Dec 11, 2020

Time for PLDT Fiberhome ONU/ONT Replacement

 Today I wanted to share to my reader on how-to retired my PLDT Fiberhome ONU/ONT AN5506-04-FA device, its has been there for couples of years that I wish to get rid of it and replace with SFP module that will work for my project. Googling on the net to find docs and most of all can get the most affordable SFP module that I can substitute for my ONT/ONU.Not just for the...

Nov 11, 2020


 I am one of those among the PLDT Fiberhome subscriber who have been under CGNAT for so many months until last December 18, 2019 I finally found the solution on how to UNCGNAT my own PLDT Fiberhome ONU. I did many times calling 171 and talking with different CSR (customer service representative) but I ended up with the so called Filipino terminology as "PA-ASA". So I gave my patience on calling 171 for begging the UNCGNATTING waiting on the PLDT IVRS even more than two hours but still no luck at all.I decided to Google on the net but of course...

Oct 10, 2020

Mercusy MW301R Cheap 300Mbps Wireless Router

Mercusy is another subsidiary of TP-Link for budget wireless devices such as wireless access point and router devices.  I seen this Mercusy MW301R 300Mbps cheap plastic case budget router with the price tag of 495Php online its around 10USD if we convert that from Philippine peso. The MW301R is so tiny more or less a clone of TP-Link WR820N v2.0 except that the flash...

Aug 21, 2020


Today I want to share to my readers this over whelming PiSo WiFi Vending machine that majority of Netizens are aiming to build or buy this kind of small business apparatus. I was intrigue by this famous low cost dual band AC1200 wireless router from forum and including on the youtube channels. Lenovo Comfast NEWIFI3 D2 is a 5 port Giga LAN/WAN that competes most well known...

Aug 9, 2020

Is there a need for 1490 nm testing in PONs?

This paper explains the difference between 1490 nm optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) and insertion loss testing as well as physical layer and equipment/transmission signal testing. It also describes the technical and economical differences between 1490 and 1550 nm when analyzing the intrinsic characteristics of the fiber. Point-to-multipoint passive optical networks (PONs), such as Ethernet PON (EPON), Gigabit PON (GPON) or Gigabit Ethernet PON (GEPON) technologies, bring imminent testing challenges, especially at the construction...

Jun 10, 2020

TP-Link WR940N v4/v5 Brush LEDE OpenWrt

Hold and press RESET button then power ON the wireless router. Set the PC LAN Ip address to Install Tftpd32 on Windows machine and rename LEDE/Openwrt to wr940nv6_tp_recovery ...

Jun 1, 2020

OpenWrt L2 Wireless Bridge Client Plus Access Point

My simple way of doing OpenWrt Layer2 Wireless Bridge Client plus Access Point. root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/wireless config wifi-device 'radio0' option type 'mac80211' option channel '11' option hwmode '11g' option path 'platform/qca953x_wmac' option htmode 'HT20' option disabled '0' option country 'US' option legacy_rates '1' config wifi-iface 'default_radio0' option device 'radio0' option mode 'ap' option encryption 'none' option ssid 'AP101' option network 'lan' config wifi-iface option ssid 'WR941ND' option encryption 'psk2' option...

May 23, 2020

AR9341 Router TTL Line Brush Machine

Recently, I have a batch of OEM PoE routers that do not have a USB interface. It is just used to study the TTL flash machine. Then connect the USB to TTL. Note here that some boards will be incompatible with garbled characters. You can try to change the baud rate. If not, just change a USB to TTL board. The computer uses SecureCRT, serial port connection, there is no character on the connection, then power on the router, the screen starts to display UBOOT, press any key to interrupt, some press TPL interrupt or ctrl + c interrupt, I first flash...

May 22, 2020

Tenda G103 ONU works on HUAWEI OLT

Today a friend from India an FTTH subscriber of RailWire ISP share the thoughts of his Tenda G103  ONU (Optical Network Unit) as a replacement to Huawei ONT (Optical Network Terminal). Looking for serial port pin header very easy to guess just like the other wireless router that has Ground TX RX and VCC. The good news firmware is base on opensource OpenWrt image_name=openwrt-lantiq-falcon-EASY98020 The...

