Showing posts with label Breast Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breast Cancer. Show all posts

Feb 23, 2013

Health Benefits of Melon

You may often underestimate the melon you eat. In fact, cheap fruit that contains many unusual properties as disease prevention. Approximately 95% of meat contains water melon, which can give a sense of cool and soothing effect. Because the character of refreshing melon can relieve heartburn in the stomach. Melon contains vitamin A, B and C and contains protein, calcium and phosphorus. Mineral content in melon can even eliminate the acidity of the body and have healing properties constipation. The acidity of the body should be removed because it would interfere with digestion, especially in the stomach organ.

Melon Nutritional was 15.00 mg of calcium; 25.00 mg of phosphorus; 0.5 mg iron; 34 mg vitamin C, 640 mg IU Vitamin A; and 0.03 mg of Vitamin B1. Melon contains an anticoagulant called adenosine, which could stop the clotting of blood cells that can lead to stroke or heart disease. Meanwhile, the carotenoid content high melon can prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer because it is the main compound attackers cancer.

The melon has a very good diuretic that can cure kidney disease and severe eczema disease and acute. When combined with lemon, it can crush the melon uric acid diseases. So you'll want to eat the melon on a regular basis once a day in the morning.

Thus, the benefits of melon for our body's health is:
1. As an anticancer.
2. Exhaust system helps to prevent constipation.
3. Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
4. Prevent blood clotting.
5. Reduce the risk of kidney disease.
6. Eczema cure.
7. Prevent and cure heartburn.

The Philippine Claim to North Borneo: A Statement of Facts

The Philippine Claim to North Borneo: A Statement of Facts
By Senator Jovito Salonga


There is ample justification, I believe, for the statement that emotionalism has beclouded and confused the North Borneo question. There are Filipinos who summarily adopt the my-country-right-or-wrong attitude; in specific terms, they tell us, “Let us have North Borneo by all means,” little realizing that by such a hasty, imprudent posture they render no little disservice to the very cause they propose to champion.

At the other end of the line are the faint-hearted souls who cherish a host of vague, nameless fears, and who have not stopped imagining the catastrophic, nuclear wars into which the Philippines would be drawn should it so much as attempt to press the claim to North Borneo, regardless of the merit or validity of such a claim. Responsible quarters confess to no little measure of amusement over the unrestrained enthusiasm, on the one hand, of home-grown nationalists in supporting claims — without adequate study of their validity — of sister countries in Asia over territories held by Western powers, and their unconcealed dread, on the other hand, in espousing a claim — without the slightest inquiry into its possible merit — over a portion of the globe’s surface which may belong as a matter of law and equity to Filipinos.

A good number of friends have asked me to deliver what they call an “impassioned speech” on the question, but I had felt that the time was not ripe and that the whole issue should be studied in an atmosphere of dispassion and restraint. I felt and still feel that the restoration of prudence and sobriety in the conduct of our foreign policy is a matter of cardinal importance. In the language of one world statesman, foreign policy is not only what we do, but how we do it.

If the Philippine claim to North Borneo is valid, we should — despite our standing as a young, physically weak nation — institute and press the claim in accordance with the accepted peaceful modes of settlement prescribed by international law and procedure. If, despite the assumed knowledge of the validity and justice of the Philippine claim, we fold our arms in mortal fear, we should lose not merely the respect of all law-abiding nations (the United Kingdom and the Asian countries in particular), but also a considerable measure of self-respect — which, to my mind, is more important — and, by our own inaction and timidity, lose our faith in the ultimate validity of that which is right and just.

If, on the other hand, we come to the conclusion that the Philippine claim is without basis, then we should say so and let the British Government know our stand. Such candor and probity will undoubtedly inspire the respect of the entire free world.

It is partly because of the well known regard of the British Government for the rule of law, and partly because of our deep-seated respect for the British institutions of law and order, that I have requested the Department of Foreign Affairs to make a careful, thoroughgoing study of the question and, if morally convinced of the merit of the Philippine claim, to institute and prosecute this claim through all peaceful processes, including diplomatic negotiations, good offices, commission of inquiry, arbitration, or resort to the International Court of Justice.

There need be no fear of breach of amicable relations between the United Kingdom and the Philippines. Both are members in good standing of the United Nations; both are committed to the rule of law and to the necessity of maintaining a society of free men. On the other hand, the peaceful solution of the North Borneo question may well be a distinct Anglo-Philippine contribution, so sorely needed at a time such as this, where instead of a precarious equilibrium of terror as a temporary stabilizing factor in international relations, there should emerge more instances of healthy respect for law and for more voluntary arrangements among nations so that the moral force of right may be made to prevail over the right of might.

Friendly countries will therefore understand why the Filipinos view with deep concern any move on the part of the United Kingdom, in advance of the institution of such a claim, to render academic the North Borneo question through extra-legal means. For instance, a dispatch from Kuala Lumpur. Malaya, published in the New York Times issue of February 7, 1962. states and I quote:

“KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya, Feb. 6. — A political merger under a strong central government has been recommended by the Malaysian Solidarity Committee.

”The five-state merger would create a federation of Malaya, Singapore Island — which is linked to Malaya by a three-quarter mile causeway — and the Northern Borneo territories of Sarawak, Brunei and British North Borneo.

“A British and Malayan commission, headed by Lord Cobbold, former Governor of the Bank of England, is due to arrive in Borneo soon to inquire into public opinion in Sarawak and British North Borneo concerning the merger. Both are crown colonies. Brunei is a British protectorate, and its Government will deal directly with the Federation of Malaya and with London.”

One may well inquire: — why this plan of a merger at a time such as this? At any rate, and without considering such a development, let us consider the facts.

1 . There is no controversy regarding one historical fact: namely, that in 1850, the Sultan of Brunei, in gratitude for the aid he received during war from the Sultan of Sulu, ceded North Borneo to the latter.

II. In January, 1878, the Sultan of Sulu entered into an agreement with two representatives of a private British company, namely, Gustavus Baron de Overbeck and Alfred Dent. It is at this point where controversy arises.

There are, to be sure, several versions of the agreement and quite a number of translations of said agreement. One group of heirs of the Sultan of Sulu submitted a certified translation of a Spanish text of the agreement, dated January 4, 1878, which in turn is a translation of the original in Arabic. Under this document, the Sultan of Sulu merely concluded a contract of lease with Baron de Overbeck and Alfred Dent, and granted to Mr. Overbeck the title of “Datto Padajara Rajah de Sandakan” as long as he might live, with the right to levy taxes on the said land, exploit its ores, forest products and animals, administer justice and collect dues and taxes from the traders of said towns.

There are also in the files of the Department of Foreign Affairs several English translations (Conklin translation; Saleeby translation on the “History of Sulu” pp. 225-233; Decision of High Court of Borneo citing translation in “Treaties and Engagements affecting the Malay States,” by Maxwell and Gibson), which invariably use the terms “lease,’ “cede” and “grant.”

On the other hand, a document purporting to be the British text of the agreement, kept in the files of the British North Borneo Company in London, would seem to show that the Sultan of Sulu ceded and granted to Overbeck and Dent on January 22, 1878,

“all the rights and powers belonging to me over all the territories and lands being tributary to us on the mainland on the Island of Borneo”

in consideration of a yearly compensation of 5,000 dollars, together “with all other powers and rights usually exercised by and belonging to Sovereign Rulers, and which we hereby delegate to him of our own free and sovereign will.”

III. On November 1, 1881, the British Government granted a Charter to the British North Borneo Company which, after a recital of the terms of agreement between the Sultan of Sulu and the two representatives of the Company, empowered the Company to acquire full benefit of the said “grant” and “benefits.” Accordingly, Baron de Overbeck and Alfred Dent turned over their rights to the British North Borneo Company, which continued paying the stipulated 5,000 Malayan dollars.

IV. In 1915, Governor Frank Carpenter, head of the Mindanao and Sulu division of the Philippine Government, defined the stand of the United States vis-a-vis the Sultan’s temporal and ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the territories of the Sultanate beyond American jurisdiction, particularly those in North Borneo. He stated and I quote:

“It is necessary, however, that there be clearly of official record the fact that the termination of the temporal sovereignty of the Sultanate of Sulu within the American territory is understood to be wholly without prejudice or effect as to the temporal sovereignty and ecclesiastical authority of the Sultanate beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S. Government, especially with reference to that portion of the Island of Borneo which as a dependency of the Sultanate of Sulu is understood to be held under lease by the chartered company (known) as the British North Borneo Company.”

