Nov 30, 2013

MyBro Green Packet DV235T Stock Firmware Update Help

Recently I have posted about SmartBro new product that they wanted to promote the myBro aka "Abot kaya wireless home broadband" the 4G WiMAX wireless internet that uses the Green Packet CPE model DV235T. What I do not know is that this 4G wireless modem router device has been already tweaked silently almost a year done by many forumers and it has just leak this few weeks by SB netizen that stock firmware updates have been compromised and leak the links to Google.

With my curiosity to have also the updates whom I wish to be able to tweak my donated DV235T I'll keep on searching until I stumble upon to the source. There are at least two (2) Green Packet stock firmware for myBro DV235T that has been seeded online one is for free (web_update-3_5G-v2.10.14-g.1.0.5-gp.tar.gz) and the other is you must have to pay (web_update_v2.10.14-g.1.0.4-gp.tar.gz) whom I paid it for U$35 via remote update and the only copy I have is on the Chips itself of Hynix H27U1G8F2BTR since I badly needed it the only option of mine is "take it or leave it".

After my DV235T has been updated remotely here how it looks like, you can check on my other post the details of the Green Packet stock firmware v2.10.14-g.1.0.4-gp. The most interesting here is the Hardware model:WIXFMM-144 and also the Frequency range:2300000KHz~2400000KHz, 2490000KHz~2700000KHz. Make sure before you upgrade to any updates of your device firmware you have a screenshot for your reference and for your comparison. If you go back to the myBro Smart customized firmware v2.10.14-g1.0.7-smart here's how it looks like.

It only shows that Green Packet stock firmware v2.10.14-g.1.0.4-gp is the right firmware updates for the myBro DV-235T 4G WiMAX wireless broadband modem router because it is for Hardware model:WIXFMM-144. In addition, the  Frequency range:2490000KHz~2700000KHz is also being added. 

On the other hand, going here to the free Green Packet stock firmware (web_update-3_5G-v2.10.14-g.1.0.5-gp.tar.gz) you will notice that the updates or firmware is for CPE Hardware model:WIXFMM-129,  likewise taking a look closely to the Frequency range:3300000KHz~3600000KHz obviously the firmware will not suite to the myBro DV235T. It may or may not work perfectly because of mismatch hardware model and firmware updates. As I have tested with the given above firmware the myBro Green Packet DV235T will not bricked  as you can see I have the screenshot of it. There are three (3) issue I have found out using this firmware, one the WiMAX LED signal has strong indicator or very high though if you open you GUI on RSSI is most likely the same dBm with ver.04. Second is the the trade off, your built-in WiFi signal is getting weaker. Third, it can connect but unstable, you will be facing frequent disconnection so there is no used of upgrading to this stock firmware (web_update-3_5G-v2.10.14-g.1.0.5-gp.tar.gz) you will be having a headache definitely.

Since I DO NOT have the stock firmware in me or I can't get any firmware online because of no one is willing to seed it. The only remedy is on the Chips Hynix H27U1G8F2BTR using NAND flasher/programmer (I/you) can copy the raw firmware but can not use it via GUI upgrade only thru TSOP48 write it directly to the NAND Flash memory to be able for you/your myBro aka DV235T work it perfectly with out worries on changing the WAN MAC address, disconnection, WiFi weak signal etc....

Hope this article will help those netizen have upgrade their myBro Green Packet DV235T 4G WiMAX wireless modem router with the wrong firmware.

Nov 29, 2013

Building the ProASIC 3 nano FPGA board

After a busy week spent traveling for work and a morning digging out from a surprise snowstorm, I had a great weekend with my family. It was Sunday night before I heated up the soldering iron and got down to business building the ProASIC 3 nano FPGA board.

I started with the toughest component, the FPGA. Its central location and low height means that I will have an easier time accessing it before other components are mounted. That is not likely to be a big problem for this board, with plenty of space around the chip, but I would still prefer not to have to work around the filter capacitors if I can avoid it. On the other hand, its 100 pins and 0.5 mm pin pitch makes it far and away the most difficult soldering job on the PCB.

Getting the FPGA placed was tougher than I expected. Pins a half a millimeter apart are about a quarter of a millimeter wide and need to be aligned even more finely. Getting them lined up on all four sides of the chip took plenty of patience. With the chip misaligned, the silver pins and gold circuit board pads brightly threw back the light from my magnifier, but as I carefully and gently slid the chip around, darkness would suddenly emerge as the pins and pads aligned and the dark purple PCB shone through. Then I would line up another side of the chip, only to see the first side gleaming its misalignment at me once again.

Eventually patience won out, and all four sides were lined up. I gingerly tacked two corners in place, checked the alignment again, and began to solder, starting with one of the corners I tacked. As the solder holding that corner liquefied, the chip turned and my careful alignment was lost. I removed the heat, the solder solidified, and I could see the mess I had made:

Solder wick will not fix it, because there is solder under the pins where solder wick will not go. The best option for removing the chip is hot air. Sadly, my built-in supply is inadequate for soldering duty, so I will have to borrow a heat gun or hot-air soldering rig.

I like to follow the rule of never designing in a component I can not afford two of, so I started again with board number two and FPGA number two. After the requisite patient fiddling to get it all lined up, the soldering went smoothly, and I had a cleanly attached chip:

Some quick probing with an ohmmeter did not reveal any shorts between neighboring pins, but I need to make a thorough check and clean up the flux residue before I pronounce it done.

Laen’s PCB Order sent three boards, but for now I am keeping the third one in reserve. Mouser did not have the A3PN250 FPGA when I ordered parts, so I settled for the A3PN250Z, a lower-cost version that lacks Schmitt trigger inputs. Also, though I did not design the board with them in mind, there are other Actel Microsemi FPGAs with a similar pinout that may fit it. Leaving the third board unbuilt will keep my options open for later.

I have a few things on my agenda now. I think I know where I can borrow a heat gun, so with luck I can clean up the first board and recover its errant FPGA. Of course, I am also looking forward to mounting the rest of the parts on the second board and firing it up.

Look for a new feature on the blog next week. Until then, happy soldering!

Nov 28, 2013


I have a CECH 2051b with progskeet installed. I followed a tutorial called noobs guide to downgrade from 3.7x. (found here) ... kmeaw-cfw/

My console was running kmeaws 3.55 when it was updated by a child. I had enough soldering skills to get the install done but ran into problems with flashing.

I started by Dumping 4 different nor dumps from my JSD-001 with spansion and then followed the instructions to patch with transplant+ v1 then import to flow rebuilder and flashed finished patch file. It flashed to 100 percent, but with many errors on verification. (Used winskeet4000 on WIN7 ULTIMATE N) Would have used xp but could not get progskeet to recognize in virtual box.

After this flash I waited 30 minutes and the PS never rebooted. I finally pulled plug and reboot back to a black screen only. Green power light when turned on but black screen and no access to FSM. I tried to flash original dump back on it and got same results so I decided it must be the flash side of the progskeet. My wires were long so I decided to de-solder everything, shorten the wires and start over. Now I have re-soldered and tried rebooting and only get three beeps when I press power. If I press the eject button the fan comes on and stays on but still will not power the progskeet.