May 14, 2020

TP-Link WR886N Chinese Third Party Firmware

Here we go after we done moding the FLASH and RAM its time for us to Brush it with the third party firmware. This device WR886N version 3.0 is supported by OpenWrt, SuperWrt, DD-Wrt and Gargoyle Linux opensource firmware. What we need is a USB cheap 25Q FLASH programmer and USB to TTL for the serial console. Next is decide to which boot loader you want to be accustom with. The...

TP-Link WR886N Chinese Version 3 Mod RAM FLASH

First we have to open the clam shell type casing of the TP-Link WR886N chinese version 3.0 it has only two small screw found at the back of the device. Unscrew it, use plastic or metal knife to open the rounded clam upper cover. Things needed basic electronics skill, hot air gun for desoldering the RAM and the FLASH. I used portable hot air gun in my case, for FLASH at...

TP-Link WR886N Chinese V3 Specs

A week before went to online store and look for a second hand wireless router that I can make used of for OpenWrt plus VPN addons or similar cheap router that support it. So here I found a used  TP-Link WR886N Chinese version 3.0 it looks like the device is good and very cheap and the specs is near to average for consumer. Less than ten days the parcel arrived,...

Apr 25, 2020

PLDT Fiberhome ONU RP2684

As per request one of my commentator on this blog, a legit PLDTHOMEFIBR subscriber commented that his AN5506-04-F ONU/ONT just get recently patched with firmware RP2684 and nowhere to find the password for adminpldt account. Yes there is few changes of  this firmware RP2684 of Fiberhome ONU AN5506-04-F one of those is the prevention from gaining the adminpldt access level to do the configurations on the web user interface so PLDT can limit the subscribers from doing so to the said FTTH device. Here a list of the command line interface...

Mar 5, 2020

Fiberhome HG6245D PLDTs Ultimate Solution

Early this year of January 2020 I was really eager to have the PLDT Fiberhome HG6245D ONT on hand for my mini Lab as part of my Toys collection aside from the AN5506-04-XXX series devices. Luckily its first week of March and was able to hand over me this shiny dual band Optical Network Unit. It is most likely identical to AN5506-04-FA equipment with two USB ports and two...

Feb 29, 2020

PLDT Fiberhome HG6245D RP2602

Finally I was able to find one PLDT Fiberhome ONU HG6245D around the NCR area, the good thing is that the firmware is still unchanged its RP2602 so the default Super Admin username and password for the graphical user interface (GUI) is widely known no need to guess. How about adminpldt user account and password? Its by default you can just find it on this blog its identical...

Feb 22, 2020

SkyCable Fiberhome ONU AN5506-04-D

Another episode of Fiberhome ONU/ONT from SkyCable a semi Giant cable TV provider in the Philippines who are now integrating  its CATV to a starter ISP. Interestingly I stumble upon to its FTTH devices the ONUs are left expose to the internet and with the default username and password. I was looking for a Converge ONU hoping to find one for experimentation, instead...

Dec 18, 2019

Globe Fiberhome HG180U VDSL

Philippines, Globe Internet Service Provider also uses the Fiberhome VDSL HG180U device for high rise building, its not using the Fiber Optic line instead the PTSN twin copper wire. The Giant Telco PLDT likewise have this Home Gateway equipment for tall building were optic cable is not possible to deploy. This device equip with 802.11ac, three LAN port  and single WAN...

PLDT Home Fibr UN-CGNAT Finally Solved

Today I finally solved the PLDT Home Fibr CGNAT to UN-CGNAT it and say goodbye to the updates, so welcome back to my Dynamic Public IP address...

Nov 16, 2019

PLDT CGNAT Forcibly Implemented To Subscribers

My Dynamic Public IP address has been for years since I migrate to the Giant Telco in the Philippines, I have been enjoying the services on hosting my Web Server, FTP, and some other stuff like IP camera alike to the public network without additional cost to my net bill. It was there for so long with the free DDNS from Duck it helps me a lot locating my online stuffs. This...