel after oil, coal, natural gas and hydro. Being a major agricultural commodity producer in the region Malaysia is well positioned amongst the ASEAN countries to promote the use of biomass as a renewable energy source.

Biomass feedstock has long been identified as a sustainable source of renewable energy particularly in countries where there is abundant agricultural activities. Malaysia has tremendous biomass and wood waste resources available for immediate exploitation. This energy potential of biomass wastes is yet to be exploited properly in the country. Intensive use of biomass as renewable energy source could reduce dependency on fossil fuels and significant advantage lies in reduction of net carbon dioxide emissions to atmosphere leading to less greenhouse effect. However, increased competitiveness will require advances in technologies for converting this biomass to biofuel efficiently and economically.

Major Biomass Resources
  • Agricultural crops e.g. sugarcane, cassava, corn
  • Agricultural residues e.g. rice straw, cassava rhizome, corncobs
  • Woody biomass e.g. fast-growing trees, wood waste from wood mill, sawdust
  • Industrial wastes e.g. rice husks from rice mills, molasses and bagasse from sugar refineries, residues from palm oil mills
  • Municipal solid waste
  • Livestock manure
Palm Oil Biomass

Malaysia is the world’s leading exporter of palm oil, exporting more than 13.75 million tonnes of palm oil in 2007. The extraction of palm oil from palm fruits results in a large quantity of waste in the form of empty fruit bunches shells and fruit fibre. In 2004, more than 25 million tons of oil palm biomass was generated. Apart from palm biomass waste, two other products from this industry can mitigate climate change – palm biogas and biofuel. Processing crude palm oil generates a foul-smelling effluent that, when treated using anaerobic processes, releases biogas. The industry generated 42.7 million tonnes of effluent in 2007 which can produce around 1,230 million m3 of biogas.

Rice Husk

Rice husk is another important agricultural biomass resource in Malaysia with very good energy potential for power cogeneration. An example of its attractive energy potential is biomass power plant in the state of Perlis which uses rice husk as the main source of fuel and generates 10 MW power to meet the requirements of 30,000 households.
Municipal Solid Wastes

The per capita generation of solid waste in Malaysia varies from 0.45 to 1.44kg/day depending on the economic status of an area. Malaysian solid wastes contain very high organic waste and consequently high moisture content and bulk density of above 200kg/m3. The high rate of population growth is the country has resulted in rapid increase in solid waste generation which is usually dumped in landfills.

Palm Kernel Shells as Biomass Resource

Biomass residue from palm oil industries are attractive renewable energy fuel in Southeast Asia. The abundance of these biomass resources is increasing with the fast development of palm oil industries in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. In the Palm Oil value chain there is an overall surplus of by-products and the utilisation rate of these by-products is low.

Palm kernel shells (or PKS) are the shell fractions left after the nut has been removed after crushing in the Palm Oil mill. Kernel shells are a fibrous material and can be easily handled in bulk directly from the product line to the end use. Large and small shell fractions are mixed with dust-like fractions and small fibres.

Moisture content in kernel shells is low compared to other biomass residues with different sources suggesting values between 11% and 13%. Palm kernel shells contain residues of Palm Oil, which accounts for its slightly higher heating value than average lignocelluloses Biomass. Compared to other residues from the industry, it is a good quality Biomass fuel with uniform size distribution, easy handling, easy crushing, and limited biological activity due to low moisture content.

Press fibre and shell generated by the Palm Oil mills are traditionally used as solid fuels for steam boilers. The steam generated is used to run turbines for electricity production. These two solid fuels alone are able to generate more than enough energy to meet the energy demands of a Palm Oil mill. Most Palm-oil mills in the region are self-sufficient in terms of energy by making use of kernel shells and mesocarp fibers in cogeneration.

The problems associated with the burning of these solid fuels are the emissions of dark smoke and the carry-over of partially carbonized fibrous particulates due to incomplete combustion of the fuels can be tackled by commercially-proven technologies in the form of high-pressure boilers. Dual-fired boilers capable of burning either diesel oil or natural gas are the most suitable for burning Palm Oil waste since they could also facilitate the use of POME-derived biogas as a supplementary fuel. However, there is a great scope for introduction of high-efficiency CHP systems in the industry which will result in substantial supply of excess power to the public grid.