V. In 1939. a group of heirs of the Sultan filed suit in the court of North Borneo against the Government of North Borneo and the British North Borneo Company for the recovery of the stipulated annual payments. Both defendants admitted their obligation to pay, the only issue being — in view of reported dispute among the heirs — to whom payment was to be made. The High Court of the State of North Borneo, through Chief Justice Macaskie, rendered judgment in favor of the heirs on December 18, 1939.

Crucial Question:

VI. On July 10, 1946, six days after the Philippines became independent, the British Government, by virtue of an alleged agreement between the Secretary of State for the colonies and the British North Borneo Company dated June 6, 1946 — whereby the Company “have transferred and ceded all the said rights, powers and interests to the Crown with effect from the 15th day of July, 1946, to the intent that the Crown should, as from that day, have full sovereign rights over, and title to, the territory of the State of North Borneo, and that the said territory, should thereupon become part of His Majesty’s dominions” — announced, by what is now known as the “North Borneo Cession Order,” that from the 15th day of July, 1946, “the State of North Borneo shall be annexed to and shall form part of His Majesty’s dominions and shall be called, together with the Settlement of Labuan and its dependencies, the Colony of North Borneo.”

VII. On February 26, 1947, former Governor General Francis Burton Harrison (as Special Adviser on Foreign Affairs to the Philippine Government), in a special report to the President of the Philippines, considered this an act of political aggression, “which should be promptly repudiated by the Government,” since it was done by the British Government “unilaterally and without special notice to the Sultanate of Sulu nor consideration of their legal rights.” He added:

“The proposal to lay the case before the United Nations should bring the whole matter before the bar of public opinion.

“Never in history has there been given any people such an opportunity to secure justice by an appeal to the enlightened conscience of mankind.”

VIII. In 1957, the heirs of the Sultan of Sulu issued a proclamation declaring the termination of the lease contract over the territory in question effective January 22, 1958. This declaration was served on the British Government. Since then, the heirs have made claims upon the British Government for the return of the territory, but their claims have been disregarded.

The crucial question, then, is one of ownership: Is ownership vested in the United Kingdom? Does the Philippines have any right to claim North Borneo?

In discussing this, I have taken careful note of the statements of the highest British officials and considered the views of English authorities on international law. In this way, we avoid pointless controversy since the British Government cannot possibly dispute, under the principle of estoppel, its own official stand. There may be a lot of wrangling over what is the authentic version of the agreement of 1878, but there can be no debate on the official British stand on that agreement.

At the time the agreement was entered into in 1878, the British North Borneo Company had no legal personality whatever. It was incorporated by Royal Charter only on November 1, 1881. It is important to note this, since admittedly in 1878, North Borneo was not under the territorial supremacy of any member of the Family of Nations.

Overbeck and Dent, therefore, acquired rights over North Borneo merely as private individuals and no more. Their purported acquisition of territory and “sovereignty” was therefore beyond the pale of International Law. Did the incorporation by Royal Charter of the British North Borneo Company in 1881 create a trading company with sovereign rights — even from the English viewpoint — over North Borneo?

This was the very bone of contention between the Spanish and Dutch Governments, on the one hand, and the British Government, on the other, soon after the Royal Charter was granted the British North Borneo Co. It is a matter of record that the British Government had declared that it did not intend to acquire sovereign rights in North Borneo. But the Spanish and Dutch Governments protested that such a declaration was inconsistent with the grant of a Royal Charter to the British North Borneo Company, “invested with sovereign rights by the Native Chiefs of North Borneo, and subject, as regards the exercise of these rights, to the Supreme authority of Her Britannic Majesty’s Government.”

The British Foreign Minister, Lord Earl Granville, in a correspondence to the British Minister at Madrid, Mr. Morier (No. 197), dated January 7, 1882, recapitulated “the circumstances under which Her Majesty’s Government acceded to the application of the Company for Incorporation by Royal Charter,” drew attention “to the special character of that Charter,” and explained “its legal effect.” Lord Granville said the British North Borneo Company was in fact established under three Charters: (1) the Charter and territorial concession from the Sultan of Sulu; (2) the Charter and territorial concession from the Sultan of Brunei; and (3) the British Charter of incorporation. Note the following significant passages from Lord Granville’s correspondence:

“The first two Charters, from the Sultans of Sulu and Brunei, are those under which the Company derive their title to the possession of the territories in question, and their authority to administer the government of those territories by delegation from the Sultans.

“The third Charter is the British Charter under which the Company have obtained incorporation and a recognition of her Majesty’s Government of their title to the territories granted. In return for incorporation by Royal Charter, and for the recognition of the Concessions, the Company have surrendered to Her Majesty’s Government various powers of control over their proceedings which, though of a negative character only, are sufficient for the prevention by Her Majesty’s Government of any abuse in the exercise of the authority conferred by the Sultans. It is important to bear in mind that no such control would have been reserved to the Crown had the Company taker, incorporation in the usual manner by registration under the Companies Acts, and elected to follow their own course independently of Government support.

“The British Charter therefore differs essentially from the previous Charters granted to the East India Company, the New Zealand Company, and other Associations of that character, in the fact that the Crown in the present case assumes no dominion or sovereignty over the territories occupied by the Company, nor does it purport to grant to the Company any powers of Government thereover; it merely confers upon the persons associated the status and incidents of a body corporate, and recognizes the grants of territory and the powers of government made and delegated by the Sultans in whom the sovereignty remains vested. It differs also from previous Charters, in that it prohibits instead of granting a general monopoly of trade.”

In thus differentiating the status of the British North Borneo Company, Lord Granville stated that “after very careful consideration of all the circumstances of the case Her Majesty’s Government decided that the Charter should be granted, and you will perceive from an examination of its provisions that its effect is to restrict and curtail the powers of the Company and not to create or enlarge them.”

In similarly repudiating the Dutch contention, Lord Granville stated that the territories “will be administered by the Company under the sovereignly of the Sultans of Brunei and Sulu, to whom they have agreed to pay a yearly tribute,” and that “the British Government assumes no sovereign rights whatever in Borneo.”

Much the same disclaimer was sounded by the famous Prime Minister, William Ewart Gladstone. Speaking in the House of Commons, he acknowledged that the “remarkable powers” obtained by the British North Borneo Company involved the “essence of sovereignty” but they were “covered by the Suzereignty of the Native Chief.” He declared that no greater obligation rested upon the Government to protect the Company than “to protect any other subject who might be in pursuit of objects not unlawful.”

These authoritative statements show, in brief:

1 . that Overbeck and Dent were not authorized by the British Government to acquire and administer North Borneo; they merely acted in their private individual capacity.

2. that the British North Borneo Company was not invested by the British Government with the public power of acquisition and administration of North Borneo, unlike the different trading companies chartered at the time.

3. that the British Government assumed no rights of sovereignty whatever in North Borneo; and

4. that the British Government explicitly acknowledged the sovereignty and title of the Sultan of Sulu over North Borneo.


The classic British text on International Law, a Treatise on International Law by Oppenheim (7th edition, edited by Lauterpacht, 1948), gives us the significance in International Law of the above facts. Oppenheim states that where an individual or a corporation acquires land in countries which are not under the territorial supremacy of a member of the Family of Nations, such acquisition of territory and sovereignty thereon “takes place outside the dominion of the Law of Nations, and the rules of this law, therefore, cannot be applied,” unless the “corporation in question is invested by its State with public power of acquisition and administration.” (Volume I, sec. 209 (2), p. 496). He adds:

“If the individual or corporation which has made the acquisition requires protection by the Law of Nations, he or it must either declare a new State to be in existence and ask for its recognition by the Powers, as in the case of the former Congo Free State, or must ask a member of the Family of Nations to acknowledge the acquisition as having been made on its behalf.” (Id., at 496, 497.)

It is obvious that the British North Borneo Company, as the successor in interest of Overbeck and Dent, has not declared a new State to be in existence in North Borneo; and it is equally obvious that the British Government has refused to acknowledge, at least until 1946, the acquisition by Overbeck and Dent, and latterly, the British North Borneo Company, as having been made in its behalf.