Has anyone run into this problem or found a way out of it? why would the system stop powering on now completely? Any help would be appreciated.

Couple of install pics.....

Need to be done before patching and trying anything else as follows:

1- make at least 5 dumps of the original NOR image
2- compare the dumps to check if you have a proper reading
3- extract the dump using flowrebuilder to see if it's valid as a first check.
4- check the dump well following the steps and details on PS3DevWiki. ---> Validating the Dump
5- once you are sure you have a 100% valid dump, you must flash it back to PS3 NOR to ensure you also have a stable/reliable writing method/setup ---> Test Report Table

If all this worked fine, you can proceed to patch the NOR dump using the Simplified Downgrade V2 method ( also found on PS3DevWiki with the patches to use ) --> NOR patching
No more need for the "transplante" software in Simplified Downgrade V2, the tutorial you followed seems to be still using the very first method Downgrade V1.

Now your PS3 is not booting because it doesn't have a valid image flashed in the NOR, you mentioned that writing had verification errors so probably your writing method was not stable,
also I would like to mention here that many times the very old version of Progskeet Flasher works much better then the latest winskeet released.

Here's the link to the old Flasher I use for Flashing the NOR image back into PS3 ----> ProgSkeet 110819 Flasher

You can also see the successful results from the table linked here ---> Test Report Table

Also for more help you can join our IRC channel on Efnet called: #ps3downgrade where lot of guys are willing to help you in detail to solve your problem and get the PS3 working fine again, most of the discussions and help about downgrading is going in that channel... (#Ps3downgrade)

Nov 27, 2013

myBro DV235T Green Packet Stock Firmware Snap Review

Recently I have just upgrade my 4G WiMAX wireless modem router myBro DV235T to Green Packet stock firmware. I just wanted to share this review using the default factory firmware instead the PLDT/Smart ISP customized firmware that has very limited user level privileges. Using the firmware v2.10.14-g1.0.4-gp you will be able to do what ever you wanted to do such as changing the WAN MAC address, port forwarding, DMZ etc.

What I love most having the stock firmware of Green Packet is that you are the admin, the root, the administrator of the device, you can customized your settings and your configuration without limits.

Here's just few of the screenshot taken by me that I wanted to share to all my guest, my commenter and likewise to those who eagerly wanted to tweak their new toy aka myBro DV235T.

This screenshot was grab from my Asus lappy, it only shows that myBro DV235T has been successfully change its WAN MAC address on this Green Packet stock firmware. All menus and sub-menu are now available, you can do what ever you want with your setting likewise configuration.

If you hate using the username and password as "admin" then you can now choose whatever username and password you wish, NTP server also is visible to edit if you need to synchronize you this CPE to other machine for special purposes it is now possible.

Your account is no longer locked by your ISP you can manually select the authentication of your username and password, setting the frequency  for best performance and optimizing your allotted bandwidth are even more possible that is if you want to test the 4G network in you area if you are really covered by many ISPs.

Tweakers will love this section since most of the sub-menus were being omitted on the customized myBro firmware, torrenting will play big role for those who are fun of downloading movies. You are all granted to port forward any ports inbound and outbound for any of your applications.

Protect and manage your 4G WiMAX wireless modem router CPE being updated the firmware over the air (OTA) by the system, deny or accept by enabling or disabling it. Not to mention other stuff such as SNMP, OMA-DM, Log, Ping if you want to test your connectivity to your ISP server. Upgrade and Recovery is also available to your to restore and upgrade with other firmware to the DV235T.

This features are not available on Huawei 4G WiMAX wireless broadband modem router, the Green Packet DV235T is capable of being a client and a server such as PPTP likewise L2TP, IPSEC or IP security is also added in this feature. Hopefully I could add the command line interface (cli) screenshot for the telnet and the ssh on my next post.

Nov 26, 2013

How-To MyBro DV-235T Green Packet Firmware Upgrade

First of all I would like to thanks Joker a friend from Visayas the person who donated me this myBro 4G WiMAX wireless modem router which is equip with WLAN unlike the Huawei CPEs that don't have. The "myBro wireless home broadband Dito tayo @ home" is the new product of   SmartBro that has been reBranded to myBro and uses Green Packet of Malaysia CPEs such as DV235T for indoor unit, OX230 for outdoor unit and the U series shuttle UH235 MiFi  portable modem.

If you have subscribed the promo of My Bro Abot Kaya 499 from PLDT and Smart recently then you probably will be so lucky and you will have also this device the myBro DV235T on your desk now. But unfortunately if you wanted to tweak this 4G wireless modem make some changes on the configuration such as port forwarding or fun of torrenting that needs administrator rights then you will be in trouble because the firmware is customized by Smart ISP. Inshort all subscriber of the Smart Telcos has limited access to their 4G WiMAX wireless broadband modem. You have to used the myBro DV235T as it is because no one ever leak the root username password or the admin username password, the only alternative is to upgrade this CPE with the Green Packet firmware v2.10.14-g1.0.4-gp to gain the administrative privileges.

So here's how-to Do-It-Yourself, first open any web browser and point to which is the default web graphical user interface (gui) IP address. Login with the default username and password as "smart" without quote.

After you have login navigate to the Menu Management then click the sub-menu Upgrade browse or locate were the Green Packet firmware you have saved and upload it on to the myBro DV235T CPE.

Upon clicking the Upload button the myBro Green Packet DV235T will show up a progress bar it will indicate that the firmware is being written wait until it finish. The CPE will reboot automatically in 60 seconds you will be prompted again with login page.

You will notice now the login page is no longer the myBro logo instead it is the greenpacket already which is the factory default firmware, another this is the default IP address for the web gui its and no longer so if set your PC as static IP address you must change it to DHCP otherwise you will be able to access the DV235T.

To be able to login the Green Packet DV235T after upgrading the firmware, the username and password is still "smart" as of the moment since we didn't save it yet permanently to the NAND flash memory Hynix H27U1G8F2BTR. Next navigate to Management menu, go to Recovery sub-menu and then  click Factory Default to make the firmware changes permanently.

The modem will then reboot automatically in 60 seconds again, you can now login with the default username and password as "admin" likewise when using the command line interface (cli) via telnet or ssh. The changes of tweaking the the myBro DV235T is now 101% possible, not only that even changing the MAC address of this CPE is even more applicable. Additionally you will now have the full access and full control of your 4G WiMAX wireless modem router with limitless privileges.

If you have you this kind of 4G WiMAX CPE in you and have doubt or hesitant to do so, feel free to comment just leave your message I will answer your queries. Enjoy!

Nov 25, 2013

Top 10 Sexiest Notorious Female Hackers

Hacking, the art of writing computer code, and manipulating computer hardware has traditionally kept men at the top of the field, and that is why many are surprised to hear that there are a handful of women that have found a place in this world. It remains an evolving, multi-billion dollar industry as some hackers are often blamed for causing irreparable damage while others are simultaneously credited for some of the biggest breakthroughs in technology. No matter what a hacker may be, they are known for their resourcefulness and their knowledge of complex theory, so here is a closer look at ten of the most notorious female hackers and the impact that they have had on the world.

