Jan 15, 2014

xD Picture Card Pinout Assignment

xD-Picture Card is a flash memory card format, used mainly in digital cameras. NAND Flash, with additional ID commands.

xD cards are used in a select number Olympus and Fujifilm digital cameras and Olympus digital voice recorders but are now being phased out by both companies.

The memory format used by xD cards is not well-documented. It is difficult to study it directly, since most camera devices and most USB card readers do not provide direct access to the flash memory. Since the cards are controller-less, cameras and card readers must perform wear leveling and error detection themselves, and they normally hide the portion of the memory which stores this information (among other things) from higher-level access.

Because of its higher cost and limited usage in products other than digital cameras, xD has lost ground to SD, which is broadly used by PDAs, personal computers, cellular phones, digital audio players and most other digital camera manufacturers.

1 mm pin pitch.
3.3V power.
Standard NAND-Flash command set, plus additional

18-pin Flash Card

Name Direction Description
18 GND Ground (+Presence detect)
17 R/-B Ready/-Busy (Open-drain)
16 -RE Read Enable
15 -CE Card Enable
14 CLE Command Latch Enable
13 ALE Address Latch Enable
12 -WE Write Enable
11 -WP Write Protect
10 GND Ground
9 D0 Data0
8 D1 Data1
7 D2 Data2
6 D3 Data3
5 D4 Data4
4 D5 Data5
3 D6 Data6
2 D7 Data7
1 Vcc Power

How-To Read Embedded NAND Flash Chips

NAND flash chips are used in all sorts of electronics for storing information/firmware etc. If you are interested in trying to get the information out to study, then I may have something useful for you. This is how I read the flash chip without removing it from the device.

DISCLAIMER- Not an easy task, and not foolproof either. This procedure can be rough on both the device you are trying to read, and the reader used. NAND chip specs are also changing all the time, and so are card readers, so there is no real way of knowing if this pertains to “ALL” NAND Flash and “ALL” readers. This has been used successfully on Samsung small block flash using a Dazzle SmartMedia/xD reader.

First, you’ll need to get a Smartmedia/xD card reader. The reason for this is Smartmedia and xD flash cards are basically just NAND flash chips in a friendly, removable card. Other types of flash media also use NAND, but have a controller in them that handles the interfacing between the flash chip and the host, be it a camera, cell phone, card reader, etc. This controller gets in the way or reading data off embedded chips, because they are looking for partitions/files in a particular formats (FAT16 for example) that embedded flash rarely uses. Typically, we’d be trying to get the raw data off the embedded NAND to study.

Knowing that Smartmedia/xD cards are basically straight NAND chips, we can connect the card reader directly to the NAND chip by cross-referencing the chip pin out to Smartmedia/xD card reader. You can get the card pinouts here.
Note- These pin outs are for the cards themselves, not the readers.

An example for wiring to a Smartmedia reader is pictured below. Pin one of the reader is at the top of the picture, and the pin out is as follows.

Pin 1 — Vcc (+)
Pin 2 — Vss (ground)
Pin 3 — I/O 5
Pin 4 — not used
Pin 5 — I/O 6
Pin 6 — I/O 4
Pin 7 — I/O 7
Pin 8 — I/O 3
Pin 9 — I/O 8
Pin 10 – I/O 2
Pin 11 – not used
Pin 12 – I/O 1
Pin 13 – not used
Pin 14 – WP
Pin 15 – RY/BY
Pin 16 – WE
Pin 17 – RE
Pin 18 – ALE
Pin 19 – CE
Pin 20 – CLE
Pin 21 – not used
Pin 22 – not used

The battery select is dependent on your NAND chips voltage (either 3.3 or 5 Volts) and the write-protect switch is used if needed.

Connecting the reader to the chip can be the hardest part. The chips I have done have all been TSOPs, which are surface-mount chips with .5mm pitch. Quite small! I have done it several different ways. First way was to use some 30 gauge Kynar (used for wire-wrapping), soldering a wire from each pin on the NAND chip to its corresponding pin on the reader. An old IDE hard drive cable can provide wire of a similar size. It was doable with an extremely fine-tipped soldering iron and plenty of patience, but was by no means easy. Depending on the device, you may be able to trace out some alternative points to solder to, instead of directly to the NAND chip. It gets pretty tight trying to solder to 4 of those tiny pins in a row without bridging anything with solder!