What, then, is the significance in International Law, of the British Cession Order of July 15, 1946, which states in part:

“And whereas by an Agreement dated the twenty-sixth day of June, 1946, and made between His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies on behalf of His Majesty (therein and hereinafter referred to as ‘the Crown’) of the one part and the Company of the other part the Company (amongst other things) have transferred and ceded all the said rights, powers, and interests to the Crown with effect from the fifteenth day of July, 1946, to the intent that the Crown should, as from that day, have full sovereign rights over, and title to, the territory of the State of North Borneo, and that the said territory should thereupon become part of His Majesty’s dominions;

“Now, therefore, His Majesty is pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

“1. This Order may be cited as the North Borneo Cession Order in Council, 1946, and shall come into operation on the fifteenth of July, 1946;

“2. As from the fifteenth day of July, 1946, the State of North Borneo shall be annexed to and shall form part of His Majesty’s dominion and shall be called, together with the Settlement of Labuan and its dependencies, the Colony of North Borneo;

“3. All persons who on the fifteenth day of July, 1946, are citizens of the State of North Borneo by virtue of the provisions of the North Borneo Naturalization Ordinance, 1931, shall, on that day, become British subjects;

“4. His Majesty hereby reserves to Himself, His Heirs and Successors, power to revoke, alter and to amend this Order.”

Note that the Cession Order is convenient in its vagueness as to the exact nature and scope of the rights and interests of the British North Borneo Company. How could it be otherwise in the light of the categorical disclaimers made by Lord Granville and Prime Minister William Gladstone?

Could the British North Borneo Company purport to transfer sovereignty over North Borneo to the Crown? Certainly not. The British Government had made it crystal clear that the Company did not have that power, and that sovereignty remained with the Sultan of Sulu. All that was transferred, in the very carefully worded Cession Order, was the mass of “interests, powers and rights” previously acquired by the British North Borneo Company.

In other words, the assertion of sovereignty over North Borneo by the Crown, effective July, 1946, under its own Cession Order, repudiated and set aside all the solemn Government declarations made by its highest officials; more than that, it threw overboard the sovereignty and title of the Sultan of Sulu which it had acknowledged in the past and completely disregarded the proprietary rights of the heirs of the Sultan over North Borneo. It was, to borrow the language of former Governor General Francis Burton Harrison, “an act of political aggression which should be promptly repudiated by the Government.”

I shall not, at this juncture, belabor the point so ably expounded by the Philippines Free Press writer, Mr. Napoleon Rama, namely, that the agreement of 1878 was just a contract of lease, not a contract of cession. The statements of Lord Granville and Prime Minister Gladstone three years after the contract was concluded, the contemporaneous official communications to and from the Minister of State in Madrid, the yearly tribute of 5,000 dollars to the Sultan of Sulu, and the terms of the “Cession Order of 1946″ amply show that no cession was contemplated or ever perfected. A lease arrangement which, according to language scholars, is the English translation of the Malayan word, “padjak,” would seem to be the only other explanation. At any rate in International Law, individuals do not and cannot enter into treaties of cession (whereby sovereignty is acquired) with native tribal chiefs: these are outside the realm of the Law of Nations.


It is probable that the British Government, to justify its new stand, will fall back on one of two modes of territorial acquisition in International Law; namely, occupation and prescription.

Occupation is an original mode of territorial acquisition, and is effected through possession and administration of the territory by or in behalf of the acquiring State. The prime object of settlement by occupation is the incorporation of unappropriated territory into the national domain of the acquiring State. Only such territory as is not within the dominion of any State may be the object of occupation. In other words, the territory must be res nullius or terra nullius. The term res nullius, as has been interpreted, does not require that the territory be uninhabited, but that it be not already occupied by a people or State whose political organization is such as to cause its prior rights of occupancy to be recognized.

We must concede that in the past European powers did not recognize the title of settled peoples whose civilization was allegedly below the European standard. The emergence of non-European powers, and the growing importance of new nations in the Afro-Asian bloc, have eroded away this concept. At any rate, insofar as the British Government is concerned, it is precluded from claiming that the Sultan of Sulu had a title or a political organization below the European standard. All we need to do is to refer back to the text, of Lord Granville’s correspondence. Note the last paragraph in his letter to Morier, the British minister at Madrid, portions of which were quoted earlier:

“As regards the general features of the undertaking, it is to be observed that the territories granted to the Company have been for generations under the government of the Sultans of Sulu and Brunei, with whom Great Britain has had treaties of Peace and Commerce. . .”

It would be passing strange now for the British Government to contend that the Sultan of Sulu did not possess either a perfect title or a political organization below European standards, at least insofar as North Borneo is concerned. In the Law of Nations, states the British authority, Oppenheim, the conclusion of a bilateral treaty, such as a treaty of commerce and navigation, implies recognition (Op. cit., Section 75 (cl) p. 143).


But this is not all. The important thing is that the Cession Order of 1946, annexing as it does the Territory of North Borneo and incorporating it as part of His Majesty’s dominions, ran counter to and violated:

(1 ) the official declarations of the British Government as to the legal nature and effect of the Agreement of 1878;

(2) the Treaty of Peace and Commerce entered into between Great Britain and the Sultan of Sulu;

(3) the title and rights of dominion which the Sultan of Sulu, on the strength of British admissions, had over North Borneo.

Oppenheim is authority for the proposition that while it is true that States may acquire new territorial or other rights by unilateral acts, such an annexation, without recognition on the part of third States being required for their validity, yet the position is different when “the act alleged to be creative of a new right is in violation of … conventional International Law. In such cases the act in question is tainted with invalidity and incapable of producing legal rights beneficial to the wrongdoer in the form of a new title or otherwise.” (Op. cit., Sec. 75 (b), at p. 136).

Prescription. — Prescription has been defined as the acquisition of territory by an adverse holding continued through a long term of years. The generally accepted concept of prescription in International Law apparently requires the existence of two essential facts, namely: continuous and undisturbed possession, and lapse of a period of time. Hugo Grotius, the father of International Law, laid down the rule that the adverse holding should go “beyond the memory of man. Vattel maintained that possession may ripen into title only after the lapse of a “considerable number of years ” Insofar as the present question is concerned, there may not be sufficient warrant for saying that the British possession was adverse, considering the yearly tributes they have paid to the Sultan of Sulu and his heirs. Their possession from 1946 up to this date, in the light of the continuous protests of the heirs and the termination of the lease, has not been uninterrupted and cannot possibly ripen into a title.

I have heard it said that the Philippine claim may not prosper because of Article 1 of the Philippine Constitution defining the National Territory. Article I provides:

“Section 1. The Philippines comprise all the territory ceded to the United States by the Treaty of Paris concluded between the United States and Spain on the tenth day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, the limits of which are set forth in Article III of said Treaty, together with all the islands embraced in the treaty concluded at Washington, between the United States and Spain on the seventh day of November, nineteen hundred, and in the treaty concluded between the United States and Great Britain on the second day of January, nineteen hundred and thirty, and all territory over which the present Government of the Philippine Islands exercises jurisdiction.”

I feel that those who argue along this line confuse the concept of national domain with proprietary rights of Filipino citizens over a portion of the earth’s surface. The Philippine Government is now called upon to defend and vindicate those rights, and if, as I know, appropriate arrangements have been made by the heirs of the Sultan of Sulu, with the Philippine Government, there should be no apprehension whatever that this claim will provide undue incentives for mere speculators. In other words, Article I has no applicability whatever to this kind of a claim. In the remote possibility that Article I is made to apply, there is ample room for protection in the saving clause found in said article, in the light of authoritative pronouncements of British officials. We need not even consider the thesis that in 1935, when the Philippine Constitution was adopted by the Filipino people, the Philippines was not an independent State but a mere dependency, and that therefore the restrictive provisions of Article I could not possibly tie the hands of the Republic as soon as independence became a reality.

There is something pathetic in the fact that it took an American official, the former Governor General Francis Burton Harrison, to assess the full import of the Cession Order of 1946. In a special report he submitted on September 26, 1946 in his capacity as Special Adviser on Foreign Affairs to the Philippine Government, he called the Cession Order by its proper name — “an act of political aggression.”