10. Raven Adler

Often recognized as one of the most gifted and intelligent hackers in the world, Raven Adler graduated high school at just 14 and got her college degree at 18. As a frequent speaker at hacking and software conferences, Adler was also the first female to ever give a presentation at DefCon, one of the world’s most prestigious gathering of hackers. When asked about her appearance at DefCon, she often replies that she would like to be known for her work, not for being a female in the field. Currently, Adler specializes in securing data from end-to-end, and this has made her invaluable to both private and public organizations looking to protect sensitive information. She now works as a senior security consultant for a number of companies and continues to give lectures and regularly publish her work in industry magazines. She also works closely alongside a number of federal firms in an effort to secure their online databases.

9. Adeanna Cooke

Most of the world recognizes Adeanna Cooke as an international model regularly featured in Playboy, but her fans are often surprised to hear that she is also a well-established hacker and amateur computer programmer. With very little in the way of training, Cooke taught herself the basics of hacking and often uses it to further her modeling career. When her images were illegally used to make money by her long-time partner, Cooke took on the project of protecting her images and hacked the website to remove all of the stolen property. After this event Cooke was named “Hacker Fairy” and found her calling within the hacking industry. She now helps professional models and other women from being taken advantage of online.

8. Gigabyte

While many of the top female hackers are known for their legal work within the security sector, Gigabyte is on the opposite end of the spectrum. Her real name is Kim Vanvaeck and she was born and raised in Belgium. She is believed to have been the sole creator or primary creator of a number of high-end viruses including Coconut-A, Sahay-A, and Sharp-A meant to target hardware with sensitive information. Unlike many other viruses that were meant to steal private information in order to make money, these viruses were used to destroy the information itself. Law enforcement agencies have tried to paint her as a woman that is seeking notoriety in a field that is dominated by men, and Gigabyte’s name was traced to hundreds of viruses throughout the years. Recently, Vanvaeck was arrested just outside of her hometown of Mechelon near Brussels but was released within 24 hours on bail. She is currently accused of stealing and destroying private data and is facing 3 years in prison and over 100,000 Euros in fines.

7. Xiao Tian

After feeling female hackers had little outlet for their interest in technology, Xiao Tian created the renowned hacking group China Girl Security Team. Still a teenager, Tian quickly expanded the group to just over 2,200 members, all of which were female girls looking for a community in which they would feel welcome. This female hacking organization now has ties to some of the most infamous hacking groups throughout the world and has become one of the largest Chinese-based hacking groups. As with most well-known and outspoken groups of this nature, Xiao Tian and the rest of China Girl Security Team continue to receive attention from national and international police organizations due to their activities.

6. Kristina Vladimirovna Svechinskaya

Without question, Krisina Svechinskaya remains one of the most well-known names in hacking. This Russian hacker is also a top-notch New York University student, but most will recognize her from a string of high-end hacking jobs that have potentially resulted in millions of dollars lost. Specializing in the use of Trojan horses, Svechinskaya attacked thousands of bank accounts, most within the United States, and then created a series of fake accounts through both Bank of America and Wachovia. She then utilized nine other people to create fake passports, but was finally caught and is now under threat of multiple charges. Overall, some authorities estimate that she stole $3 million in as little as a few months.

5. Jude Milhon

Before passing away in 2003, Jude Milhon was a hacker and author best known under the pseudonym St. Jude. She began her career as a computer programmer in 1967 working with some of the earliest incarnations of the internet. As time went on, she began her slow transition into the life of a hacker and eventually started the hacking group Cypherpunks, not to be confused with cyberpunks. Milhon was one of the primary activists that stated hacking was nothing more than bringing out the potential of software and continued to lobby against all those that believed hacking was nothing more than a criminal act. Throughout her life she wrote book after book as well as contributed to a number of magazines within both the hacking industry and the computer programming industry.

4. Ying Cracker

When it comes to the world of female hackers, Ying Cracker can be seen as the professor that gives students their first taste of this unique field. Often referring to herself as an educator, Ying Cracker is a resident of Shanghai and believes that hacking is a useful skill that can be learned by anyone. This is why she has released multiple publications that teach introductory skills for hacking. Generally aimed at a younger crowd, Cracker helps students with information such as how to change one’s IP address or even scramble their personal passwords. Originally noticed on a message board for her looks, Ying Cracker has set out to convince the world that female hackers can add quite a bit to this field. As her primary form of income, she now offers free courses as well as tailor-made software to private and public organizations that would like to protect their sensitive data. She also offers paid courses for those that would like to move beyond the basics of hacking and get into high-end software development.

3. Joanna Rutkowska

Joanna Rutkowska is further proof that not all hackers are bad, and few specialists have done more for operating system security than this notorious hacker. Most widely regarded for her work with Windows Vista, Rutkowska shocked the world in the August 2006 Black Hat Briefing Convention in Las Vegas. In front of a crowd, Rutkowska demonstrated two simple methods for hacking into the Windows Vista beta. She also revealed a Blue Pill technique that allowed her to transfer a running operating system onto a virtual machine well before the worldwide use of virtual machines and virtual servers within the private sector. Named as one of the ‘Five Hackers who Put a Mark on 2006,’ this Polish hacker now helps customers with her international security firm. She continues to give lectures at conferences and works closely with some of the biggest software and hardware designers in the industry including Windows.

2. Natasha Grigori

Known simply as Natasha Grigori, a name partially taken from Bullwinkle’s nemesis in the classic children’s cartoon, very little information has been revealed to the world about this famous hacker. Her career as a hacker begun in the 1980s but she did not receive fame until the early 1990s with a bulletin-board website for amateur programmers and hackers. With this site, she helped others share, release, and hack various forms of software, but she found another calling in the late 1990s when she founded, also known as ACPO and Anti-Child Porn Organization. This website has become one of the largest crusaders against online child pornography and countless hackers utilize techniques learned from Grigori to help law enforcement agencies find and prosecute distributors. One of Grigori’s largest projects was centered on software that will automatically glean information from tens of thousands of suspected URLs and track those that are sending and receiving data with those websites. She has stated that once completed, the fully-developed software will then be shared with the authorities for finding and prosecuting criminals. Unfortunately, Natasha Grigori lost her battle with a severe illness on November 11, 2005, but ACPO has been left behind as a viable and effective organization that continues to operate today.

1. Susan Headley

With her career stretching back decades, Susan Headley has undergone her fair share of nicknames including both Susy Thunder and Susan Thunder. Going all the way back to 1970s, Headley was one of the first females to join one of the most renowned hacking groups in history, Cyberpunks. Throughout the 1970s and 80s, this organization continued to advance the field of hacking and created some of the most common tactics that are still used today. Over time, Headley created her own offshoot organization known as the Roscoe Gang, but she eventually gave up her hacking career to move to Las Vegas and become a professional poker player. In a twist that very few professional hackers undergo, Headley decided that she was ready for public office, even in a minor position, and was elected as the City Clerk in California City in 1994.

