Showing posts with label Health Benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Benefits. Show all posts

Mar 24, 2013

The 8 Health Benefits of Eggplant

The eggplant, known as aubergine in France and England, is thought of as a vegetable but is actually a berry of the nightshade (Solanaceae) plant. It is native to the Indian Subcontinent. Here are 8 health benefits of eggplant:

Antioxidant Activity
Eggplant contains several phytonutrients with good antioxidant activity: caffeic, chlorogenic acid and the flavonoid, nasunin. Nasunin is a powerful antioxidant that has been proven to fight free radical activity in the body. Animal studies have found that nasunin protects lipids (fats) in brain cell membranes. Chlorogenic acid is also considered a potent antioxidant with many proven benefits.

Heart Health
Animal studies show that eggplant may help lower overall cholesterol in the body and help to improve blood flow. The antioxidant compounds in eggplant help to prevent oxidative stress to the cardiovascular system and thus reduce the risk of heart attack and heart disease. Eggplant is also a good source of fiber, which is needed to maintain good cardiovascular health.

Brain Health
Eggplant contains nasunin, an antioxidant anthocyanin, which may help to promote healthy brain function. Nasunin protects brain fats through scavenging free radicals that target brain lipids.

One cup of eggplant contains about 8% the DV of dietary fiber. Fiber can aid in digestion and weight loss. It helps to balance the metabolism. The fiber in eggplant helps to reduce cholesterol and relax blood vessels, which suggests it may play a productive role in maintaining good heart health.

High In B Vitamins
Eggplant is rich in vitamins B1, B3 and B6. B vitamins play an essential role in the proper function of the central nervous system, energy production, hormone balance and healthy liver function. They are also believed to help balance blood sugar and reduce cholesterol.

Weight Loss
Maintaining the proper DV of fiber and B vitamins can be a great way to contribute to healthy weight loss. Fiber promotes a healthy, active metabolism and B vitamins can help the body to process fat. Eggplant is also rich with nutrients while offering very few calories (only 19 per cup), which makes it a great addition to an active, effective weight loss program.

Bone Health
Eggplant contains many of the minerals needed to maintain strong, healthy bones: manganese, potassium, magnesium and copper.

Cancer Prevention
Many doctors and scientists believe that a compound in eggplant can effectively treat certain types of skin cancer. The phytochemical, known as BEC5, is believed to kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells. BEC5 cream is purported to have worked in thousands of cases, mainly in Australia and England with a success rate of nearly 100% when used for 12 weeks. There are conflicting reports as to its effectiveness and the FDA has not approved its use in the U.S. It is not known whether obtaining BEC5 from eating eggplant will help to prevent or treat cancer.

The 7 Health Benefits of Orange Peel

Adding orange zest to a recipe is a great way to improve the flavor, but did you know that there are actually many health benefits of orange peel? Most people simply eat the orange and discard the peel, but they miss out on the nutrition contained in the peel.
Next time you eat an orange don't throw away the peel! Instead, zest a little bit of the peel to add to your favorite salad or side dish.

Here are 7 health benefits of orange peel.

Heart Health
Hesperidin is an antioxidant found in oranges and there are very high levels of it in the peel. Hesperidin helps protect the heart by lowering blood pressure and regulating cholesterol levels. Adding a little bit of orange peel shavings do your meals will greatly increase your consumption of hesperidin.

Digestive Health
Fiber is an essential element of a healthy digestive system and orange peel contains high amounts of fiber. If you are experiencing constipation, orange peel can help to relieve the constipation. It also promotes healthy bacteria production in the intestines.

Hangover Cure
Many people swear by the orange peel hangover cure. Throw some orange peels into boiling water for about 20 minutes, add salt, let cool, and drink.

Bronchitis Treatment
To help with bronchitis, place some orange peel in a glass, add hot water, and drink it throughout the day.

Weight Loss
High fiber, high nutrient foods are the perfect thing to eat if you want to lose weight. Orange peel provides the fiber and nutrition that you need and it also helps to suppress your appetite. Try drinking orange peel tea if you don't want to add orange zest to your meals.

Orange peel will help to reduce chronic inflammation in the body, which can help with many different health conditions like heart disease, arthritis, and cancer.

Bad Breath Remedy
If you have bad breath, forget mouthwash and chewing gum. Instead, chew on a piece of orange peel to keep breath fresh.

Know of any orange peel benefits we've missed? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

The 6 Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds come from the big round center of the sunflower, which turns throughout the day to follow the course of the Sun. Sunflowers began to be used over 5,000 years ago by the Native Americans, the Spanish brought them back to Spain, and they were soon introduced to neighboring European countries. Today, the top producers of sunflower seeds are the Russian Federation, Peru, Argentina, Spain, France and China.

Here are six health benefits of sunflower seeds that may make you want to include them in your diet on a regular basis.

Cardiovascular Benefits
Sunflowers are an exceptional source of vitamin E, which plays a very important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps keep free radicals from oxidizing cholesterol. Only when oxidized is cholesterol able to stick to blood vessel walls and cause atherosclerosis, which can lead to blocked arteries, heart attack, or stroke. You can get over ninety percent of the daily value for vitamin E in only a quarter of a cup of sunflower seeds.

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, the body's primary fat-soluble antioxidant. Vitamin E travels throughout the body neutralizing free radicals that would otherwise damage fat-containing structures and molecules, such as cell membranes, brain cells, and cholesterol. By protecting these cellular and molecular components, vitamin E has significant anti-inflammatory effects that result in the reduction of symptoms in asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, conditions where free radicals and inflammation play a big role.

Cancer Prevention
Sunflower seeds are a good source of selenium. Studies suggest a strong correlation between low selenium intake and cancer incidence. Selenium has been shown to induce DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells, to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, and to induce their apoptosis, the self-destruct mechanism the body uses to get rid of worn out or abnormal cells. In addition, selenium is incorporated at the active site of many proteins, including glutathione peroxidase, which is particularly important for protection against cancer. One of the body's strongest antioxidant enzymes, glutathione peroxidase is used by the liver to detoxify a great many harmful molecules. When levels of glutathione peroxidase are low, these toxic molecules wreak havoc on any cells they come in contact with, damaging their DNA and prompting the development of cancer cells. One quarter of a cup provides over thirty percent of the daily value for selenium. The vitamin E so abundant in sunflower seeds has also been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer, bladder cancer, and prostate cancer.

Bone Health
Sunflower seeds are particularly rich in magnesium. It's a well-known fact that calcium is necessary for strong bones, but magnesium is too. Most of the magnesium in the human body is in our bones. Some of it helps lend bones their physical structure, and the rest is located on the surface of the bone where it is stored for the body to use as it needs. Copper found in sunflower seeds is vital for the function of enzymes involved in cross-linking collagen and elastin, providing strength and flexibility in bones and joints. Vitamin E also imparts anti-inflammatory properties to sunflower seeds, effective in the reduction of arthritis symptoms.