It would seem equally pathetic that some home-grown nationalists have counseled the Government to pursue a policy of fear and inaction.

In 1946, the voice of Harrison sounded like a cry in the wilderness. In 1962, that voice has gained volume and is no longer alone. Just a few days ago, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution requesting the President to take all the necessary steps consistent with international law and procedure for the recovery of North Borneo.

Before the bar of world opinion, the Philippines can invoke the ringing declarations of responsible leaders all over the world — including those of the United Kingdom — who have vowed to end the practice of colonialism in all its manifestations. In recent years, the United Nations has been seriously concerned with the problem of colonialism and has now asked for its speedy liquidation. The North Borneo question should furnish an excellent instance for the British Government to translate a preachment into a cold reality. When in 1946, the British Government saw fit to make North Borneo a colony, in disregard of its previous disclaimers, her policy-makers must have foreseen the inevitable consequences of such an inopportune move, considering the temper of subject peoples all over the world. For the Filipinos, the North Borneo situation is not merely a problem of liquidation of colonialism; it is a question of the return to them of what, in law and equity, properly belongs to them, and which they can rightly call their own.

As I said in the beginning, there should be no apprehension of any rupture in the friendly relations between the United Kingdom and the Philippines. Friends can and should at times disagree. The important thing is that they should not become disagreeable. And like two good friends, the Philippines and the United Kingdom can differ on this point without being difficult. It is merely in keeping with the highest traditions of civility and a mutual respect for the rule of law that the Philippine Government should now, in the light of all relevant evidence, institute the claim and initiate the necessary steps toward the peaceful settlement of the North Borneo question. Manila Times, Manila Chronicle, Philippines Free Press – May, 1962. - source

Feb 18, 2013

Thinning Hair in Women

Hair is probably a woman's most important feature. Signs of thinning hair can take the sail out of almost any woman's day. It may seem vain to pay so much attention to hair, but signs of thinning hair are really the first signals of such conditions as hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, excessive stress or poor nutrition, all symptoms of declining health status. Paying attention to hair can reveal developing conditions before they get out of control. When you have restored your hair to a full head of vibrant healthy strands, chances are the rest of your body will also exhibit vibrant health.

Nutritional deficiencies may be signaled by thinning hair

Your hair loss may be caused by vitamin D deficiency. Studies show that a large segment of the American population is deficient in this essential nutrient, with hair loss being one of the primary symptoms of this deficiency.

The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is expressed in numerous cells and tissues of the body, including the skin. Studies of mice and humans lacking these functional receptors have demonstrated that absence of the VDR leads to the development of alopecia, a fancy word for hair loss. Hair loss may be an early warning that you are at risk of other maladies linked to a deficiency of vitamin D. The list includes diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, depression, multiple sclerosis, gum disease, seasonal influenza and tuberculosis.

Lack of exposure to the sun almost guarantees vitamin D deficiency. Researchers have mapped the U.S. and found that the farther north a person lives, the more likely she is to have vitamin D deficiency. If access to the sun is not an option, supplementing vitamin D with cod liver oil, or capsules of D3 will help. It is now suggested that women receive a minimum of 2,000 units of vitamin D per day. Many cutting edge practioners advocate 10,000 units per day, the amount obtained from a day wearing a bathing suit in the summer sun.

Omega 3 fatty acids affect the biological process of vitamin D. They are responsible for producing cholesterol and at the same time for removing its excess, as well as for most other bodily functions. In order to manufacture vitamin D, the body needs cholesterol. If the diet does not contain enough essential fatty acids, the body can't produce its own vitamin D. In addition to containing usable vitamin D, cod liver oil also provides omega 3 fatty acids.

Hair loss may also be the result of deficiencies of the amino acid lysine, copper, and zinc. However, if your diet is comprised of a wide selection of whole foods including daily servings of fresh vegetables and fruits, this may not be the cause of your hair loss, especially if you are getting enough protein. Hair stands are composed of protein, but if the diet is short on it, the wisdom of the body will divert its use from making hair to sustaining more necessary bodily functions. Taking a whole food supplement such as bee pollen, spirulina or chlorella will help with getting and assimilating needed amounts of the full spectrum of nutrients.

Thinning hair may reflect hormonal imbalance

A woman's hormones can begin to decline and lose balance as early as the 30's. One of the most shocking examples of this imbalance is hair growth appearing on the upper lip or chin, or a coarsening of hair on the rest of the body while the hair on the head thins. This is most likely the result of excessive dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion. Although estrogen is the primary hormone of women, they also produce testosterone and other androgens such as DHEA. As the body ages women may begin to convert these androgens to DHT just as men do. Women with a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome tend to have higher levels of testosterone and DHT than other women, and may be more susceptible to this excessive conversion.

To find out if hormonal imbalance is causing hair loss, full range hormone testing can be done. Physicians who administer bio-identical hormones can provide this testing, as well as physicians who specialize in anti-aging medicine. If this is not an option, there are reliable laboratories available online that receive specimens of saliva by mail and provide complete hormone testing results.

Supplements of saw palmetto prevent the excessive conversion of androgens to DHT. It is an herb that comes from the flowers of a beautiful palm tree known as saw palmetto or sabal palm. A dosage of one 160 mg. capsule daily should effectively block this conversion and get the hair back on head and off the face. Saw palmetto has been demonstrated to be safe for prolonged use. If hormone testing is not an option, another way to find out if excessive DHT conversion is causing hair loss is to take a saw palmetto supplement for a period of three months. If hair loss stops where you don't want it and starts where you do want it, your question will be answered.

Excessive levels of hormonal conversion to DHT are highly associated with prostate abnormalities in men and may be a cause of prostate cancer. Saw palmetto has been documented to increase prostate health. The health effects of this conversion in women are not yet fully documented, yet common sense suggests that reducing excessive levels of DHT in women may be helpful in assuring breast and ovarian health.

Declining levels of thyroid hormone can also spark hair loss. It's estimated that forty percent of American women are suffering from significant hair loss related to low thyroid hormones, with redheads particularly at risk. The hormones produced by the thyroid are responsible for metabolism, the sum of all the physical and chemical processes. The thyroid hormones control the efficiency and speed at which cells work. Every cell in the body including the hair depends on proper thyroid function for development. If thyroid production is insufficient, hair growth will slow and hair will eventually thin.

Other symptoms of declining thyroid function are dry skin, sensitivity to hot and cold, unexplained weight gain, missing outer third of eyebrows, constipation, brittle nails, high or low blood pressure, susceptibility to infections, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, joint or muscle pain, cystic breasts or ovaries, chronic sinusitis, slow heart rate, TMJ syndrome, dental problems, headache, and increased cholesterol levels. This list reveals how critical proper thyroid function is to well being.

The good new is that low thyroid can easily be corrected by supplementing the body with bio-identical thyroid hormones. Armour thyroid is the natural form of thyroid hormone. For more information about the thyroid and hair see

Too much stress can cause hair to thin

Hair loss may be the first indication that your stress level is taking a toll on your body. Stress is nothing less than epidemic today, and this high level can actually cause hair loss along with many more serious health problems. Excessive physical or emotional stress associated with illness, injury, and trauma may cause the hair to stop growing and enter a period of dormancy which is followed two or three months later by the hair falling out. When physical or emotional equilibrium is regained, hair will again begin to grow, usually about 6 to 9 months later.

A more serious situation develops when stress is constant and almost unrelenting as it is for many people in this society. Hair thinning will continue unless effective means of dealing with the stress are put in place and calmness can be restored. Prolonged hair loss caused by chronic stress is a warning that other bodily systems are in jeopardy.

Cortisol is the stress hormone that gives the body its fight or flight response to stressful situations. It is an important hormone secreted by the adrenal glands and involved in maintaining proper glucose metabolism, regulation of blood pressure, insulin release for blood sugar maintenance, immune function, and inflammatory response. When stress is constant and prolonged, cortisol levels stay elevated and the body enters a state of chronic stress.

Higher and prolonged levels of corisol in the bloodstream have been shown to have negative effects, such as impaired cognitive performance, suppressed thyroid function, blood sugar imbalances, decreased bone density, decreased muscle tissue, higher blood pressure, lowered immunity, heightened inflammatory response, and increased abdominal fat. If no steps are taken to reduce the stress level, heart attack or stroke may follow.

