Dec 18, 2014

How-To Diskless AoE – 07 Rebuilding the file ipxe.iso with UltraISO

Now its time to create the POINTER to the AoE Target to automaticaly boot.

* – watch in HD on Youtube.

We are using the ipxe.iso with a little additions to do this.

You will need download the ipxe.isoUltraISO and Notepad++ Software to complete this task.

Task 1 – On UltraISO open the file ipxe.iso

Drag the file ISOLINUX.CFG to outside UltraISO window and edit this file with notepad++, put the last line with ‘INITRD conf.ipxe‘,  save and drag the file again into UltraISO. Overwrite YES.
# These default options can be changed in the geniso script
SAY iPXE ISO boot image
DEFAULT ipxe.lkrn
LABEL ipxe.lkrn
KERNEL ipxe.krn
INITRD conf.ipxe

Task 2 – With Notepad++ create the file  ’conf.ipxe‘  with content:
dhcp net0
set keep-san 1
sanboot aoe:e0.0

Important ! Save the file conf.ipxe with notepad++, and drag the file backing into UltraISO.

Your UltraISO looks like this:

Task 3 – Save another ISO

On UltraISO menu, go to ‘Save as’ and save ipxe.iso into your TFTP Root folder.

Now you have a ipxe.iso with aoe target address (ex. e0.0) to boot.

Its time to create a PXE Menu to boot your new ipxe.iso !

Proceed to the Step 8

How-To Diskless AoE – 06 Installing and Configuring vBlade Target System

Now its time to install the Target AoE Server, we will use the vBlade ported to Windows to start.

* – Watch in HD on Youtube 

With this software we will export a aoe target (like e0.0) with the virtual disk file ( .VHD or .VMDK ) from the prepared Windows 7 that we installed on Virtual Box.

Important: To vblade work properly on your Server you should have WinPCAP installed already.

After download the installer

Task 1 – Install:


Task 1- Open the icon ‘Run vBlade’ on Program Group

Task 2 - on cmd window export your new .VHD or .VMDK Windows Virtual Machine to AoE Target !


First find the Device Name of your Network Card with bogus caracters (xxx).
c:\vblade.exe -b 65 0 0 xxx "d:\path_to_you_vhd\windows.vhd"

after copy and paste the \Device\{value}

c:\Program Files (x86)\vBlade\vblade.exe -b 65 0 0 "\Device\{value}" "d:\path_to_you_vhd\windows.vhd"

*- where \Device\{value} of your NIC !

Your target is e0.0 ( shelf 0 slot 0 , you can export many .vhd or .vmdk files to many diskless workstations )

ok, now you have your Target UP !

Tip: Control your vBlade’s Session with a nice Interface

Note: Make sure your Windows Firewall are disabled and your Anti-Virus Protection will not block the connections.

Continue to Step 7

How-To Diskless AoE – 05 Instaling a virtual machine in VirtualBox with WinAoE driver and CCBoot Client

Now we gonna change the focus, to prepare a Virtual Machine with VirtualBox to test our environment while we configuring the the Diskless Server.

* – Watch in HD on Youtube
- So, first Install VirtualBox, and create a VirtualMachine to Install one Windows. We gonna choose now the Windows 7 ok ?

Task 1 – Install Windows 7 VirtualMachine.

You should have the .ISO DVD from your Windows to install with Virtual Box.

Specifications for Virtual Machine:  Standard, 1 or 512 mb memory, Disk 25 gb, etc.

Note: Create the disk with .VHD or .VMDK format with fixed size !

- Install WinAoE Driver

Task 1 - To driver be loaded we should disable the Integrity checks for sign certification of drivers.

( Note: Windows XP not need to use this two commands, the driver will install clearly, proceed… Task 3 )

In Windows open a cmd ( command prompt ) and type
C:\>bcdedit  -set  TESTSIGNING ON
C:\>bcdedit -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

Task 2 - reboot Windows ( mandatory )

Task 3 - Download the driver here, because this version is self signed :

Task 4 - Uncompress file into a folder

Task 5 - Go to Start Button -> Run –> type ‘hdwwiz.cpl’

Task 6 - Install driver fwith type Storage Adapter from aoe.inf

Task 7 – reboot Windows

Task 8  - Open ‘Device Manager and see is the AoE Driver is correctly runnig

Open a cmd ( command prompt ) and type command ‘aoe’ , type command ‘aoe scan’, the result must be ‘No AoE targets found’, your AoE Driver is working !