Good for the Nerves By preventing calcium from rushing into nerve cells and activating them, magnesium keeps our nerves relaxed and thereby our blood vessels and muscles too. Too little magnesium means too much calcium can gain entrance to the nerve cell, causing it to send too many messages, and leading to too much contraction.

Insufficient magnesium leads to higher blood pressure, muscle tension, migraine headaches, soreness and fatigue. Not surprising that studies have demonstrated magnesium helps diminish the frequency of migraine attacks, lowers blood pressure and helps prevent heart attacks. Sunflower seeds also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin, an important neurotransmitter. Serotonin relieves tension, calms the brain and promotes relaxation.

Skin Protection
Vitamin E has sometimes been described as the "lightning rod" of the cell, allowing reactive molecules to strike the cell, like lightning, without causing damage. This function of vitamin E is particularly apparent in the case of the skin, since vitamin E directly protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. In many studies, vitamin E applied topically has been shown to prevent UV damage. A diet containing vitamin E-rich foods promotes this same protective effect.

The 8 Health Benefits of Yellow Squash

Yellow squash is a type of summer squash that grows all over the United States and is easily found at local farmers markets, roadside vegetable stands and grocery stores. Yellow squash is rich in nutritional benefits and can be used in a wide variety of dishes. Add it to stews, salads and soups to avail yourself of this nutritious vegetable.

Here are eight health benefits of this versatile vegetable.

Low in Calories
A cup of yellow squash contains only about 36 calories, 7 grams of carbohydrates, less than one gram of fat, and a gram of protein. It is also cholesterol-free. The few calories it contains come mostly from its carbohydrate content, which is also particularly low. If you are trying to lose weight, yellow squash is a great choice to replace higher calorie vegetables like potatoes and corn.

Vitamin Rich
Yellow squash is a brilliant source of vitamin C and a very good source of magnesium, vitamin A (particularly in its concentration of carotenoids, including beta-carotene), fiber, folate, copper, riboflavin and phosphorus.

It is also abundant in potassium, providing 345.60 milligrams per serving. Potassium is a key electrolyte in the balance of fluids and also provides muscle energy.

In addition, it is high in manganese, a mineral which helps the body process fats, carbohydrates, and glucose.

Cancer Prevention
Yellow squash is abundant in antioxidants that keep free radicals at bay. With its high beta-carotene content, yellow squash is a great source of protection from pollutants and chemicals that lead to cancer. It is also high in vitamin C, which helps prevent premature aging and cancer as well as inhibiting cell division.

Heart Health
Yellow squash contains negligable fat and no measurable cholesterol. One cup of squash contains about 0.2 g of fat. Cutting down on your fat and cholesterol intake is a giant step towards helping reduce your risk of heart disease.

The magnesium found in yellow squash has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Along with its potassium content, magnesium is good for reducing high blood pressure. The vitamin C and beta-carotene levels in yellow squash may also aid in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. As cholesterol in its oxidized form builds up in the walls of blood vessels, such nutrients may reduce the development of atherosclerosis. The presence of the vitamin folate in yellow squash is required by our bodies to remove an unhealthy metabolic byproduct called homocysteine, which may contribute to heart attack and stroke risk.

While the nutrients in squash combine to make a heart healthy, disease-preventing food, yellow squash is also particularly rich in fiber, the perfect ingredient for lowering high cholesterol levels and reducing the potential for atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Colon Health
At 2.52 grams per serving, the abundant fiber content of yellow squash is indispensable for the excretion of toxins from the body and is an extremely important nutrient for the colon's health since it promotes regularity and adds bulk to the stool.

Prostate Health
Yellow squash has been shown to alleviate the symptoms of a condition named benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH. A man with BPH suffers from a problematically enlarged prostate gland, leading to difficulties with both urinary and sexual function.

Eye Health
Yellow squash is particularly high in concentrations of beta carotene and lutein. Dietary lutein helps to prevent the onset of cataracts and macular degeneration, which often leads to blindness. A cup of yellow squash provides about 135 micrograms of beta carotene and 2,400 micrograms of lutein.

Healthy Bones
Yellow Squash contains high levels of manganese and vitamin C. Manganese aids in maintaining healthy bone structure, calcium absorption, enzyme creation, and bone building. It also contributes to the mineral density of the spinal column.

Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, which is essential for the building of bone mass, and magnesium is indispensible to the health of joints and bones. Iron, folate, zinc and phosphorous found in yellow squash all contribute to the mineral health of bones, and help fortify against osteoporosis.

Mar 23, 2013

The 6 Health Benefits of Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are not really nuts but are the edible seeds of about 20 different species of pine cone. They have been eaten as food since the Paleolithic period and today are most commonly eaten as an ingredient in pesto sauce.

Here are six health benefits of pine nuts.

Weight Loss
Even though they are high in fat, eating pine nuts on a regular basis can boost your weight loss efforts because they contain pinoleic acid, which research has found to be an effective appetite suppressant. Pinoleic acid works by triggering the release of two hunger suppressant hormones, cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1).

Cardiovascular Support
In addition to good circulation, pine nuts also contribute to a healthy heart. They are a great source of monounsaturated fats, which have been linked with lower cholesterol levels and a lower risk of heart attack. They are also high in vitamin E, vitamin K, copper, iron, and manganese, all of which help the cardiovascular system.

High in Iron
Pine nuts are a great source of iron, which is a key nutrient for many processes of the body, including circulation and nerve regulation. The copper they contain helps the body absorb more of the iron.

The antioxidants in pine nuts slow down the aging process because they help to remove free radicals from the body. When higher levels of free radicals are present, signs of aging will increase and those free radicals may also cause cancerous cells to grow. Eating foods high in antioxidants, such as pine nuts, will reduce the risk of these health concerns. The copper in pine nuts also contributes to their anti-aging arsenal.

Eye Health
Pine nuts contain lutein, an antioxidant that is crucial to the prevention of eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. They also contain vitamin A in the form of beta carotene, another important eye vitamin.

Energy Boost
When you are feeling tired or fatigued, pine nuts can give you the boost that you need because they contain protein and magnesium. It has been found that magnesium helps to improve symptoms of fatigue and it is also beneficial for tension release and muscle cramping alleviation.

The 8 Health Benefits of Strawberries

Everyone knows that strawberries are delicious. However, did you know just what a nutritional powerhouse they are? Here are eight reasons to include strawberries in your diet.

One cup of strawberries contains over 13% of the RDA of dietary fiber, yet only 43 calories. The dietary fiber in strawberries helps to keep digestion regular, as well as lowers blood pressure and curbs overeating.