To keep corisol levels healthy, the body's relaxation response should be activated. Learn to relax the body with various stress management techniques and make changes in your lifestyle to minimize the stress. Eat a diet of whole food that emphasizes vegetables and fruits. Take supplements like bee pollen, spirulina and chlorella to make sure nutrition is complete. Add alfalfa to keep your body fully mineralized, as stress raises the need for minerals. The B complex vitamins as well as vitamin C are needed to support the adrenal gland while dealing with chronic stress.

Hair products containing toxic chemicals promote hair loss

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is the dominant ingredient in almost all shampoos sold in traditional outlets such as supermarkets, drugstores and discount centers. In addition to having toxic effects on your immune system, SLS has been shown to corrode hair follicles and impede hair growth. It has been blamed for many cases of hair loss. The Material Safety Data Sheet provided by the U.S. government says exposure to SLS can lead to burning, coughing, wheezing, laryngitis, shortness of breath, headache, nausea and vomiting. The American College of Toxicology says SLS stays in the body for up to five days and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver, brain, and lungs.

Over-treated hair is another cause of hair loss in women. Hair dyes, permanents, and relaxers do serious damage to the hair and scalp whether they contain lye or not. They are made with toxic chemicals that must be detoxified by the liver, and are identified by the immune system as foreign invaders. Thus health of the liver and the immune system are compromised by use of these products. When the liver is busy trying to detoxify an onslaught of foreign chemicals, estrogen metabolism may not be properly completed and breast cancer may be promoted. An immune system busy fighting off an invasion of foreign chemicals may not be able to prevent infection or identify and destroy abberant cells. Damage from dyes and relaxers can only heal when those potions are no longer used on the hair. - source

Feb 15, 2013

Carrots Rich in Vitamins

The carrot belongs to the Umbelliferae family and is a raw vegetable root. Several health benefits of carrots have resulted in them serving as a remedy for many health problems. Carrots are filling and do not contain fats, which is why they are recommended by dietitians for people under a weight loss program. Carrots contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. Long back in the ancient times, carrots were used for medicinal purposes to cure stomach ailments, for healing wounds, liver ailments, and also for ulcers.

Vitamin A in Carrots

Why are carrots orange in color? The substance that gives the carrot its bright orange color is beta-carotene. It is found in fruits and vegetables that are red, yellow, or orange in color and also in some of the green leafy vegetables. Beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and it nourishes, develops and maintains the skin, improves eyesight, enhances hair growth, plays an important role in growth and boosts the immune system function. It is very essential for healthy eyes, and a better night vision. Carrots are one of the richest sources of vitamin A. The deficiency of this vitamin can cause night blindness.

Other Vitamins Present in Carrots

Other vitamins that carrots contain are Vitamin K that helps prevent cancer, Alzheimer's, and improve the bone health. Carrots contain vitamin C in traces which supports the functioning of the immune system and also improves skin clarity. Vitamin E (alpha-Tocophero), which protects the cell membrane from oxidation and Vitamin B, vitamin B1 (Thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) are also found in carrots.Vitamin B helps increase metabolism, helps to maintain a healthy skin and tones the muscles. It also plays a part in enhancing the immune system. Carrots contain beta corotene which is an antioxidant that fights free radicals. Antioxidants fight free radicals that damage the skin and cause cancer. They provide protection against some other ailments like heart diseases and muscular degeneration. Some studies have shown that men who had high levels of beta carotene and vitamin C had lower risks of heart attacks.

The following table shows us the vitamins carrots have in 100 grams of carrot. Including 100 grams of carrot in the daily diet at least twice or thrice a week would be beneficial to get all the rich nutrients that carrots contain. Let's look at the vitamin content in 100 grams of carrots.


(for 1 large carrot, 100 grams)
Vitamin A 93%
Vitamin C 12%
Vitamin D ~
Vitamin E ~
Vitamin K 9.4 mcg
Thiamin 3%
Riboflavin 3%
Niacin 8%
Vitamin B6 8%
Folate 5%

Now you know that carrots nutritional value is very high and I hope that you are convinced with the information on vitamins in carrot. So, don't forget to include carrots in your daily diet.

Getting Healthy Juices For Kids To Drink

Encourage your kids to drink plenty of water. Use a water bottle or glass which appeals to them. You can also use a water bottle where they can measure and see the amount of water they’ve had for the day.

Getting your kids to drink healthy green juices and vegetable juices could be an upheaval of a task. Mix them with juices like apple or carrot and it wont be too difficult to get them to drink it. Gradually move from pure carrot or apple juice to apple-carrot-parsley juice. Try using sweet organic apples and carrots and serve the juice in an attractive tumbler.

Make juicing a family activity. Involve the kids in helping with preparing the ingredients, and deciding on which juices to make and searching for recipes. This family time will not only inculcate good and healthy eating habits but the kids will learn about the nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables.

Kids love to have what they have prepared and you will find that they readily have all the good stuff on their own. Other ways to encourage your kids to consume more fruits are to make ice lollies from fresh fruit juice.

Make fruit smoothies and shakes by liquidizing fruit such as strawberries, mango or bananas with fruit juice and/or milk.

Carrot Juice Health Benefits

It is a misconception that carrot juice is bitter and awful to taste. In fact it tastes good and has many health benefits. Well, do you know what benefits stir in carrot juice? When carrot is juiced and a glass of it is consumed every day, it improves our health in various ways. So, what are the health benefits of carrot juice anyway? Read on to find out.

Carrot Juice Health Benefits

Eating carrots as well as drinking one glass of carrot juice is extremely beneficial, as carrot juice contains many vitamins and minerals. Carrot juice is like a tonic to our body. Studies have shown that people who included one glass of carrot juice everyday in their diet showed a lot of improvement in their health. Carrot juice is good for the liver, eyesight, teeth, bones, nails, hair, prenatal health, and there are carrot juice benefits for skin too. Carrots contain beta carotene, which helps prevent cancer and is converted into vitamin A in the liver.

Vitamin A, being an essential nutrient, relieves eye weakness, eye strain, and improves the immune system. Vitamin A stored in the liver has great cleansing effects in the body. It also reduces the fat and the bile accumulated in there, thus cleansing it thoroughly and making sure that it works properly. Drinking carrot juice regularly makes sure that your liver remains healthy. It also provides relief from constipation.

Being an excellent source of vitamin B, C and calcium pectate, carrot juice has also been found to have properties of lowering cholesterol. Carrot juice is rich in antioxidants and scavenges the free radicals giving us a better, healthy and nourished skin. Antioxidants also help in slowing the process of aging and control diseases. Carrot is also rich in dietary fiber and it promotes colon health.

Other benefits of carrot juice also include reducing the risk of cardiovascular illnesses. Carrot juice also benefits diabetic patients as it has a plant hormone called tocokinin, that is similar to insulin. Acne is caused by toxicity in our body. Having the best detoxifying and cleansing properties, carrot juice is effective for acne too. Carrots do contain a medium amount of sugar. Carrot juice can help increase the menstrual flow in women and improve their fertility. Being a rich source of alkaline elements, it also purifies and revitalizes the blood. It also helps to nourish the system and maintains the acid-alkaline balance in our body. The juice of carrot eases alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Wounds and injuries are also healed faster on consumption of carrot juice. Carrot juice helps fight anemia. Some dietitians recommend drinking carrot juice for weight loss.

Blending and Mixing

For those who make a face when carrot juice is served, here are some blends that you can have your carrot juice with. When carrot juice is blended with other raw vegetable or fruit juices, it boosts our immune system even better. Blending carrot juice with cabbage juice, produces an alkaline effect and protects from the acid forming food effects. Also, mixing carrot and spinach juice, provides nutrients to the hair roots which stops hair loss and helps in restoring natural hair color.

I'm sure that after reading these benefits of carrot juice, you might feel tempted to have a glass of it. Carrot juice is a really healthy way to keep up you and your health. I guess that is why Bugs bunny is so healthy!

Health Benefits of Carrot

The carrot is a root vegetable which has an Indo-European origin. The tap-root of this vegetable is the edible part and it is considered to be nutritious and good for health. It is a rich source of many different nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, iron, etc. The chemical known as beta-carotene makes carrot an important food source in fighting several health problems. The nutrients present in raw carrots are destroyed once they are cooked. Thus, raw carrots health benefits are much higher than cooked ones.