Nov 24, 2013

Miccrosoft 1 Million Xbox-One Sales in Less Than 24 Hours

Microsoft Corporation has announced that it has sold more than 1 million of new Xbox One units within 24 hours. The new console has set a record for first day Xbox sale. Xbox One has been launched in 13 countries world-wide. Microsoft calls it the biggest launch in Xbox history.

Company said that Xbox One has already been sold out at more of the retailers. Company also promised to replenish stock as fast as possible.

“We are humbled and grateful for the excitement of Xbox fans around the world,” said Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President of Marketing and Strategy, Xbox. “Seeing thousands of excited fans lined up to get their Xbox One and their love for gaming was truly a special moment for everyone on the Xbox team. We are working hard to create more Xbox One consoles and look forward to fulfilling holiday gift wishes this season.”

At the time of launch, 22 titles are available for Xbox One including 10 exclusive games. Microsoft has also revealed some stats about the games played on Xbox one so far. According to company, Xbox One users have:
  • Killed more than 60 million zombies in Dead Rising 3
  • Driven more than 3.6 million miles in Forza Motorsport 5
  • Completed more than 7.1 million combos in Killer Instinct
  • Defeated more than 8.5 million enemies in Ryse: Son of Rome
  • Earned more than 43.3 million Fit Points in Xbox Fitness
Xbox One comes with better gaming experience, TV, Skype, Sports, Fitness, Music and much more in one gaming device in you living room. You can also control it by giving voice command.

Few days back, Sony has also claimed to sell 1 million PS 4 in 24 hours. It seems that gaming console market is going to have tough competition.

Nov 23, 2013

Light Fidelity : The Future Wireless Internet using a Light Bulb called Li-Fi

Scientists at Shanghai's Fudan University have created a one-watt light bulb that provides access to wireless internet.Using a technology called Li-Fi, or light fidelity, the prototype created by the scientists is claimed to be an affordable and efficient alternative to existing means.

According to Chi Nan, an information technology professor with the university, four computers were found to be able to connect easily to the internet when kept near the Li-Fi bulb.

The use of light frequency enables all computers to connect simultaneously. The Li-Fi bulb, featuring a microchip, generates around 150 mbps that is 20 times faster than the average connection in China. Nan also states that the current wireless signal transmission equipment is expensive and inefficient.

"As for cell phones, millions of base stations have been established around the world to strengthen the signal but most of the energy is consumed on their cooling systems," Nan told Xinhuanet.
The new technology will be showcased at the China International Industry Fair beginning on 5 November in Shanghai, where around 10 sample Li-Fi kits will be displayed.

The new bulb is seen as a cost-friendly product that can greatly help in preventing hacking of wireless signals as light cannot penetrate walls when compared to radio signals.

The development comes at a time when the Chinese are replacing incandescent bulbs with LED light bulbs.

"Wherever there is an LED light bulb, there is an internet signal," said Nan. "Turn off the light and there is no signal."

The prototype is still at a very nascent stage and it will take several tests and changes before the product is developed for commercial use. The scientists need to focus on light communication controls, microchip design and manufacturing among several other areas, according to experts.

Li-Fi is a type of visible light communication technology that delivers high-definition videos to a computer. The term was conceived by Prof Harald Haas, an expert in optical wireless communications at the University of Edinburgh, who also demonstrated the functioning of the technology in 2011.

Well, the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute is claiming that speedy data rates of up 3Gbps have are indeed feasible. The boost comes from its latest enhancements, allowing the 180Mhz frequency to be used over the usual 30MHz, which apparently leaves extra room for moving data. If you'll recall, that's a significant leap over the 800Mbps top speed it achieved back in 2011 mixing various light colors. While this IR-like take on wireless internet access gains steam, remember that it's more likely to be used in areas where WiFi radios cause interruptions (hospitals, trade shows like CES, etc.) -- rather than a strip of mini spot lights from IKEA for the casa. (We can dream, can't we?) FHHI plans to show off the new gear at FOE '13, but for now you'll find the full press release after the break. - source

Nov 20, 2013

MyBro : How-To Change MAC Green Packet DV-235T

We all know that the new product of SmartBro the "MyBro Abot Kaya Broadband" 4G WIMAX is a super secured customized firmware by Smart/PLDT ISP as of today. Saying that so its not insecured because many of us has already have tried navigating it graphical interface (gui) including the telnet portion with used of "smart" username and password account but end up with limited privileged, some of the menus are missing likewise on the command line interface (cli) if your wireless modem device is already updated with the firmware v2.10.14-g1.0.6-smart over the air (OTA) then the chances on tweaking your MyBro CPE is none of the above.

In this section, the oldest released of MyBro 4G WiMAX DV-235T that the firmware has not been updated OTA is firmware version v2.8.7.2-154 if you have this kind of CPE customized firmware by Smart/PLDT then you are all the way to be able to change the WAN MAC address of your Green Packet DV235T.

So here's the DIY on how-to change the MAC address of MyBro 4G WiMAX Green Packet DV-235T.

First, if you are not at eased with telnet utility then you can use Putty as an alternative to it you can download from here. Extract anywhere on your desktop, then login to the Web gui default address with the username and password as "admin".

Check the Network Status, take note of your current WAN MAC address in case you want to put it back just save it on a notepad. Next is open the Putty utility via SSH or Telnet the option is yours with the default IP address

Login as "admin" for the username and password its same with the web gui account.

The next thing we do is use these following commands orderly to change the WAN MAC address successfully.

wan mac
wmx freq add 2505000 10
wmx freq add 2507500 10
wmx freq add 2510000 10
wmx freq add 2602000 10
wmx freq add 2612000 10
wmx freq add 2622000 10
wmx freq add 2638000 10
wmx widescan add 2505000 2639000 1000 10

From the screenshot above we have just successfully change the WAN MAC address of MyBro 4G WiMAX Green Packet DV-235T likewise the allotted working frequency of the wireless broadband modem. Please wait the CPE will reboot, login again verify that your MyBro DV235T WAN MAC address now has totally changed.

The MyBro firmware version v2.8.7.2-154 is very rare to find since all CPEs are being updated thru TR069 over the air (OTA) by the Smart/PLDT system the chances to get this firmware is very reluctant because the person who have this don't want to leak or seed it to any forum (their business). Its not totally a hopeless for us since there is already an alternative of doing this, there is another Green Packet firmware its a stock firmware you can upload the firmware via web gui if you do not have the NAND flash programmer or write it directly with the TSOP48 socket with any alternative NAND flasher.

Dissecting MyBro 4G WiMAX Green Packet DV-235T

I have been wishing to really have on my desk bench the MyBro 4G WiMAX  aka Green Packet DV-235T until then a friend whom I only knew from this blog commenter with the extend of Facebook a guy from Visayas, we chatted rarely and not that much telling about if he has the new SmartBro product whom the Telcos always promoting the "Abot Kaya MyBro" asking him if he has a disconnected device that I wanted to dissect and experiment it. Thankfully few weeks later he offered his disconnected Mybro and donated it to me send via LBC express. Luckily the CPE arrived not long ago that is why I am having it today and posting this screenshots taken by my nephew with his iPhone 5S, I was unfortunate to take the shoots with my Canon Rebel T3 that was included the last September 09 fire crisis here in our beloved City of Flowers.