Another approach used some flexible ribbon cable. The wire in the cable had the same pitch as the chip, making it easier to keep all the wires aligned while soldering to NAND chip. A few places sell this cable, such as Mouser and Digikey, but you may also be able to scrounge some from an old DVD player or drive, or even possibly old CD drives. They are used to connect the laser assembly to the main board.

If you have some .5mm TSOP/TSSOP prototyping boards around, this can be the easiest. Cut down to size, and beveled where they will meet the chip, you can make a set of wedges that will solder up fairly easy. Just line them up, and drag some solder from the board down to the chip to solder in place. A little flux will help, but you won’t have to use any additional solder, just what is already on the prototype board. Once you are done, a little wiggle will free the board from the chip without damage. No need to desolder anything, either. The following pics should clarify this.

Once you have the NAND chip hooked up to your reader, you have to get the data off it. Leaving power to the device you are trying to read OFF (preferably Batteries out, unplugged, etc.), plug in your reader to you computer. Depending on your OS, you can get the data off a couple of ways.

Linux users can mount the card reader and use dd to dump an image of the Flash chip. The resulting image can the be studied with the hex editor of your choice.

For Windows, I used a product called OnBelay by Compuapps. A very similar (identical?) product is Recovery Manager by Vaiosoft. Both these will work the same way. The main screen has a list of drives it can access, choose the one that corresponds to your reader. The program probably won’t recognize the file structure of the flash, so it says “no media present” or something to that effect. Along the top of the screen are tabs, one of them is labeled “Tools”. When you click on that, you’ll have the option to back up your media. Press it and it will allow you to back up the chip to a specified folder. I also check the box to backup both used and unused space. The backup image is in .FMB format, which can be browsed with any hex editor and studied.

Hope this can be of use to someone!

via uC Hobby

Jan 7, 2014

MP3 Player Recovery and Hacking

Loading New Firmware:

The first step to loading new firmware into the MP3 player, or doing a firmware dump from the player, is to set the device into loader mode. In some cases, where the firmware is intact on the device, new firmware can be loaded without setting the device into loader mode.

There are a variety of ways to set the device into loader mode. The most definite, guaranteed to work method is to short a number of the I/O pins of the flash chip with the battery removed, while connecting the player to a free USB port. If the device has two flash chips, the I/O pins on the first chip (closest to the CPU) are the ones to short. While this method should work for pretty much any similar device, it can cause problems, especially if you short the wrong pins.

The safer method for forcing the device into loader mode is to hold down the R/V (recorder mode/volume control) button with the battery removed, while connecting the player to a free USB port.

When the player is plugged into a free USB port while in loader mode, a new device will be detected as "ALi USB 2.0 BOOT LOADER". The LCD and backlight will both not illuminate when this is successful.

Should neither method work in setting the player into loader mode, it is possible that the player itself is damaged, and it may not be possible to recover it.

Useful Software:

Finding software capable of loading firmware to this brand of player was quite challenging, given the similarities between ALi chipset players and S1MP3 players, and that many manufacturers were based in China. This is where the entries on the Polish forums on elektroda.pl were most useful. From rough translations, there were a few software packages that could read and write firmware images to the flash memory.

One such tool is a program called MPTool, which appears to be designed to be used as a factory firmware loader. With minimal documentation available, it is difficult to determine what all the features are used for without risking further damage to the player, however it would appear that the software can be used to change USB vendor and product IDs, reformat the flash memory used for storing MP3s, and changing the inbuilt serial number. This software does not seem to be able to create actual firmware images from scratch, and is not able to dump existing firmware from the device to disk.

A potentially more useful program is the M566x ISP tool. This program is capable of uploading firmware binaries to devices, and is also capable of dumping the current contents of the flash memory to disk. The function of particular interest is the "Save PM" function. This function appears to dump the complete operating system image to disk as a file called PM.bin. At the moment, there is no obvious way of converting this file back to a broken down set of binaries or Cabinet archive as required for loading into a device.

Before you can use the M566x ISP tool to dump firmware images, it is necessary to identify what type of flash memory is used in the player. In most cases this should be printed quite clearly on the flash chip itself, but if it has been rubbed off, or you do not want to open the case of the player, the "Auto ID" button will in most cases identify the type of flash memory used in the player. Clicking "OK" will start the firmware loading process, allowing you to select multiple binary files to be loaded as firmware. If there is a problem with any of these binaries, in most cases it will either crash the program, or cause the write process to fail. This does not seem to destroy the player, but as always be very careful when loading new firmware.