Health Benefits of Carrots

The various health benefits and nutritional facts of carrots are mentioned in the following paragraphs. Prevention of cancers and heart attacks are among the important health benefits of carrots. There are many other benefits of carrot intake discussed in detail in the following article.

Prevention of Cancer

The chemical called beta-carotene is useful in the prevention of many types of cancers including lung cancer. As per studies conducted, the intake of carrot reduces colon cancer risk by 24%. Women who consume carrots are less prone to the development of breast cancer as well.

Protection from Heart Diseases

The importance of carrot intake in preventing heart problems has been emphasized by doctors and research teams. As per the research conducted at Wolfson Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Edinburgh, cholesterol levels reduce by 11% in a matter of three weeks if 7 oz. of carrots are included in the daily diet. Studies conducted at the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research, Italy indicate that the risk of heart attacks is reduced by 1/3 in those who consume carrots regularly.

Prevention of Diabetes

Carrots help in reducing blood sugar levels by inversely affecting insulin resistance. The carotenoids present in carrot juice are useful for the regulation of sugar levels.

Prevention of Strokes

The chances of a person suffering from strokes are reduced by 68% if carrots are included in the daliy diet. As per studies conducted, those with high levels of beta carotenoids in the body have a greater chance of surviving strokes.

Reduces Macular Degeneration

The beta-carotene present in carrots reduce the risk of macular degeneration by 40%. The disease affects the macula and is mostly found in elder/aging people.

Purple Carrot Health Benefits
Purple carrots have all the phytochemicals present in the orange one, plus antioxidants and anthocyanins. Apart from being antioxidant in nature, the phytochemicals present in these carrots are anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial.

Other Carrots Health Benefits

The appearance/look of hair, skin and nails improves a lot with the intake of carrots. It also helps lower high blood pressure as well as the level of cholesterol. The quality of breast milk is enhanced/improved by the regular intake of carrots. Infections are kept at bay if carrots are consumed on a regular basis. Carrots are also considered to be good for endocrine and adrenal glands. Improvement in eyesight, increase in menstrual flow, regulation of blood sugars and promotion of colon health are some of the other carrots health benefits. The intake of carrots also helps in overcoming problems such as night blindness, sexual dysfunction, lower sexual drive, long term cough, etc. Moreover, it also helps in strengthening the kidney.

The information in the article presented above provides us with the knowledge about the different health benefits of carrots. Raw carrots health benefits are much higher than cooked carrots. One should, however, make it a point to include carrots, either raw or cooked, in their diet on a regular basis.

Feb 14, 2013

Healthy Ways to Reduce Sodium in Canned Soup

Sodium is one of those essential minerals required by our body. It's a naturally occurring element present in almost all types of food items that we eat. The health benefits of sodium are pronounced only when you consume it from natural and organic resources. Prepackaged and canned food items have a high concentration of sodium, which might be above the level of recommended dietary intake. Sodium is present in forms of monosodium glutamate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium saccharin and sodium benzoate; all these ingredients increase the shelf life of canned products and also enhance the flavor of the item. When you start consuming these food items on a regular basis, then sodium levels get automatically elevated.

One of the most commonly consumed canned food is soup. Although touted to be healthy, canned soups can give rise to several health disorders in the long run, owing to the high sodium content. They also contain artificial preservatives and flavoring agents which are not really healthy for the body. In this regard, it's important for you to know the health hazards caused by the presence of excess sodium in the body.

Harmful Effects of Sodium-rich Canned Soups
  • First of all, people having high blood pressure should avoid such food items because addition of sodium will only aggravate their heart issues.
  • If you are depending on canned soups for controlling calorie intake, then you need to change your diet. You will feel bloated and dehydrated after a certain point of time.
  • In a healthy adult, although water retention is not immediately evident, those with weak kidneys will suffer from mineral and fluid build-up in the body.
From the aforementioned points, you can easily figure out the dangers associated with having sodium-rich canned soups. However, a salt-free diet is not recommended until prescribed by doctors. It's because salt is necessary for maintaining the fluid balance of our body, proper functioning of muscles and nerves, and regulating the blood volume. So how to reduce sodium in canned soup? We will explain this in the next segment.

Reducing Sodium in Canned Soups

Here are some quick tips you can try at home without tampering with the taste of the soup by adding natural ingredients to it. Those who are staunchly following a low-calorie diet can also refer to these tips.
  • Dilute the Soup
    This is probably the best way to reduce the salt concentration. If you are preparing a bowl of soup, then add 2 cups of extra water to it. This way the quantity of soup increases and the sodium per serving also becomes less. The calorie content is minimized and you can meet your weight loss goals.
  • Add Salt-Free Flavoring Herbs
    Edible herbs have the potential to balance the sodium present in soups. Add fresh rosemary, oregano, parsley, parsnip, coriander, basil, saffron, shallots, or lemongrass while cooking the soup. The herbs will absorb sodium and when you add water, the concentration of the salt gets further reduced.
  • Spice it Up
    A concoction of various spices not only adds taste but also improves the nutritional value of canned food products. However, you have to add some water for blending the spices perfectly. Cinnamon, anise, cardamom, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, clove, etc. are some excellent ingredients for spicing up soups.
  • Combine with Vegetables
    Add vegetables to redistribute sodium and make the soup sumptuous. Chop cabbage, carrot, beet, onion, garlic, celery, and ginger. Steam the vegetables or stir-fry these in olive oil. Combine them with the soup while cooking it. It's simply an excellent way to minimize sodium in canned soups.
  • Make it Tangy
    Food items tasting excessively salty can be counterbalanced with lemon juice. So what you can do is, first add a little water to the soup (to increase its quantity) and while it boils, add lemon juice to it. Finely chop tomatoes and add this to the boiling soup. Then sprinkle pepper.
  • Blend with Broth
    Broth being a nutritional supplement, can be added to canned soups. Since your motive is to reduce the sodium content of the soup, you have to restrict yourself from adding table salt even if the soup tastes bland. Mix vegetable or meat broth with the soup and cook for sometime.
  • Absorb with a Potato
    Many are unaware of the sodium-absorbing potential of potato. All you need to do is, dip a peeled potato into the soup bowl while it is boiling. Then cover the bowl with a lid. Wait till the potato becomes soft. It will absorb almost all the sodium from the soup. Remove the potato and then have the soup.
When we are aware of the ill-effects of consuming canned food products, then why not make a conscious effort to eat fresh varieties? Another way to be on the safe side, is to pick up salt-free soups so that you do not require any kind of improvisation while making it. Or else, these tips are always there for you. Stay fit.

Do You Want Some Estrogen On Soft Drink?

It turns out a cold drink isn’t the only thing in your pop can. A Health Canada study of canned pop has found the vast majority of the drinks contain the chemical bisphenol A, a substance that imitates the female hormone estrogen and is now banned in baby bottles.

The highest levels of the chemical, known as BPA, were found in caffeine-loaded energy drinks, but the residue was also detected in ginger ale, diet cola, root beer and citrus-flavoured soda. Pop cans are lined on the inside with BPA in order to prevent the drink from coming into contact with the metal in the can.

“The emphasis has always been on canned foods, and the results are especially startling, given that the average person, worldwide, consumes more than 22 gallons of soft drinks every year. Yikes!” (

Out of 72 drinks tested, 69 were found to contain BPA at levels below what Health Canada says is the safe upper limit. However, studies in peer-reviewed science journals have indicated that even at very low doses, BPA can increase breast and ovarian cancer cell growth and the growth of some prostate cancer cells in animals. Health Canada spokesman Stéphane Shank said there is no risk to Canadians. “The average adult weighing approximately 60 kilograms would have to consume over 900 cans per day” to reach the department’s safety threshold, he said. (

The drinks tested came from a variety of sources, representing at least 84 per cent of the market share of soft drinks sold in the country. Despite this, the federal department did not reveal why this study was only published January in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and on Health Canada’s website. The reasoning? It wasn’t their intent to hide it. However, had they wanted to get this report out, which would certainly have been the case if it was more positive, more sources would have been included.