 - Install CCBoot Client

After install Windows, you should download the CCBoot Client ,install it and Run It to complete the installation on Virtual Machine with this settings. ( no mark options ).

Task 1- Click on “Install CCBoot Client” button to finish.  Power off the Virtual Machine.

Task 2 - Shutdown the Virtual Machine.

Proceed on How-To to Step 6

How-To Diskless AoE – 04 Putting the necessary files of grub4dos on TFTP Root folder

After download the grub4dos package from the project website. Open it and extract the files grldr and menu.lst and put on  your  tftp-root folder.

* – watch video in HD.

Task 1 – Extract two files

Task 2 – Your tftp-root folder should be like this, with this two files (+ ipxe.iso will see later):

Proceed on the How-to to the next Step 5

How-To Diskless AoE – 03 Instaling and configuring TFTP Server on Server

Choose your TFTP Server from the suggestions.

Im using a TFTP Server from SolarWinds, its completly freeware and works fine.  To explain configuration im using this package. But as you know, you can done with other.


Task 1  - <INSTALL>

Task 2  -  <NEXT>

Task 3  - <NEXT>

Task 4  - waiting…

Task 5  - <FINISH>

Task 6  - Click on Start Windows button and find SolarWinds TFTP menu program group. Open the program.

Task 7  - Menu “File” -> “Configure”

Task 8  - Configure like image, and choose your own tftp-root folder.

Proceed on How-To to next Step 4 - Putting the necessary files ( grub4dos )

How-To Diskless AoE – 02 Instaling and configuring DHCP Server on Server

* – watch video in HD, click on Youtube

Im using a DHCP from Uwe.Ruttkamp. The explain configuration im using this package. But as you know, you can done with other. Just put the option bootfilename string as ‘glrdr‘. ( alternative download link: glrdr )

Its very simple and have with a nice Wizard. To start click on ‘dhcpwiz.exe‘

Task  1:  Just click in <Next>;

Task  2: Select your internal network interface;

Task  3: If you want to use the TFTP from this package, mark TFTP option and choose a folder. Note: on the root path folder put the file ‘grldr‘ and ‘menu.lst‘. If NOT just Click in <NEXT>;

Task 4: Write the string ‘grldr’ on bootfile option and your internal domain. Click in <NEXT>;

Task 5: Mark overwrite and click on “Write INI file” and <NEXT>;
Task 6: Start the Service. and <FINISH>;


If you want to use other package for TFTP continue to the step 3, if NOT skip to Step 4.

How-To Diskless AoE – 01 Overview of the Solution

This How-To enable a Windows based solution that uses AoE technology to bring an entirely new range of solutions, flexibility and cost reductions to businesses. The feature of AoE is a server based network where software applications and programs are held on the server, and runs on Client PCs (Diskless Node). Therefore, Client PCs do not require a hard disk anymore. Centralizing operating system data by deploying AoE enables storage virtualization at the level of the local hard drive, and allows extremely fast server and desktop deployment. This makes AoE Diskless an ideal network management software which is suitable for all kinds of networked environment industries such as Education Institutions, Training Centers, Offices, Cybercafé, Karaoke, and can also be used in cluster computing.

Until today, administrators or technical support staffs are still having frustrations when it comes to troubleshooting and maintaining a group of networked PCs. The majority of problems faced by administrator or technical support staff in a networking environment are:-
  • Programs/Applications/Games/Windows Updates to all PCs
  • Maintain different PC specification
  • Efficiency and Troubleshooting of PCs
  • Identifying faulty hardware and replacements
  • Hard disk limitation and upgrades
  • Virus attacks and Virus removal
  • Operating System Backup / Restoration
  • Windows / Files Protection
  • Freeze/Unfreeze PCs when doing updates (Recovery system)
Listed below are some quick facts if you use this How-To:

  • Investment for hard disk and future hard disk upgrade
  • Monthly electricity bill, go Green
  • Recovery software / hardware
  • Backup / cloning software and other update software
  • Antivirus / Anti Trojan software
  • Faulty hard disks replacements
  • Programs/Applications/Games/Windows Update to all PCs
  • PC maintenance enabling easy manage on multiple branches remotely
  • Virus attacks and Virus removal
  • Windows / Files Protection
  • Maintaining different specification PCs
  • Operating System Backup / Restoration
  • Freeze/Unfreeze (Recovery system)
  • Different Client PC specification with different drivers (Motherboard / Display / Sound / etc)
  • Multi Restore Points
  • Multi Sync between Servers
  • Multiple Images – Multiple Window. (Example: 10PC using English Windows + 10PC Malay Windows + 10PC Chinese Windows)
What is AoE ?

ATA over Ethernet (AoE) is an open standards based protocol that allows direct network access to disk drives by client hosts. Using disk storage arrays that support AoE shared storage networks (SAN) can be built that leverage the power of “Raw” Layer 2 Ethernet.
  • AoE has been native in the Linux kernel since 2005
  • AoE delivers a simple, high performance, low cost alternative to iSCSI and FibreChannel for networked block storage by eliminating the processing overhead of TCP/IP.
  • Layer 2 Protocol which encapsulates ATA (the command set used by most commodity disk) in Ethernet Frames – An Ethernet request which has in it, give me block ‘00’ from disk ‘01’ on shelf ‘1’.

AoE is a stateless protocol which consists of request messages sent to the AoE server and reply messages returned to the client host.

Messages have two formats:
  • ATA Message
  • Config/Query Messages
AoE utilizes the standard Ethernet MAC header for IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frames and has a registered Ethernet type of 0x88A2.

Legacy Fibre Channel and iSCSI protocols consist of several complex software layers see the diagram below. These layers force users through mandatory SAN point-to-point connection configuration procedures for each network path for all storage LUNs. Ethernet SAN is a connectionless protocol that connects servers and storage directly across layer 2 Ethernet. It does not require TCP/IP or user configured multi-path IO (MPIO) software. The use of layer 2 Ethernet represents a simpler approach for SAN.


GRUB4DOS is an universal boot loader based on GNU GRUB. It can boot off DOS/LINUX, or via Windows boot manager/syslinux/lilo, or from MBR/CD. It also has builtin BIOS disk emulation, ATAPI CDROM driver, etc.

Grub4DOS is a boot manager that can be easily installed to a flashdrive or hard drive (internal or external). It allows booting multiple operating systems directly as well as booting into bootable partitions.

grub4dos is a boot loader system. We will use this software to make a boot menu for PXE Boot.

Website of grub4dos:

Download required file:

Alternative Download Blog Link:

How-To Boot Windows Diskless with AoE instead iSCSI

1.] Preparing Windows to Boot Diskless with VirtualBox/Vmare Workstation/ESX
  • Install Windows 7/8/2003/2008 on a Virtual Machine ( create a disk type .vhd with fixed size )
  • open a cmd as administrator and type two commands:
  • C:>bcdedit  -set  TESTSIGNING ON
    C:>bcdedit -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
  • reboot the /virtual machine
  • Download and Install WinAoE Driver as Storage Controller
  • Download and Install CCBoot Client without options
  • Shutdown Virtual Machine
2.] On Server
  • Install a DHCP Server with option bootfilename grldr
  • Install a TFTP Server and set tftp-root folder
  • Download grub4dos and extract 'grldr' and 'menu.lst' files to the tftp-root folder
  • Edit menu.lst file only with this content:
  • title === MENU BOOTS ===
    title Windows 7 Diskless
    map --mem (pd)/ipxe.iso (0xff)
    map --hook
    chainloader (0xff)
  • Create a text file 'conf.ipxe' with this content:
  • #!ipxe
    dhcp net0
    set keep-san 1
    sanboot aoe:e0.0
  • Download ipxe.iso and with UltraISO, open the ipxe.iso with UltraISO and edit ISOLINUX.CFG with this content:
  • SAY iPXE ISO boot image
    TIMEOUT 30
    DEFAULT ipxe.lkrn
    LABEL ipxe.lkrn
    KERNEL ipxe.krn
    INITRD conf.ipxe
  • Update the ISOLINUX.CFG on UltraISO with new content
  • Drag the file 'conf.ipxe' to inside UltraISO and save the file.
  • Put ipxe.iso on the tftp-root folder
  • Start DHCP Server
  • Start TFTP Server
  • Download and install WinPCAP and vBlade Target System ( AoE ) and export the target of .vhd.
  • Open vblade from Icon on Program Group
  • First find the Device Name of your Network Card with bogus caracters (xxx).
  • vblade -b 65 0 0 xxx “d:path_to_you_vhdwindows.vhd”
  • after copy and paste the Device{value}
  • vblade -b 65 0 0 “Device{value}” “d:path_to_you_vhdwindows.vhd”  enter 
  • Ready ! Boot one machine by LAN Boot, or create a VirtualBox/Vmware Virtual Machine without Disks !
  • You can boot a lot of Machines creating a specific ipxe.iso for each one, dont forget to edit 'conf.ipxe' with diferent targets ( e0.0, e0.1, e0.01), create respective ipxe-e0.0.iso for each workstation, add the menu.lst entry too for each ipxe-e0.x.iso, export each .vhd with vblade changing slots ( 0 1 , 0 2 etc..)