Strawberries contain a chemical compound called phenols. Anthocyanin, a particular phenol abundantly found in strawberries, lends the rich red color to the fruit. Though anthocyanin is known to have antioxidant properties within the fruit, it is debated as to whether the antioxidant agents in anthocyanin-rich foods can be absorbed into the body once digested. Fortunately, however, it is known that when anthocyanin-rich foods are consumed, the body's uric acid levels increase, which serves as an antioxidant agent.

The phenols in strawberries also fight against many inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis, asthma and atherosclerosis, by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) in the same way that the drugs aspirin and ibuprofen do. Strawberries, however, do not carry unwanted side effects like stomach and intestinal bleeding.

Anti-Cancer The combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents found in strawberries is well-known to fight against the onset of many different forms of cancer. Thanks to the vitamin C, folate, and the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol that they also contain, strawberries are a delicious defense against potentially cancerous cells.

Healthy Eyes
The Archives of Opthalmology recently published a study in which three or more servings of strawberries (and other fruits) per day can decrease the possibility of contracting age-related macular degeneration by over one-third.

The Vigorous Vitamin C
One cup of strawberries contains an incredible 136% of the RDA of vitamin C, an effective antioxidant that can help lower blood pressure, ensure a healthy immune system, and ward off the development of age-related ocular diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Magnificent Manganese
One cup of strawberries contains 21% of manganese, an essential nutrient that acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. By increasing the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), the enzyme responsible for protecting mitochonrdria exposed to oxygen, manganese not only helps to fight the battle against free radicals and oxidative stress, but also lessens cellular inflammation -- another cause of numerous cardiovascular diseases.

Bone Health
Manganese is also great for the bones, helping in bone building and maintaining proper bone structure. The potassium, vitamin K, and magnesium in strawberries are also important for bone health.

The 6 Health Benefits of Parsley

Though traditionally overlooked as just a garnish, parsley is a giant amongst other herbs in terms of health benefits, and in such small amounts too. Here are six reasons why a sprinkle of parsley can not only make your meals tastier, but also your body healthier.

Studies show that myristicin, an organic compound found in the essential oil of parsley, not only inhibits tumor formation (especially in the lungs), but also activates the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase, which helps the molecule glutathione attach to, and fight against, oxidized molecules. Myristicin can also neutralize carcinogens like benzopyrene in cigarette smoke that can pass through the body, consequently fighting against colon and prostate cancer.

Parsley is rich with an antioxidant arsenal that includes luteolin, a flavonoid that searches out and eradicates free radicals in the body that cause oxidative stress in cells. Luteolin also promotes carbohydrate metabolism and serves the body as an anti-inflammatory agent. Furthermore, two tablespoons of parsley contain 16% of the RDA of vitamin C and over 12% of the RDA of vitamin A - two powerful antioxidants.

Along with luteolin, the vitamin C found in parsley serves as an effective anti-inflammatory agent within the body. When consumed regularly, they combat the onset of inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis (the degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone) and rheumatoid arthritis (a disease causing inflammation in the joints).

Healthy Immune System
The vitamin C and vitamin A found in parsley serve to strengthen the body's immune system, though in different ways. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen, the main structural protein found in connective tissue. This essential nutrient will not only accelerate the body's ability to repair wounds, but also maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Vitamin A, on the other hand, fortifies the entry points into the human body, such as mucous
membranes, the lining of the eyes, and respiratory, urinary and intestinal tracts. Moreover, lymphocytes, or white blood cells, rely on vitamin A to fight infection in the body.

A Healthy Heart Homocysteine, an amino acid that occurs in the body, threatens the body's blood vessels when its levels become too high. Luckily, the folate (or vitamin B9) found in parsley helps convert homocysteine into harmless molecules. A regular garnish of parsley can help ward off cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis.

Vitamin K
Two tablespoons of parsley have a whopping 153% of the RDA of vitamin K, which is necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, a protein that strengthens the composition of our bones. Vitamin K also prevents calcium build-up in our tissue that can lead to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Finally, the vitamin K found in parsley is essential for synthesizing sphingolipid, the fat needed to maintain the myelin sheath around our nerves, and therefore our nervous system as a whole.

The 10 Health Benefits of Avocados

Here are ten reasons to do just like I do and eat an avocado a day:

Prostate Cancer Prevention
Avocados have been shown to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.

Oral Cancer Defense
Research has shown that certain compounds in avocados are able to seek out pre-cancerous and cancerous oral cancer cells and destroy them without harming healthy cells.

Breast Cancer Protection
Avocado, like olive oil, is high in oleic acid, which has been shown to prevent breast cancer in numerous studies.

Eye Health
Avocados have more of the carotenoid lutein than any other commonly consumed fruit. Lutein protects against macular degeneration and cataracts, two disabling age-related eye diseases.

Lower Cholesterol
Avocados are high in beta-sitosterol, a compound that has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. In one study, 45 volunteers experienced an average drop in cholesterol of 17% after eating avocados for only one week.

Heart Health
One cup of avocado has 23% of the recommended daily value of folate. Studies show that people who eat diets rich in folate have a much lower incidence of heart disease than those who don't. The vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, and glutathione in avocado are also great for your heart.

Stroke Prevention
The high levels of folate in avocado are also protective against strokes. People who eat diets rich in folate have a much lower risk of stroke than those who don't.
Better Nutrient Absorption Research has found that certain nutrients are absorbed better when eaten with avocado. In one study, when participants ate a salad containing avocados, they absorbed five times the amount of carotenoids (a group of nutrients that includes lycopene and beta carotene) than those who didn't include avocados.

Glutathione Source
Avocados are an excellent source of glutathione, an important antioxidant that researchers say is important in preventing aging, cancer, and heart disease.

Vitamin E Powerhouse
Avocados are the best fruit source of vitamin E, an essential vitamin that protects against many diseases and helps maintains overall health.

The 10 Health Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract is a strong, natural antiviral and antibacterial substance that is being used more often for many different types of medical conditions. Here are ten health benefits of olive leaf extract.

Immune System Support
Because of the antiviral and antibacterial properties of olive leaf extract, your body will be more able to fight off illness and disease when you are using this extract on a regular basis. If you are starting to get sick, try using olive leaf extract to decrease your recovery time and the severity of symptoms.

Olive leaf extract contains flavonoids, which have been found to have strong anti-inflammatory benefits. When you decrease inflammation in your body, you can decrease the symptoms of multiple health conditions including arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and chronic pain.

Olive leaf extract is a natural anti-viral agent and is being studied for possible benefits in the treatment of HIV infection and other viruses.