By the way if you wanted to remove the cover or open up the casing of your MyBro 4G WiMAX wireless modem router Green Packet DV235T, first of all you have to lift the sticker on the left side of it that has named  "my Bro dito na tayo @ home" there are four (4) crossheaded screws for you to be able to see the internal hardware of the CPE worry not because there is no absolutely locks.

On the left photo, here you will see that there is internal antenna for WiFi because of the antenna socket, also equip with bg 802.1 only. The above heatsink that you can see is for the transceiver it has 2Tx 2Rx aka MiMo for thermal dissipation. The MediaTek CPU MT7901 series is protected and covered by metal likewise the wireless LAN section including the system memory. Obviously downside you there is a 12pin header for the console you can also use this for JTAGging the device for special purposes like downloading and uploading the customized firmware by the ISPs.

From the right photo, there are two (2) antenna socket for WiMAX signal its MiMO aka 2Tx 2Rx, the metal covered section is the RF. You can see also the NAND Flash memory of DV235T its 48pin SMD Chips. Next is the power socket it uses 12V 1.5Amp, 1 port of RJ45 for LAN and 1 port of RJ11 for VoIP to be use for analog or traditional telephone aka POTS.

As you can see on the above screenshot its Hynix H27U1G8F2BTR a 1GB NAND Flash memory Chips were the firmware of Mybro DV-235T stored. The IC is a TSOP48 package similar to BM622m and BM623 device made by Huawei only NAND flash memory programmer can read, erase, write or reflashed this SMD Chips. Unfortunately my Minipro TL866CS will not support this type of flash memory although I have TSOP48 IC socket that will fits onto it. Perhaps the Arduino via Linux the firmware can be dump with further research.

Hopefully soon I will be posting the dumpfile of Hynix H27U1G8F2BTR for my guest and blog readers/commenters to be downloaded and examine the possibility to snipped the Administrator account or the root password instead of username and password as "smart" only.

Nov 15, 2013

Snapchat Deletes $3B Facebook Bid

Snapchat's whole premise is "now you see it, now you don't," and that might be true of the $3 billion in cold cash Facebook is said to have dangled in front of Evan Spiegel, its 23-year-old CEO. "I'm amazed at the amount that Facebook offered for Snapchat," said Asymmetric Insights analyst Alan Webber. "To me, that's absolutely incredible. Whether they're actually worth more or not, I don't know."

The furor around popular technology startups shows no sign of letting up. The latest big-money rumor centers on Snapchat, the company behind the eponymous 2-year-old smartphone messaging app that has yet to earn a cent. Its would-be suitor, Facebook, reportedly made an all-cash US$3 billion offer in recent weeks. However, Snapchat turned it down.

The offer and subsequent snub came as Snapchat reportedly was considering a potentially more lucrative deal: a $200 million round led by Chinese Internet firm Tencent Holdings that would value it at $4 billion.

Price Wasn't Right

Snapchat cofounder and CEO Evan Spiegel seems to believes the company is worth more than the $3 billion Facebook was willing to part with, and won't seriously consider a buyout or investment until early next year at the earliest, according to The Wall Street Journal , which cited sources close to the matter.

However, investor Benchmark Capital played a role in the decision to reject Facebook's offer, according to a New York Times report. Benchmark was an early investor in Instagram and apparently was disappointed when the company behind the popular photo-sharing app agreed to be acquired by Facebook for $1 billion last year.

Instagram could have found success by itself or found higher offers, in Benchmark's view. Around eight months after the Instagram sale, Benchmark made a $13 million investment in Snapchat.

Ephemeral Messages

Snapchat allows users to send ephemeral messages to each other that expire for good, typically within 10 seconds after recipients view them. In September, Snapchat users sent 350 million such messages daily -- up from 200 million in June -- according to the company.

Spiegel apparently believes there's plenty of room for growth, although Snapchat has not revealed its number of users.

"Facebook is great as a platform, but there's not a lot of real instant interactivity going on in the context of the engagement or what's taking place there," Alan Webber, technology industry analyst at Asymmetric Insights, told the E-Commerce Times. "I think Facebook is looking for other opportunities for people to engage faster and quicker. Not quite Twitter-level, but something more like instant messaging, which is what Snapchat is."

Social Media Boom

The commotion around Snapchat comes at a time when social media and smartphone messaging services are enjoying a boom in the marketplace. Twitter held its initial public offering last week and saw its stock soar 70 percent above the $26 price the company established, carrying it to a $25 billion valuation, despite its lack of profits.

Pinterest, meanwhile, last month raised $225 million for a $3.8 billion value, though it has not yet monetized its popular website.

Instagram's lack of profitability -- though it recently has started displaying ads -- didn't dissuade Facebook from snapping it up. Borrowing a page from Snapchat's playbook, Instagram last year launched Poke, an app that mimics Snapchat's key vanishing-act functionality.

The Young Crowd

Facebook may be particularly keen on Snapchat due to its popularity among young audiences, who are increasingly aware of the risks of public-facing social media to their future prospects should they post unflattering information about themselves or others.

More of Facebook's users are accessing the service through smartphones, which increases mobile ad revenue, but fewer young teens are visiting the site on a daily basis.

"As moms and dads and grandparents continue to start getting on Facebook, the kids are worried their activities are going to be seen by their parents," Gordon Owens, digital marketing professional at GO Digital WSI, told the E-Commerce Times.

"The kids in my life -- their parents have required them to be friends with them on Facebook as a caveat of them being on Facebook. I'm sure the kids are quick to adopt anything the parents haven't heard of, especially Snapchat. The whole premise is that everything you do goes away and it's not a permanent record," he noted.

"I'm amazed at the amount that Facebook offered for Snapchat," Asymmetric Insights' Webber said. "To me, that's absolutely incredible. Whether they're actually worth more or not, I don't know. It's one of these shots at a younger audience, which is what Snapchat has."

The Third Man

Snapchat is not without its controversies. The company's founders, Spiegel and CTO Bobby Murphy, as well as its investors, are being sued by Reggie Brown IV, who claims he was the third cofounder of Snapchat and was kicked out of the company by Spiegel and Murphy.

The two tried to cover up his ouster, Brown alleges.

Meanwhile, it's up for debate whether Snapchat has a real shot as a successful, independent entity in the long term.

"Facebook would be a logical move -- but the same time, when you look at some of the new technologies that are out there, Facebook is starting to get a little long in the tooth," Webber noted. It's a fairly old technology. I think [Snapchat] has to start monetizing, or they're going to have to look for a really great platform to integrate into."

Yuilop: Free to Mobile Calling and SMS

Yuilop is a peer-to-peer VoIP service that runs on your smartphone's data plan. Yuilop gives you a cloud-based, non-SIM telephone number that's dialable from the public switched telephone system; you can then make Yuilop-to-landline and mobile calls across the world. Your caller doesn't need the app. No money changes hands.

Yuilop is available for free in the Google Play Store.

I know, from correspondence that I receive, that readers of this column are pretty global, spread all over the world and in some pretty distant places. That's why I was intrigued when I came across VoIP Android app Yuilop.