Dec 14, 2014

How To install and configure HyperV manager on Win7 machine

If I am using HyperV - Core edition as hyper visor then what options are available to manage VM from remote ?

How are you going to manage it from your desktop PC? You do not want to have to use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect to the server and launch the Hyper-V manager, every time that you want to administer Hyper-V. Thus, you need the Hyper-V tools for remote management up and running whenever you need them.

What about if i am not using domain environment. (what permission required to authenticate both machine which each other).

So what will my scenario prerequisite:

A client computer that is running Windows 7, and that is connected to the same network where the virtualization server is connected (both computers in a workgroup or both in a domain).

You can install Hyper-V Manager on a Window 7 machine , and from that computer, you can manage the virtual machines that are running on your virtualization server. The user experience is the same as that of Hyper-V Manager running on the virtualization server.

Download the Remote Server Administration Tools (Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate only)

On your Windows 7 Download the correct version of the tool from

There is a 32 bit (Windows6.1-KB958830-x86-RefreshPkg.msu) version and a 64 bit (Windows6.1-KB958830-x64-RefreshPkg.msu)

Install the application.

Create the same administrator user on your Windows 7 and Hyper-V node

On windows 7 create an administrator user: Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove user accounts.

On hyper-v create the same user with the same password

Open the Hyper-V Server Configuration by typing sconfig.cmd in the command prompt

Read more @Expert-Exchange

Running Hyper-V on Windows 7 Client

Run Hyper-V on Windows 7? Unpossible!

Ok, so I lured everyone in with a provocative title, and I can’t exactly deliver – there is no way as far as I know to directly run Hyper-V on any client version of Windows 7. But there’s an important bit of software that has an obscure name that can really help you out.

The caveat is, you need a machine that’s free and supports hardware virtualization (i.e. AMD-V or VT-x). Not all machines support it, and a lot of them need some BIOS fiddling to make it work properly.

Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 costs exactly zero dollars

Nobody knows about this, and I don’t know why it’s not more popular – Microsoft gives away the Server Core Hyper-V SKU. For free. No dollars. Go over here and download it. Set this up on a machine and it should drop you at a command prompt – that’s all there is to Server Core, just a cmd prompt; that’s all you need for Hyper-V though.

Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7

A lot of people think that you need to have Windows Server installed to be able to administer other servers – otherwise you don’t have the MMC snap-ins, so people resort to TSing into their boxes to administer them. Ever since Vista, we’ve made a package called the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT), which brings all of the snap-ins like the Active Directory admin page, the DNS page, everything that’s on Server – only on Vista / Win7.

This won’t magically make your Windows 7 box be able to be a Domain Controller though, you’ll only be able to connect to other machines. However, this includes all of the Hyper-V client components – you’ll be able to view the console, manage/add machines, etc. Here’s the only trick though, the installer is kind of goofy – installing the package only adds the entry in the Add Optional Features list. Then, you have to actually choose what to install.