MPTool can be found in many different distributions of firmware updates for ALi chipset MP3 players, and under a wide variety of names. One of the more common names for the MPTool executable is "Factory4.exe". A quick hunt on Google will find many sites with this file, and a zipped barebones copy is available, although this does not include any firmware files. M566xISP (known as the M5661 ISP tool or M566x ISP tool) is considerably harder to find, but can be found within some firmware distributions, most notably within the firmware package of the Z-cyber Zling T-Nax. The tool itself is also available for download below, but again does not include firmware files for any player. If possible, it is best to download these files elsewhere, as the bandwidth of this server is very limited.

Want to help me maintain this server? Donate some BitCoins to: 1FZFrGTAdnQzUD9y5AkvqS6WY18m9vcMyH

MPTool.zip (485k)

M566xISP.zip (1354k)

The Firmware Itself:

In my case, it took many weeks of on-and-off searching to finally find a firmware image that was compatible with my device. Given the number of M566x based MP3 and MP4 devices out there on the market, it is very easy to find firmware images that may seem right, only to load them and find that the display and controls do not work. Eventually, I found a firmware set that did work for my player, a firmware package built for a Typhoon 1GB MP3 player (obviously another rebrand of the same device sold by Egoman and Yuraku). Within the firmware package for this MP3 player is a file called IEOA_FW16.13.11_060617.CAB. This file contains 94 small binary files, the structure of which are discussed in more depth later on.

While this firmware package did work, it did not have the original "Ministry of Sound" introduction screen which I had grown quite fond of. In order to recover it, I needed a copy of the firmware dumped from a working "Ministry of Sound" branded player of similar design, while the flash memory size was largely irrelevant, the device needed to have the same type of LCD and controls.

Fortunately, I was able to acquire a similar player from a friend who had purchased the 2GB version. Using the M566x ISP tool, I saved a copy of the PM from it to disk and loaded it up in a hex editor. Before I continue however, below is a brief discussion of what I have found out about the firmware files used by the loader software.

It would appear that single file firmware images used by MPTool are Microsoft Cabinet archives of a large number of binary files. Each binary filename starts with a number and usually has a limited text description following it, such as 000INIT.BIN, or 005PLAY.BIN. The number would appear to signify what order in which the overall firmware is to be assembled and where in the memory each section of code is to be stored. The name of the binary file itself after the initial three digits seems to be irrelevant other than describing the purpose of each to developers, and is not stored in the overall firmware image when loaded into the player. The M566x ISP tool does not use Cabinet packed archives of these binary files when loading them into a device, rather it allows you to select the individual binary files for loading. Size of each of these binary files seems to play a role, as it is not possible to load a single large binary file, however the size of each of the binary files is able to be varied.

The saved PM.bin file appears to be a concatenated set of each of the binary files, each padded with some extra bytes which are often null.

From the various firmware files I had found and discovered not to work on my player, I noticed that in many cases the basic files such as (in some cases) 000INIT.BIN were very similar, despite the differences in the players, which meant that the original "Ministry of Sound" firmware loaded on the player must have had a similar structure to the Typhoon firmware that worked when loaded onto the player. It was possible to find the "Ministry Of Sound" introduction animation by finding the end and beginning of the surrounding binaries, which in this case were collections of strings. The data between the end of one string binary and the beginning of the next were copied to a new file, where the padding data was removed, then was loaded in with the working firmware image. - source

Jan 1, 2014

@Pakitong Paypal Donations, Thank You

A many many thanks to those who came to my Blog and donated for a cup of coffeebean at starbucks, I can not name you all guys or mentioned you one by one you, long live for you.

This just a few of screenshot taken recently, including last month this year 2014.

Again, I salute you all there is no reason for me to stop posting article on this little blog of your not mine. Guest readers you are all my inspiration on keep going. many many thanks!