Here's an app that promises to provide the hitherto unknown Holy Grail of international voice and text calling: free calls to overseas cellphones, or "mobiles" as they are called where some of you are.

Yuilop VoIP Android app

We all know about free peer-to-peer Skype-to-Skype calling, where friends and family install apps and make voice calls over a proprietary network system. We know about Google Voice, the U.S.-offered service with free U.S. domestic calls paired with its brother, the GrooveIP Android app, for full functionality on a mobile device.

We also know about permutations of the services, where it's possible to buy Skype-to-landline, or to-mobile minutes; and Google Voice international telco calling. Both are a couple of cents to a landline, and 20 or so cents to overseas mobiles.

That, in turn, is the rub. A couple of cents to a landline, who cares; for some countries, though, the 25 cents a minute at Skype and even 10 cents at Google Voice adds up.

It's not the days of the dollar-a-minute calls we saw just a few years ago, but it isn't free. And free is what Yuilop promises.

What Is It?

Yuilop is a peer-to-peer VoIP service that runs on your smartphone's data plan. Yuilop gives you a cloud-based, non-SIM telephone number that's dialable from the public switched telephone system; you can then make Yuilop-to-landline and mobile calls across the world. Your caller doesn't need the app. No money changes hands.

Topping Up

The service uses "credits" rather than cash. Credits are obtained by inviting friends to join and getting them to sign up; chatting; "top-up offers," which include downloading, installing and launching other apps; and participating in offers, which usually require you to enter personal details, like emails. Credits-gaining examples, which Yuilop calls "Energy," include 42 credits for the chance to win a free McDonald's lunch for a year -- in exchange for your email.

For perspective, mobile calls tend to vary widely, costing three credits a minute for some European countries, like France; one credit for China; and 10 credits for relatively expensive Philippines. A call to an Azerbaijan mobile via Skype would cost you US$0.30, or 22 credits with Yuilop.

Testing It Out

First up, I have to say that the call quality was excellent. I heard no static, white noise or other indications of cheapskate-ery on the calls. I was also able to successfully send a text to an overseas mobile.

Unfortunately, I have to advise of huge problems in the sign-up process, including a widely reported (by Google Play store reviewers) lack of activation code. Despite numerous e-mails to Customer Service, it took days to receive, and I still don't know where to enter the code within the app -- I am able to make calls though.

Or perhaps I should say, I'm able to make one call. I've already used up my app installing included 10 credits on a couple-of-minutes call to a European mobile and on the text I sent, which used up three credits. Additional credit for downloading and opening eBay's solid RedLaser shopping app never appeared in my account, and I don't want to eat McDonald's every lunchtime for a year, so I'm passing on the 42 additional credits, however kind, in exchange for more Yuilop calls.

The Conclusion

For U.S. mobile phone-terminating calls and texts in the U.S., free Google Voice, along with Android app GrooveIP, is the way to go.

If your calling is more global in nature and includes mobiles, you might want to spend a bit of time figuring out and configuring Yuilop. The developer claims 5 million users, so it should be doable. Free-to-mobile calling is a compelling proposition.

Want to Suggest an Android App for Review?

Is there an Android app you'd like to suggest for review? Something you think other Android users would love to know about? Something you find intriguing but aren't sure it's worth your time or money?

Linux Lite Is Heavy on Features and Usability

In a computing world distracted by distro overload, Linux Lite is a lightweight Linux OS that has no trouble handling a heavy workload.

Long gone are the days when it took hours to install and set up Linux on a computer, but most Linux distros still need a bit of configuration to adjust the massive desktop options to your liking.

Not so with Linux Lite. It is one of the few out-of-the-box experiences I have had in testing Linux distros that let me actually be up and working in under five minutes.

That is not to say I haven't spent time installing various preferred packages. That's the great beauty of using Linux. It gives users so much freedom to individualize the look and feel and choice of applications.

To its credit, Linux Lite does not install excessive numbers of programs to clutter up menus and home directories. Instead, it installs a collection of work and play packages to get you working and surfing. Rather than spend time removing or tolerating unwanted programs, users can simply add their preferred tools.

Testing That Testimony

My routine in checking out any unfamiliar Linux distro is to see how quickly the live session boots on my standard equipment. Usually, the first sign of duress is the lack of a wireless connection. The next stumbling block is usually one or more snags while installing the new distro to the test computers.

Linux Lite impressed me from the start. It loaded a live session in under 30 seconds with a prompt to enter my wireless connection credentials. I liked its speedy responsiveness when loading files from the DVD. I liked its fresh look and uncluttered design.

Linux Lite won me over when it installed on even my balkiest test computers without a single sign of trouble. That satisfaction continued as I performed my next critical step. Using nothing more than the installed set of packages, I attempt to use the distro to do actual work tasks for as long into my work day as I can tolerate.

I was pleasantly pleased not to have to make any settings changes or packages additions except one minor matter. Linux Lite defaults to two virtual workspaces. It only took a right click to change that setting to my standard four. The new setting was immediately activated in the workplace switcher app on the dock.

Look and Feel

Linux Lite uses the Xfce desktop environment. Not having any other choices is sometimes a good thing: It removes any quandaries about which optional offering would be better. Of course, if you prefer more memory-intensive flash-bang desktop effects, Xfce may not suit your comfort zone.

Xfce is fast and lightweight, but it is also very simple to use without compromising on performance. The Linux Lite developers did not make the mistake so many others make by embellishing or altering the integration of the desktop environment to make it more distro-unique.

I was able to easily change the default two-tone gray background with a right click on the desktop to select the Desktop Properties menu. Linux Lite offers a nice collection of colorful background images as part of the live session functionality. Often this personalizing option is not available with other Linux distros until you make a hard drive installation.

Working Desktop

The desktop screen is neat and simple, with easy navigation to the menu, system settings and configuration options. As I already mentioned, though, Linux Lite really needs no finessing to be truly usable from the start.

The menu is fairly standard yet simple and intuitive. For example, the folders are organized according to their categories. The slide-out menus are also well-categorized.

You can use the Run Program search box at the top of the menu to run a program rather than scroll through the standard menu -- but that only works if you actually know the name of what you want.

Another option is to use the Application Finder in the Accessory menu. Just select a category in the left column and click on the desired installed application in the right column.

Everything Just Works

Linux Lite has a lot going for it to make a very good first impression. With Linux Lite the basics work out-of-the-box.

For example, the only included browser is Firefox. I would have preferred the Chromium Browser, but Firefox was a reliable browser for me to start my work day rather than take time to install Chromium. Even Firefox's preinstalled state allowed me to play my online music collections and view YouTube videos without having to track down missing players and plug-ins.

When I needed to take that extra step to use some added third-party programs, relief was just a menu item away. The restricted extras package in the main system menu includes proprietary libraries and applications that enable the use of TrueType Fonts, Java, Flash and the ability to playback MP3s.

Strong System Support

Especially useful for configuring Linux Lite your way is the menu item to easily install special packages. The list includes a file and folder search tool and instant messaging. It also lets you add remote desktop, restricted extras, torrent software, video editing, VirtualBox, a weather monitor and/or Wine.