Combine these two, and you’ve got Hyper-V on Win7 for free

Just like the heading says, if you combine these two, you’ve got Hyper-V for free. Yahtzee! Combine this with disk2vhd, and you can get rid of a bunch of test machines and move them to VMs. Move VHDs using the SMB admin shares, like \\mycoolbox\C$\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V Disks

How-To Install Hyper-V Manager on Windows 7

Download and install the RSAT tools for Windows 7 from here: Install either the 32-bit or 64-bit depending on what version of Windows 7 you’re using.

Next, go to Start - Control Panel and click on Programs.

Next, you’ll see an option to Turn Window features on or off. Click on this option.

Under Remote Server Administration Tools - Role Administration Tools, find the option for Hyper-V Tools, check the checkbox and click OK. You can now type Hyper-V Manager at the Start Menu

You can now type Hyper-V Manager at the Start menu or go to Start - Administrative Tools -Hyper-V Manager.

Dec 13, 2014

How to configure OpenFiler v2.3 iSCSI Storage for use with VMware ESX

Until recently I had been running my ESX VM’s on local disk. This is mostly due to not having enough time to get some shared storage up and running.

I however was determined to get something up and running for my ESX lab so that I can play around with some of ESX’s more powerful, and interesting, features such as DRS, HA and VMotion.

As with most of you money is a serious consideration so as I am not in a position to implement a fibre attached SAN solution – though this would be nice. The next best option is iSCSI. I am running both VMware ESX 3.5 and ESXi 3.5 in my lab and both provide iSCSI functionality by default to connect through to an iSCSI target.

There are a handful of good free (free is always good :) ) iSCSI software that can be downloaded. Some are standalone installs, others come in the form of virtual appliances and some both.

Here is a list of those that I know of (there will no doubt be many more):
I decided to give OpenFiler a go – as I’d heard good things about the latest release, v2.3. Here’s a link to a really good document on the OpenFiler site that details the underlying

Read more @techhead

How To setup a Diskless Swap System

This is a simple guide to setting up your computer with solid state swap devices, a much faster method of memory management(i.e. your computer runs lots faster during paging operations).

Hardware Requirements

A) Minimum 4 USB2.0 memory storage devices of identical make and model of at lest 512MB in size. (I can get a 2G stick down the street for less then 10$)
B) A motherboard with USB2.0 ports properly configured in BIOS. (A hub should be alright but I have not tested for that... yet)


1.) Open a text file with gedit for recording device information.
2.) Open a Terminal(Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and enter


tail -f /var/log/messages
3.) Now insert the usb device and you should see something like the following...

Read more at linuxforum

SAN vs NAS vs iSCSI Comparison

List of Diskless Booting Software

List of Diskless Booting Software for iCafe and LANshop

CCBoot by YoungSoft ( Comercial ) - iSCSI based

iShareDisk ( Free ) - iSCSI based

RichTech Diskless by RichTech ( Comercial ) - iSCSI based

Serva Diskless Installation System ( Comercial ) - iSCSI based

OBM Diskless by OBM ( Comercial ) – iSCSI based

EMS358 by EMS ( Chinese, comercial )

Depth Internet Diskless System ( Chinese, comercial )

KeyDone Diskless ( Comercial )

NxD Diskless ( Comercial ) Free

WinTarget AoE Server ( Free 1 connection / Comercial )

DDS Diskless Solution for Cybercafe | MichaelSoft

Orb Diskless


Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL)

Q. Q. Diskless Solutions | links

Using FreeNAS 8 to Create an iSCSI Target for Windows 7

iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface) is a low level network protocol which allows a client machine (known as the Initiator) to control storage on a server (known as the Target). High level network file systems like CIFS (Common Internet File System), which is used by Windows to map network drives, let the server (and its underlying operating system) handle all the low level access to the network accessible storage. The Windows client doesn’t know anything about the sectors, tracks and heads of the remote storage. It simply asks for data from a file which is then sent by the server.

With iSCSI the control is low level. So low level in fact, that the disk needs to be partitioned and formatted by the Initiator. When the Initiator wants some data from the network storage it sends the low level commands to read and write data from the different sectors of the disk. The results of those operations are returned by the Target over the network to the Initiator. If you are thinking that iSCSI sounds a lot like SCSI, the disk interface often used on server, then you are right. SCSI sends low level commands down a cable to control a hard disk. iSCSI sends SCSI like commands over the network to control a hard disk connected to the iSCSI server.