Dec 31, 2013

Green Packet OX230 : How-To Unlock myBRO Plan 1299

My nephew myBRO Plan1299 will debut its first year this coming January 2014 since it has been installed by the SmartBro technician on the roof of my sister in-laws house here in our city. It came to my attention everytime I used the net on their residence that the Green Packet OX230 aka myBRO Plan1299 wireless broadband modem router is just left open to the public network and anybody can just manipulate the device by using the default username and password as "smart" without the quote. People from the outside can just sniff onto their CPE, it can also reboot remotely, restart and not only that but the worst thing is that intruder can just upload bad firmware that will bricked the 4G WiMAX wireless modem router resulting the myBRO Green Packet OX230 outdoor unit become unusable.

From the screenshot above this is the internal graphical user interface (gui) of the myBRO 4G WiMAX wireless broadband modem router. The Green Packet OX230 outdoor unit is using a customized Smart/PLDT firmware, the Main Menu are very limited for the subscribers this has been totally restricted from being altered such as the settings, configurations and most of all to protect the device from the users who has a lingerie mindset. Thanks for their concerned it is the Smart/PLDT ISPs advantages to their customer but the downside to their client is very negative.

Taking a look closely to the ports that has been exposed on to the public and here's the result. Port 22 is well known to SSH, 80 and 443 is for HTTP and HTTPS with same credential you can log onto this OX230 Green Packet outdoor unit aka myBRO. Wait! Another user account is guest that has same privilege that can also manipulate this device? Wow! The bad thing really is on port9000 is for Redboot> without any username and password Netizen who has dirtyhand can wipe out the entire flash memory of this CPE. Behold! Hopefully I can help you unlock your myBRO OX230 Green Packet.

The result of after unlocking my nephew 2Mbps myBRO Plan 1299 aka Green Packet OX230, you will noticed that comparing from the first screenshot above, the Main Menus are now all visible. There are no more restriction given, you can set you own settings, modify your configurations. You can now even personalized your own password and even your username is more than possible.

Problem with your myBRO OX230 outdoor unit 4G WiMAX wireless broadband modem router ports are being open to the public? Verily now you can close it, select which ports you wanted to be open.

Hopefully this thread will help you protect your myBRO Green Packet OX230 outdoor unit (ODU) being exploited anonymously. Feel free to comment  on my box, if you need my service this can be done remotely. Email me, my contact number is just on the right to the menu. Enjoy!

Dec 16, 2013

myBRO To Globe : How-To Configure Green Packet DV-235T

On my previous post I have written on How-To upgrade the myBRO DV-235T of Green Packet to the Stock Firmware. Today, I wanted to share to my beloved guest, commenters and visitors on How-To configure the Green Packet DV235T aka myBRO to be able to hook it to Globe network. This experiment is not an exploit or an ethical but only for Educational purposes only.

The myBRO DV235T Green Packet 4G WiMAX wireless modem router that is built-in with WLAN b/g that you can find on forums, online store, is a Smart/PLDT WiMAX CPE with customized firmware supplied by Green Packet Berhad, Malaysia the manufacturer.

Here's how to DIY, first you must have to update the myBRO DV-235T to the Green Packet stock firmware aka (web_update-2_3G-v2.10.14-g1.0.4-gp.tar), if you don't have the firmware, download it before you proceed to this guide. Once you have updated your myBRO to the stock firmware then you are now ready to do this stuff.

On your myBRO DV235T graphical user interface (gui) you will see the WiMAX Menu on  top of it, on the left Sub-Menu click the Scanner button to be able for you to edit/configure/input the Globe Telco 4G WiMAX ISP frequency just follow the screenshot above.

Next step is setting up the correct Username, Password and the Identity, this is just identical to Huawei 4G WiMAX wireless modem router CPE same thing you will do on this Authentication, except the issue here is the length of the Username character is limited to "maxlength=32". Meaning the generatedmacaddress@globelines.com.ph is not possible to be place or to be input on the given space provided. The trick to be able to expand the "maxlength=32", just point your mouse on your myBRO DV-235T gui then right-click you will be prompted with Inspect element (Q) by then you can now edit to what ever maxlength=?  you will wish as you have notice the above grabbed image. Hopefully you will now able to input your 34 character (generatedmacaddress@globelines.com.ph).

There you are, your generatedmacaddress@globelines.com.ph is now on its placed! On the below Option just tick the Auto Prepend Auto Mode and the Ignore Cert Verification. By the way you must not forget to click also the Apply button on every changes you have made to save your works.