Like estrogen — BPA is active in very small amounts. The average soft drink contains levels of around half a part per billion, resulting in 500 times more estrogen in people than normal. Some experiments have found harmful effects in animals at BPA concentrations as low as 1,000 times below Health Canada’s marker. Given this information, we need to consider the cumulative effect of hormone-disrupting chemicals.

Crab Legs Health Benefits


King crabs, also known as stone crabs, are a family of crustaceans found mainly in cold seas. They are very large in size, in short supply, and have a tasty flesh that makes them a delicacy. King crab legs are an especially popular delicacy that offers many nutritional benefits, including a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and many vitamins and minerals.


The most commonly caught and sold species is the red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). According to the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, the best meat of the king crab is in the legs. Unlike other crabs, king crabs have only six legs (versus eight). The body of the crab offers little meat and usually goes to canners. King crabs were plentiful until the early 1980s. Then came a shortage caused by water temperature changes and other environmental conditions. Since then, the price has more than doubled and they are less available.

Nutrition Basics

An Alaskan king crab leg (134g) cooked and served plain, provides 130 calories, 2.1g of fat, .2g of saturated fat, and zero trans fat, carbohydrate, sugar and dietary fiber. One leg of the aforementioned serving size provides about 26g of protein, making it an excellent source of protein, though it is much leaner than the same amount of beef. Although king crab is a source of cholesterol, containing about 71mg per serving, it need not be avoided for this reason as saturated and trans fats (which are not in crab legs) have a far more negative impact on blood cholesterol levels.

Rich in Omega-3 Fat

Most of the fat in a king crab leg is heart-healthy unsaturated fat (.2 gram of monounsaturated fat and 0.7g of polyunsaturated fat). King crab is rich in a class of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids known for their health benefits and found in all seafood: omega-3 fatty acids. One serving provides 614mg of omega-3 fatty acids, making it an excellent food source for this nutrient. According to the American Heart Association, omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and help prevent low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol from adhering to artery walls.

Good Food Source of Vitamins

Like other types of seafood, king crab legs are nutrient-dense, making them a healthy food choice. They are a good food source of vitamin C, offering 10.2g per serving, or 13.5 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), 68.3mcg of folate, or 17 percent of the RDA and a whopping 15.4 mcg of vitamin B12, or more than 200 percent of the RDA. Vitamin C aids in wound healing and strengthens the immune system, and folate and vitamin B12 are important for red blood cell formation, among other functions.

Excellent Food Source of Minerals

King crab legs are an excellent food source of magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc and copper. One leg offers 84mg of magnesium, or 20 percent of the RDA; 375mg of phosphorus, or more than 50 percent of the RDA; 53.5mcg of selenium and 10.2mg of zinc, nearly 100 percent of the RDA for each; and 1.6mg of copper, or about 75 percent of the RDA. These minerals perform a variety of functions in the body, including red blood cell and protein formation, bone health, and immune system function. Unfortunately, king crab legs are high in sodium because they are a salt-water species. One leg contain more than 1,400mg of sodium, so those watching their sodium intake should eat king crab legs with caution.

Health Benefits of Crab Meat

Crab meat is the edible portion of crabs, and is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world. Although it is often consumed as a main course, it can also add flavor to soups, salads and dips. Crab meat is valued for its succulent and sweet taste.

Common Sources of Crab Meat

There are many known varieties of crabs; however, not all crabs are safe to eat. Those that are fit to be eaten include Blue crabs, Dungeness crabs and King crabs. Blue crabs are marketed soon after their molting period, that is, when the shell is still soft. Dungeness crabs are large crabs with pink and juicy meat. King crabs are extremely large, weighing about 5 kg, but only the legs and claws are usually eaten.

Benefits of Eating Crab Meat

The price of crab meat is relatively high in countries where crabs are not abundant. Therefore, not everyone can afford to buy crab meat and enjoy its delectable taste. Crab meat, however, is very nutritious. Like red meat, crab meat contains nutrients that are essential to the body. Unlike red meat, however, crab meat is low in fat and calories.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid Source: Crab meat contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids are known to lower triglycerides, increase the supply of HDL or good cholesterol, prevent blood clotting and strengthen resistance to infections.
  • Rich in Proteins, but Free from Carbohydrates: One serving of crab contains 20g protein. This makes crab meat a good alternative to tuna fish. If you are trying to get enough protein, but worry about gaining weight in return, eating crabs is a good choice. Crab meat is carbohydrate free, which is why it is a good diet food if you are trying to lose weight, build muscles, or have diabetes.
  • Natural Source of Some Vitamins and Minerals: Crab meat contains high amounts of vitamin B12, which is crucial for normal and healthy brain and nervous system function. Vitamins A (for good eyesight) and C (for proper growth and development), and other B vitamins such as thiamine (B1, for conversion of carbohydrates into energy), riboflavin (B2, for the manufacture of red blood cells) and niacin (B3, for proper digestion) can also be found in crab meat. The minerals found in crab meat include potassium (for healthy cells), sodium (for blood pressure regulation), phosphorus (for strong teeth and bones) and calcium (for overall health maintenance).
  • Low Mercury Content: You may avoid eating crab meat because of the fact that seafood contains high levels of mercury. Crab meat, however, is actually low in mercury, making it safe to eat.
  • Low Caloric and Fat Content: Crab meat is a highly recommended food for losing weight. A 4 oz. serving of crab meat contains only 98 calories and less than 2g of fat. This also makes crab meat an excellent food for a healthy heart.

Health Benefits of Orange

The orange is one of the most common and popular fruit. It is well-liked because of its easy availability all year round, dense nutrition, and it tastes good.

Oranges are round citrus fruits ranging in diameter from about 2 to 3 inches, with finely texturized skins that are orange in color.

Its pulp is also orange in color and very succulent, surrounded by its skin which can vary in thickness depending on its variety.

There are oranges that are sweet, bitter and sour, so you'll need to know the variety you're buying. The sweet variety are usually more fragrant. They include Valencia, Navel and Jaffa oranges which are ideal for making juices.

In the orange family, there are also the Mandarin oranges (with loose skin), Clementine (loose skin and seedless), the tangerine (orange-red Mandarin), the Minneola (cross between tangerine and grapefruit), the blood orange that has dark burgundy colored flesh, kumquat, and a few other lesser known ones.

The Mandarin oranges are especially popular with the Chinese as the word "orange" in Chinese sounds like "gold" or "good luck". Come the Lunar New Year, the Chinese buy oranges by the boxes to be given away to express good wishes for the new year.

Nutritional Benefits

Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids. One orange (130 grams) supplies nearly 100 percent of the recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin C.

When you eat a whole orange, it provides good dietary fiber. Leave in the albedo (the white matter under the peel) as much as possible as the albedo contains the highest amount of valuable bioflavonoids and other anti-cancer agents.

In addition, oranges are a good source of vitamin A, the B vitamins, amino acids, beta-carotene, pectin, potassium, folic acid, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, manganese, chlorine and iron.

Health Benefits

An orange packs over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids, many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and blood clot inhibiting properties, as well as strong anti-oxidant effects.

The combination of the high amount of anti-oxidant (vitamin C) and flavonoids in oranges makes it one of the best fruits in helping to promote optimal health.

Arteriosclerosis: Regularly consuming vitamin C retards the development of hardening of the arteries.

Cancer prevention: A compound in oranges called liminoid, has been found to help fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. The high vitamin C content also acts as a good anti-oxidant that protects cells from damages by free radicals.

Cholesterol: The alkaloid synephrine found under the orange peel can reduce the liver's production of cholesterol. Whereas the anti-oxidant fights oxidative stress that is the main culprit in oxidizing the LDLs in our blood.

Constipation: Even though the orange "tastes acidic", it actually has an alkaline effect in the digestive system and helps stimulate the digestive juices, relieving constipation.

Damaged sperm, repair: An orange a day is sufficient for a man to keep his sperm healthy. Vitamin C, an anti-oxidant, protects sperm from genetic damage that may cause a birth defect.

Heart disease: A high intake of flavonoids and vitamin C has been known to halve the risk of heart diseases.

High blood pressure: Studies have shown that a flavonoid called hesperidin in oranges can lower high blood pressure.

Immune system: The strong content of vitamin C stimulates white cells to fight infection, naturally building a good immune system.