FreeNAS 8 can act as an iSCSI Target and can allow a remote Initiator to control a whole hard disk or present a file (created on the existing storage) as if it was a hard disk. For this tutorial I will assume you have a FreeNAS system installed with at least one volume configured. For more information on installing FreeNAS and setting up volumes see my previous tutorial here: Build a Simple NAS Setup with FreeNAS 8.

Configure iSCSI Target

To configure the iSCSI service, click Services on the toolbar below the FreeNAS logo and then click the small wrench icon next to iSCSI. Click Portals on the menu bar at the top of the iSCSI tab. Click Add Portal. Accept the default and click OK.

Click Authorized Initiator and then “Add Authorized Initiator”. Accept the defaults of ALL and ALL by clicking on OK.

The next step is to create an extent. This will be the hard disk presented to the Initiator. In fact, it is a file on the FreeNAS server which will act as a virtual hard disk. The size of the file created will determine the size of the iSCSI hard disk.

Click Extents and Add Extent. Add an Extent Name (eg. extent1). Then add a full pathname for the file extent in the Path to the extent field. Click Browse to find your storage (eg. /mnt/store) and then add a filename to the end (eg. /mnt/store/extent1).

Now enter a size for the extent which is in bytes. 10GB is 10,737,418,240 bytes, 100GB is 107,374,182,400 bytes and so on. (Note: You mustn’t enter the commas). Click OK.

When an iSCSI Initiator connects to an iSCSI server it connects to a Target. To create a Target click Targets and Add Target. Enter a Target Name (eg. target1), select Disk from the Type drop down menu. Select 1 for the Portal Group ID and the Initiator Group ID and click OK.

Finally the Target needs to be associated with the Extent so that when the iSCSI Initiator connects to the target it uses the corresponding extent. Click Associated Targets and Add Extent to Target. Select target1 from the Target drop down list and extent1 from the Extent drop down list. Click OK.

To enable the iSCSI service, click Services and click the iSCSI Off switch to make it go from “Off” to “On.”

Connecting from Windows 7

The iSCSI Target is now all configured. iSCSI Initiator software is available for most platforms including Mac OS X and Linux. Windows Vista and Windows 7 has it built-in to the OS. Windows XP and Windows 2003 server users can download the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator from Microsoft Downloads.

In Windows 7, click the Start Menu icon and type iSCSI in the search box. Click iSCSI Initiator. In the Quick Connect section enter the IP address of the FreeNAS server in the “Target:” field and click Quick Connect

The “Quick Connect” dialog will appear listing a discovered target. The name of the target will be the same as the name set in the “Target Global Configuration” section of the iSCSI tab on the FreeNAS server (eg. Click Done.

On the iSCSI Initator Properies window click the discovered target (eg. and click Connect. Wait for the “Connect To Target” dialog and click OK.

Windows is now connected to the iSCSI drive (which is really a file based extent on the FreeNAS server). To use the drive start the Disk Management program by typing diskmgmt.msc in the search box of the Start Menu and click diskmgmt.msc.

The first time the Disk Management program starts it will detect the uninitialized iSCSI drive and prepare to initialize it. Click OK.

The disk will then become available for formatting etc. To format it, right click on the Unallocated partition and click New Simple Volume… Go through the “New Simple Volume Wizard” accepting the defaults. Note you may want to assign a different drive letter other than the one suggested by Windows.

Once the format is complete the drive will appear just like any other hard drive in Windows Explorer.


FreeNAS 8 can act as an iSCSI Target for several iSCSI devices with the only limit being storage space available. Assuming your FreeNAS server has the memory and CPU resources available and that your network can support the throughput, FreeNAS offers an easy way to deploy iSCSI on your home or business network.

Will SAS and SATA replace SCSI technology?

It's actually a bit more complicated than SATA and SAS replacing SCSI. Traditional parallel SCSI is a tried-and-true disk interface that's been around for decades. SCSI currently offers very fast burst data transfers of 320 megabytes per second (MBps) using today's 16-bit Ultra320 SCSI interface.

SCSI also offers features such as Tagged Command Queueing (TCQ), to improve I/O performance. SCSI hard drives are noted for their reliability, and it's possible to daisy-chain up to 15 devices per SCSI adapter channel over short distances. These features have made SCSI a good choice for performance-oriented desktops and workstations, all the way up to enterprise-class servers -- even to this day.