Cirrhosis Causes

Around the world, people develop cirrhosis due to alcohol is said to be about 10%, the statistics shows that about 75 percents of cirrhosis is causes by chronic hepatitis, including hepatitis C virus. Top 10 cirrhosis causes are listed below:

Cause 1:

Most people developed cirrhosis from viral hepatitis. Statistics show that 80% to 90% of patients have cirrhosis due to hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV). Chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C will can causes inflammation of the liver, over time, the liver will form scar tissues, causing cirrhosis. This process can take a number of months or even decades for to form.

Recently, clinical studies found that chronic hepatitis B can easily develop into cirrhosis. Hepatitis B patients with HBsAg and HBeAg, over 50% of these people had develop liver cirrhosis, due to their hepatitis B infection.

On the other hand, over half of chronic hepatitis C patient will develop cirrhosis, meaning that chronic hepatitis C causes cirrhosis more then chronic hepatitis B.

Cause 2:

Alcohol is also one of the biggest cause of cirrhosis. In Western countries, alcohol is the cause of more then 50% of all cirrhosis cases. In Japan, the number of cases of cirrhosis cause by alcohol abuse is increasing.

Cause 3:

Toxins and drugs can also cause cirrhosis. Long term contacts of chemical poison, arsenic or phosphorus and taking drugs consistently will harm the liver cells. Necrosis of the liver cells causes overload of bile and allergies. This is also the reasons why chronic hepatitis disease causes cirrhosis.

Cause 4:

Metabolic liver cirrhosis, is a type of cirrhosis. Some genetic and metabolic diseases causes toxic substances to accumulate in the liver, destroying liver cells and causing cirrhosis. Typical speaking, iron and copper is the main cause of metabolism disturbances.

Cause 5:

Hepatic veno-occlusive liver cirrhosis is a type of cirrhosis. Repeated heart failure causes accumulation of blood to the liver and the liver cells will run out of oxygen and necrosis, causing cirrhosis.

Cause 6:

Biliary cirrhosis. Overload of bile in the liver, or bile pipe blocked over of the liver will causes lack of acid and blood in the liver. Necrosis of liver cells, caused a proliferation of fibrous tissue and cirrhosis.

Cause 7:

Malnourished can cause cirrhosis. Poor nutrition intake, decreases the production of live liver enzymes. Lack of enzymes to synthesize with the body’s lipid phosphatase will causes accumulation of fat in the liver, therefore causing fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease could causes cirrhosis. Long-term malnutrition, weaken the liver cells immune system, and toxins substances will accumulate in the body. The toxins will necrosis liver cells causing cirrhosis.

Cause 8:

Parasites liver cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can also caused by a parasite infections such as schistosomiasis.

Cause 9:

If a pregnant woman has a syphilis virus in her body, she might infected her baby and causing congenital syphilis cirrhosis.

Cause 10:

If the causes of cirrhosis can not be found in the patient or his family history, in this case it is called, unexplained liver cirrhosis.

SmartBro Canopy Best Signal To Speedup Slow Connection

The SmartBro Motorola Canopy fixed wireless broadband internet from Smart Telecommunication is really a disaster for a subscriber who lived at the last mile such as people in the provinces and in the island since the only option for broadband to those who reside there to get hook to the net.  Living in these places is a headache if your connection is in trouble, for you to get a technical support it will took weeks and even months because of the area is not much accessible.

Unfortunately unlike in the city you have so many alternative the xDSL from different Telcos, 4G WiMAX and LTEs are among of those best and the fastest that are blazing connection of nowadays.

I write this article to help my reader/s DIY his SmartBro Motorola Canopy antenna configure for best signal and connection available in their area.

First, you must login to the Canopy GUI either by using root, admin, or sbro-installer account to be able to navigate the setting.

The screenshot above is an example of good link quality as you can see the nearest your are to the BTS or the Smart Telecom base station the better it is with the power lever of -51dBm with 3 Jitter is already best and this is very rare unless you are closer to the tower as indicated approximately 0.54miles or 735 feet.

This next screenshot shows that the overall link quality is Ok, it achieve a power level of -74dBm with 4 Jitter and approximately 0.20 miles or 1078 feet this because of Air delay it has 22.

The third screenshot shows a Bad overall link quality, it has worst power level that exceed to -78dBm with 3 Jitter, Air delay of 155 and approximately 1.07 miles or 5635 feet.

Even though I have these three different type of Overall Link Quality condition I still achieve a smooth connection surfing the net. The SmartBro Canopy fixed wireless broadband made by Motorola now Cambium Network is a rugged even in rainy and hot temperature will still work finely.

My suggestion and experienced with regards to gain good Overall Link Quality is to face the SmartBro Motorola Canopy antenna to BTS, another thing if your location is far from the BTS is to used a sattelite dish as a reflector.