Opps! we are not done yet, open your putty or telnet, you must use the this following command below to be successfully your myBRO DV-235T can enter the Globe Telco ISP network.

enable enter
router enter
wan mac (your mac address) enter
commit enter
exit enter
reboot enter

It only proves that myBRO DV-235T of Green Packet 4G WiMAX wireless broadband modem router CPE can be use on Globe Telco ISP. This tweaks can be found on Google, Forums and other popular blogs. Its not my intention to alter or deform this device, since the stock firmware can just be download anywhere and it is being seeded on different mirror sites don't flame on me about this stuff.

Feel free to use this article for your educational used, I do not guarantee or warranty if your device/CPE will get bricked. Enjoy!

Dec 15, 2013

FPGA-development card includes RAM, programmer

Claiming all the features necessary for developing reprogrammable-microcontroller applications, Domain Technologies recently announced a development card for Actel ProASIC3 FPGAs. Measuring only 2.4×1 in., the standard A3P-MRAM (magnetoresistive-random-access-memory)-1000 development card comes with an Actel A3P1000, 512 kbytes of 35-nsec nonvolatile MRAM, and an onboard device programmer. The high-speed MRAM device stores both programs and data, eliminating the need for flash-programming algorithms and boosting performance.

You perform all FPGA-device programming and software debugging of implemented microcontroller designs through the A3P-MRAM's built-in USB interface. The onboard device programmer is compatible with the STAPL (Standard Test and Programming Language) files generated by Actel’s Libero integrated development environment. You use the same onboard device programmer and mini-B USB interface for accessing the A3P-MRAM's onboard JTAG emulator and debugger.

The A3P-MRAM-1000 sells for $750 and is available from stock. For smaller development applications Domain Technologies offers a lower cost version with an installed Actel A3P250. The A3P-MRAM-250 costs $640. The company ships each unit with stand-alone FPGA-device programming software and a mini-B USB cable.

More infoe @ A3P-MRAM

InFeCtuS: Versatile Modchip for Xbox360, PS3, PS2 and Wii

The InFeCtuS modchip has been in development for some time already back in December 2006. It's a versatile modchip that can be used for lots of things. On Xbox360 you can read/write/patch the DVD flash firmware or it can act like a Globe360 or NME 1.2 (soon) DVD FW modchip.

From infectus.biz:
InFeCtuS is the first versatile modchip ever released in the market, created to work with many different consoles. InFeCtuS will give you access to so many features that it's impossible to describe them all today, some are still in development and more will come in the future, just stay tuned on www.infectus.biz
We developed this modchip with an OPEN concept, we use a CORE reprogrammable, a 512kb flash on board and an USB interface for the PC communication.

The hardware has a very HIGH QUALITY component design:
  • The core of INFECTUS is the new ACTEL ProASIC3 FAMILY, the new family after the famous APA075 used in the past in many PS2 projects.
  • We used a 512Kb parallel flash SSTSF040, with a high transfer rate and performance.
  • Finally, we have got a REAL USB2.0 processor. This high quality component can manage the communication between ACTEL and PC (mini usb connector).
  • All of the chip PLD/FLASH/USB parts are 100% reprogrammable via USB communication.
  • For security reasons, all of the applications stored in the flash are AES 128-bit encrypted, to protect our work against chinese market!
  • The project is produced in Europe with the last technology of BSDL testing.
Being InFeCtuS so versatile, we want to show you at least a little part of its features, ordered by console.

  • Allows to gain total access over the XBOX360 flash driver, so that you can read and write the internal flash of any X360 DVD READER in the market. Everything can be managed with a very simple and user friendly PC software.
  • FLASH ID realtime patching, your xbox360 cannot understand if there is any flash running other than the original one.
  • GLOBE MODCHIP 360 100% emulation including ON / OFF LED
  • NME 1.2 firmware emulation (at work 80% finished). Allow you to install the chip with few wires like NME.
  • The first work to be done is to allow our users to flash directly the PS3 BIOS by USB. So no more problem with firmwares, you can install everything you want, when you want. All the complications due to firmware versions that cannot be downgraded will not bother you anymore.
  • This solution will be released in the next 4 weeks!
  • Another new feature that we want to add is a REAL TIME patching of the firmware part that you want to be emulated from the chip. Being the 512Kb flash not enough to store a real dual firmware, we'll have to wait for the first hacked firmware to understand if a "realtime" patching will be possible. In case we won't be able to find more ideas, a new version of Infectus with a memory expantion bay will be released.
  • Complete O2 MODCHIP emulation 100% with all functionalities (www.o2mod.com) 
Included for FREE

Of course this is a free "bonus" in this mod because, we know, most of You wouldn't install such a big and expensive chip on a WII, but being it free... it's a good chance!
  • WIIKEY / WIIFREE EMULATION: (under developement - 80% ready). This feature will allow you to play just everything you want on your WII.