Linux Lite lacks its own community repository. The full range of package installation and software removal is done with the Synaptic Package Manager. A separate application in the main menu lets you install system updates.

The latest version of Linux Lite is "Amethyst," or version 1.0.6, released in June. The distro is based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, which includes five years of system updates without worrying about having to upgrade.

If you are not a fan of Ubuntu Linux, do not let the family lineage deter you from trying Linux Lite. Other than the system underpinnings, you will not see any trappings from the Ubuntu desktop.

Bottom Line

Linux Lite is an ideal starter distro for those looking for an upgrade when Windows XP dies early next year. Yet this distro is not just an easy Linux intro for newcomers -- it is a suitable workhorse distro for seasoned Linux users as well.

Even without installing it to a hard drive, you can reliably use Linux Lite in a live session from the DVD or USB drive installation. The USB option does not let you save your settings and software changes, however -- it is not intended for true portable use with persistent memory. However, if you use it only in live session mode, you can save your personal files externally.

Linux Lite is fully featured with the preinstalled software to be usable right out of the box.
Want to Suggest a Linux Application for Review?

Is there a Linux software application you'd like to suggest for review? Something you love or would like to get to know? - source

Nov 12, 2013

Best Android Tablet Below $200

Everyone nowadays has a tablet PC or desperately wants one. Mini-gadgets are always fun and functional and a tablet PC is no exception. While smartphones allow you to make and receive calls, there's a limit to how much media playback and web-browsing is allowed. Plus smartphones do not have USB ports and cannot be connected to your TV (at least not yet). A killer combination of features and size is a tablet PC with the Android OS. Google's OS for smart and small devices is extremely user-friendly, very handy and nifty with its pinch-zoom ability and very very stylish.

While the tablet wars continue between bigwigs like the iPad, Motorola's XOOM and the BlackBerry Playbook, is there a cheaper tablet model out there? This may seem very surprising but there are good tablet PC's with the Android OS, available for under 200 dollars. Has your jaw touched the floor?

Technology being the diverse medium it is, will not give us just one model. Below are 6 tablet's, 5 under $200, 1 at $200 for your perusing.

I. Coby Kyros™ MID8125
  • 8 inch LCD touch screen
  • Screen resolution is 800 x 600 with 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Android OS 2.3 version
  • Use built-in app to enjoy eBooks
  • Supports HD playback up to a factor of 1080p
  • Connect tablet to your HDTV with HDMI port
  • Will connect to Windows XP/Vista/7 and Mac and Linus computers
  • Processor: 1 GHz; built-in memory of 4GB; expand memory with microSD slot, up to 32 GB
  • Price: $160
  • 7 inch TFT touchscreen with 800 x 480 resolution
  • High-Definition support factor of 720p
  • Supports web browsing, media files playback and ebook reading
  • Expandable memory up to 16 GB with SD or MMC card slot
  • Media formats supported: MP3/AAC/WMA/JPEG/BMP
  • Ebook formats supported: PDF/E-PUB/.TXT
  • Processor: 800 MHz, 256 MB RAM and 2 GB hard disk
  • Price: Between $140 - $180
III. Zenithink 2 ZT-180
  • 10 inch touchscreen
  • Android OS version 2.2
  • HD playback support with 1080p factor
  • Built-in 1.3 MP camera
  • HDMI port for connecting to HD device
  • USB port supports 3G Internet modem (sold separately)
  • Expandable memory up to 32 GB with SD slot
  • Media formats supported: DivX/AVI/MPEG/RM/MP3/AAC/WMA/JPEG/BMP
  • 1 GHz ARM 11 processor, 512 RAM and 4 GB hard disk
  • Price: $190
IV. Ematic eGLIDE
  • 7 inch touchscreen
  • 2.1 Android OS version
  • Supports movie, music playback
  • Built-in voice recorder and FM tuner
  • Use touchscreen or trackball and embedded stylus
  • Connect the eGLIDE to TV or PC with HDMI port and cable to play tablet files in HD
  • 3-axis gyroscope for complete rotation and motion sensing
  • Use built-in Wi-Fi or connect 3G USB Dongle (sold separately) for high speed Internet
  • Media formats supported: MP3/WMA/AVI/WMV/JPEG/FLV
  • Ebook formats supported: PDF/LRC/.TXT/HTM/e-PUB
  • Can connect to Windows 7, Vista, XP and 2000 OS PC, MAC and Linux
  • Expandable memory up to 16 GB with SD slot
  • 1 GHz Dual Core processor, 256 MB RAM, 4 GB built-in memory
  • Price: Between $160 - $180
V. Archos 7 Home Tablet
  • 7 inch backlit LCD touchscreen with 800 x 480 resolution
  • Battery life of 7 hours
  • Supports HD video playback up to 720p HD factor
  • Supported media formats: MP3/WMA/WAV/OGG/FLAC/AAC/JPEG/BMP/GIF/H.264/MPEG-4/AVI/MP4/MOV/FLV
  • SD slot allows expansion up to 32 GB
  • Compatible with Mac, Linux and Windows machines for PC connection
  • Processor: 600 MHz ARM 9 processor, built-in memory 8GB
  • Price: $180
VI. Velocity Micro™ - Cruz Tablet T301
  • 7 inch TFT touchscreen with 800 x 600 resolution
  • Android OS version 2.2
  • Built-in Wi-Fi supports 802.11n networks
  • Battery life of 6 hours on single charge
  • Pre-included apps feature Kindle bookstore and Amazon Appstore
  • Media formats: MPEG-4/AVI/MOV/MP3/AAC/WAV and all image formats
  • Ebook formats: PDF/TXT/HTML
  • 4 GB SD card included free with tablet
  • Processor: not mentioned, 256 MB RAM, 4 GB hard disk
  • Price: Between $160 - $199
With respect to the price limit of $200, two excellent Android tablets, with a price tag of $199 each, are the Amazon Kindle Fire and the Nook Color from Barnes & Noble. Both tablets have impressive features for a reasonable price.

With a budget of $200, keep your expectations realistic. Don't expect an iPad-like device with just $200. Seven or eight inches is the maximum size in this price bracket. Built-in storage and features will be less in quality and quantity. But for an easy-on-the-wallet choice, such tablet models are ideal. If with just $200 you can get a mobile PC, it is kind of like having your cake and eating it too!

SmartBro : How-To Setup Wireless Router with MyBro Green Packet OX230

I intend to write this article to help my guest blog reader/s and commenter/s to help them setup their SmartBro 4G WiMAX wireless broadband internet connection to extend wirelessly. The new product of SmartBro that is being reBranded to MyBro that uses Green Packet Technology from Malaysia CPEs such as DV235T for indoor and OX230 for outdoor unit with license frequency 2.3GHz. Whereas SmartBro Motorola Canopy antenna is a fixed wireless broadband internet connection obtain license frequency 5.7GHz LOS that soon to end of its life by Smart Telcos.

The OX230 is an outdoor unit built-in with antenna similar to Motorola Canopy except it is a 4G WiMAX wireless modem also serves as a router but lack of wireless LAN aka WiFi. It is not equip with VoIP port so there is no way of plugging in your POTS unlike the Huawei 4G WiMAX devices. It has only one (1) RJ45 port where you can plug your PC/Lappy likewise where the power inline to the cable with the use of PoE, this device that can be extended up to  90-100meters as long as there is conduit.