Cirrhosis and Herbal Supplement

Supplements can help cirrhosis patients

Cirrhosis causes damage of the liver cells, damaged liver cells causes fibrous tissue which can reduce liver function. Hepatic dysfunction means that the liver can no longer absorb as much natural vitamin, and more diffcult to process these vitamin from the liver to other organs. During the compensatory stage cirrhosis the body needs more vitamins, which can get from a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. For example, radishes, carrots, beans and other vegetables, apples, peaches, pears, tangerines, fruit such as bananas. If you eat more fruit and vegetables, the body will get enough vitamins.

On the other hand, during the decompensated stage of cirrhosis, eating more fruits and vegetables will not be able to help, as the liver will not be able to process and absorb these vitamins contained in these food. Therefore, it is necessary to take vitamins and supplement, for example, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin AD, and Vitamin E. If possible, please take these vitamin under the guidance of your doctor.

And vitamin C, is essential to the liver and the body . It is the oxidant of cellular metabolism, in particular, to participate in the metabolism of sugars, and the oxidation-reduction process. Vitamin C is also essential to reduction in cell regeneration and capillary transparency such a blood clot. In addition, vitamin C promote the absorption of iron and vitamin B12. For fatty liver patients, vitamin C can also increase the body’s immune system, at the same time it has the effect of synthetic material to prevent cancer. If you take vitamin C long term, it could increases liver cells and improved metabolism, decreased GOT and GPT level and restoring some of the action of liver function. Yo Jyo Hen Shi Ko is also a useful supplementation to help patient to restore liver cells, and to reverse cirrhosis.

Huawei Echolife BM622 repair blank WAN easily

This article is supposed and not only intended to jEnNrhANz comment on my previous post Huawei BM622 Blank WAN Solved! but also to other netizen who is facing similar problem on having hard time solving the blank WAN issue likewise for the "tulala" this will help their life more easier.

Snapshot taken by Canon Rebel T3 using macro lens
The screenshot above as many of you are familiar with the board of Huawei Echolife BM622 this is the so-called WAN_IC, most the version of Huawei BM622 4G WiMAX broadband modem wireless router it uses ST Micro M25P32 (25P32V6G) 32Mbit, Low Voltage, Serial Flash Memory. Another version of this device gateway is using different chips but there is an alternative substitute/reference for Serial Flash Memory to those who are techie.

To make life more easier on DIY repairing the BM622 "blank WAN" likewise the "tulala" issue there is no need for "Baklas Kabit" meaning no need for you to removed the WAN_IC and put it back again after re/flashing. Without taking off the chip is best to re/flash the WAN_IC to avoid damaging by using a "hot air".

Here's few things I need:

Take note for the soldering lid used here I have chosen the tiniest 0.3mm diameter because the thick one will not do the work well, you can find on the cellphone technician shop ask only for 1meter is enough.

Tiny copper wire this will be used for jumpering the ST Micro M25P32 Serial Flash Memory or the WAN_IC, its 0.10mm diameter just like the strand of your hair. This is also a cellphone technician best friend you can ask for 1meter is enough.

An alternative where you can get a tiny copper is from your busted cheap fluorescent lamp. When using a soldering iron a pointed tip is best to not mess with lid since M25P32 surrounded by tiny capacitor and resistor it might be damaged or may short circuited with other parts.

The simplest programming/flashing the M25P32 Serial Flash Memory is to used the IC socket with tiny copper wires atleast two IC socket will do and a candle glue you can get this from eGizmo if you are in Manila or Alexan.

My USB MiniPro TL866CS Universal Programmer I bought it from eBay, it can programmed of thousand of chips, read, write and re-flashed different types of eeprom, flash memory, etc.

The BlackcatUSB can also read, write and re-flashed but only limited chips unlike the TL866 can do thousands. The good thing about this programmer device is that you can use it as JTAGging also bought from eBay.

This is not the least option or alternative for repairing the Huawei Echolife BM622 4G WiMAX broadband wireless modem router blank WAN likewise for "tulala". The cheapest for about less than 50pesos or FREE hardware for flashing the M25P32 is the LPT a homemade flasher. It is slower when programming if compared to the above two USB programmer/flasher

AEOLUS rework station is just an option if you prepare the "baklas kabit", removing and putting it back from the board of the Echolife BM622 the ST Micro M25P32 Serial Flash Memory is really so tricky because you might burned it by using the "hot air" improperly.