SAS drives follow the SCSI command set and carry many of the same characteristics of reliability and performance found in SCSI drives, but they employ a 300 MBps serial version of the SCSI interface. Although this is a bit slower than SCSI at 320 MBps, a SAS interface can support up to 128 devices over longer distances than Ultra320 and can be expanded to 16,000 devices on a channel. SAS adoption still has a long way to go in the enterprise. SAS drives offer the same reliability and the same 10,000-15,000 rpm rotational speeds that SCSI drives do.

SATA drives forego some of that performance and reliability of SCSI and SAS drives in favor of sheer storage capacity and lower cost. For example, SATA drives have now reached 1 TB. SATA has been embraced where maximum storage capacity is needed, such as disk backups and archiving. SATA currently offers point-to-point connections up to 300 MBps, which easily exceeds the traditional 150 MBps parallel ATA interface.

So while SCSI works fine, traditional SCSI is reaching the end of its practical service life. A 320 MBps parallel SCSI interface won't go much faster at the distances of today's SCSI cables. By comparison, SATA drives should reach 600 MBps in the near future, and SAS drives have a roadmap out to 1200 MBps. SATA drives can also run on the SAS interface, so these drives can be mixed in the same storage system. The potential for expandability and data transfer performance is just overwhelming SCSI.

But SCSI isn't going away any time soon. You'll see SCSI linger on small to midsized servers for a few years. As the hardware is updated, SCSI will be systematically replaced by SAS/SATA disk arrays for faster speed and superior connectivity.

My Diskless Server : MSI MS-S0651 Quad LAN 10 SATA

The MSI MS-S0651 is the only rug server motherboard that I have found to have four (4) NICs, yes that is true it have quad network interface controller card power by Intel 82574L Gigabit Ethernet. Apart from 4X LAN it is also equip with ten (10) SATA of which 6 SATA is 3.0 and 4 SATA is 2.0 good enough to boost my Diskless Server. CCBoot 3.0 is much favorable for this Mobo serving 30 to 70 clients if the hardware is much together with the specifications.

The most significant that MS-S0651 can do the job is when all four (4) Intel 82574L Gigabit Ethernet controllers are aggregated, it can be Team together and this can give roughly 4Gbps to eliminate the bottleneck when the BattleLAN gamers are onboard.

Hardware overview


  • Single Intel® Core i3/ i5/ i7, Pentium G, Celeron G series
Core Chipset
  • Intel H77 chipset
Memory Support
  • 4 x DDR3 DIMM slots
  • Support DDR3 1066/1333/1600 MHz Unbuffered non-ECC Memory
  • Supports Max. 32GB
  • Ivy Bridge supports up to 1600 MHz
  • 1 x PCI Expressx16 slot
  • 2 x PCI Expressx1 slot
Storage Interface
  • SATA
    • 2 x SATA 6Gb/s ports by Intel H77 chipset (SATA1-2)
    • 4 x SATA 3Gb/s ports by Intel H77 chipset (SATA 3-6)
    • 4 x SATA 6Gb/s ports by ASMEDIA ASM1061 chipset (SATA7-10)
  • RAID
    • -SATA1-6 support Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RAID 0/1/5/10)
Input / Output Connectors
  • Rear I/O Port
    • 4 USB 2.0 ports
    • 2 USB 2.0 ports
    • 1 Serial port
    • 1 D-sub VGA port
    • 4 Gigabit LAN Jacks
  • On-Board Connector
    • 1 SPI Flash ROM pinheader
    • 1 Serial port
    • 1 TPM [omjeader
    • 2 front panel pinheader
    • 1 PS/2 Keyboard/mouse pinheader
    • 1 8-pin power connector
    • 1 24-pin power connector
    • 4 system fan connector
    • 1 CPU fan connector
    • 2 USB 2.0 pinheader
    • 1 USB 3.0 pinheader
    • 1 chassis intrusion pinheader
    • 1 clear CMOS pinheader
LAN Interface
  • Support 4x Intel 82574L Gigabit Ethernet controllers
Hardware monitor controller
  • N/A
Board Size
  • 30.5cm x 24.5cm (ATX)