The possibility to manage the features using an easy software is one of the BIG advantages of this modchip solution!
  • WIZARD help for the users: you will simply follow software's instruction step by step, everyone would be able to install and manage the INFECTUS MOD.
  • When you will be ready to install INFECTUS on a DVD DRIVE 078 XBOX360 FIRMWARE, the software will assist you with a 100% automated extraction of the key and the patch of new firmware.
  • WIZARD configuration based on XML for an automatical update of last firmwares.
  • X360 FIRMWARE checksum, the software will tell you if you are actually using the correct firmware (this feature is only available in WIZARD procedure)
  • HELP section to allow an easy searching of X360 firmwares
Official Site: www.infectus.biz
Discuss this news item on our forums: forums.xbox-scene.com

Dec 14, 2013

MIPS-based eCosCentric Developer's Kit Now Available!

MIPS Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of industry-standard processor architectures and cores for digital home, networking and mobile applications, and eCosCentric Limited, the eCos and RedBoot experts, today announced that eCosCentric has ported its eCosPro® open source real-time operating system (RTOS) to the microMIPS™ instruction set architecture (ISA).

eCosCentric has also made available its eCosPro Developer’s Kit for the MIPS32® M14K™ and M14Kc™ cores, which are based on the microMIPS ISA. This builds on support for other MIPS cores already offered by eCosCentric.

With the robust, feature-rich and fully-supported eCosPro RTOS for the M14K and M14Kc cores, users can choose from a rich set of supported peripherals, network stacks and file systems. They can become productive quickly with the full Eclipse-based development environment that packages the RTOS. Since the eCosPro Developer’s Kits for MIPS cores were built and tested using standard MIPS reference designs, engineers can start building applications within a few minutes.

“The ecosystem of third party support for our microMIPS ISA and M14K cores continues to grow, and we are excited to offer our licensees who are designing products around these technologies access to the highly popular eCosPro RTOS. We are seeing interest in the combination of eCosPro and microMIPS among our customers for a range of cost-, speed- and resource-constrained applications,” said Art Swift, vice president of marketing and business development, MIPS Technologies.

According to Alex Schuilenburg, managing director/CEO at eCosCentric, “We are pleased to add to our existing support for MIPS cores by porting eCosPro to the microMIPS ISA. Existing eCos users will be able to migrate quickly to eCosPro on the new microMIPS architecture, leveraging their existing application and system design knowledge. They also have the assurance of guaranteed commercial support direct from the original designers of the RTOS.”


The eCosPro Developer’s Kit for the M14K and M14Kc cores and microMIPS on the SEAD™-3 reference board is available directly from eCosCentric, with packages of support to suit teams of varying sizes. eCosCentric can also tailor-build a run-time to meet customer requirements. Visit www.ecoscentric.com/ecospro.shtml, contact info@ecoscentric.com or visit stand #2319 at the Embedded Systems Conference – Silicon Valley 2011 for more information.

Where To Download Alcor Tools To Fix Fake USB Flash Drives

Recently SOSFakeFlash put out a call to people who managed to reprogramme a fake flash drive purchased from eBay. See Did You Manage to Reprogramme a Fake Flash Drive Bought on eBay? Contributions are starting to arrive. To determine your chip set see Repairing Counterfeit Flash Drives

carlton has contributed detailed information for Flash drives identified as having an Alcor Controller chip and the software files to assist you.

carlton October 30, 2008 at 23:56.

Where to download Alcor tools to fix fake USB flash drives


1. Download & install

Alcor UFD Manufacture Programm (AU9386 V1.10)
To identify proper VID & PID (bottom left corner)

2. Download AlcorMP (080829) AU6981/AU6983/AU6986


one of the other AlcorMP versions, according to your chipset.