Heart Health
It has been found that olive leaf extract can decrease blood cholesterol levels and also decrease high blood pressure levels. Maintaining healthy cholesterol and blood pressure is an important element in preventing heart disease and heart attacks.

Cancer Treatment and Prevention
Olive leaf extract contains compounds that work to reduce free radical activity within your body, which in turn will help you to prevent cancer. The antioxidants that are found within this extract scavenge to find free radicals and they are then removed from your body. Lower levels of free radicals means that you will have lower levels of cancerous cell growth.

Digestive System Support
Olive leaf extract is a natural diuretic, which means that it can help you to reduce water and toxin retention in the body. Additionally, this extract improves digestion and it prevents infections and irritations in the digestive tract.

Herpes and Shingles
Several studies have shown that olive leaf extract inhibits or destroys all forms of the herpes virus, including herpes I and II and herpes zoster (shingles).

Fights Yeast Infections
Research has found that olive leaf extract is effective against Candida albicans, the fungus that causes yeast infections.

Urinary Tract Infections
Olive leaf extract has been found to be effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of the bacteria which causes urinary tract infections and pneumonia. This is important because Pseudomonas aeruginosa is known to have low susceptibility to antibiotics.

Dental Infections
Olive leaf has been found to be beneficial in fighting dental infections.

The 10 Health Benefits of Eggs

Some of you may have eaten eggs over the Easter weekend so I thought I'd post ten health benefits of eggs (and it doesn't count if they were chocolate eggs!)

1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneraton due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources.

2. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.

3. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.

4. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks.

5. They are a good source of choline. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

6. They contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat.

7. New research shows that, contrary to previous belief, moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative impact on cholesterol. In fact, recent studies have shown that regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect a person's lipid profile and may, in fact, improve it. Research suggests that it is saturated fat that raises cholesterol rather than dietary cholesterol.

8. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D.

9. Eggs may prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%.

10. Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.

Mar 18, 2013

Health Benefits and Uses of Ginger

Ginger was used widely by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and was a common article of commerce in Europe in the middle ages. Apart from its value as a natural medicine, it was used as a spice, coloring agent in food, and even in the cloth industry. It was used in India and China in traditional forms of medicine.

Composition of Ginger

Ginger is rich in a number of nutrients, including the following:
  • It has proteins, essential fats and vitamins B and C. Minerals include potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous.
  • The oil of ginger is a mixture of 20 constituents, and is responsible for its aroma. One of these is gingerol, which has phenols, making it pungent.
  • Zingibaine and protease are potent enzymes.
  • It is rich in antioxidants, some of which are more powerful than vitamin E. The phytonutrients include carotenes, flavonoids and trace minerals.
  • There is no cholesterol in ginger.
Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger has medicinal properties and a number of health benefits due to its rich contents.
  • Ginger is used in medical prescriptions because of its anti-emetic properties. The latter prevents vomiting due to various factors like chemotherapy, motion sickness, morning sickness and food poisoning. It is commonly used in combination with honey to soothe these conditions.
  • The powerful volatile oils have medical properties. Gingerol dilates the blood vessels and improves circulation. Like garlic, it lowers the risk of blood clots.
  • Ginger lowers cholesterol and increases the efficiency of the heart. It also lowers blood pressure and the risk of strokes.
  • The carminative properties of ginger prevent flatulence. It controls nausea and increases the peristaltic movement of the intestine. It fights intestinal worms, produces friendly bacteria for the intestines, and prevents diarrhea.
  • Ginger is an aromatic stimulant and boosts digestion. It sharpens the senses, and energizes and stimulates.
  • The fresh juice of ginger has hypoglycemic properties and thus helps to regulate blood sugar.
  • The enzyme in ginger enhances the metabolism of fats and proteins and helps the body to utilize them better.
  • Ginger acts like a pain killer or anti-inflammatory, reducing pain, inflammation, stiff joints and arthritic pain, while being free of the side effects of medications.
  • It is very effective in alleviating cold, cough and asthma, allergies, migraine, vertigo and ulcers.
Culinary Uses of Ginger

Ginger has traditionally been an important ingredient in food due to its aroma, flavor and pungency, as well as preservative qualities. The latter is due to the presence of antioxidants and anti-microbial properties, which keep food fresh longer. Protease attacks proteins and helps to tenderize meat.

Ginger helps to improve the taste of dishes. It is added to soups, stocks, salads, vegetable dishes, marinades, sauces and some desserts. It is used as a revitalizing herb in tea and soup to energize the body. Ginger tea is spicy and healthy, used to alleviate colds and coughs. Ginger is also used to flavor wine and beer.

Other Uses of Ginger

The warm, fresh juice of ginger is effective as a gargle for a sore throat. Ginger root is given for colds, while ground ginger is used for coughs. Ginger has been considered auspicious in India.

Ginger root is used in Hawaii to cure headaches. It is a common home remedy to stop hiccoughs.

Ginger has been a common medicinal and culinary herb for over two thousand years. Apart from its aroma and pungency, it has curative and preventive properties, and is useful in boosting digestion and circulation, alleviating nausea, respiratory problems and pain. Therefore, it is one of the most common and valued items all over the world.


Kumar, Vijaya, “The secret benefits of spices and condiments”, Sterling publishers, 2008., Ginger facts and health benefits, (accessed April 16, 2010)., Exploring the Health Benefits of Ginger, (accessed April 16, 2010).

Ginger: Add a healthy zing to your day!

From the ancient Chinese and the Romans, to mothers of poorly children worldwide, for thousands of years now ginger has been used as a spice and a medicine. Although it is commonly described as a root, it is in fact a rhizome, a stem that grows out from the plant underground, and from which small roots will sprout, as well as new green shoots.

Ginger’s most well-known medicinal use is as a digestive-aid, to relieve tummy pain, nausea and diarrhoea, as well as morning sickness and travel sickness. This is thought to be because of the spice’s high levels of gingerol; a powerful component that gives it its natural zingy flavour, and which acts as an anti-inflammatory in the body.

If you’re wondering how to use ginger, it’s very easy- since it is both fibrous and tough, and full of juice and oils, it is ideal for grating or expressing into just about any food or drink that you feel like.

Even ginger ale and candied ginger have medicinal properties, if you’re not sure about using the fresh variety.
Don’t like the taste? Don’t worry, you can buy it in supplement form too, so you get all the great benefits, without any of the strong flavour!

Benefits of Ginger – The Superfood

Have a look at what else ginger can do for your health
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are thought to provide pain relief in a number of ways, from halting migraines in their tracks, to easing the aches of arthritis.
  • Studies have started showing really exciting results on the effect ginger has on ovarian cancer: Although more research is needed, it seems that ginger has the ability to eliminate cancerous ovarian cells. It also seems to dramatically slow the progress of bowel cancer; encouraging news indeed!
  • Were you spoon-fed ginger ale as a child when you had the flu? If you were, Mum had the right idea, as ginger is shown to have a boosting effect on the immune-system, making you better faster.
So ginger is delicious AND nutritious! But let’s check there’s nothing we should be cautious of…

Side Effects of Ginger?