Kidney stones, prevent: Drinking orange juice daily can significantly drop the risk of formation of calcium oxalate stones in the kidney.

Skin: The anti-oxidant in orange help protect the skin from free radical damage known to cause signs of aging.

Stomach ulcer: Consuming vitamin C rich foods helps to lower the incidence of peptic ulcers and in turn, reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

Viral infections, protection against: The abundance of polyphenols have been shown to provide protection against viral infections.

Consumption Tips

Choose oranges that are firm and heavy for their size. This indicates that they are full of juice. Lighter fruit has more skin and drier pulp indicating less juice.

Oranges make good snack - just peel and enjoy, especially the loose skin varieties.

To extract most juice from oranges, always juice them when they are at room temperature. Rolling them under the palm of your hand on a flat surface will also help extract more juice.

Vitamin C gets destroyed fast when exposed to the air, so eat up an orange quickly once cut up. Do not leave the juice exposed for too long to preserve optimal nutrients.

Oranges can be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks or stored loosely in the refrigerator. Do not store wrapped to prevent moisture and mold.


No doubt oranges have many health benefits, always remember to eat in moderation. Excessive consumption of any citrus juices can leach calcium from the body system, causing decay of the bones and teeth.

Although we often don't eat orange peel in significant quantity, it is good to know that citrus peels contain some oils that may interfere with the effects of vitamin A.

Feb 12, 2013

Health Benefits of Ampalaya

Ampalaya the well known name vege in Philippines  is also Bitter Melon, and is sometime called the Bittergourd: This tropical plant which goes by many names, is commonly grown for its edible fruit, which is probably among the most bitter of all vegetables on earth.

Bitter gourd predominantly grows in tropical areas, including parts of Asia, East Africa, the Caribbean, and South America, where it is used both as food as well as a medicine. The plant's fruit truly lives up to its name, because it really tastes bitter. Although the seeds, leaves, and vines of this fruit have different uses, the fruit is considered as the safest and most predominantly used part of the plant in traditional herbal medicine.

Ampalaya Is Now Used In Herbal Medicine

Until recently, bitter gourd has been noted to be a potent herbal medicine for a lot of ailments, particularly in treating diabetes. The Philippine variety is known for its more potent anti-diabetic components.

This fruit is composed of a mixture of flavonoids and alkaloids which make the pancreas produce insulin that controls the blood sugar levels in diabetics. Aside from its touted medicinal value, it's also a very wonderful source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium. Ampalaya is a common herb used in Chinese herbology too.

The fruit's leaves are often used for children's coughs and are utilized in the treatment of skin diseases, sterility in women, as a parasiticide, an antipyretic, as well as a purgative. Like most bitter-tasting fruits and vegetables, bitter gourd stimulates digestion and can be very potent in people with dyspepsia and constipation.

Herbal Benefits of Ampalaya:

Ampalaya is noted to be an effective component in herbal medicine, and the fruit is known to help treat, or alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism and gout and ailments of the spleen and liver. It also is effective in helping lower the body's blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Below are among many of the beneficial aspects of using bitter gourd:
  • Helps to disinfect and heal cuts, wounds & burns
  • Is useful as a cough & fever remedy
  • Used in the treatment of intestinal worms and diarrhea
  • Helps prevent some types of cancers
  • Helps enhance the body's immune system to ward off infections
  • Serves as an effective antioxidant, antibacterial & antipyretic agent
How To Prepare A Herbal Ampalaya Mixture.

As the bitter fruit is famous for its many medicinal attributes, there are also other unique ways in preparing mixtures, drinks or solutions made from ampalaya. For cough, fever, worms, diarrhea, diabetes, drink a spoonful every day of grounded and juiced ampalaya leaves. For other health conditions, the fruit and leaves can both be juiced and taken orally. For wounds, burns and other skin diseases, you may apply the fruit's warmed leaves to the affected area.

Aside from the benefits mentioned above, bitter gourd is also an effective digestive agent that works by properly stimulating the secretion of gastric juices. It also aids in stimulating the liver for proper secretion of bile juices that are essential for the metabolism of body fat.

Taking juice made from bitter gourd also helps in the treatment of constipation, which is mainly caused by unhealthy eating habits and daily dietary practices. This fruit not only is good at relieving an indigestive condition, but also aids in treating constipation, by improving the movement of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as improving absorption in the intestines.

Feb 6, 2013

Vitamins That Eliminate Acne Effectively

Although new sophisticated methods for acne treatment such as laser therapy have been developed to reduce those acne blemishes, there are natural inexpensive ways to manage and even eliminate acne effectively. Vitamins form an integral part of the human skin. Therefore, deficiency in these nutrients can cause a wide range of skin disorders such as acne. Ensuring adequate intake of vitamins for acne control targets the underlying cause and guarantees acne free skin within a short span of time.

Best Vitamins for Acne Control

In order to get that beautiful complexion, doctors often mention to follow a diet rich in vitamins for acne free skin. Consume natural sources of vitamins daily and the acne will soon vanish. Information about acne control using vitamins is provided below:

Vitamin A

Whether it is to control or prevent acne, vitamin A can certainly contribute in many ways to manage this skin problem effectively. Synthesis of skin building compounds like collagen (a type of protein) is dependent on vitamin A. No wonder, topical application or oral intake of retinoids (compounds derived from vitamin A) can work wonders to subside severe forms of acne. There is little doubt that vitamin A plays a crucial role to control and heal acne. So, if you want your pimples to clear away quickly, opting for vitamin A for acne treatment is definitely recommended.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5, also referred to as pantothenic acid also comes in the list of vitamins for acne control. Vitamin B5 acne treatment is yet another powerful tool to relieve acne. Vitamin B5 works to reduce production of sebum (oil), thereby helping to control acne. Even doctors recommend the use of vitamin B5 to combat acne (pantothenic acid for acne) and improve the appearance of the skin.

Vitamin B1

Is the list of vitamins for acne control limited to only vitamin A and B5? Absolutely not! Vitamin B1 (thiamine) also has acne fighting properties and can certainly stop acne from aggravating. Thiamine, being an antioxidant helps to reduce the impact of free radicals on the skin as well as eliminates toxins from the body, which promotes a smoother, acne free skin.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is also important to maintain healthy skin. Studies have also proved that vitamin B2 can make a person susceptible to skin disorders including acne. Also, too much stress can worsen acne, thus making it difficult to manage it properly. Adequate vitamin B2 intake is an easy way to reduce stress, thereby helping to fight acne successfully.

Vitamin B3

Talking about vitamins for acne control and it would be foolish not to mention about vitamin B3 (nicotinamide). The inflammation and the acne spots (whiteheads, papules and blackheads) associated with this skin disorder, respond quite well to vitamin B3 treatment.

Vitamin B6

Hormonal imbalance which is more common in women also gives rise to acne. Research has shown that vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) assists in regulating hormone levels in our body. So, in case skin problems like acne are a result of hormonal changes, doctors suggest to increase vitamin B6 consumption to restore hormonal balance. This in turn contributes to reducing acne considerably.

Vitamin B9

Skin disorders associated with a diet lacking in vitamin B9 (folic acid) can manifest in the form of acne. A person with vitamin B9 deficiency is bound to suffer from acne sooner or later. Vitamin B9 assists in regeneration of healthy skin cells, which can help to improve acne.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also equipped with properties that help to keep acne under control. The process of healing acne may take a backseat in case the person is deficient in vitamin C. Vitamin C is crucial to maintain production of collagen (proteins that keep the skin elastic and firm). Being an antioxidant, it rejuvenates the skin and reduces the harmful effects of free radicals. In order to accelerate recovery from acne, adequate vitamin C is a must.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E acts as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Be it protection from UV light or increasing the softness of the skin, vitamin E does everything to improve the skin's health. Considering the benefits of vitamin E on the skin, taking it orally or in topical form can benefit in reducing acne.

Following a healthy well-balanced diet provides all the acne vitamins and is considered to be the best way to include vitamins for acne control in your daily meals. For severe forms of acne (cystic acne), a diet alone may not be enough to reduce the appearance of those embarrassing blemishes. So, in addition to a diet, taking vitamin supplements internally or applying lotions containing these nutrients as instructed by the doctor (excess doses can harm the skin) can be a good remedy to alleviate acne symptoms.