Here we go, the above screenshot of my battery operated portable wireless router  from TP-Link MR3040 it has a Standard AP (access point) this is the simplest aka Plug&Play, the easiest way to extend the MyBro OX230 with headache. If you don not have this kind of device that is capable as Standard AP then do not bother. Will take what is available in our garage, CD-R King WR-NET-018-CC this is the cheapest wireless router that we Pinoy loves to buy.

The second screenshot is CD-R King WR-NET-018-CC similar to the TP-Link they are both a wireless router, MR3040 has four operation mode while the WR-NET-018-CC don't have the other capabilities as the first one have more features.

What we do to make the  CD-R King WR-NET-018-CC act just like the Standard AP (MR3040), first we will be going to disable the DHCP Server mode likewise its no longer serves as a router but as a Standard Wireless Access Point only. Now we are going to plug the MyBro OX230 to any LAN port from 1-4 instead onto the WAN port. Automatically the CPE OX230 now will serves as the DHCP server any device will connect to CD-R King it will gives an IP address from to 254.

On the other hand, if you wan to make the CD-R King WR-NET-018-CC (or any wireless router) act as wireless router AP that will works also with MyBro Green Packet OX230 still its possible. First you have to enable the DHCP Server mode, then plug the OX230 to WAN port. The Cons is that since OX230 has an IP address of or has 253 host it will consume time routing the packets. Second on the other part of CD-R King wireless router that has also another IP address of likewise has 253 host it will another consume additonal routing to the packets will prolong.

If you have any comment about your MyBro Abot Kaya internet having the same issue on extending your connection wirelessly feel free to leave message.

Nov 9, 2013

Sapphire Releases Vapor-X CPU Cooler

Sapphire, a popular graphics card add-in-board partner in the US recently announced a new product that strays from the norm. Called the Vapor-X, it is a new tower-style CPU cooler aimed at enthusiasts.

The new cooler has the Vapor-X designation because it uses the company’s vapor chamber heatsink technology to take heat away from the processor into an aluminum fin array. The vapor chamber makes contact with the CPU, and from there four 7mm heatpipes transfer heat to the aluminum fins where two 120mm fans and a black plastic shroud channel cool air through. The fans are rated at 77 CFM and a maximum of 40 dBA. Both fans have variable (PWM) speeds from 495 to 2200 RPM.

The Vapor-X heatsink has a gross weight of 1524.8 grams (approximately 3.4 pounds) including the fans. Dimensions are 135 x 110.4 x 163.5mm, and it is designed to work within the constraints of the LGA 2011 socket without limiting you to low profile memory modules.

Unfortunately, Sapphire does not list a TDP rating for this heatsink, but it is aimed at high end processors with support for the following processor sockets:
  • AMD: FM1, FM2, AM2, AM2+, AM3, AM3+
  • Intel: LGA 1366, LGA 1155, LGA 1156, LGA 775
While it has yet to show up at Newegg, it is reportedly on its way with a MSRP of $69.99. You can find more photos and specifications on Sapphire's product page.

My first major gaming graphics card was from Sapphire, so it is neat to see the company taking its graphics card cooling expertise and applying it to CPUs. The reviews should be interesting – particularly whether the shroud really helps to lower temps. - source

Sapphire Edge VS8 - A Trinity Mini-PC

Thanks to advances in processor technology, Mini-PCs are making a comeback. Intel’s Atom processors first introduced to us the concept of netbooks and nettops, very compact machines that are affordable yet powerful enough to do mainstream computing tasks such as web browsing and word processing. At least that was the idea. In practice, however, nettops and netbooks were severely underpowered and provided a less than satisfactory computing experience. The concept was good but the execution left much to be desired. Perhaps it's a case of the idea being too ahead of its time and that technology and software platforms still needed to do some catching up.

Fortunately, today’s processors are more powerful compared to processors of yesteryear. And taking advantage of this, Sapphire has introduced its new Edge VS8 Mini-PC. The Edge VS8 is super compact, measuring just 19.7cm by 18cm, and is just slightly more than 3cm thick. It also weighs just 660g.

Inside, you will find an AMD A8-4555M Trinity APU. This was launched just last September and is a quad-core CPU that runs at 1.6GHz. For those unfamiliar with AMD’s new Trinity APUs, we covered them extensively early last year and here are some links to check out - Trinity APU Notebook Performance Review, Trinity APU Desktop Performance Review. While AMD’s efforts have traditionally trailed Intel’s in terms of raw computational power, they usually have better graphics processing capabilities. In the case of the A8-4555M APU, its integrated GPU comes in the form of the Radeon HD 7600G, which has 384 stream processors. Additionally, the A8-4555M has a very low TDP of just 19W.

Apart from the AMD A8 APU, the Sapphire Edge VS8 also comes with 4GB DDR3-1333 SO-DIMM memory (2 x 2GB) and a 500GB notebook hard drive (2.5-inch) that spins at 5400rpm. That aside, the Edge VS8 features built-in Wi-Fi by way of a Wi-Fi card and also integrated Bluetooth 3.0 connectivity. However, note that the Sapphire Edge VS8 does not come with any OS installed.

Here's a quick roundup of the Edge VS8's key specifications:
  • AMD A8-4555M APU (1.6GHz)
  • 2 x 2GB DDR3-1333 SO-DIMM memory
  • 500GB notebook 5400rpm HDD
  • Integrated Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n)
  • Integrated Bluetooth 3.0
In that sense, the Edge VS8 comes fully assembled, and thus only requires users to install an OS for their choice. The supplied driver CD comes with all the drivers one would need to run Windows 8, 7 or Vista. Additional drivers can be found on Sapphire’s website if users choose to run older an older Windows OS such as XP, 2000 or even 98.

ASRock FM2 Series Motherboards Comes Equipped with X-Boost

ASRock is bringing an auto overclocking function to all its FM2 Series motherboards.

Called the X-Boost, it automatically overclocks to a maximum of 15.77% performance boost on the CPU when triggered. The FM2A85X Extreme6 is the first from the FM2 Series, and is equipped with Socket FM2, A85X (Hudson-D4) chipset, Premium Gold Caps, Digi Power, AMD Radeon HD 7000 series graphics and DirectX11.

Adopting Digi Power which provides CPU Vcore voltage more efficiently and smoothly, the FM2A85X Extreme6 supports Lucid Virtu MVP, and includes the ASRock Fast Boot, which allows users to logon to Windows 8 OS in a mere 1.5 seconds. When enabling Dehumidifier Function, the computer will power on automatically to dehumidify the system after entering S4/S5 state.

Along with the flagship FM2A85 Extreme6, there is FM2A85X Extreme4 / FM2A85X Extreme4-M / FM2A75 Pro4 / FM2A75 Pro4-M / FM2A75M-DGS / FM2A55M-DGS. These FM2 Series motherboards all have support for a variety of features, such as X-Boost, OMG, Google Chrome & Toolbar and THX TruStudio, just to name a few. - source