These seem to be minimal! Some consumer reports have suggested that ginger can cause nausea and stomach-upset rather than prevent it, but these do seem to be rare cases. Since ginger is an anti-inflammatory, people on any blood-thinning medications should perhaps approach the spice with caution to ensure it doesn’t interfere with their condition, although studies on this are not by any means conclusive. If you have any doubts at all, please do consult your doctor.

What the Papers says:

BBC News: (Click article for full size)

The Huffington Post: (Click article for full size)

Mens Cosmo: (Click article for full size)

Studies say…
  • It fights ovarian cancer!
    Studies at the University of Michigan showed that ginger was as effective at destroying cancerous cells as standard platinum-based chemotherapy drugs.

Mar 10, 2013

Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper: 8 Serious Health Issues You Can Easily Avoid

Cayenne pepper has never been as popular as it is now. And the reason is quite simple: not many people knew about the health benefits of cayenne pepper. Today it is added to foods and even some drinks to improve heart health, eliminate cancer risks and cure diabetes. But first things first.

Let’s talk about its nutritional value. FYI, cayenne pepper is rich in vitamins A, B and C, calcium, potassium and a great number of minerals. Vitamin C, for example, keeps one’s immune system strong, whereas vitamin B assists in stress elimination and A – in the epithelial tissue reproduction.

Calcium that is contained in cayenne pepper, works not only for bones and teeth strengthening, but also as a pain reliever. Potassium keeps the body tissues in optimum health.

Prevent Cancer with Cayenne Pepper

Did you know that cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which assists in elimination of cancer cells? This is why this product treats cancers of lungs, prostate gland, pancreas and leukemia.

Eat to Protect Your Heart

Health benefits of this pepper for one’s heart are really multiple. According to the latest researches, cayenne pepper can reduce blood cholesterol and:
  • lower blood pressure
  • inhibit dietary cholesterol absorption
  • reduce bad cholesterol levels (LDL cholesterol)
  • cure abnormal heart rhythms
It Works for Proper Digestion

Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne is helpful in the process of stomach tissues rebuilding. It also helps intestines to function properly. If you consume it regularly, it assists your body in getting rid of waste and creating hydrochloric acid that is important for proper digestion. As the digestive system helps the human body function in a proper way, cayenne is one of essential products to be consumed.

Cayenne Pepper for Diabetes

Diabetic conditions can also be treated with cayenne pepper. Capsicum that is extracted from cayenne pepper is used for depletion of substance-p in the pancreas, which makes the islet cells start working again and producing insulin.

Though cayenne pepper has been used as a folk remedy for many years, it is finally a scientifically approved cure.

Anti-Cold Agent

If you have flu or cold, cayenne pepper may assist in breaking up congested mucus and getting it moving. There is also one popular opinion that when dissolved in water and gargled, it relieves sore throat symptoms. This happens due to the fact cayenne pepper contains much vitamin C and performs as an antioxidant. It also has vitamins that assist in avoiding mucous membrane infections. The result is such that the pain is lessened by capsaicin, which reduces the substance that transmits signals to one’s brain.

No Heartburn

There are certain foods that lead to heartburn. This is the condition that mostly occurs in those, who like spicy foods. However, if you want to treat the condition that brings discomfort, you’d better try cayenne pepper.
Blood Clots Prevention and Treatment

Cayenne pepper is helpful in the process of blood clots prevention and treatment. It reduces atherosclerosis and encourages fibrinolytic activity, thus preventing blood clots formation. If their formation is prevented, a person can successfully avoid chances of stroke and heart attacks.
Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Here is another cayenne pepper benefit. The spice regulates one’s high blood pressure, thus keeping one’s heart healthy. Why not try this natural remedy and refuse from a bunch of chemical solutions?

Knowing health benefits of cayenne pepper, you can use it to improve your health and prolong life.

10 Health Benefits of Blueberries

What to say, berries are low in calories, full of vitamins/minerals and high in fiber. Consequently, they help your body to function more than normally. Thus, 1 cup of blueberries can offer a certain amount of vitamin C, as well as a plenty of phytochemicals and minerals.

Of course, you can choose other berries, though with similar nutrition. But no currants, gooseberries and lingonberries can compete with ‘blue berries’. Beautiful blue and red hue pigments are so good for your health that you can probably prevent any disease! Blueberries contribute to curing bladder infections, several types of cancers and poor vision. Those berries can be found in the section of frozen foods, but they are still delicious and nutritious.

Dried fruits can be used in other recipes, as far as raisins benefit the same! By the way, blueberries are sweet enough to be served simply as they are. Nevertheless, you may get some additional ideas, how to enjoy their unbelievable taste and aroma. Anyway, they are above words, in terms of health!

Blueberries: Some Amazing Facts
  1. In terms of fruit consumption, blueberries rank 2nd to strawberries in popularity.
  2. These berries have probably the highest antioxidant capacities, speaking of all fruits & vegetables, spices & seasonings.
  3. The fruit provides you with either the best flavor or the greatest nutritional benefits.
  4. They have been enjoyed by Americans for hundreds of years. However, the world cuisines enjoy them significantly.
  5. You can freeze blueberries without any damage to their delicate antioxidants. They include different types of anthocyanins, which are colorful pigments, giving wonderful shades of purple/blue/red.
  6. All those antioxidants are great news for people who grow, buy or pick fresh blueberries.
  7. Along with other berries, they definitely have a favorable impact on type 2 diabetes. That’s why it’s great to see them providing those health benefits for blood sugar regulation.
  8. After all, you might be surprised about the blueberries’ number in 1 cup! The average weight of a small blueberry is close to 1-2 grams. That means a weighed cup is worth 100-150 wild berries!
  9. If you want to know how many nutrients are in 1 cup, here you are: vitamin K 36%, manganese 25%, vitamin C 24% and fiber 14%.
Health Benefits of Blueberries: Super Status

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries have reached a unique status in terms of their health-supportive benefits. Most properties are associated with phytonutrient content. All phytonutrients function as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in your body. They are responsible for well-documented health benefits from regular consumption of these berries. So, blueberries:
  • protect from oxidative stress of cardiovascular system.
  • reduce damage to muscles from extra exercising.
  • show antioxidant protection of blood sugar regulatory system and digestive tract.
  • improve blood fat balances, including total cholesterol and blood itself.
  • decrease the risk of inflammation.
  • support healthy blood pressure.
  • improve cognitive function of memory and fight aging.
  • maintain the work of nerve cells.
  • favorably impact the retina, protect from its unwanted oxygen damage, particularly sunlight and oxidative stress.
  • focus on anti-cancer benefits.
To make a conclusion, blueberries are real nutritional stars, which burst with nutrition, flavor and low calories. Just try those fruits and you’ll not regret!