3. Install Proper VID & PID with LoadDriver.exe

4. Low Level Format with AlcorMP.exe

Try each AlcorMP version until one recognizes your drive

Here is the drive that Carlton repaired:
My Results

Alcor au6983hl
memory is identical to
VID 058F
PID 9381

16GB faulty drive becomes 4GB good drive
Carlton, rescued his drive from being a 16GB Frankenflash. It is now a good drive at it’s true capacity of 4GB.

Entire Alcor shared directory:


Link to each file:


Alternate download location, all above files in one RAR




We all thank Carlton for his efforts to assist other victims of fake flash who have determined they have an alcor based controller in their flash drive.

Note: in using any tools that do low level formats or reprogramming, there is always a risk of losing the drive. It is very important to be sure your drive has an alcor controller – using the wrong software can result in the drive becoming unusable. So proceed with care on your rescue mission. You should consider rescue if you are unable to reclaim your money from a fake flash seller.

If you have suffered a triple cheat:

1. victimized by an eBay fake flash seller
2. victimized by eBay refusing to listen to your cries of fake flash suffering and data loss – refusing to do anything against the seller or and assist you in reclaiming your hard earned money
3. victmized by Robotic PayPal determined to out do both Fake Flash Seller and eBay in making your life a misery and keeping your money

This is a consolation option you have to rescue an alcor controller based usb flash drive fake.
You may wish to keep track of the time you spent trying to save the drive and inflict the same amount of time and misery on all three victimzers – by contacting others who bought the same drive as you did. You will do good deeds: warning others as you wished you had been warned, increasing the army of fake flash victims marching to eBay and PayPal and finally allowing other flash drives to become their true capacity.
If you have been fully refunded by PayPal and you have been asked to destroy the drive as a condition of refund, you are obliged to do so if you accepted the refund. In that case send the counterfeit drive to fake flash heaven or send it to the local police with details to increase awareness on the fake flash situation. It is amazing that so few know about it – most find out only when they discover they have become a victim of fake flash and the resulting data loss.

Via SoSFakeFlash

Dec 7, 2013

Connectify Hotspot Pro + Dispatch Full With Serial

Connectify Dispatch is groundbreaking PC software that lets you connect to all available Internet connections simultaneously, for their combined speed, and increased reliability.

Experience the Internet, Faster

You already pay for high-speed Internet at home, data access on your smart phone, and mobile broadband on-the-go. Now, with Connectify Dispatch, you can combine those expensive connections to get the fastest Internet experience possible.

Connectify Dispatch gives you all of the bandwidth bonding capabilities of a hardware load balancing router at a fraction of the cost. No need to waste time and money configuring and carrying around another hardware device. Dispatch is a software Internet load balancer that offers premium features like 3G and 4G link bonding, at-a-glance Internet speed testing (via the Dispatch Analytics Dashboard), and much more. With Connectify Dispatch, you get all of these great features for thousands of dollars less than expensive hardware routers.

We all need faster Internet — to get our work done quicker, our game on sooner, and to download or share important documents as soon as possible. Get Connectify Dispatch today and get the Internet, faster.

Connectify Hotspot: Turn your PC into a real Wi-Fi Hotspot

Connectify Hotspot is easy-to-use Internet connection sharing software for your PC. With Connectify Hotspot, you can wirelessly share any Internet connection: a cable modem, a cellular card, or even another Wi-Fi network. Other Wi-Fi-enabled devices can see and join your hotspot just like any other Wi-Fi access point and are kept safe and secure by password-protected WPA2 Encryption. Use Connectify Hotspot on the road for 3G or 4G Internet connection sharing, or as a repeater to boost Wi-Fi at home. The possibilities are endless.

Connectify Dispatch is easy-to-use Windows software that lets you combine multiple Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G, and Ethernet connections into one super-fast connection. Try Dispatch along with our software router, Connectify Hotspot PRO, absolutely risk-free!

Multiple Connections, Maximum Speed

For the first time, you can connect to the coffee shop Wi-Fi and your 4G mobile device simultaneously, using both Internet connections for their combined speed, and increased reliability.
With Connectify Dispatch, you can even use two different Wi-Fi networks at the same time. Just connect a secondary USB Wi-Fi card (in addition to your laptopΓÇÖs on-board Wi-Fi card) and Dispatch does the rest. At the click-of-a-button, youΓÇÖll be cruising the web at warp speed, using the combined throughput of both wireless networks. Even if you lose connectivity on one of those networks, Dispatch keeps you online, moving all of your traffic onto the working connection until both networks become available again.