Health Benefits of Broccoli

The Health Benefits of Broccoli, or 100% Nutritional Wonder in Your Diet

Eating broccoli is always a good idea, our parents are right. The 1st thing to remember is that it packs the most nutritional collection of any vegetable. Among the broccoli’s noteworthy nutrients are vitamins A and C, calcium and fiber. Thus, the veggie calcium content almost equals a glass of milk, being a perfect alternative for those, who cannot consume dairy products. Except building strong bones, this mineral controls high blood pressure and prevents colon cancer.

Beta-carotene (in the form of vitamin A) is also an important antioxidant, which reduces the risk of cataracts and heart diseases. In fact, broccoli is a fiber of both types: insoluble and soluble. The story of success goes on with numerous protective substances and other health bonuses. So, let’s discover a famous member of the cabbage family: cruciferous vegetable broccoli!

Miracle Broccoli: What Else Could You Ask for?
  1. Nervous System & Muscles – High amounts of potassium maintain your healthy nervous system, as well as optimal brain function. Besides, broccoli promotes regular muscle growth.
  2. Blood Pressure – Magnesium and calcium regulate your blood pressure.
  3. Antioxidant Power – This is a powerful antioxidant, because of huge vitamin C concentrations, carotenoids and others. For example, vitamin C fights against free radicals and eases the discomfort of common cold.
  4. Bone Health – Both calcium and vitamin K are important for your bone health and osteoporosis prevention.
  5. Sun Damage – Broccoli works wonders with different skin conditions, due to repairing substances. No wonder that the vegetable is strongly recommended for eczema.
  6. Health Benefits of Broccoli
  7. Immune System – Just 100 g of this cabbage representative boosts your immune system with a powerful dose of beta-carotene. As for such trace minerals as zinc and selenium, they strengthen immune defense actions.
  8. Cancer Prevention – Broccoli contains anti-cancer and antioxidant compounds plus anti-carcinogens, which also boost liver function! Needless to say why all cruciferous vegetables are must-have foods several times a week. They are directly linked to your lower rates of cancer, especially cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
  9. Diet Support means high levels of fiber, helping in digestion, preventing constipation, maintaining low blood sugar, controlling diabetes, curbing overeating.
  10. Cholesterol Reduction – The same as many other whole foods, broccoli’s fiber draws out cholesterol.
  11. Eye & Heart Health – Carotenoids prevent macular degeneration and cataracts, being essential for both color and low-light vision too. Vitamin A also fights against heart disease and stroke, while B6 and folate reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  12. Allergy & Inflammation – Anti-inflammatory phyto-nutrients and omega 3 fatty acids lessen all the harmful impact of allergic and other substances on your body.
  13. Detoxification – A special combination of phytonutrients controls detox processes at a genetic level.
  14. Metabolism of vitamin D – Broccoli is an unusually good source of vitamins K and A, required for keeping your vitamin D balance proper.

Well, love it or hate it, but ‘broccolo’ (from Italian) is extremely good for you. This is your healthy friend from ancient Roman times, proudly cultivated in the New World. The healthiest way of cooking broccoli is steaming, for maximum nutrition and flavor. But both cooked and raw vegetables make good additions to your healthy meal plan. Today this veggie is at the forefront of truly global consciousness. Yes, it is hard to argue that broccoli pretends to be one of the healthiest foods you can eat.

Biotin for Hair Growth

Biotin for Hair Growth 5 Primer Sources of Biotin for the Beauty of Your Locks

Biotin is found in many cosmetic products and there’s no wonder about that: it improves hair condition, making it stronger, longer, thicker and glossy. You may say there are lots of products with other ingredients that lead to the same result, BUT when speaking about biotin, one should never forget its primer benefit – it is a natural element, which can be found not only in shampoos and conditioners, but also in foods we eat daily. Choose biotin for hair growth and find out what it is like to have great hair without any chemical application.

Biotin Deficiency

Vitamin H, or biotin as it is now referred to, is one of the most important vitamins for proper hair growth. It plays a rather great role in maintaining the levels of blood sugar and ensuring a normal body’s energy cycle.

It’s hard to state that its deficiency is a common condition, as biotin is present in lots of products. When the deficiency occurs, it mainly affects those people, who have had parts of stomach removed or in people, who have an increased need for it (pregnant women, patients healing from wounds and injuries).

An average adult needs about 30 micrograms of biotin daily. To get the needed amount he/she shouldn’t look for additional supplements, but normalize a diet plan and include more biotin-rich foods.

Where is Biotin Found?

Let’s start with natural sources, and not well-advertised commercial products offered by today’s market. You’re going to be surprised, but this vitamin is present in almost all products we consume daily. If you are aiming at preventing hair loss, consider the following list of foods:
  • Liver and kidney. Specialists say that 3 ounces of cooked liver contain the daily amount of biotin a person needs. The question you should ask is “When was the last time I ate liver?”. Of course, let’s take into account the fact that most people can stand the way liver smells and tastes. In this case they should look for alternative sources: salmon, pork, halibut, etc.
  • Biotin for Hair Growth
  • Eggs. A single egg contains a great amount of biotin, which is primarily found in yolk. Raw white also contains the vitamin, but it also has the enzymes that reduce the ability of the body for Biotin consumption. When you’re cooking an egg, enzymes separate.
  • Nuts (mainly almond and walnut) contain the vitamin as well. In addition to biotin, these nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that cure the dry skin of scalp, giving one’s hair a shiny appearance.
  • Wheat products should be considered as well. It is hard to believe, but a whole wheat bread has about 6 micrograms of biotin. Don’t forget about oats as they are another good grain source of biotin.
  • To other biotin-rich foods belong soy, red beet, spinach, cabbage, mushrooms, beans and Swiss chard.
How Does Biotin Shampoo Work?

When used regularly, biotin shampoos work in three main directions. They:
  • make hair stronger
  • treat disorders
  • promote healthy growth
Biotin strengthens brittle hair that is about to fall out. When composed of biotin and protein, it becomes healthy and strong. Biotin-based shampoos help to regrow lost hair. The vitamin the shampoo contains penetrates the scalp, improving not only the appearance of hair, but also scalp skin.

People worldwide benefit from the usage of such shampoos and conditioners, because they strengthen hair follicles and promote healthy growth. The absence of split ends and hair breakage are additional benefits to consider. In 2 months one notices that the hair is a lot thicker and fuller.

If a person doesn’t suffer from biotin deficiency, shampoos won’t help. The body will not store it, so there is no need to count on long-term benefits.

However, don’t rely on shampoos only, if you want to improve your hair. Eat more biotin-rich products and eliminate stress. Only in this case biotin for hair growth will be a beneficial option.

Health Benefits of Grapes

Health Benefits of Grapes: Their 3 Varieties to Power Your Organism

In many cultures and since centuries grapes have been regarded “the queen of fruits.” Do you know that these are berries (!) in clusters botanically? Anyway, this is so beautiful and juicy wonder by nature, which also comes as a real storehouse of health.
Today, grapes are widely cultivated all over the world, giving us pleasure of tasting that semi-translucent flesh in smooth skin. Interestingly, but there are white/green, red/purple and blue/black varieties of these fruits, either with edible seeds, or seedless. The color means presence of different pigments.

The most amazing is that antioxidant compounds of grapes are densely concentrated on their skin and seeds! Commercially, they are grown for various purposes: eating as fresh table fruit or as dried raisin/currant/sultana, and using in wine production. So, you have a wide choice how to get all the health benefits of grapes.

What’s Useful to Know about Grapes?
  • Grapes, eaten/used in recipes, are ‘table’ grapes. They are opposed to ‘wine’ grapes, which are used in viniculture; as well as ‘raisin’ grapes, used to make dried fruits.
  • Grapes’ intake has long been connected with a better blood sugar balance, and thus, better insulin regulation.
  • Several grape phytonutrients play a proven role in longevity and healthy aging.
  • Only a few fruits have deserved as much attention in health researches as grapes.
  • Grapes are present in all the diets worldwide.
  • Except Antarctica, grapes are cultivated on every continent.
  • Grapes can boast of probably the most amazing nutrient composition, which provides all the body systems with benefits (cardiovascular/respiratory/immune system/inflammatory/blood sugar regulating/nervous systems).
6 Key Benefits of Grapes: Enjoy & Stay Healthy
  1. Grapes are rich in powerful antioxidants, which protect against colon/prostate/breast cancers, heart/nerve/Alzheimer’s diseases and viral/fungal infections. Such constituent as resveratrol reduces stroke risks, elevates high blood pressure and relaxes blood vessels. Anthocyanins are some other type of antioxidants, abundantly present in red grapes. Those phyto-chemicals have an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-allergic and anti-cancer activity. As for catechins in white/green grapes, they also possess health-protective functions.
  2. Grapes are very low in calories and provide 0 cholesterol levels.
  3. Grapes are rich in copper, iron, manganese, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, carotenes, vitamin C, A, K and B-complex vitamins.
  4. Grapes treat constipation, kidney disorders, fatigue, cataract, asthma, migraine.
  5. Grapes contain flavonoids that reduce free radical damage and aging.
  6. Grapes provide instant energy, boost the immune system, enhance brain health, bring down cholesterol levels, protect from infections and viruses.
As you can see, grapes play an essential role preventing numerous disorders and diseases, being used as a tasty home remedy all year round.

A Few Rules on Selection, Storage & Serving For More Amazing Nutrient Composition
  • Choose fresh grapes, which feature plump, free from cracks/leaking juice, and firmly attached to a green stem.
  • Buy ripened grapes: green – with a slight yellowish hue; red – with a pinkish-red hue; blue-black – with deep and rich color.
  • Always store grapes in the fridge, washed and wrapped in a paper towel. This way, the fruit will keep fresh for several days.
  • Wash grapes in cold water for a couple of minutes and a few times. Pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • If not consuming the whole bunch at once, separate it into clusters. Thus, you’ll prevent the stem from drying out.
Well, all the wealth of healthy benefits in grapes is somewhat indescribable! Just eat them and forget about diseases.

10 Health Benefits of Celery

10 Health Benefits of Celery: What about High-Nutrition & Low-Cal Powerfood?

‘What’s so beneficial in celery?’ you may ask. Well, first of all, you protect your digestive tract against inflammation the very next moment you’re eating this veggie. Then, in addition to inflammatories you are getting loads of painkillers, antioxidants, anti-ulcer compounds and sedatives.

This speaks for itself, doesn’t it? As a result, a vegetable offers huge support for your cells and blood vessels, as well as organ systems. Generally, 100 g or 1 cup of celery contains vitamin K, A, B, C, potassium, fiber, manganese, calcium and magnesium. By the way, as far the veggie stalk is 95% water, there are 0 calories in it.

As you can see, it’s a good and just excellent food source of nutrition. So, enjoy celery seeds, root, leafy stalks, oil, and juice – in short, the whole food itself!

Amazing Celery & Its 10 Healthy Links to You
  • Antioxidant & anti-inflammatory support – Numerous substances in the vegetable decrease the risk of oxidative damage to body and blood vessel walls. Besides, any inflammatory reaction in the digestive tract and liver is prevented. The most interesting aspect here is that while growing, celery produces specific antioxidants in great amounts. This way, the veggie responds to stress and becomes protected in natural living conditions. But, being chopped on your kitchen countertop, it still increases the production of phytonutrients for the same reason!
  • Digestive tract protection – Your stomach gets special benefits, including improved integrity of the lining, decreased risk of ulcer, better control of secretions, and constipation relief. Hungarians have been using this vegetable to calm indigestion for ages.
  • Health Benefits of Celery
  • Cardiovascular benefits of celery mean no oxidative stress and bloodstream inflammation. In fact, they are both critical in the development of most cardiovascular diseases, particularly atherosclerosis. Researchers have identified that this vegetable acts as a smooth muscle relaxant. As a result, such relaxation of muscles around blood vessels helps to avoid high blood pressure.
  • Fighting bad breath, or ‘halitosis’ – Celery seems to be custom made for it. Chewing this vegetable stalk is helpful in 2 ways: (1) its roughness scrubs bacteria from the tongue back and (2) its natural fiber assists in teeth cleaning. In short, this is like using some edible toothbrush.
  • Treatment of bladder infections is associated with celery seeds. They improve the quality and quantity of urine, being a useful diuretic for different urinary tract infections.
  • Migraines, bursitis & various inflammatory conditions will definitely benefit from celery in the diet. Two of the best known natural ‘miracle aspirin’ are celery and its seeds, which contain high amounts of painkillers.
  • Fungal infections in check – Celery naturally resists to pathogens during storage, due to a melting pot of fungicides. So, if being prone to microbe infection, eat a celery stalk every day.
  • Hay fever & Asthma can be relieved with this top vegetable from the list of proven allergy helpers.
  • Menopausal symptoms – Phytochemicals of all the celery family are mildly estrogenic herbs. These compounds are extremely good for menopausal hot flashes, along with preventing heart disease and osteoporosis.
  • Pneumonia – This is a vegetable, well-known for stimulating the immune system and fighting bacteria, viruses and inflammation.
Well, now you may think of how to enjoy multi-beneficial celery. In fact, it can be eaten raw or cooked, whole or in parts, juiced or in recipes. The experts say that juicing is probably the best way to get all the health benefits of celery. Even if you do not like its specific taste, add the veggie to other fruit & vegetables, and you won’t even notice it!