But thats only one scenario, with Dispatch you can connect to as many Internet connections as you have adapters for. Tethered smart phones, ethernet and wired connections, 3G and 4G mobile broadband adapters, Wi-Fi and MiFi - you name it, Dispatch can use it. The more connections you have, the faster you'll go!

Automatic Failover

Using multiple connections, Connectify Dispatch always gives you the most reliable Internet access possible. Furthermore, Dispatch allows you to select priority levels for your available Internet connections.

By setting a connection to "Backup" Dispatch will only access it in the event that you lose connectivity on all of your "Primary" Internet connections. This way, you can easily designate a metered 3G or 4G modem, tethered device, or other expensive mobile broadband connection to be used only when absolutely necessary or in case of emergency.

Accelerate Large BitTorrent Downloads

BitTorrent makes use of many network sockets by design, so it is a perfect application for Connectify Dispatch. With each Internet connection you add, Dispatch can increase the speed of your torrent downloads significantly.

Share your Super-Fast Dispatch Connection with Connectify Hotspot
Connectify Dispatch is even more powerful when you use it alongside our flagship software router, Connectify Hotspot PRO. Just start a Connectify Hotspot while aggregating Internet connections with Dispatch, and in an instant you'll be sharing your Dispatch super connection over Wi-Fi with all of your friends, co-workers, and other devices.
Supported Operating Systems : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Language : English

Install Notes:

1] Install The App
2] Block The App in Fire-Wall
3] Enter Email and Serial
4] Register Yourself & Enjoy!!

Download Connectify Hotspot Pro + Dispatch Here:
Connectify Hotspot Pro + Dispatch Setup : Link
Connectify Hotspot Pro + Dispatch Serial : Link

Dec 3, 2013

myBRO : Green Packet DV235T WiFi Weak Signal Solved

On my previous post I have experimented my Green Packet DV235T 4G WiMAX wireless broadband modem router CPE with the  leaked stock firmware (web_update-3_5G-v2.10.14-g.1.0.5-gp.tar) on my device the SmartBro new product aka myBRO. So far so good after upgrade it did not brick the device with the said stock firmware but it is mismatch with the hardware model it is suppose for WIXFMM-129 and not for WIXFMM-114 the DV235T board. There are few bugs that we netizens have faced by upgrading with this new updates, although I can connect to the network but the most concern among others is the WLAN. The WiFi signal drops significantly even if you are closer or nearer to the device you will really get disappointed on hooking your Smartphone, Tablet or even with your Lappy. To solve this bugs the only way to go is to upload the correct stock firmware (web_update-2_3G-v2.10.14-g1.0.4-gp.tar) of the device, so here's how to do it. Some of the screenshot I have provided as guide to those who are newbies to the myBRO DV235T CPE.

Update: I added this screenshot above because of so many misleading forumers  seeding/leaking the Green Packet Stock Firmware appearing to be legit or the right one, but you will end up with discouragement when you find out it is just same firmware that same guy leaching it. If you really want to make sure that you uploaded the correct firmware to your myBRO DV235T is correct here's the inside to the two (2) Green Packet stock firmware comparison.

First, login to the Green Packet DV235T with the default username and password as "admin".

Next, navigate to the Main Menus above on the graphical user interface (gui) of the DV235T as you can see on the screenshot below. On the left corner Sub-menu click Upgrade button, then  the Browse button and locate your downloaded Green Packet DV235T stock firmware (web_update-2_3G-v2.10.14-g1.0.4-gp.tar) then Upload.

If you are sure now with the file that you have download is the correct or the appropriate stock firmware for the myBRO DV235T 4G WiMAX wireless modem router, then its time for you to upload it.

Finally, just click the Apply button to confirm that the stock firmware to be uploaded to the CPE. Wait, the progress indication bar will appear from zero (0) until it successfully to be completed at 100%.

After the 100% progress indication bar completed the firmware upgrade now is done, click the button Close then the myBRO DV235T Green Packet CPE will reboot automatically in 70 seconds.

Wait until the graphical user interface (gui) login page will refresh and you will be prompted again to enter the device with same username and password. Now everything will be in placed your DV235T is now already being updated with the right stock firmware, the WiFi issue now is already solved.

You can leave your message on my comment box, I also offer repairs and upgrade for myBRO DV235T just email or PM me I can help you. Enjoy!