10 Health Benefits of Carrot Juice

10 Health Benefits of Carrot Juice, or Why Choose This ‘Golden Drink of Healing’?

It’s a matter of common knowledge that juicing is one’s fast track to good health. Besides, this process allows us to take in more vegetables at once, as we cannot eat tons of raw and cooked vegetables all the time. More so, liquid vegetable mass is easily assimilated. In other words, juices are ideal solution for daily solving of health problems.

Carrots are really great as a base for regular fresh vegetable juice. What is more important, it’s unbelievably nutritious and healing by itself. So, get a bunch of carrots, and juice them with apples, celery or beets. Don’t store the carrot juice, better drink it immediately! Now, you are ready to find out how many benefits you’ve drunk.

Let’s Drink Juices! Discover 8 Health Benefits of Carrot Ambrosia
  • Actually, there is 1 main nutrient in carrot juice: beta-carotene. This is an antioxidant, which helps to improve your vision. Why, have you ever seen rabbits in glasses? The thing is that they just love carrots! So, the old myth that carrots help you see better is absolutely true. Also, beta carotenes maintain epithelial tissues, which surround your internal organs and control cancerous growths. Yes, carrots do help in keeping cancer away. In addition, beta carotene gives the body essential vitamins A, B and E.
  • As far as carrots are those deep soil root vegetables, they can absorb an abundance of minerals. Carrot juice is a drinkable source of potassium. Its deficiencies are bad for your body, resulting in acne, dry skin, muscle spasms and high cholesterol levels.
  • When juiced, carrots have perfect regenerative capacities. Drinking their juice either cleanses or restores your liver. That’s why this drink has been called the ‘golden juice of healing qualities.’
  • Juicing from carrots is probably the healthiest lifestyle choice possible. The proven health benefits of those vegetables are: reproductive health, eyesight health, bone health, teeth health, liver health, nail health, skin health and hair health. Well, drinking carrot juice contributes to different parts of your body.
Mega Carrot Beverage: A Few Tips
  • The darker color is the carrot, the more carotene it has.
  • Carrots taste surprisingly sweet, because of high concentration of natural sugar. So, people with diabetes should drink the juice carefully.
  • 8 ounces of carrot juice contain: 800% of daily vitamin A dosage; 35% of recommended vitamin C; 10% of potassium intake level; 6% of needed calcium.
  • Pure carrot juice is an extremely low calorie drink. That’s why it is an excellent helper for weight loss. If you are a dieter, athlete or weightlifter, carrot juicing + dairy blending will be true protein power.
Why Must You Drink Carrot Juice?
  1. It will do good for your overall health and such organs as skin and eyes, digestive system and teeth.
  2. You will purify and revitalize your blood.
  3. You will keep your blood pressure and blood sugar under control.
  4. You will reduce cholesterol, blood clots and heart diseases.
  5. You will kill harmful germs in your mouth and prevent your tooth decay.
  6. You will help your digestion and prevent gastric disorders.
  7. You will reduce the risk of cancers.
  8. If you are a mother, you will improve the quality of your breast milk.
  9. Having periods, you will increase your menstrual flow.
  10. You will improve your skin/hair/nails appearance, as well as your eyesight.
Let’s conclude that carrot juice is a real wonder, with powerful healing virtues for many diseases. Just start loving it! Remember that a glass of this juice daily will benefit you much more than a whole bottle of supplement tablets!

Mar 8, 2013

Remedy How to Treat Potassium Deficiency

Similar to vitamins, minerals are also required by the human body in order to carry out different functions. Potassium is one of the most important minerals required by the human body as it helps in proper functioning of the heart muscles. Secondly, potassium is also required to maintain the acid-base balance in the body.
Synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins is also carried out in the presence of potassium. As there are several health benefits associated with this mineral, one should have foods rich in potassium regularly. When the level of this mineral in the body falls severely, the person is said to suffer from potassium deficiency, also known as Hypokalemia. Here we will see more on the causes of potassium deficiency and ways to treat it.

What Causes Potassium Deficiency

We get all the essential amounts of potassium from dietary sources, i.e., foods that we eat. Potassium is found in several plant as well as animal sources. Therefore, gaining required amounts of potassium daily is not difficult. However, if one has an improper diet for a longer period or follows a crash or fad diet, he is prone to suffer from the deficiency of this mineral. Secondly, over use of diuretics and laxatives also leads to depletion of electrolytes and minerals from the body, leading to potassium deficiency. Symptoms of this condition depend on the severity of the condition and vary accordingly. Weakness, tiredness, fatigue, anxiety, temporary memory loss, hypertension, sleep disorders, etc. are some of the symptoms of this condition. Let us take a look at the treatment methods in detail.

Treating Potassium Deficiency

The treatment method of any vitamin or mineral deficiency aims in reversing the condition and rising the low levels of the related vitamin or mineral. Similar is the case with potassium deficiency. As improper diet and dietary habits is one of the major causes of potassium deficiency, making changes in the diet is the most common method of treating the deficiency. Deficiency of Potassium can be treated naturally by including potassium rich foods in the diet. As mentioned above, this mineral is obtained from several vegetarian as well as non vegetarian sources. People suffering from potassium deficiency should include foods like apple, avocado, beet, banana, buttermilk, beef, cod, chicken, clams, dates, figs, kidney beans, Kiwi fruit, lettuce, Lima beans, mushrooms, milk, nectarines, orange, prunes, pumpkin, peaches, potatoes, papaya, peanuts, raisins, salmon, sweet potatoes, turkey, winter squash, yogurt. Fruits like banana, peaches; and dried fruits like raisins and dates contain high amounts of this mineral and should be included in the daily diet to treat the potassium deficiency.

On the other hand, in case of severe potassium deficiency, the doctor may also prescribe potassium supplements to restore the levels of potassium quickly. Secondly, treating the underlying cause can also help in complete cure. For e.g., if it is caused due to use of diuretics, the doctor will change the medications and prescribe something that does not affect the potassium level. Similarly, if the condition is caused due to thyroid disorders, the doctor will treat the thyroid disorder, which will indirectly help in treating low levels of potassium. Therefore, we see that there are various potassium deficiency treatment methods that effectively help in reversing the condition.

Lastly, it should be noted that banana is one of the highest source of potassium and should be consumed every day; whether suffering from potassium deficiency or not. Having a proper and balanced diet helps in prevention of all vitamin and mineral deficiencies.